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GENERALITY the crime committed affects the public order, the peace
Exceptions and security of the host country, then the host country
a) Generally Accepted Principles of PIL Heads of will have jurisdiction over the said crime. Therefore, the
state, chief of state and other diplomatic heads such as French Rule recognizes the jurisdiction of the country
ambassadors and public ministers are immune from the where the vessel is registered.
criminal jurisdiction of the country where they are French Rule = flag country
assigned. Since they are immune, they cannot be English Rule - when a crime is committed on board a
arrested, prosecuted or punished. (X foreign merchant vessel while on the waters of another
 (Diplomatic Immunity from Suit). 
 country it is the host country which will have jurisdiction
over the said crime. EXCEPT when the crime merely
b) LawsofPreferentialApplication Laws which exempt
affects the internal management of the vessel, then it is
certain individuals from criminal prosecution
the flag country which will have jurisdiction. In effect, the
English Rule is territorial in nature.
3. PROSPECTIVITY – only be applied from the time of
2. Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note
CLASSICAL/Juristic v Positivist/ Realistic
of the Philippine Islands or obligations and securities
C: Basis of criminal activity is human free will; Man is a
issued by the Government of the Philippine Islands;
moral creature understands right from wrong When he
commits a wrong he voluntarily does the same,
3. Should be liable for acts connected with the
therefore, he shall be ready for the consequences of his
introduction into these islands of the obligations and
securities mentioned in the presiding number;
P: Basis of criminal liability is man's social environment.
"All men are born good, they only become evil due to
4. While being public officers or employees, should
the influence of the community." Crimes are a social
commit an offense in the exercise of their functions; or
C: Purpose of penalty is retribution. Eye.
5. Should commit any of the crimes against national
P: Purpose of penalty is rehabilitation Offender is a
security and the law of nations, defined in T1 B2
socially sick individual who need to be corrected not to
be punished.
C: Determination of penalty is done mechanically since
2 kinds of felonies that are may be committed under
the punishment is proportionate to the severity
sustained by the victim. Art. 3:

P: Determination of penalty is done on the case to case
basis 1. Deceit/dolo/intentional felony - when the act is
C: Emphasis is on the crime and not on the criminal, on done with deliberate intent; voluntary act because it is
the offense and not on the offender. committed by means of deliberate intent.
P: Emphasis of the law is on the offender and not to the Elements: 1) Criminal intent on the part of the offender
offense 2) Freedom of action in doing the act on the part of the
Mixed/Eclectic offender
 3) Intelligence of the offender
Crimes which are heinous/obnoxious in nature- classical
Crimes which are social/economic- positivist
freedom of action - there is freedom of action when the
Art. 2. Application of its provisions. - Except as
offender performs the act on his own free will, without
provided in the treaties and laws of preferential
force, duress, uncontrollable fear.
application, the provisions of this Code shall be
enforced not only within the Philippine Archipelago,
intelligence - mental capacity of a person to know
including its atmosphere, its interior waters and
wrong from right and to appreciate the consequences of
maritime zone, but also outside of its jurisdiction,
one's act.
against those who:
INTENT is the use of a particular means to achieve the
1. Should commit an offense while on a Philippine
desired result. You cannot see intent. It is an internal
ship or airship If it is registered in the Philippines and
state of the mind.
under the Philippine laws; Warship or war aircraft is
Evidence to prove intent to kill in crimes against
considered an extension of the Philippine sovereignty.
persons may consist, inter alia, in 1) the means used
French Rule - crimes committed on board while the
foreign vessel is on the water of another country is by the malefactors, 
 2) the nature, location and
within the jurisdiction of the flag country. That is the number of wounds 
 sustained by the victim, 
 3) the
country where the country is registered. EXCEPT when
conduct of the malefactors before, at 
 the time, or 
 be an offense against persons or property, were it
immediately after the killing of 
 the victim, 
 4) the not for the inherent impossibility of its
accomplishment or on an account of the
circumstances under which the crime 
 was committed
employment of inadequate or ineffectual means. 

 5) the motives of the accused. 

If the victim dies as a result of a deliberate act of the Proximate Cause Doctrine (PCD) By any person
malefactors, intent to kill is presumed. committing a felony (delito) although the wrongful act
done be different from that which he intended.
In Rivera v. People, of intent to kill: 1) the means Elements (Garcia v. People)
 1. The intended act is a
used by the malefactors; 2) the nature, location, and
number of wounds sustained by the victim; 3) the felonious act
 2. The resulting act is a felony
 3. The
conduct of the malefactors before, during, or resulting act is the direct, natural and logical
immediately after the killing of the victim; and 4) the consequence of the felonious act of the offender
circumstances under which the crime was committed
and the motives of the accused. PROXIMATE CAUSE (PC) - the cause that sets in to
motion all other causes and which unbroken by efficient
INTENT v MOTIVE intervening cause produces the felony without which the
I: use of a particular means to achieve a desired result; felony would have not been committed. Therefore, for
a material element in determining the criminal liability of one to be criminally liable under the PCD, it is necessary
the accused; established/proven by the overt act of the that the felonious act and the resulting felony must not
offender or by the means employed be broken by any efficient intervening cause. No
M: moving power which impels a person to do a specific efficient or supervening intervening cause must have
act to achieve the desired result, therefor it is the reason broken the causal connection between the felonious act
behind intent; immaterial to determine the criminal of the offender and the resulting felony.
liability of the offender; established by the
acts/statements made by the accused prior to or EFFICIENT INTERVENING CAUSE (EIC) - an active
immediately after the commission of the crime force which is a distinct act absolutely foreign from the
felonious act of the offender. Therefore, in order that an
act is considered an EIC, it is necessary that it is totally
2. Fault/culpa/culpable felony- when the wrongful act foreign from the felonious act that is performed by the
results from imprudence, negligence, lack of foresight or offender.
lack of skill
Elements: 1) Criminal negligence 
action 3) Intelligence
Inherently evil, wrong per se; Criminal liability is based
on the intent or morality of the offender; Good faith/lack 1. Abberatio Ictus - mistake in the blow
 A situation
of criminal intent is a valid defense; Modifying wherein the offender directed a blow at his intended
circumstances such as mitigating and aggravating are victim but because of poor aim, the blow landed on
considered by the court in the imposition of penalty; another victim.
Degree of the participation of the offender is considered
in the imposition of the penalty; Stage is taken into 2. Error in Personae - mistake in the identity
 It is a
consideration in the imposition of penalty
situation wherein the victim actually received the bullet
P: Criminal liability is based on the mere doing of the
but he was mistaken to be the intended victim. The
prohibited act
intended victim was not at the scene of the crime.
Art. 4. Criminal liability. — Criminal liability shall be Effects: it depends
 1. If there is variance in the penalty
incurred: between the intended and actual crime committed,
1. By any person committing a felony (delito) mitigating. The penalty for the lesser crime must be

 although the wrongful act done be different 
 from imposed (Art. 49).

that which he intended. 
 2. If none, no effect on the criminal liability of the
offender, such as when the crimes differ (in name) but
2. By any person performing an act which would
the penalties are the same.
E (People v. Lizada):
3. Prater Intentionem - when the consequence went INDETERMINATE OFFENSE - the OA of a person in
beyond the intention; injurious result is greater than relation to the intended felony is ambiguous.
that intended. It is a situation wherein the offender
directed the blow at his actual victim, the victim received
the blow. However, the injurious result is far greater than Mistake of Fact
what is intended by the victim. 1. That the act done would have been lawful and
Impossible Crime Doctrine (ICD) By any person justifiable had the facts been as the accused believed
performing an act which would be an offense against them to be
persons or property, were it not for the inherent 2. That the intention of the accused in doing the act
impossibility of its accomplishment or an account of the must be lawful
employment of inadequate or ineffectual means; 3. That the mistake must be without fault, negligence,
One where the act would have amounted to a crime careless on the part of the offender

against persons or property but it is not accomplished
because of its inherent impossibility or because of the
employment of inadequate or ineffectual means. The
penalty of IC is only arresto mayor or a fine of P200- 1. Evidence of motif 

P500 depending on the criminality or dangerousness of 2. The nature and number of weapons used 
 by the
the offender.

Elements for a person to be liable of IC
 1. That the act
done would have been an offense against persons or 3. The nature, number and location of the 
 2. That the act was done with evil intent
 3. inflicted on the victim 

That the act was not accomplished because of its 4. Manner of committing the crime 

inherent impossibility or the employment of inadequate
or ineffectual means 4. That the act done should not 5. Acts and statements made by the 
 offender before,
constitute any other violation of the RPC during and after the commission of the crime 

 a) Legal

Impossibility - there is legal impossibility when all the Art. 7. When light felonies are punishable. — Light
intended acts even if committed would not have felonies are punishable only when they have been
amounted to a crime. consummated, with the exception of those
committed against person or property.
b) Physical and Factual Impossibility - when an
extraneous circumstance unknown to the offender Art. 8. Conspiracy and proposal to commit felony. —
prevented the consignation of the crime. Here, there are Conspiracy and proposal to commit felony are
circumstances unknown to the offender, the inadequate punishable only in the cases in which the law specially
control of the offender which prevented the consignation provides a penalty therefor.
of the crime. A conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to
an agreement concerning the commission of a felony
A felony is consummated when all the elements and decide to commit it. (means)
necessary for its execution and accomplishment are There is proposal when the person who has decided to
present; commit a felony proposes its execution to some other
person or persons.
frustrated when the offender performs all the acts of
execution which would produce the felony as a GR: Conspirators are liable only for the crime agreed
consequence but which, nevertheless, do not produce it upon. They are not liable for any crime which is not
by reason of causes independent of the will of the agreed upon.
Exp: 1. When the other crime was committed in the
attempt when the offender commences the commission presence of the other conspirators and they did not
of a felony directly by overt acts, and does not perform perform acts to prevent its commission. 2. When the
all the acts of execution which should produce the felony other crime committed was the natural consequence of
by reason of some cause or accident other than this the crime agreed upon. 3. When the resulting crime is a
(3)own spontaneous desistance. composite crime or a special complex crime or a single
indivisible complex crime.
Conspiracy is established by the presence of two unjustified act or conduct which stirs a person to do
factors: 1) singularity of intent;and
 2) unity in execution wrong.
SUFFICIENT PROVOCATION - adequate to stir a
of an unlawful objective.
 The two must concur. person to do the wrongful act and when it is
proportionate to the gravity of the act
Art. 9. Grave felonies, less grave felonies and light
felonies. — Grave felonies are those to which the law Circumstances where there is no sufficient
attaches the capital punishment or penalties which in provocation on the part of the person defending
any of their periods are afflictive, in accordance with Art. himself:
25 of this Code. 1. When no provocation at all was given 
 2. When
Less grave felonies are those which the law punishes
although provocation was given, it was not sufficient
with penalties which in their maximum period are
correctional, in accordance with the above-mentioned 
 3. When although the provocation was sufficient, it did
Art.. not come from the person defending himself 4. When
Light felonies are those infractions of law for the although provocation came from the person defending
commission of which a penalty of arrest menor or a fine himself, it is not immediate or imminent to the
not exceeding 200 pesos or both; is provided. aggression.

2. Anyone who acts in defense of the person or rights

Art. 11. Justifying circumstances. — The following of his spouse, ascendants, descendants, or legitimate,
do not incur any criminal liability: natural or adopted brothers or sisters, or his relatives by
affinity in the same degrees and those consanguinity
1. Anyone who acts in defense of his person or within the fourth civil degree, provided that the first and
rights, provided that the following circumstances second requisites prescribed in the next preceding
concur; circumstance are present, and the further requisite, in
case the revocation was given by the person attacked,
First. Unlawful aggression.
 must come from the that the one making defense had no part therein.
Elements: 1. Unlawful aggression; 2. Reasonable
victim. The person attacked by the person defending
himself; present if the attack is material, actual and necessity of the means employed 
 to prevent or repel
places the life of the accused in imminent and it;
immediate danger. It must not only be a threat. It must
be present, about to happen. 3. In case the provocation was given by the 
attacked, the one making the defense had no part
Elements of unlawful aggression (People v.

Fontanilla): (note put in box)
 (a) There must be a
physical or material attack or assault; (b) The attack or
3. Anyone who acts in defense of the person or rights
assault must be actual or at least imminent.
 (c) the of a stranger, provided that the first and second
attack or assault must be unlawful. requisites mentioned in the first circumstance of this Art.
are present and that the person defending be not
Second. Reasonable necessity of the means induced by revenge, resentment, or other evil motive.
employed to prevent or repel it. (rational equality)
 1. Unlawful aggression; 2. Reasonable
Factors to be considered in order to be said that the necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel the
means employed is rationally necessary: attack; 3. The person defending be not induced by
(a) Nature and the number of the weapon used by the revenge, resentment, or ill motive.
(b) Physical condition, size, weight and other personal 4. Any person who, in order to avoid an evil or injury,
circumstances of the aggressor versus that of the does not act which causes damage to another, provided
person defending himself that the following requisites are present;
(c) Place and location of the assault
 State of Necessity First. That the evil sought to be
avoided actually exists;
 Second. That the injury feared
Third. Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of be greater than that done to avoid it; Third. That there
the person defending himself. be no other practical and less harmful means of
preventing it.
PROVOCATION - refers to any immoral act or conduct,
XPN: State of necessity. There is no criminal liability but wrong); To be exempting it must be proved that the
there is civil liability- borne not only by the accused, but accused was insane at the time of the commission of
all those people who benefitted in this state of the crime, NOT after.
2 & 3. Minority
5. Any person who acts in the fulfillment of a duty or in RA 9344 Sec. 6. Minimum age of criminal responsibility.
the lawful exercise of a right or office. – A child fifteen (15) years of age or under at the time
Elements of Par. 5, Art. 11: 1. Accused acted in the of the commission of the offense shall be exempt from
performance of a 
 duty or in the lawful exercise of a criminal liability. However, the child shall be subjected
to an intervention program pursuant to Section 20 of this
 or office. 2. Injury caused or offense committed Act.
 the necessary consequence of the due A child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen
(18) years of age shall likewise be exempt from
performance of duty or the lawful exercise of such right
criminal liability and be subjected to an intervention
or office. 
 program, unless he/she has acted with discernment,
in which case, such child shall be subjected to the
6. Any person who acts in obedience to an order appropriate proceedings in accordance with this Act.
issued by a superior for some lawful purpose. The exemption from criminal liability herein established
Elements of Par. 6, Art. 11: 1. An order has been issued does not include exemption from civil liability, which
by a superior 2. Such order must be for some lawful shall be enforced in accordance with existing laws

 purpose 3.Means used by the subordinate to carry
Discernment is that mental capacity of a minor to fully

 out said order is lawful 
 appreciate the consequences of his unlawful act. Such
capacity may be known and should be determined by
Anti-Violence against Women and their Children Act taking into consideration all the facts and circumstances
of 2004 (R.A. 9262) afforded by the records in each case.
Victim-survivors who are found by the court to be
suffering from battered woman syndrome do not incur 4. Accident: Any person who, while performing a lawful
any criminal and civil liability notwithstanding the act with due care, causes an injury by mere accident
absence of any of the elements for justifying without fault or intention of causing it.
circumstance of self-defense under the RPC. Elements (People v. Dela Cruz): 1. A person is
performing a lawful act, 2. He was performing the lawful
EXEMPTING CIRCUMSTANCES - Although a wrong is act with 
 due care, 
 3. He causes injury to another by
committed, the offender is exempted from criminal
liability because he acted without voluntariness. There is mere 
 accident; 4. The injury is without fault or intent
absence of any of the elements of voluntariness. on 
 the part of the offender 

J: Affect the act not the doer; Perform an act which is
lawful in nature; There is no crime and no criminal; GR: 

No criminal liability and no civil liability; May be a
defense only in intentional felonies. 5. Any person who act under the compulsion of
E: Affect the doer of the act but not the act itself; A irresistible force.
wrong has been committed; There is a crime but no Elements: 1 Compulsion is by means of physical
criminal because offender acted without voluntariness; 
 force, 2. Physical force must be irresistible, 
GR: No criminal liability but with civil liability because a
crime was committed; Defense both in intentional and Physical force must come from a third person 

culpable felonies 6. Any person who acts under the impulse of an
1. An imbecile or an insane person, unless the latter uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury.
has acted during a lucid interval. Elements: 1. Existence of an uncontrollable fear, 2. Fear
Imbecility v Insanity must be real and imminent, 3. Fear of an injury is
An imbecile is one who is already advanced in age but greater than or 
 equal to that committed 

only have a thinking of a child between 2 and 7. There is
7. Any person who fails to perform an act required by
no intelligence, an element of voluntariness; Exempting
law, when prevented by some lawful or insuperable
under any circumstance.
Refers to the mental aberrational background or disease
Elements: 1. An act is required by law to be done, 2. A
of the mind and must completely impair the intelligence
person fails to perform such act, 3. The failure to
of the accused (unable to distinguish between right from
perform such act was 
 due to some lawful or from the offended party; 3. The provocation must be
immediate from the commission of the criminal act by
insuperable cause. 

the person who was provoked. 

PROVOCATION is any unjust or immoral act or conduct

on the part of the offended party which is capable of
inciting, exciting or irritating another.
acted with the diminution of any of the elements of
voluntariness. There is a diminution on criminal intent,
5. That the act was committed in the immediate
freedom of action or intelligence.
vindication of a grave offense to the one committing the
felony (delito), his spouse, ascendants, or relatives by
Ordincary MC v Privileged MC
affinity within the same degrees.
O: May be offset by generic aggravating circumstances;
ELEMENTS: 1. There be a grave offense to the one
If not offset, lowers the imposable penalty to its
minimum period, [provided the penalty is divisible] 
 committing the felony, his spouse, ascendants,
P: Can never be offset by any aggravating descendants, legitimate, natural, or adopted brothers or
circumstance; Reduces the imposable penalty by one sisters, or relatives by affinity within the same degree; 2.
or two degrees depending on the rules on Arts. 68 & 69 The said act or grave offense must be the proximate
(takes preference) cause of the commission of the crime. 

