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band 7.5 explanations

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1.Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome.

You should say:

who is he/she

how you know him/her

what you know about him/her

i have always been interested in knowing the fact that what makes people beautiful whether it is inner
beauty or the outer beauty that makes a person attractive.

here i am going to talk about a person whom i consider to be a master of these two qualities

this is what really makes him a handsome guy.

he is one of me best friends known as ___________

this guy has a very attractive look.he is tall and has broad shoulders because he is really passionate about
the gym and really takes care of his diet

he doesn't consume sugar and performs gym workout 5 times a week.

therefore, he is well maintained physically.

It has been about3 years since I met him when he was helping some poor people.

it really got my attention as he is a very soft hearted person.i have always seen him helping others
whenever possible he is willing to help other mentally spiritually and financially.

these are the two qualities that really make him handsome because real beauty is not only about outer
aesthetics but also about inner thinking and heart.

i feel really blessed to have a friend like him.

2.An intelligent person that you know

What is the person

What does he do

Why do you think he is smart

How do you feel about him

I have always been interested in surrounding myself with people sup[erior to me or those who are more
intelligent than me because it really helps me know and surpass my limits.

Similarly, here I am going to talk about a person whom I consider to be an intelligent person.

He is one of my friends

I met him while i was in joined a physics institute for my exams. We have been together for about 5

There are several things that really impress me about him in case of intelligence.

First thing is his attitude. it doesn’t matter how intricate the problem is, he is always excited to solve it.

Despite focusing on the problem he always focuses on the solution.

He is able to speak 6 languages which is an exceptional quality about him.

Moreover, he is an expert in case of solving computer related issues as he is the senior manager in his
company because of his qualities he has always been able to reach higher positions.

He has solved multiple problems of mine easily that were really hard for me.

These qualities really make him unique and make him different from others.

The feeling i have, whenever i am with this guy, can’t be expressed in words since I am always able to
learn something know whenever i am with him.

3.Describe a time when you were cheated

What was the ocassion

Who was he person

What did he hide about

Why do you think he didnt tell you the complete truth

I have experienced several situations in life including me being cheated by others.

And most of the time these are our well-known people like friends and relatives.

Similarly, here i am going to talk about a situation when i was cheated by one of my friends who had
been with me for about 4 years.

Actually about 4 months ago i was absent from College and there was an important assignment given to
us that day.

The assignment was absolutely important to deliver next day for my final scores.

In the evening I did a long conversation with my friend and i asked here is there anything important to do
for tomorrow and she calmly replied that nothing special.

But I was totally shocked the next day when everyone was submitting assignments to the teacher
including my friend.

This really broke my heart and this was the time when i was cheated.

Actually, she has been jealous of me sometimes due to my studies but when i called her i was thinking
that she wouldn’t ill-inform me in case of anything regarding academics since these are really important
for my career.

So this was the time when Ii didn’t only lose scores but also lost a friend.

Since then i have been very careful about my friends selection.

4.Talk about an interesting old person you met.

You should say:

Who was the person?

How you met that person?

Where you met him or her?

I have always been interested in meeting with elders since what i believe is that we are able to gain some
great life lessons from them.

Similarly here i am going to talk about an old person whom i met when i was travelling back to my home

Actually, i was travelling by bus and there was a person with me who was in his early 60s

he was continuously staring at my phone and at that time i was searching for a job on my phone
regarding IT field and later he revealed himself as a retired Engineer.

And he had also worked in the company in which i was trying to get the job.

This is where things got interesting and it got my attention.

Later he highlighted some of the insights of the company that how we can reach a better position and
what we need to do in order to excel in this field.

Meeting a person having more knowledge and similar interest is really interesting

I was really impressed by his knowledge because people of his age these days are unable to use
technology well.

The feeling of excitement that i had while i was a conversation with him can’t be expressed in words, it
totally was an elated moment.

