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Work Carried out for


Submitted by

(Reg. No:17382024)

In the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Master of Business Administration (International Business)
under the guidance of


Associate Professor


MAY - JUNE 2018


This is to certify that Mr. JEBIN JAMES (Reg. No. 17382024) is a

bonafide student of the Department of International Business, Pondicherry

University. The project report entitled “CUSTOMER BASED BRAND

EQUITY OF SULFEX MATTRESS” is done by him in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of the Masters of Business Administration

(International Business).

Dr. Yarlagadda Srinivasulu Dr. Bhushan. D .Sudhakar

Project Guide Head of the Department

I, JEBIN JAMES, the student Department of International Business,

Pondicherry University, hereby declare that this project report entitled


authentic and original work done by me under the supervision and guidance of

Dr. Y Srinivasulu (Department of International Business) in partial fulfilment of

the requirements for the award of Masters of Business Administration

(International Business).

I also declare that this report has not been submitted by me fully or partially

for the award of any other Degree or Diploma or any other recognition earlier.

Place: Puducherry JEBIN JAMES

Date: Reg. No: 17382024

I extend my deep gratitude to Dr. Bhushan D Sudhakar, HOD

Department of International Business, for giving me an opportunity and needed

facilities to fulfil this project work.

I proudly utilize this privilege to express my heart-felt thanks and sincere

gratitude to my inspiring guide Dr. Y Srinivasulu, Associate Professor, Department of

International Business for his kind supervision, valuable guidance and constant

encouragement bringing out this report in time.

Besides I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all faculty members

of Department of International Business for their inspiration, guidance and


It is with great respect, I express my sincere gratitude to the managers and

staff of “SULFEX MATTRESS, THALIPPARAMBA” for spending their valuable

time to co-operate with my project work. And also to the customers of SULFEX

MATTRESS, who spend their valuable time to provide their responses. I am also

thankful to my beloved parents and friends for their sincere assistance and

encouragement during the project work.

Place: Puducherry JEBIN JAMES

Date: Reg. No: 17382024


Chapter Title Page No.

Executive summary 1

Chapter 1 Introduction 3
Literature Review 5
Chapter 2 Research Methodology 13

Objectives of the Study 13

Hypothesis of the Study 15
Statement of Problem 15
Significance of the Study 16

Scope of Study 16

Limitations 17

Chapter 3 Industry Profile 19

Company profile 23

Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Interpretation 25

Chapter 5 Findings 67

Suggestions 68

Conclusion 69

Bibliography 70

Appendix 71
Table Name Page
4.1 Gender 26
4.2 Age 27
4.3 Educational qualification 28
4.4 Yearly Income 29
4.5 Have you ever heard about Sulfex Mattress before? 30
4.6 Through which channel do you know about Sulfex Mattress? 31
4.7 Have you ever bought Sulfex Mattress products? 32
4.8 I easily recall the brand Sulfex Mattress when it comes to purchase new 33
mattress compared to other competitive brands.
4.9 Some characteristics of Sulfex Mattress come to my mind. 34
4.10 I am familiar with the brand Sulfex Mattress. 35
4.11 I have a clear understanding on this brand. 36
4.12 I can recognize the brand Sulfex Mattress among other competing brand. 37
4.13 Sulfex Mattress brand is different from other competing brands. 38
4.14 I can specifically point out Sulfex Mattress’s advantages. 39
4.15 I consider myself to be loyal to Sulfex Mattress. 40
4.16 If in future I want to buy a new mattress Sulfex Mattress would be my first 41
4.17 I would love to recommend Sulfex Mattress to my friends and relatives. 42
4.18 I am satisfied by my choice of purchasing Sulfex Mattress products. 43
4.19 I will buy Sulfex Mattress even no advertisement. 44
4.20 I am satisfied with the overall performance of Sulfex Mattress. 45
4.21 I trust the quality of Sulfex Mattress brand. 46
4.22 Product attributes can fulfil my functional and emotional needs. 47
4.23 The products of the Sulfex Mattress brand would be of very good quality. 48
4.24 The Sulfex Mattress brand offers excellent features. 49
4.25 Sulfex Mattress provides a variety of products. 50
4.26 I will purchase when Sulfex Mattress launch new product. 51
4.27 I think that Sulfex Mattress products have best performance in their all 52
segments of products.
4.28 The brand Sulfex Mattress have very unique brand image, compared to all 53
other competing brands in the market.
4.29 I admire people who are having Sulfex Mattress products. 54
4.30 The brand image is outstanding and gives me a good impression. 55
4.31 Use of Sulfex Mattress can express my personality. 56
4.32 I like the brand image of Sulfex Mattress. 57
4.33 I like & trust in the Sulfex Mattress 58
4.34 I will buy Sulfex Mattress even if it increases the price of its products. 59
4.35 I will continue to purchase Sulfex Mattress products as long as it provides 60
satisfied goods.
4.36 If competing brand are similar to Sulfex Mattress, it seems smarter to 61
purchase Sulfex Mattress products.
4.37 Customers Perception of Brand Equity Dimensions and Overall Brand Equity 62
4.38 Overall Brand Equity and its Dimensions: Pearson’s Correlation 64

Fig. Name Page

4.1 Gender 26
4.2 Age 27
4.3 Educational qualification 28
4.4 Yearly Income 29
4.5 Have you ever heard about Sulfex Mattress before? 30
4.6 Through which channel do you know about Sulfex Mattress? 31
4.7 Have you ever bought Sulfex Mattress products? 32
4.8 I easily recall the brand Sulfex Mattress when it comes to purchase new 33
mattress compared to other competitive brands.
4.9 Some characteristics of Sulfex Mattress come to my mind. 34
4.10 I am familiar with the brand Sulfex Mattress. 35
4.11 I have a clear understanding on this brand. 36
4.12 I can recognize the brand Sulfex Mattress among other competing brand. 37
4.13 Sulfex Mattress brand is different from other competing brands. 38
4.14 I can specifically point out Sulfex Mattress’s advantages. 39
4.15 I consider myself to be loyal to Sulfex Mattress. 40
4.16 If in future I want to buy a new mattress Sulfex Mattress would be my first 41
4.17 I would love to recommend Sulfex Mattress to my friends and relatives. 42
4.18 I am satisfied by my choice of purchasing Sulfex Mattress products. 43
4.19 I will buy Sulfex Mattress even no advertisement. 44
4.20 I am satisfied with the overall performance of Sulfex Mattress. 45
4.21 I trust the quality of Sulfex Mattress brand. 46
4.22 Product attributes can fulfil my functional and emotional needs. 47
4.23 The products of the Sulfex Mattress brand would be of very good quality. 48
4.24 The Sulfex Mattress brand offers excellent features. 49
4.25 Sulfex Mattress provides a variety of products. 50
4.26 I will purchase when Sulfex Mattress launch new product. 51
4.27 I think that Sulfex Mattress products have best performance in their all 52
segments of products.
4.28 The brand Sulfex Mattress have very unique brand image, compared to all 53
other competing brands in the market.
4.29 I admire people who are having Sulfex Mattress products. 54
4.30 The brand image is outstanding and gives me a good impression. 55
4.31 Use of Sulfex Mattress can express my personality. 56
4.32 I like the brand image of Sulfex Mattress. 57
4.33 I like & trust in the Sulfex Mattress 58
4.34 I will buy Sulfex Mattress even if it increases the price of its products. 59
4.35 I will continue to purchase Sulfex Mattress products as long as it provides 60
satisfied goods.
4.36 If competing brand are similar to Sulfex Mattress, it seems smarter to 61
purchase Sulfex Mattress products.
The aim of this study is to examine and verify the applicability of customer-based brand

equity model based on Aaker’s well-known brand equity framework from customers of

SULFEX MATTRESS. Besides, this study is set to distinguish the different dimensions of

Aaker’s customer-based brand equity model and examine its impact and influence on Sulfex

Mattress’s overall brand equity.

It is conceptualized that brand equity is determined by four dimensions-brand awareness,

brand associations, perceived quality and brand loyalty. Convenience sampling is used to select

sample size and for data collection, structured questionnaire is used. A total of 60 valid and

useable questionnaires are obtained, wherein responses are recorded on 5 point Likert-type scale,

with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 strongly agree. The study revealed that all the four equity

dimensions - brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty

significantly related to overall brand equity of Sulfex Mattress. Among these, brand loyalty is

found to be the most influential determinant of overall hypermarket equity Thus, based on the

results, it was confirmed that Aaker’s brand equity model is also applicable to the Sulfex

Mattress. Hence, company should consider relative importance of these dimensions while

evaluating their overall equity.

The study recommendations that activities geared towards building brand loyalty, brand

image, awareness and perceived quality be enhanced by service brands through organisation’s

marketing departments, and managed in such a way that maximum benefits are achieved.



Managers nowadays are conscious of the very fact that the brand name has become a
crucial asset for the company and is needed for his or her focus on making brand equity. A
powerful brand is one that possesses high brand equity. What's evident in all studies is that
the undeniable fact that brand equity is taken into account as a key factor which will bring the
following to the company: higher profits, brand extension opportunities, protection against the
competition and a strengthen shoppers purchasing intentions and customer loyalty.

