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Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 2 (2017) 98e106

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Growth and endocrine issues in children with thalassemia

Preeti Singh, Anju Seth*
Department of Pediatrics, Lady Hardinge Medical College and Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital, New Delhi, India

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history: decades [2e7].

Received 9 October 2017 The underlying patho-physiological mechanism underlying
Received in revised form these complications is excessive iron load, a consequence of
18 December 2017 repeated blood transfusions that these children receive from early
Accepted 19 December 2017
Available online 20 December 2017
childhood. Endocrine glands have high levels of transferrin re-
ceptors that promote iron accumulation and hence increase
vulnerability of these glands to iron toxicity. Iron stored in endo-
crine glands binds to intracellular transferrin. As the storage ca-
pacity of transferrin gets exceeded, pathological quantities of
metabolically active iron catalyses formation of free radicals, which
in turn damage intra-membrane lipids and other macro-molecules,
ultimately causing cell death and organ failure. The degree and the
1. Introduction severity of iron toxicity depends upon the frequency/need for
transfusions determined by genotype of the individual, the age at
With the advent of intensive transfusion and chelation regimes, initiation of chelation therapy and compliance to it [8].
life expectancy has increased significantly in patients with b- In this review, we present an overview of the various endocrine
thalassemia major (TM). However, progressive iron deposition in dysfunctions observed in patients with TM.
tissues as a result of repeated blood transfusions and enhanced
dietary absorption of iron due to ineffective erythropoiesis leads to
many complications that may emerge as these children grow into 2. Growth failure
adolescence and adulthood. The deleterious effects of excessive
iron deposition are primarily observed in the heart, liver and Growth failure is one of the most common co-morbidities wit-
endocrine organs like pituitary- gonadal axis, GH-IGF axis, thyroid, nessed in children and adolescents with TM and an important
parathyroid, pancreas and adrenals. Thus, in this era, the endocrine cause of poor body image in these children. The prevalence of
complications have emerged as an important cause of morbidity growth failure and short stature in children with thalassemia varies
and an important determinant of quality of life in children with TM. from 30 to 50% in most studies [2]. The causes are multifactorial.
The earliest case of multiple endocrine dysfunction in thalas- The key factors responsible for growth disturbances are summa-
semia intermedia was reported around 50 years ago [1]. The data rized in Table 2. The relative contribution of various factors may
on prevalence of endocrine dysfunction in patients with TM is vary at different ages. Chronic anaemia, hypoxia and nutritional
limited and shows a wide variation due to differences in the study factors are usually operational before 5 years especially in children
cohorts, age at onset of transfusion and chelation and compliance who do not receive regular transfusions. Between 5 and 10 years,
to both. The predominant clinical phenotypes include short stature, the adverse effects of transfusion associated iron overload on linear
delayed/arrested puberty, abnormal bone mineralisation, impaired growth (GH-IGF-1 axis) are apparent in the absence of adequate
glucose tolerance, hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism. chelation. Beyond the age of 10 years, absent/reduced pubertal
Table 1 shows the comparative prevalence of endocrine complica- spurt due to involvement of hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal (HPG
tions reported in children with TM in various settings over last 2 axis) axis makes a significant contribution. At all stages, co-
morbidities can add further adverse influence [9]. Children who
are well transfused and adequately chelated have the best prog-
* Corresponding author. Lady Hardinge Medical College and Kalawati Saran nosis for reaching optimum height.
Children’s Hospital, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg, New Delhi, India
In the current era, children receiving regular blood transfusions
E-mail addresses: (P. Singh), anjuseth.peds@gmail.
com (A. Seth).
and optimal chelation therapy usually do not exhibit signs of
Peer review under responsibility of Pediatric Hematology Oncology Chapter of growth failure until the end of first decade. Most patients with poor
Indian Academy of Pediatrics. growth present either in the peri-pubertal phase with impaired
2468-1245/© 2018 Pediatric Hematology Oncology Chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Publishing Services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
P. Singh, A. Seth / Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 2 (2017) 98e106 99

Table 1
Comparative prevalence of endocrinal complications of children with TM.

Cyprus [2] Italy (1995) [3] Iran (2003) [4] TIF (2004) [5] North America (2004) [6] India (2014) [7]

Number of Patients 435 1861 220 3817 342 89

Hypogonadism (%) 32.5 49 22.9 (males), 12.2 (females) 40.5 35 54.1
Short Stature (%) 35 39.3 30.8 55
Sitting Height (%) 72
Hypothyroidism (%) 5.9 6.2 7.7 3.2 9 8.9
Hypoparathyroidism (%) 1.2 3.6 7.6 6.9 4 10.1
DM/IGT (%) 9.4 4.9 8.7 3.2/6.5 10 13

