Assessment 1 Eim

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ASSESSMENT 1: Communication

Name : __________________________ X ______

A. Put the following words in the proper spaces! Date : __________________________

back nod eye gesturing telling arms make forward look warm

It’s funny how different people communicate in groups. Some people are always ______________1 with their hands, and others just stand with
their ______________2 folded. Some talk non-stop, and others just sit ______________3 and ______________4 their heads occasionally. I have
a problem with people who don’t ______________5 eye contact. When someone doesn’t look at you, it looks like they’re ______________6 lies,
especially when they ______________7 nervous too. It’s funny – you can give someone a ______________8 smile, but they still avoid
______________9 contact. It makes make want to lean ______________10 and say, ‘Hey, it’s me, I am talking to you!’

B. Complete the sentences with the past simple and present perfect tense forms

11. Ant : ___________ you two ____________ (meet) before?

Lau : Yes. We both ____________ (go) to the same junior high.

12. Sam : How long ____________ you ____________ (know) Malik?

Andre : We ____________ (meet) on the first day of this school.

13. Celli : ____________ you ____________ (see) any film last weekend?
Shayla : No. I ____________ (not go) to the movies for ages.

14. Ramon : ____________ you ____________ (finish) that Harry Potter book yet?
Tasha : Oh, yes, I ____________ (take) it back to the library yesterday.

15. Jay : ____________ you ____________ (speak) to Bill yesterday?

Sonya : No, ____________ (see) him for a couple of days.

16. Carrie : ____________ you ____________ (buy) Lee’s birthday present yet?
Jean : Yes, I ____________ (get) her something in town last night.

17. Shawn : When ____________ you ____________ (learn) to drive?

Jack : Me? I ____________ (never drive) a car in my life.

18. Ann : What film shall we go and see?

Ben : I don’t know. ____________ (you/see) Johnny Depp’s latest film?
Ann : No, not yet. But Tim ____________ (see) it last week. He ____________ (say) it was awful.

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of say or tell.

19. Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Could you _______________________ that again, please?
20. Stop! You _______________________ me that story already.
21. Mark _______________________ he doesn’t want to go to school today.
22. Have you _______________________ thank you to your teacher? He’s helped you to get the scholarship.
23. I’m sure you’ve _______________________ me that joke before. Don’t you know any others?
24. I can’t _______________________ the difference between butter and margarine?
25. Some people like to _______________________ a prayer before every meal. Do you?
26. If there’s something bothering you, please _______________________ it aloud – don’t whisper to your friends.

D. Complete the sentences with the past simple and present perfect tense forms of the verbs printed in BOLD.

27. I know Pete. I _______________________ him for years. In fact, our grandparents _______________________ each other when they were

29. He _______________________ at this restaurant since last summer. He works in the kitchen. Before that, he _______________________
in the shop.

29. When she was younger, she _______________________ in Russia. Now she lives in Japan. She _______________________ there for five

30. I _______________________ my leg. I _______________________ it on a skiing trip last month. I break something every time I do skiing.
A. Multiple choice

1. I am so sorry. I’ve ______ made a terrible mistake.

o yet o ever o just
o no o been

2. She ______ seen her friend all week.

o haven’t o never o didn’t
o hasn’t o not

3. Wait! I ______ breakfast yet.

o am not had o do not have o haven’t had
o wasn’t had o have had

4. How long ______ you wait for me last night?

o did o do o have
o are o were

5. She ______

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