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Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King
A Collection of Fairy Chess Problems

Edition 2
Bratislava – Prague


The fairy piece Pressburger King (Super-Transmuting King) was created 1998 in Bratislava where is
also derived its name. (It should be noted that Pressburg was in fact the original German name of the
Slovak capital Bratislava.)

For the first time was Pressburger King presented at the jubilee tournament “Juro Brabec 60“ where
this new fairy element was by the judge accepted too hesitantly and skeptically. Over the time, he
organized two major specialized thematic tournaments with Pressburger King, namely 6th TT Pat a
mat 2007/2008 and 30 days TT Marianka Cup 2014.

There are already about 450 problems with this fairy piece, although programmed as a condition
(White SuperTransmutingKing or BlackSuperTransmutingKing). In many cases it is sufficient to reach,
mostly new strategic content with only one fairy piece on the board – and just one Pressburger King
as “One-man-show“ actor alias Rex posoniensis solus. (Posonium was the Latin name of Bratislava).

The collection consists of three parts. In Part 1 were included twomovers (mates, stalemates and
checks), threemovers, moremovers and fairy studies. In Part 2 are collected helpmates and help-
stalemates but also selfmates and reflexmates (as a curiosity Hyper-Transmuting King). Part 3
contains seriesmovers and parry seriesmover problems, in addition helpself(stale)mates or
helpreflex(stale)mates and finally problems with anti-Supertransmuting King (Anti-Pressburger King).

The most erudite article was published in the French chess magazine PHENIX (Mlynka, K.: Le Roi
supertransmuté; Phénix – no. 118, 11. 2008, p. 7689-7703; see also other sources!). The very
definition of Pressburger King sparked disagreement various experts, especially the problem with
imitator in 670 Julia´s Fairies 20.12.2014 (about 35 responses).

One of the first definitions of that time new fairy piece was: ”Pressburger King (Super Transmuting
King) = King which definitively takes up the nature of the checking piece (and thus loses his royal
status).” The development has shown the need to clarify the definition so that immediately after the
checking had to move the Pressburger King and not another piece, which some experts still regarded
as illogical. In our case, after been checked the King lost its royal status and became a checked piece.
Therefore, the definition stabilized by Juraj Lörinc as follows: ”After being checked, the Super-
transmuting King must immediately move like the checking piece and then losing its royal status
definitively takes up its nature. When no such move is available, the ST-King side parries the check
normally. If the checked King cannot move, it is a mate.”

I would like to thank all the programmers of Popeye whose programs gave rise to many interesting
chess compositions and allowed so enrich the current fairy chess production. My cordial thanks go
also to all those who have contributed to this collection as well as those who provided any help on
the publication, mainly to Václav Kotěšovec from Prague.

Pressburger King

Rex Posoniensis – Pressburger König – Roi Presbourgeois

(WhiteSuperTransmutingKing or BlackSuperTransmutingKing)

Pressburger King (SuperTransmutingKing) = After being checked, the Super-transmuting King must
immediately move like the checking unit and then losing its royal status definitively takes up its
nature. When no such move is available, the ST-King side parries the check normally. If the checked
King cannot move, it is a mate.

Pressburger König (Super-Transmutierender König) zieht wie ein normaler König, übernimmt aber
beim ersten Schach durch einen gegnerischen Stein dessen Gangart, die er für immer beibehält.
Gleichzeitig verliert er seine königliche Eigenschaft und muss sofort ziehen. Kann der König nach dem
Schachgebot nicht mehr ziehen, ist es ein Matt.

Roi Super-Transmuté (Roi presbourgeois): Roi qui, lorsqu´il est en échec, prend le pouvoir de la pièce
qui lui donne échec, et le garde une fois que l´échec est paré. Il perd alors son statut Royal et le camp
qui le possède n´a alors plus de pièce Royale.

Re super tramutato (Re di Pressburg): Il Re supertramutato muove come il pezzo che gli dà scacco;
dal momento in cui effettua una tal mossa, acquista per sempre il nuovo potere, ma perde quelli

Super Transmuting King (Пресcбургский король): После шаха становится шахующей фигурой,
теряя свои королевские функции.

Bratislava in German: Preßburg (16th century), Pressburg (1786), in 20th century Preßburg;
according to the new German spelling since 1998: Pressburg.

Bratislava castle (Slovakia)

Part 1
Sections / Contents:

A = Twomovers p. 6
B = Threemovers p. 61
C = Moremovers p. 72
D = Studies p. 81
Da = Stalemates p. 82
Db = Checks p. 85
Definitions p. 244
Fairy chess in pictures p. 248
Index of composers p. 249
Sources p. 250
Annexes p. 251

A #2 108
B #3 22
C #n 20
D +- 2
Da =2-n 5
Db +2-n 10


A01. Karol Mlynka

2nd HMv Brabec-60 JT 1998

(2. č. u. v JB60JT C 26.5.1998 - aw. "Juro Brabec 60" 9, 1998)

 Promoted bB. (Reproduction: 1790 Cyclone-2 2010)
1...S:e3+ a, B:c4+ b, Sd2+ c 2.K:c6=B A, Kb7=G B, 2.Kf6=S C#,
1.K:e5? (~ 2.Q:f7#) f6+ d, R:e3+ e, c:b4+ f
2.Ke6=P D, Kd5=R E, Ke7=Q F#, 1...B:c4! b,
1.Kd5! (~ 2.Q:f7#) S:e3+ a, B:c4+ b, Sd2+ c
2.Kf6=S C, K:c6=B A, Kb7=G B#,
(1...Sb3-~+, S:b4+, Ge8 2.Kb7=G,Kf6=S, Q:e8#).
“Lačný cycle between set play and solution, one try adds free (radical
change) in 3 variations. Thus symbolically it is Z-33-66. Try also clari-
fies the definitions regarding "parrying check" - it means running out
of reach of checking piece(s), not necessarily moving to square not
attacked by opposite side.“ (J. Lörinc)
#2 Grasshoppers (10+15)

A01 ~ a b c d e f A02 ~ a b c
- - A B C - - - - - A B C
X? Q - ! - D E F X! Y B C A
Y! Q C A B - - -

A02. Karol Mlynka

478 Cyclone 2000

(Version of A01.) In P. Gvozdják´s book.

 Promoted bB.

1...B:d5+ a, S:b4+ b, Sc3+ c 2.Ke8=G A, K:d7=B B, Ka7=S C#,

1.Kc6! (~ 2.Qc7#) B:d5+ a, S:b4+ b, Sc3+ c
2.K:d7=B B, Ka7=S C, Ke8=G A#,
(1...Se4-~+, Se5+, Q:d8 2.Ke8=G, Ka7=S, Qb7#).

Cyclic shift of mates (Lačný theme): Z-23-33.

Transformation of Pressburger King into G, B and S.

#2 Grasshoppers (6+11)

A03. Karol Mlynka
Comm. Brabec-60 JT 1998

(JB-60-JT C 26.5.1998 – award "Juro Brabec 60" 9, 1998)

1...Rd7+ a, Rb5+ b 2.Kh5=R A, Kd1=R B#, (1...B:b3+ 2.K:f3=B#);

1.Ke6? (~ 2.Rd1# & Rh5#) Re7+ c, Rb6+ d 2.Kh6=R C, Ke1=R D#, 1...Bxb3+!,
1.Kd6? (~ 2.Rh5#) Rb6+ d, Rd7+ a, 2. Kd1=R B, Kh6=R C#, 1...Rxa4!,
1.Ke5? (~ 2.Rd1#) Rb5+ b, Re7+ c, 2. Ke1=R D, Kh5=R A#, 1...Rg7!,
1.Kc4? (~ 2.Rd1# & Rh5#), Rb4+ f, Rc7+ e, 2. Kc1=R E, Kh4=R F#, 1...Bxb3+!,
1.Kc5? (~ 2.Rd1#) Rc7+ e, Rb5+ b 2.Kh5=R A, Kc1=R E#,1...Rg7!,
1.Kd4! (~ 2.Rh5#) Rd7+ a, Rb4+ f 2.Kh4=R F, Kd1=R B#,
1.Kc6! (~ 2.Rd1# & Rh5#) Rc7+ e, Rb6+ d 2.Kh6=R C, Kc1=R E#,
1.Ke4! (~ 2.Rd1# & Rh5#) Re7+ c, Rb4+ f 2.Kh4=R F, Ke1=R D#.

"The judge JB considered this composition as more a scheme than a problem.

Anyway Z-92-66 is an extraordinary achievement." (J. Lörinc)

#2 3 solutions (7+6)

A03 ~ a b c d e f A04 ~ a b
- A B - - - - - - A B
K1? XY - - C D - - X! Y B A
K2? Y C - - B - -
K3? X - C A - - -
K4? XY - - - - F E
K5? X - E - - A -
K6! Y F - - - - B
K7! XY - - - E C -
K8! XY - - F - - D

A04. Karol Mlynka

4753 Šachová skladba 3, 1999

1...Sh4+ a, Sf6+ b 2.Kd6=S A, Kc2=G B#,

1.Ke4! (~ 2.Rc5#) Sh4+ a (Sf4+), Sf6 b (Sg5+)
2.Kc2=G B, Kd6=S A#.

 Reciprocal change: Z-22-22

 Transformation of Pressburger King into G and S.
 Judge: P. Kameník

#2 Grasshoppers (6+8)

A05. Karol Mlynka
320v Pat a mat 12, 2001

1...Gb7 a, Rf6+ b, Qh6+ e, Qh7 f, d:c3 g 2.Ge2 D, K:d4=R E,

K:d4=Q F, S:f4 G, Ke7 Z#,
1.Ke5? (2.R:e3#) Gb7+ a, Rf6+ b, Gc4+ d 2.K:e3=R A, Ke2=G B,
K:e3=Q C#, 1...Qg1!,
1.Ke6? (2.R:e3#) Rf6+ b, Rf7+ c, Qh6+ e 2.K:e3=R A, Ke2=G B,
K:e3=Q C#, 1...Gd5!,
1.Ke7! Z (2.R:e3#) Gb7+ a, Rf7+ c, Qh7+ f 2.Ke2=G B, K:e3=R A,
K:e3=Q C#.

 Z-4(4,3,3,3)-67 with cyclic transferred mates in 3 phases.

 Judge: J. Brabec

#2 Grasshoppers (13+13)

A05 ~ a b c d e f A06 ~ a b c
- - D E - - F G X? S A B C
X? R A B - C - - Y? S C A B
Y? R - A B - C - Z! S B C A
Z! R B - A - - C

A06. Juraj Brabec & Ľudo Lehen

1st Pl.v Ukraine–Slovakia 2001/02

(UA-SVK C 31.5.2001 – award 455 Pat a mat 7, 2002; C?)

Judge: Waldemar Tura
1.Kc5? (~ 2.Sf4#) Rb5+ a, Rb6 b, R:b7+ c
2.K:c3=R A, B:e4 B, Kc2=G C#, 1...e5!,
1.Kc6? (~ 2.Sf4#) Rb5+ a, Rb6+ b, R:b7 c
2.Kc2=G C, K:c3=R A, B:e4 B#, 1...Gd7!,
1.Kc7! (~ 2.Sf4#) Rb5 a, Rb6+ b, R:b7+ c
2. B:e4 B, Kc2=G C, K:c3=R A#
(1...e5 2.Gd4#).
Z-33-33 = 3-fold complete Lačný cycle.

#2 Grasshoppers (13+13)
F<friend>a7, b8, e8, h5,

A07. Karol Mlynka
2nd Prize Šachová skladba 2001/02

(5919 Šachová skladba 8,2002 - dedicated to Z. Labai; judge: J.Lörinc)

a) 1.R:a3? D ~ 2.Kb4# A & 2.Kb5# B, 1...Gb8!, 1.K:a3? E ~ 2.Kb4# A,
1...Gb8!, 1.Kb5? B ~ 2.R:a3# D, 1...Gf1!,
1.Kb4! A (~ 2.R:a3# D) Rh4+ a, Rh5 b, Gb5+ d 2.K:b7=R H, R:b7 I,
Ka4=R F#;
b) 1.R:a3? D ~ 2.Kb5# B & 2.Kb3# C, 1...Gb8!, 1.K:a3? E ~ 2.Kb3# C,
E? C 1...Gb8!, 1.Kb3? C ~ 2.R:a3# D, 1...Gb4+!,
1.Kb5! B (~ 2.R:a3# D) Rh5+ b, Rh3 c, Gb6+ e 2.K:b7=R H, R:b7 I,
Ka5=R G#;
c) 1.R:a3? D ~ 2.Kb3# C & 2.Kb4# A, 1...Gb8!,1.K:a3? E ~ 2.Kb3# C &
2.Kb4# A, 1...Gb8!, 1.Kb4? A ~ 2.R:a3# D, 1...Gb5+!,
1.Kb3! C (~ 2.R:a3# D) Rh3+ c, Rh4 a, Gb4+ f 2.K:b7=R H, R:b7 I,
K:a3=R E!#. Change of function of white moves, cycle of reversal
double threats & Z-33-65 with carousel change.
#2 Grasshoppers (6+9)
b) Gh3→g4, c) Gh3→h5

A07: ~ a b c d e f A08: ~ a b c d e Chess Composition Microweb announces

formal thematical tourney (C 17.6.2002|
a) D? AB - - - - - - motif: A B C - -
for "popular" fairy problems using either
E? A - - - - - - X? Q D E F G H only one type of fairy pieces (e.g. grass-
B? D - - - - - - motif: B C A - - hoppers, nightriders, leos, locusts, ...) or
A! D H I - F - - Y! R I J K L M only one fairy condition (e.g. Circe, Patrol
b) D? BC - - - - - - chess, Andernach chess, Madrasi ...).
- - - - - - Popular means that the problem should
C? D - - - - - - show some strong idea that catches the
eye and provokes positive emotions, so
B! D - H I - G -
that the problem can be used in some way
c) D? CA - - - - - - for the promotion of fairy chess. (That's
E? CA - - - - - - the reason why only one fairy element is
A? D - - - - - - allowed, too many fairy elements tend to
C! D I - H - - E repel, you know.) The stipulation is free.