Table 2 was evident from a prospective study to assess the age related
Factors contributing to growth failure in children and adolescents with TM. changes in serum IGF-1 concentrations in thalassemia patients
a. Chronic anaemia with ineffective erythropoiesis
compared to age and sex matched normal cohort. The normal
b. Under nutrition (Zinc Deficiency) healthy cohorts experienced a peak in IGF-1 levels at 13 years
c. Iron overload resulting in chronic liver disease and cardiac dysfunction (boys) @ 8e9 times the baseline. The thalassemia patients with
d. Transfusion associated infections like hepatitis C, B, HIV GHD did not show peak rise in IGF-1 levels till 18 years while the
e. Endocrinal dysfunctions- Defective GH-IGF-1 axis
subgroup with GHS reported a late and attenuated peak IGF-1
Defective Pituitary-Gonadal axis
Hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism levels at 16e18 years (@ 3 times from baseline) [16]. Further, the
Diabetes mellitus IGF-1 response to exogenous administration of GH is significantly
f. Side effects of chelation therapy on skeletal growth lower in children with thalassemia and GHD as compared to ones
g. Psychosocial stress who have idiopathic GHD [17]. There is another subgroup of thal-
assemia children who show a normal GH response to provocative
tests but their IGF-1 levels continue to be low suggesting a low GH
growth or during puberty with arrested or absent puberty and sensitivity (secondary to liver dysfunction) or a neurosecretory
absence of growth spurt. The growth plate fusion is also delayed in dysfunction. The latter manifests as an abnormal nocturnal GH
these children until the end of second decade and thus they have a secretory pulse pattern (due to high somatostatin tone) and lack of
potential for growing when most unaffected children have negative feedback regulation (in response to low IGF-1 levels) at
completed their growth. This is primarily due to iron load affecting the hypothalamus-pituitary level [17].
the Growth Hormone e Insulin like Growth Factor axis (GH-IGF Puberty (spontaneous/induced) plays a significant role in
axis) and the HPG axis. The anterior pituitary is particularly sen- achieving the desired growth spurt in adolescents by augmenting
sitive towards free radical oxidative stress from iron toxicity. the GH pulse amplitude that leads to a rise in IGF-1 and IGF-BP-3
The short stature (SS) encountered in thalassemia is often levels. There is a mutual amplifying effect in the concentration of
disproportionate with a low upper segment to lower segment ratio GH, IGF-1 levels and sex steroids observed during the progressive
[10]. The exact reason is not clear and an interplay of multiple stages of puberty that results in growth spurt, appearance of sec-
factors are responsible for it. In thalassemia, there is a progressive ondary sexual characteristics, increase in muscle mass and bone
impairment in spinal growth observed since early childhood [11]. mineral accretion. Children with thalassemia experience delay/ar-
Besides, other factors implicated in body disproportion include iron rest in puberty due to the hypogonadotropic hypogonadism with or
overload (impaired cartilage growth), early use of desferrioxamine without loss of gonadal function [18].
(DFO) for chelation and delayed puberty (hypogonadism). Use of
DFO between 2 and 5 years has a paradoxical adverse effect on
growth through inhibition of cell proliferation, DNA synthesis, and 2.1. Growth monitoring in children with thalassemia
collagen formation and trace mineral deposition like Zn and Cu
resulting in flattening of vertebrae (platyspondylosis) and reduced 1. A longitudinal record of weight and height (along with Mid
spinal height [12]. Short trunk, genu valgum, metaphyseal parental height (MPH) and Target range) and BMI should be
widening and joint stiffness is noted. The radiological changes seen maintained on a growth chart at six monthly interval to facilitate
are thickened growth plates with widening and cupping of meta- early detection of growth faltering. MPH is calculated by adding
physes, sclerosis of subchondral bone with small radiolucent areas 6.5 cm to the average of the mother's and father's height in the case
localised to the metaphyses and osteoporosis and increased of boy and by subtracting 6.5 cm in the case of girl. Statistically 95%
trabecular pattern of long bones. Off late, deferiprone treatment has of the children are expected to reach an adult height within a range
been reported to be associated with arthropathy mainly of the of about 8.5 cm above or below the MPH percentile (i.e. ±2SD on
knees [13,14]. MRI studies indicate that damage to the cartilage and either side of MPH). This range is called as Target range. The annual
the subchondral bone persist despite stopping treatment. growth velocity (GV) is assessed, if < 25th percentile consider it a
Several mechanisms influencing the Growth Hormone red flag.
Releasing Hormone (GHRH)-GH-IGF- axis have been proposed to 2. Compare the height indices (height for age) of the patient
explain the growth faltering in patients with TM [15]: (height SDS or centiles) with the population data as well as with the
(1) Hypothalamic GH-releasing hormone deficiency (2) pitui- mid-parental height (SDS or centiles).
tary GH deficiency; (3) neurosecretory dysfunction and (4) relative
GH insensitivity. Growth Hormone deficiency (GHD) is seen in
20e30% of thalassemia patients while the remaining 70e80% show 2.2. Definition of short stature
a peak growth hormone levels lower than those found in patients
with constitutional short stature in response to GH provocative  Height is less than the 3rd percentile or 2 SD below the mean
stimuli like clonidine. Children with TM exhibit low IGF-1 levels in height for age and sex; OR
both GH deficient (GHD) and GH sufficient (GHS) subgroups. This  Height is within normal but GV is consistently <25th percentile
over 6e12 months; OR
100 P. Singh, A. Seth / Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 2 (2017) 98e106

