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‘Be you own light’ said the gutsy Buddha. The original monk who sold his Ferrari lead by
example, but the collective psyche of India betrayed him. Indian mind chose the easy way
to follow. Even the exploitation and slavery, could not be shaken off till a MAHATMA
came. Few could break the shackles but larger populace was and is still looking up for
answers, and so THE GURU continues.

Post independence the gurus still remained old style with exceptions till about 30 years
back when the self effacing, disinterested ones started disappearing and the flamboyant

With the invasion of idiot box and open economy, the theatre of absurd rolled in and
GOD became into GOD business. Being enlightened was no more important rather
appearing enlightened was the trick. Punch in audacity, presumptuous behaviour with a
prime time slot on TV, marketing gimmicks, a few celebrities as chelas and the band
wagon is set. The journey is predictable –small city to metro to International market.
Simplicity and denial was out, luxury is in, albeit in garb of ascetics. Plush ashrams,
expensive cars and bulletproof cabins became essential paraphernalia

As spirituality became the vogue, GOD was pushed to back seat and GODMEN became
the conduit to HIM. Sexual scandals, financial misdoings even murder, nothing deters the
vast sea of bhakts from thronging to them.

The phenomenon has awakened the guru everywhere, so we find a guru like person in all
professions. The title may vary but the essence remains same. They get paid and listened
to for their wisdom!!! . Few even claim the age old techniques of controlled breathing
etc. as their own inventions.
The repertoire of followers is as wide as the gurus themselves. Not only the housewives,
semi- or illiterate people but the educated professional is also found in these Satsangs.

The Lure and the USP:-

A closer scan will reveal the monotony… obscure clichés, borrowed parables, restricted
theme. Actually the ploy is psychological.

It is a power game set to control the mind of the followers eventually providing a sense
of being different. Largely it is driven from inner insecurity. One who is secure does not
need to prove it often.

Actually the USP lies in the follower, the gullibility. In the fast paced gold rush especially
in the post ‘90s India and the reigning chaos in world at large the ádaptational crises’ (in
words of Toffler) is supreme. Insecurity , anxiety ,fear of losing is becoming a baseline in
human mind.
Like all other solutions in an attention deficit era ,the road to salvation is also sought like
a pizza , nicely packaged ,without effort and immediate even if it leads to caloric burden
later. Each one of us seeks the riddance from this anxiety but the Indian mindset largely
looks for readymade answers, without the pain of discovery , having been educated in a
system not so encouraging for independent thinking. So the mind settles for external
supports even for happiness, in case of setback ego is absolved of guilt at least.
The avoidance of taking your own charge has a deep-rooted fear of failure.

The modern guru sitting on an ivory tower asks for a unconditional total surrender
promising peace to a conflict ridden mind. This is in contrast to a demand by physician
for a partial rational surrender.

The tool for this is simple. Two themes which keep recurring across all discourses is the
not so subtle praise for the SADGURU and Satsang and secondly, pointing fingers at the
weakness of the listener.

Constant mention of ÝOU’ and your instincts as the source of all problems creates a
feeling of inadequacy. The projection and reiteration of one’s desire (natural or material)
as the cause of misery lowers the self-esteem further. The subsequent heightened anxiety
makes the person an easy prey to whatever is being offered. No one stops to examine the
rationality. The cycle of self blame and rejection of one’s own thoughts sends the mind
groping for strength, surrender provides an escape.

The relief from the grind of routine life is like an addictive kick. Once it reaches
saturation it usually dies off ,but not before taking it’s toll. The distractions from daily
responsibilities do have financial and social sequelae. People often keep changing gurus
in the postmodern scenario , till they realize the sameness.

But all is not dark … does have positives though inadvertently. After a lot of shifting
camps people realize that the answers lie within.

It also gives a meaning to life, however illusory it is, in seeking spirituality .. ‘I am

spiritual’ is the fashion statement. Modern day spirituality and the role models have
resolved the age-old conflict i.e. whether to renunciate or enjoy carnal, material
Both can comfortably coexist because the GOD – man himself is doing so. Guilt having
been passed life becomes ‘cool’ till the next time

The largest section is women especially the bored middle aged housewife trying to
comprehend the essence of life. Usually under restrictions and financial dependence,
attending Satsang is a socially permitted outlet .
It does provide a cathartic junction. One has to watch the disinhibited dance which people
break into in bhajan sessions to prove this. Any price is less for this gay abandon.

While these modern saints cum businessmen continue to aggrandize, wealth and power, some
claiming for Nobel prize, the irony is glaring.

In this country where a psychotherapeutic text as Gita exists, people settle for a fake and often
misdirected guidance, all for the want of courage and responsibility
DR. Alok Bajpai

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