1. Those mentioned in the preceding chapter, when all
6. That of having acted upon an impulse so powerful as
the requisites necessary to justify or to exempt from
naturally to have produced passion or obfuscation.
criminal liability in the respective cases are not
Elements: 1. There be an act both unlawful and
attendant. Inc. J or EC.
sufficient to produce passion and obfuscation on the
Rules: 1. If majority of the elements necessary to
part of the offender; 2. The commission of the criminal

 justify the act or to exempt from liability are 
 present, act and the said sudden impulse must not be far
then it's treated as PMC. 
 2. If less than the majority removed from each other by the considerable length of
time during which the offender might have recovered his
is present, then it is 
 an OMC which can be offset by a normal equanimity. (4, 5 &6 based on same facts = 1
generic AC. 
 3. If the elements necessary to justify the MC)
act or to exempt from criminal liability is only 2, the
7. That the offender had voluntarily surrendered himself

 presence of 1 element is already a PMC. 
 to a person in authority or his agents, or that he had
voluntarily confessed his guilt before the court prior to
2. AGE. That the offender is under eighteen year of age the presentation of the evidence for the prosecution;
or over seventy years. In the case of the minor (PMC), a. voluntary surrender (People v. Ignas):
he shall be proceeded against in accordance with the
1. The offender had not actually been arrested; 2. The
provisions of Art. 80.
offender had surrendered himself to a 
 person in
3. That the offender had no intention to commit so grave authority or his agent; 
 3. The surrender must be
a wrong as that committed. Praeter Intentionem
Elements 1. The offender committed a felony; 2. A voluntary (spontaneously and unconditionally)

notable or notorious disparity between 
 the means b .Elements of voluntary plea of guilt: 1. That guilt
tendered is confessed 
 spontaneously and
employed by offender and the resulting felony. 
unconditionally; 2. The accused confesses guilt in open
is, out of the means employed by the offender, no one
could have anticipated that the resulting felony would court [the competent court that is to try the 
 case]; 3.
come.) The confession was made before the 
 presentation of
the evidence for the prosecution.
4. That sufficient provocation or threat on the part of the
offended party immediately preceded the act. 

Elements of Art. 13, Par. 4:
 1. The provocation must 8. That the offender is deaf and dumb, blind or
otherwise suffering some physical defect which thus
be sufficient; a. Must be adequate to stir a person to
restricts his means of action, defense, or
commit a wrongful act; b. It must be proportionate to the
communications with his fellow beings. MC of physical
gravity of the crime. 2. The provocation must originate
Disregard of age
 Age here refers to both minority and
9. Such illness of the offender as would diminish the
seniority; treachery absorbs… because it absorbs
exercise of the will-power of the offender without
disrespect of age.
however depriving him of the consciousness of his acts.
Disrespect of sex
 Disrespect of sex refers to the
10. And, finally, any other circumstances of a similar female sex. This is inherent in the crime of rape and in
nature and analogous to those above mentioned. certain crimes involving chastity.

Instances when dwelling is not considered an AC

Aggravating Circumstances even if the crime was committed in a dwelling: 1.
When the offended party has given provocation; 2. if the
Generic Aggravating Circumstances are those that offender and the offended party are living in the same
applies generally to all crimes. (nighttime & recidivism) dwelling; 3. When dwelling is inherent in the commission
Specific Aggravating Circumstances are those that of the crime.
apply only to certain or particular crimes.
4. That the act be committed with abuse of
Inherent Aggravating Circumstance are those which
confidence or obvious ungratefulness.
of necessity follow the commission of the crime because
they are considered as elements in the commission of Elements of abuse of confidence:
 1. That the
the crime, therefore they are considered inherent in the offended party had trusted the offender;
 2. That the
commission of the crime.
offender abuse such trust by committing a crime against
Qualifying Aggravating Circumstances are those
which either change the nature of the crime to bring the offended party;
 3. That the abuse of confidence
about a more serious for a higher penalty or even facilitated the commission of the crime.
without changing the nature of the crime it would impose Elements of obvious ungratefulness: 1. That the
a higher penalty. offended party had trusted the offender; 2. That the
Special Aggravating Circumstances Provides for the offender abuse such trust by 
 committing a crime
imposition of the maximum penalty prescribed by law;
hence it cannot be offset by any mitigating against the offended 
 party; 3. That the act be
circumstance. committed with obvious 

1. That advantage be taken by the offender of his
5. That the crime be committed in the 1. palace of
public position.
the Chief Executive, or in his 2. presence, or where
Art. 62 as amended by RA 7659, the heinous crime law
public authorities are engaged in the discharge of
– Spcl AC
their duties or in a place dedicated to religious
worship. –
2. That the crime be committed in contempt or with
- necessary that the offender deliberately sought the
insult to the public authorities.
 said place to commit the crime.
Elements of Art. 14, Par. 2: 1. That the public officer or Requisites of place where public authorities are
public authority 
 is engaged in the exercise of his engaged in the discharge of their duties: 1. The place
is where public authorities are 
 engaged in the
 2. That the public authority is not the person
against whom the crime is committed; 3. That the discharge of their duties; 
 2. The public authorities are
offender knows him to be a public authority; 4. That the actually engaged 
 in the discharge of the performance
presence of the public authority 
 did not prevent the
of their duties. 

offender from the commission of the crime.
6. That the crime be committed at the nighttime or in an
3. That the act be committed with insult or in
uninhabited place, or by a band, whenever such
disregard 1. Rank, 2. Age 3. Sex 4. Crime committed
circumstances may facilitate the commission of the
in dwelling of offended part- can be appreciated singly
or collectively if present in the commission of the crime.
Requisites of nighttime: 1. The offender deliberately
Disregard of rank, disregard of age and disregard of sex
only considered in crimes against persons and crimes took advantage of 
 nighttime or cover of darkness; 
against chastity. The purpose of the offender is to facilitate 
commission of the crime or to insure or afford impunity.

 judgment and second for the second crime that he has
committed); No such requisite, only that the second
Requisites of an uninhabited place: 1. That in the
crime must be a felony
place where the crime was committed there was a
remote possibility 
 for the victim to receive some help; 10. That the offender has been previously punished
2. That the offender deliberately sought the uninhabited for an offense to which the law attaches an equal or
place in order to facilitate the commission of the crime. greater penalty or for two or more crimes to which it

 attaches a lighter penalty.
Whenever more than three armed malefactors shall
Elements of reiteracion: 1. That the accused is on trial
have acted together in the commission of the offense, it
for an offense; 2. That at the time of the trial he
shall be deemed to have been committed by a band.
 served sentence for another crime to which
7. That the crime be committed on the occasion of a the law attaches an equal or greater penalty or for two
conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic, or other or more crimes to which it attaches a lighter penalty; 3.
calamity or misfortune. That he is also convicted of the new offense. 

8. That the crime be committed with the aid (direct or
Rec v Rei - In both, there must at least be two
indirect) of armed men or persons who insure or afford
Rec: It is only required that there is a conviction by final
judgment of the first crime; The two crimes must be
Band v Armed men
included in the same title of the RPC
B: At least 4 armed malefactors; The armed men must
Rei: The offender must have served his sentence for the
have acted together in the commission of the crime;
previous crime he committed; There is no such requisite.
Band members are all principals
HD - A person is deemed a habitual delinquent, if within
AM: No requisite as to the number of armed men who
a period of 10 years from the date of is release or last
aided the actual perpetrator of the crime; Not necessary
conviction of the crimes of serious physical injuries, less
that they acted together in the commission of the crime
serious physical injuries, robbery, theft, estafa or
because they aided; Armed men are mere accomplices
falsification, he is found guilty of any of the said crimes a
third time or oftener; Special AC
Recidivism (Art. 14, Par. 9); 
(Art. 14, Par. 10); Habitual Delinquency (Art. 62.); Elements of habitual delinquency: 1. The crimes the

 Quasi-Recidivism (Art. 160). 
 offender committed should 
 be serious physical
9. That the accused is a recidivist.
 A recidivist is one injuries, less serious physical injuries, robbery, theft,
whom at the time of his trial for one crime, shall have estafa, and falsification; 
 2. There should be at least
previously been convicted by final judgment of another three convictions 3. Each convictions must come within
crime embraced in the same title of this Code. ten year from date of release or last conviction 
 of the
Requisites of Recidivism: 1. That the offender is on trial
for an offense; 2. That he was previously convicted by previous crime. 

 judgment of another crime; 3. That both the first
QUASI-RECIDIVISM (Art. 160): a Special AC.
and second offenses are 
 embraced in the same title of
quasi-recidivist is a person, who after having been
the RPC; 4. That the offender is convicted of the
convicted by final judgment, commits a felony before

 second offense charged. 
 serving out his sentence. The maximum period shall be
R v HDR: At least two convictions; Crimes are under the imposed.
same title of the RPC; No prescriptive period on the The first crime may be any crime, but the second must
commission of the offense; it does not prescribe; be a felony.
Generic AC, may be offset.
HD: At least three convictions; Serious physical injuries, 11. That the crime be committed in consideration of
less serious physical injuries, robbery, theft, falsification; a price, reward, or promise.
Prescriptive period of 10 years; Cannot be offset by
MCs; it provides for an additional penalty. 12.That the crime be committed by means of
R v QR R: There must be at least two convictions; The inundation, fire, poison, explosion, stranding of a
crimes must be embraced in the same title of the Code, vessel or intentional damage thereto, derailment of a
QR: Likewise there must be two convictions (first by final locomotive, or by the use of any other artifice
involving great waste and ruin. Ignominy: a moral circumstance which adds to the injury
suffered by the victim. It is humiliation, embarrassment,
13.That the act be committed with evident moral killing; moral order, which adds disgrace to the
premeditation. EP is the stubborn adherence to a material injury caused by the crime. Ignominy adds
decision to commit a crime. It implies a deliberate plan insult to injury or adds shame to the natural effects of
before or after the commission of the crime. the crime. Ignominy shocks the moral conscience of
Requisites of evident premeditation: 1. The time when man
the offender determined to 
 commit the crime; 2. An
18. That the crime be committed after an unlawful
act manifestly indicating that the culprit 
 has clung to entry. There is an unlawful entry when an entrance
his determination; 3. Sufficient lapse of time between is effected by a way not intended for the purpose.
 determination and execution, to allow him to unlawful entry is inherent in the crimes of trespass to
dwelling & robbery with force upon things. But it is
reflect upon the consequences of his acts. 
 aggravating in the crime of robbery with violence against
or in intimidation of persons
14. That craft, fraud or disguise be employed. (3AC)
Craft: intellectual trickery or cunning resorted to by the 19. That as a means to the commission of a crime a
accused wall, roof, floor, door, or window be broken.
Fraud: Deceit. It is manifested by the use of insidious UE: Presupposes that there is no breaking as by entry
words or machinations resorted to by the accused so through the window.
that the offended party will perform an act that will make BW: Involves the breaking of the enumerated parts of
the offender do the crime easily. the house.
Disguise: ways and means resorted to by the accused
to conceal his identity. Stockings, bonnet or anything 20. That the crime be committed with the aid of
that could be used so that one could not be recognized. persons under fifteen years of age or by means of
motor vehicles, motorized watercraft, airships, or
15. That advantage be taken of superior strength, or other similar means. (As amended by RA 5438).
means be employed to weaken the defense.
Requisites of Abuse of Superior Strength (ASS): 1. That 21. That the wrong done in the commission of the crime
there be a notorious inequality of forces between the be deliberately augmented by causing other wrong not
offender and the offended party in terms of their age, necessary for its commission.
size and strength;
 2. That the offender took advantage Elements of Cruelty (Art. 14, Par. 21):
 1. That at the
of this inequality of forces to facilitate the commission of time of the infliction of the physical pain, the offended
the crime. party is still alive.
 2. That the offender enjoys and
delights in seeing his victim suffer gradually by the
16. Treachery (alevosia) - There is treachery when the
infliction of the physical pain.
offender commits any of the crimes against the person,
employing means, methods, or forms in the execution
Ignominy v Cruelty
thereof which tend directly and specially to insure its
I: Victim suffered moral pain; The victim can either be
execution, without risk to himself arising from the
alive or dead.
defense which the offended party might make.
C: Victim suffered physical pain or physical suffering;
Necessary that the victim is alive.
-essence is the suddenness and unexpectedness of the
act to unexpecting and unarmed victim who has not
Alternative Circumstances - are those circumstances
given the slightest provocation; victim must be totally
which can either be aggravating or mitigating,
without defense. Elements 1. That the offender
depending on their effect in commission of the crime.
deliberately adopted the 
 particular means, method or Three Alternative Circumstances [RIDe]: 1.
form of attack 
 employed by him; 
 2. Intoxication;
 3. Degree of Instruction
2. That at the time of the attack, the victim 
 was not in or Education
 Is considered as an alternative
a position to defend himself. 

circumstance when the offender is related to the
offended party as his spouse, ascendants, descendants,
17. That means be employed or circumstnaces
legitimate, illegitimate, natural, adopted brothers, sisters
brought about which add ignominy to the natural
or relatives by affinity within the same degree. MC - In
effects of the act.
crimes against property; EC - theft, estafa or swindling Inducement may come in different forms:
 a. Giving of
and malicious mischief
In crimes against persons, relationship is mitigating if the price, reward or promise;
 b. By employing force,
offender is of a higher degree than that of the offended command or ascendancy which is being followed by the
party, and the crime committed is less physical injury, or principal by direct participation.
slight physical injury. If the crime committed is serious
physical injury, it's always an aggravating circumstance. 3.Those who cooperate in the commission of the
Intoxication- When the offender has taken such amount offense by another act without which it would not have
of liquor of sufficient quantity as to affect his mental been accomplished. (Indispensable Cooperation) - a
capacity to determine the consequences of his act. conspiracy or unity in criminal purpose and cooperation
MC- not habitual or subsequent to the plan to commit in the commission of the offense
the felony AC - habitual or it is done subsequent to the
commission of a crime. The offender deliberately takes Art. 18. Accomplices. — Accomplices are those
liquor because he used it as a stimulant for him to persons who, not being included in Art. 17, cooperate in
commit the crime. He was so nervous he cannot commit the execution of the offense by previous or simultaneous
the crime, so he takes liquor form him to have the acts.
strength to commit the crime. Requisites:
Degree of Instruction and Education
 As a rule: a low 1. There must be community of design; 
 After the
degree of education or instruction is considered as a principals have [formed] the criminal design, the
mitigating circumstance. Exception: if the crime accomplice had been informed of the criminal design of
committed is inherently evil or wrong. the offender and having been informed, he concurs with
A high degree of education is considered as an the said criminal design. He is not part of the conspiracy
aggravating circumstance, if the offender makes use of but he knows and concurs with the design because he
his high degree of education in facilitating the was informed of the same only after the principal had
commission of the crime. come up with agreement.
Absolutory Causes Are those circumstances which 2. That he performs the acts previous or simultaneous to
have the effect of exempting a person from criminal the commission of the crime; and
liability but not from civil liability, but which are outside 3. That the acts performed by the principal is related to
Article 12. - Mistake of fact, Instigation, Accessories in the acts performed by the 

Light felonies.
Instigation as an absolutory cause.
 In instigation, Art. 19. Accessories. — Accessories are those who,
the mens rea/evil intent originated from the mind of the having knowledge of the commission of the crime, and
public officer who only lured the offender to commit the without having participated therein, either as principals
crime. On other hand, entrapment is not an or accomplices, take part subsequent to its commission
absolutory cause because entrapment refers to ways in any of the following manners:
and means resorted to by the public officer in order to 1. By profiting themselves or assisting the offender to
trap and capture a criminal in flagrante delicto. Here, the profit by the effects of the crime;
mens rea originated from the mind of the offender.
2. By concealing or destroying the body of the crime, or
Principals: the effects or instruments thereof, in order to prevent its
1. Those who take a direct part in the execution of the discovery.
act; D. Participation
2. Those who directly force or induce others to
3. By harboring, concealing, or assisting in the escape
commit it;
 of the principals of the crime, provided the accessory
acts with abuse of his public functions or whenever the
Requisites of a principal by inducement: author of the crime is guilty of treason, parricide, murder,
1.The inducement is made directly to procure 
 the or an attempt to take the life of the Chief Executive, or is
known to be habitually guilty of some other.
commission of the crime; and 
 2. The inducement is
the primary reason[/determining cause] of the Elements of fencing: 1) a robbery or theft has been
commission of the crime by the principal by 
 direct committed; 
 2) the accused, who took no part in the
 robbery or theft, "buys, receives, possesses, keeps,
acquires, conceals, sells or disposes, or buys and sells,
or in any manner deals in any article or object taken" Indemnification,

during that robbery or theft; 
 3) the accused knows or Forfeiture or confiscation of instruments and proceeds of
should have known that the thing derived from that the offense,

crime; and 
 4) he intends by the deal he makes to gain Payment of costs.
for himself or for another. 

Sections 2 & 3, RA 9346: Rp or LI
A fence includes any person, firm, association,
RP = not eligible for parole under Act No 4103 ISL
corporation or partnership or other organization
who/which commits the act of fencing.
Fencing" is the act of any person who, with intent to
RP: Imposed in violation of the RPC; Carries a fixed
gain for himself or for another, shall buy, receive,
duration: 20 to 40 years; Carries with it accessory
possess, keep, acquire, conceal, sell or dispose of, or
shall buy and sell, or in any other manner deal in any
IL: Imposed in violation of special penal laws; No fixed
article, item, object or anything of value which he knows,
duration; Does not carry accessory penalties.
or should be known to him, to have been derived from
Art. 30. Effects of the penalties of perpetual or
the proceeds of the crime of robbery or theft.
temporary absolute disqualification. — The penalties
of perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification for
PD 1829 - Obstruction of Justice. - PRIVATE
public office shall produce the following effects:
1. The deprivation of the public offices and employments
which the offender may have held, even if conferred by
Art. 20. Accessories who are exempt from criminal
liability. 1. When the crime committed is a light felony; popular election. 