 The patient is excessively short for his/her mid-parental height, i. Treatment of anaemia and optimizing chelation therapy.
though his absolute height may be within the normal ii. Correction of nutritional deficiencies if any, undernutrition
percentiles. and mineral deficiencies (zinc)
iii. Treatment of overt hypothyroidism
3. Assess for onset and progress of puberty (SMR using Tanners iv. GH treatment is indicated in established cases with GH
staging) annually for all children above 10 years of age. The varied deficiency.
phenotypes of pubertal delay are described in Table 3. v. Timely replacement therapy with sex steroids in children
with failure of spontaneous pubertal onset/poor progression
of puberty.
2.3. Assessment in a child with short stature vi. Psychosocial support

1. The following points in HISTORY should be inquired in a child

who has TM.
2.5. Assessment of GH secretion
 Onset of disease and the need for blood transfusions
 Pre-transfusion haemoglobin level
i) Serum levels of IGF-1 and IGF BP-3 are estimated in children
 Annual packed cell volume requirement
with height  - 3 SD and delayed bone age (more than 2 SD or
 Chelation type, dose, compliance
delay > 2 years from chronological age). They are useful in-
 Serum ferritin levels
dicators of growth hormone secretion and nutrition (low in
 Any associated comorbidity like features suggestive of endo-
chronic liver disease and malnutrition) - Low levels indicate GH
crine complications or coinfection with blood borne agents
deficiency or defect in IGF-1 generation.
like Hepatitis B, C or HIV.
ii) Growth hormone stimulation testing: Normal thyroid functions
2. The EXAMINATION would include:
are ensured before conducting the GH stimulation test. Peri-
 General Physical Examination: A note is made on the skin
pubertal children require priming with sex steroids before
pigmentation, pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, and
evaluation by GH stimulation test. This is done for boys by giving
a single intramuscular injection of testosterone enanthate
 Stable vitals
100 mg seven days prior to testing and for girls by giving oral
 Anthropometry: Weight, Height; Assess standing and sitting
ethinyl estradiol 50 mg for 3 days before testing. Another alter-
heights and calculate upper/lower segment ratio.
native regime that can be used in both boys and girls is conju-
 Sexual Maturity Ratings (Tanner)
gated estrogen 5 mg orally given night before and morning of
 Systemic Examination: Hepatosplenomegaly
the test. Girls whose bone age is less than 9 years and boys
3. Bone age assessment (X-ray of wrist and hand)
whose bone age is less than 10 years do not need priming [19].
Significant GH insufficiency may be diagnosed by a reduced
In cases with disproportionate SS- radiographs of tibia and spine
response of GH to two provocative tests (GH peak <10 ng/ml) in
to exclude the presence of platylospondylosis or metaphyseal
children and adolescents or reduced response of GH in one test
cartilaginous dysplasia changes.
plus low IGF-1 and IGF BP-3 concentrations [20].
4. Co-morbidity screening: specially; hepatitis B, C, HIV.
MRI of the hypothalamic-pituitary region is useful to evaluate
5. Assess for other endocrinopathies: Serum free T4, TSH, fasting
pituitary iron overload as well as the size of pituitary gland
glucose and oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) in case of
impaired fasting glucose (IFG), morning cortisol levels. The
HbA1c level is not reliable in screening for diabetes.
6. Biochemical investigations: Serum calcium, ionized calcium, 2.5.1. Management
inorganic phosphate, magnesium, and alkaline phosphatase, Treatment with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) is
KFT, LFT. indicated in cases with established GH deficiency. These subjects
7. Screening for Celiac Disease (in both boys and girls) using serum often need higher doses due to co-existing partial GH insensitivity.
tTG levels and Turner Syndrome (in girls). In children with pubertal delay best results are observed with
8. Assessment of GH secretion is performed in cases with concomitant sex steroid replacement. Puberty induction with low
height  - 3 SD and delayed bone age (described later). dose sex steroids may accelerate linear growth similar to the effect
9. LH, FSH, sex steroids (after 12e13 years if no clinical pubertal of rhGH therapy [21]. The efficacy of rhGH treatment in the man-
development, any time thereafter in case of pubertal arrest). agement of children with BTM having growth failure secondary to
Growth hormone deficiency has been a matter of debate. The linear
growth velocity attained after exogenous GH administration in
children with thalassemia is reported to be lower than that seen in
2.4. Management children with primary GH deficiency, possibly due to GH insensi-
tivity [22]. Since children with thalassemia have delayed bone age,
Key components of management of short stature in children some improvement in linear growth is witnessed in the second
with TM include: decade of life even without rhGH therapy. The current evidence

Table 3
Definitions in pubertal delay.

