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Portfolio 2018-19

Bite of Reality Reflection

Describe the persona you were given -- occupation, kids, etc.

-I was a pilot that made roughly $50,000 a year and was $2,000 in debt. I had one child that was
6 months old.

How successful were you with budgeting your money? Explain.

-At the end I had money left over, but it wasn’t much. I had about $200 left.

Did you need to go back and adjust any of your purchases along the way? Explain.
- I didn’t go back because I tried to save as much as I could in the beginning. I managed to have
a little money at the end.

What surprised/interested/worried/confused you about how you managed your personal

-I was worried about not having money at the end of the simulation. I was confused at first on
how to write everything out, but all the helpers helped me.

What is one takeaway -- a useful or important bit of information -- that you have gathered from
participating in this experience?
-A major take away was how to save money. I learned about how many expenses you have to
pay monthly. I also learned that babies are extremely expensive.
Portfolio 2018-19

How might this experience affect your future choices with personal finance?

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