Brand equity refers to the differential effect of brand knowledge that consumers have
towards brands. It is defined as the value added to a firm that is attributable to the brand name
(Farquhar, 1989). It has received considerable attention in recent years, both in theoretical and
practical perspectives. Brand equity is studied in all the contexts, because of two common
motivational factors. The first one is financially based motivation approach in order to estimate
the value of brand for the purpose of accountancy. Another one is strategy based motivation
approach to enhance marketing efficiency through the brand.

Brand equity and marketing mix strategies have been studied in academics and industry
and is recognised as an effective tool for building corporate competency in the business world.
Brand building has become a main concern for the marketers due to its numerous advantages.
Building strong brands can help the firms to establish an identity in the market place, to increase
resistance, to compete with competitors, facilitate to earn big margins, provide greater support
from distribution channels and create opportunities for brand extension. In order to measure
overall value of a brand, marketing researchers and brand managers have begun to examine the
concept of “brand equity” (Aaker, 1991, 1996; Keller, 1993). Brand equity can be referred to as
the value that the brand name brings to all the stakeholders of the brand. In other words, it is the
incremental utility or value added to a product by its brand name and it can be referred to as a
substantial asset to the company due to its support by increasing the cash flow to the business
(Yoo et al., 2000).

The study of brand equity is more and more well-liked as some researchers
have concluded that brands are one among the foremost valuable assets that a company has.
High brand equity levels are best-known to lead to higher consumer preferences and
get intentions as well as higher stock returns (Aaker and Jacobson, 1994). Besides,
high brand equity brings a chance for prosperous extensions, resilience against competitors’
promotional pressures, and creation of barriers to competitive entry.

The concept of brand equity began to be used wide in the 1980s by advertising
practitioners. Important academic contributors throughout the 1990s were Aaker (1991),
Srivastava and Shocker (1991), Kapferer (1992), and author (1993,
1998). most conceptualizations of brand equity agree nowadays that the phenomena involve the
value added to a product by consumers’ associations and perceptions of a specific brand name.

The study is an effort to examine the influence of the dimensions of Brand Equity,
according to Aaker(1991) were Brand Awareness and Associations, Perceived Quality and
Brand Loyalty on the overall Brand Equity of Sulfex Mattress.


The aim of this chapter is to review the literatures which relate to the area of customer-
based brand equity, brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty. The
theory of customer-based brand equity by (Aaker, 1991) will be used as the basis to test the
hypotheses formed. Other relevant theories and models are also introduced in order to provide
better insights and deeper understanding about the research topic. Besides that, conceptual
framework for this study will also be constructed and finally the development of the hypotheses.

Review of the Literature

This chapter will engage in reviewing the past literature critically and related theories to
the topic of this study. This literature review will help to understand the subject more clearly.

Customer-Based Brand Equity

Generally, academicians have taken two distinct perspectives and principal to study brand
equity concept – customer based approach and financial approach. The financial perspective of
brand equity concerns on the asset value of the evaluated brand (Simon & Sullivan, 1990;
Farquhar, Han & Ijiri, 1991). The customer based perspective however is basically the
evaluation of customer’s responses towards a particular brand (Keller, 1993; Aaker, 1991;
Shocker, Srivastave & Reukert, 1994). According to Aaker (1991), customer-based brand equity
can be defined as the value customers associate themselves with a brand using a set of
dimensions such as brand association, perceived quality, brand awareness, and brand loyalty.
Aaker also describe brand equity as a set of assets or liabilities and symbol that add to or subtract
from the value provided by products or services.
As per Aaker’s claim that these four dimensions as the most important dimensions to
measure brand equity from a customer’s perspective, some empirical evidence also supports this
notion and describe these four distinct dimensions as a brand equity measurement tool.
Washburn and Plank (2002) have stated that elements such as customer’s familiarity, knowledge
and associations towards a specific brand define the essentials of customer-based brand equity
theory. On the same note, Keller (1993) also mentioned that the subject of customer-based brand
equity is rather a differential effect of brand knowledge and the response of consumer towards
marketing. It is also can be defined as the prefix of attribute levels measurement in an objective
way so that it helps to distinguish between multi attributed preferences and the overall brand
performance subjected to the aspects of quality, choice and intention (Park & Srinivasan, 1994;

Agarwal & Rao, 1996). The proponent contend for a particular brand of product/services to be
deemed as valuable or brings value, it has to be valued by customers and no the marketers.
However, none of the other definitions would be meaningful if the brand has no meaning or add
value to the customers (Cobb-Walgren & Donthu, 1995).
Strong brands have greater tendency in increasing the trust level among consumers for
intangible products by helping customers to visualize better and form greater understanding in
making informed decisions. This can significantly reduce customers’ perceived risks particularly
monetary, safety and social risks in making a purchase decision in which evaluation process with
the availability of vast brand choices could be a great challenge. In this regard, it was found that
high level of brand equity could ultimately increases the degree of customers’ satisfaction, repeat
purchase intention and brand loyalty towards product/services (Berry, 2000; Kim et al, 2008).
According to Eldem and Swait (1998), brand equity was described as an “added value” in
relation to a certain brand (name, design, symbol or mark) in which the given brand is capable to
endow a product (something that offers functional benefit) and allows the brand to charge
premium price. In the retail sector, multi-channeling or m-tailing concept as a result of rapid
expansion offer new considerations on the applicability and the adaptability of overall retail
brand equity management (Grewal & Levy, 2009).
In the context of this research, the pertinent question that arises would be how customer-
based brand equity theory applicable to retail brands itself particularly the hypermarket brand.
Contrasting to the classical brand equity approach in which a particular brand endows a product
or service, the retailer or the hypermarkets endows their outlet and its offerings of
products/services as brand equity in a very specific set up of atmosphere that eventually leads to
a wholesome shopping experience to customers (Verhoef, Lemon, Parasuraman, Roggeveen,
Tsiros & Schlesinger, 2009; Grewal & Levy, 2009). Similarly, Ailawadi and Keller (2004) also
found that retailers like hypermarket also enjoy brand equity just like any other product/services
because they capitalize on the value of their retail outlet’s name and stand as a genuine brand
themselves. In doing so, hypermarket must leverage on its in-store atmosphere, price positioning,
merchandising and selection of specific brands and products which part of brand equity sub
dimensions. In a meta-analysis study by Pan and Zinkhan (2006), customers’ store choices are
identified to be strongly driven by determinants such as store image, store atmosphere, location,
convenient parking facilities, product quality and product assortment, which are connected to
brand equity dimensions. Some would argue that these are merely drivers of brand equity and
not the dimensions; however drivers are factors that leading to the brand equity dimensions and
hence part of overall brand equity theory conceptualization. Interestingly, location factor is
found to be no longer a significant factor in choosing a store as customers are willing incur

additional costs and sacrifice other resources such as time and energy in an effort to patronize
their favorite retail outlet even if it is located farther away than competitor store (Ailawadi,
2001). Retail store’s success is largely depending on its effort and sincerity by utilizing its
resources and capabilities to fulfill customers’ needs and expectations. The ultimate aim here is
to generate satisfaction and enhance customer loyalty and not to increase customer’s costs
(Corstjens & Lal, 2000).
Basically, the more resources and capacities a hypermarket possesses to attract customers
to their store, the higher the retailer’s customer-based brand equity. These criteria are generally
well received, valued and appreciated differently by patron of the outlet (Baltas, Argouslidis &
Skarmeas, 2010). In addition, customers could be loyal to a particular hypermarket and to take
additional effort at the expense of time and money in order to patronize for its long opening
hours providing convenience to at their ease of time, or for its low price strategy, or for the
assortment quality. According to Keller (2010), one weakness that often associated with the
conceptualization of brand equity theory is inefficiency to demonstrate retailers brand equity on
the basis of low price strategy. He further argued that many leading retailers in the world are
operating squarely on low price positioning strategy.
However, it does not indicate that they do not have equity since they charge low prices.
One mechanism to conceptualize their equity would be in terms of resources premium at the
expense of consumers in order to shop with them. Although resources could reflect financial
aspect but there are also other pertinent factors such as brand preferences compromised, distance
traveled or services foregone. This weakness could be addressed with a strategy to imply store
image cues. Consequently, low price retailers could also fit into the brand equity paradigm
allowing higher retailer equity. It also important to note that, customers do not only patron retail
store to buy groceries and other products but they also visit the outlet to satisfy their hedonic and
social needs such as entertainment value, self-expression and as an exploration avenue to spend
quality time (Holbrook & Hirschman, 1982; Babin, Darden & Griffin, 1994; Chandon, Wansink
& Laurent, 2000).

Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness is defined as “the ability of the buyer to recognize and recall that a
brand is a member of a certain product category” (Aaker, 1991, p. 61). It reflects the brands that
are outstanding in customers’ mind, which can be classified into six levels starting from brand
recognition and ending with brand opinion (Aaker D. A., 1996, pp. 114-115). Among the six
levels, 2 initial levels are considered as common which are brand recognition (brand is being
seen by the customer) and brand recall (customer can recall a specific brand when given the
product category as a cue) (Keller, 1993, p. 3). It is expected by advertisers that awareness will
keep the brand in the consumers’ evoked set, thereby increasing the chance that the brand will
likely be purchased (Hoyer & Brown, 1990, p. 141).