5.cue card 5th is also similar to 4th one

6.Describe one of your grandparent’s job cue card

 What they did?
 Where he worked?
 Explain it briefly?
i have always been interested in knowing that what my grandparents did in their young times
because they are highly experienced and i can get some great life lesson from them.

i am really inspired by my grandfather because of the works he did.

sometimes my grandfather tells me about his job stories and I really love to hear them.

similarly,i am going to talk about my grandfather's job.

my father was in military and he had fought several wars

even once he got himself injured by an enemy bullet but the story that really fascinates me the most
is when he lived in a place where surviving for normal humans is next to impossible because of
severe environmental conditions

he lived there for 6 months for the protection of the nation.

after serving Indian army for 30 years and retired as a captain which is a very senior and respectable

later after retirement,he started working in a hospital as the senior manager because of his
communication skills and proficient maths skills.

my grandfather has had a great life with some great achievements and sacrifices and these things
really motivate me to accomplish the same.

7.Describe a food that people eat on special occasions

What the food is

How it is made
i have always been interested in eating special food that is cooked on special occasions because i
am a foody person.

here i am going to talk about a food that is very popular and is cooked on special occasions or on

The name of the food is kheer,this a traditional food that in made up of three basic ingredients
namely rice milk and sugar.

This is Reason why everyone loves to eat becasue it doesnt take much time to cook it

But the Result is really delicious.

In order to improve the texture and taste dry fruits such as almonds and cashews are added which
make the taste even fore delicious.
To be honest ,even Thinking about it makes me wanna Eat it now.(say it with Smile)

well i am not a master of cooking but still the process to make this is very simple as my mother
Explained to me.

first milk is heated and then sugar and rice are mixed and after a certain period.

it is ready to be served.

all love to eat this on events and thinking about this food makes me want to eat it.

8.Describe a special date in your country's history-cue card 2019

what was it?

what people did on that day?

why is it special?
i have always been interested in knowing about my country's history because in this way i can know
how my ancestors survived and especially how much we have progressed since then.

here i am going to talk about a date that i know to every Indian because this is the date when INDIA
Got freedom from Britishers.

this is the date of 15 August 1947, this is the date when India was free and it became an independent

before this Date, India was under the governance of the British government.

many people had been fighting together against them and their sacrifices paid off.

finally, India was free because of some great freedom fighters who had sacrificed their lives just to
bring liberty to the nation.

Every India remembers this date and this is celebrated every year around the nation to pay respect
to the great freedom fighters

this brings the feeling of patriotism among people

whenever I think about this date all I have is respect for freedom Fighters along with feeling

9.Good new that you heard recieved on the net.

what was it about

when did you have it

why do you think it was good
I have always loved to hear positive news and most Of The Time I Recieve It via the internet
especially via social networking sites such as facebook Or WhatsApp.

similarly here i am going to talk about a situation when I was conversating with One of my friends on
Facebook and I got a good piece Of NEWS,

HE told me that he had Got his visa and the feeling I had at that time cant be expressed In words and
it totally was an elated moment for me.

actually, he had been struggling a lot to get his visa and he had even done ielts too and he got his
visa in the second turn.

it was really important for him to pursue further education in a foreign country.

migrating a foreign country for further pursuing his career in the field of film making was really
important for him.

he had done a lot before getting the visa like doing IELTS and then applying for visa

initially his visa got rejected and that was a really depressed moment for him but later he applied
again and it worked

after going through several ups and downs,he got his visa.

I immediately visited his home and he threw me a great party and that day was a very memorable
day for me

10.Describe a subject you didn’t like before but have interest in now

what the subject was

why u dint like

why u like now

i have always Been Interested in learning something new because in this way I am able to explore my

however, what happens sometimes is that initially we dont like something but later we find it

similarly, here I am going to talk about a subject basically mathematics that i didn't like earlier because it
was intricate for me earlier.
i was very weak earlier in mathematics and i was barely able to manage decent scores that were
required to pass the class.

maths remained an obstacle for me till 10th standard, Nevertheless, everything changed after that
because the new teacher was very different

her way of teaching for me was a blessing and i started understanding fundamentals of the maths and
started getting better relentlessly.

after some trials and errors math become a decent subject for me and finally i started developing an
interest in maths

and finally, in 12th standard i got first posting in case of mathematics and it was not less than a miracle
for me.

currently, this is one of my favourite subject and i love to solve all the challenging issues and i no feel

11. Describe a time when you showed or taught a young person how
to do a thing

Who was the young person

What did you teach him/her

How did you feel after teaching

Do you think the young person was benefited

I have always been interested in teaching other because in this was I can not only teach Others but also
expand My knowledge because whenever we teach Other we have to Be very careful about things.