A08. Karol Mlynka

2nd Comm. v 9th TT CCM 2002

(9th TT of CCM C 17.6.2002 - A 16.7.2002)
1.a8Q? (~ 2.Qe4#) R:g4 A, Bc4+ B, Rc6 C, Rd4 d, S:c5+ e
2.f:g4 D, K:c4=B E, S:e5 F, S:b4 G, K:c5=S# H,
(1...S:a8 2.B:b5#),1...Rd5!,
1.K:b4! (~ 2.Rc3#) R:g4+ B, Bc4 C, Rc6 A, Rd4+d, S:c5 e
2.Kb3=R I, B:c4 J, Rd5 K, Kb3=R L, R:d6 M#.
 Z-25-5.10 + OM-23-33 A = direct guard, B = check, C = line-closure.
 “Cyclic change of 3 defense motives blended with the change of
mates (and 2 more changes, but one mate repeats). Among 3
versions of this problem I like this one the most (even despite
promoted pieces).“ (Judge V. Kotěšovec).

#2 (13+11)

A09. Juraj Brabec & Ľudo Lehen
3rd Prize Spišská borovička 2002

(14th TT Spišská borovička C & A 6.9.2002; judge P. Gvozdják; C?)

1.Ke5! (~ 2.R:e6#) Rd4+ a, Re4+ b, Rf4+ c, Rg4+ d
2.Ka5 A, Kc5 B, Kh5 C, Rc5 D#,
1.Kf5! (~ 2.R:e6#) Rd4+ a, Re4+ b, Rf4+ c, Rg4+ d
2.Rc5 D, Ka5 A, Kc5 B, Kh5 C#,
1.Kg5! (~ 2.R:e6#) Rd4+ a, Re4+ b, Rf4+ c, Rg4+ d
2.Kh5 C, Rc5 D, Ka5 A, Kc5 B#.
Z-34-44, 3x4 Lačný theme (cyclic shift of 4 mates in 3 phases)
“Beautiful use of the ST-King, which moves after checking defences and
one mate without check. A pity, that the authors could not arrange the
4-phase: 4-fold Lacny cycle doubled plus double reciprocal change.“ (PG)

#2 3 solutions (8+22)
F<friend>a8, b1, b6, c1, c3, d7,
d8, e2, g1, h2, h3, h6, h8
LE<leo>e6, VA<vao>a2
G<grasshopper>a1, a7, d1

A09 ~ a b c d A10 ~ a b
X? R A B C D X? A B C
Y? R D A B C Y! C A B
Z! R C D A B

A10. Vasil Dyachuk

4th Prize The Ural´s Problemist 2003

(2535 Уральский проблемист 2003; № 3)

1.d5? (~ 2.Rb7 A#) N:c6+ a, Na4 b

2. Kh8=N B, Na7 C#, 1...Nc5!,
1.Ga3! (~ 2. Na7 C#) N:c6 a, Na4+ b
2.Rb7 A, Kh8=N B#.

 Shedey cycle in 2 phases.

 Transformation of Pressburger King into N.

#2 Grasshoppers (9+6)

A11. V. Dyachuk & V. Kopyl
& L. Salai, sr.
H. M. Shakhmatnaya poeziya 2003

(1517 Шахматная поєзия 2003; № 27)

1.Kc6? (~ 2.Rh5#) Qa6+ a, Qa8+ b
2.Kh1=Q A, Kf6=Q B#, 1...Ge8!,
1.Ke4? (~ 2.Rh5#) Qa8+ b, Qe2+ c
2.K:g4=Q C, Kh1=Q A#, 1...Ge5!,
1.Ke6! (~ 2.Rh5#) Qe2+ a, Qa6+ c
2.Kf6=Q B, K:g4=Q C#, (1...h5 2.Bg5#).

 Carousel change: Z-32-33

 “Carousel: a tournament in which groups of knights took part in
chariot races and other demonstrations of equestrian skills.“

#2 Grasshopper e1 (7+11)

A11 ~ a b c A12 ~ a b c d e f g h
X? R A B - X? K A B C D E F G H
Y? R - C A Y! L B A D C F E H G
Z! R B - C

A12. V. Dyachuk & V. Kopyl

& L. Salai sr. & L. Salai jr.
& Ľ. Lehen & J. Brabec
Prize Martin-Žilina 2002/03

(1291 “Umenie 64“ 12, 2003, no. 31; judge: V. Kotěšovec)

1.Bh3? (~ 2.Be6#) S:e3 a, Sc3+ b, Bd7c, Bc6+d, Ng7 e, Nf6+ f,
Qc8 g, Qa8+ h 2.Qc3 A, Kd6=S B, Q:c5 C, Kd3=B D 2.Bf1 E,
Kd6=N F, Q:b5 G, Kd3=Q H#,1...Q:b6!,
1.Kf5! (~ 2.Bd5#) S:e3+ a, Sc3 b, Bd7+ c, Bc6 d, Ng7+ e, Nf6 f,
Qc8+ g, Qa8 h 2.Kd6=S B, Q:c3 A, Kd3=B D, Q:c5 C, Kd6=N F,
Bf1 E, Kd3=Q H, Q:b5 G#.
 4-fold reciprocal change: Z-28-88
“Each of the four black thematic pieces has two thematic
defenses, from which is always one of the moves checking only
in the try and the second only in the solution.“ (VK)

#2 Nightrider h5 (11+7)

A13. Karol Mlynka
5th Prize v Pongrácz 10-TT 2002/03

(C 13.08.2002 - award 1147 Umenie 64 3, 2003; no. 28; corr.)

a) 1.a8B! (~ 2.Bc6#) Rf6+ a, Sf6+ b 2. K:b5=R A, Kb6=S B #,
(1...Be5+ 2. Kc6=B#);
b) 1.a8B! (~ 2.Bc6#) Rg3+ c, Sg3+ d 2. K:b5=R A, Kb6=S B#;
c) 1.a8B! (~ 2.Bc6#) Rc3+ e, Sec3+ f 2. K:b5=R A, Kb6=S B#,
(1...R:a8+, Rb8+ 2.K:b5=R, Kc6=B#).
 Two transferred mates in three phases in SAT-chess
after the same key.
"... Z-32-62 with excelling supertransmuting king. The king after
abdication is mating as rook and knight the same way after different
defenses. Unique symbiosis of this special king and SAT-chess..."
(Judge: L. Salai, sr.)

2# SAT-chess (4+9)
b) Bh8→h2
c) Bh8→a1

A13 ~ a b c d e f A14 ~ a b
X! S A B - - - - X! S A B
Y! S - - A B - - Y! P C D
Z! S - - - - A B

A14. Karol Mlynka

1st Comm. Pongrácz 10-TT 2002/03

(C 13.08.2002 - award 1156 “Umenie 64“ 3, 2003; no. 28; C?)

a) 1.h8S! (~ 2.Sg6#) Sa~+ a, Be2+ b 2.Kd6=S A, Kc6=B# B,

(1...d5+ 2. Kb6=P#);
b) 1.c5! (~ 2.c6#) Sa~+ a, Be2+ b 2.Kc6=S C, Kb6=B# D.

 SAT-chess. (Creating flight is a mate.)

 Transformation of Pressburger King into S and B.
 "Once again supertransmuting king... Change of mates
Z-22-24." (Judge L. Salai, sr.)

2# SAT-chess (7+7)
b) Ra5↔Kb5

A15. Vasil Dyachuk
2989 Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 12, 2003

(Шахматная композиция, № 54)

1...Gg5 a, Ge4 b 2.Sg6 B, Sd5 A#,
1.Bf3? (~ 2.Sd5 A#) Gg5 a, Ge4+ b 2.Sg6 B, Kd2=G C#, 1...Gf1!,
1.Rg3! (~ 2.Sg6 B#) Gg5+ a, Ge4 b 2.Kd2=G C, Sd5 A#.

 Shedey cycle & halfreciprocal Bartolović theme.

 Transformation of Pressburger King into G.

#2 Grasshoppers (7+6)

A15 ~ a b A16 ~ a b
- - B A A? B C D
X? A B C B! A D C
Y! B C A

A16. Vasil Dyachuk

5th HM harmonie 2003

(954 harmonie 12, 2003 - no. 76)

1.LIb6? A (~ 2.LIb7# B) Qe4, Qg6+ 2.Rf1 C, K:c2=Q D#, 1...Be4!,

1.LIb7! B (~ 2.LIb6# A) Qe4+, Qg6 2.K:c2=Q D, Rf1 C#,
(1...Be4+, Bd3 2.K:e4=B, B:d3#).
 Reciprocal change of mates: Z-22-22
 1st move-threat-interchange (sequence reversal II)
 „Droh-Reversal und relativ einfach gestrickter
reziproker Mattwechsel, aber gute Nutzung des
Preßburger Königs in sparsamer Ausführung.“
(Judge: Franz Pachl)

#2 LI<lion>a8,d5,e6,h7 (8+4)

A17. Vasil Dyachuk
1st-2nd Prize Formánek-70 JT 2003/04

(BF-70-JT C 6.6.2003 - A 166 PAM 6,2004; judge: BF)

(Correction: Errata PAM 49, p.198.)
1...Qb2+ a, Qg1+ b, Qg7 c
2.Kd4=Q A, Kb3=Q B, B:f3 C#,
1.Kb7? (~ 2.Sb6#) Qb2+ a, Qg1 b, Qg7+ c
2.Kf7=Q D, B:f3 C, Kb3=Q B#, 1...Qf2!,
1.Ka7! (~ 2.Sb6#) Qb2 a, Qg1+ b, Qg7+ c
2.B:f3 C, Kf7=Q D, Kd4=Q A#.
 Z-33-34
 3x3 Zagoruiko including carousel change
plus 2-fold reciprocal change.

#2 (7+6)

A17 ~ a b c A18 ~ a b
- - A B C A? B C D
X? S D C B B! A D C
Y! S C D A

A18. Vasil Dyachuk

4th HM Šachové umění 2003/04

(82 Šachové umění 10, 2003; 82v ŠU 7, 2004 - 7761)

1.Ge5? A (~ 2.Ge4# B) Gf5+a, Gh1 b 2.Kd1=G C, Kd4 D#,
1.Ge4! B (~ 2.Ge5# A) Gh1+ b, Gf5 a 2.Kd1=G C, Kd4 D#,
(1...Rg5+, a:b5 2.Kd3=R, R:b5#).
Z-22-22; reciprocal change & interchange of 1st move and
threat (sequence reversal II). “... I think another name ought to
be used because in Feenschach (1966), B. Formánek had
published an article about Pressburger Schach , a fairy con-
dition without any relationship to with the so-called later
Pressburger King. For this King, the name Super-Transmuted
is more explicit and could avoid confusion.“ (Yves Cheylan)

#2 Grasshoppers (9+8)

A19. V. Dyachuk & K. Mlynka
2nd-5th HM Die Schwalbe 2004

(12415 Die Schwalbe 10, 2004 – aw. Die Schwalbe 2, 2006)

1.BHd2? A (~2.RHd3# B) Gc3 a, Gc1+ b, Qh3 c, Qh6+ d
2.Qf8 C, Ka7 D, Qg8 E, K:e6# F, 1...RHe2!,
1.RHd3! B (~2.BHd2# A) Gc3+ a, Gc1 b, Qh3+ c, Qh6 d
2.Ka7 D, Qf8 C, K:e6 F, Qg8 E#,
1...RHb4 (Gf8), BHc2 (BHe8) 2.Qf8, Qe8#.
 2-fold reciprocal change Z-24-44
 Sequence reversal II (interchange of 1st move and
 „Reziproker Erstzug-Drohzug-Wechsel und reziproker
Mattwechsel dazu dank dem Pressburger König und
den geschickten Erstzügen.“ (Judge J. Brabec)

#2 Grasshopper a3 (7+11)
RH<rook hopper>b2,f3
BH<bishop hopper>f4,g6

A19 ~ a b c d A20 ~ a b c
A? B C D E F X? w A B -
B! A D C F E Y! w B C A

A20. Karol Mlynka

2nd-3rd HMv Salai -70 JT 2004

(LS70JT C 19.8.2004 - A 1481 “Umenie 64“ 11.2004)

(correction: -bRHb1= C+ in Pressburger King 2016)

(1.Kb8? zz. RHa8 2.d8S#, 1...RHb6!),

1.g3? zz. Gd5 a, Ga4+ b 2.B:d5 A, Ke8=G B #, 1...RHb6!,
1.Bb7! zz. Ga2~ (Gh2) c, Gd5+! a, Ga4+! b
2.Bd5 A, Ke8=G B, Ka6=G C #.