2. When the said accessory is the spouses, ascendants, 2. The deprivation of the right to vote in any election for
descendants, legitimate, natural, and adopted brothers any popular office or to be elected to such office. 

and sisters, or relatives by affinity within the same
3. The disqualification for the offices or public
employments and for the exercise of any of the rights
Art. 73. Presumption in regard to the imposition of mentioned.
 In case of temporary disqualification, such
accessory penalties. disqualification as is comprised in paragraphs 2 and 3 of
SCALE PRINCIPAL PENALTIES this article shall last during the term of the sentence. 

Capital punishment: Death
4. The loss of all rights to retirement pay or other
Afflictive penalties:
 Reclusion perpetua,
 20y 1 - 40
pension for any office formerly held. 

Reclusion temporal,
 12y – 20y
Perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification, 6y-12y Art. 31. Effect of the penalties of perpetual or
Perpetual or temporary special disqualification, temporary special disqualification. — The penalties
Prision mayor 6y – 12y of perpetual or temporal special disqualification for
public office, profession or calling shall produce the
Correctional penalties: Prision correccional, 6m-6y following effects:
Arresto mayor, 1m – 6m 1. The deprivation of the office, employment, profession
Suspension, 6m-6y or calling affected; 

Destierro 6m & 1 – 6y
2. The disqualification for holding similar offices or
Light penalties: Arresto menor, 1-30days
employments either perpetually or during the term of the
Public censure (Principal & indivisible)
sentence according to the extent of such
Penalties common to the three preceding classes:

Fine, and
 Bond to keep the peace. (Prin)
Art. 32. Effect of the penalties of perpetual or
ACCESSORY PENALTIES Perpetual or temporary
temporary special disqualification for the exercise of
the right of suffrage. — The perpetual or temporary
 special disqualification for the exercise of the right of
Perpetual or temporary special disqualification, suffrage shall deprive the offender perpetually or during
Suspension from public office, the right to vote and be the term of the sentence, according to the nature of said
voted for, the profession or calling,
 penalty, of the right to vote in any popular election for
any public office or to be elected to such office.
Civil interdiction,
 Moreover, the offender shall not be permitted to
hold any public office during the period of his and reclusion temporal.
Art. 34: Civil interdiction shall deprive the offender
Art. 33. Effects of the penalties of suspension from during the time of his sentence of the rights of:
any public office, profession or calling, or the right
parental authority, 2. guardianship, either as to the
of suffrage. — The suspension from public office,
profession or calling, and the exercise of the right of person or property of any ward, marital authority,
 4. the
suffrage shall disqualify the offender from holding such right to manage his property and
 5. the right to dispose
office or exercising such profession or calling or right of
his property by any act or any conveyance inter vivos.
suffrage during the term of the sentence.
The person suspended from holding public office shall
Art. 45. Confiscation and forfeiture of the proceeds
not hold another having similar functions during the
or instruments of the crime. — Every penalty imposed
period of his suspension.
for the commission of a felony shall carry with it the
forfeiture of the proceeds of the crime and the
Art. 87: Destierro. — Any person sentenced to
instruments or tools with which it was committed.
destierro shall not be permitted to enter the place or
GR: The proceeds and instruments of the crime are
places designated in the sentence, nor within the radius
therein specified, which shall be not more than 250 and forfeited in favor of the government.
 XPN: Unless they
not less than 25 kilometers from the place designated. belong to a 3rd person who is not a party to the
PADis v TADis
P; Effective during the lifetime of the convict and even crime.
 XPN to XPN: if the articles are outside the
after the service of the sentence. lawful commerce of man.
T: Disqualification lasts during the term of the sentence,
and is removed after the service of the sentence, PAYMENT OF COST Cost refers to expenses of
except: 1.Deprivation of the public office/employment; litigation
2. Loss of all rights to retirement pay or pension for any Costs shall include fees and indemnities in the course of
office formerly held. the judicial proceedings, whether they be fixed or
unalterable amounts previously determined by law or
Fine A pecuniary penalty which is imposed by the court regulations in force, or amounts not subject to schedule.
in case of the judgment of conviction. Instead of
imprisonment, the penalty imposed is fine. Art. 29. Period of preventive imprisonment deducted
from term of imprisonment. – Offenders or accused
Art. 35. Effects of bond to keep the peace. — It shall who have undergone preventive imprisonment shall be
be the duty of any person sentenced to give bond to credited in the service of their sentence consisting of
keep the peace, to present two sufficient sureties who deprivation of liberty, with the full time during which they
shall undertake that such person will not commit the have undergone preventive imprisonment if detention
offense sought to be prevented, and that in case such prisoner agrees voluntarily in writing after being
offense be committed they will pay the amount informed of the effects thereof and with the assistance
determined by the court in the judgment, or otherwise to of counsel to abide by the same disciplinary rules
deposit such amount in the office of the clerk of the imposed upon convicted prisoners, except:
court to guarantee said undertaking. 1. recidivists; 2. When summoned for execution of
sentence have failed to durrender voluntarily
B Keep Peace v Good B If detention prisoner does not agree he shall do so in
Peace: [Not applicable to any particular case]; Failure to writing with assistance of counsel and shall be credited
post a bond to keep the peace results to imprisonment four fifths of time. Credit for RP shall be deducted from
either for 6mo or 30d, depending on whether the felony 30 yrs.
committed is grave or less grave on one hand, or a light Undergone PI for a period equal to the possible
felony on the other. maximum imprisonment of the offense charged –
Good: Applicable only to cases of grave threats and light released immediately
threats; Failure to post a bond for good behavior is
destierro under Art. 284. Pardon CE v OFF Party
CE: It extinguishes the criminal liability of the offender; It
Accessory Penalties cannot exempt the offender from the payment of civil
CIVIL INTERDICTION Under Articles 40 to 41, civil indemnity; Granted only after conviction and may be
interdiction is an accessory penalty that necessarily extended to any offender.
follows the principal penalty of death, reclusion perpetua OP: It does not extinguishes the the criminal liability of
the offender.
 XPN: Marital Rape (Art. 266-C). Pardon light felony. 3. When the principal imposed is higher than
prision correccional, no subsidiary imprisonment shall be
granted by the wife to the husband in case of rape shall
imposed upon the culprit.
extinguish criminal action already filed and liability, or
4. If the principal penalty imposed is not to be executed
even the penalty already imposed by the court;
by confinement in a penal institution, but such penalty is
Offended party can waive the civil liability; Pardon
of fixed duration, the convict, during the period of time
should be given before the institution of criminal
established in the preceding rules, shall continue to suffer
prosecution and must be extended to both offenders
the same deprivations as those of which the principal
(Art. 344).
penalty consists.
In addition, Presidential Pardon does not automatically
5. The subsidiary personal liability which the convict may
restore the following rights, and they must be specifically
have suffered by reason of his insolvency shall not relieve
stated by the terms of the pardon: 1. to hold public
him, from the fine in case his financial circumstances
 2. to vote and be voted, and exercise his should improve. (As amended by RA 5465, April 21,
right of suffrage. 1969).

Art. 38. Pecuniary liabilities; Order of payment. — In Instances when convict cannot be made to suffer
case the property of the offender should not be sufficient subsidiary penalty
for the payment of all his pecuniary liabilities, the same 1. When the penalty imposed by the court does 
shall be met in the following order: 1. The reparation of
the damage caused. 2. Indemnification of consequential include fine, 

damages 3. The fine. 4. The cost of the proceedings. 
 2.Penalty includes fine but there is no express
P. Liab v P. Penalties 
 statement in the judgment that in case of insolvency to
L: Conviction but not as penalty; 4 ; P: Conviction as P pay the fine, he shall suffer subsidiary penalty, 

Fine & payment of cost
3. When what the convict failed to pay is a fine but
reparation of damage caused or indemnification for
damages because subsidiary penalty is a penalty
Is a substitute penalty for fine and fine alone. [The]
against fine and fine alone, 

penalty [imposed] includes fine and the 
4. If the principal penalty that goes with fine higher than
happens to be insolvent. 

prision correctional, and 

There must also be EXPRESS statement in 
 the 5.Iftheprincipalpenaltythatgoeswithfineisnot to be
judgment that in case of insolvency to pay the fine, he executed by confinement in a penal institution and
shall suffer subsidiary imprisonment. 
 without a fixed duration. 

If the convict has no property with which to meet the fine
mentioned m paragraph 3 of the next preceding article, Article 48. Penalty for complex crimes
he shall be subject to a subsidiary personal liability at Elements of Compound Crime 1. Offender performs a
the rate of one day for each amount equivalent to the single act; 
 2. The act resulted in two or more grave or
highest minimum wage rate prevailing in the Philippines
at the time of the rendition of judgment of conviction 
 less grave felonies. 

by the trial court" Basis: singularity of act, NOT singularity of
 Effect: Penalty for the most serious charge in
Rules: (39)
its maximum period. File only 1 information.

 1. If the principal penalty imposed be prision Murder with multiple frustrated murder; Double murder;
correccional or arresto and fine, he shall remain under Elements of Complex Crime Proper: 1. Two offenses
confinement until his fine referred to in the preceding are committed, 2. One offense is a necessary means to
paragraph is satisfied, but his subsidiary imprisonment 
 commit the other, 
 3. Both offenses are punished by
shall not exceed one-third of the term of the sentence,
and in no case shall it continue for more than one year, the same 

and no fraction or part of a day shall be counted against Effect: like compound crimes, the penalty for the most
the prisoner. serious crime shall be imposed, in its maximum period.
2. When the principal penalty imposed be only a fine,6.the Rape with forcible abduction, Estafa thru falsification of
subsidiary imprisonment shall not exceed six months, if public document. 

the culprit shall have been prosecuted for a grave or less
SPECIAL COMPLEX CRIME - In reality two or more
grave felony, and shall not exceed fifteen days, if for a
crimes committed but in the eyes of law only one. The
law provides what crimes would be complexed and what GR:
 1. Penalties are imposed upon the principals,
crimes go together.
Whenever the law prescribes a penalty or a felony in
general terms,it shall be understood to apply to a
Robbery with homicide - A was robbing the house, in
consummated felony.
course of robbery the owner of house was awaken, he
shot the owner, Art. 294: reclusion perpetua to death, XPN: These shall not apply if:
b) Kidnapping with homicide- A kidnapped B, when b is Thelawexpresslyprovidespenaltiesforaccomplicesandac
trying to escape he shot B. Law provides for specific cessoriesofacrime, 2.
penalty which is death Thelawexpresslyprovidespenaltiesforfrustratedandattem
c) Rape with homicide - A raped B, after raping he killed ptedstages.
B. Art 266B – reclusion perpetua to death if in occasion Art. 62. Effects of the Attendance of Mitigating or
of rape, homicide is committed. Aggravating Circumstances and of Habitual
d) Attempted Rape with Homicide- There is an attempt Delinquency. — Mitigating or aggravating
to rape the victim. In the course thereof, he killed the circumstances and habitual delinquency shall be taken
victim; into account for the purpose of diminishing or increasing
the penalty in conformity with the following rules:
Spcl CC: Law provides what offense which should be 1. Aggravating circumstances which in themselves
complexed; The law provides for the specific penalty for constitute a crime specially punishable by law or which
the combined crimes; If a light felony is committed, are included by the law in defining a crime and
generally, it is absorbed by the said special complex prescribing the penalty therefor shall not be taken into
crime. account for the purpose of increasing the penalty.
CC: Two or more grave or less grave offense, or an 1(a). When in the commission of the crime, advantage
offense is a necessary means to commit the other; The was taken by the offender of his public position, the
penalty for the most serious offense is imposed in the penalty to be imposed shall
maximum period; If a light felony is committed, be in its maximum regardless of mitigating
generally, it brings about a separate and distinct charge. circumstances.
The maximum penalty shall be imposed if the offense
 Crime, Continuous Crime, Delicto was committed by any person who belongs to an
organized/syndicated crime group.
An organized/syndicated crime group means a group of
When the offender is impelled by a single criminal
two or more persons collaborating, confederating or
impulse commits a series of overt acts in about the
mutually helping one another for purposes of gain in the
same time and about the same place violating one and
commission of any crime (As amended by RA 7659).
the same provision of law.
2. The same rule shall apply with respect to any
Requisites of Delicto Continuado (Defensor- Santiago
aggravating circumstances inherent in the crime to
v. Garchitorena & People):
 1. Plurality of acts such a degree that it must of necessity accompany the
performed during a period of time; 2. Unity of penal commission thereof.
provisions violated; 3. Unity of criminal purpose or aim 3. Aggravating or mitigating circumstances which arise

 Basis is singularity of impulse. from the moral attributes of the offender, or from his
private relations with the offended party, or from any
other personal cause, shall only serve to aggravate or
The offender may be prosecuted in any courts of the
mitigate the liability of the principals, accomplices and
place where any of the crime has been committed.
accessories as to whom such circumstances are
Limitation: the moment he is prosecuted in one court, he
can no longer be prosecuted in any other court. attendant. 

4. The circumstances which consist in the 
Art. 46. Penalty to be imposed upon principals in
execution of the act, or in the means employed to
accomplish it, shall serve to aggravate or mitigate the
GR: Arts. 50-57 provides that if the offender is an:
liability of those persons only who had knowledge of
Accomplice, you go 1 degree lower F2/At3
them at the time of the execution of the act or their
Accessory - 2 degrees lower from the penalty
prescribed by law/F3/At4 cooperation therein. 

Frustrated Stage (P) - 1 degree lower from the penalty 5. Habitual D shall have the ff effects:
prescribed by law a) Upon a third conviction, the culprit shall be sentenced
Attempted Stage (P)- 2 degrees lower from the penalty to the penalty provided by law for the last crime of which
prescribed by law he be found guilty and to the additional penalty of prisión
correccional in its medium and maximum periods;
b) Upon a fourth conviction, the culprit shall be 3. When an aggravating circumstance is present in the
sentenced to the penalty provided for the last crime of commission of the act, they shall impose the penalty in its
which he be found guilty and to the additional penalty of maximum period.chanrobles virtual law library
prisión mayor iin its minimum and medium requirements; 4. When both mitigating and aggravating circumstances
and are present, the court shall reasonably offset those of one
c) Upon a fifth or additional conviction, the culprit shall class against the other according to their relative
be sentenced to the penalty provided for the last crime weight.chanrobles virtual law library
of which he be found guilty and to the additional penalty 5. When there are two or more mitigating circumstances
of prisión mayor in its maximum period to reclusión and no aggravating circumstances are present, the court
temporal in its minimum period. shall impose the penalty next lower to that prescribed by
Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, the total of law, in the period that it may deem applicable, according
the two penalties to be imposed upon the offender, in to the number and nature of such circumstances
conformity herewith, shall in no case exceed 30 years. 6. Whatever may be the number and nature of the
Article 63. Rules for the application of indivisible aggravating circumstances, the courts shall not impose a
penalties. - In all cases in which the law prescribes a greater penalty than that prescribed by law, in its
single indivisible penalty, it shall be applied by the courts maximum period.chanrobles virtual law library
regardless of any mitigating or aggravating 7. Within the limits of each period, the court shall
circumstances that may have attended the commission determine the extent of the penalty according to the
of the deed. number and nature of the aggravating and mitigating
In all cases in which the law prescribes a penalty circumstances and the greater and lesser extent of the
composed of two indivisible penalties, the following rules evil produced by the crime.chanrobles virtual law library
shall be observed in the application thereof:
 1. When in
Degree of penalty Is a penalty prescribed by law for
the commission of the deed there is present only one
every crime committed whether divisible or indivisible.
aggravating circumstance, the greater penalty shall be
Period of penalty Refers to the subdivision of every
 said divisible penalty into three portions, the first portion
2. When there are neither mitigating nor aggravating is minimum, second is medium, third is maximum
circumstances and there is no aggravating Indivisible penalty - penalty with no fixed duration:

circumstance, the lesser penalty shall be applied.

 reclusion perpetua, perpetual absolute
3. When the commission of the act is attended by some
disqualification, perpetual special disqualification,
mitigating circumstances and there is no aggravating
Divisible penalty - penalty with fixed duration and
circumstance, the lesser penalty shall be applied.
therefore can be divided into three periods. The first
4. When both mitigating and aggravating circumstances
portion is minimum, second is medium, and third is
attended the commission of the act, the court shall
reasonably allow them to offset one another in
Indeterminate Sentence Law (RA 4103)
consideration of their number and importance, for the
modifies the imposition of penalty. It is applied both to
purpose of applying the penalty in accordance with the
RPC and special laws. It provides for a minimum and
preceding rules, according to the result of such
max term, such that the moment the offender serves the
minimum of the sentence, he shall be eligible for parole.
If granted, he will serve the remainder of the sentence
Art. 64. Rules for the application of penalties which
out of prison, but subject to the supervision of the parole
contain three periods. — In cases in which the penalties
prescribed by law contain three periods, whether it be a
The ISLAW is related to Art. 64 of the RPC.
single divisible penalty or composed of three different
Courts are mandated to fix a minimum term of sentence
penalties, each one of which forms a period in
and maximum term of sentence. When he served
accordance with the provisions of Articles 76 and 77, the
minimum, he can be release for parole under conditions.
court shall observe for the application of the penalty the
Under parole he is released but under supervision of
following rules, according to whether there are or are not
parole officer.
mitigating or aggravating circumstances:
Objectives of ISLAW: 1. Uplift and redeem valuable
1. When there are neither aggravating nor mitigating
circumstances, they shall impose the penalty prescribed human material, 
 and 2. Avoid unnecessary and
by law in its medium period.chanrobles virtual law library excessive deprivation 
 of liberty. 

2. When only a mitigating circumstances is present in the
Parole - conditional release of the offender form the
commission of the act, they shall impose the penalty in its
correctional institution after serving minimum sentence
minimum period.chanrobles virtual law library
after showing that he has reformed. Note it does not
extinguish criminal and civil liability. probation 

Requisites 1. He must be placed in prison/jail to serve
5. those who have perfected an appeal from judgment of
an indeterminate sentence which exceeds 1 year; 2.
conviction [which imposes a probationable penalty. If the
Served minimum term of sentence; 3. Board of pardons
conviction was for a non-probationable penalty, and the
and parole found that his 
 release is for greater interest convict appeals, resulting to the modification of
of society. 
 judgment imposing a probationable penalty, the convict
ISL applies to all offenders and all felonies. may now apply for probation. SEE RA 10707] 

This act shall not apply to persons: 1. Convicted of 6. those convicted of an election offense under the
offenses punished by death or life 
 imprisonment Omnibus Election Code 

(reclusion perpetua is included, 
 based on 7. Those convicted of drug trafficking or drug pushing,


8. Those who filed a malicious report that a person is
2. Those convicted of treason, conspiracy or proposal to
committing a violation of Anti- money laundering law and
commit treason, misprision of treason, rebellion,
sedition, or espionage, 3. Those convicted of piracy, 4. was convicted because of such malicious filing. 