Here I am going to talk about a software that I taught to my cousin about two months ago.

He is in 8th standard currently.

About two months ago an assignment was given To him by His school teachers, that was really
important for the academic scores that he had to submit In two weeks.

And he told me that I really want to make this assignment stand out Of the class and for that he needed
a photo editing software.

I told him I will do editing stuff For U but he said I want to do It by myself.

I was Really impressed by His passion To Learn so I decided to teach him.

The name of the software was photoshop that Is bit hard to learn But hard To learn but His dedication
paid off and within one week he was able to learn sufficient Enough To utilize In his assignment.

He made a very eye-cathing assignment and For That he Got first Position in his class.

I feeling I had when I heard that he had got first position in his class cant be expressed In Words this was
totally an elated moment for him.

Definitely The young one was benefited a lot .

12. A person you would Like to study or work with

Who is the person

Why would you Like To study with her

What will you study

I have always Been interested In studying with others because in this way I can expand my knowledge
pretty easily because sometimes the things that we Find intricate are easy for together and we can learn
based upon their prospective.

There is person with whom I would Like to study because of his Excellence In mathematics.

He is none other one Of my best Friends whose name is ____________

We have been together For about 10 years and since then he has always got first Position in His class in
case Of mathematics.

So His mathematic skills are really exceptional

I have studied with him quite a few times because most of Times we just hang Out and all the times I was
able to understand very well.

Currently I am thinginkg again to study with him again as my exams are near and this time I really want
To score well.

The most prominent prominent reason that why I would love To study with him is because I am sure he
would Be able to teach me many Intricate mathematical equations pretty easily and this Is part that I find
to Be hard.

Under his guidance I would Be able To achieve Decent score which Is one Of my Dreams.

13. Something you bought but Did not use much

What was the thing

When Did you buy it

I have always Been Interested in using updated things because I love to use new features.

because of my nature to do a lot of shopping, I buy a lot of things and what happens sometimes is that I
am unable to use all Of Them

a similar situation happened With Me when about 3 months ago I bought a beautiful watch.

actually, for that watch, I had been collecting Money for two months

i finally bought it but i used it for only two days.

because after two days my brother arrived back to India from Canada after 4 years.

he brought me a gift and when I opened the box There was a smart Watch inside The box.

I was really happy because a smartwatch is not just limited to watching time. There are many more
features attached such as tracking calories or Your steps and connectivity with your mobile phone.

These features really impressed me and I immediately decided To use this one instead of The One that I
had bought.

well no my Father wears that watch and He really Loves it.

14.a public facility that improves local life style

i have always been interested in knowing that what the government of india is doing for the
betterment of citizens, especially in my state.

similarly, here i am going to talk about a facility that has recently been added for the betterment of
people which is a park.

Now people are able to make friends and ale to improve their lifestyle.

there is a separate area for children along with wings and children friendly gym for stretching exercises.

a very long path for people to do brisk walking or normal walking.

an area for elders where they can perform yoga and sit comfortably so,people from all walks of Life are
improving their health and becoming friends with each other.

this park has improved the lifestyle of people significantly as many people have now started thinking
about improving their health which certainly is a positive development.

the feeling i have whenever I think about this development cant be expressed in words, it always is an
elated moment for me.

15.a book you want to write

how you had the idea

will it be easy or difficult

what the book will be about

i have always Been Interested in reading and writing books because in this way I am able to explore my
creativity and express it easily

it also helps me to explore and improve my creative and cognitive ability,similarly here I am going to
talk about a book that i have been thinking to write and publish.