 Z-2(2,3)-33 (halfreciprocal change) & black correction.

 Judge: L. Salai, sr.

#2 Grasshopper a2 (8+7)
RH<rook hopper>b1,d6,d8,f6

A21. Karol Mlynka
2nd HM Libiš-50 JT 2004/05

(ZL-50-JT C 24.12.2004 – A 7613 Šachová skladba 7, 2005 - no. 88;

judge: Zdeněk Libiš)

1...BHf5+a, BHd5+b, BHd3+c, BHf3+d, Ga3 (Ga1), Gb5

2.Kg6=BH A, Kc6=BH B, Kc2=BH C Kg2=BH D, Ke3, Ke5#;
1.Ke5+? Gbf4+!, 1.Ke3+? Gcf4+!, 1.Kd5+? BHae4+!,
1.Kf5+? BH7e4+!, 1.Kf3+? BH1e4+!, 1.Kd3+? BHbe4+!,
1.Kf4! ~ Kb4 2.K:g3#, 1...Gcg5+ (Ggg5+) e, Ge5+ f, Ge3+ g,
Gh2+ h 2.K:h6=G E, Kd6=G F, Kd2=G G, K:h2=G H#.
 Radical change Z-24-88 & king star & model mates.
 “Pressburger King in the main role acquires the ability
of Grasshopper. The solo of the White King.“ (Z. Libiš)

#2 (7+9)
Grasshoppers c1,b8,g3,h6
BH<bishop hopper>a8,b1,h1,h7

A21 ~ a b c d e f g h A22: ~ a b c
- - A B C D - - - - motif: A B C
X! Y - - - - E F G H X! S K L M
motif: C A B
Y! S N O L

A22. Ján Golha

1st Prize Mlynka-60 JT – B2 2004/05

(KM60JT C 11.8.2004 – A 696 Pat a mat 9, 2005; judge: J. Golha)

a) 1.Kc3! (~ 2.Ba2#) R:d3+ A, R:d4 B, LI:d3 C

2.Kc5=R K, Oc4 L, ND:f5-e4 M#;
b) 1.Kb4! (~ 2.Ba2#) R:d3 C, R:d4+ A, LI:d3 B
2.NDg8 N, K:b5=R O, Oc4 L#.

OM-23-33A+Z-23-35 = active cyclic change of defence motifs

(Mlynka theme: A = checking, B = creating flight by capture,
C = direct guard) with change of mates.

#2 b) Oa4→a6 (11+11)
O<orphan>a4, d6, f2, f3, g5
LI<lion>f5,g6, ND<nereide>h7
RH<rook hopper>g7
LB<bishop locust>b5, b6

A23. Ján Golha
4th Prize Mlynka-60 JT – B2 2004/05

(KM60JT C 11.8.2004 – A 699 Pat a mat 9,2005; j. K. Mlynka)

a) 1.Rg4? X Qb7!,
1.Kc6! Y (~ 2.Rd5#) Sf4 A, BHe5 B, Qb7+ C
2.G:f4 K, Gd3 L, K:c5=Q M#.
b) 1.Kc6? Y BHe5!,
1.Rg4! X (~ 2.R:e4#) Sf4 B, BHe5+ C, Qb7 A
2.Ge3 N, Kd3=G O, G:b6! P#.
OM-23-33+Z-23-36 = cyclic change of defensive motifs
(Mlynka theme) A = direct guarding, B = threat unit´s line
interference, C = checking) & change of mates & key-try-

#2 b) Gb1→b8 (9+15)
RH<rook hopper>c1,c7,d2,d8,
BH<bishop hopper>a2,a5,b6,c3,c4,g1

A23 ~ a b c A24 ~ a b c
motif: A B C - A B C
X? - Y! R K L M X? S D E F
motif: B C A Y! S E F D
Y? - X! R N O P Z-33-36

A24. Vasil Dyachuk

1st Prize v Nebotov-70 JT 2004/05

1...d4 a, Rc1 b, d2 c 2.Be4 A, g6 B,Gg6 C#,

1.Ke3? (~ 2.Sf4#) d4+ a, Rc1+ b, d2+ c
2.Ke4=P D, Ke6=G E, K:e5=R F#, 1...Ge4!,
1.Ke1! (~ 2.Sf4#) d4+ a, Rc1+ b, d2+ c
2.Ke6=G E, K:e5=R F, Ke4=P D#,
(1... Rc2, g:h3 2.g6, B:h3#).(1...d2#!)
 3x3 Zagoruiko with Lačný theme.
A humorous idea: Pressburger King transferred to Pawn on the first
rank moves like in Einstein chess three squares forward 2.Ke1-e4=P.
 C-, because the computer has been unable to verify
soudness or fairy joke?

#2 Grasshoppers (14+13)
F<friend> f7, h1

A25. Vasil Dyachuk
2nd Prize Nebotov-70 JT 2004/05

a) 1.Rc4! (~ 2.Bc6#) Rd4+ a, Rg5+ b, Se3+ c, Sf6+ d

2.K:d4=R A, K:g5=R B, K:e3=S C, K:f6=S D#,
b) 1.Ba6! (~ 2.Bb7#) Rd4+ a, Rg5+ b, Se3+ c, Sf6+ d
2.Kg5=R B, Kd4=R A, Kf6=S D, Ke3=S C#.

 2-fold reciprocal change Z-24-44.

 Fairy condition Strict Follow-My-Leader in b).
 (C?)

#2 b) StrictFollowMyLeader (6+9)

A25 ~ a b c d A26 ~ a b c d
X! K A B C D X? A B C D -
Y! L B A D C Y! B C A - E

A26. V. Dyachuk & V. Kopyl

& L. Salai jr.
7714 v Šachová skladba 7, 2005

(Corr. 7407 ŠS 1, 2005 & 6480 ŠS 7, 2003)

1.Kf4? (~ 2.d5# A) Gf7 a, Ge5+ b 2.R:e8 B, Kd6=G C#,
(1...g5+ c 2.Kf5=P# D), 1...Gg8!,
1.Kg6! (~ 2.R:e8# B) Gf7+(Gg8+) a, Ge5 b 2.Kd6=G C, d5 A#,
(1...Bh5+ d 2.Kf5=B# E).
 Shedey cycle & Z-23-45 (with radical change).
 Judge: R. Aschwanden

L. Salai, jr.

#2 Grasshoppers (8+7)

A27. Ján Golha
F465 Problemesis 12, 2005

1...LEc1+ a, LIa4+ b, Qf1+ c, Gc4+ d

2.Kf6=LE A, Kc7=LI B, Kf6=Q C, Kc7=G D#;
1.Sf5! (~ 2.Re7#) LEc1+ a, LIa4+ b, Qf1+ c, Gc4+ d
2.Kc7=LE E, Kf6=LI F, Kd6=Q G, Kf6=G H#.
 Z-24-48 = change of four mates with reciprocal (LE/LI)
and halfreciprocal play (Q/G) on the same mate squares.

#2 LE<leo>a1 (8+10)
G<grasshopper>a2, g6
NH<nightrider hopper>a8

A27 ~ a b c d A28 ~ a b c d
- - A B C D - - A B - -
X! Y E F G H X! Y - - A B

A28. Karol Mlynka

2134 Shakhmatnaya poeziya 5, 2006

(2134 Шахматная поєзия 5. 2006)

1...Gd6+ a, Gc5+ b 2.Kb7=LE A, Kh1=LI B#,

1.Ke4! (~ 2.Bd5#) Ge6+ c, Gc4+ d 2.Kb7=LE A, Kh1=LI B#.

Z-22-42 = two transferred mates by Leo and Lion

after checking Grasshopper moves.

#2 LI<lion>a4,a5,h8 (9+9)
LE<leo>a3, d8, e8, f8
G<grasshopper> b1,d3,f5,g2,f1,h3

A29. Vasil Dyachuk
2nd Prize Spišská borovička 2006

(46th WCCC Wageningen: 18th TT Spišská Borovička C 4.8.2006)

Judge: Peter Gvozdják
1.Kc7? (~ 2.B:d3#) BHd5 a, Sc5 b, Se5 c
2.Qd1 A, Sc3 B, Qf2 C#,1...RH:a6!,
1.Ke6? (~ 2.B:d3#) BHd5+ a, Sc5+ b, Se5+ c
2.Kc4=G D, Kd4=S E, K:e4=G F#,1...RHd6!,
1.Kc6! (~ 2.B:d3#) BHd5+ a, Sc5+ b, Se5+ c
2.K:e4=G F, Kc4=G D, Kd4=S E#,
(1...BH:h1, Sb2,Sf2 2.Qd1, Sc3, Q:f2#).
Lačný & Zagoruiko themes in 3 variations. Z-33-36.

#2 RH<rook hopper>f6 (10+10)

BH<bishop hopper>b6, h1, f3, f4

A29 ~ a b c A30 ~ a b c
- A B C motif: A B C
X? S D E F X? R1 D E F
Y! S F D E motif: C A B
Y! R2 G H I

A30. Karol Mlynka

1384 Pat a mat 12, 2006
Dedicated to J. Golha 50*

1.Kd6? (~ 2.Re5#) Sg4 A, Qc7+ B, Bf5 C

2.LE:g4 D, K:d5=Q E, O:f5 F#, 1...RHe3!,
1.Rh4! (~ 2.R:f4#) Sg4 C, Qc7 A, Bf5+ B
2.Od3 G, LE:c6 H, K:f5=B I#.

 Cyclic change of defence motifs (Mlynka theme)

with a cycle of mating unites and change of mates.
 OM-23-23+Z-23-36.
(A = guarding, B = checking, C = threat unit´s line interference).
 Judge: Vlaicu Crişan

#2 O<orphan>d7 (7+13)
LE<leo>c8, KA<kangaroo>h3
RH<rook hopper>b5,e8
BH<bishop hopper>c6, d4, g8

A31. Vasil Dyachuk
1st−6th Prize The Ural´s Problemist 2006

(Испр. 4138 Уральский проблемист 2006; № 46)

1.Gd4! A (~ 2.LId1#) Ge7 a, Ge5 b, Gg1+ c 2.Gd5 B, Gd6 C, Kc2=G D#,
1.Gd5! B (~ 2.LId1#) Ge7 a, Ge5+ b, Gg1 c 2.Gd4 A, Kc2=G D, Gd6 C#,
1.Gd6! C (~ 2.LId1#) Ge7+a, Ge5 b, Gg1 c2.Kc2=G D, Gd4 A, Gd5 B#,
(1...Kc1 2.Ra1#). Z-33-34.
 Three phases transferred mates & cyclic Salazar theme.
„Удачная находка. Карусельная перемена здесь дополнена в
каждой фазе третьим вариантом с матом прессбургским
королём, причём в каждой фазе выступает и третий тема-
тический ход карусельной перемены в качестве первого хода.
Так в задаче можно ещё найти и трёхкратное чередование
матов и трёх-кратное чередование первого и матующего
ходов (т.н. тема Салазар).“ (Judge: J. Brabec)

#2 3 solutions (15+6)

A31 ~ a b c A32 ~ a b c d e f
A! X B C D - - - - - D E F
B! X A D C motif: A B C - - -
C! X D A B X! R G H I - - -
motif: C A B - - -
Y! R J K L - - -

A32. Karol Mlynka

2nd Prize Golha-50 JT 2006/08

(JG50JT C 30.12.2006 – aw. PAM 12.2008 - no.64; judge: Ján Golha)
1...RHg5 d, h4 e, S:f7 f 2.Qb5 D, LE:h4 E, B:f7 F#,
1.Kf3? (~ 2.Rf4#) Gg3+ A, VAb8 B, Gf6 C
2.Kc3=RH G, R:c5 H, b:c5 I#, (1...Sg6 2.Rd5#), 1...Gg2!,
1.Ke5! (~ 2.Rf4#) Gg3 C, VAb8+ A, Gf6 B
2.LEc1 J, Kc3=VA K, BHb3 L#, (1...RH:f5 2.LEd5#).
OM-23-33A + Z-23-69.
Change of 3 mates and radical change
& active cyclic change of defensive motifs (Mlynka theme):
A = antibattery checking, B = antibattery guarding,
C = anticipatory antibattery checking.

#2 LE<leo>h1, VA<vao>a7 (11+11)

BH<bishop hopper>f7,
RH<rook hopper>b6,c5, h3

A33. Karol Mlynka
1st Comm. Golha-50 JT 2006/08

(JG50JT C 30.12.2006 – aw. PAM 12, 2008 - no.64; judge: J. Golha)

1.Ke4? (2.Sd4#) b5 a, f1M+ b, f1CA+ c, f1EA+ d, Gg4 e, Rh4+ f

2.Gb4 A, Kg3=M B, Kf7=CA E, Kd7=EA F, EA:a6 G, Kb4=R H#,
1.Kc4! (2.Sd4#) b5+ a f1M b, f1LE+ g, f1G+ h, b1CA+ i, b1M+ j
2.K:d5=P C, NHb4 D, Kb4=LE I, Ke6=G J, K:f5=CA K, K:a7=M L#.

 Z-26-10.12
 Change of mates and radical change.
 Fairy promotions.

