Soal BAhasa Inggris VIII UTS Genap 2015 - 2016

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII
Hari/ Tanggal :
Waktu : 90 menit

1. Berdoalah sebelum anda mengerjakan soal. Mohon kepada Allah untuk diberikan kelancaran dalam ujian (membaca
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
3. Soal terdiri dari pilihan Ganda dan Soal Essay.
4. Bertindak dan berlaku jujur, karena sesungguhnya Allah Maha Melihat

I. Choose the best answer for the questions of multiple choice below by crossing A, B, C or D
1. Fill the blank with the suitable expression. d. We must shake the bottle before drink medicine
Jillian : What do you think about this novel? 7. “For medical recommendation only” . What is the
Brian : …. .............. meaning of that sentence?
Jillian : Exactly, I bored myself to death yesterday. a. The medicine is only in druggstore
a. From my point of view, the book is boring b. The medicine is cheap
b. I must say that the book is boring c. We must get prescription from doctor first
c. I think the book is boring d. We can get medicine freely
d. All of the answers above 8. Study the text below for the question No. 9 to 11.
Text 2
2. Cathy : May I have a bottle of ketchup? HOTEL SALAK THE HERITAGE
Joey : Of course. Here it is.
Cathy : Thank you Where historical values and modern technology meet.
The underlined expression above shows ….. The right place to hold meeting, convention, exhibition,
a. Cathy asks for an item from Joey wedding and relax.
b. Cathy rejects an item from Joey
c. Cathy asks for an opinion For reservation :
d. Cathy gives an opinion Phone: 0251- 350400
Fax: 0251- 350800
Text 1 Email:
Direction to use 9. What is the form of the short functional text above?
 Adult : 1 or 2 teaspoonful a. Memo c. advertisement
 Children age 12-18 : 1 teaspoonful b. Short message d. announcement
 Children age 4-12 : ½ teaspoonful 10. What is the purpose ot that text?
 Children under 4 : consult your a. to offer the hotel
doctor b. to describe a hotel
NOTES : c. to tell about price of hotel
- Repeat every four hours d. to inform about discount in hotel
- Shake well before use 11. How many activities that can be held in the hotel?
- For medical recommendation only a. 2 c. 4
b. 3 d. 5
Text 3 is for the questions No. 12 to 13.
Dear Asri,
3. The short functional text above is the form of..
a. Notice c. advertisement Let’s have a drink after the class in the canteen behind
b. Manual d. brochure the library. Shall we meet in the school canteen at 12.30 ?
4. What is the social function of the text?
a. Describing how to cunsume the syrup Your friend
b. Giving direction how to use the medicine
c. Giving explanation about cough syrup Regita
d. Telling who the syrup is for
5. How often should the medicine be consumed? 12. What is the communicative purpose of that text above?
a. four times a day a. To inform the agenda
b. every four hours b. To invite someone come to agenda
c. twice a day c. To announce something
d. once a day d. To report the program
6. Based on the text above, the following are TRUE 13. The following are TRUE based on the text is..
statements, EXCEPT... a. Asri and Regita are enemy each other
a. Adult and children age 10 years can consume that b. They will meet in the canteen at 12.00
medicine c. Asri will buy pizza and softdrink
b. Junior school students may take that syrup d. Asri and Regita are best friend each other
c. Children under 4 year can take ½ teaspoonful
14. Study the dialogue below! 21. What is the dream of writer after that moment?
X : what do you think about our exam today? a. He want to be a doctor
Y : ................................. . I must keep study hard to b. He want to be a engineer
get better score c. He want to be a teacher
a. in my mind, I dislike my score today
d. He want to be scientist
b. I am happy because I get best score
c. I think, our exam today is easier
22. Study dialogue below!
d. I dont think It is difficult
X : have you made a plan for this Sunday?
Y : Not yet. What’s up?
15. Fill the blank with the suitable expression!
X :.........................................?
Jillian : What do you think about this novel?
a. it’s okey, No problem
Brian : ….
b. Will you go swimming in Sepang Jaya Pool
Jillian : Exactly, I bored myself to death yesterday.
c. In my opinion we must go camping
a. From my point of view, the book is boring
d. I’m sorry, I can’t
b. I must say that the book is boring
c. I think the book is boring 23. Look at the picture below!
d. All of the answers above
16. “As a result the area rapidly became more crowded”
The underlined word above can be replaced with ….
a. Slowly
b. Gradually
c. Steadily
d. Quickly
Text 4. Read the text below and answer the questions a. what a big snake it is!
No. 17 to 21 b. How big is the snake!
My Personal Experience c. What big is the snake!
When I was in junior high school, I was not a very diligent d. How is the snake big!
student. In fact, I was quite lazy. I hated all the subjects that 24. The students...........their assignments in the library when
look during school, especially science. For me science was the bell rang
very difficult. It was hard for me to remember the chemical a. did c. were doing
processes, physics calculations, and biological processes. b. do d. will do
25. Study the dialogue below!
One day, my teacher grounded me in the library because I X : What is your brother doing over there?
did not do my Biology homework. The teacher asked me to Y : He is buying a ticket. He ............... to Manado
read several books and make a summary about them. When tommrow
I was browsing the shelves, I found a book entitled “The a. will fly c. has flied
inventor of Medicine”. I thought “OK, this is a start”. I took it b. is going to fly d. flied
out then began reading it. I learned from the book about 26. Look at the picture below!