The name of the book is not decided yet but i am thinking to name it mother nature as this book will be
targeting children that how important it is to protect mother nature and how survivability of humans is
next to impossible without nature

. for the complexity of book i have a mixed answer.first thing i need to cover is writing that I am pretty
confident as i already have all the content but the part that is going to consume most of my time is
photography as I want this book to pop out and i will include pictures for that.

for that i will start learning photography and i am sure i would Be able to make and edit beautiful picture
that would Meet my desires.

so writing would be easy but photography would be moderately hard.

with my desire hard work and passion i am sure i would be able to make a very educated book and i
would be able to pulish it successfully

16.Talk about a friend or person who recently got success

who was the person

when Did he get success

How you Felt

why you Think it is important

I have always been interested in knowing the fact that what people are doing in order to become
successful especially in case of my friends because in this way I come to know many great experiences
and I can also learn some great life lessons from them

similarly, him going to talk about a person who recently has got success and I'm really happy about it.

Here i am going to talk about one of my best friends who has gently got his visa and when he told me
about this, the feeling I had at that time can't be expressed in words because we have been together for
quite a long period of time and i know everything about him that what he has gone through and all the
hardships that he has faced in order to get this visa

so I was really happy when he told me about this there are a lot of things that he had done in order to
achieve this visa

when he applied for the very first time his Visa got rejected and then there were a lot of problems that
he had faced and then he applied it again and finally after going through a lot of intricate stations he was
able to get his visa

this is extremely important for him because once he told me that he needs to migrate to Canada in order
to pursue a career in case of animation

The animation is something with that is not really great in India

he told me that I needed to become a profession in this field

There are a lot of artists and professionals who can help him so him to develop required skills

it was very important for him

I am sure he would be able to pursue a life according to his convenience and according to this desire and

17.Describe a person you wanted to be similar to when you were

growing up

who is the person?

where and under what circumstances did you meet him/her?

what were the physical attributes-e.ghair,eye,scent

what quality about him inspired you

how was the attitude of This Person was towards you and others?
I have always been interested in some great personalities and successful people because there are lots of
life lessons that I can learn from them and I can also incorporate those life lessons in my life.

Similarly, here i am going to talk about a person who has influenced my life positively and he has
helped me to become a better version of myself

His name Is Sandeep Maheshwari who is one of the best motivational speakers of India

I have been in touch with him for about 5 years

He posts videos on youtube regularly and I never miss the opportunity To gain knowledge via his videos.

I met this guy for about two years ago when I was attending one of his seminars

before this I had seen a lot of his videos.

I was very happy to meet him because finally I got the chance to meet him

this guy was very humble and he was talking very comedy with me and he was able to solve a lot of
problems and a lot of questions that I was asked to him

this guy is not very tall he has black hair and fair complexion

He is kind of a skinny guy

there are a lot of qualities that really inspired me, for example, his approach is to solve the problem.

in every case,He always tries to solve it.

He doesn't pay attention to the problem

he always thinks about the solution

this is something that really impressed me

more life lessons from him like try to become the person that you needed when you were young

we need to be careful about what we are going to do and we need to be thankful for the things that
what we are going to do next time

we should have a clear vision about our future otherwise we would not be able to get success

18.Describe a time When you Didn't have enough Time

what Were you trying To do when you Didn't have enough time

why was this takh important To you

what circumstances led to You not having sufficient Time time

what did you do to Improve the situtaion
I am the type of guy who always tries to do all of the things on time because I've always been a very
punctual guy

However, sometimes situations or circumstances are not in our favour and at that time we do not have
sufficient time and we end of spoiling the thing that we may have been trying to do at that time

A similar situation happened with me for 6 months ago and when I had visitors.

Actually, it was the period of my exam and at that time I was preparing for my exam

I had an exam the very next day

Actually, it was my brother-in-law who arrived back to India from Canada just for his hair transplant

he requested me to go out with me for the treatment.

and he told me that I need you to be with me

At that time, I thought at that time that it would hardly take for about 2 hours and after that, I would be
able to study well but.