I. Delayed Puberty: Absence of gonadarche (Testicular Volume  4 ml) in males by 14 years and thelarche (appearance of breast bud) in females by 13 years.
II. Arrested puberty: Arrested puberty is defined as the absence of further pubertal progression once puberty has started for more than 1 year, where testicular volume in
boys never progressed beyond 6e8 ml and breast size in girls remained unchanged.
III. Primary amenorrhoea: Failure in menarche by 16 years.
IV. Secondary amenorrhoea: Absence of menstrual periods for >12 months after menarche.
P. Singh, A. Seth / Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 2 (2017) 98e106 101

supports the short term use of rhGH therapy in thalassemia pa- is needed for evaluating the pituitary ability to synthesize and
tients with short stature as it augments the linear growth velocity secrete gonadotropins. If LH and/or FSH are low (peak serum LH
with maximum benefit being observed in first year of therapy, level <5 IU/L after 4 h) after GnRH stimulation, it indicates that
However, data to demonstrate its long term benefit in improving pituitary is not yet primed to enter puberty, indicating delayed
final height is lacking [23,24]. There is uncertainty regarding the puberty or possible hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (HH).
ideal time to start GH therapy and the dosage. Finally, the decision Rarely, pubertal failure may be due to direct gonadal damage this
to use rhGH therapy should depend on the patient profile (age, would be indicated by presence of elevated FSH and LH levels.
pubertal status), comorbidities (iron overload and chronic liver Bone age evaluation is useful for prediction of the remaining
disease), cost benefit ratio and the risk of adverse events (impaired growth potential and final adult height of these patients. Pelvic
glucose tolerance). During GH treatment, patients should be ultrasound is useful in assessing ovarian and uterine maturation.
monitored at 3-monthly intervals with a clinical assessment and an MRI pituitary (T2*) can be utilized as an early tool to detect iron
evaluation for parameters of GH response (growth parameters, deposits in the pituitary.
compliance) and adverse effects.

3. Pubertal disorders 3.2. Management

The prevalence of pubertal disorders in adolescents with thal- There are no standard recommendations to guide pubertal in-
assemia despite regular transfusions and optimal chelation therapy duction in chronic diseases like thalassemia. The protocols used to
ranges between 30 and 70% in various studies [2]. Early recognition induce puberty in constitutional delay of puberty can be applied in
and adequate management of such children can not only help in such cases with delayed puberty [19,25]. The primary goal in the
optimizing growth and puberty but also improve the quality of life management of delayed puberty is to mimic biological and
and restore the fertility potential. The key factor implicated is the biochemical pubertal events with concomitant promotion of sexual
iron overload that mediates its oxidative damage (through iron- maturation and linear growth. These goals can be achieved by
generated free radicals) to the hypothalamic- pituitary- gonadal pubertal induction at a bone age of >11 years and >12 years for girls
axis. The cause is usually damage to gonadotrophs in anterior pi- and boys respectively; in adolescents with pubertal delay. It is
tuitary leading to failure of adequate production of gonadotrophins underscored that the children planning to go to TM who have
LH & FSH. Direct gonadal damage by iron overload is much less delayed puberty should not undergo pubertal induction as that
likely. In fact, many patients have normal ovarian function and can simply increases the risk of infertility.
produce expected number of ova after stimulation and thus achieve The puberty induction should not be delayed beyond 14 years to
fertility. maximise growth potential and avoid deleterious effects on bone
The clinical presentation can range from a delay in the onset of mineral accrual. The optimal regime depends on the patient profile
puberty to pubertal arrest and complete failure (Table 3). Presence age, height and expected height, financial condition, psychological
of pubertal abnormalities has many implications apart from po- state, the set treatment goals and the personal experience of the
tential infertility. It contributes towards short stature due to absent/ treating endocrinologist. Chatterjee et al. [26] reported successful
poor pubertal growth spurt. Associated poor sexual development outcome of priming by low dose sex steroid in a small Indian
contributes towards poor body image in the adolescent subject cohort. In a 6-year prospective study of 55 Indian TM children
with thalassemia. Since sex steroids have an important role to play (15e18 years) with stunted growth and delayed/arrested puberty,
in pubertal bone mass accrual, these subjects fail to achieve opti- 80% reported favourable response to low dose sex steroid priming
mum bone mass, a factor that contributes towards osteopathy (6e12 months) with increase in height, growth spurt and
observed thalassemia. The adolescent girls usually suffer from completed pubertal maturation (Tanner stage 4e5) [26].
primary amenorrhea while secondary amenorrhea likely to be
encountered in the older age group (late twenties). The uterus and 3.2.1. Boys
gonads show a subnormal growth and reach a final size smaller Boys are treated with a depot testosterone preparation @ 50 mg
than their age matched healthy cohorts. Similarly, the boys fail to i.m every 4 weeks for a duration of 6 months [19,25]. This leads to
show the pubertal growth spurt, appearance/progression of sec- an increase in penile size and the appearance of pubic hair. If during
ondary sexual characteristics and increase in the testicular volume. this time an increase in testicular volume is observed, it indicates
MRI brain is a useful tool to assess the degree of siderosis in the activation of the H-P-G axis and release of gonadotrophins (FSH and
pituitary (reduced signal intensity in anterior pituitary) to provide LH). In this situation, no further doses are given and children fol-
an insight to the disease progression and prognosis. lowed closely for progression of spontaneous puberty.

