11-30-18 Lesson Plan

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Dakota State University

College of Education
Name: Audrey Kosman______
Grade Level: __8th Grade Algebra _______
School: __Blackhawk Middle School_____
Date: ___November 30th, 2018______
Time: __Block 3 - 1:24 to 2:55_(91 minutes)_____

Reflection from prior lesson: Students will have just completed their short unit
working with equations. They have had time previously to work on their study guide and have
been practicing with equations with variables on each side.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

I can solve linear equations in one variable, including equations with rational numbers (fractions,
decimals and integers). (8.EE.7b and A.REI.3)

I can solve equations with variables on both sides.

I can model mathematical and real world situations using an equation. (8.EE.7b and A.CED.1)
I can engage effectively in a collaborative discussion and critique the reasoning of others.
(SL.8.1 and MP3)

Standard: MP3
English Language Arts Standards: Speaking & Listening 1 SL.8.1

Materials Needed:
Stations Packet
Study Guide

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

This is the last block of the day, so students tend to be a little bit more fatigued, so it is important
to keep students engaged. There are 17 males in the class and 8 females, 15 students are Hispanic
and 10 are White (non-Hispanic) students. 9 of these students are receive free lunches and 3
students receive reduced lunches. There are no students on IEP’s. but there are two students on
504’s for hearing loss and Asperger’s. Taylor Siekierski is the student who has hearing loss and
so to aid to him, there are frequent checks for understanding. Chris Aylward is the student with
Asperger’s and to help him be successful, it is important to keep him on task because he
struggles with staying focused. Two students are bilingual with Spanish as their native language
and have been out of the LEP program for 3 and 4 years, so to ensure their success it is important
to repeat directions and check in frequently for understanding of the material and tasks. Also,
factors of the students in this Block is one of the students Oscar Gagala who very recently and
unexpected lost his mother. Donald Lux is primarily a task avoider and works best when he is
able to move to back table. I have a solid relationship with this class and these students because I
have been in the classroom for a fairly significant amount of time and I have instructed this
group of students before and had positive experiences.

Brain Activity Allotted time (10 -12 minutes): The brain activity is a computation and
reinforcing eliminating the denominator in multistep equations. The activity will be brief due to
the plan for the rest of the class period to be a work period for their study guide, and other review
materials for their assessment coming up the following class period. Then after their 5 minutes of
independently working, they will be given 1 minute and 30 seconds to talk to their groups and
see what each other came up with. Then we will come back together as a whole group and

Learning Targets / Expectations / Introduction to Speaking Listening Standard for

Collaboration (5minutes)

Students will read the learning targets after the brain activity. This is a routine that the students
are accustomed to. The learning targets connect to the past, present, and future. The students will
read aloud:
In the past, we solved one step equations (6th grade) and two step equations (7th grade).
I can solve linear equations in one variable, including equations with rational numbers (fractions,
decimals and integers). (8.EE.7b and A.REI.3)

I can solve equations with variables on both sides.

I can model mathematical and real world situations using an equation. (8.EE.7b and A.CED.1)
I can engage effectively in a collaborative discussion and critique the reasoning of others.
(SL.8.1 and MP3)

In the future, we will graph linear functions and solve systems of linear equations.
After the learning targets are read, we will continue on to read aloud the Expectations for us in
our class and every class. Students will read this below:
Today, in our class, we will…
...use language of opportunity at all times.
...come to class prepared to learn, help others and be energetic!
...follow instructions the 1st time given and right after being instructed to do so.
...be responsible for your own learning.
...be brave by asking questions, advocating for ourselves and collaborating with other
...be respectful if a classmate says, “sorry I can’t help you right now”.
...demonstrate continuous respect by actively participating.
...avoid using odd noises and inappropriate facial expressions so that we do not get off task.

The standards are stated in student friendly terms to make them more relative to their learning.

A. The Lesson – Review / Student Centered

1. Introduction (6 mins)
 Students will solve the problem below on the back of the packet, and collaborate with
their team after they solve it. This helps students work on integer fluency and their
interpretation of their math.

To past experience and/or knowledge – We have done stations previously and the
students have been working on solving and checking equations.
 Creating a need to know – They have an assessment on Monday and this is the one of the
last opportunities to prepare in class for their assessment.
 Sharing objective, in general terms – collaborate as a group and solve systems of
equations, determine how many solutions the equation has, and students can check

2.ContentDelivery (include time allotment & instructional

methodologies) (65 mins)
Students will be instructed to take out their Chromebooks, study guide, and the packet they were
handed on the way in. The direction reader will be the person sitting at the desk with the station
sign, and students should mix up who the reader is.

Students will be working in groups in a packet with solving equations with variables on both
sides, working on their study guide, word problems, working on IXL, and a coloring activity
where they solve for the variable to see what color they would color each number.

Groups are randomized, and in order to uphold student’s responsibility by delegating a direction
reader to the group. This helps them practice reading the directions prior to completing a task.
Students will have a visual timer of how long they have to work at each station.

Closure (include time allotment) (20 MINS)

B. Assessments Used
On the back of their stations packet, they will be asked to write down the station they
thought their group was the most on task to be aware of their student responsibility.
Whole group closure: Review learning targets and ask students to summarize what we did today.
Expected Answers: We solved equations with variables on both sides, we checked our
solutions, and we created and recognized when equations have one solution, no solutions or
infinite solution.
C. Differentiated Instruction
Remediation – Students will be working in groups or areas that they have proved to be helpful
and useful when collaborating. If I see a student is not engaging because they do not understand
the material then I will select their exit slip and review it and check on the student the following
class period. Students have the opportunity to ask myself and their group questions while having
a visual of the direction and the time they have.
Enrichment – To keep students engaged, they are given a variety of content with different
difficulty. If they are have completed the assignments, I have a integer fluency sheet that
presents a challenge.
Language Support – For language support, there are written directions for and they have their
peers for support. I will provide the opportunity for someone else to repeat the directions. Also,
Exit Slip I will read aloud the directions and will be available to help during the brain activity if
they do need more assistance.
D. Resources

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