#2 (12+12)
CA<camel>a7, LE<leo>d1,
EA<eagle>a8, M<moose>f6,
NH<nightrider hopper>a2,b3,d5,f5,h1,

A33 ~ a b c d e f g h i j A34 ~ a b
X? S A B E F G H - - - - K1! w A B
Y! S C D - - - - I J K L K2! w C D
K3! w E F
K4! w G H
K5! w I J

A34. Karol Mlynka

932 Mat Plus Spring 2008

a) 1.Kg1! zz. a1Q+ a, a1R+ b 2.Kg8=Q A, Kg7=R B#,

b) 1.Kh1! zz. a1Q+ a, a1R+ b 2.Kb7=Q C, Kh7=R D#,
c) (1.Kb3? a1S+!, 1.Ka3? a1R+!),
1.Ka5! zz. a1Q+ a, a1R+ b 2.Kc7=Q E, K:f5=R F#.
d) 1.Kd1! zz. a1Q+ a, a1R+ b 2.Kd7=Q G, Kd7=R H#,
e) 1.Kh1! zz. a1Q+ a, a1R+ b 2.Kh7=Q I, Kh8=R J#.
5x2 Zagoruiko theme (Z-52-2.10). A tanagra with royal Dummy.
 “It’s not too difficult to find where the white King must
play, but the solving is pleasant.“ (E. Huber)
 “White supertransmuting king is very handy tool for
change themes.“ (J. Lörinc)

#2 BlackUltraSchachZwang (1+4)
FE<fers>f5, royal=DU<dummy>f7
b) Pc6→g5, c) Kh2→b4,
d) Kh2→e1, e) rDUf7→g8

A35. Karol Mlynka
2nd Comm. 23rd TT CCM 2008

(23rd TT Chess Composition Microweb C 3.3.2008 – award 6.4.2008)
(1...BSg1=R+ 2.Ka2=R#) 1.Kg3? BSg1=R+ 2.Ka3=R#, 1...BSg1=Q+!,
1.Kh1? BSg1=R+!, 1.Kh3? BSg1=S+!,
1.Kf1! zz. BSg1=Q+2.Kf8=Q#,
1...BSg1=R+ 2.Kf8=R#, 1...BSf2+ 2.Ka6=BS#.
 Wenigsteiner with Rex solus.
“The most surprising problem of all. Although Black is quite constrained in terms of
possible moves, there are three different refutations by promotions. Knight one is the only
check possible, rook one as well, although the queen promotions is ruled out by selfcheck
just like in the set. Finally, queen promotion refutation is a correction of the rook promo-
tion. The key is the most interesting move as it allows three defences, although two are
very similar. The means used are very exotic.“ (Juraj Lörinc)

#2 BlackUltraSchachZwang (1+3)
BS<berolina superpawn>a7

A36: ~ a b c Chess Composition Microweb announces formal thematical tourney for any
motif: A B C fairy problems featuring tries. The emphasis of the theme tourney is put on
X? R1 K L M the motivation for the failure of tries and/or their refutations, and not on the
motif: B C A additional play in the tries (like e.g. changes in variations of #2 tries). See
Y! R2 N O P examples for more clarification what is suitable. (C 03.03.2008)

A36. Ján Golha

4th Prize Salai sr.-MT 2007/08

(LS sr.-MT C 15.3.2007 – award 593 PAM 4, 2008 – no. 61;

judge L. Salai jr.)
1.e6? P (~ 2.Rc4#) RHb5 A, RHf4+ B, Gc6 C
2.LIa1 K, K:f4=RH L, K:f5 M #, 1...NHc5!,
1.K:f5! M (~ 2.R:e4#) RHb5+ B, RHf4 C, Gc6 A
2.Kf2=RH N, LI:f4 O, e6 P#.
 OM-23-33 = cyclic change of defence motifs
(Mlynka theme). A = antibattery guarding, B = checking,
C = threat-line interference.
 Change of mates (Z-23-36).
 Salazar theme.

#2 (11+13)
LI<lion>f7,g1, BL<bishop-lion>b7,
RH<rook hopper>b1,c3,h4,
BH<bishop hopper>a3,a6,
NH<nightrider hopper>g3

A37. Vasil Dyachuk
1st Prize 6th TT PAM 2007/08
(6th TT PAM C 31.10.2007 – aw.706 PAM 6, 2008 - no.62; j. J. Brabec)
Without b. Ph5!

1...Ba3 c, Sb7 d 2.e5 D, R:f7 E#, (1...f:g6 2.Rf5#),

1.Kd6? (~ 2.BLf4# A) Bd4 a, Be5+ b, Ba3+ c, Sb7+ d
2.BLf2 B, Ke7=B C, Kf4=B E, Ke8=S F#,1...RLe5!,
1.Kc5! (~ 2.BLf2# B) Bd4+ a, Be5 b, Ba3+ c, Sb7+ d, Bc1
2.Ke7=B C, BLf4 A, Kf2=B G, Kd7=S H, e5 D#, (1...S:c6 2.R:f7#).

 Shedey cycle & Zagoruiko theme. Z-(2,4,4)-48

 “An excellent combining form of cyclic change between
threats and mates in three phases.“ (JB)

#2 (11+8)

A37 ~ a b c d A38 ~ a b c d e f
- - - - D E - - A B C D - -
X? A B C E F X! Y C A - - B D
Y! B C A G H

A38. Ján Golha

2nd – 3rd Prize 6th TT PAM 2007/08

(6th TT PAM C 31.10.2007 – award 707 PAM 6, 2008 - no.62; J. Brabec)

1...Ge3+ a, Ge7 b, Gf3 c, Gd4 d

2.Kb5=G A, LIc7 B, LIc3 C, RLd3 D#,
1.Ge6! (~ 2.Ne4#) Ge3 a, Ge7+ b, KAe7 e, Gd6 f 2.LIc3 C,
Kb5=G A, LIc7 B, RLd3 D#.

Z-24-64 = transferred mates & halfreciprocal change of mates.

 “An infrequent new strategic combination.“ (JB)

#2 KA<kangaroo>e2 (10+12)
LI<lion>f7, h3
RL<rook-lion>a5, d8
NH<nightrider hopper>e1

A39. Ján Golha
4th – 5th Prize 6th TT PAM 2007/08
(6th TT PAM C 31.10.2007 – award 709 PAM 6, 2008; judge J. Brabec)

1.Bg2? (~ 2.Rd5#) Ra7+ f, Rf1+ b 2.Kf4=R C, Kd7=R F#, 1...Ra5!,

1.Ke8? (~ 2.Rd7#) Ra8+ d, Re1+ a 2.Ke4=R B, Kd8=R A#, 1...Ra6!,
1.Kf8? (~ 2.Rd7#) Ra8+ d, Rf1+ b 2.Kf4=R C, Kd8=R A#, 1...Ra6!,
1.Kg8? (~ 2.Rd7#) Ra8+ d, Rg1+ c 2.Kg4=R D, Kd8=R A#, 1...Ra6!,
1.Ke6! (~ 2.Rd7#) Ra6+ e, Re1+ a 2.Ke4=R B, Kd6=R E#;
1.Kf6! (~ 2.Rd7#) Ra6+ e, Rf1+ b 2.Kf4=R C, Kd6=R E#;
1.Kg6! (~ 2.Rd7#) Ra6+ e, Rg1+ c 2.Kg4=R D, Kd6=R E#.

 Z-72-66. Combined changes in seven phases.

 “A very simple motivation with multiple play of Pressburger
king and a rare new strategic content.“ (JB)

#2 3 solutions (7+2)

A39 ~ a b c d e f A40: ~ a b c
X? R - F - - - C motif: A B C
K1? R A - - B - - X? S1 D E F
K2? R - A - C - - motif: C A B
K3? R - - A D - - Y! S2 G H I
K4! R E - - - B -
K5! R - E - - C -
K6! R - - E - D -

A40. Ján Golha

1st – 2nd HM 6th TT PAM 2007/08

(6th TT PAM C 31.10.2007 – award 711 PAM 6, 2008; judge J. Brabec)

1.Sd7? (~ 2.Sc5#) LId4 A, Rd3 B, Gd6+ C

2.R:e5 D, Sg5 E, Kg8=G F#, 1...b6!,
1.S:d5! (~ 2.Sc7#) LId4+ C, Rd3 A, Gd6 B
2.Kg8=LI G, Rf6 H, LIe4 I#,
(1...NHg5, R:f5 2.S:g5, g:f5#).
 OM-23-33+Z-23-36. Cycle of defensive motifs:
A = unblocking of the square behind the hurdle,
B = checking, C = creating of the hurdle.
 Change of mates.

#2 LI<lion>a1, h7 (9+11)
G<grasshopper>g6, h5
NH<nightrider hopper>b8, e1

A41. Ján Golha
1st – 2nd HM 6th TT PAM 2007/08

(6th TT PAM C 31.10.2007 – award 712 PAM 6, 2008; judge J. Brabec)

1.Rg4? (~ 2.R:g5#) Gc4 A, Sf4+ B, Gf4 C

2.Be4 K, Ke3=S L, S:d6 M#, (1...Gd8+ 2.Kd7=G #), 1...NHc7!,
1.Kd4! (~ 2.Re5#) Gc4 C, Sf4 A, Gf4+ B
2.G:d3 N, S:g7 O, Kd7=G P#,
(1...LIc4, G:e4 2.G:d3, B:e4#).

OM-23-33+Z-23-36. Cyclic change of defence motifs:

A = unblocking the square behind the hurdle,
B = checking, C = creating of the hurdle.
 Change of mates.

#2 royal=G<grasshopper>f5 (7+16)
BH<bishop hopper>d2,d6
NH<nightrider hopper>a3, e6

A41 ~ a b c A42 ~ a b c
motif: A B C X? A B C D
X? R1 K L M Y! B C D E
motif: C A B
Y! R2 N O P

A42. Vasil Dyachuk

3rd HM 6th TT PAM 2007/08

(6th TT PAM C 31.10.2007 – award 713 PAM 6,2008; judge J. Brabec)

1.Kd2? (~ 2.RLd5# A) Rb4 a, Rd4+ b, Ra2+ c 2.RLb7 B,

Ke2=R C, Kd5=R D#,1...e5!,
1.Kb2! (~ 2.RLb7# B) Rb4+a, Rd4 b, Ra2+ c 2.Ke2=R C, RLd5 A,
Kb7=R# E#.

 Shedey pseudo-cycle with 3rd thematic variation

 Z-23-34
 “The threat and two mates in the variations are cyclic
changed plus additional change of mate.“ (JB)

#2 RL<rook-lion>b1, d1 (8+5)
BL<bishop-lion>a8, h6
WhiteSuperTransmuting King

A43. Karol Mlynka
5th HM 6th TT PAM 2007/08

(6th TT PAM C 31.10.2007 – award 715 PAM 6, 2008; judge J. Brabec)

1...Sf3+ a, Bf6+ b 2.Ke6=S A, Ke3=B B#,

1.Kh4? (~ 2.Be3#) Sf3+ a, Bf6+ b
2.Kf5=S C, Kf2=B D#, 1...Q:d7!,
1.Kg6? (~ 2.Be3#) Qc2+ c, Qc6+ d
2.Kb6=Q E, Kd3=Q F#, 1...Q:d7!,
1.Kf5! (~ 2.Be3#) Qc2+ c, Q:d7+ e
2.Kf2=Q G, Kf4=Q H#.
Z-42-58 = combined changes in 4 phases.
 “Two pairs of related phases in which the Pressburger
king plays eight times.“ (JB)

#2 (6+10)
WhiteSuperTransmuting King

A43 ~ a b c d e A44 ~ a b c d e
- - A B - - - - - - - E - F
X? S C D - - - X? ~ A B - - -
Y? S - - E F - Y! ~ C D G E -
Z! S - - G - H

A44. Karol Mlynka

795 Pat a mat 6, 2008

1...Rf5 c, Sc6 e 2.Sd2 E, Q:e6 F#,

1.Rdd3? (~ 2.Rc3#) Bd5+ a, Sd6+ b
2.K:d5=B A, K:d6=S B#, 1...Rc2!,
1.K:e5! (~ 2.Rd4#) Bd5 a, Sd6 b, Rf5+ c, Rf4 d (Rd2), Qh8+
2.Qc6! C, Rc7! D, Ke4=R G, Sd2 E, Kb5=Q#.

 Z-3(2,2,4)-57; changes in 3 phases.

 Pressburger mates.
 Judge: Guy Sobrecases

#2 (8+9)
WhiteSuperTransmuting King

A45. Ján Golha & Karol Mlynka
Spec. comm. 6th TT PAM 2007/08

In all positions: 1.Sh4! ~ 2.Rgf1#.