3.1. Assessment of delayed puberty in thalassemia

3.2.2. Girls
In thalassemia, a close clinical, biochemical and at times USG Adolescent girls with pubertal delay are primed with a low dose
monitoring is of utmost importance to determine any deviation oral estrogen preparation. At our centre, we use ethinyl estradiol
from the course of normal pubertal development. Besides a regular (initial dose 2.5e5 mg/day) or estradiol valerate 0.5 mg/day for 6
growth monitoring, the progression of puberty is assessed by SMR months. During this time, they are followed for spontaneous pro-
staging (Tanner staging) every six months starting from the age of gression indicated by breast development more than that expected
10 years. Girls without evidence of puberty by 13 years and boys by for the low dose of sex steroids given. In such girls, the therapy is
14 years require further evaluation for delayed puberty. If bone age stopped after 6 months and follow up continued for spontaneous
for pubertal onset has been achieved (11 year in girls & 12 years in pubertal induction [19,25].
boys), serum levels of LH, FSH, and estradiol/testosterone are esti- Adolescents who do not sustain pubertal development after
mated to determine the functioning of the HPG axis. Low FSH and withdrawal of sex steroids as given above are likely to have per-
LH for age indicate hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) (hypo- manent hypogonadism and require induction of puberty using
thalamic-pituitary lesion). In subjects with equivocal results, GnRH exogenous Hormone Replacement Therapy or gonadotrophins
analogue stimulation test (with Injection tryptorelin 0.1 mg/m2 S/C) [19,25].
102 P. Singh, A. Seth / Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 2 (2017) 98e106

3.2.3. Pubertal induction in boys and subsequently evolve to Type 1 Diabetes mellitus. The diabetes
In boys, therapy consists of gradually increasing doses of intra- in thalassemia differs from the classical Type 1 DM by the absence
muscular depot preparations of testosterone enanthate starting of Islet cell antibodies, no relation with HLA DR/DR4 and infrequent
from 50 mg every 4 weeks, with progressive increase in the dose association with DKA [40]. However diabetics with thalassemia are
every 6e12 months in increments of 50 mg until the adult more predisposed to develop nephropathy (oxidative stress) [41]
replacement dose is achieved (over a period of 3e4 years), which is and less likely to develop retinopathy (low IGF-1 levels) [42]. The
300 mg every 3 weeks In cases where testicular volume is pre/early progression from IGT to DM is usually slow and can-not be pre-
pubertal, the above therapy is combined with injection hCG @ dicted. In one of the prospective study, the progression from IGT to
500e1500 IU (s,c or i.m) on alternative days or a combination of DM was reported in 12.4% adolescent thalassemics over a period of
hCG and FSH (human menopausal gonadotropin, highly purified 10 years [32]. Beside iron overload, chronic anaemia, Zinc defi-
urinary FSH or recombinant FSH), the latter @ 75e100 IU (s.c or i.m) ciency and increased collagen deposition (secondary to increased
on alternate days. In this situation the therapy is initially started activity of iron dependent protocollagen proline hydroxylase
with injection hCG; and FSH added after 6e12 months if the enzyme) leading to disturbed microcirculation in the pancreas are
testicular volume plateaus [25]. implicated in the development of diabetes in thalassemia.

