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Objetive: Recruit and retain employees to satisfy company needs
KR 1 Increase the percentage of active open positions in the company's job board
KR 2 Reach the employee retention rate higher than 75%
KR 3 Increase the percentage of managers with open positions with the HR department help.

Objetive: Improve employee compensation without increasing company costs to motivate emp
KR 1 Activate 3 flexible retribution plans before the month ends
KR 2 Offer 1 benefit to all company employees.
KR 3 Offer courses and training to the employees.

Objetive: Maintain a positive workplace environment based on the company values.

KR 1 Increase a 20% the percentage the employees that agree on a positive workplace environm
KR 2 Give employees a special space or room to relax before the year ends.

Objetive: Decrease the time destined to holiday and leaves administration.

KR 1 Implement a software to manage company leaves before Christmas.
KR 2 Spend a 50% less time between the time the employee asks for a leave and the time they g
KR 3 Spend 4 hours less managing leaves thanks to the software without increasing response tim

Template created by Factorialhr, The Human Resources Ma

Time Period Progress


s 1
mpany's job board

with the HR department help.

ompany costs to motivate employees and promote company loyalty. 0.7

e company values. 0.5

on a positive workplace environment according to the survey.
e year ends.

nistration. 0
s for a leave and the time they get it (now a week).
e without increasing response time 0

rialhr, The Human Resources Management Software.

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