A: diagram: 1...Rd6+ a, Rc4+ b 2.K=Rf4 A, K=Rd2 B#;
B: Kd4→e4: 1...Rc4+ b, Re6+ c 2.K=Re2 C, K=Rf4 A#;
C: Kd4→e5: 1...Re6+ c, Rc5+ d 2.K=Rf5 D, K=Re2 C#;
D: Kd4→d5: 1...Rc5+ d, Rd6+ a 2.K=Rd2 B, K=Rf5 D#;
E: Kd4→g4: 1...Rc4+ b, Rg6+ u 2.K=Rg2 J, K=Rf4 A#;
F: Kd4→g5: 1...Rc5+ d, Rg6+ u 2.K=Rg2 J, K=Rf5 D#;
G: Rc6→b7: 1...Rd7+ e, Rb4+ f 2.K=Rf4 A, K=Rd2 B#;
H: in G: Kd4→e4:1...Rb4+ f, Re7+ g 2.K=Re2 C, K=Rf4 A#;
I: in G: Ke4→e5:1...Re7+ g, Rb5+ h 2.K=Rf5 D. K=Re2 C#;
J: in I: Ke5→d5: 1...Rb5+ h, Rd7+ e 2.K=Rd2 B, K=Rf5 D#;
K: in J: Kd5→c3:1...Rc7+ i, Rb3+ j 2.K=Rf3 E, K=Rc2 F#;
L: in K: Kc3→c4:1...Rc7+ i, Rb4+ f 2.K=Rf4 A, K=Rc2 F#;
M: in L: Kc4→c5:1...Rc7+ i, Rb5+ h 2.K=Rf5 D, K=Rc2 F#;
#2 41 tween positions (5+2)

N: in M Kc5→c6: 1... Rc7+ i, Rb6+ k 2.K=Rf6 G, K=Rc2 F#;

O: in N: Kc6→d6: 1... Rd7+ e, Rb6+ k 2.K=Rf6 G, K=Rd2 B#;
P: in O: Kd6→e6: 1... Re7+ g, Rb6+ k 2.K=Rf6 G, K=Re2 C#;
Q: in P: Ke6→g4: 1... Rb4+ f, Rg7+ v 2.K=Rg2 J, K=Rf4 A#;
R: in Q: Kg4→g5: 1... Rb5+ h, Rg7+ v 2.K=Rg2 J, K=Rf5 D#;
S: in R: Kg5→g6: 1... Rb6+ k, Rg7+ v 2.K=Rtg2 J, K=Rf6 G#;
T: in A: Rc6→a8: 1... Rd8+ l, Ra4+ m 2.K=Rf4 A, K=Rd2 B#;
U: in T: Kd4→e4: 1... Ra4+ m, Re8+ n 2.K=Re2 C, K=Rf4# A#;
V: in T: Ke4→e5: 1... Re8+ n, Ra5+ o 2.K=Rf5 D, K=Re2# C#;
W: in Q: Ke5→d5: 1... Ra5+ o, Rd8+ l 2.K=Rd2 B, K=Rf5# D#;
X: in W: Kd5→e6: 1... Ra6+ p, Re8+ n 2.K=Re2 C, K=Rf6 G#;
Y: in X: Ke6→e7: 1... Re8+ n, Ra7+ q 2.K=Rf7 H, K=Re2 C#;
Z: in Y: Ke7→d7: 1... Ra7+ q, Rd8+ l 2.K=Rd2 B, K=Rf7 H#;
A1: in Z: Kd7→d6: 1... Rd8+ l, Ra6+ p 2.K=Rf6 G, K=Rd2 B#;
B1: in A1: Kd6→c6: 1... Ra6+ p, Rc8+ r 2.K=Rc2 F, K=Rf6 G#;
C1: in B1: Kc6→c7: 1... Rc8+ r, Ra7+ q 2.K=Rf7 H, K=Rc2 F#;
D1: in C1: Kc7→>b7: 1... Ra7+ q, Rb8+ s 2.K=Rb2 I, K=Rf7 H#;
E1: in D1: Kb7→b6: 1... Rb8+ s, Ra6+ p 2.K=Rf6 G, K=Rb2 I#;
F1: in E1: Kb6→b5: 1... Rb8+ s, Ra5+ o 2.K=Rf5 D, K=Rb2 I#;
G1: in F1: Kb5→b4: 1... Rb8+ s, Ra4+ m 2.K=Rf4 A, K=Rb2 I#;
H1: in G1: Kb4→b3: 1... Rb8+ s, Ra3+ t 2.K=Rf3 E, K=Rb2 I#;
I1: in H1: Kb3→c3: 1... Rc8+ r, Ra3+ t 2.K=Rf3 E, K=Rc2 F#;
J1: in I1: Kc3→c4: 1... Rc8+ r, Ra4+ m 2.K=Rf4 A, K=Rc2 F#;
K1: in J1: Kc4→c5: 1... Rc8+ r, Ra5+ o 2.K=Rf5 D, K=Rc2 F#;
L1: in K1: Kc5→g4: 1... Ra4+ m, Rg8+ x 2.K=Rg2 J, K=Rf4 A#;
M1: in L1: Kg4→g5: 1... Ra5+ o, Rg8+ x 2.K=Rg2 J, K=Rf5 D#;
N1: in M1: Kg5→g6: 1... Ra6+ p, Rg8+ x 2.K=Rg2 J, K=Rf6 G#;
O1: in N1: Kg6→g7: 1... Ra7+ q, Rg8+ x 2.K=Rg2 J, K=Rf7 H#.
 Z - 41.2 - 23.10
 Two changed variants in 41 phases by ten mates only.
 6th TT PAM C 31.10.2007 – award 721 Pat a mat 6, 2008; judge J. Brabec)

A46. Vasil Dyachuk
1st HM Brabec-70 JT 2008

(JB70JT C 26.5.2008 - award 959 PAM 12,2008; judge J. Brabec)

1...Gf5 a, Ge3 b 2.LE5b4 A, LE2b4 B#,

1...LEb8+ c 2.Kg2=LE# D, (1...Gh6 2.LE:e8#)
1.K:g4? (~ 2.LE5b4# A) Gf5+ a, Ge3+ b
2.Kd4=G C, Kg2=LE D#,1...LEa8!,
1.Kf2! (~ 2.LE2b4# B) Gf5+ a, Ge3+ b
2.Kg2=LE D, Kd4=G C#, (1...g3+ 2.Kf3=P#).

 Zagoruiko Z-32-24 included reciprocal change

& reversal-Dombrovskis & Hannelius themes.
 Transformation of PK into LE and G.

#2 (12+13)
G<grasshopper>c1, c5, d3, e6, h7

A46 ~ a b A47 ~ a b c d e
- - A B - - A B - - E
X? A C D X? R F D B C !
Y! B D C Y! R C G D A H

A47. Vasil Dyachuk

3rd HM Brabec -70 JT 2008

(JB-70-JT C 26.5.2008 - award 959 PAM 12,2008; judge J. Brabec)

1...Ra7+ a, Rg2+ b, Qg1+ e 2.Kg4=R A, Kd7=R B, Kd7=Q E#,

1.Kh7? (~2.R:e6#) Ra7+ a, Rg2 b, Rh2+ c, Ra8 d
2.Kh4=R F, Qd3 D, Kd7=R B, Qc4 C#,1...Qg1! e,
1.Kg8! (~ 2.R:e6#) Ra7 a, Rg2+ b, Rh2 c, Ra8+ d, Qg1+ e
2.Qc4 C, Kd8=R G, Qd3 D, Kg4=R A, Kd8=Q H#.

 Combined changes in 3 phases (included Zagoruiko):


#2 (7+9)

A48. Karol Mlynka
Comm. Brabec-70 JT 2008

(JB-70-JT C 26.5.2008 - award 959 PAM 12,2008; judge J. Brabec)

1...Sd4+ a (LIh5+), Se7+ b (Se3+), LIe3 c

2.Ka5=LI A, Kc7=S B, G:a4 C#,
1.Ke5? (~ 2.G:a4# C) Sd4+ a, Se7+ b, NHc6 d
2.Ka5=G D, Ka5=LI A, Qb7 E#, 1...LI:e4! e,
1.Ke6! (~ 2.G:a4# C) Sd4+ a (Sg7+), Se7+ b, LI:e4 e
2.Kc7=S B, Ka6=LI F, B:e4 G#.

 Z-33-57 = combined changes in 3 phases and 3 variants.

#2 LI<lion>d1, e8 (8+7)
NH<nightrider hopper>g4

A48 ~ a b c d e A49 ~ a b
- - A B C - - X? A B C
X? C D A - E ! Y! C A B
Y! C B F - - G

A49. Valery Kopyl

Comm. 21 st TT of SB Rio de Janeiro 2009


1.Ke6? (2.Sc2# A) Qc5 a, Q×e5+ b 2.Sef5 B, Kd5=Q C#, 1…Qa2!,

1.K:c6! (2.Sef5# B) Qc5+ a, Q:e5 b 2.Kd5=Q C, Sc2 A#.

 “Shedey cycle with some typical white-King`s

wizardly.“ (Judge: P. Gvozdják)

#2 LI<lion>c1 (11+11)

A50. Karol Mlynka
1579v Pat a mat 12, 2009

1...d4 2.Kd7#, 1.B:d5? (~ 2.Kd7#) Sf4 a, Sf6 b,

S:b6 c, S:c7 d, S:b8+ e 2.LIh8 A,LId8 B, K:b6 C,K:c7 D, K:b8 E#,
(1...Sd4+ 2.K:d4=S#), 1...Sc3!,
1.K:d5! (~ 2.Ke5#) Sf4+ a, Sf6+ b, S:b6+ c, S:c7+ d, S:b8 e, Shg3
f, Sfg3 g (S:h4, Sd4) 2.K:f4=S F, K:f6=S G, K:b6=S H, K:c7=S I,
R:b8 J, LIh8 A, LIc8# K,1...Se3+, Sc3+ 2.K:e3=S, K:c3=S#,
(1...S:b4+, Se7+, Sd6 2.K:b4=S, K:e7=S, K:d6#).
 Five changed mates: Z-25-5.10.
 Judge: V. Dyachuk
Original version: K. Mlynka, 1579 Pat a mat 12, 2009, #2 (8+11):
White DUc7 DUb6 Kc6 Pe6 Sa5 LIh4 LIh3 Bh1;
Black Ka8 DUb8 DUa7 Sa6 Ph6 Pc5 Pd5 Sf5 Sh5 Sa4 Sa3.

#2 LI<lion>h3, h4 (9+9)
promoted forces
WhiteSuperTransmuting King

A50 ~ a b c d e A51 ~ a b
X? L A B C D E X? A B C
Y! M F G H I J Y! B C A

A51. V. Dyachuk & V. Kopyl

1st Place Marianka Cup 2010

(MC C 01.08.2010 – award 08.08.2010)
Judge: Juraj Lörinc

1.f4? (~ 2.Rd4# A) Gd3 a, G:e5+ b 2.Rc5 B, Kg8=G C#, 1...Gd6!,

1.f3! (~ 2.Rc5# B) Gd3+ a, G:e5 b 2.Kg8=G C, Rd4 A#.

 Shedey cycle with change of function by white moves.

 The mechanism of check-uncheck is pleasantly
complicated here.
 A wonderful work of art.

#2 Grasshoppers (8+6)

A52. V. Dyachuk & V. Kopyl
3rd Place Marianka Cup 2010

(MC C 01.08.2010 – award 08.08.2010)
Judge: Juraj Lörinc
1.f4? (~ 2.Sc3#) Gb4+ a, G:e2 b, Q:e2+ c, Qc4 d
2.Kg8=G A, Qd4 B, K:e6=Q C, Bc6# D, 1...Bd1!,
1.f3! (~ 2.Sc3#) Gb4 a, G:e2+ b, Q:e2 c, Qc4+ d
2.Qd4 B, Kg8=G A, Bc6 D, K:e6=Q# C, (1...Sf6+ 2.Ke3=S#).
 Z-24-44 = 2-fold reciprocal change:

A52 ~ a b c d
X! S A B C D
Y! S B A D C

#2 Grasshoppers (11+10)
WhiteSuperTransmuting King

Theme of Marianka cup 2010: Fairy problem with at least two phases (set play cannot be thematical in this
sense, but are allowed, just like any other phases), one starting by a pawn single-step from the 2nd/7th rank
and the other starting by double-step of the same pawn. Other phases are allowed. Any stipulation is allowed,
twins and zero positions are also allowed.The problem must employ at least one fairy piece or one fairy con-
dition. (

A53. Karol Mlynka

Spec. HM Ridley-50 JT 2011-2012

(Mark A. Ridley-50 JT C 17.1.2011 – award MatPlus 12, 2012; judge MR)

1.K:h4! (~ 2.Kh4↔Kh1#) Kh2 2.Kh4↔Kh2#,
1...Kg1 2.Kh4↔Kg1#,
1...Sa8↔Sg2+ 2.Kf3=S#,
1...Be8↔Be1+ 2.Kf2=B#,
1...G2b4+ 2.Kd4=G2#,
1...KAd8+ 2.K:d8=KA#,
1...PAh6+ 2.K:h6=PA#,
1...VAf6+ 2.Kf2=VA#,
1...N:b1+ 2.Kf3=N#.
 Fairy strategy in Messigny Chess.