3.2.4. Pubertal induction in girls 4.2. Assessment of glucose homeostasis in thalassemia

For girls who do not show any response to the low dose estrogen
therapy after 6e12 months or in cases of ovarian failure, dose of Early recognition of problems due to impaired glucose homeo-
estrogen is gradually escalated (usually every 6e12 months) over a stasis is essential. Children with impaired glucose tolerance and
period of 2e3 years, until a daily adult replacement dose is ach- diabetes are identified using the recommendations given by
ieved. This corresponds to 0.6e1.25 mg conjugated equine oes- American Diabetes Association [43]. A fasting plasma glucose is
trogen, 20 mg ethinylestradiol or 2 mg/day of estradiol valerate. assessed annually beyond 10 years of age, OGTT being indicated in
When menarche is achieved, or after 2 years of estrogen therapy, a patients with FPG >110 mg/dl. Continuous glucose monitoring
cyclic progestogen: medroxyprogesterone (5e10 mg/day) or nor- system (CGMS) has emerged as a promising and valid tool in
ethisterone (0.7e1.0 mg/day) is added for 10e14 days every month, detecting early glucose derangements in children and adults with
with the objective of establishing regular monthly menstrual thalassemia [44,45] and is considered to be more sensitive than
cycles. OGTT which may miss episodic hyperglycemia. The HbA1c levels
A similar hormone therapy is indicated in adolescents with are unsuitable for monitoring the long-term glycaemic control in
pubertal arrest after spontaneous onset of puberty or those who thalassemia patients with diabetes, fructosamine may be used
seek care later during adolescence. In these adolescents, thera- instead [46].
peutic regime is guided by the growth potential, clinical response Diabetes in thalassemia significantly increases the risk for car-
and emotional factors. It is seen that ovarian and testicular reserves diac complications, heart failure, hyperkinetic arrhythmias and
are usually preserved in HH patients, as they are still able to in- myocardial fibrosis [47]. Combined intensive iron chelation therapy
crease estradiol or testosterone levels following gonadotrophin with DFO and deferiprone (DFP) is associated with an improvement
stimulation test to produce ova or sperms in females and males, in glucose intolerance, particularly in patients in early stages of
respectively [27,28]. glucose intolerance [48]. However, it is less effective in preventing
insulin resistance and does not prevent the progression to type 1
4. Impaired pancreatic b-cell function DM in all patients [49].

The intensive management of thalassemia in children with 4.3. Management

regular blood transfusions and chelation therapy has led to pro-
gressive decline in the prevalence of Impaired Glucose tolerance Regular screening of hepatitis associated infections and inten-
(IGT) and Diabetes mellitus (DM) from 30 to 70% (early 90's) to sive chelation therapy are important to prevent or delay the
5e24% [29,30]. Like other endocrine complications, IGT and DM development of diabetes in children with thalassemia. Dietary
usually develop in second decade of life or later. The prevalence of modification (judicious selection of complex carbohydrate and
DM and IGT in adolescents and young adults with thalassemia proteins with moderate restriction of fat) and exercise play a vital
conventionally treated with DFO varies in different series from 0 to role in the management of children with thalassemia and IGT
10.5% [2,31] and from 17 to 24%, respectively [29,32,33]. especially during the early stages. Evidence supports the use of the
oral biguanide (metformin), in addition to diet and exercise to delay
4.1. Mechanism of toxicity or prevent the progression to overt DM [50]. In addition, oral gli-
benclamide [51] and Acarbose [52] have shown a promising role in
The pathophysiology of impaired glucose homeostasis in b- achieving glycemic control especially in children with Insulin
thalassemia is complex and multifactorial [34e39]. The key factors resistance. The role of Insulin therapy comes into play when all the
responsible for the development of diabetes in thalassemia are iron other measures fail and Insulin deficiency develops.
overload, chronic liver disease, viral hepatic infections (transfusion-
associated infections like Hepatitis C) and genotype of the indi- 5. Osteoporosis
vidual. A state of hyperinsulinemia secondary to iron overload
induced hepatic and pancreatic dysfunction is observed during the Reduced bone mass, fractures and bone pain are the common
second decade in thalassemia. Further, the secondary hemoside- causes of morbidity and disability in children with thalassemia.
rosis in liver and muscles lead to peripheral Insulin resistance Despite intensive transfusion regimes and chelation, the prevalence
possibly due to abnormalities of Insulin receptors or glucose of osteopenia and osteoporosis is reported to be as high as 50%e
transporters. Gradually over time, impaired pancreatic b-cell 90% in various studies [53,54]. The pathogenesis of osteoporosis is
function results in progressive b-cell exhaustion culminating to distinct from the development of bony deformities secondary to
Insulin deficiency. Both Insulin resistance and deficiency, alone or ineffective erythropoiesis and progressive marrow expansion seen
in combination lead to a state of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in children receiving inadequate transfusions. The key factors
P. Singh, A. Seth / Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 2 (2017) 98e106 103

implicated in osteoporosis are delayed puberty, diabetes, hypo- 6. Hypoparathyroidism

thyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, GH-IGF-1 deficiency, and inef-
fective erythropoiesis with marrow expansion [55]. Expansion of The prevalence of hypoparathyroidism, observed usually during
bone marrow leads to mechanical interruption in bone formation, the second decade or beyond, is reported to vary from 3.6% to 20%
cortical thinning, and fragility. The above factors create an imbal- [61]. Parathyroid dysfunction develops because of iron overload in
ance in bone remodelling; they inhibit osteoblast activation and/or parathyroid cells and resultant tissue fibrosis. Increased bone
increase osteoclast function, leading to bone loss and osteoporosis. resorption in response to chronic anaemia and ineffective eryth-
Chronic anaemia stimulates erythropoietin synthesis that results in ropoiesis can suppress the PTH secretion from parathyroid gland.
bone resorption through high RANKL levels. Iron overload in thal-
assemia patients impairs the osteoid maturation and mineraliza-
6.1. Assessment
tion by incorporation of iron in the hydroxyapatite crystals thereby
reducing the tensile strength and resulting in focal osteomalacia.
Hypoparathyroidism (HPT) is detected either as part of routine
The use of high dose DFO has been associated with bony de-
biochemical screening (low serum calcium and or high fasting
formities due to its adverse effects on the cartilage. Some studies
serum phosphate) or signs and symptoms of hypocalcaemia like
have suggested an important role of gene polymorphisms in the
tetany, seizures, carpopedal spasm, laryngeal stridor or paraes-
development of poor bone mineral density, though their precise
thesia in the hands and feet. HPT is diagnosed on the basis of low
role in thalassemia is still not clear. Malnutrition, lack of physical
serum calcium along with high phosphorous (fasting), low/normal
activity, deficiency of vitamin C, D and calcium are other contrib-
PTH and low 1,25 (OH)2 D levels. The 24 h urinary calcium and
utory factors in the development of osteoporosis. There is increased
phosphorous levels are low in these cases. In late cases, intracranial
risk of vitamin D deficiency in patients with thalassemia compared
calcifications (basal ganglia, frontoparietal areas of brain, thalami,
to age matched controls [56]. Vitamin D sufficiency is critical for
and internal capsule) may be detected.
optimal bone health, reducing the risk of fractures and improving
the myocardial function especially in cases with cardiac iron
overload [57,58]. 6.2. Management

5.1. Assessment Treatment of symptomatic hypocalcemia in HPT is done by us-

ing intravenous 10% calcium gluconate solution. In an asymptom-
Assessment of the bone mineral content (BMC) and the areal atic child oral calcium supplements (1 g/day) in divided doses are
bone mineral density (aBMD) is done using Dual energy X-ray ab- prescribed. This is combined with active vitamin D supplements
sorptiometry (DXA) despite its limitations in reporting and inter- calcitriol @ 15e30 ng/kg/day (max 1.5 mg/day) to maintain the
pretation in the pediatric population (before 20 years). The antero- serum calcium concentrations in low normal range [19]. Weekly
posterior lumbar spine (L1e4) and total body less head (TBLH) are blood tests (serum calcium and phosphorous) are needed at the
the preferred skeletal sites for measurement in most children. In start of therapy, followed by quarterly plasma and urinary calcium
pediatric patients, BMC or aBMD values of < 2 SD are considered and phosphorous measurements to monitor for hypercalciuria.
as having low bone mass for age. The diagnosis of osteoporosis in
pediatrics is based upon vertebral fractures alone or low bone
7. Adrenal functions
density and multiple long bone fractures (two or more long bone
fractures by age the 10 years or three or more long bone fractures
Children with thalassemia experience adrenal dysfunction
before age 19 years) [55]. BMD interpretation is related to age (and
because of excessive iron deposits affecting the hypothalamic-
the height in short subjects) sex and pubertal status. A baseline
pituitary- adrenal axis at different levels. Clinically overt adrenal
DXA evaluation should be done at 10e12 years for girls and boys
insufficiency is uncommon in thalassemia. However, various
annually and every 2 years thereafter. Bone Densitometry should
studies have reported presence of biochemical adrenal insuffi-
always be a part of the comprehensive bone health screen, which
ciency in the range of 0e45% [61]. The variable prevalence can be
includes complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate,
explained by the differences in the cut offs used for serum cortisol
serum calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, intact PTH, total
and the degree of hemosiderosis. Adrenarche is usually delayed in
25 hydroxy vitamin D, BUN, creatinine, and urinary calcium to
thalassemia patients, due to low adrenal androgen production. In
creatinine ratio.
the subset with primary adrenal insufficiency, the cortisol, aldo-
sterone, and androgen secretion are impaired, each to a variable
5.2. Management
extent, while secondary or tertiary adrenal insufficiency (pituitary
or hypothalamic affected) causes no mineralocorticoid defect [62].
Prevention, early diagnosis and prompt management of low
The thalassemia patients with chronic liver disease often falsely
bone mass are the corner stones of optimizing bone health in
report low cortisol levels due to the low cortisol binding globulin
thalassemia. Intensive transfusion and chelation regimes, adequate
levels (CBG), synthesized in liver.
calcium (500e1000 mg/day) intake in combination with vitamin D
supplements and good physical activity improve bone mineraliza-
tion and prevent bone loss. Vitamin D deficiency is actively looked 7.1. Assessment of adrenal functions
for and treated with supplements to ensure sufficiency in all cases
with thalassemia for optimizing bone health [59]. In addition, Adrenal function is assessed every 1e2 years beginning from the
treatment of other endocrinopathies (hypothyroidism, diabetes, age of 9 years, especially in children with growth hormone defi-
hypoparathyroidism) and puberty induction using sex steroids is ciency receiving rhGH therapy. A morning cortisol levels (8 a.m.) is
critical in achieving adequate bone mineral accretion in children done in all patients and values < 138 nmol/L are considered low. An
and adolescents with thalassemia. Recent studies have reported ACTH stimulation test with cortisol measured 60 min after an
role of bisphosphonates in the management of thalassemia chil- intravenous injection of ACTH (Synacthen, 0.25 mg) detects sub-
dren with osteoporosis [60] but further studies are needed to clarify clinical adrenal insufficiency as indicated by cortisol level of
their long-term benefits and side effects. <500 nmol/L (18 mg/dL) 60 min after ACTH administration.
104 P. Singh, A. Seth / Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 2 (2017) 98e106