Moreover, consumers who are aware of one brand in a choice set tend to not only
consider fewer brands across a series of product, but also choose the known brand even though it
is lower in quality than other brands they have had experienced (Hoyer & Brown, 1990, p. 147;
Keller, 1993, p. 3). Therefore, brand awareness which act as an antecedent of brand equity has a
positive relationship with customer value (Baladauf, Cravens, & Binder, 2003, p. 230).
Furthermore, for low-involvement products, consumers’ decision-making is often affected by
brand awareness (Huang & Sarigöllü, 2012, p. 92), because consumers may engage in little
active search for information to aid product choice (Macdonald & Sharp, 2000, p. 5).

Brand Association

Aaker (1991) has defined brand association as anything linked in consumers’ thought
process and memory in relation to a brand which believed to bring value and meaning to them.
The brand association dimension of brand equity model viewed from all forms of attributes in
reflection of a product or any independent aspects of the product itself (Chen, 2001). Keller
(1993) has stated that three major aspects could be derived from the dimension of brand
associations specifically under brand image which are the benefits, attributes and attitudes
Generally, brand image is formed by a set of associations that are usually developed and
organized in a very peculiar way that help provide meaning and value to both firm and
customers. Besides helping to create a positive feeling, brand association also plays an important
role in helping customers to process or retrieve information, identify brand differentiation and
provide reasons to make purchase. Krishnan (1996) has stated that any link or association exists
between ‘informational’ and ‘brand’ will most likely contribute in developing brand association
in consumers mind.
Another type of brand association that exists mainly revolves around brand attitudes as
mentioned by Keller (1993) in which overall evaluation of a specific brand by consumers can
help nurture brand attitude (Wilkie, 1986). In making brand choices, a brand attitude of
consumers’ plays a very important role in their purchase decision making. In a study by Laroche,
Kim and Zhou (1996), it was found that attitude towards a focal brand does have positive
relationship with purchase intentions. Besides that, it also forms a basis for firms in deciding to
adopt brand extension policy as part of its marketing strategy (Aaker, 1996). Moreover, the
concept of customer-based brand equity usually works with customers holding some unique,
strong and favorable brand associations in their mind as a result of having greater awareness.
According to Kotler and Keller (2006), elements such as brand related thoughts, attitudes,
perceptions, beliefs, experiences, images, feelings and anything others that could be linked in
memory of consumers can be defined as having brand associations.

Perceived quality

Perceived quality is viewed as one of the dimensions of brand equity. It can be defined as
“the consumer’s judgment about a product or service’s overall excellence or superiority with
respect to its intended purpose, relative to alternatives” (Aaker D. A., 1991, p. 5). It is an
intangible and overall feeling about a brand. When consumers evaluate the quality among
products or services, it usually takes place in a comparison context. Therefore, a product’s
quality is evaluated as high or low depending on its relative excellence or superiority within
consumer’s evoked set (Zeithaml, 1988, p. 5). A consumer’s subjective judgment of quality is
influenced by personal product experiences, unique needs, and consumption situations. High
perceived quality means that through the long-term experience related to the brand, consumers
recognize the difference related to the brand. Therefore, a customer would choose the brand with
high perceived quality rather than other competing brand (Yoo, Donthu, & Lee, 2000, p. 197). In
addition, Aaker (1991) pointed out that perceived quality provides customer reason to buy,
differentiating the brand, attracting channel member interesting and supporting a higher price.
Therefore, “high degree of perceived quality will increase brand equity”. (Yoo, Donthu, & Lee,
2000, p. 197)
The evaluation of perceived quality can be associated with two groups of factors which
include intrinsic attributes and extrinsic attributes. Intrinsic attributes involve the physical
composition of the product (e.g. color, flavor, form and appearance), which “cannot be changed
without altering the nature of the product itself and are consumed as the product is consumed”.
On the other hand, extrinsic attribute is “product-related but not part of the physical product
itself” (Zeithaml, 1988, p. 6). Price, brand name, level of advertising, stamp of quality,
packaging and production information are examples of extrinsic cues to quality (Chieng & Goi,
2011, p. 38). To compare perceived quality across different products in beverage category, it is
difficult to use concrete (specific) intrinsic attributes, such as: sweetness, thickness, with or
without pulp, as they are product or category specific and are different across products.
However, higher level abstract dimensions of quality which are not product specific can be used
as general indicators of quality across different types of products. For instance, the higher level
abstract dimensions such as purity, freshness, flavor, and appearance could be used as intrinsic
cues to define quality in the beverage category (Zeithaml, 1988, pp. 6-7). Especially, extrinsic
attributes are not product-specific and can serve as generalized quality indicators across brands,
products, and categories. The most frequent used extrinsic attributes for quality are price, brand
name, and level of advertising (Zeithaml, 1988, p. 8). Based on Zeithmal’s study, Yoo et al
(2000) added store image, distribution intensity, and price promotions as the extrinsic cues to
study the perceived quality of brand equity.

Brand Loyalty

Over the years, brand loyalty has been studied extensively by researchers and marketers
which have enriched the marketing literature (Chaudhuri & Holbrook, 2001). Generally,
customers have high tendency to be attracted to new brands in the markets and would like to try
them out however, there is no indication that they will continue to stick with that brand in the
future. In order to make customers stick with that particular brand as their preferred choice,
brand loyalty has to play its role. Oliver (1999) has defined the term brand loyalty as a
continuous commitment to repurchase or revisit a particular product or service in a very
consistent manner, thereby leading to repetitive purchase of the same preferred brand despite
various marketing efforts by competing firms and other situational factors that could potentially
cause a change in attitude and switch brand. Similarly, when a focal brand adjusts its pricing or
makes any changes to its product features, there is a likelihood that customers may resort to
brand switching (Aaker, 1991). According to Wernerfelt (1991), customers will only consider
themselves to be loyal to certain brands if they could associate positively with that brand. Brand
loyalty could classify into two different dimensions – behavioral loyalty and attitudinal loyalty.

Behavioral loyalty is also known as purchase loyalty and described as having a constant
repeat purchase pattern on a particular brand of product/service (Chaudhuri et al, 2001). On the
other hand, the term attitudinal brand loyalty described as customers having a dispositional
commitment to a particular brand that offers specific values and uniqueness which prompted
them to be associated with that brand (Chaudhuri et al, 2001). Nevertheless, Aaker (1991) has
defined brand loyalty consists of many classification groups such as ‘likes the brand, committed
buyer, habitual buyer, satisfied buyer with switching costs, switchers, and”. Maintaining high
level of brand loyalty among consumers are crucial for firms as it can potentially increase its
market share and sustain its revenue inflow with customers’ repeat purchase behavior.
Besides that, it can also lead to positive word of mouth from existing customers (Dick &
Basu, 1994). Aaker (1991) has further pointed that brand loyalty is basically act as a firm’s
strategic asset in which it is capable to create value and becomes an advantage to the firm. The
mentioned advantage and values of brand loyalty are able to lower the costs of marketing, able to
attract new customers, able to trade leverage and act as a response to competitive threats. Thus,
brand loyalty is undoubtedly a crucial aspect of brand equity which can increase customers’
purchase intention. In a study by Tellis (1988), it was found that the strongest determinant of
customers’ buying behavior is indeed brand loyalty. Moreover, Broyles, Schumann and
Leingpibul (2009) also concluded that there is a substantial positive influence and direct effect of
behavioral loyalty to customers’ willingness to make a purchase. Adding to that, it was also
found that one additional brand loyal purchase leads to increase in percentage hike in the
purchase probability which signifies a positive correlation with brand loyalty dimension and
customer’s purchase intention (Pan et al, 2006).



Methodology is an essential aspect of any project or research. It enables the
researcher look at the problem in a systematically, meaningful and orderly way.
Methodology comprises the source of data, selection of data, design and techniques used
for analyzing the data.


1. To study the impact of Brand Awareness towards Sulfex Mattress’s overall Brand Equity
2. To study the impact of Brand Loyalty towards Sulfex Mattress’s overall Brand Equity
3. To study the impact of Perceived Quality towards Sulfex Mattress’s overall Brand Equity
4. To study the impact of Brand Association towards Sulfex Mattress’s overall Brand

METHOD OF SAMPLING : Convenience sampling
SURVEY : Questionnaire

According to Claire Sellitz, “A research design is the arrangement of conditions
for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the
research purpose with economy in procedure.”
Research design used in this study is descriptive in nature, i.e. to obtain
information concerning the current status of the phenomena and to describe "what exists"
with respect to variables or conditions in a situation.


Ø Customers visited Sulfex Mattress Outlet
Ø Company website
Ø Magazines
Ø Journals
Ø Reports


Structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data from respondents.
The questionnaire is circulated among respondents directly.


This method is used to collect data from the customers of Sulfex Mattress regarding
the firm and the subject of topic.


v Percentage analysis
v Simple average
v Pearson Correlation
v Tables
v Pie diagrams
v Bar diagrams


• There is no significant relationship between brand awareness and overall Sulfex

Mattress’s equity.
• There is a no significant relationship between brand association and overall Sulfex
Mattress’s equity.
• There is no significant relationship between perceived quality and overall Sulfex
Mattress’s equity.
• There is no significant relationship between brand loyalty and overall Sulfex Mattress’s


The subject matter of customer-based brand equity has been a topic of interests for
researchers over the years. According to the Marketing Science Institute (2015), brand equity
and brand related issues were one of the most widely studied subject matter among researchers
and remain as a top priority area for future studies. Generally, brand equity’s definition mainly
concerns product brands (Keller 1993; Aaker 1991; Park and Srinivasan 1994) or service brands
(Berry 2000) in the business circle. The concept was not developed for retailers initially and
remains distinct in accordance to their specific characteristics. Many existing literatures have
generally examined the relationship between brand equity and customer’s purchase intention on
various industries and product categories (Porral, Fernandez, Boga & Mangin, 2015; Lin, Huang
& Lin, 2015; Aaker, 1996; Khan, Rahmani, Hoe & Chen, 2014).