Those who are habitual delinquents, Recidivists are
entitled to an indeterminate sentence 
 5. Those who APPLICATION FOR PROBATION (See also Sec. 4 as
shall have escaped from confinement or evaded amended by RA 10707):
 Filed before the Trial Court
 NOTE: A minor who escaped from which heard the case within the period of perfecting an
appeal or within 15 days from promulgation of judgment.
confinement in the reformatory is entitled to the benefits
No application for probation shall be entertained when
of the law because confinement is not considered
the offender has already perfected an appeal. Likewise,
imprisonment 6. Those who having been granted
the filing of an application for probation shall be a waiver
conditional pardon by the President shall have violated
of the right to file an appeal.
the terms thereof. 7. Those whose maximum period of
imprisonment does not exceed one year.
PROBATION- disposition by which a convict after
1. If the appeal is only for the purpose of reducing the
conviction and sentence is released subject to the
penalty to a probationable penalty. That the only reason
conditions imposed by the court under the supervision of
for appealing is to question the high penalty imposed.
a probation officer.
However, if in the said appeal, the offender questions
No application shall be entertained or granted if the
the merits of the case, he can no longer apply for
defendant has perfected the appeal from the judgment
of conviction. Provided, that when a judgment of
2. Under the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act, if the
conviction imposing a non-probationable penalty is
offender is a minor he can file an application for
appealed or reviewed, and such judgment is modified
probation at any time even if after appeal. It is only
thorugh the imposition of a probationable penalty, the
necessary that the penalty imposed upon him is a
defendant shall be allowed to apply based on the
probationable penalty.
modified decision before such decision becomes final.
This notwithstanding, the accused shall lose the benefit
of probation should he seek a review of the modified PROBATION:
decision which already imposes a probationable penalty. a. Appear before the probationary officer within 72 hours
The filing of the application shall be deemed a waiver of from the receipt of the order. b. Report once a month
the right to appeal. 2. DISCRETIONARY/ SPECIAL Dependent upon the
DISQUALIFIED TO AVAIL OF PROBATION (Sec. 9, sound discretion of the court.
as amended by RA 10707, and other laws): Sentence / Period of probation:
1. Those whose maximum term of imprisonment 
 is Imp not more than 1 yr / not exceed 2yrs
In all cases of Imp – not exceed 6 yrs
more than 6 years,
Fine & only subsidiary imp - Not less than nor be more
2. those who have been convicted of any crime
than 2x than the total number of days of subsidiary

 against national security, 
 imprisonment, taking into account the highest minimum
3.Those who have previously been convicted by final wage rate at the time of the rendition of the judgment.
judgment of an offense punished by imprisonment of LEGAL EFFECT OF PROBATION: Its only legal effect
more than six (6) months and one (1) day and/or a is to suspend the execution of the sentence. It has
fine of more than one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) nothing to do, and has no effect, on civil liability.
4. those who have already availed the benefit of EFFECT OF AN ORDER OF FINAL DISCHARGE OF
PROBATION (Sec. 16, as amended): 1. Restore the — Criminal liability is totally extinguished:
 1) By the
civil rights lost or suspended by 
 reason of conviction, death of the convict, as to the personal
including the penalty of 
 fine, and 
 2. Totally penalties and as to pecuniary penalties, liability therefor
is extinguished only when the death of the offender
extinguish the criminal liability for the 
 crime he occurs before final judgment.
committed (RA 10707). 
 But, the offender should still 2) By service of the sentence

pay the civil indemnity to the offended party. 3) By amnesty, which completely extinguishes the
Successive Service of Sentence & 3F Rules penalty and all its effects

Art. 70, the convict shall serve a sentence, as rule,
simultaneously. If the nature of the penalty allows 4) By absolute pardon

simultaneous service of sentence. 5) By prescription of the crime

And what penalties allows simultaneous sentence?
6) By prescription of the penalty

 Imprisonment and
7) By the marriage of the offended woman, as provided
 Imprisonment and public censure in Art 344 of this Code
He shall serve them successively as provided for under
Art. 70. AMNESTY is an act of grace from the power entrusted
THREE-FOLD RULE – limitation on the successive term with the execution of the law which does not only
of sentence. Art. 70 provides that the maximum duration exempt the offender from the service of penalty for the
of sentence shall not exceed three times the length of crime committed, but also obliterates the effects of the
the most severe penalty and that in no case shall crime. It does not only suspend the execution of the
exceed 40 years. sentence. It also obliterates the effects of the crime.
Graduated Scale ABSOLUTE PARDON- act of grace received from the
1. Death, Reclusion perpetua, Reclusion temporal, power entrusted with the execution of the law which

 Prision mayor, Prision correccional, 
 Arresto mayor, exempts the offender from the penalty prescribed by law
for the crime committed.

 Arresto menor, 
 Public censure, 
 Fine. P: Merely suspends the execution of sentence, erases
2. Perpetual absolute disqualification, 
 the penalty to be imposed; Granted only after conviction
by final judgment; Private act of President. As such, the
Temporal absolute disqualification Suspension from
person pardoned must plead and prove it before the
public office, the right to vote and be voted for, the right
courts. No judicial notice of pardon; May be given to all
to follow a profession or calling/ Public censure /Fine. 
 kinds of offenders.
Art. 72. Preference in the payment of the civil A: Obliterates all effects of crime as if no crime was
liabilities. The civil liabilities of a person found guilty of committed; Granted at any stage of proceedings, before
two or more offenses shall be satisfied by following the during or after final judgment; Public act of President.
chronological order of the dates of the judgments Granted with the concurrence of Congress. Courts take
rendered against him, beginning with the first in order of judicial notice of it;
time. Generally granted to a class or group of persons who
Destierro shall be imposed in the following cases: 1. have committed political offenses.
Death or serious physical injuries is caused or 
 are Art 90 – prescription of Crime:
Death RP RT – 20 yrrs
inflicted under exceptional circumstance 
 (Art. 247), 2. Other afflictive p – 15y
Person fails to give bond for good behavior in 
 grave Correctional ex arresto mayor – 10 y
Arresto Mayor – 5y
and light threats 3. Concubine's penalty for the crime of
Libel – 1 yr

 concubinage, 4. When after reducing the penalty by 1 Oral D & slander – 6mos
or more 
 degrees, destierro is the proper penalty. 
 Loght offenses – 2mos

Execution of Destierro
 a) Convict shall not be PRESCRIPTION OF PENALTY- loss of the right of the
permitted to enter the place designated in the sentence State to execute the final sentence. The moment the
nor within the radius specified: not more than 250KM penalty has prescribed, the convict becomes a free
and not less than 25KM from the place designated. b) If man. The state can no longer arrest him and make him
the convict enters the prohibited area, he commits suffer the penalty imposed.
evasion of sentence. Prescription of Penalties
Art. 89. How criminal liability is totally extinguished. Death & RP – 20yrs
Other Afflictive P – 15y civilly liable. For every criminal action filed in court, the
Correctional ex Arresto Mayor – 10y civil action for the recovery of civil liability is deemed
Arresto mayor – 5 yrs impliedly instituted. This is because in the commission of
Light penalties – 1yr a crime, 2 injuries are inflicted:
Social injury against the State for the disturbance of
Commences to run: Date when convict should evade social order and
the service of sentence 2. Personal Injury against the offended party and his
Interrupted: Should give himself up, Be captured, heirs.

 Should go to some foreign 
 country which the Phil.
Requisites to hold Employers subsidiarily liable for
Government has no extradition treaty, or Should commit
crimes of employees: 1 Employer must be engaged in
another crime before the expiration of the period of
prescription. some kind of 
 industry 2. Employer and employee
relationship 3. Employee committed a crime in the
PC v PP 
 exercise of his duties as employee 
 4. There must be
PC: Loss or forfeiture of the right of the State to
conviction of the crime and the employee was found
prosecute; Starts counting upon the discovery of the
insolvent to pay civil indemnity. The moment the
commission of the crime; Mere absence from the
employee was found insolvent, the liability of the
Philippines interrupts the running of the prescription;
employer now becomes absolute. A motion for the
Commission of another crime before the expiration of
issuance of a subsidiary writ of execution must then be
the prescriptive period does not interrupt prescription.
PP: Loss or forfeiture of the right of the State to enforce filed by the 

final judgment; Starts counting upon the escape or rt. 104. What is included in civil liability. — The civil
evasion of service of sentence; Absence from the liability established in Articles 100, 101, 102, and 103
Philippines interrupts the period only when the convict of this Code includes:
 1. Restitution; 2. Reparation of
goes to a foreign country without an extradition treaty
with the Philippines; Commission of another crime the damage caused;
 3. Indemnification for
before the expiration of the period interrupts the consequential damage
prescription. RESTITUTION- Return of the thing itself, if it can be
Art. 94. Partial Extinction of criminal liability. — returned. Even if the thing is in possession of an
Criminal liability is extinguished partially: 1. By innocent purchaser for value without prejudice to the
conditional pardon; 2. By commutation of the sentence; action that the said innocent purchaser may have
and 3. For good conduct allowances which the culprit against the other person.
may earn while he is undergoing preventive Exception: if the innocent purchaser acquired the said
imprisonment or serving his sentence. (As amended by property in a public sale. Then, it can no longer be
RA 10592) 
 4. By parole (not in codal) 
 5. By taken away from him.
REPARATION- If restitution is not possible, we have
probation (not codal) 
 reparation of damages. The judge shall impose against
MODES FOR PARTIALLY EXTINGUISHING the accused payment for the value of the thing together
CRIMINAL LIABILITY 1Conditional Pardon 2 with the special sentimental value to the owner thereof.
Commutation of sentence 
- Consists of moral damages, exemplary damages, and
 actual damages for the damages incurred by the
COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE- a new penalty is offended party and/or his heirs.
imposed shall be in lieu of the original sentence. Ex:
death penalty commuted to Reclusion Perpetua.
Reclusion Perpetua should now be served instead of
amended by RA 10592)- if the offender has been
behaving properly in prison, the Director of the BuCor,
the Chief of BJMP and/or the Jail Warden shall compute
the good conduct allowance in favor of the offender so
that he will be immediately released.
GR: Civil action impliedly instituted in criminal
 Art. 100: Every person criminally liable is also
124. ARBITRARY DETENTION (1) Offender is a public authority or uses unnecessary severity in executing
officer or employee (vested w/ Au) 
 (2) He detains a
person (3) Detention is without a legal ground 
 (1) Same (2) He is armed w/ SW legally procured (3) He
D - actual confinement of a person in an enclosure, or in searches the domicile, papers or other belongings of
any manner any person (4) The owner, or any members of his family,
or two witnesses residing in the same locality (same
125. DELAY IN THE DELIVERY OF DP (1) O. is a PO brgy) are not present
 (2) detains a person for some legal ground

 (3) He fails to deliver such person to the proper OF PEACEFUL MEETINGS (1) Same (1) Offender is a
judicial authorities within – 
 (a) 12 hours for light public officer or employee (2) He performs any of the
following acts:
penalties (b) 18 hours for correctional penalties (c) 36
(a) Prohibiting or interrupting, without legal ground, the
hours for afflictive or capital penalties
holding of a peaceful meeting, or by dissolving the same

(2) There is a: (a) Judicial or executive order for the (b) Hindering any person from joining any lawful
release of a prisoner or detention prisoner, or 
 (b) A association, or from attending any of its meetings 

proceeding upon a petition for the liberation of such (c) Prohor hind any person from addressing, either
 alone or together with others, any petition to the
authorities for the correction of abuses or redress of
(3) Offender without good reason delays – 
 (a) service

of the notice of such order to the prisoner (b)
performance of such judicial or executive order for the
release of the prisoner; or 
 (c) proceedings upon a
petition for the release of such person 
(a) Same 
 (b) Religious ceremonies or manifestations
127. EXPULSION (1) same (2) He either– (a) Expels of any religion are about to take place or are going on
any person from the Phi (v. aliens only) ; (b) Compels a (c) Offender prevents or disturbs the same 

person to change residence
 (any) (3) Offender is not 133. OFFENDING THE RELIGIOUS FEELINGS
authorized to do so by law (1) Acts complained of were performed

 (a) in a place devoted to religious worship, or
(b) during the celebration of any religious ceremony
128. VIOLATION OF DOMICILE (1) Offender is a public
(2) The acts must be notoriously offensive to the
officer or employee (2)
feelings of the faithful
(a) Entering any dwelling against the will of the owner
(b) Searching papers or other effects found therein
without the previous consent of such owner, or 
 (1) There is a public uprising and taking arms against
(c) Refusing to leave the premises, after having the government; (2) The purpose of the uprising or
surreptitiously entered said dwelling and after having movement is:
been required to leave the same 
 (a) To remove from the allegiance to the government or
its laws the Philippine territory or any part thereof, or
129. SW MALICIOUSLY OBTAINED AND ABUSE IN anybody of land, naval, or other armed forces; or 

THE SERVICE OF THOSE LEGALLY OBTAINED (b) To deprive the CE or Congress, wholly or partially,
1) Procuring a search warrant without just cause: of any of their powers or prerogatives. 

(a) Same; (b) He procures a search warrant (c) There
is no just cause 
 R – Object is to completely overthrow and supplant the
2) Exceeding authority or using unnecessary severity in existing government;
executing a search warrant legally procured: (a) Same I - movement seeking to effect some change of minor
(b) He has legally procured a SW
 (c) He exceeds his importance or to prevent the exercise of governmental
authority with respect to particular matters or subjects
or other means outside of legal methods; (3) Purpose is
to attain any of the following objects:
134-A COUP D’ETAT 1) Offender is a person or (a) To prevent the promulgation or execution of any law
persons belonging to the military or police or holding any or the holding of any popular election; 

public office or employment; 
 (b) To prevent the national government or any
(2) It is committed by means of a swift attack provincial or municipal government or any public officer
accompanied by violence, intimidation, threat, strategy from exercising its or his functions, or prevent the
or stealth; 
 execution of an administrative order; 

(3) directed against the duly constituted authorities, or (c) To inflict any act of hate or revenge upon the person
any military camp or installation, communication or property of any public officer or employee; 

networks, public utilities or other facilities needed for the
(d) To commit, for any political or social end, any act of
exercise and continued possession of power; 
 hate or revenge against private persons or any social
(4) The purpose of the attack is to seize or diminish classes; 

state power. 
 (e) To despoil for any political or social end, any person,
135. – PENALTY FOR R/I/C municipality or province, or the national government of
L: (a) Any person who promotes, maintains or heads a all its property or any part thereof
rebellion or insurrection; or 
 (b) Any person who leads, 140. PENALTY – leader & Participant 141.
directs or commands others to undertake a coup d’état;

 1. Inciting others to the accomplishment of any of the
P: Any person who: a) participates or executes the acts which constitute sedition by means of speeches,
commands of others in rebellion or insurrection; proclamations, writings, emblems, cartoons, banners or
b) in the government service who participates or other reps.
executes directions or commands of others 2. Uttering seditious words or speeches which tend to
c) not in the government service who participates, disturb the public peace
supports, finances, abets or aids; 3. Writing, publishing, or circulating scurrilous libels
d) If under the command of unknown leaders, any against the government or any of the duly constituted
person who directed the others, spoke for them, signed authorities thereof, which tend to disturb the public
receipts and other documents issued in their name on peace.
behalf of the rebels shall be deemed a leader. 
 4. Knowingly concealing such evil
Clear and Present Danger Rule: The words must be of
such nature that by uttering them there is a danger of a
public uprising and that such danger should be both
clear and imminent. The danger must not only be
probable but very likely inevitable.
(1) Of. is a PO or Ee;
 (2) Offender commits any of the Dangerous Tendency Rule: If the words used tend to
following acts: (a) Failing to resist a rebellion by all the create a danger of public uprising, then those words
means in their power; 
 (b) Continuing to discharge the could properly be the subject of a penal clause.
duties of their offices under the control of the rebels

 (c) Accepting appointment to office under them. 
138. – INCITING TO REBELLINON OR 1) projected or actual meeting of Congress or any of its
INSURRECTION committees or subcommittees, constitutional committees
(a) Of does not take arms or is not in open hostility or divisions thereof, or of any provincial board or city or
against the government; 
 municipal council or board; 
 2) Off, (any p.) prevents
(b) incites others to the execution of any of the acts of such meetings by force or fraud. 


(c) The inciting is done by means of speeches, 144. – DISTURBANCE OF PROCEEDINGS
proclamations, writings, emblems, banners or other 1) meeting; 2) Off. – disturbs; behaves while in the
representations tending to the same end. 
 presence of any such bodies in such a manner as to
interrupt its proceedings or to impair the respect due it.
139. – SEDITION (1) Offenders rise publicly and
tumultuously; (2) Offenders employ force, intimidation, 

exercise of their functions;
145. VIOLATION OF PARLIAMENTARY AU. 4) By restraining another from attending as a witness in
A) (1) Offender uses force, intimidation, threats or such legislative or constitutional body;
 5) By inducing disobedience to a summons or refusal to
be sworn by any such body or official.
(2) purpose is to prevent any member of Congress
from: (a) Attending the meetings (b) Expressing his
opinion; or 
 (c) Casting his vote. 
B) (a) Off is PO or Ee; 
 (b) He arrests or searches PERSONS
(1) A PA or APA is engaged in the performance of
any member of Congress; (c) at the time of arrest or
official duty or gives a lawful order to the offender;
search, is in regular or special session; 
 (d) The

 (2) Offender resists or seriously disobeys(3) The act
member not committed a crime punishable under the
of the offender is not included in the provision of Articles
Code by a penalty higher than prision mayor. 