Unfortunately, it took about 6 to 7 hours and it was really worried about my next stage exam

at that time I had just one solution left

I decided to just study all the essential questions, it was the only option left for me and

I skipped some of the chapters that were very hard for me

that night I didn't sleep well

sure I missed some of the questions and I was unable to solve some other questions

still, I managed to get some decent scores

I was happy because I was able to spend time with my brother in law and still I managed to get enough

19.Historical period you want To know more about

what peroid do you want to know about

why do you want to know about it

how do you think you can know about it

i have always been interested in historical periods because in this way I can get to know that what
happened in the past and how old ancestors survived,also how much we have projector Since then

here,I am going to talk about a period that always interested me a lot and I have always wanted to
know in learning more about this period

basically, this is a period of the beginning of the 18th-century particularly in the year 1708

This is all about the tenth guru or leader of Sikh community know as, Shiri Guru Gobind Singh Ji , who
died while protecting humanity.

this is something really important for me because and a lot of things happened in this period that really
pinched my heart.

in a war, he sacrificed his four sons just to bring freedom To people from evil emperors.

which is one of the biggest sacrifices that has ever been done.

a father can't even bear an injury on his son's body but there he had sacrificed his sons who were
between 3 and 19 years old.two were just 6 and 9 years old.

but children were happy To serve humanity with Their lives.

this really touched my heart that how willing these children Were to obey His father.

this is the reason that I am really interested in this period because I want to know more what the
situation was.

I really want to know more about it and I am sure that I would be able to know about this period by
listening to some audiobooks and watching some videos on the internet and from some traditional
sources such as library books solely devoted this period.

20.Describe a time when you Found something that someone lost

what Did you find

when did you find

where you found it

how you returned it back To its owner

how you Felt?

there have not been many instances when I found something.

However, here i am going to talk about a situation when i found a mobile phone that i was able to return
back the owner.

actually about two months ago i was returning back to my home and in the passage, I saw a mobile
phone on the road.

no one was picking up the phone so decided to pick it up

initially i tried to unlock it but there was a pattern that i had no idea about so i wasn't able to open it

then i decided to visit in nearby police station.

i told about everything thing that where i had found it

the police officer was very cooperative and he told me that you are doing a really great job

withing 2 days the police was able to find the owner and he told me told me that You need to visit the
police station

I was truly happy to meet the owner

he was an old guy with his initial 60s and he gave me a lot of blessings.

the feeling i had at that time cant be expressed in words because he told me that there are some
precious memory of his grandchildren

he offered me some money to thank me but I refused it and i answered that your blessings are way
precious for me than money

it was an elated moment for me.

21.Decribe your idea of a perfect home or dream house


I have always been tested in thinking that how my perfect home would look like

there are lot of things that I really want to incorporate in my dream house

I am going to talk about that what I have in my mind in case of my dream house and what are the
functions the features that I really want in my dream house.

Firstly,i want to talk about parking because what it believes is that in future I would be really rich
enough and I would be able to afford luxury cars and motorbikes

second thing is that I have always been a nature lover and really love to have plants and a lot of fruits
and vegetables
Therefore, I want to have a garden in my home where i will grow a lot of organic fruits and vegetable.

these are the two key features that really want to have in my home.

Another room that will be especially for video games because i am passionate about video games.

There would be a lot of RGB Lights just to improve the environment

Moreover, I really want myself to be in touch with nature.

therefore,i prefer to have this house out of the crowd especially from factories.

i prefer to have parks or even lakes near my home to enjoy nature just after waking up

these are the desires that i have when i think about my dream house.

22.Describe a place such as a park or sports ground which has been

developed in your city for the betterment Of people

what is the place

How did you come To Know about It

what difference has it made to the people

i have always been interested in knowing that what the government of india is doing for the
betterment of citizens, especially in my state.

similarly, here i am going to talk about a facility that has recently been added for the betterment of
people which is a park.

Now people are able to make friends and ale to improve their lifestyle.

there is a separate area for children along with wings and children friendly gym for stretching exercises.

a very long path for people to do brisk walking or normal walking.

an area for elders where they can perform yoga and sit comfortably so,people from all walks of Life are
improving their health and becoming friends with each other.

this park has improved the lifestyle of people significantly as many people have now started thinking
about improving their health which certainly is a positive development.

the feeling i have whenever I think about this development cant be expressed in words, it always is an
elated moment for me.