It has become an interesting subject to explore further especially with the consumers’
higher level of exposure and awareness (Pappu, Quester & Cooksey, 2007; Lassar, Mittal &
Sharma, 1995). According to Pappu and Quester (2006), the issues on retailer equity has not
been extensively studied in the literature due to fewer attempts to measure them. Therefore, this
study will address the vacuum left on this subject matter by past literatures in order to
differentiate the related components (Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality
and Brand Loyalty) by adopting Aaker’s brand equity model and examine its impact on Sulfex
Mattress from the consumer’s perspective in order to have a deeper understanding on key
dimensions enhancing retail brand equity. Besides that, this research will also attempt to fill the
gaps left behind by past conceptualizations of brand equity by addressing the void and
weaknesses of previous literatures. To measure brand equity of Sulfex Mattress will help
evaluate the company’s current marketing performance and enhance the firm’s value in the
future. The findings and outcome of this research are believed to yield significant contribution to
both academicians and business practitioners.

• Significance to the Mattress Industry

The findings of this study will contribute greatly to the benefit of the companies in the
mattress industry given that brand strategies play an important role in the way customers
consume a product. The growing demand for mattresses justifies the need to understand the
rationale behind consumer purchases. Thus, mattress companies that apply observations
derived from this study could possibly better understand the importance of applying brand
equity in marketing strategy to not only retain but also attract more customers.

• Significance to future studies

This study intends to serve as a guiding principle or reference point for any aspiring
researchers in their future studies.


This study focuses on brand equity in terms of: brand awareness, brand association,
perceived quality and brand loyalty, and how they each influence the overall brand equity of
Sulfex Mattress.


• Brand Equity
According to Aaker (2010) “A set of assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name and
symbol, that adds to or subtracts from the value provided by a product or service to a firm
and/or to that firm’s customers.”
• Brand Awareness
According to Aaker (2010) brand awareness can be referred to as the degree of
consumer’s familiarity with a brand.
• Brand Association
Brand association is defined as anything linked in memory of a brand (Aaker, 2010). The
underlying value of a brand name is often based upon specific association linked to it,
whether positive or negative. Keller (2013) suggested that brand association can be
created by linking the brand to a node or information in memory that conveys meaning to

• Perceived Quality
Aaker (2010) referred to perceived quality as the perception of superiority of brand when
compared to alternative brands in the competitive set. Keller (2013) believes that
perceived quality is a core dimension of customer-based brand equity as it relates to the
willingness to pay a premium price, brand choice and brand purchase intention.
• Brand Loyalty
Aaker (2010) defines brand loyalty as the attachment a customer has to a brand.


• Response to the questionnaire was as per the respondent understanding, which
may differ from respondent to respondent.
• Information was collected from customers of specific region; finding is limited to
Kannur only.
• Due to cost limitations the sample size of 60 surveys only could be collected
which is small in size.
• Shortage of time is one of the restrictions.
• The study is based on sampling method, so sampling errors bound to occur.




The Indian mattress industry is nearly 50 years old. Historically, mattresses have been
filled with a variety of natural materials, including straw and feathers. Modern mattresses usually
contain either an inner spring core or material such as latex, visco-elastic or other polyurethane
type foams. Mattresses may also be filled with air or water or a variety of natural fibers, such as
in futons. In past decades, people of India used to make/buy mattress which are made up of
cotton or coir. Then the time brought up a diversion with the rubber and latex. And this made a
way to the industrialization of sleeping mattress. In its expedition, mattress observed many ups
and downs in its market; still it continued to flow forward, slowly but consistently. It displayed a
makeover in all aspects of its size, shape, texture, fillings etc. &rom the material of essentiality
today it became a symbol of luxury.

From a handful of manufacturers, during early 60s this product got some market
recognition in early 70s. In the next 3 decades over one hundred manufacturers have entered
rubberized coir field. Today rubberized coir products are increasingly used in many industries
notably in transport industry like railways and buses, packaging industry (pharmaceuticals,
heavy engineering, electronics etc.), hospitals, theatres and auditorium. The basic raw material
for rubberized coir industry is the brown coir fiber and the natural latex rubber. Over the last
decade, the brown coir sector has registered a tremendous growth.

According to India Mattress Market Overview, the overall mattress market is growing
with a CAGR of 8.20% from the last five years.

The Indian mattress market is tightly in the grip of the unorganized sector, led by the
street-side shop and the local ginner. Mattresses from this unorganized sector usually use cotton
filler as it is the cheapest of the many options that are now available and thus the choice of the
masses. However, organized sector is now growing with rising demand of good quality
mattresses among Indian consumers.

Today, Indian consumers even prefer buying from international brands whenever they
think of high quality and contemporary product. Growing residential units is creating a demand
for mattresses all over the country. Also, every new hotel requires hundreds of beds and
mattresses and this particular industry appears to be thriving owing to an increase in the
construction, real estate, and tourism & hospitality sector.

King size mattresses are the most preferred one and comfort is the important factor while
choosing them. In India, mattresses are broadly sold through two mediums, one is offline and
other is online. Offline mattress market consists of retail sales of mattresses from various stores
all over India whereas online mattress market consists of sales through e-commerce websites.
Indian consumers usually go to store and feel the mattress by touching or sitting on it. This is
how they decide the comfort level of mattress and take their decision which makes the offline
mode of distribution more popular.

The mattress market of India is dominated by small and unorganized players. These
players specialize in coir, cotton and foam mattresses, which cater to almost 90% of the
country’s requirement for mattresses. The spring mattress area is still in its nascent stages in the
country and is evolving. A major growth driver for the mattress market in India is the growing
urban population who is ready to spend considerable amounts for their luxury and comfort. This
trend is attracting major global players to invest in mattress industry of India. The major players
such as Tempur, Snoozer, and King Koil have now set up manufacturing facilities in India. India
accounted for over 18% share in Asia, with revenues reported as USD 280 million in 2008. The
revenues intensified to USD 510 million by the year 2013, thereby registering a noticeable
CAGR of over 1.5% during the review period.

Coir mattresses are considered as environmental friendly, durable, supportive and good
for health. These mattresses hold a majority share in the sales of mattresses in India. Coir
mattresses recorded sales of USD 220 million in 2013, plummeting at an annualized rate of 28%
from USD 180 million in 2008. The average selling price of each coir mattresses was USD 130
for the year 2013. The percentage contribution of spring mattresses was 23% in 2013, leveraging
from 10% in 2008. Foam mattress withheld a revenue contribution of 20% in the year 2013. The
unorganized market includes the local Indian brands and small manufactures, which constitute a
majority share in the Indian mattress market. The unorganized players had a revenue
contribution of 50% in 2013 declining from 63% in 2008. South India is considered as a
production hub of coir mattresses particularly rubberized coir mattresses. The major market of
mattresses prevails in urban settlement areas in cities. Rural areas have accounted for only 18%
sales of branded mattresses in organized segment in 2013.

The India mattresses market is domestically dominated by players such as Kurlon,

Sleepwell, Springfit, Springwel and others. Sleepwell is the market leader with a market share of
25% in terms of revenue in India mattresses market in the year 2013, with revenues reported as
USD 200 million. Kurlon is the market leader by volume sales with a market share of 18% of the
total sales in the country in 2013. Springfit is the upcoming mattresses brand which sells its
products to big companies including Ramada and Taj hotels and operates other high end retail
business as well.

he mattress industry in India has been moving out of the sasta-tikau selling point
conversation for a while now. While branded mattresses are still some years away from
acquiring the true mass consumption tag, there is a rough structure that can now be seen in the
industry. As per TechSci Research, the mattress market in India stood at around $800 million in
2016. This market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of over 5-6% during the next five years and
reach around $1,100–1,200 million by 2022. With lifestyle diseases on the rise and India
featuring on the list of the most vacation-starved countries, products that fall into rejuvenating
the body-mind space have ample scope to grow. Therefore, the wide variety of mattresses are
now available in the market. While not a medical recourse, the category operates in a space
where it can propose marked benefits to consumers to ease their daily lives.

Key Product Type

• Coir Mattress

• PU Foam Mattress

• Spring Mattress

• Others

Market Trends & Developments

• Spring Mattress - A Wave of Revolution

• Rising Importance of Mattresses for Health Reasons

• Premium and Luxury Segments Growing at a Faster Pace

• Leading Global Players entering the Indian Market

• Growing Positivity in the Real Estate Sector

Major Players

• Coirfoam (India) Private Limited

• Duroflex India

• Emirates Sleep Systems Pvt. Ltd.

• Godrej Interio (GI)

• Kurlon Enterprise Limited

• Peps Industries Pvt. Ltd.

• Sealy India Trading Pvt. Ltd.

• Sheela Foam Pvt. Ltd.

• Simmons Bedding & Furniture (India) Pvt. Ltd.

• Springfit Marketing Inc.

• Springwel Mattresses Pvt. Ltd.