148, 149 and 150 

152. PA & APA
PO –Any person who takes part in the performance of
1: Any meeting attended by armed persons for the
public functions in the government.
purpose of committing any of the crimes punishable
PA - directly vested with jurisdiction, whether as an
under the Code.
individual or as a member of some court or
2: Any meeting in which the audience, armed or not, is
governmental corporation, board or commission.
incited to T/R or I/ S or Assualt person in Au
APA - Any person who, by direct provision of law or by
147. – ILLEGAL ASSOCIATIONS Associations totally
election or by appointment by competent authority, is
or partially organized for the purpose of a) crimes RPC;
charged with the maintenance of public order and the
b) purpose contrary to public morals. 
 protection and security of life and property.
Persons liable: (1) Founders, directors and president of
the association; (2) members PUBLIC DISORDERS
1) by employing force or intimidation for the attainment PUBLIC ORDER
of any of the purposes enumerated in defining the 1: Causing any serious disturbance in a public place,
crimes of rebellion and sedition; office or establishment;
2) by attacking, by employing force or by seriously 2: Interrupting or disturbing performances, functions or
intimidating or by seriously resisting any person in gatherings, or peaceful meetings, if the act is not
authority or any of his agents while engaged in the included in Arts. 131 and 132;
performance of official duties, or on occasion of such 3: Making any outcry tending to incite rebellion or
performance. sedition in any meeting, association or public place;
Assault is qualified when: (a) weapon employed in the 4: Displaying placards or emblems which provoke a
 (b) offender is a public officer (c) offender lays disturbance of public order in such place;
5: Burying with pomp the body of a person who has
hands on a public authority (CC w/ H or M / S or LS PI)
been legally executed.
149. INDIRECT ASSAULT - 1) PA or APA is the victim
of any of the forms of DA; 
 (2) person comes to the aid 154 – UNLAWFUL USE OF MEANS OF
of such PA OR APA; (3) Offender makes use of force or PUBLICATION AND UNLAWFUL UTTERANCES
intimidation upon such person coming to the aid of the 1: Publishing or causing to be published, by means of
authority or his agent. 
 printing, lithography or any other means of publication,
as news any false news which may endanger the public
order, or cause damage to the interest or credit of the
2: Encouraging disobedience to the law or to the
1) By refusing, without legal excuse, to obey summons
constituted authorities or praising, justifying or extolling
of Congress, its special or standing committees
any act punished by law, by the same means or by
2) By refusing to be sworn or placed under affirmation
words, utterances or speeches;
while being before such legislative or constitutional body
3: Maliciously publishing or causing to be published any
or official;
official document or resolution without proper authority,
3) By refusing to answer any legal inquiry or to produce
or before they have been published officially;
any books, papers, documents, or records in his
4: Printing, publishing or distributing (or causing the
possession, when required by them to do so in the
same) books, pamphlets, periodicals, or leaflets which criminal liability. What is punished is the failure to return
do not bear the real printer’s name, or which are within 48 hours after the passing of the calamity,
classified as anonymous. conflagration or mutiny had been announced.


1: Discharging any firearm, rocket, firecracker, or other SENTENCE (1)Offender was a convict; (2) He was
explosive within any town or public place, calculated to granted a conditional pardon by the Chief Executive;
cause alarm or danger; (3) He violated any of the conditions of such pardon. 

2: Instigating or taking an active part in any charivari or
other disorderly meeting offensive to another or
160 – QUASI-RECIDIVISM E: (1) Offender was already
prejudicial to public tranquility;
3: Disturbing the public peace while wandering about at convicted by final judgment of one offense; 
 (2) He
night or while engaged in any other nocturnal committed a new felony before beginning to serve such
amusements; sentence or while serving the same. 

4: Causing any disturbances or scandal in public places
while intoxicated or otherwise, provided Art. 153 is not
161: Counterfeiting the Great Seal of the
Government of the Philippine Islands, Forging the
There is a person confined in a jail or penal
Signature or Stamp of the Chief Executive
establishment; (2) Offender removes therefrom such
person, or helps the escape of such (he has custody – 
223: infidelity in the custody) (1) Great Seal of the Government of the Philippines;
(2) Signature of the President; (3) Stamp of the
157 – EVASION OF SERVICE OF SENTENCE (1) Off - President. 

convict by final judgment; 
 (2) He is serving sentence -
deprivation of liberty; (3) He evades service of his 162: Using Forged Signature or Counterfeit Seal or
sentence by escaping during the term of his Stamp (Seal was Counterfeited or Stamp of CE;
 offender knew; he used it)
Qualifying circumstances:(a) By means of unlawful
163: Making and Importing and Uttering False Coins
entry (this should be “by scaling); 
 (b) By breaking (1) There be false or counterfeited coins; (2) Offender
doors, windows, gates, walls, roofs or floors; 
 (c) By either made, imported or uttered such coins; (3) In case
of uttering such false or counterfeited coins, he connived
using picklock, false keys, disguise, deceit, violence or
with the counterfeiters or importers. 

intimidation; or 
 (d) Through connivance with other
convicts or employees of the penal institution.
164: Mutilation of Coins 
 (1) Mutilating coins of the
158 – EVASION OF SERVICE OF SENTENCE ON THE legal currency, with the further requirement that there be
OCCASION OF DISORDERS,CONFLAGRATIONS, intent to damage or to defraud another; (2) Importing or
EARTHQUAKES, OR OTHER CALAMITIES uttering such mutilated coins, with the further
1) Offender is a convict by final judgment, who is requirement that there must be connivance with the
confined in a penal institution; mutilator or importer in case of uttering.
2) There is disorder, resulting from – (a)
 (b) earthquake;
 (c) explosion; (d) PD 247 Prohibiting and Penalizing Defacement,
Mutilation, Tearing, Burning or Destruction of Central
similar catastrophe; or (e) mutiny in which he has not
Bank Notes and Coins
3) He evades the service of his sentence by leaving the
165: Selling of False or Mutilated Coin, Without
penal institution where he is confined, on the occasion
of such disorder or during the mutiny; Connivance 

4) He fails to give himself up to the authorities within 48 1: Possession of coin, counterfeited or mutilated by
hours following the issuance of a proclamation by the another person, with intent to utter the same, knowing
Chief Executive announcing the passing away of such that it is false or mutilated;
calamity. 2: Actually uttering such false or mutilated coin, knowing
5) Leaving the penal establishment is not the basis of the same to be false or mutilated.
166: Forging Treasury or Bank Notes or Other DOCUMENTS
Documents Payable to Bearer; Importing and E: (1) There is a bill, resolution or ordinance enacted or
Uttering Such False or Forged Notes and approved or pending approval by either House of the
 Legislature or any provincial board or municipal council;
(2) Offender alters the same; (3) He has no proper
(1) Forging or falsification of treasury or bank notes or
authority therefor; (4) The alteration has changed the
other documents payable to bearer;
meaning of the documents.
(2) Importation of such false or forged obligations or
(3) Uttering of such false or forged obligations or notes
in connivance with the forgers or importers.
(1) Offender is a Public officer, employee, or notary
167: Counterfeiting, Importing, and Uttering public; 

Instruments Not Payable to Bearer 
 (2) He Takes advantage of his official position; 

(3) He falsifies a document by committing any of the
E: (a) There is an instrument payable to order or other following acts: 
 (a) Counterfeiting or imitating any
document of credit not payable to bearer; (b) Offender
handwriting, signature or rubric; (b) Causing it to appear
either forged, imported or uttered such instrument; (c) In
that persons have participated in any act or proceeding
case of uttering, he connived with the forger or importer.
when they did not in fact so participate; (c) Attributing to

 persons who have participated in an act or proceeding
ACTS OF FORGERY statements other than those in fact made by them;
168 – ILLEGAL POSSESSION AND USE OF FALSE (d) Making untruthful statements in a narration of facts;
TREASURY OR BANK NOTES AND OTHER (e) Altering true dates; (f) Making any alteration or
INSTRUMENTS OF CREDIT intercalation in a genuine document which changes its
E: (1) Any treasury or bank note or certificate or other meaning;
obligation and security: (g) Issuing in an authenticated form: 1) A document
(a) Payable to bearer, or any instrument payable to purporting to be a copy of an original document; 2)
order or other document of credit not payable to bearer When no such original exists, or 
 3) Including in such a
 (b) Forged or falsified by another person; 
 copy a statement contrary to, or different from, that of
(2) Offender knows that any of instruments is forged or the genuine original;
falsified; (h) Intercalating any instrument or note relative to the
(3) He either– (a) Uses any of such forged or falsified issuance thereof in a protocol, registry, or official book.
instruments; or (b) Possesses with intent to use any of
such forged or falsified instruments 
1: Falsification of public, official or commercial document
by a private individual;
(a) By giving to a treasury or bank note or any
(1) Offender is a Private individual OR Public officer or
instrument payable to bearer or to order mentioned
employee who did not take advantage of his official
therein, the appearance of a true and genuine
position; (2) He committed any act of Fals (Art. 171);
 (3) The falsification was committed in a public, official,
(b) By erasing, substituting, counterfeiting, or altering by or commercial document or letter of exchange. 

any means the figures, letters, words, or sign contained
2: Falsification of private document by any person;
 (1) Offender committed any of the acts of Falsification
except Article 171(7), that is:
“Forging” – By giving any treasury or bank note, or any (a) Issuing in an authenticated form a document
instrument payable to bearer, or to order the purporting to be a copy of an original document when no
appearance of a true and genuine document. such original exists, or
“Falsification” – By erasing, substituting, counterfeiting (b) Including in such a copy a statement contrary to, or
or altering by any means, the figures, letters, words, or different from, that of the genuine original;
signs contained therein; any acts in 171 (2) Falsification was committed in any Private document;
(3) Falsification causes Damage to a third party or at
least the falsification was committed with intent to cause
such damage. subdivisions. 

3: Use of falsified document.

Elements in introducing in a judicial proceeding (1) 175 – USING FALSE CERTIFICATES (1) same with
Offender Knew that the document was falsified by 174 (2) Offender knows that the certificate was false; (3)
another person; He uses the same.
(2) TheFalsedocumentisinArticles171or172(1 or 2);
(3) He Introduced said document in evidence in any 176 – MANUFACTURING AND POSSESSION OF
Elements in use in any other transaction – FALSIFICATION
(1) Offender Knew that a document was falsified by Acts punished: (1) Making or introducing into the
another person; 
 (2) The False document is embraced Philippines any stamps, dies, marks, or other
instruments or implements for counterfeiting or
in Articles 171 or 172 (1 or 2); 
 (3) He Used such

document; (4) The use caused Damage to another or at
(2) Possession with intent to use the instruments or
least used with intent to cause damage. 
 implements for counterfeiting or falsification made in or
introduced into the Philippines by another person. 

1: Usurpation of authority. (no connection with the office
1: Uttering fictitious wireless, telegraph or telephone
represented) E: (1) Offender knowingly and falsely
Represents himself; (2) As an Officer, agent or
E: (a) Offender is an officer or employee of the
representative of any department or agency of the
government or an officer or employee of a private
corporation, engaged in the service of sending or Philippine government or of any foreign government. 

receiving wireless, cable or telephone message;

 (b) He utters fictitious wireless, cable, telegraph or 2: Usurpation of official functions. (excess of authority)
(1) Offender performs any act; 
 (2) Pertaining to any
telephone message. 

person in authority or public officer of the Philippine
2: Falsifying wireless, telegraph or telephone message;
government or any foreign government, or any agency
(a) Same (b) He falsifies wireless, cable, telegraph or
telephone message. thereof; 
 (3) Under pretense of official position;

 (4) Without being lawfully entitled to do so 

3: Using such falsified message.
(a) Offender
 knew that wireless, cable, telegraph, or 178 – USING FICTITIOUS AND CONCEALING TRUE
telephone message (1) Was falsified by an officer or NAME
employee of the government or an officer or employee 1: Using fictitious name (1) Offender uses a name other
of a private corporation engaged in the service of than his real name; (2) He uses the fictitious name
sending or receiving wireless, cable or telephone publicly; (3) Purpose of use is to conceal a crime, to
message; evade the execution of a judgment or to cause damage
(b) He used such falsified dispatch; [to public interest
(c) The use resulted in the prejudice of a third party or at
least there was intent to cause such prejudice. 2: Concealing true name (1) Offender conceals his true
name and other personal circumstances; (2) Purpose is
174 – FALSE MEDICAL CERTIFICATES, FALSE only to conceal his identity. 

Persons liable: (1) Physician or surgeon who, in
connection with the practice of his profession, issues a
(1) Offender makes use of insignia, uniforms or dress;
false certificate (it must refer to the illness or injury of a
(2) such pertains to an office not held by such person or

a class of persons of which he is not a member; 
(2) Public officer who issues a false certificate of merit
items are used publicly and improperly.
of service, good conduct or similar circumstances; 
(3) Private person who falsifies a certificate falling within (1) There is a criminal proceeding; (2) Offender testifies
the classes mentioned in the two preceding falsely under oath against the defendant therein;
(3) Offender who gives false testimony Knows that it is
false. (4) Defendant against whom the false testimony 2: Monopoly to restrain free competition in the market 3:
is given is either acquitted or convicted in a final Manufacturer, producer, or processor or importer
 combining, conspiring or agreeing with any person to
make transactions prejudicial to lawful commerce or to
increase the market price of merchandise
DEFENDANT E: (1) A person gives false testimony;
(2) In favor of the defendant; (3) Inacriminalcase. 
(1) Testimony given in a civil case; (2) Testimony brands, or marks of those articles of merchandise fail to
relates to the issues presented in said case; indicate the actual fineness or quality of said metals or

 (3) Testimony is false; (4) Offender knows that alloys; knows 

testimony is false; (5) T. is malicious 
 (6) And given 

with an intent to affect the issues presented in said
PERJURY IN SOLEMN AFFIRMATION Acts Punished Gambling – any game or scheme, whether upon
(1) By falsely Testifying under oath; (2) By Making a chance or skill, wherein wagers consisting of money,
false affidavit. 
 articles of value or representative of value are at stake
or made.
E: (1) Offender Makes a statement under oath or
PD 1602 – AP:
executes an affidavit upon a material matter; (2) The
(1) Any person who, in any manner, shall directly or
statement or affidavit is made Before a competent
indirectly take part in any illegal or unauthorized
officer, authorized to receive and administer oaths;
activities or games of— (a) Cockfighting, jueteng, jai alai

 (3) Offender makes a Willful and deliberate assertion or horse racing to include bookie operations and game
of a falsehood in the statement or affidavit; 
 (4) The fixing, numbers, bingo and other forms of lotteries;
(b) Cara y cruz, pompiang and the like;
sworn statement or affidavit containing the falsity is
(c) 7-11 and any game using dice;
Required by law, that is, it is made for a legal purpose.
(d) Black jack, lucky nine, poker and its derivatives,

 monte, baccarat, cuajo, pangguigue and other card
Oath – any form of attestation by which a person (e) Paik que, high and low, mahjong, domino and other
signifies that he is bound by conscience to perform an games using plastic tiles and the like;
act faithfully and truthfully. Affidavit – sworn statement (f) Slot machines, roulette, pinball and other mechanical
in writing; contraptions and devices;
(g) Dog racing, boat racing, car racing and other forms
E: (1) Offender fffers in evidence a false witness or (h) Basketball, boxing, volleyball, bowling, pingpong and
 (2) He knows that the witness or the other forms of individual or team contests to include
game fixing, point shaving and other machinations;
testimony was false; 
 (3) The offer is made in any (i) Banking or percentage game, or any other game
judicial or official proceeding. 
 scheme, whether upon chance or skill, wherein wagers
consisting of money, articles of value or representative
of value are at stake or made;
(2) Any person who shall knowingly permit any form of
1: Soliciting any gift or promise as a
 consideration for gambling referred to in the preceding subparagraph to
refraining from taking part in
 any public auction; be carried on in an inhabited place or in any building,
vessel or other means of transportation owned or
2: Attempting to cause bidders to stay away from an
controlled by him.
auction by threats, gifts, promises or any other artifice.
(3) Any person who shall knowingly permit any form of
gambling to be carried on in a place which has a
reputation of a gambling place or that prohibited
gambling is frequently carried on therein, or the place is
1: Combination to prevent free competition in the market
a public or government building or barangay hall; doctrines openly contrary to public morals; 

(4) The maintainer or conductor of the above gambling
(b) The authors of obscene literature, published with
schemes. (a) Maintainer: a person who sets up and
their knowledge in any form, the editors publishing such
furnishes the means with which to carry on the gambling
literature; the owners/operators of the establishment
game or scheme. 
 b) Conductor: a person who
selling the same; 

manages or carries on the gambling game or scheme.
(c) Those who, in theaters fairs cinematographs, or any

 other place, exhibit indecent or immoral plays, scenes,
(5) A government official who is a maintainer, conductor acts, or shows, it being understood that the obscene
or banker of said gambling schemes, or the player, literature or indecent or immoral plays, scenes, acts or
promoter, referee, umpire, judge or coach in case of shows, whether live or in film, which are proscribed by
game fixing, point shaving and machination. 
 virtue hereof, shall include those which: 
 (1) glorify
(6) Any person who shall, knowingly and without lawful criminals or condone crimes; 
 (2) serve no other
purpose in any hour of any day, possess any lottery list,
purpose but to satisfy the market for violence, lust or
paper or other matter containing letters, figures, signs or
symbols pertaining to or in any manner used in the pornography; 
 (3) offend any race, or religion; (4) tend
games of jueteng, jai-alai or horse racing bookies, and to abet traffic in and use of prohibited drugs; and (5) are
similar games of lotteries and numbers which have contrary to law, public order, morals, good customs,
taken place or about to take place. 
 established policies, lawful orders, decrees and edicts;
(7) Any barangay official who, with knowledge of the 

existence of a gambling house or place in his jurisdiction (d) Those who shall sell, give away or exhibit films,
fails to abate the same or take action in connection prints, engravings, sculpture or literature which are
 offensive to morals.
202 – PROSTITUTION (1) The offender is a woman;
(8) Any security officer, security guard, watchman,
(2) She habitually indulges in sexual intercourse or
private or house detective of hotels, villages, buildings,
enclosures and the like which have the reputation of a lascivious conduct; 
 (3 for money or profit 

gambling place or where gambling activities are being
203 – WHO ARE PUBLIC OFFICERS (1) Taking part in
Allowed: 1) Sundays; 24 Saturdays; Legal holidays Ex:
the performance of public functions in the government;
Independence Day; Rizal Day; Reg. or voting day; Holy
Thursday; Good Friday 
 (2) Performing in said government or in any of its
Not Allo: 1) july 4th; Dec 30; Reg. or Voting day; Holy T branches public duties as an employee, agent or
or Good F. subordinate official, of any rank or class; (3) His
ART 199: ILLEGAL COCKFIGHTING authority must be – (a) By direct provision of the law;
Allowed: 1) Sundays; Legal holidays Ex: Independence (b) By popular election; or 
 (c) By appointment by
Day; Rizal Day; Reg. or voting day; Holy Thursday;
National Heroes Day; Good Friday; Election or competent authority 

Referendum Day;/ 2) During Local Fiestas for not more MALFEASANCE performance of an act which ought not
than 3 days; 4) fair, carnival or exposition 3days to be done
MISFEASANCE Improper performance of some act
200 – GRAVE SCANDAL (1) Offender performs an act which might lawfully be done
or acts; (2) Such act or acts be highly scandalous as NONFEASANCE Omission of some act which ought to
offending against decency or good customs; (3) The be performed
highly scandalous conduct is not expressly falling within 204 – KNOWINGLY RENDERING UNJUST
any other article of this Code; and (4) The act or acts JUDGMENT
complained of be committed in a public place or within (1) Offender is a judge; (2) He renders a judgment in a
the public knowledge or view. 
 case submitted to him for decision; (3) Judgment is
unjust; (4) The judge knows that his judgment is unjust.