Table 4
Protocol to screen endocrinopathies in children with TM.

Issues Assesment

Poor Growth Height and weight monitoring 6 monthly

Maintain a longitudinal record on a growth chart
Delayed/Arrested Puberty Biannual (every 6 months) assessment of growth (height, weight) and pubertal progress using SMR staging.
Impaired b cell function Annual Blood Glucose (fasting/post prandial); Oral Glucose tolerance test if clinically indicated
Osteoporosis Annual/Biennial DEXA
Hypoparathyroidism Serum Ca/PO4/ALP 6 monthly
Annual Vitamin 25 (OH)D and PTH
Hypothyroidism Annual FT4/TSH
Adrenal insufficiency Annual morning serum cortisol

7.2. Management 9. Annual endocrine screening

Under basal conditions, subclinical impairment of adrenocor- Since most endocrine complications make an appearance dur-
tical function in patients with thalassemia is of not much clinical ing the second decade of life and beyond, it is recommended that all
significance. However, it has relevance during stressful situations children with TM undergo a comprehensive annual endocrine
where in glucocorticoid supplementation may be indicated to screening beginning 9 years of age (Table 4) [19]. Prior to that, a
prevent adrenal crisis [63]. regular growth monitoring is done every 6 months from enrolment
and pubertal onset and progression are determined every 6 months
after the age of 10 years. The annual endocrine includes thyroid
8. Hypothyroidism function tests (free T4 and TSH), fasting glucose, oral glucose
tolerance test (if indicated), serum Calcium, serum phosphate
The thyroid dysfunction in thalassemia develops as a result of (fasting), vitamin D and PTH (if indicated by clinical symptoms or
thyroidal cell siderosis, usually seen in the second decade of life. biochemical features), and bone age. The LH, FSH, and sex steroids
Primary hypothyroidism occurs much before the iron toxicity af- are evaluated in the adolescents with delayed/arrested puberty. A
fects the hypothalamic-pituitary axis; making secondary hypothy- baseline DXA scan followed by annual/once in 2 years screening of
roidism a much rarer entity. The prevalence of hypothyroidism bone mineral density is also recommended.
varies from 0 to 18% as demonstrated in various studies [3]. The
mechanisms of injury are possibly lipid peroxidation, free radical 10. Summary and conclusions
release and oxidative stress due to iron overload. The degree of
thyroid dysfunction is directly related to the degree of iron over- Management of a child with thalassemia requires regular eval-
load, with the early stages being reversible by intensive chelation uation by an endocrinologist beginning second decade of life due to
therapy. However, the progression of subclinical to overt hypo- a high prevalence of endocrine dysfunctions seen in these patients.
thyroidism is not foreseeable and may take many years [64]. The Prevention is the best approach since efficacy of intensive chelation
patients are usually asymptomatic and have an impalpable thyroid in reversing established endocrinopathies is unknown. Thus, pre-
gland. Studies have reported serum ferritin to positively correlate venting anaemia through a regular transfusion schedule, optimum
with the TSH and USG of the thyroid gland (reduced echogenicity chelation, maintaining an adequate nutritional status and prompt
with reduced volume and thickening of the thyroid capsule), and recognition and treatment of co-morbidities form the cornerstones
predict the progression of the thyroid dysfunction in thalassemia of endocrinopathy prevention. However, the endocrinopathies are
[65]. Apart from contributing towards statural growth and bone still being seen because the majority of TM patients lack adequate
mineralisation, optimising thyroid functions is important for clinical care. Early identification and prompt management of the
improving the cardiac function, since cardiac failure is the most endocrine complications have a significant role in reducing
important cause of mortality in thalassemia. morbidity and mortality of thalassemia patients.

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