‘Sulfex Group’ was incepted in the year 1994 by an eminent NRI business group with

various interests in Rubberized Coir Mattresses, Plywood and Construction in India and trading

activities in the Middle East. Sulfex group is a fast growing entity, surging ahead with various

business interests . Inspired by an undying passion to pursue excellence on all fronts, Sulfex

aims to create lasting value for customers across the world.

At ‘Sulfex Mattress Company’, they offers an unmatched range of Rubberised Coir

Mattresses, Rexine Hospital Mattresses, Spring Mattress, Polyurethane Foam Mattress, Re -

Bonded Foam Mattress, Pillows and Cushions and other companion products.

The mattresses offered by Sulfex Mattress have large cubic area and optimum thickness

than what is listed. The unique side blanketing prevents sagging and keeps dimensional stability

intact. The firm relies on imported machinery and highly skilled manpower for the critical tape-

edging process.

Due to a turnover that’s racing past 400 million in Indian currencies, the brand has

achieved great success. With their vast network of over 2000 dealers, they are expanding the

markets to the whole of South India, Goa, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,

Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal. They are having fully dedicated marketing division based in

Bangalore and a full-fledged overseas marketing division based in Kannur.

As manufacturers of exceptional quality rubberized coir mattresses, the Sulfex group has

come along way in its 20+ year journey. Sulfex Fibre Products and Sulfex Mattress Company,

the two state-of-the-art manufacturing plants, strategically located at ParassiniKadavu and

Thaliparamba (Kannur District), Kerala, account for a mammoth 8000 metric ton annual

production capacity (which means over2000 mattresses per day).

Known for India’s second largest and most sophisticated plant capacity for rubberized

coir mattresses, Sulfex group has diverse allied products such as carpets, underlays, packing pads

and air conditioner filters along with related products such as pillows, cushions, bolsters and a

range of door and bathmats.

Sulfex group is ISO9001 and BIS certified, with all our plants following globally

accepted policies from HACCP norms to environment care. With these certifications Sulfex, has

been able to reached out to the value conscious global markets as well.

As a FIEO member, this brand is doing very good business in Middle East, Europe and

America by exporting high quality Mattresses and other products of the brand. And is very much

popular in Middle East.




1. Gender

Table 4.1
Gender No: of Respondents Percentage
Male 55 91.67

Female 5 8.33

Total 60 100

Figure 4.1


Male Female

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, the gender distribution of the respondents is 92

percent males and 8 percent females. Such a difference is due to the common act of purchasing

mattress mostly by men, which is prevailing in the country. Moreover the awareness level about

the mattress brands and quality of mattress are more familiar for men.

2. Age

Table 4.2
Age No: of Respondents Percentage

< 20 1 1.67

20 - 35 6 10

35 - 50 29 48.33

> 50 24 40

Total 60 100

Figure 4.2

1 6



< 20 20 - 35 35 - 50 > 50

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, customers having age less than 20 is only
1.67%, between 20 and 35 is 10%, between 35 and 50 is 48.33% and above 50 is 40%. So most
of the customers of Sulfex mattress belongs to the age group of 35 and above. The main reason
behind this tendency is people above the age 35 is earning high and taking care for the family in
the population of the study.

3. Educational qualification
Table 4.3
Education No: of Respondents Percentage

< SSLC 15 25

< Plus Two 26 43.33

> Degree 19 31.67

Total 60 100

Figure 4.3



< SSLC < Plus Two > Degree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, customers of Sulfex Mattress having education

lower than SSLC is 25%, between SSLC & Plus Two is 43.33%, and Graduation and higher is

31.67%. So the highest number of customers of Sulfex Mattress are educated Plus Two and


4. Yearly Income

Table 4.4
Yearly Income No: of Respondents Percentage

< 100000 23 38.33

100000-250000 22 36.67

> 250000 15 25

Total 60 100

Figure 4.4



< 100000 100000-250000 > 250000

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, customers of Sulfex Mattress having an income

which is less than 1 lakh is 38.33, between 1 lakh and 2.5 lakh is 36.67 and above 2.5 lakh is

25%. So most of the customers of Sulfex Mattress are belongs to the income group which is less

than 1 lakh.

5. Have you ever heard about Sulfex Mattress before?

Table 4.5
No: of Respondents Percentage

Yes 58 96.67

No 2 3.33

Total 60 100

Figure 4.5


Yes No

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 97% of the population is heard about Sulfex

Mattress before they are coming to the shop. And only 3 % of the population never heard about

the company before. So most of the people aware of the company in the locality of the study. It

shows that the marketing of the company reached to everyone.

6. Through which channel do you know about Sulfex Mattress?

Table 4.6
No: of Respondents Percentage

Stores, Market, Outlets 8 13.33

TV, radio, newspaper, and 32 53.33


Internet, Facebook, Twitter, 10 16.67

and YouTube

Other 10 16.67

Total 60 100

Figure 4.6

10 8



Stores, Market, Outlets TV, radio, newspaper, and magazine

Internet, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube Other

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 13.33% of people knew about the company
from Stores, Markets, and Outlets. 53.33% of the people knew about the brand through TV,
radio, newspaper, and magazines. 16.7% of the people knew about the company through Internet
and social media. And another 16.7% of people knew about the company through other ways. So
most of the people knew about the company through Mass media networks.

7. Have you ever bought Sulfex Mattress products?

Table 4.7
No: of Respondents Percentage

Yes 52 86.67

No 8 13.33

Total 60 100

Figure 4.7


Yes No

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 86.7% of the population has bought at least one

of the Sulfex Mattress products. And 13% of people never bought any of Sulfex Mattress

product. So most of the people under the study are purchased Sulfex Mattress product at least

once. And the company got 13% of new customers.

Brand Awareness
8. I easily recall the brand Sulfex Mattress when it comes to purchase new
mattress compared to other competitive brands.
Table 4.8
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 18 30

Agree 19 31.67

Neutral 16 26.67

Disagree 7 11.67

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.8
20 19




8 7

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 30% of people strongly agreeing the statement.
31.67% of people agreeing the statement. 26.67% of people having the neutral opinion. And
11.67% of people disagreeing the statement. That means most of the people can easily recall the
brand Sulfex Mattress when it comes to purchase of new mattress.

9. Some characteristics of Sulfex Mattress come to my mind.
Table 4.9
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 15 25

Agree 27 45

Neutral 15 25

Disagree 3 5

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.9
20 19
8 7
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 25% of people strongly agreeing the statement.
45% of people agreeing the statement. 25% of people having the neutral opinion. And rest 5% of
people disagreeing the statement. So more than 70% of the respondents says that when they hear
the name Sulfex Mattress, some characteristics if the brand comes into their mind. And they can
easily remember the characteristics of the Sulfex Mattress brand.

10. I am familiar with the brand Sulfex Mattress.
Table 4.10
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 24 40

Agree 30 50

Neutral 5 8.33

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 1 1.67

Total 60 100

Figure 4.10

25 24



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 40% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 50% of people agreeing the statement. 8.33% of people having the neutral opinion.
And 1.67% of people strongly disagreeing the statement.

Means more that 90% of the people are very familiar with Sulfex Mattress brand. And only
10% of the respondents are not familiar with Sulfex Mattress Brand. This shows that, familiarity
of Sulfex Mattress among the respondents is very high.

11. I have a clear understanding on this brand.
Table 4.11
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 14 23.33

Agree 25 41.67

Neutral 19 31.67

Disagree 2 3.33

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.11


20 19

15 14


Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 23.33% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 41.67% of people agreeing the statement. 31.67% of people having the neutral
opinion. And 3.33% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means more than 60% of the respondents have very clear understanding on the Sulfex
Mattress brand. It shows the reach of brand towards the people and the level of knowledge of
people about the brand. Only 35% of respondents are not much aware of the Sulfex Mattress
12. I can recognize the brand Sulfex Mattress among other competing brand.
Table 4.12
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 35 58.33

Agree 22 36.67

Neutral 1 1.67

Disagree 2 3.33

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.12






1 0
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 58.33% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 36.67% of people agreeing the statement. 1.67% of people having the neutral opinion.
And 3.33% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means more than 90% of the respondents can recognize the Sulfex Mattress brand among
competing brands. This is because these respondents have clear understanding of the brand and
marketing of the brand reached very deeply in customer minds. Only less than 5% of
respondents said that they cannot recognize Sulfex Mattress from competing brands.
13. Sulfex Mattress brand is different from other competing brands.
Table 4.13
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 10 16.67

Agree 23 38.33

Neutral 20 33.33

Disagree 7 11.67

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.13




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 16.67% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 38.33% of people agreeing the statement. 33.33% of people having the neutral
opinion. And 11.67% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means Sulfex Mattress brand is different from other competing brands, so that people can
easily identify the brand Sulfex Mattress. More than 50% of people supports this. This is due to
the uniqueness of Sulfex Mattress on its products and also in marketing.

14. I can specifically point out Sulfex Mattress’s advantages.
Table 4.14
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 5 8.33

Agree 17 28.33

Neutral 26 43.33

Disagree 10 16.67

Strongly Disagree 2 3.33

Total 60 100

Figure 4.14





Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 8.33% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 28.33% of people agreeing the statement. 43.33% of people having the neutral
opinion. Rest of the people disagreeing this statement.

