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Title : Gravitational Anomaly

By : Teng Lit Ean, Aidan St.Micheal and Lee Jie Han

Our project is about the fascinating gravitational anomaly which we found in Internet
that makes things roll up the hill against gravity instead down. Intriguing right? Well, the
certain examples of the gravitational anomaly are phenomena such as gravity road and Santa
Cruz mystery spot - water seems to flow uphill, balls roll uphill and things do not tip over
like they supposed to be! Can you figure out why this is happening?
We chose this topic because we find this experiment extremely engrossing and of
course, this is something new to us that we have never encounter such thing throughout our
thirteen years of life. To complete this project, definitely the journey was not a piece of cake
for us. We faced technical issues such as we could not get the Styrofoam into a perfect ring
shape using a blade. Then, we tried to squeeze our brain to find another alternative. We
managed the problem with a perfect cutting machine. Apart from that, our display board did
meet the standard requirement of the competition. Hence, we had to re-do with bigger fonts
and vibrant colours.
What have we learnt? We definitely learnt a lot while completing this project. Firstly,
we learnt to recognise the position of the centre of gravity. Secondly, we learnt to dislocate
the centre of gravity by putting something heavy into Styrofoam ring. Do you want to know
how to do this? Well if you want to do this project, it is as easy as an ABC. First, cut the
Styrofoam into a ring shape. Then, insert something heavy into the Styrofoam ring. After
that, use a cardboard as a ramp and use books as the stand for the ramp. In a nutshell, this is
one of the best project that we had ever done.

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