#2 MessignyChess (12+11)
KA<kangaroo>d1, b6, g8
G2<grasshopper-2>b1, b7, d5

A54. Karol Mlynka
CM Ridley-50 JT 2011-2012

(Mark Alexander Ridley-50 JT C 17.1.2011 – aw. Mat Plus 12, 2012;

Judge: the jubilarian)
 The final award came out in issues 218 and 219 of feenschach.
1...Sb6+ a, RLf2 b, LIa5+ c, Rh8+ d
2.Kc7=S A, LId2 B, Kf3=LI E, Kd8=R F#, (1...LIf6 2.LIg8#),
1.Kb7! (~ 2.a8=LI#) Sb6+ a, RLf2+ b, LIg7+ e, RLb8 f
2.Kb5=RL C, Kd7=R# D, Kf3=LI E, Kc6! G#.
 Z-24-67 = changed and transferred mates
“ANNOUNCEMENT. Jubilee Tourney Mark A. Ridley – 50. Theme: FAIRY KINGS.
Any sort of problem presenting at least one fairy condition or piece that have
been shown in Mark Ridley’s article. New fairy conditions involving fairy Kings
of any sort are also welcome.“ ( )

#2 NoCapture (3+12)
royal=DU<dummy>d5, NA<nao>a2
LI<lion>c3, g2, RL<rook-lion>b4, f7

A54 ~ a b c d e f A55 ~ a b c d
- - A B E F - - - - G H - -
X! Y C D - - E G A? B C D E -
B! C - E A F

A55. Ján Dučák

11723v Šachová skladba 4, 2013

1...Bd5 a, Sd5+ b 2. LIc5 G, Kc2=S# H,

1. K:c3? A (2.Kc4 B#) Bd5 a, Sd5+ b, Qf7 c, KLf3
2. KLe6 C, Ke2=S D, Qg3 E, KLe2#, 1...Qg8!,
1. Kc4! B (2. KLe6 C#) Sd5 b, Qf7+ c, LId5+ d, R:a7
2. Qg3 E, K:c3 A, Ke2=LI F, LI:a7#.

 Z-3(2,3,3)-47 with change of function of white moves.

 (C?)
 Judge: D. Kostadinov

#2 LI<lion> a3,e1 (14+11)

N <nightrider>b8

A56. Karol Mlynka
G214. Problemist of Ukraine 4, 2013

(G214. Проблеміст України 4, 2013; № 38) Judge: A. Bulavka

1...LEb8+ a, LEf8 b 2.Kc5=LE A, Gd5 B#,

(1...Nb5 2.B:b5#)
1.Bd3? LEh5!,
1.Gd6! (~ 2.Bb5#) LEb8 a, LEf8+ b (LEh4+) 2.Gd5 B, Kc5=LE A#,
(1...N:d6 2.Rc7#).

 Reciprocal change.

#2 LE<leo>h8 (10+5)

A56 ~ a b A57 ~ a b c d e f g h i
- - A B - - A B - - - - - - -
X! Y B A K1? w - - C D - - - - -
K2? w - - - - E F - - -
K3? w - - - F C - - - -
K4! w G - - - - H B E -
K5! w - I - H - - - C A

A57. Karol Mlynka

101 Pat a mat 6, 2013 (no. 84)
Dedicated to B. Formánek 80*

1... Bc2+ a, Bc6+ b 2.Kd5=B A, Kf5=B B#,

(1.Ke5+? Bc3+!, 1.Ke3? Bd2+!)
1.Kf4? zz. Rh4+ c, Rf8+ d 2.Kf6=R C, Ke4=R D#, 1...Bd2+!,
1.Kd5+? Rh5+ e, Rd8+ f 2.Kd6=R E, Ke5=R F#, 1...BPd6+!,
1.Kf5+? Rh5+ e, Rf8+ d 2.Kf6=R C,Ke5=R F#, 1...BPf6+!,
1.Kd3? zz. Bc2+ a, Bb5+ g, Rh3+ h, Rd8+ f 2.Kc4=B G, Kf5=B B,
Kd6=R E, Ke3=R H#, 1...c4+!,
1.Kf3! zz. Bd1+ i, Bc6+ b, Rh3+ h, Rf8+ d 2.Kd5=B A, Kg4=B I,
Kf6=R C, Ke3=R H#. > Judge: Ladislav Packa
Z-6(2,2,2,2,4,4)-99 = combined changes in 6 phases by condition
Black Ultra Schachzwang and royal Dummy. Rex solus.

#2 royal=DU<dummy>e6 (1+6)
BP<berolina pawn>e7

A58. Karol Mlynka
Comm. 32nd TT CCM 2013

(32nd TT Chess Comp. Microweb C 4.4.2013 – award Internet 8.6.2013)

1...RPg1 2.R:g1#;
1.Rh6! (~ 2.Kg3#) f4 2.Kg4#,
1...Sf2+ 2.K:f2=S#, 1...FEg2+ 2.K:g2=FE#,
1...16b2+ 2.K:b2=16#, 1...15c2+ 2.K:c2=15#,
1...15f2+ 2.Kd3=RP#, 1...16g5+ 2.Ke6=RP#.

“Model mates with doublechecks.The same type of battery mate is

repeated with the king turning into various leapers. Task affair with six
types of fairy pieces and 13 units.“ (Judge: Jiří Jelínek)

#2 FE<fers>f1 (4+9)
15<1,5-leaper>a1, d7
16<1,6-leaper>a6, a8

Altogether there was 19 compositions competing, by 11 composers from 6 countries. The theme was set to at
least two model mates while using any kinds of fairy pieces. The level of works was rather average. It shows
that this area of fairy chess still remains peripheral as regards composing interest, so that the present compe-
tition could by an inspiration. A lof can be discovered by using interesting fairy pieces! (J. Jelínek / J. Lörinc)

A59. Karol Mlynka

7111 Phénix 12, 2013 (no. 245)

1. Kb4! ~ 2.K:a3# A & 2.Kb3# B & 2.Kc3# C,

1...d2 a 2.K:a3# A (2. Kb3+? d1B+!, 2.Kc3+? d1S+!),
1...b5 b 2.Kb3# B, (2. Kc3+? b4+!, 2.Ka3+? b4+!),
1...a2 c 2.Kc3# C (2. Kb3+? a1S+!, 2.Ka3+? a1R+!).

 "Thème Fleck, pas courant en Tanagra!" (L. Riguet)

 Trial avoidance.
 Rex solus versus royal Dummy.

A59 ~ a b c

#2 royal=DU<dummy>b2 (1+4)

A60. Karol Mlynka
8th HM Problemist of Ukraine 10-JT 2014

(Проблеміст України 2014, № 12)

1...f:g4 a, d:c4 b 2.Kd2[+wPf4] A.Kf2[+wPd4] B#,
1.Kf3? Q zz. f:g4+ a, f4 c, d4 d 2.Kf4=P C, g:f4 D, c:d4 E#, 1...d:c4! b,
1.Kf2? B zz. f:g4 a, d:c4 b 2.Ke2[+wPf4] F, Kg2[+wPd4] G#, 1...f4!,
1.Kf1? K zz. f:g4+ a, d:c4 b 2.Ke1 [+wPf4] H, Kg1[+wPd4]I#, 1...f4!,
1.Ke1? H zz. f:g4+ a, d:c4 b 2.Kd1[+wPf4] J, Kf1[+wPd4]K#, 1...f4!,
1.Kd1? J zz. f:g4+ a, d:c4 b 2.Kc1[+wPf4] L, Ke1[+wPd4]# H, 1...f4!,
1.Kd2? A zz.f:g4+ a, d:c4 b 2.K:c2[+wPf4] M, Ke2[+wPd4] F#,1...f4!,
1.Kd3?N zz.f:g4+a, d:c4b 2.S:g4[+wPh2]O, Kd4=P[+wPc5]P#,1...f4!,
1.Ke3! X zz. f:g4+ a, d:c4 b, f4+ c, d4+ d 2.Kd3[+wPf4] N,
Kf3 [+wPd4] Q, K:f4=P C, K:d4=P R#, (1...NH:g4 2.Kd3[+wPf4]#).
 Z-9(2,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,4)-4.17
= 8x2 Zagoruiko and change of function of 7 white moves.

#2 ParrainCirce (9+6)
RH<rook hopper>f8
BH<bishop hopper>a2
NH<nightrider hopper>c2

A60 ~ a b c d A61 ~ a b c d e f g h i
- - A B - - - - A B C - - - - - -
Q? w C ! D E X? w - - D E B - - - !
B? w F G - - Y? + ! - - - - F G H -
K? w H I - - Z! + - - - - - - E I F
H? w J K - -
J? w L H - -
A? w M F - -
N? w O P - -
X! w N Q C R

A61. Karol Mlynka

587v Pat a mat 6, 2014

1...Se2+ a, Be3+ b, Bb8+ c 2.Kg2=S A, Kg3=B B, Kg5=B C#;

1.Ke5? zz. Re2+ d, Bd4+ e, Bb8+ c 2.Kh5=R E, Kg3=B B, Kf6=B D#,
1.Kg3+? Rd3+ f, Rg2+ g, Se4+ h 2.Kg4=R F, Kh3=R G, Kf5=S H#,
1...Se2+! a,
1.Kg5+! Rd5+ i, Rg2+ g, Se4+ h 2.Kg4=R F, Kh5=R E, Kf3=S I#.
 Z-43-99 in an aristocratic miniature.
 Rex solus.

KM, 587 Pat a mat 6, 2014 (no. 88), #2 (1+6); Black royal DUg4 - White
Ke4 - Black Pg7 Sb3 Rc2 Ba1 Bf1.

#2 royal=DU<dummy>g4 (1+5)

A62. Ľudovít Lačný
1st Prize Marianka Cup 2014

(30 days TT C 29.8.2014 – award Marianka 30.8.2014)

1.K:f3? A (~ 2.Se7#) Rg3+ a, Rg4 d 2.K:f5=R B, Q:f5 D#, 1...f4! e,
1.K:f5? B (~ 2.Se7#) Se7+ b, Be6+ f 2.Ke3=S C, Ke4=B E#,
1...Rg4! d,
1.Ke3! C (~ 2.Se7#) Qg1(c1)+ c, f4+ e, Rg3 a, Q:d4+ 2.K:f3=Q A,
Ke4=P F, Q:f5 D, K:d4=Q#.
 Pseudo-Kiss theme & Z-3(2,2,3)-66
~ a b c d e f
A1 S B - - D ! -
B1 S - C - ! - E
C1 S D - A - F -

#2 (10+12)

“Difficult new-strategical theme and rich use of supertransmuting king properties. Elegant mechanism starring
single fairy element - supertransmuting king. He enters in the first move one of three thematic squares (f3, f5,
e3) as king, but then in the second move other thematic square in the shape of normal piece after its mutation
and loses of royal privileges. He delivers the final blow and mates the black king. Cyclic change of three white
moves in the function of key and checkmate after different defences. Moreover transformation of white
supertransmuting king to all pieces including pawn. Decent presentation of the piece originated sixteen years
ago in Bratislava.“ (Judge: J. Brabec)

A63. Ján Dučák

2nd Prize Marianka Cup 2014

(30 days TT C 29.8.2014 – Award Marianka 30.8.2014)

1.Kd4? A (~ 2.f5# B) BLe8 a, B:f6+ b, Sd6 c, Rd6+ d 2.Q:g4 C, K c5=B D,
Re7 E, K e4=R F1#, 1...e3!,
1.K:e4! F2 (~ 2.Kd4# A) BLe8 a, B:f6 b, Sd6+ c, Rd6 d 2.f5 B, Q:g4 C, K
c5=S D, Re7 E#.
 Z-24-45. Record cycle of 6 white moves in diverse functions as 1st
moves, threats and variation mates. The use of the super-
transmuting king is rich as well, he makes keys in both phases
(without change of mobility) and mates three times. (JB)
~ a b c d
A B C D E F1
F2 A B C D E

#2 RL<rooklion>e1 (12+16)
NL<nightriderhopper>a4, d1
BL<bishoplion> a8, c3, g6, h7
KL<kangaroo-lion>a7, g8

A64. Vasil Dyachuk
3rd Prize Marianka Cup 2014

(C 29.8.2014 – A 30.8.2014; judge J. Brabec)

1...RLd4 a, Rg3+ b 2.Ge5 A, Kd5=R B#,
1.Ke3? (~ 2.RLe5# H) RLd4+ a, Rg3+ b, RLc4 c, RLe4+ d
2.Kc5=G C, Ke5=R D, RLc5 G, Ke5=G E#, 1...RLb4!,
1.Kc3! (~ 2.RLc5# G) RLd4+ a ¸ Rg3+ b, RLc4+ c, RLe4 d
2.Ke5=G E, Kc5=R F, Kc5=G C, RLe5 H#,
(1...G:c2, RLb4 2.RLf8, Gb5#).
 Z-3(2,4,4)-48 = Zagoruiko
 “Cyclic change of threat and three variation mates extended
by three-phase change after 1...Rg3+, always met by super-
transmuting checkmate. Taking into account variation
1...d4 b 2.e5# of the set play also one additional change
of mate in three phases. Good performance.“ (JB)
#2 Grasshoppers (10+11)

A64 ~ a b c d A65 ~ a b c d
A B - - N! R X Y - K
X H C D G E motif A B - -
Y G E F C H O! R - X Y L
motif - A B -
P! R Y - X M
motif B - A -

A65. Karol Mlynka

5th Prize Marianka Cup 2014
(30 days TT C 29.8.2014 – Award Marianka 30.8.2014)

a) 1.Kf5! (~ 2.Rg6#) Rb5+ aA, Rb4 bB, Rf1+ d

2.Kf2=R X, Bf3 Y, Kg5=R K#,
b) 1.Kf6? RHc6!, 1.Kf4(~ 2.Rg6#) Rb4+ bA, Rb6 cB, Rf1+ d
2.Kf2=R X, Bf3 Y, Kg4=R L#,
c) 1.Kf5? RHb5!, 1.Kf6! (~ 2.Rg6#) Rb6+ cA, Rb5 aB, Rf1+ d
2.Kf2=R X, Bf3 Y, Kg6=R M#.