Means more than 35% of people can specifically point out the advantages of Sulfex Mattress
products based on their high experience with the products compared to 20% of people who can’t.
This shows the quality of Sulfex Mattress products and high level of advantages that the
company provides to its customers than their competitors.
Brand Loyalty
15. I consider myself to be loyal to Sulfex Mattress.
Table 4.15
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 21 35

Agree 25 41.67

Neutral 10 16.67

Disagree 4 6.67

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.15




5 4

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 35% of people strongly agreeing the statement.
41.67% of people agreeing the statement. 16.67% of people having the neutral opinion. And only
6.67% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means more than 75% of people consider themselves loyal to the Sulfex Mattress brand due
to the high satisfaction that the company gives to its customers by providing good quality
products worth of its price. So customers are ready to purchase Sulfex Mattress products again in
future. So the consider themselves loyal to the brand.

16. If in future I want to buy a new mattress Sulfex Mattress would be my
first choice.
Table 4.16
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 19 31.67

Agree 25 41.67

Neutral 13 21.67

Disagree 3 5

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.16


20 19

15 13


5 3

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 31.67% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 41.67% of people agreeing the statement. 21.67% of people having the neutral
opinion. And only 5% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means more than 70% of people are ready to buy Sulfex Mattress products in future as their
first choice. This shows the loyalty of customers towards Sulfex Mattress. Because they are
highly satisfied with Sulfex Mattress products due to the high quality products of the brand.

17. I would love to recommend Sulfex Mattress to my friends and relatives.
Table 4.17
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 25 41.67

Agree 29 48.33

Neutral 3 5

Disagree 3 5

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.17

30 29





5 3 3
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 41.67% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 48.33% of people agreeing the statement. 5% of people having the neutral opinion.
And only 5% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means about 90% of the respondents are ready to recommend the brand Sulfex Mattress to
their friends and relatives as a brand which gives high quality products for the price they are
paying. This shows that the respondents are very much satisfied with the Sulfex mattress

18. I am satisfied by my choice of purchasing Sulfex Mattress products
Table 4.18
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 32 53.33

Agree 27 45

Neutral 1 1.67

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.18






0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 53.33% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 45% of people agreeing the statement. And 1.67% of people having the neutral

Means, 98% of people are satisfied with their choice of purchase of Sulfex Mattress products
(Mattress). This shows the quality of products that Sulfex Mattress gives to its customers. Once
customers felt their decision to purchase Sulfex Mattress products is right, then definitely Sulfex
Mattress products would be a choice of them even in future.

19. I will buy Sulfex Mattress even no advertisement.
Table 4.19
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 26 43.33

Agree 26 43.33

Neutral 8 13.33

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.19
26 26



10 8

0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 43.33% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 43.33% of people agreeing the statement. And 13.33% of people having the neutral

Means more than 80% of people are ready to buy Sulfex Mattress products even there is no
advertisement. Because the brand is very much accepted and the brand is having higher level of
reputation everywhere among people. And marketing of the company is reached almost to all in
the particular area of study. So they are aware of the brand and ready to buy Sulfex Mattress
products even there is no advertisement also.

20. I am satisfied with the overall performance of Sulfex Mattress.
Table 4.20
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 20 33.33

Agree 32 53.33

Neutral 8 13.33

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.20




10 8

0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 33.33% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 53.33% of people agreeing the statement. And 13.33% of people having the neutral

Means most of the respondents are satisfied with the overall performance of Sulfex
Mattress. High quality products, good after sale service, high marketing reach of products to
customers, and other such things are major reasons for this. This shows the high brand equity of
Sulfex Mattress among the people in the area of study.

Perceived Quality
21. I trust the quality of Sulfex Mattress brand.
Table 4.21
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 19 31.67

Agree 26 43.33

Neutral 14 23.33

Disagree 1 1.67

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.21

20 19

15 14


Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 31.67% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 43.33% of people agreeing the statement. 23.33% of people having the neutral
opinion. And only 1.67% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means more than 70% of respondents have trust on the quality of Sulfex Mattress products. It
shows that Sulfex Mattress is providing high quality products to its customers for the price they
are paying. That is the main reason why people having trust on the quality of Sulfex Mattress
products and they might have experienced the quality of products.

22. Product attributes can fulfill my functional and emotional needs.
Table 4.22
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 11 18.33

Agree 29 48.33

Neutral 19 31.33

Disagree 1 1.67

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.22

30 29


20 19


Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 18.33% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 48.33% of people agreeing the statement. 31.33% of people having the neutral
opinion. And only 1.67% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means most of the respondents are satisfied with the product attributes of Sulfex Mattress.
Because they are agreeing that Sulfex Mattress’s product’s attributes can fulfill their functional
and emotional needs. That means Sulfex Mattress products are valuable as of their expectations.

23. The products of the Sulfex Mattress brand would be of very good quality.
Table 4.23
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 18 30

Agree 26 43.33

Neutral 15 25

Disagree 1 1.67

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.23

20 18



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 30% of people strongly agreeing the statement.
43.33% of people agreeing the statement. 25% of people having the neutral opinion. And only
1.67% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means more than 70% of the respondents are expecting the quality of Sulfex Mattress
products would be of very good quality. This may be due to their past experience with the
products of Sulfex Mattress or referrals from their friends and relatives. But it shows the
perceived quality of Sulfex Mattress products.

24. The Sulfex Mattress brand offers excellent features.
Table 4.24
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 23 38.33

Agree 24 40

Neutral 12 20

Disagree 1 1.67

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.24

25 24




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 38.33% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 40% of people agreeing the statement. 20% of people having the neutral opinion. And
only 1.67% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means most of the respondents are saying that Sulfex Mattress offers very excellent features
on their products. Features are of different kinds in different products. And all of these features
are accepted by the customers and they believes that these features are excellent compare to the
competitors of Sulfex Mattress.
25. Sulfex Mattress provides a variety of products.
Table 4.25
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 0 0

Agree 24 40

Neutral 27 45

Disagree 9 15

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.25

25 24



10 9

0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 40% of people agreeing the statement. 45% of
people having the neutral opinion. And only 15% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means Sulfex Mattress provides a variety of products other than mattress, and is accepted by
the people in the area of study. Because most of the people are aware of the products of Sulfex
Mattress and is familiar with those products.

26. I will purchase when Sulfex Mattress launch new product.
Table 4.26
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 19 31.67

Agree 28 46.67

Neutral 10 16.67

Disagree 3 5

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.26
30 28


20 19



5 3

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 31.67% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 46.67% of people agreeing the statement. 16.67% of people having the neutral
opinion. And only 5% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means most of the respondents are willing to buy if Sulfex Mattress introduces new products.
This shows the acceptability of products of Sulfex Mattress among the respondents from the area
of study. Because of the high quality of products and other attributes of the brand Sulfex
Mattress. And people believes that Sulfex Mattress products are of very good quality and they
will keep the standards even while introducing new products.

27. I think that Sulfex Mattress products have best performance in their all
segments of products.
Table 4.27
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 19 31.67

Agree 26 43.33

Neutral 11 18.33

Disagree 4 6.67

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.27

20 19


5 4

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 31.67% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 43.33% of people agreeing the statement. 18.33% of people having the neutral
opinion. And only 6.67% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means the products of Sulfex Mattress are of very good quality in all the segments of product
category. Because more than 70% of people agreeing this. It shows that Sulfex Mattress products
are high quality products in all product segments.
Brand Association
28. The brand Sulfex Mattress have very unique brand image, compared to
all other competing brands in the market.
Table 4.28
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 11 18.33

Agree 28 46.67

Neutral 15 25

Disagree 5 8.33

Strongly Disagree 1 1.67

Total 60 100

Figure 4.28
30 28




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 18.33% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 46.67% of people agreeing the statement. 25% of people having the neutral opinion.
And only 1.67% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means most of the respondents agreeing that Sulfex Mattress have a very unique brand image
compared with other competing brands. And is because of the uniqueness of products,
marketing, products attributes and other such things. This uniqueness made Sulfex Mattress very
popular among the people.
29. I admire people who are having Sulfex Mattress products.
Table 4.29
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 3 5

Agree 21 35

Neutral 29 48.33

Disagree 7 11.66

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.29

30 29




5 3
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 5% of people strongly agreeing the statement.
35% of people agreeing the statement. 48.33% of people having the neutral opinion. And only
11.67% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means more percentage of respondents do admire the people who are having Sulfex Mattress
products. Because they know that the products of Sulfex Mattress are of very good quality and it
is having a very good brand image by comparing with the competing brands.

30. The brand image is outstanding and gives me a good impression.
Table 4.30
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 6 10

Agree 20 33.33

Neutral 28 46.67

Disagree 6 10

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.30
30 28




6 6

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 10% of people strongly agreeing the statement.
33.33% of people agreeing the statement. 46.67% of people having the neutral opinion. And only
10% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means Sulfex Mattress having a very outstanding brand image and that gives a very good
impression among people. This is due to the high quality products and value that the brand
giving to its customers. This good impression is another reason that the brand became very much

31. Use of Sulfex Mattress can express my personality.
Table 4.31
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 7 11.67

Agree 10 16.67

Neutral 30 50

Disagree 13 21.67

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.31



15 13

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 11.67% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 16.67% of people agreeing the statement. 50% of people having the neutral opinion.
And only 21.67% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means most of the respondents have no opinion on whether the use of Sulfex Mattress can
express their personality or not. But about 27% of respondents says that use of Sulfex Mattress
products can express their personality. Because of the high brand image of Sulfex Mattress
among the people and that can add value to their personality.

