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Where is the American Dream relocated?

The American Dream is relocated in the people. As long as people are seeking the dream,
hoping for a better life for themselves, then the American Dream will always be there. An
example of this would be in the movie the Grapes of wrath, the movie starts off with the Joad
family, a desperate family trying to have a better life for themselves, since the government took
their land. They travel to California hoping to get a job and live in a better environment than
where they used to live. When they arrive, they didn’t expect the living environment of
California to be so poor and when they arrive to their work place, they were treated like peasant;
They were under paid, bad atmosphere, and restricted from leaving at night. Thanks to Casey,
they soon realized the unfairness of society and how authority has abuse their power for their
own gain. Tom Joad didn’t like this, so he decided to make a change on his own and seek justice
in society. Even though the Joad family knew that society was unfair and crude, they kept going
until they are able achieve their dream. This is proven by Ma Joad statement “Rich fellas come
up an' they die, an' their kids ain't no good an' they die out. But we keep a ‘Comin'. We're the
people that live. They can't wipe us out; they can't lick us. We'll go on forever, Pa, cause we're
the people.” She is stating that no matter how crude and how unfair society is to the people
(people who are seeking the dream), people will keep going in till they are able to achieve their
dream. This is why the American Dream is relocated in the people, because “the people” will go
on forever seeking what they want and what they want is the American Dream.

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