Z-33-45 & DM-32-32 = cyclic transferred mates and active

cyclic change of defensive motifs in 2 variations and 3 phases
(A = check, B = guard) against the same threat.

#2 b)Gd6→c5 (6+8)
c) Gd6→b4
G<grasshopper>a8, d6
RH<rookhopper>b3, c1

A66. Ján Dučák
Special Prize Marianka Cup 2014

(30 days TT C 29.8.2014 – Award Marianka 30.8.2014; C?)
1.RH2b5? A ~ 2.Bd4#, 1...BM:c5+!,
1.Bd4? (~ 2.RH2b5# A) BMc3 a, BM:d4+ b 2.Zc6 B,
Kf2=BM C#, 1... RH2e6!,
1.Qa5! (~ 2.Zc6# B) BMc3+ a, BM:d4 b 2.Kf2=BM C, RH2b5 A#,
(1... RH2e6 2. RH2e7#.

 Shedey theme with difficult strategical content. Z-22-23.

 Both Pressburger Kings.

#2 Z< zebra>a3 (12+11)

BM<bishopmoos> a1,a4,g6
WhitheSuperTransmutingKing &

A66 ~ a b A67 ~ a b c d e
X? A B C V? S A B - - -
Y! B C A X? S - - A C -
Y? L - - D E -
Z! S - - - F A

A67. Ján Golha

1th HM Marianka Cup 2014
(C 29.8.2014 – A 30.8.2014)
1.Ke6? (~ 2.RHf3#) RLh6+ a, LEh6+ b
2.Ke3=RL A, Kc4=L B#, 1...RHf6!,
1.Ke7? (~ 2.RHf3#) RLh7+ c, LEh7+ d
2.Ke3=RL A, Kb4=LE C#, 1...RHf7!,
1.Bd4? (~ 2.BHe3#) RLh7+ c, LEh5+ (LEh7+) d
2.Kf3=RL D, Kf5=LE E#, 1...BHg3!,
1.Ke8! (~ 2.RHf3#) RLh8+ e, LEh5+ (LEh8+) d
2.Ke3=RL A, Ka4=LE F#.
Change of defences and mates in 4 phases. Z-42-56. Judge J. Brabec:
“Four-phases combined changes and transferences of mates with
interesting and rich use of related but different properties of hoppers
and lions. Supertransmuting king plays in all variations.“

#2 LE<leo>h2, RL<rook-lion>h1 (8+9)

RH<rook hopper> a6, a7, f2, f8
BH<bishop hopper>c1, d1, e1, e2, g1

A68. Karol Mlynka
Comm. Marianka Cup 2014
(30 days TT C 29.8.2014 – Award Marianka 30.8.2014)

a) 1.Kc5! (~ 2.Bc4#) R:e5+ A, R:e4 B, G:e4 C

2.Kd5=Rd5 K, Sf8 L, Gg3# M;
b) 1.Kd4! (~ 2.Bc4#) R:e5 C, R:e4+ A, G:e4 B
2.Q:e7 N, Kd6=Rd6 O, S:g5# P.

Active cyclic change of three defensive motifs (A = checking,

B = direct guard, C = creating flight by capture) with change of
mates by the same threat. OM-23-33A & Z-23-36.

#2 b) Qa2→h4 (13+8)

A68 ~ a b c A69 ~ a b
X! S A B C - - A B
K L M X! Y B A
Y! S C A B

A69. Vasil Dyachuk

1st HM Marianka Cup 2014
for „sat“

(30 days TT C 29.8.2014 – award Marianka 30.8.2014; C?)

1....S:d5+ a 2.K:f5=S# A (2..K:e4=S? S.e3!),
1....S:e6+ b 2.K:e4=S# B (2.K:f5=.? Sg5!),
1.G2e5! ~ 2.G5g5#,
1....S:d5+ a 2.K:e4=S# B (2.K.:f5=S? Sd5~!),
1....S:e6+ b 2.K:f5=S# A (2.K.:e4=S? S.e6~!).
 “Reciprocal change with nice dual avoidance in all
solutions. The main part is played by knights, both
black and white, with supertransmuting king in such
shape as well.“ (Judge J. Brabec)
 Z-22-22.

#2 SAT-chess (11+10)

A70. Karol Mlynka
2nd HM Marianka Cup 2014
for „sat“

(30 days TT C 29.8.2014 – award Marianka 30.8.2014; C?)

1...Bd2~+ a, Bf4! b, Q:d3+ c

2.Kf1=B A, Ke3 B, K:h2=Q# E,
1.Bd5! (~ 2.Rf3#) Bd2~+ a, Bf4! b, Ra1+ d
2.Kf3=B C, Kf3 D, Ke4=R# F.
 Z-23-45.
 Change of 2 mates after random move
and black correction plus radical change.

#2 SAT-chess (10+10)

A70 ~ a b c d A71 ~ a b c d
- - A B E - - - A B E -
X! Y C D - F X! w C D A B

A71. Karol Mlynka

782 Pat a mat 12, 2014 (no. 90)

1...SSe3 a, SSc4 b, SS:b5+ c

2.SS:a5 A, SSb3 B, K:g2=SS# E,
(1.SSb3+? B L:b3-c4+!),
1.Ke5! zz. SSe3+ a, SSc4+ b, SS:b5 c, NHc4 d
2.K:a5=SS C, Kb3=SS D, SS:a5 A SSb3# B,
(1...SSc2+, SSg4+ 2.Kd3=SS, Kh3=SS#).
 Z-2(3,4)-45 = Rukhlis theme in 2 phases
 Combination of 3 changed and 2 transferred mates
with spiralspringer.
 Judge: Daniel Novomeský

#2 SS<spiralspringer>a3, b7(4+9)
NH<nightrider hopper>g2, g6
L<locust>a2, a5, b1, f8

A72. Ján Golha
783 Pat a mat 12, 2014 (no. 90)
Dedicated to Ľ. Lačný

1...Rf6+ a, Zd8+ b 2.Ke5=R A, Kd2=Z# B,

1.Ke5? (~ 2.R:d3#) Sc4+ c, CAd8+ d
2.K:g4=S C, Kd2=CA# D, 1...Rg6!,
1.K:g4? (~ 2.R:d3#) Q:h3+ e, Ze7+ f
2.K:g5=Q E, Kd2=Z# B, 1...Rg6!,
1.K:g5! (~ 2.R:d3#) Rg6+ g, G:g3+ h
2.Ke5=R A. Kd2=G# F.
 Z-42-86 = transferred mates and cyclic pseudo
sequence reversal I.
 Judge: Daniel Novomeský

#2 G<grasshopper>c1,e1 (8+16)
Z<zebra>b5, CA<camel>a7

A72 ~ a b c d e f g h A73 ~ a b c d e
- - A B - - - - - - - - A B - - -
A1 X - - C D - - - - K1? w C - B - -
C1 X - - - - B E - - K2? w - D - A -
B1 X - - - - - - A F K3? w - - D C -
K4? w - - - E D
K5! + E - - - B

A73. Karol Mlynka

715 Julia´s Fairies 09.02.2015

1...Rb1+ a, Rf3+ b 2.Ka3=R A, Kb5=R B#,

(1.Ka3? zz. Nb1+ 2.Kc4=N#, 1...Ng6+!,
1.Ka2? Bd5+!, 1.Ka4+? Bc6+!),
1.Kb2? zz. Rb1+ a, Rf2+ c 2.Ka2=R C, Kb5=R B#, 1...Nd6+!,
1.Kc3? zz. Rc1+ d, Rf3+ b 2.Ka3=R A, Kc5=R D#, 1...Nb1+!,
1.Kc2? zz. Rc1+ d, Rf2+ c 2.Ka2=R C, Kc5=R D#
(1...Nf8+ 2.Ke3=N#), 1...Be4+!,
1.Kc4? zz. Rc1+ d, Rf4+ e 2.Ka4=R E, Kc5=R D#, 1...Bd5+!,
1.Kb4+! Rb1+ a, Rf4+ e 2.Ka4=R E, Kb5=R B#.
 Z-62-55 = Five changed and transferred mates and defences
in six phases of tanagra. Rex solus.
 Royal piece: Piece that executes a function of the King on
the board.
#2 UltraSchachZwang (1+4)

A74. Karol Mlynka
G006 SuperProblem 15.03.2015

1...Qf3+ a, Se7+ b, Bd5+ c

2.K:f3-f1=Q A, Ke5=S B, K:d5-f7=B C#,
1.Kd7! zz. Qd3+ d, Sf6+ e, Be6+ f
2.K:d3-f1=Q A, Ke5=S B, K:e6-f7=B C#,
(1...Qa4+, Rb7+, Be8+ 2.K:a4-a2=Q, K:d2-f4=R, K:e8-f7=B#).

 Rex solus versus royal Locust.

 Z-23-63 = three transferred mates
in Take & Make chess and Ultra schachzwang.

#2 royal=L<locust>c4 (1+8)

A74 ~ a b c d e f A75 ~ a b
- - A B C - - - X! C A B
X! Y - - - A B C Y! C B A

A75. V. Dyachuk & V. Kopyl

1st HM Pat a mat 2015

(1010 Pat a mat 6. 2015; judge: K. Mlynka)

a) 1.G:a7! (~ 2.Ga3#) Ge1+ a, Ge3+ b 2.K:e1=G A, K:e3=G B#,

b) 1.Ga5! (~ 2.Ga3#) Ge1+ a, Ge3+ b 2.Ke3=G B, Ke1=G A#.

Z-22-22. Reciprocal change by No capture.

#2 b) NoCapture (10+6)

A76. Ján Golha & Karol Mlynka
7th Prize Lehen-MT 2014 - 2015

(C 31.12.2014 – A 1055 Pat a mat 6, 2015 - no. 92)

1.Kd7? (~ 2.LIa3#) Sf5+ a, Sb6+ b, Sc7+ c 2.Kd2=LI A, Kc5=S B,
Kd2=RH C#,1...RHe7!,
1.LIc5? (~ 2.LIa3#) Sf5+ a, Sb6+ b, Sc7+ c 2.Kc4=S D, Kd2=LI A,
Kd2=G E#, 1...NLc8!,
1.Ke6! (~ 2.LIa3#) Sf5+ a, Sb6+ b, Sc7+ c 2.Ke3=LI F, K:a6=LI G,
Kc5=S B#, (1...LIa5, Gb6+ 2.Qd2, K:a6=LI#).
 Z-33-37 = 3x3-Zagoruiko by the same threat.
„Трехфазная перемена матов на три защиты черных (тема
Загоруйко) с шахами белому Пресбургскому королю во всех
фазах и вариантах плюс перемена двух защит.“ (V. Dyachuk)

#2 NL<nightrider lion>e4 (11+11)

LI<lion>a6, b5, d1, f3, f8, g5, h3
G<grasshopper>b8, h5
RH<rook hopper>b7, e2, f2

A76 ~ a b c A77 ~ a b c
X ? LI A B C motif: A B C
Y? LI D A E K! Q X Y Z
Z! LI F G B motif: C A B
Q! R Y Z W

A77. Karol Mlynka

Comm. Lehen-MT 2014 -2015

(C 31.12.2014-A 1065 Pat a mat 6, 2015 - no. 92; j. V. Dyachuk)

a) 1.Ke3! ~ 2.Qd3#,
1...f4+ A 2.Ke4=P# X, 1...e4 B 2.Sf4# Y,
1...Gc5 C 2.Q:c5# Z, (1...Ga3, Gf2 2.Se7#);
b) 1.h8Q! ~ 2.R:e5#,
1...f4 C 2.S:f4# Y, 1...e4+ A 2.K:e4=P# X,
1...Gc5 B 2.Qg8# W.

 Cyclic change of defensive motifs (Mlynka theme:

A = checking, B = direct guard, C = guard by antibattery) & reciprocal
change of mates with halfpin; OM-23-33/49S & Z-23-34.

#2 b) Rc1→h5 (10+10)
G<grasshopper>a7, c8 , d8
BH<bishop hopper> h2

A78. Karol Mlynka
Comm. Lehen-MT 2014 – 2015

(C 31.12.2014 – A 1065 Pat a mat 6, 2015 - no. 92; judge V. Dyachuk)

1...Rh3+ a, Rd8+ b 2.Kd1=R A, Ka3=R B#,
1.Ke3? zz. Rh3+ a, Re8+ c 2.Ke1=R C, Ka3=R B#, 1...BSe4+!,
1.Kd4? zz. Rh4+ d, Rd8+ b 2.Kd1=R A, Ka4=R D#, 1...BSd5+!,
1.Kc3? zz. Rh3+ a, Rc8+ e 2.Kc1=R E, Ka3=R B#, 1...BSc6+!,
1.Kd2? zz. Rh2+ f, Rd8+ b 2.Kd1=R A, Ka2=R F#, 1...BSd5+!,
1.Kc4? zz. Rh4+ d, Rc8+ e 2.Kc1=R E, Ka4=R D#, 1...BSc6+!,
1.Ke2? zz. Rh2+ f, Re8+ c 2.Ke1=R C, Ka2=R F#, 1...BSe4+!,
1.Kc2? zz. Rh2+ f, Rc8+ e 2.Kc1=R E, Ka2=R F#, 1...BSc6+!,
1.Ke4! zz. Rh4+ d, Re8+ c 2.Ke1=R C, Ka4=R D#.
Z-92-66 = six changed and transferred mates in nine phases with two
variants. White Pressburger King as Rex solus plays in tries and solution
at all eight squares. Four-men-Aristocrat.