Edward Jenner. He was an English doctor who found the
cure for smallpox. The next one was Louis Pasteur. His
Interest in bacteria led him to discover the treatments for
rabies and anthrax. Just like Pasteur, Robert Koch‟s
experiments on bacteria also proved that tubercolusis can
be spread to other by contact. Finally, there was Alexander
Flemming, a British bacteriologist who found the first What can we conclude from that notice?
antibiotic and penicillin. a. We must bring our phone cell in bag
b. Everyone cann’t bring their phone in that area
After I read the book, I realized that science is useful for c. Cellular phone is sold cheaper in that area
human kind. By studying, we can discover things that can d. Phone cellular should be left at home
help human kind. Therefore, since that moment, I managed 27. We want to make our environment or our school to be
to change my behavior and became a doctor. clean and discipline. Which one is the best notice for
that thing?
17. When did the story take place ?
a. In the classroom
b. In the canteen
c. In the library
d. In the headmaster room a. c.
18. Why did the writer hate science based on the text?
a. Science have a lot of homework
b. It make him getting bad score
c. science was very difficult
d. He like sport and art subject b. d.
19. What happened to the writer after he read the book in
the school library? 28. Study dialogue below!
a. He wanted to borrow the book for himself X : George did’nt know where he lost his wallet. Do
b. He realized that science is useful for human kind you see his wallet?
Y : I’m not sure, but our friends.................. his wallet
c. He resumed the content of the books since yesterday. It has not been found yet.
d. He slept in the library The suitable expression for the dialogue above is...
20. Based on the text above, who was Louis Pasteur? a. has looked for c. are looking foor
a. The inventor of telephone b. have looked for d. were looking for
b. He found the first antibiotic and penicillin.
c. He proved that tubercolusis can be spread to other
by contact
d. He discovered the treatments for rabies and
29. Study the dialogue beow! 2. Text 6. Read the text below and answer the
X : ........I pick up the flowers in the garden? questions that following.
Y : Certainly.
The suitable expression for the dialogue above is..... The Prince and His Best Friends
a. will c. must Once upon a time, there lived a kindyoung prince named
b. should d. may Jonathan. He wasloved, and adored by his people. His
30. Study the dialogue below! twoclose friends were Peter Piper, the servantof the palace
Bram : thank for reminding me the homework. and Franklin Greedt, the sonof an Aristocrat.
Joe : ...........
a. never mind c. don’t mention it One day, The Prince, Peter Piper, andFranklin Greedy were
b. certainly d. it’s okey, all right walking through theforest. Suddenly a group of bandits
31. Study the dialogue below! attackedthe three boys near an old house. They entered
Norma : would you like to help me to type the letter the old house and blockaded the gateand doors. The three
for my teacher?. I am sick now. Please boys were trapped insidethe house.Franklin was very
deliver it to my school terrified and asked thePrince to surrender immediately, but
Julia : ...............................I hope you will get well Peterwas not afraid. He urged and supported thePrince not
soon to give up. The Prince decidednot to surrender because he
a. I’ m afraid I can’t realized that hewould become a hostage for the bandits to
b. You should ask your parents first ask for ransom to his father, but franklinwas scared and
c. Certainly, I will do it for you wanted to make a deal, itmade Peter suspicious about
d. No, thank Franklin’s behavior.So he quietly made up plan for him
32. Study the dialogue below! and the Prince to escape.
X : ..................
Y : I’m sorry. I broke it while I was Playing guitar. Early at dawn, Franklin opened the frontgate and unlocked
a. did you break the vase? the doors. The banditsentered the house in search of the
b. why did you break the vase? prince.When they came to the room where thePrince was
c. what happenend to the vase? supposed to be sleeping, no outsidethe house and saw over
d. when did you break the vase? the windowsthat Peter Piper and the prince were riding
away on one of the bandit’s horses.It turns out, Peter Piper
Text 5. Read the text below and answer the questions sneaked out ofthe house and waited in the yard, while the
for number 33 to 35 Prince was hiding behind he house. Thebandits were very
LEARN ENGLISH angry at franklin and tookhim with them while the Prince and
Intensife Course Peterwent safely going back to the Capital.

For the beginner QUESTIONS:

Only 60-hours programs a. What characteristic of person was Prince Jonathan?
10-20 july, 2016
08.00 – 14.00 b. Who were Prince Jonathan’s friends?
Monday- Thursday
c. What happened when the Prince and his twofriends
Special fee Rp 600.000,-
And 10% off for registration before July were walking in the forest?

Center For Language d. What did Peter Piper do when Franklin triedto persuade
Jl. Sekip 15 Bulaksumur Jogjakarta
Phone: ( 0274) 467888 the Prince to surrender?

33. What is the announcement about? e. Why did Franklin sneak out to meet the banditsleader?
a. How to learn Spanish
b. Spanish Course f. Did the Prince manage to escape from thebandits?
c. Center for Language
d. Special fee How?
34. How much should the students pay if they register
before July?
a. Rp 600.000,-
b. Rp 560.000,-
c. Rp 550.000,-
d. Rp 540.000,-
35. How long do the students study a day?
a. 6 hours c. 10 hours
b. 8 hours d. 14 hours


1. What can we conclude from the Notice below?

a. c.

b. d.

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