SHOWS Judgment – the final consideration and determination of
(a) Those who shall publicly expound or proclaim a court of competent jurisdiction upon matters submitted
to it, in an action or proceeding.
(a) Agreeing to perform, or performing, in consideration
205 – JUDGMENT RENDERED THROUGH of any offer, promise, gift or present; an act constituting
NEGLIGENCE (1) Offender is a judge; (2) He renders a crime, in connection with the performance of his
a judgment in a case submitted to him for decision; official duties; 

(3) The judgment is manifestly unjust; (4) It is due to
(b) Accepting a gift in consideration of the execution of
his inexcusable negligence or ignorance. 
 an act which does not constitute a crime, in connection
with the performance of his official duty; 

(c) Agreeing to refrain, or by refraining, from doing
(1) Offender is a judge; (2) He performs any of the
something which is his official duty to do, in
following acts: (a) Knowingly rendering an unjust
interlocutory order or decree; or (b) Rendering a consideration of gift or promise. 

manifestly unjust interlocutory order or decree through Elements: (1) Offender is a public officer within the
inexcusable negligence or ignorance. 
 scope of Article 203; (2) Offender accepts an offer or a
promise or receives a gift or present by himself or
through another; (3) Such offer or promise be accepted,
OF JUSTICE (1) Offender is a judge; (2) There is a or gift or present received by the public officer – 
proceeding in his court; (3) He delays in the With a view to committing some crime; or (b) In
administration of justice; (4) The delay is malicious, that consideration of the execution of an act which does not
is, with deliberate intent to inflict damage on either party constitute a crime, but the act must be unjust; or (c) To
in the case. 
 refrain from doing something which it is his official duty

AND TOLERANCE (4) The act which offender agrees to perform or which
Modes: (a) Maliciously refraining from instituting he executes be connected with the performance of his
prosecution against violators of the law; 
 official duties.

(b) Maliciously tolerating the commission of offenses. 
 211 – INDIRECT BRIBERY E: (1) Offender is a public
(1) Offender is a public officer or officer of the law who officer; (2) He accepts gifts; (3) The gifts are offered to
has a duty to cause the prosecution of, or to prosecute, him by reason of his office. 


(2) There is a dereliction of the duties of his office, that 211-A – QUALIFIED BRIBERY
is, knowing the commission of the crime, he does not (1) Offender is a public officer entrusted with law
cause the prosecution of the criminal, or knowing that a enforcement;
crime is about to be committed, he tolerates its (2) He refrains from arresting or prosecuting an offender
 who has committed a crime punishable by reclusion
perpetua and/or death;
(3) Offender acts with malice and deliberate intent to
(3) Offender refrains from arresting or prosecuting in
favor the violator of the law. 
 consideration of any offer, promise, gift, or present.


A SOLICITOR – REVELATION OF SECRETS OFFICIALS (1) Offender makes offers or promises or
(1) Causing damage to his client, either— gives 
 gifts or presents to a public officer; 
 (2) The
(a) By any malicious breach of professional duty; (b) By
offers or promises are made or the gifts or presents
inexcusable negligence or ignorance.
given to a public officer, under circumstances that will
(2) Revealing any of the secrets of his client learned by
make the public officer liable for direct bribery or indirect
him in his professional capacity (damage is not


(3) Undertaking the defense of the opposing party in the
same case, without the consent of his first client,
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act Corrupt
(a) after having undertaken the defense of said first
Practices of Public Officers
client, or (b) after having received confidential
information from said client. 
 Sec. 3(a) Persuading, inducing or influencing another
public officer to perform an act constituting a violation of
210 – DIRECT BRIBERY rules and regulations duly promulgated by competent
authority or an offense in connection with the official Sec. 3(i) Directly or indirectly becoming interested, for
duties of the latter, or allowing himself to be persuaded, personal gain, or having a material interest in any
induced, or influenced to commit such violation or transaction or act requiring the approval of a board,
offense. panel or group of which he is a member, and which
exercises discretion in such approval, even if he votes
Sec. 3(b) Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving against the same or does not participate in the action of
any gift, present, share, percentage, or benefit, for the board, committee, panel or group.
himself or for any other person, in connection with any Sec. 3(j) Knowingly approving or granting any license,
contract or transaction between the Government and permit, privilege or benefit in favor of any person not
any other party, wherein the public officer in his official qualified for or not legally entitled to such license,
capacity has to intervene under the law. permit, privilege or advantage, or of a mere
representative or dummy of one who is not so qualified
Sec. 3(c) Directly or indirectly requesting or receiving or entitled.
any gift, present or other pecuniary or material benefit, Sec. 3(k) Divulging valuable information of a confidential
for himself or for another, from any person for whom the character, acquired by his office or by him on account of
public officer, in any manner or capacity, has secured or his official position to unauthorized persons, or releasing
obtained, or will secure or obtain, any Government such information in advance of its authorized release
permit or license, in consideration for the help given or date.
to be given.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7080 An Act Defining and
Sec. 3(d) Accepting or having any member of his family Penalizing the Crime of Plunder (Anti-Plunder Act)
accept employment in a private enterprise which has Ill-gotten wealth – any asset, property, business
pending official business with him during the pendency enterprise or material possession of any person within
thereof or within one year after its termination. the purview of Section 2 (Plunder), acquired by him
directly or indirectly through dummies, nominees,
Sec. 3(e) Causing any undue injury to any party, agents, subordinates and/or business associates by any
including the Government, or giving any private party combination or series of the following means or similar
any unwarranted benefits, advantage or preference in schemes:
the discharge of his official administrative or judicial (1) Through misappropriation, conversion, misuse, or
functions through manifest partiality, evident bad faith or malversation of public funds or raids on the public
gross inexcusable negligence. treasury; 

- The accused is a public officer discharging
(2) By receiving, directly or indirectly, any commission,
administrative, judicial or official functions
gift, share, percentage, kickbacks or any other form of
pecuniary benefit from any person and/or entity in
Sec. 3(f) Neglecting or refusing, after due demand or
connection with any government contract or project or
request, without sufficient justification, to act within a
by reason of the office or position of the public officer
reasonable time on any matter pending before him for
the purpose of obtaining, directly or indirectly, from any concerned; 

person interested in the matter some pecuniary or (3) By the illegal or fraudulent conveyance or
material benefit or advantage, or for the purpose of disposition of assets belonging to the National
favoring his own interest or giving undue advantage in Government or any of its subdivisions, agencies or
favor of or discriminating against any other interested instrumentalities or government- owned or -controlled
party. corporations and their subsidiaries; 

(4) By obtaining, receiving or accepting directly or
Sec. 3(g) Entering, on behalf of the Government, into
indirectly any shares of stock, equity or any other form of
any contract or transaction manifestly and grossly
interest or participation including promise of future
disadvantageous to the same, whether or not the public
employment in any business enterprise or undertaking;
officer profited or will profit thereby.

Sec. 3(h) Directly or indirectly having financial or (5) By establishing agricultural, industrial or commercial
pecuniary interest in any business, contract or monopolies or other combinations and/or
transaction in connection with which he intervenes or implementation of decrees and orders intended to
takes part in his official capacity, or in which he is benefit particular persons or special interests; or 

prohibited by the Constitution or by any law from having
(6) By taking undue advantage of official position,
any interest.
authority, relationship, connection or influence to
unjustly enrich himself or themselves at the expense
and to the damage and prejudice of the Filipino people Elements (1) Offender is a public officer; (2) He had
the custody or control of funds or property by reason of
213 – FRAUD AGAINST THE PUBLIC TREASURY the duties of his office; (3) Those funds or property were
AND SIMILAR OFFENSES – Modes: (a) Entering into public funds or property for which he was accountable;
an agreement with any interested party or speculator or (4) He appropriated, took, misappropriated or
making use of any other scheme, to defraud the consented or, through abandonment or negligence,
government, in dealing with any person with regard to permitted another person to take them. 

furnishing supplies, the making of contracts, or the
adjustment or settlement of accounts relating to public
property or funds;
(b) ILLEGAL EXACTION: Demanding, directly or
indirectly, the payment of sums different from or larger
than those authorized by law, in collection of taxes,
licenses, fees, and other imposts;
(c) Failing voluntarily to issue a receipt, as provided by
law, for any sum of money collected by him officially, in
the collection of taxes, licenses, fees and other imposts;
(d) Collecting or receiving, directly or indirectly, by way
of payment or otherwise, things or objects of a nature E (1) Offender is a public officer; 
 (2) There are public
different from that provided by law, in the collection of funds or property under his administration; (3) Such
taxes, licenses, fees and other imposts. fund or property were appropriated by law or ordinance;
214 – OTHER FRAUDS E (1) Offender is a public (4) He applies such public fund or property to any public
officer; (2) He takes advantage of his official position; (3) use other than for which it was appropriated for. 

He commits any of the frauds or deceits enumerated in
Article 315 to 318
E: (1) Offender is an appointive public officer; (2) He
becomes interested, directly or indirectly, in any
(1) Offender is a public officer; (2) Any closed papers,
transaction of exchange or speculation; (3) The
documents, or objects are entrusted to his custody;
transaction takes place within the territory subject to his
(3) He opens or permits to be opened said closed
jurisdiction; (4) He becomes interested in the transaction
papers, documents or objects; (4) He does not have
during his incumbency.
proper authority. 

Persons liable: (1) Public officer who, directly or 1: Revealing any secrets known to the offending public
indirectly, became interested in any contract or business officer by reason of his official capacity;
in which it was his official duty to intervene; 2: Wrongfully delivering papers or copies of papers of

 (2) Experts, arbitrators, and private accountants who, which he may have charge and which should not be
in like manner, took part in any contract or transaction
connected with the estate or property in the appraisal,
distribution or adjudication of which they had acted;
(3) Guardians and executors with respect to the
246 – PARRICIDE (1) Person is killed; (2) Deceased is
property belonging to their wards or the estate. 
 killed by the accused; (3) Deceased is the accused's
(a) legitimate/illegitimate father 

(b) legitimate/illegitimate mother
(c) legitimate/illegitimate child (should not be less than 3
days old, otherwise crime is infanticide) (d) other
Modes: (a) Appropriating public funds or property; (b)
legitimate ascendant (e) other legitimate descendant
Taking or misappropriating the same; (c) Consenting, or
through abandonment or negligence, permitting any (f) legitimate spouse 

other person to take such public funds or property; and
(d) Being otherwise guilty of the misappropriation or 247 – DEATH OR PHYSICAL INJURIES UNDER
malversation of such funds or property. EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES (3) He has not
promoted or facilitated the prostitution of his wife or another person. (b) Offender has no intention to kill that
daughter, or that he or she has not consented to the person. 

infidelity of the other spouse. 

255 – INFANTICIDE (1) A child was killed by the
248 – MURDER accused; (2) The deceased child was less than 3 days
E: 1) Per. Was killed; 2) accused killed him; 3) attended old (72 hours).
by any of the following c.; 4) not parricide or infanticide
C: (a) with treachery, taking advantage of superior 256 - INTENTIONAL ABORTION (a) There is a
strength, with the aid of armed men, or employing pregnant woman; 
 (b) Violence is exerted, or drugs or
means to weaken the defense, or of means or persons
beverages administered, or that the accused otherwise
to insure or afford impunity; b) in consideration of a
price, reward or promise; (c) by means of inundation, acts upon such pregnant woman; 
 (c) As a result of
fire, poison, explosion, shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, the use of violence or drugs or beverages upon her, or
derailment or assault upon a railroad, fall of an airship, any other act of the accused, the fetus dies, either in the
by means of motor vehicles, or with the use of any other womb or after having been expelled therefrom;
means involving great waste and ruin; 
 (d) The abortion is intended. 

(d) on occasion of any of the calamities enumerated in
the preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake, eruption
257 - UNINTENTIONAL ABORTION (b) Violence is
of a volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic, or any other
used upon such pregnant woman without intending an
public calamity; (e) with evident premeditation; (f) with
abortion; c) The violence is intentionally exerted;
cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting the
suffering of the victim, or outraging or scoffing at his 
 (d) Result of violence – fetus dies, either in the womb
person or corpse. 
 or expelled therefrom 

(1) There are several persons; 
 (2) They do not There is a pregnant woman who has suffered an
compose groups organized for the common purpose of abortion; Abortion is intended;
 • Abortion is caused by
assaulting and attacking each other reciprocally; – (1) The pregnant woman herself; 
 (2) Any other
(3) These several persons quarreled and assaulted one
person, with her consent; o (3) Any of her parents ,with
another in a confused and tumultuous manner;
her consent for the purpose of concealing her
(4) Someone was killed in the course of the affray;
(5) It cannot be ascertained who actually killed the dishonour. 

 (6) The person or persons who inflicted
serious physical injuries or who used violence can be
 pregnant woman who has suffered an abortion; (b) The
Persons L: (a) The person or persons who inflicted the abortion is intended; 
 (c) Offender, who must be a
serious physical injuries (b) If it is not known who
physician or midwife, caused or assisted in causing the
inflicted the serious physical injuries on the deceased,
all persons who used violence upon the person of the abortion; 
 (d) Said physician or midwife took
victim are liable. advantage of his or her scientific knowledge or skill. 

TUMULTUOUS AFFRAY (1) There is a tumultuous
Modes: (a) Killing one’s adversary in aduel;
affray; (2) A participant or some participants thereof
(b) Inflicting upon such adversary physical injuries;
suffered serious physical injuries or physical injuries of a
(c) Making a combat although no physical injuries have
less serious nature only; (3) The person responsible
thereof cannot be identified; (4) All those who appear to been inflicted. 

have used violence upon the person of the offended
party are known. 
 261 - CHALLENGING TO A DUEL (1) Challenging
another to a duel; (2) Inciting another to give or accept a
challenge to a duel; (3) Scoffing at or decrying another
publicly for having refused to accept a challenge to fight
E:(a) Offender discharges a firearm against or at
a duel.
1: Intentionally mutilating another by depriving him, 266-A - RAPE
either totally or partially, of some essential organ for 1) Rape through sexual intercourse (1) Offender is a
reproduction; man; (2) Offender had carnal knowledge of a woman;
2: Intentionally making other mutilation, that is, by 
 (3) Such act is accomplished under any of the
lopping or clipping off any part of the body of the
following circumstances:
offended party, other than the essential organ for
a) By using force, threat or intimidation; b) When the
reproduction, to deprive him of that part of his body 
 woman is deprived of reason or is otherwise
unconscious; c) By means of fraudulent machination or
263 - SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURIES grave abuse of authority; 4) When the woman is under
(1) becomes insane, imbecilic, impotent or blind 12 years of age (Statutory Rape) or is demented. 

(2) (a) loses the use of speech or the power to hear or to
2) Rape Through Sexual Assault
smell, or loses an eye, a hand, a foot, an arm, or a leg,
(a) Offender commits an act of sexual assault;
or (b) loses the use of any such member; or (c)
(b) The act of sexual assault is committed by any of the
becomes incapacitated for the work in which he was
following means: (1) By inserting his penis into another
theretofore habitually engaged, in consequence of the
physical injuries inflicted; person's mouth or anal orifice; or 
 (2) By inserting any
(3) (a)becomes deformed; or
 (b) loses any other instrument or object into the genital or anal orifice of
another person; (c) The act of sexual assault is
member of his body; or (c) loses the use thereof; or (d)
accomplished under any of the following circumstances:
becomes ill or incapacitated for the performance of the
work in which he was habitually engaged for more than (1) By using force or intimidation; or 

90 days; (2) When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise
(4) becomes ill or incapacitated for labor for more than unconscious; or 

30 days (but must not be more than 90 days).
(3) By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse
 (1) physical ugliness,
 (2) permanent
of authority; or 

and definite abnormality, and (3) it must be conspicuous
(4) When the woman is under 12 years of age or
and visible.
 All these elements must concur.

E: (1) Offender inflicted upon another any serious
physical injury; 
 (2) It was done by knowingly 267 - KIDNAPPING AND SERIOUS ILLEGAL
administering to him any injurious substance or DETENTION (a) Offender is a private individual; (b) He
beverages or by taking advantage of his weakness of kidnaps or detains another, or in any other manner
mind or credulity; (3) He had no intent to kill. 
 deprives the latter of his liberty; (c) The act of detention
or kidnapping must be illegal; (d) In the commission of
the offense, any of the following circumstances is
(1) Offended party is incapacitated for labor for 10 days
or more (but not more than 30 days), or needs medical (1) The kidnapping lasts for more than 3 days; 
 (2) It
attendance for the same period of time; (2) The is committed simulating public authority; (3) Any serious
physical injuries must not be those described in the physical injuries are inflicted upon the person kidnapped
preceding articles. 
 or detained or threats to kill him are made; or (4) The
person kidnapped or detained is a minor, female, or a
MALTREATMENT public officer. 

