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Name ___________________________________________date _________________________ score ____________

Verb Spanish meaning Simple past Past participle

1 accept
2 Allow
3 Ask
4 Believe
5 Borrow
6 Break
7 Bring
8 Buy
9 Cancel
10 Change
11 Clean
12 Can
13 Comb
14 Complain
15 Cough
16 Count
17 Cut
18 Dance
19 Draw
20 Drink
21 Drive
22 Eat
23 Explain
24 Fall
25 Fill
26 Find
27 Finish
28 Fit
29 Fix
30 Fly
31 Forget
32 Give
33 Go
34 Have
35 Hear
36 hurt
37 Know
38 Learn
39 Leave
40 Listen
41 Live
42 Look
43 lose
44 Make /do
45 Need
46 Open
47 Close/shut
48 Organize
49 Pay
50 play
Verb Spanish Simple past
51 Put
52 Rain
53 Read
54 Reply
55 Run
56 Say
57 See
58 Sell
59 Send
60 Seek
61 Sing
62 Sit
63 Sleep
64 Smoke
65 Speak
66 Spell
67 Spend
68 Stand
69 Start / begin
70 Study
71 Succed
72 Swim
73 Take
74 Talk
75 Teach
76 Tell
77 Think
78 Translate
79 Travel
80 try
81 Turn off
82 Turn on
83 Type
84 Understand
85 Use
86 Wait
87 Wake up
88 Want
89 Watch
90 Work
91 Worry
92 Write
93 Dream
94 Catch
95 Love
96 Come
97 Jump
98 Rest
99 be
100 hate

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