32. I like the brand image of Sulfex Mattress.
Table 4.32
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 7 11.67

Agree 19 31.67

Neutral 27 45

Disagree 7 11.67

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.32


20 19


7 7

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 11.67% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 31.67% of people agreeing the statement. 45% of people having the neutral opinion.
And only 11.67% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means most of the respondents like the brand image of Sulfex Mattress. And there are very
less people who don’t likes the brand image if it. This shows that the brand image is very much
accepted among the respondents, and they like the brand Sulfex Mattress very much.

33. I like & trust in the Sulfex Mattress
Table 4.33
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 34 56.67

Agree 19 31.67

Neutral 7 11.67

Disagree 0 0

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.33

35 34





0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 56.67% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 31.67% of people agreeing the statement. And 11.67% of people having the neutral

Means more than 80% of the respondents like the brand Sulfex Mattress and they have a high
trust on this brand. This is because of their past purchase experience of Sulfex Mattress products.
Making trust on a brand is a difficult thing and Sulfex Mattress made it by providing good
quality products and better services to its customers.

Overall Brand Equity
34. I will buy Sulfex Mattress even if it increases the price of its products
Table 4.34
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 0 0

Agree 14 23.33

Neutral 37 61.67

Disagree 9 15

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.34





15 14

10 9

0 0
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 23.33% of people agreeing the statement.
61.67% of people having the neutral opinion. And only 15% of people disagreeing the statement.

Means more than 23% of people a willing to buy Sulfex Mattress products even they
increased the price of their products. And about 60% of people having neutral option. But
compared to the respondents who can’t afford Sulfex Mattress products at an increased price the
percentage of people can afford is little higher. The very little difference is may be due to the
quality which Sulfex Mattress providing is worth of its present price.
35. I will continue to purchase Sulfex Mattress products as long as it
provides satisfied goods.
Table 4.35
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 22 36.67

Agree 21 35

Neutral 14 23.33

Disagree 3 5

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 60 100

Figure 4.35

15 14



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 36.67% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 35% of people agreeing the statement. 23.33% of people having the neutral opinion.
And only 5% of people disagreeing the statement.

This shows the acceptance of Sulfex Mattress products among the respondents. Most of them
are ready to buy Sulfex Mattress products as long as the brand provides quality products that can
satisfy the needs of buyers. And it also shows the existing customers of Sulfex Mattress are very
much satisfied. So the brand equity of Sulfex Mattress is high by comparing with the competing

36. If competing brand are similar to Sulfex Mattress, it seems smarter to
purchase Sulfex Mattress products.
Table 4.36
No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 14 23.33

Agree 23 38.33

Neutral 18 30

Disagree 4 6.67

Strongly Disagree 1 1.67

Total 60 100

Figure 4.36


15 14


5 4

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of 60 samples processed for in the study, 23.33% of people strongly agreeing the
statement. 38.33% of people agreeing the statement. 30% of people having the neutral opinion.
And about 7% of people are disagreeing this statement.

This shows that the value that the respondents given to Sulfex Mattress in their minds. Most
of them are agreeing that it seems smarter to purchase Sulfex Mattress products even while the
competing brands are providing the same quality products. With this we can conclude that the
brand equity of Sulfex Mattress is very high by comparing with other competing brands. And the
brand most valuable in the minds of consumers of the brand.
Customers Perception of Brand Equity Dimensions and Overall Brand Equity

Table 4.37
Item under each dimension SA A N D SD Mean SD
Brand Awareness
I easily recall the brand Sulfex Mattress when it comes to 30 31.7 26.7 11.7 0 3.8 1
purchase new mattress compared to other competitive brands.
Some characteristics of Sulfex Mattress come to my mind. 25 45 25 5 0 3.9 0.83
I am familiar with the brand Sulfex Mattress. 40 50 8.3 0 1.7 4.3 0.75
I have a clear understanding on this brand. 23.3 41.7 31.7 3.3 0 3.8 0.81
I can recognize the brand Sulfex Mattress among other 58.3 36.7 1.7 3.3 0 4.5 0.7
competing brand.
Sulfex Mattress brand is different from other competing 16.7 38.3 33.3 11.7 0 3.6 0.9
I can specifically point out Sulfex Mattress’s advantages. 8.3 28.2 43.3 16.7 3.3 3.2 0.94
Brand Loyalty
I consider myself to be loyal to Sulfex Mattress. 35 41.7 16.7 6.7 0 4.05 0.89
If in future I want to buy a new mattress Sulfex Mattress 31.7 41.7 21.7 5 0 4 0.86
would be my first choice.
I would love to recommend Sulfex Mattress to my friends and 41.7 48.3 5 5 0 4.2 0.77
I am satisfied by my choice of purchasing Sulfex Mattress 53.3 45 1.7 0 0 4.5 0.53
products (mattress).
I will buy Sulfex Mattress even no advertisement. 43.3 43.3 13.3 0 0 4.3 0.69
I am satisfied with the overall performance of Sulfex 33.3 53.3 13.3 0 0 4.2 0.65
Perceived Quality
I trust the quality of Sulfex Mattress brand. 31.7 43.3 23.3 1.7 0 4.05 0.79
Product attributes can fulfil my functional and emotional 18.3 48.3 31.7 1.7 0 3.83 0.74
The products of the Sulfex Mattress brand would be of very 30 43.3 25 1.7 0 4.01 0.79
good quality.
The Sulfex Mattress brand offers excellent features. 38.3 40 20 1.7 0 4.15 0.79
Sulfex Mattress provides a variety of products. 0 40 45 15 0 3.25 0.70
I will purchase when Sulfex Mattress launch new product. 31.7 46.7 16.7 5 0 4.05 0.83
I think that Sulfex Mattress products have best performance 31.7 43.3 18.3 6.7 0 4 0.88
in their all segments of products.
Brand Association
The brand Sulfex Mattress have very unique brand image, 18.3 46.7 25 8.3 1.7 3.71 0.92
compared to all other competing brands in the market.
I admire people who are having Sulfex Mattress products. 5 35 48.3 11.7 0 3.33 0.75
The brand image is outstanding and gives me a good 10 33.3 46.7 10 0 3.43 0.81
Use of Sulfex Mattress can express my personality. 11.7 16.7 50 21.7 0 3.18 0.91
I like the brand image of Sulfex Mattress. 11.7 31.7 45 11.7 0 3.43 0.85
I like & trust in the Sulfex Mattress 56.7 31.7 11.7 0 0 4.45 0.69
Overall Brand Equity
I will buy Sulfex Mattress even if it increases the price of its 0 23.3 61.7 15 0 3.08 0.61
products (mattress).
I will continue to purchase Sulfex Mattress products as long 36.7 35 23.3 5 0 4.03 0.9
as it provides satisfied goods.
If competing brand are similar to Sulfex Mattress, It seems 23.3 38.3 30 6.7 1.7 3.75 0.95
smarter to purchase Sulfex Mattress products.

With respect to dimensions of brand equity the table illustrate that the mean value of
perceived quality varies from 3.2 to 4.1 suggests that customers’ perceive Sulfex Mattress
products of high quality and offers superior service delivery for example Sulfex Mattress brand
offers excellent features (4.15) Sulfex Mattress product attributes can fulfil functional and
emotional needs (3.83).

Similarly, in accordance with the mean value of brand loyalty ranged from 4.0 to 4.5. Overall
mean results confirmed that customers show brand loyalty towards the brand Sulfex Mattress, it
is clear from the mean value of I will buy Sulfex Mattress even no advertisement (4.3), If in
future I want to buy a new mattress Sulfex Mattress would be my first choice (4), and I would
love to recommend Sulfex Mattress to my friends and relatives (4.2). The outcome of results
shows that Sulfex Mattress’s customers are loyal towards their favourite brand and perceive to
buy the same brand in future.

Similarly, with respect to brand awareness, it is confirmed that Sulfex Mattress is

successful in creating high awareness among customers about their valuable products. The mean
of brand awareness varies from 3.2 to 4.5, respondents have a clear understanding on this brand
(3.8), they can recognize the brand Sulfex Mattress among other competing brand (4.5), they can
easily recall the brand Sulfex Mattress when it comes to purchase new mattress compared to
other competitive brands (3.8), and they are familiar with the brand Sulfex Mattress (4.3).

With respect to brand association the mean value fluctuates from 3.1 to 4.4 The results
suggested that Sulfex Mattress created high accessibility in the customer’s memory. The mean
values for items measured in study are: The brand Sulfex Mattress have very unique brand
image, compared to all other competing brands in the market (3.71), The brand image is
outstanding and gives a good impression (3.4), and they like & trust in the Sulfex Mattress (4.4).

In summary, all the four dimensions of brand equity have a favourable perception
towards Sulfex Mattress customers. In addition, it is further concluded that Perceived Quality
and Brand Loyalty has the most favourable strength and Brand Association perceived lowest
value among the others.