M: (1) Physical injuries incapacitated the offended party
for labor from 1-9 days, OR required medical attendance Qualifying Circumstances (1) Purpose is to extort
during the same period; 
 (2) Physical injuries which ransom. (2) When the victim is killed or dies as a
consequence of the detention. (3) When the victim is
did not prevent the offended party from engaging in his
raped. (4) When victim is subjected to torture or
habitual work or which did not require medical
dehumanizing acts. 
 (SCC w/ murder – dies as a
 (3) Ill-treatment of another by deed
consequence of detention)
without causing any injury. 

268 - SLIGHT ILLEGAL DETENTION (a) Offender is a place, wounded or in danger of dying when he can
private individual; render such assistance without detriment to himself,
(b) He kidnaps or detains another, or in any other unless such omission shall constitute a more serious
manner deprives him of his liberty. offense.
(c) The act of kidnapping or detention is illegal; 2: Accidentally wound another - Failing to help or
(d) The crime is committed without the attendance of render assistance to another whom the offender has
any of the circumstances enumerated in Article 267. accidentally wounded or injured;
3: Abandoning a child < 7 - By failing to deliver a child,
under seven years of age, whom the offender has found
269 - UNLAWFUL ARREST (a) Offender arrests or abandoned, to the authorities or to his family, or by
detains another person; 
 (b) The purpose of the failing to deliver him to a safe place.
offender is to deliver him to the proper authorities;
276 - ABANDONING A MINOR (a) Offender has the

 (c) The arrest or detention is not authorized by law or custody of a child; (b) The child is under seven years of
there is no reasonable ground therefor. 
 age; (c) He abandons such child;
(d) He has no intent to kill the child when the latter is
MINOR (a) Offender is entrusted with the custody of a
minor person (whether over or under seven years but
less than 18 years of age)
(b) He deliberately fails to restore the said minor to his
1: W/O consent of guardian - Delivering a minor to a
parents or guardians
public institution or other persons without the consent of
the one who entrusted such minor to the care of the
offender or, in the absence of that one, without the
consent of the proper authorities;
(a) A minor (whether over or under seven years of age)
2: Neglecting education - Neglecting his (offender’s)
is living in the home of his parents or guardians or the
children by not giving them the education which their
person entrusted with his custody; (b) Offender induces
station in life requires and financial condition permits.
said minor to abandon such home. 

1: Physical strength/contortion - Causing any boy or girl
272 - SLAVERY (a) Offender purchases, sells, kidnaps under 16 years of age to perform any dangerous feat of
or detains a human being; balancing, physical strength or contortion, the offender
(b) The purpose of the offender is to enslave such being any person;
human being. 2: Exhibition/acrobat/circus - Employing children under
16 years of age who are not the children or descendants
273 - EXPLOITATION OF CHILD LABOR (a) Offender of the offender in exhibitions of acrobat, gymnast, rope-
retains a minor in his services; 
 (b) It is against the will walker, diver, or wild-animal tamer, the offender being
an acrobat, etc., or circus manager or engaged in a
of the minor; 
 (c) It is under the pretext of reimbursing similar calling;
himself of a debt incurred by an ascendant, guardian or 3: Descendant employed like in Mode 2 4:Delivering
person entrusted with the custody of such minor. 
 child under 16 to be employed like in Mode 2

5: inducing child under 16 to abandon home to be
274 - SERVICES RENDERED UNDER COMPULSION employed like in Mode 2

IN PAYMENT OF DEBT (a) Offender compels a debtor
to work for him, either as a household servant or farm
laborer; (b) It is against the debtor’s will; (c) The Offender is a private person;
 (b) He enters the dwelling
purpose is to require or enforce the payment of a debt. of another;
 (c) Such entrance is against the latter’s will.

 QC: committed by means of violence or intimidation.
275 - ABANDONMENT OF PERSONS IN DANGER E: (a) Offender enters the closed premises or the
AND ABANDONMENT OF OWN VICTIM fenced estate of another; 
 (b) The entrance is made
1: W/O detriment to self - Failing to render assistance
while either of them is uninhabited; (c) The prohibition
to any person whom the offender finds in an uninhabited
to enter is manifest; (d) The trespasser has not secured
the permission of the owner or the caretaker thereof. 
 (b) He seizes anything belonging to his
 (c) The seizure of the thing be accomplished
by means of violence or a display of material force
MODE 1: Threatening, even not unlawful - Threatening
producing intimidation; (d) The purpose of the offender
another with the infliction upon his person, honor or
is to apply the same to the payment of the debt.
property or that of this family of any wrong amounting to
a crime and demanding money or imposing any other
condition, even though not unlawful, and the offender
1: Force/compel to buy commodities from him -
attained his purpose;
MODE 2: Threat w/o attaining purpose - Making such 
 Forcing or compelling, directly or indirectly, or
threat without the offender attaining his purpose; knowingly permitting the forcing or compelling of the
MODE 3: Threat = Crime - Threatening another with the laborer or employee of the offender to purchase
infliction upon his person, honor or property or that of his merchandise of commodities of any kind from him;
family of any wrong amounting to a crime, the threat not 2: Wages paid by token or object - Paying the wages
being subject to a condition. due his laborer or employee by means of tokens or
QC: (1) in writing OR
 (2) through a middleman. object other than the legal tender currency of the
Philippines, unless expressly requested by such laborer
or employee.
E: (a) Offender makes a threat to commit a wrong;

 (b) The wrong does not constitute a crime; (c) There OF CORRESPONDENCE
is a demand for money or that other condition is E: (a) Offender is a private individual or even a public
imposed, even though not unlawful; (d) Offender has officer not in the exercise of his official function; (b) He
attained his purpose or, that he has not attained his seizes the papers or letters of another; (c) The purpose
 is to discover the secrets of such another person;
(d) Offender is informed of the contents of the papers or
284 - BOND FOR GOOD BEHAVIOR (1) When he letters seized. 

threatens another under the circumstances mentioned in
Art. 282 (Grave Threats). (2) When he threatens 291 - REVEALING SECRETS WITH ABUSE OF
another under the circumstances mentioned in Art. 283 OFFICE
(Light Threats). 
 E: a) Offender is a manager, employee or servant; (b)
He learns the secrets of his principal or master in such
capacity; (c) He reveals such secrets.
1: Threat w/weapon in a quarrel - Threatening another
with a weapon, or by drawing such weapon in a quarrel,
293 - WHO ARE GUILTY OF ROBBERY 1) That there
unless it be in lawful self-defense;
2: Oral threat = crime, in anger - Orally threatening is personal property belonging to another; 
 2) That
another, in the heat of anger, with some harm there is unlawful taking of that property; 
 3) That the
constituting a crime, without persisting in the idea
taking is with intent to gain; and 4) That there is
involved in his threat;
violence against or intimidation of persons or force upon
3: Oral threat = not felony - Orally threatening to do
another any harm not constituting a felony. things. 

1: Preventing w/violence, something not prohibited by Robbery with Homicide; Robbery with Rape, Robbery
 Preventing another, by means of violence, threats with Intentional Mutilation, Robbery with Arson; w/ SPI
par. 2 & 3
or intimidation, from doing something not prohibited by
2: compelling another to do something vs. will
Compelling another, by means of violence, threats or BAND (1) In an Uninhabited place, or 
 (2) By a Band,
intimidation, to do something against his will, whether it
or (3) By Attacking a moving train, street car, motor
be right or wrong.
vehicle, or airship, or (4) By Entering the passengers’
compartments in a train, or in any manner taking the
287 - LIGHT COERCIONS E: (a) Offender must be a
passengers thereof by surprise in the respective the following circumstances:
conveyances, or (5) On a Street, road, highway, or (1) Breaking of doors, wardrobes, chests, or any other
alley, AND the intimidation is made with the use of kind of locked or sealed furniture or receptacle; or
 (2) Taking such furniture or objects away to be
broken or forced open outside the place of the robbery.
296 – ROBBERY BY A BAND (1) When at least 4 

armed malefactors take part in the commission of a
robbery, it is deemed committed by a band.
(2) When any of the arms used in the commission of
robbery is not licensed, penalty upon all the malefactors
shall be the maximum of the corresponding penalty
Elements: (a) Offender entered an uninhabited place or
provided by law, without prejudice to the criminal liability
a building which was not a dwelling house, not a public
for illegal possession of such firearms.
building, or not an edifice devoted to religious worship.
(3) Any member of a band who was present at the
commission of a robbery by the band, shall be punished 

as principal of any of the assaults committed by the (b) That any of the following circumstances was
band, unless it be shown that he attempted to prevent present: 
 (1) Entrance was effected through an
the crime.
opening not intended for entrance or egress; 

297 - ATTEMPTED AND FRUSTRATED ROBBERY 2) A wall, roof, floor, or outside door or window was
WITH HOMICIDE broken; 3) Entrance was effected through the use of
(a) There is attempted or frustrated robbery false keys, picklocks or other similar tools; 4) A door,
(b) A homicide is committed on the same occasion wardrobe, chest, or any sealed or closed furniture or
receptacle was broken; or 5) A closed or sealed
298 - EXECUTION OF DEEDS THROUGH VIOLENCE receptacle was removed, even if the same be broken
OR INTIMIDATION (a) Offender has Intent to defraud open elsewhere. 6) With intent to gain, the offender took
 (b) Offender Compels him to sign, execute, therefrom personal property belonging to another.
or deliver any public instrument or document
(c) Compulsion is by means of violence or intimidation.



PUBLIC BUILDING OR EDIFICE DEVOTED TO TOOLS (a) Offender has in his possession picklocks or
WORSHIP similar tools; 
 (b) Such picklock or similar tools are
 (a) Offender entered especially adopted to the commission of robbery;
(1) An inhabited house
 (2) Public building
 (3) Edifice 
 (c) Offender does not have lawful cause for such
devoted to religious worship possession. 

(b) Entrance was effected by any of the following
means: (1) Through an opening not intended for
305 - FALSE KEYS - Deemed to include the following:
entrance or egress; (2) By breaking any wall, roof, or
(1) Tools mentioned in Article 304; (2) Genuine keys
floor, or door or window; 

stolen from the owner 

(3) By using False keys, picklocks or similar tools; or
(3) Any key other than those intended by the owner for

 (4) By using any Fictitious name or pretending the
use in the lock forcibly opened by the offender. 

exercise of public authority. 

(c) That once inside the building, the offender took 306 - WHO ARE BRIGANDS Elements (a) There be at
personal property belonging to another with intent to least 4 armed persons 

SUBDIVISION (B) (a) Offender is inside a dwelling (b) They formed a band of robbers 

house, public building, or edifice devoted to religious (c) The purpose is any of the following: 

worship, regardless of the circumstances under which
(1) To commit robbery in the highway; or
he entered it. (b) Offender takes personal property
(2) To kidnap for the purpose of extortion or to obtain
belonging to another, with intent to gain, under any of
ransom; or
(3) To attain by means of force and violence any other
AP: (1) Taking possession of any real property
307 - AIDING AND ABETTING A BAND OF belonging to another by means of violence against or
BRIGANDS (c) Offender does any of the following acts: intimidation of persons 

(1) He in any manner aids, abets or protects such band
(2) Usurping any real rights in property belonging to
of brigands; or 
 another by means of violence against or intimidation of
(2) He gives them information of the movements of the persons. 

police or other peace officers; or 

(3) He acquires or receives the property taken by such ALTERING BOUNDARIES OR LANDMARKS
 Elements: (a) There are boundary marks or monuments
of towns, provinces, or estates, or any other marks
intended to designate the boundaries of the same.
308 - WHO ARE LIABLE FOR THEFT (a) Taking of 
 (b) The offender alters said boundary marks. 

personal property (b) Personal property belongs to
another (c) Taking was done with intent to gain.
(d) Taking was without the consent of the owner. DESTRUCTIVE ARSON any person who shall burn:
(e) Accomplished without the use of violence against or a) One (1) or more buildings or edifices, consequent to
intimidation of persons or force upon things. 
 one single act of burning or as a result of simultaneous
burnings, or committed on several or different
310 - QUALIFIED THEFT occasions; 

Theft is qualified if: (1) Committed by a domestic b) Any building of public or private ownership, devoted
 (2) Committed with grave abuse of to the public in general or where people usually gather
or congregate
confidence (3) The property stolen is (a) motor vehicle
c) Any train or locomotive, ship or vessel, airship or

 (b) mail matter, or (c) large cattle 
 airplane, devoted to transportation or conveyance, or for
(4) The property stolen consists of coconuts taken from public use, entertainment or leisure.
the premises of a plantation (5) The property stolen is d) Any building, factory, warehouse installation and any
fish taken from a fishpond or fishery 
 (6) The property appurtenances thereto, which are devoted to the service
of public utilities.
is taken on the occasion of fire, earthquake, typhoon,
e) Any building the burning of which is for the purpose of
volcanic eruption, or any other calamity, vehicular
concealing or destroying evidence of another violation of
accident or civil disturbance. 
 law, or for the purpose of concealing bankruptcy or
Fencing – act by any person who, with intent to gain for defrauding creditors or to collect from insurance.
himself or for another, shall buy, receive, keep, acquire,
conceal, sell, or dispose of, or shall buy and sell or in Malicious Mischief – It is the willful causing of damage
any other manner deal in any article, item, object, or to another’s property for the sake of causing damage
anything of value which he knows, or should be known because of hate, revenge or other evil motive.
to him, to have been derived from the proceeds of the E: (a) Offender deliberately caused damage to the
crime of robbery or theft. property of another. 

E: (c) The accused knows or should have known that
(b) Such act does not constitute arson or other crimes
the said article, item, object or anything of value has
been derived from the proceeds of the crime of robbery involving destruction 

or theft. 
 (c) The act of damaging another’s property was
(d) There is, on the part of the accused, intent to gain committed merely for the sake of damaging it. 

for himself or another. 

(qualified malicious mischief) (1) Causing damage to
Motor vehicle –is any vehicle propelled by any power
other than muscular power using the public highways, obstruct the performance of public functions 
 (2) Using
any poisonous or corrosive substance (3) Spreading
311 - THEFT OF THE PROPERTY OF THE NATIONAL infection or contagion among cattle (4) Causing
LIBRARY AND NATIONAL MUSEUM damage to property of the National Museum or National
Library, or to any 
Seduction - enticing a woman to unlawful sexual
intercourse by promise of marriage or other means of
persuasion without use of force. It applies when there is
abuse of authority (qualified seduction) or deceit (simple
Crimes involved in the exemption: (1) Theft
 (2) seduction).
Swindling(estafa) (3) Maliciousmischief
Persons exempt from criminal liability: Two classes of Qualified Seduction and their elements:
(1) Spouses, ascendants and descendants, or relatives (1) Seduction of a virgin over 12 years and under 18
by affinity in the same line. 
 years of age by certain persons such as, a person in
authority, priest, teacher or any person who, in any
(2) The widowed spouse with respect to the property
capacity shall be entrusted with the education or
which belonged to the deceased spouse before the
custody of the woman seduced.
same passed into the possession of another. 
 E: (a) Offended party is a virgin, which is presumed if
(3) Brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law and sisters- she is unmarried and of good reputation; 
 (b) She is
in-law, if living together. 

over 12 and under 18 yrs. of age; 
 (c) Offender has
CRIMES AGAINST CHASTITY sexual intercourse with her; 
 (d) There is abuse of
authority, confidence, or relationship on the part of the
333 – ADULTERY (1) The woman is married; (2) She (2) Seduction of a sister by her brother, or descendant
has sexual intercourse with a man not her husband; by her ascendant, regardless of her age or reputation.
(3) As regards the man with whom she has sexual E: (a) Offended party need not be a virgin or she may
intercourse: he knows her to be married. 
 be over 18 years old 

(b) Offender has sexual intercourse with her 

334 – CONCUBINAGE (1) The man is married; (2) He
(c) Offender is her brother or ascendant by
is either: (a) keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling;
(b) Having sexual intercourse under scandalous consanguinity, whether legitimate or illegitimate. 

circumstance with a woman not his wife; (c) Cohabiting
with her in any other place; Offenders in Qualified Seduction:
(3) As regards the woman, she knows him to be (1) Those who abused their authority: (a) Person in
married. public authority; (b) Guardian;
 (c) Teacher; 

(2) Person who, in any capacity, is entrusted with the
336 - ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS (a) The offender
education or custody of the woman seduced.
commits any act of 
 lasciviousness or lewdness; (a) Those who abused confidence reposed in them:

 (b) The act is committed against a person of either 
 (b) Priest; 
 (c) House servant; (d) Domestic 

sex; (c) It is done under any of the ff. circumstances: (3) Those who abused their relationship: 
 (a) Brother
(1) By using force or intimidation; or (2) When the
who seduced his sister; b) Ascendant
offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise
unconscious; (3) By means of fraudulent machination or
grave abuse of authority (4) When the offended party is
E: (a) Offendedpartyisover12andunder18years of age;
under 12 years of age or is demented. 