23.Things You Usually Do well(or do regularly)for your job or study

what are the Thing

where do you do

where do you Do
I have always been interested in making my environment suitabke for my study or work so that i can
concentrate well on my studies or work

There are somethings that i always make sure that i am doing while I Study.

The very first Thing is that i close the Door because i dont anyone To Disturb Me While Studying.

i always prefer To study alone and Closing Door Is the very First thing.

Then i study at my table abecause Evrything i need is available there ,a Chair that makes me Comfortable
and also makes my posture perfect For My Spine.

all the books Withing my arms reach and My computer For Reseacrh.

i also turn the phone silent becasue i recieve a Lot of Messages on social networking Sites from Friends
and that can Be proved very distracting during study.

i just pick up important calls and even my friends are very Supportivd,they dont call Me when i am
studing unless There is something really important.

i keep my room's window open For Freash air and for some Relaxation if i Get tired or bored of study.

These things work very Well For study and i concentrate Well on My studies.

24.Talk about a good Law

what is The law

How you come To Know about This law

how Does it affect

why is it good
I have always Been Interested in knowing about the laws of my country because in this way I am able to
know what my rights have.

Similarly, here is am going to talk about a law that was implemented in India a while ago.

beascially this is the law of banning plastic bangs to carry goods whcih i think is an excellent decision.
because these bags cause a significant amount Of pollution whichcertainly is detrimental to the

I have seen Many cases when people throw bags after using them but now I see that most Of The people
are using paper bags despite using plastic bags.

paper bags are Environment-friendly and degradable.

I came to know about This law when I visited a nearby shop To buy some snacks

I asked The Shopkeeper to give Me a plastic bag to carry snacks but he refused to give ME and Instead,
he gave me a paper bag

and I questioned Him why and He told me that a law had Recently been implemented that no More
plastic bags To carry Goods.

well initially I was confused but later I was Real happy because The government's Effort To Improve

most Of The people are obeying this law and using paper bags, unfortunately, there are still Exceptions
In Few cases where people are not obeying.

But I am sure that they would also start following.

25.something You Made by yourself for your friend

what it was

when did you make it

how Did you and your friend feel about it.

I have always Been Interested in making things by myself especially while Gifting something to friends
because I Believe we can Put emotions in them.

Similarly, here I am going To talk about a time when I made a Cake by myself for one Of my Friends.

About three Months ago, it was my Friends’ birthday and this time I wanted To present To give him
something Special.

There is nothing better than presenting Something self-made.

Well to Be Honest it was an intricate task For me because I had never Tried to make a cake before.

I Decided to Take help via internet cvideos on youtube But It didn’t work well then I had just One Option
left to take help from The Master.

Well she is none other than my mother,I asked her to guide Me only which she Did Exactly.
Finally after her guidance I was able to make a decent Looking cake that was Delicious.

When I presented that handmade gift To my friend,he was really happy and He immediately hugged me
for the gift and my Efforts paid Off.

The Feeling I had at that time cant be expressed In Words ,It was totally an elated Moment for Me.

26.A skill that takes Long Time To Learn

why is the skill
why does it take a long time to learn
where/how can you learn about it
how Do you feel about learning this skill.
I have always been Interested In learning Something New because in This way I am able To improve
Myself and Become a better version of myself.

Almost all Skills take a significant amount Of time To master and some are hard to Learn and some are

But it varies From Person To Person

here ia m Going to talk about a skill That according To My prospective Is hard.

It may Be easier for other but It is hard for Me to master.

This Is the skill Of drawing.

Many people say that they can do it easily but drawing Is not just about using Colors and Doing
Something randomly.

It has A lot Of aspects that One needs to Master including color theory, aesthetics Of Drawing,
perspective and many more .

One needs To Develop Muscle memory in hands to perfectly use pencil or Colors.

There are Several Sources that can Be proved very helpful For Learning

First one is YouTube which is a great Tool For tutorials and person can teach himself by following These
videos or One can join an art institute For live learning under the guidance of a teacher Or an Artist.

Well I feel both Happy and Bit tensed because Definitely drawing and colors are fun to Do but when my
Drawings look Terrible or I am unable to get Desired Results. Then It is Discouraging.
But I am improving and making my art skills better.


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