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Who authored the Rizal Law? Sen. Claro M.

The Filipino nationalism that emerged during the 19th century was a
product of armed revolution lead by the middle class.
Students who feel and believe
that their faith is offended are
Which statement is NOT true about the passage of the Rizal Law? exempted from reading the
novels but not from taking the
Rizal course.
I. To reach more Filipino
students, the novels and other
works of Jose Rizal are to be
Evaluate the following statements:
translated into
English,Tagalog and major
Philippine dialects.
When was the Rizal Law passed? June 12, 1956
The movement which fought the freedom and independence of the
Philippines from the Spanish control is
I. It inspired the Philippine
revolution of 1896.
II. It became a catalyst for the
What are the contributions of the Propaganda movement in the history of development of Filipino
the Philippines? Nationalism.
IV. It served as an eye-
opener for the Filipinos about
the abuses of the Spaniard.
Jose Rizal’s ‘On the Indolence of the Filipino’ criticizes the
incompetence of the Spanish officials designated in the Philippines.
Which is NOT an objective of the Rizal Law? Develop moral character
Who were the Filipinos who gained wealth from renting huge lands
(haciendas) owned by the friars Inquilinos
like the Rizal family?
Who authored the Rizal Law?
Who were the Filipinos who gained wealth from renting huge lands
(haciendas) owned by the friars
like the Rizal family?
Which is NOT an objective of the Rizal Law?
Select one:
a. Develop civic conscience
b. Develop moral character
c. Promote sense of nationalism
d. Promote intellectual development
Jose Rizal’s ‘On the Indolence of the Filipino’ criticizes the
incompetence of the Spanish officials designated in the Philippines.
What are the contributions of the Propaganda movement in the history of
the Philippines?
I. It inspired the Philippine revolution of 1896.
II. It became a catalyst for the development of Filipino
III. It paved way for the independence of the Philippines from
IV. It served as an eye-opener for the Filipinos about the abuses
of the Spaniard.
The movement which fought the freedom and independence of the
Philippines from the Spanish control is
When was the Rizal Law passed?
Evaluate the following statements:
I. To reach more Filipino students, the novels and other works of
Jose Rizal are to be translated into
English, Tagalog and major Philippine dialects.
II. The distribution of Jose Rizal’s novels and other works is free of
charge and available to any one
who desires to read them.
Which statement is NOT true about the passage of the Rizal Law?
Select one:
a. Students who feel and believe that their faith is offended are exempted
from reading the novels but not from taking the Rizal course.
b. Sen. Claro M. Recto opposed the passage of Rizal Law for he believes
that the novels are not meant to inspire nationalism and patriotism.
c. The Catholic Church opposed the passage of the Rizal Law because of
the passages in Rizal’s novels that anti-catholic.
d. The Rizal Law was aimed to promote civic conscience and duties.
The Filipino nationalism that emerged during the 19th century was a
product of armed revolution lead by the middle class.
When was the La Liga Filipina established? M/D/Y-month/00/0000 July/3/1892
Spain will maintain her
Which is NOT part of Jose Rizal's Jose Rizal’s predictions in 'The possession of the Philippines
Philippines: A Century Hence'? and defend it from other
Who accompanied Jose Rizal in going back to the Philippines in June 21,
Lucia Rizal
What is the motto of the La Liga Filipina? One like all
Who helped Jose Rizal in the printing of the El Filibusterismo? Valentin Ventura
Who are the principalias? I. Filipinos who lived and studies in Europe II.
Spaniards that were living in the Philippines III. Unchristianized natives
I at II
and free from colonial rule IV. Indios who held positions in the Spanish
colonial government
&ransfer of authorit( over
What is the aim of secularization movement? parishes from regular priests
to the secular priests
Filipinos from middle class
Who were the ilustrados? families who were a'le to
stud( in Europe
What are the contri'utions of the Propaganda movement in the histor( of
the Philippines? I. It inspired the Philippine revolution of 1- / II. It
'ecame a catal(st for the development of Filipino 0ationalism III. It paved II-III-IV
wa( for the independence of the Philippines from Spain I . It served as
an e(e*opener for the Filipinos a'out the a'uses of the Spaniards
&hese were viewed '( the
2ow did the 1-3% "avite 4utin( and the e5ecution of the 674#U89! affect Filipinos as forms of
the Filipinos? indignation and in:ustice of
Spaniards to the Filipinos
Which event paved wa( for the influ5 of li'eral ideas from Europe which
opening of the Suez "anal
is also influenced the emergence of Filipino consciousness?
What movement was esta'lished '( Ilustrados which e5posed the
conditions of the Philippines and $emanded reforms from Spain?
transfer of authorit( over
What is the aim of secularization movement? parishes from regular priests
to the secular priest
who were the Filipinos who gained wealth from renting huge lands
=haciendas> owned '( the friars li e the 8izal famil(?
It is a term or la'el which
graduall( 'ecame associated
Which statement on the term BFilipinoB is 07& &8UE?
with the ilustrados during
8izalCs time.

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