 (b) She is of good reputation, single or widow;
(c) Offender has sexual intercourse with her; (d) It is
Lewd – obscene, lustful, indecent, lecherous; signifies
form of immorality which has relation to moral impurity or committed by means of deceit. 

that which is carried in wanton manner
AOL Compulsion or force is included in the constructive CONSENT OF THE OFFENDED PARTY
element of force; Must be accompanied by acts of E: (a) Offender commits acts of lasciviousness or
lasciviousness or lewdness. lewdness; 

GC Compulsion or force is the very act constituting the
(b) The acts are committed upon a woman who is a
offense of grave coercion; Moral compulsion amounting
virgin or single or widow of good reputation, under 18
to intimidation is sufficient.
yrs. of age but over 12 yrs., or a sister or descendant,
regardless of her reputation or age; 
 E: (a) Offender has been legally married;
(b) The marriage has not been legally dissolved or, in
(c) The offender accomplishes the acts by abuse of
case his or her spouse is absent, the absent spouse
authority, confidence, relationship, or deceit. 
 could not yet be presumed dead according to the Civil
340 - CORRUPTION OF MINORS (c) He contracts a second or subsequent marriage
E: (a) Offender promotes or facilitates the prostitution or (d) The second or subsequent marriage has all the
corruption of persons under age (minors), essential requisites for validity.
(b) Purpose is to satisfy the lust of another


Acts Punishable: (1) Engaging in business of prostitution ELEMENTS:
 (1) Offender contracted marriage; (2) He
(2) Profiting by prostitution (3) Enlisting the services of
knew at the time that – (a) The requirements of the law
women for the purpose of prostitution.
were not complied with; or (b) The marriage was in
disregard of a legal impediment.
(a) The person abducted is any woman, regardless of
her age, civil status or reputation; (b) The abduction is
against her will; 
 (c) The abduction is with lewd 353 - DEFINITION OF LIBEL (1) There must be an
 imputation of– (a) a crime, 
 (b) a vice or defect, real or
imaginary, OR 
 (c) any act, omission, condition,
343 - CONSENTED ABDUCTION status, or circumstance; 
 (2) The imputation must be
E: (a) Offended party is a virgin; (b) She is over 12 and
under 18 yrs. of age; (c) Offender takes her away with made publicly; 

her consent, after solicitation or cajolery from the (3) It must be malicious; 
 (4) The imputation must be
offender; (d) The taking away is with lewddesigns. 
 directed at a natural or juridical person, or one who is
dead; and 
 (5) The imputation must tend to cause
LASCIVIOUSNESS dishonor, discredit or contempt of the offended party. 

Seduction, abduction, or acts of lasciviousness must be
prosecuted upon complaint signed by— (1) Offended
party - When the offended party is a minor, her parents 354 - REQUIREMENT FOR PUBLICITY
may file the complaint. 
 (2) When the offended party is GR: MALICE IS PRESUMED in every defamatory
of age and is in complete possession of her mental and imputation, even if it be true, if no good intention and
physical faculties, she alone can file the complaint. (3) justifiable motive for making it is shown. REBUTTED:
Parents, Grandparents or Guardian in that order – (1) The defamatory imputation is true, IN CASE the law

 allows proof of the truth of the imputation; 

(2) It is published with good intention; AND 

(3) There is justifiable motive for making it 

Libel may be committed by means of: (1) Writing;
MODE 1. Simulation of births; MODE 2. Substitution of
 (3) Lithography;
 (4) Engraving;
one child for another; MODE 3. Concealing or
abandoning any legitimate child with intent to cause Radio;
 (6) Photograph;
 (7) Painting;
 (8) Theatrical
such child to lose its civil status.
 (9) Cinematographic exhibition; or
348 - USURPATION OF CIVIL STATUS - a person Any similar means.
represents himself to be another and assumes the
filiation or the parental or conjugal rights of such another 356 - THREATENING TO PUBLISH AND OFFER TO
Acts Punished: (1) Threatening another to publish a province or city where he actually resided at the time of
libel concerning – him, his parents, spouse, child or the commission of the offense
other members of his family (2) Offering to prevent the
publication of such libel for compensation or money 364 - INTRIGUING AGAINST HONOR
 E: (a) Offender disseminates any intrigue (b) Its principal
purpose is to blemish the honor or reputation of a
E: (a) Offender is a reporter, editor or manager of 
 a Quasi-offenses punished: (1) Committing through
newspaper, daily or magazine; 
 (b) He publishes facts reckless imprudence any act which, had it been
intentional, would constitute a grave or less grave felony
connected with the private life of another; (c) Such facts
are offensive to the honor, virtue and reputation of said or light felony; 

 (2) Committing through simple imprudence or
negligence an act which would otherwise constitute a
358 - SLANDER grave or a less serious felony; 

(1) Simple slander (3) Causing damage to the property of another through
(2) Grave slander, when it is of serious and insulting reckless imprudence or simple imprudence or
nature negligence; 

Factors that determine the gravity of the oral
(4) Causing through simple imprudence or negligence
defamation: (1) Expressions used (2) Personal
some wrong which, if done maliciously, would have
relations of the accused and the offended party. 3) The
constituted a light felony. 

surrounding circumstances. 

I - Lack of skill & Deficiency of action; Failure in
359 - SLANDER BY DEED E: (a) Offender performs
N - Lack of foresight & Deficiency of perception; Failure
any act not included in any other crime against honor;
in advertence
(b) Such act is performed in the presence of other
person/s; and (c) Such act casts dishonor, discredit or
Elements of Reckless Imprudence:
contempt upon the offended party. 
 (a) The offender does or fails to do an act (b) The
doing of or the failure to do the act is voluntary (c) It is
360 - PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR LIBEL (1) The without malice (d) Material damage results 
 (e) There
person who publishes, exhibits or causes the publication
is inexcusable lack of precaution on the part of the
or exhibition of any defamation in writing or similar
offender, taking into consideration:
means. (2) The author or editor of a book or pamphlet.
(1) His employment/ occupation(2) Physical condition

 (3) The editor or business manager of a daily (3) Degree of intelligence (4) Other circumstances
newspaper, magazine or serial publication. 
 regarding the persons, time and place 

(4) The owner of the printing plant which publishes a
libelous article with his consent and all other persons Inexcusable lack of precaution - Factors to be
who in any way participate in or have connection with its considered in determining inexcusable lack of
 precaution: (1) Employment or occupation (2) Degree of
intelligence and physical condition of the offender; and
(3) Other circumstances regarding persons, time, and
Where to file the criminal action? It depends on who
the offended party is.
If he is a public officer, the criminal action can only be
Elements of Simple Imprudence (a) There is lack of
instituted in either:
precaution on the part of the offender (b) The damage
(1) RTC of the province or city where the libelous article
impending to be caused is not immediate or the danger
is printed and first published, OR (2) RTC of the
province or city where he held office at the time of the is not clearly manifest. 

commission of the offense
If he is a private person, the criminal action may be Test of Negligence: Would a prudent man, in the
brought in: position of the person to whom negligence is attributed,
(1) RTC of the province or city where the libelous article foresee harm as a result of the course actually pursued?
is printed and first published, OR (2) RTC of the
Doctrine of last clear chance The contributory and schools/
negligence of the party injured will not defeat the action
if it be shown that the accused might, by exercise of (d) Officers and employees of public and private offices.
reasonable care and prudence, have avoided the – Officers and employees of public and private offices,
consequences of the negligence of the injured party. whether domestic or overseas, shall be subjected to
Emergency rule An automobile driver who, by undergo a random drug test as contained in the
negligence of another and not by his own negligence, is company's work rules and regulations, which shall be
suddenly placed in an emergency and compelled to act borne by the employer, for purposes of reducing the risk
instantly to avoid collision or injury is not guilty of in the workplace. Any officer or employee found positive
negligence if he makes such a choice which a person of for use of dangerous drugs shall be dealt with
ordinary prudence placed in such situation might make administratively which shall be a ground for suspension
even though he did not make the wisest choice. or termination, subject to the provisions of Article 282 of
the Labor Code and pertinent provisions of the Civil
Service Law;

Sec 4. Importation of Dangerous Drugs and/or
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals

Sec 5. Sale (LI + 500k to 10M), Trading, Administration,

Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution and Transportation
of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 RA Essential Chemicals.
9165 June 7, 2002 E: (1) the identity of the buyer and the seller, the object,
and the consideration; and 
 (2) the delivery of the
Section 98. Limited Applicability of the Revised Penal
Code. -shall not apply to the provisions of this Act, thing sold and the payment therefor. 

except in the case of minor offenders. Where the Sec 6. Maintenance of a Den, Dive or Resort.
offender is a minor, the penalty for acts punishable by
life imprisonment to death provided herein shall be Sec 7. Employees and Visitors of a Den, Dive or Resort
reclusion perpetua to death. (a) Any employee of a den, dive or resort, who is aware
of the nature of the place as such; and
UNCONSTITUTIONAL (b) Any person who, not being included in the provisions
(g) All candidates for public office whether appointed or of the next preceding, paragraph, is aware of the nature
elected both in the national or local government shall of the place as such and shall knowingly visit the same
undergo a mandatory drug test; IT ADDED additional
requirement. Section 11. Possession of Dangerous Drugs. – any
(f) All persons charged before the prosecutor's office person not authorized by law any drugs
with a criminal offense having an imposable penalty of E: (1) the accused is in possession of an prohibited
imprisonment of not less than six (6) years and one (1) drug; (2) such possession is not authorized by law; and
day shall have to undergo a mandatory drug test; (3) the accused freely and consciously possesses the
-blatant attempt to use this medical tool for criminal said drug.
prosecution; violates privacy and self incrimnation Actual possession – in the immediate possession
Constructive possession – under the dominion and
CONSTITUTIONAL: control of the accused; when accused has the right to
(c) Students of secondary and tertiary schools. – exercise control and dominion over the place where it is
Students of secondary and tertiary schools shall, found
pursuant to the related rules and regulations as
contained in the school's student handbook and with Section 12. Possession of Equipment, Instrument,
notice to the parents, undergo a random drug testing: Apparatus and Other Paraphernalia for Dangerous
Provided, That all drug testing expenses whether in Drugs. (tool)
public or private schools under this Section will be borne
by the government; Section 15. Use of Dangerous Drugs. – A person
apprehended or arrested, who is found to be positive for
-stand in loco parentis duty to safeguard heath and use of any dangerous drug, after a confirmatory test,
safety / minors are subj to custody of parents, guardians First – 6 mos Rehab; 2nd 6 yrs and 1 day to 12 y + fine
4) Turn over and submission to the court
RULES Possession, Sales and Use of D &
Paraphernalia – seller apprehended: qty in possessing when indispensable – when the items of the real
is absorbed in sale – illegal sale (possession absorbed) evidence is not readily identifiable, not distinctive, the
1) Sec 11 – if in excess of the drugs bought; condition at the time of testing, and trial is critical, and
-caught using: possession of paraphernalia shall be when the witness cannot testify accurately as to the
absorbed; if a tooter is found, separate information from uniqueness of such item
possession of drugs
- if found positive for use and found in possession – Presumption of Regularity: (Either) 1) law enforcers
possession only are not properly performing their duties; 2) In the
performance of their duties they were inspired by their ill
Section 26. Attempt or Conspiracy.
Any attempt or conspiracy to commit the following Section 21. Custody and Disposition of Confiscated,
unlawful acts shall be penalized by the same penalty Seized, and/or Surrendered Dangerous Drugs, Plant
prescribed for the commission of the same as provided Sources of Dangerous Drugs, Controlled Precursors and
under this Act: Essential Chemicals, Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or
(a) Importation; (b) Sale, trading, administration, Laboratory Equipment
dispensation, delivery, distribution and transportation;
(c) Maintenance of a den, dive or resort where; CORPUS DELICTI – Drug itself
(d) Manufacture of any; and (e) Cultivation or culture of
plants which are sources of dangerous drugs. 315 - ESTAFA Elements of Estafa in General:
(a) The accused defrauded another (1) by abuse of
confidence; or (2) bymeansofdeceit;and
APPLICABILITY OF PROBATION LAW - cannot avail (b) The damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary
of the privilege granted by the Probation Law or estimation is caused to the offended party or third
Presidential Decree No. 968 person.

DRUG SYNDICATE – group of 2 or more persons with With Unfaithfulness or Abuse of Confidence (315
intention of committing any offense prescribed under the par. 1(a) (b) (c))
act Par 1(a): Altering substance, quantity or quality of object
subject of obligation to deliver
MANDATORY DRUG TESTING: 1) Driver’s License E: (a) Offender has an onerous obligation to deliver
2) License of FA and permit to carry FA; and by those something of value. (b) He alters its substance,
who by nature of their profession shall carry FA: Military quantity, or quality c) Damage or prejudice is caused to
officers, police and law enforcers another 

3) Secondary and Tertiary; 4) Civil Servants; 5) Private
- Deceit is NOT an essential element
Par.1(b): Misappropriation and Conversion
(a) Money, goods, or other personal property is received
CHAIN OF CUSTODY – duly recorded authorized
by the offender in trust, or in commission, or for
movements and custody of subject items at each stage,
administration, or under any other obligation involving
from the time of seizure to presentation to the court for
the duty to make delivery of, or to return, the same;
destruction. Such record of movements and custody of
(b) There is misappropriation or conversion of such
seized items shall include the identity and signature of
money or property by the offender, or denial on his part
the person who held temporary custody of the seized
of such receipt;
items, the date and time when such transfer of custody
(c) Such misappropriation or conversion or denial is to
was made in the course of safekeeping and use in court
the prejudice of another; and
as evidence, and the final disposition
(d) There is a demand made by the offended party to
the offender
1) seizure and marking Signature or initial in the presenc
of accused and immediately after confiscation (if
3 Ways of Committing Estafa With Abuse Of
Confidence Under Art. 315 Par. (B):
2) turn over - seized by the apprehending officer to
investigating officer (1) Misappropriating the thing received. 

3) turn over by the investigation O. to the forensic (2) Converting the thing received. 

(3) Denying that the thing was received. 
 Sec. 1 Par. 1
Elements 1) Making, drawing, and issuance of any
Par.1(c): Taking advantage of signature in blank E: check to apply for account or for value 

(a) Paper with the signature of the offended party is in (2) Knowledge of the maker, drawer, or issuer that at
 the time of issue he does not have sufficient funds in or
credit with the drawee bank for the payment of the
(b) Offended party delivered it to the offender.
check in full upon its presentment; and
(c) Above the signature of the offended party a
(3) Subsequent dishonor of the check by the drawee
document is written by the offender without authority to
bank for insufficiency of funds or creditor dishonor for
do so. 
 (d) The document so written creates a liability the same reason had not the drawer, without any valid
of, or causes damage to, the offended party or any third cause, ordered the bank to stop payment.

Sec. 1 Par. 2 Elements (1) Making or drawing and
issuing a check having sufficient funds in or credit with
Estafa by Means of False Pretenses or Fraudulent
Acts (315 par. 2(a) (b) (c) (d) (e); BP22): the drawee bank 

(a) There is a false pretense, fraudulent act or (2) Failure to keep sufficient funds or to maintain a
fraudulent means. 
 credit to cover the full amount of the check if presented
within a period of ninety (90) days from the date
(b) Such false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent
appearing thereon (3) Check is dishonored by the
means was made or executed prior to or simultaneously
drawee bank. 

with the commission of the fraud. 

(c) Offended party relied on the false pretense, 

fraudulent act, or fraudulent means, that is, he was Estafa Through Other Fraudulent Means (315 Par 3
induced to part with his money or property because of (a) (b) (c))

Par 3 (a): By inducing another, through deceit, to sign
(d) As a result thereof, the offended party suffered
any document
 Elements: (a) Offender induced the offended party to
sign a document.
Par 2(a): Using fictitious name or false pretenses at (b) Deceit was employed to make offended party sign
power, influence... or other similar deceits the document.
Ways of committing the offense: (1) By using fictitious (c) Offended party personally signed the document.
name; (2) By falsely pretending to possess: (a) power, (d) Prejudice was caused.
(b) influence, (c) qualifications, (d) property, (e) credit, Par.3 (b): By resorting to some fraudulent practice to
(f) agency, (g) business or imaginary transactions; 
 ensure success in a gambling game
(3) By means of other similar deceits.
Par.3 (c): By removing, concealing or destroying any
-essential that fraudulent representation of the accused,
court record, office files, document or any other papers
(1) be made prior to, or, at least simultaneously with,
Elements: (a) There are court record, office files,

 (2) the delivery of the thing by the complainant. 

documents or any other papers. 
 (b) The offender
removed, concealed or destroyed any of them. (c) The
Par 2(b): by altering the quality, fineness or weight of
anything pertaining to art or business offender had Intent to defraud another. 

Par. 2(c): by pretending to have bribed any government
Par 2(d): By postdating a check or issuing a bouncing Par 1. By conveying, selling, encumbering, or
check (a) Offender postdated a check, or issued a mortgaging any real property, pretending to be the
check in payment of an obligation; 
 (b) Such owner of the same
Elements: (a) The thing is immovable, such as a parcel
postdating or issuing a check was done when the
offender had no funds in the bank, or his funds of land or a building. 
 (b) Offender who is not the
deposited therein were not sufficient to cover the owner of said property represents that he is the owner
amount of the check. 
 thereof. (c) Offender executed an act of ownership
(selling, encumbering or mortgaging the real property).
(d) The act was made to the prejudice of the owner or a
third person. 

Par. 2. By disposing of real property as free from

encumbrance, although such encumbrance be not
Elements: (a) The thing disposed of is real property.
(b) Offender knew that the real property was
encumbered, whether the encumbrance is recorded or

(c) There was express representation by the offender
that the real property is free from encumbrance.

 (d) Act of disposing of the real property was made to
the damage of another. 

Par. 3. By wrongfully taking by the owner of his personal

property from its lawful possessor
Elements: (a) Offender is the owner of personal
 (b) Said property is in the lawful possession
of another. 
 (c) Offender wrongfully takes it from its
lawful possessor. (d) Prejudice is thereby caused to the
lawful possessor or third person. 

Par. 4. By executing any fictitious contract to the

prejudice of another Elements: (a) Offender executes a
contract (b) Contract is fictitious
 (c) Prejudice is

Par. 5. By accepting any compensation for services not

rendered or for labor not performed
Elements: (a) Offender accepts any compensation for
services or labor 
 (b) He did not render any service or
perform any labor 

Par. 6. By selling, mortgaging or encumbering real

property or properties with which the offender
guaranteed the fulfilment of his obligation as surety
Elements: (a) Offender is a surety in a bond given in a
criminal or civil action. 

(b) He guaranteed the fulfillment of such obligation with
his real property or properties. (c) He sells, mortgages,
or, in any other manner encumbers said real property.

(d) That such sale, mortgage, or encumbrance is 
Without express authority from the court, or 
 (2) Made
before the cancellation of his bond, or 
 (3) Before
being relieved from the obligation contracted by him.

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