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Chapter 2

Chapter 1
But it _____ (not/be) the right time. I
______ you ________ (believe) in ghosts?
_________ (start) to shiver and I _______
Ghosts ______ (live) everywhere and they
(see) a flash of light outside. It _________
______ (be) invisible. Well, let me tell you
(not/rain) at the moment, so it couldn’t be a
what __________ (happen) to me last
thunder storm. Now I ________ (shake) in
year. I _________ (sleep) soundly in my
terror. Ghosts ________ (never/show up) at
warm, cozy bed, when all of a sudden I
my house. This is crazy! It was 3 o’clock in
________(hear) a strange sound. What
the morning. Who was at the front door, I
______ (be) that? I _______ (be) scared.
wondered. OK let’s think straight. Ghosts
Maybe it was my dog, Morty making that
_______ (not/exist) in real life. Ghosts
noise. But no, Morty __________(lie) right
_______ (live) only in stories. They ________
outside my bedroom door on his favorite
(haunt) castles, but they _________
rug. He ______ even _________ (snore)
(not/appear)in real people’s houses. They
loudly. Someone __________ (knock) on
(not/make) ___________noises now- I hope.
the front door!

Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Calm down! Now I __________ (remember)
The night was very dark. Oh no! Someone a scary story the teacher ________ (read) to
or something _________(moan) us in school yesterday. It was all about
downstairs while _________ (drag) a chain ghosts and goblins. So I am dreaming about
around the living room. It must be a ghost! that ghost story- this isn’t real. However,
No, impossible. And what was that? The the strange noises continued. OK, so
dogs outside__________ (howl) and then I something __________ (go) on at the
________ (see) something move in front of moment. Then my mother suddenly
me. A voice _______ (say): Don’t be _________ (come) into my bedroom, both
scared. I think I_____________ (imagine) of us ________ (hear) the sound of dragging
things at the moment. The wind chains and ghostly moans again and ______
__________ (blow) very fiercely. So it was (see) flashes of lightning in the sky. We both
the wind. I ______________ (go) back to _________ (scream) loudly. I almost
bed right now and I am going to hide ________ (jump) out of my skin. And then I
under the covers. There is nothing to be _______ (wake) up- it _____ (be) only a
afraid of. This is not real. nightmare! Whew!

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