Customers Perception of Overall Brand Equity

Customers overall brand equity items were analysed by using descriptive analysis, such
as mean, standard deviation. Table presents the results of shopper perception towards overall
brand equity. The mean value of brand equity is fluctuated from 3.0 to 4.0 The outcome of
results suggested that the customers of Sulfex Mattress have a positive concern towards over all
brand. And the people accepted that If competing brand are similar to Sulfex Mattress, It seems
smarter to purchase Sulfex Mattress products (3.7), and this shows the high loyalty of customers
towards Sulfex Mattress. Overall the results confirmed that apparel customers have favourable
and positive perception towards Sulfex Mattress.
Overall Brand Equity and its Dimensions: Pearson’s Correlation

Table 4.38
Brand Brand Brand Perceived Brand
Equity Awareness Loyalty Quality Association
Overall Brand Pearson
Equity Correlation
Sig. (2-
N 60
Brand Awareness Pearson
0.307* 1
Sig. (2-
N 60 60
Brand Loyalty Pearson
0.304* 0.346** 1
Sig. (2-
0.018 0.007
N 60 60 60
Perceived Pearson
0.426** 0.319* 0.420** 1
Quality Correlation
Sig. (2-
0.001 0.013 0.001
N 60 60 60 60
Brand Pearson
0.261* 0.219 0.216 0.203 1
Association Correlation
Sig. (2-
0.044 0.093 0.098 0.119
N 60 60 60 60 60
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

In this study, Pearson correlation is tested among overall brand equity and its dimensions
(perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand association and overall brand equity)
with the significance level of 0.05 and results indicate that almost items have positive correlation
with each other. And results also confirmed that the strong uphill (positive) linear relationship
between brand equity dimensions were found as presented in table. Overall Brand equity and
Brand Awareness having a correlation value of 0.017, with Brand Loyalty a correlation value of
0.018, with Perceived Quality a correlation value of 0.001 and with Brand Association a
correlation value of 0.044. It shows the high correlation with the dimensions and Overall Brand

Hypothesis Testing

Significance value of Pearson Correlation shows the relationship between Overall Brand
Equity and its four dimensions.

H0: There is no significant relationship between Brand Awareness and overall Sulfex Mattress’s

The significance value between Overall Brand Equity and Brand Awareness is 0.017 which
is lesser than 0.05. So the null hypothesis is rejected.

H0: There is a no significant relationship between Brand Association and overall Sulfex
Mattress’s Equity.

The significance value between Overall Brand Equity and Brand Association is 0.018 which
is lesser than 0.05. So the null hypothesis is rejected.

H0: There is no significant relationship between Perceived Quality and overall Sulfex Mattress’s

The significance value between Overall Brand Equity and Perceive Quality is 0.001 which
is lesser than 0.05. So the null hypothesis is rejected.

H0: There is no significant relationship between Brand Loyalty and overall Sulfex Mattress’s

The significance value between Overall Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty is 0.044 which is
lesser than 0.05. So the null hypothesis is rejected.



Ø From the 60 samples collected for the study, 91% of respondents are male the remaining
9% female. This may be due to in the male are the main breadwinners of home in the
area of study.
Ø The study shows that 88% of the respondents are fall into the age group of 21-50. It
coveys that the company is success of meeting target customers.
Ø The study shows that 73% of the respondents are having an education of Plus Two
(10+2) and above.
Ø From the study it is clear that the 75% of the Sulfex Mattress customers belongs to an
income group of 2.5 Lakh and below per annum. That means the company is targeting
Low and Middle income groups.
Ø From the 60 samples collected for the study, 96% of people heard about Sulfex Mattress
at least once. So the marketing of the company reached everywhere in the area of study.
Ø More than 53% of people heard about Sulfex Mattress through TV, Radio, Magazines
and News Papers. So the company’s social media marketing is not much effective.
Ø About 86% of the respondents are bought at least one of Sulfex Mattress product before.
Ø Over all brand equity shows mean value ranging from 3.00 to 4.6. And the standard
deviation is also about constant. The result suggest that the Sulfex Mattress’s overall
brand equity considered to be positive.
Ø Brand Awareness's average of means touches 4.00, and the standard deviation is in
between 0.70 to 1.00. So it shows that the Brand Awareness of Sulfex Mattress is high.

Ø Brand Loyalty’s average of means are above 4.00, and the standard deviation is in
between 0.53 to 0.89. That shows the customers loyalty towards Sulfex Mattress is very
Ø Brand Association’s average of means is 3.9 and the standard deviation between values
are in between 0.70 to 0.88. It means the Brand Associations contribution towards the
Brand Equity is very high.
Ø Average of means of Perceived Quality is 4.2 and standard deviation is in between 0.53
to 0.89. It means that the Perceived Quality of Sulfex Mattress products is very high.
Ø Perceived Quality and Brand Loyalty has the most favourable strength on Brand Equity,
and Brand Association perceived lowest value among the others.
Ø Overall Brand Equity has significant relationship between Brand Awareness, Brand
Loyalty, Perceived Quality and Brand Association.

Ø The company can introduce premium segment mattress in premium quality and premium

price to focus more on high income people and to enlarge their market.

Ø Company can focus more on marketing of their products like Bedsheets, Pillows,

Blankets and Cushions in the market other than Mattress.

Ø Even though the Brand Image of the company is good, it is very important to focus more

on giving a good impression to the buyers of the brand.

Ø Company can focus more on the after sale services to give advanced services and it will

help to develop very good impression about the brand.

Ø Company can focus more on product attributes development to reduce the competition in

the market.

Ø The company can try some new markets outside the state, where other competitors are

performing well.

Ø The e-commerce platform seem to be less popular. In the long run, online stores are

inevitable. In order to gauge more traffic, the company can implement intensive social

media marketing. So that it can perform even better in the market.

It has been a great opportunity for me to conduct the study in Sulfex Mattress, a reputed
private company in India working on Mattress and Fibre based products.

Outcome of this study also indicates that Brand Awareness, Brand Association,
Perceived Quality, and Brand Loyalty have a strong impact on brand building and overall
customer based brand equity.

Brand equity dimensions are interrelated with each other. Brand Loyalty and Brand
Awareness are positively related. It is projected that Brand Awareness which is fundamental
form of customer knowledge will significantly results into Brand Loyalty. Perceived Quality and
Brand Loyalty are also positively related. So it is clear that the positive quality expectations can
leads to high Brand Loyalty.

From this study, I found out that Sulfex Mattress products have a certain brand name in
the market rather than other companies. The brand image of Sulfex Mattress is good, but to
retain its brand image for coming years, the company has to improve the quality of its products,
product attributes and provide more funds for sales promotion and to build more loyal

I expect the study will benefit the company and throughout the study I tried my level best
to ensure that there is no personal bias from my part and took all the steps to avoid others error.
All the findings and suggestions are based on realistic and practical considerations.


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2. C. R. KOTHARI, “Research Methodology – Methods & Techniques”, New Age

International publication, New Delhi, 2nd Revise edition.

3. Aaker, D. A. (1996), “Measuring brand equity across products and markets”, California

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Brand equity”, IUP Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 29- 41.





1. What is your gender? Male Female Transgender

2. What is your age? Below 20 20-35 35-50 50 Above

3. Educational qualification < SSLC < Plus Two Degree and above
4. What is your yearly income? < 1 lakh 1 lakh- 2.5 lakh 2.5 lakh and above

5. Have you ever heard about Sulfex Mattress before? Yes No

6. Through which channel do you know about Sulfex Mattress?
Stores, Market, Outlets TV, radio, newspaper, and magazine Internet, Facebook, Twitter, and
YouTube Other (please specify)
7. Have you ever bought Sulfex Mattress products? Yes No

Brand Awareness SA A N D SD
8. I easily recall the brand Sulfex Mattress when it comes to purchase new mattress
compared to other competitive brands.
9. Some characteristics of Sulfex Mattress come to my mind.
10. I am familiar with the brand Sulfex Mattress.
11. I have a clear understanding on this brand.
12. I can recognize the brand Sulfex Mattress among other competing brand.
13. Sulfex Mattress brand is different from other competing brands.
14. I can specifically point out Sulfex Mattress’s advantages.
Brand Loyalty
15. I consider myself to be loyal to Sulfex Mattress.
16. If in future I want to buy a new mattress Sulfex Mattress would be my first choice.
17. I would love to recommend Sulfex Mattress to my friends and relatives.
18. I am satisfied by my choice of purchasing Sulfex Mattress products.
19. I will buy Sulfex Mattress even no advertisement.
20. I am satisfied with the overall performance of Sulfex Mattress.
Perceived Quality
21. I trust the quality of Sulfex Mattress brand.
22. Product attributes can fulfil my functional and emotional needs.
23. The products of the Sulfex Mattress brand would be of very good quality.
24. The Sulfex Mattress brand offers excellent features.
25. Sulfex Mattress provides a variety of products.
26. I will purchase when Sulfex Mattress launch new product.
27. I think that Sulfex Mattress products have best performance in their all segments of
Brand Association
28. The brand Sulfex Mattress have very unique brand image, compared to all other
competing brands in the market.
29. I admire people who are having Sulfex Mattress products.
30. The brand image is outstanding and gives me a good impression.
31. Use of Sulfex Mattress can express my personality.
32. I like the brand image of Sulfex Mattress.
33. I like & trust in the Sulfex Mattress.
Overall Brand Equity
34. I will buy Sulfex Mattress even if it increases the price of its products.
35. I will continue to purchase Sulfex Mattress products as long as it provides satisfied
36. If competing brand are similar to Sulfex Mattress, it seems smarter to purchase
Sulfex Mattress products.


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