Individual Case Write-Up Assignment

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Your assignment is to work INDIVIDUALLY to analyze TWO of the assigned cases, and write a
ONE-PAGE summary of your analysis of each case. By individually, I mean you should work
on your own on this assignment, without consulting any of your classmates1. This means not
collaborating AT ANY STAGE of the analysis.

Please note the following

 You are required to complete ONE case from Cases 1-4, and ONE case from Cases
Presentations 5-8, as listed on the syllabus.
 Your individual write-ups are due on Canvas before class on the day they will be
discussed. Late submissions will be penalized by one grade.
 Your individual write-ups MUST be submitted in the correct format. Please see
“FORMAT” at the end of this document. Submissions that are formatted incorrectly will
be penalized by one grade.

Before starting your analysis, please reread “Marketing Analysis Toolkit: Situation Analysis" as
well as the Guidelines for Case Analysis posted on Canvas. Your analysis should include the
following sections:
I. Statement of the problem facing the firm. Briefly state the alternatives. In one
sentence, explain why the problem is of strategic importance to the firm. (10%)2.
II. Summary of the SWOT – include no more than 3 of the most relevant strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Use headings and subheadings to separate one
from another. Be sure everything is in the correct category. (40%)
III. Your recommendation. Use information from the SWOT to explain why it’s the
superior alternative. Apply your critical thinking skills. (50%)

Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Clarity: Am I expressing myself clearly?
2. Accuracy: Are the facts I’m presenting correct?
3. Precise: Is the information I’m presenting specific?
4. Relevance: Is the information I’m including important to solving the case problem?
5. Depth: Is the content in each SWOT category sufficient to help me analyze the problem
6. Breadth: Have I considered all alternatives?


Your grade will be based primarily on the extent to which you demonstrate the critical thinking
skills listed above. Are your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats relevant to the
problem and in the correct categories? Have you used information from the SWOT to justify
your recommendation? Does your recommendation make sense in light of information in the

Failure to respect this requirement will result in a grade of zero on this assignment.
The percentages in parentheses refer to the contribution of each section to your grade.
SWOT and the problem? In other words, does your recommendation follow logically from the
analysis, and is it the best solution to the case problem?

Please format your paper as follows:
 Submit in a WORD document.
 Provide a cover sheet with
o Your name, section number, and the name of the case you are summarizing
o The university’s academic integrity pledge, followed by your electronic signature.
Please note that the academic integrity pledge indicates that you did not
collaborate with any of your fellow students on this analysis.
 Single space
 Use 12’ font with 1” margins.
 Use Roman Numerals with a title to identify each section. For example, “I. Statement of
the Problem”

Please submit your summaries in a MS WORD document on CANVAS by midnight the

Sunday before class in which the case will be presented. Assignments submitted in an
incorrect format will not be graded.

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