#2 BlackUltraSchachZwang (1+3)
BS<berolina superpawn>b7

A79. Ján Golha

Comm. Lehen-MT 2014 – 2015
(C 31.12.2015 - 1066 PAM 6, 2015; judge V. Dyachuk)

1.LIe5? (~ 2.LIc5#) Nf7+ a, Nc7+ b 2.Ke6=N A, Kf3=N B#, 1...NHf7!,

1.Kg4? (~ 2.LIc5#) Nh2+ c, Ne3+ d 2.Kh6=N C, Kc6=N D#, 1...Ne3+!,
1.Kh4? (~ 2.LIc5#) Ng2+ e, Nd6+ f 2.Kf5=N E, Kf3=N F#, 1...G:h5!,
1.Kg6! (~ 2.LIc5#) Ne7+ g, Nh8+ h 2.Ke2=N# G, K:f8=N H#,
(1.Kf4? ~ 2.Sc5# & 2.LIc5#, 1...Ng2+ e, Nh8+ h 2.Ke2=N G,
Ke6=N A#, 1...NH:h5!)
 Z-42-88 = radical change in four phases.
 Plus two changed mates = Z-52-88.
 „Произвольная четырехфазная перемена игры на
шахи белому Пресcбургскому королю.“ (V. Dyachuk)

#2 (7+16)
G<grasshopper>a7, b6, b7, h1
N<nightrider>a5, b5, f1
NH<nightrider hopper>a8, d3,e4
LI<lion>a3, f8, h5

A78 a b c d e f A79 ~ a b c d e f g h
- - A B - - - - X? - A B - - - - - -
K1? w C - B - - - K1? Y - - C D - - - -
K2? w - D - A - - K2? Y - - - - E F - -
K3? w E - - - B - K4! Y - - - - - - G H
K4? w - F - - - A
K5? w - - - E D - A80 ~ a b c d e f g h
K6? w - - F - - C X! w A B C D - - - -
K7? w - - - - F E Y! w - - - - A B C D
K8! w - - D C - -

A80. Karol Mlynka

Comm. Problemist of Ukraine 2015

(272 Проблеміст України 2 (44), 2015) Judge: J. Brabec

a) 1.Ka6! zz. Qh6+ a, Qe2+ b, Bb7+ c, ROe2+ d
2.K:h6-g5=Q[+bQd8=w] A, K:e2-d1=Q[+bQd8=w] B,
K:b7-a8=B[+bBc8=w] C, K:e2-h5=RO[+bROe1=w] D#,
/1...ROc7+, ROf4+, Qd3+ 2.K:c7-h5=RO[+bROc1=w],
K:f4-h5=RO, K:d3-d1=Q[+bQd8=w]#/;
b) 1.Ka4! zz. Qf4+ e, Qd4+ f, Bc6+ g, ROe8+ h
2.K:f4-g5=Q[+bQd8=w] A, K:d4-d1=Q[+bQd8=w] B,
K:c6-a8=B[+bBc8=w] C, K:e8-h5=RO[+bROe1=w] D#
/1...ROc3+, ROf6+, Qe4+ 2.K:c3-h5=RO[+bROc1=w],
K:f6-h5=RO, K:e4-h1=Q[+bQd8=w]#/.
Four transferred mates = Z-24-84.Rex solus.

#2 b) Ka7→a3 (1+9)
L<locust>c5, f1
UltraSchachZwang &
Take&MakeChess &

A81. Karol Mlynka
Special Prize Marianka Cup 2015

(30-days TT C 19.08.2015 – A 23.08.2015)

“One man show“

a) 1...Ra6+ a 2.Kc8=R# A,1...Rc1+ b 2.Kh6=R# B,

1.Kd6! zz. Ra6+ a 2.Kd8=R# C,1...Rd1+ c 2.Kh6=R# B,
1.Kc7! zz. Ra7+ d 2.Kc8=R# A,1...Rc1+ b 2.Kh7=R# D,
1.Kb6! zz. Ra6+ a 2.Kb8=R# E, 1...Rb1+ e 2.Kh6=R# B,
1.Kc5! zz. Ra5+ f 2.Kc8=R# A,1...Rc1+ b 2.Kh5=R# F,
1.Kb7! zz. Ra7+ d 2.Kb8=R# E, 1...Rb1+ e 2.Kh7=R# D,
1.Kd7! zz. Ra7+ d 2.Kd8=R# C,1...Rd1+ c 2.Kh7=R# D,
1.Kd5! zz. Ra5+ f 2.Kd8=R# C,1...Rd1+ c 2.Kh5=R# F,
1.Kb5! zz. Ra5+ f 2.Kb8=R# E, 1...Rb1+ e 2.Kh5=R# F;

#2* 8 solutions (1+2)

b) Kc6→f6, c) Kc6→f3 d) Kc6→c3
b) 1...Ra6+ a 2.Kf8=R# G, 1...Rf1+ g 2.Kh6=R# B,
1.Kg6! ~ 2.Kh7#, 1...Ra6+ a 2.Kg8=R# H, 1...Rf1+ g 2.Kh6=R# B,
1.Kf7! ~ 2.Kg8#, 1...Ra7+ d 2.Kf8=R# G,1...Rf1+ g 2.Kh7=R# D,
1.Ke6! zz. Ra6+ a 2.Ke8=R# I,1...Re1+ h 2.Kh6=R# B,
1.Kf5! zz. Ra5+ f 2.Kf8=R# G,1...Rf1+ g 2.Kh5=R# F,
1.Ke7! zz. Ra7+ d 2.Ke8=R# I,1...Re1+ h 2.Kh7=R# D,
1.Kg7+! Ra7+ d 2.Kg8=R# H,1...Rg1+ i 2.Kh7=R# D,
1.Kg5! zz. Ra5+ f 2.Kg8=R# H, 1...Rg1+ i 2.Kh5=R# F,
1.Ke5! zz. Ra5+ f 2.Ke8=R# I, 1...Re1+ h 2.Kh5=R# F;
c) 1...Ra3+ k 2.Kf8=R# G, 1...Rf1+ g 2.Kh3=R# J,
1.Kg3! zz. Ra3+ k 2.Kg8=R# H, 1...Rg1+ i 2.Kh3=R# J,
1.Kf4! zz. Ra4+ j 2.Kf8=R# G,1...Rf1+ g 2.Kh4=R# K,
1.Ke3! zz. Ra3+ k 2.Ke8=R# I, 1...Re1+ h 2.Kh3=R# J,
1.Kf2! zz. Ra2+ l 2.Kf8=R# G, 1...Rf1+ g 2.Kh2=R# L,
1.Ke4! zz. Ra4+ j 2.Ke8=R# I,1...Re1+ h 2.Kh4=R# K,
1.Kg4! zz. Ra4+ j 2.Kg8=R# H, 1...Rg1+ i 2.Kh4=R# K,
1.Kg2! zz. Ra2+ l 2.Kg8=R# H, 1...Rg1+ i 2.Kh2=R# L,
1.Ke2! zz. Ra2+ l 2.Ke8=R# I, 1...Re1+ h 2.Kh2=R# L;
d) 1...Ra3+ k 2.Kc8=R# A, 1...Rc1+ b 2.Kh3=R# J,
1.Kd3! zz. Ra3+ k 2.Kd8=R# C, 1...Rd1+ c 2.Kh3=R# J,
1.Kc4! zz. Ra4+ j 2.Kc8=R# A, 1...Rc1+ b 2.Kh4=R# K,
1.Kb3! zz. Ra3+ k 2.Kb8=R# E, 1...Rb1+ e 2.Kh3=R# J,
1.Kc2! zz. Ra2+ l 2.Kc8=R# A, 1...Rc1+ b 2.Kh2=R# L,
1.Kb4! zz. Ra4+ j 2.Kb8=R# E, 1...Rb1+ e 2.Kh4=R# K,
1.Kd4! zz. Ra4+ j 2.Kd8=R# C,1...Rd1+ c 2.Kh4=R# K,
1.Kd2! zz. Ra2+ l 2.Kd8=R# C,1...Rd1+ c 2.Kh2=R# L,
1.Kb2! zz. Ra2+ l 2.Kb8=R# E, 1...Rb1+ e 2.Kh2=R# L.
 Z-36.2-12.12
"Thirty-six phases is rarely seen, and it is understandable that without selecting suitable fairy conditions and
fairy pieces, it is not even possible, but any strategic motives are not visible." (Judge J. Brabec)

A82. Karol Mlynka
4th HM Marianka Cup 2015

(30-days TT C 19.08.2015 – A 23.08.2015)

a) 1...Se5+ a 2.Ke3=S# A, 1...Rb4+ b 2.K:b4-b2=R# B,
1.Kh5? zz. Rb5+ c 2.K:b5-b2=R# B, 1...Rh1+ d 2.K:h1-c1=R# C,
1...Sf4+! f, 1.K:g3-g2! zz. Rg1+ e 2.K:g1-c1=R# C,
1...Sf4+ f 2.Ke3=S# A, (1...Sh4+ 2.Ke3=S#) Z-32-63;
b) -Pf2: 1.Kf3! zz.Rb3+ g 2.K:b3-b2=R# B, 1...Rf1+ h 2.K:f1-
c1=R# C, 1...Se5+ f 2.Kd4=S# D, (1...Sh4+ 2.Kd4=S#). Z-42-83.
"The combination of conditions Ultra Schachzwang and Take &
Make Chess. The Locust King - although usually the locust hopps, in
this case it is used to no hopping. Cyclic transferred mates and
radical change in three phases with two repeating mates somewhat
distorts the fourth twin-phase." (Judge J. Brabec)

#2 b) -Pf2 (1+7)

A82 ~ a b c d e f A83 ~ a b c d e f
- - A B - - - - - - A B - G - -
K1? w - - B C - ! K1? w - C D - F -
K2! w - - - - C A K2! w F - E - - H

A83. Karol Mlynka

Comm. Marianka Cup C 19.08.2015

(30-days TT C 19.08.2015 – A 23.08.2015)
1...Qa7+ a 2.cKg5=Q=rcS# A, 1...c4+ b 2.cKh4=B=rcR# B,
1...Sc6+ d 2.cKc8=S=rcB# G,
1.cKf8? zz. c4+ b 2.cKh6=B=rcR# C, 1...Rf1+ c 2.cKh8=R=rcQ# D,
1...Qa8+ e 2.cKf2=Q=rcS# F, 1...Se6+!,
1.cKf7! zz. Rf1+ c 2.cKh7=R=rcQ# E, 1...Qa7+ a 2.cKf2=Q=rcS# F,
1...Bb3+ f 2.cKh5=B=rcR# H.
"An interesting novelty where the Pressburger King is also a chame-
leon. After being checked moves it as the checked piece and
subsequently as a chameleon. Three phases change Z-33-68 ."
(Judge J. Brabec)

#2 UltraSchachZwang (1+12)
royal=LB<bishop locust>h3
chameleon=Pressburger K<king>e7

A84. Vasil Dyachuk
2nd Prize Gvozdják-50 JT-C 2015

(P. Gvozdják 50 JT-C 2015; C 16.11.2015 - A 30.12.2015)
1.Kf3? (2.LIc1#) Sg3+ a 2.Kf7=G# A, 1…Se5+ b 2.Kd2=S# B, 1…Ge3!,
1.Ke4? (2.LIc1#) Sg3+ a 2.Kd2=S# B, 1…Se5+ b 2.Kb4=RH# C, 1…RHe3!,
1.Kg4? (2.LIc1#) Sg3+ a 2.Kb4=RH# C, 1…Se5+ b 2.Ke3=S# D, 1…RHf4!,
1.Kf5! ~ 2.LIc1#, 1…Sg3+ a 2.Ke3=S# D, 1…Se5+ b 2.Kf7=G# A,
1…Gh5+ 2.Kf7=G#.
 Z-42-24 = Rice cycle with the same threat.
“ The same old trick (checking the super-transmuting King), but here in
four phases! Cross of the white King in keys, and then he lands on
distant squares and changes into various fairy units. Great geometry.“
(P. Gvozdják)

#2 LI<lion>h6, g8 (10+14)
BH<bishop hopper>d8, f2, f6
RH<rook hopper>a4, b5, c2, e8, g1, h4
G<grasshopper>c5, h3

A84 ~ a b A85 ~ a b
K1? X A B - - A B
K2? X B C X! w B C
K3? X C D - - D A
K4! X D A Y! w C D

A85. Ján Golha

4th-5th Prize Gvozdják-50 JT-C 2015

(P. Gvozdják 50 JT C 16.11.2015 - A 30.12.2015)

a) 1…ALf5+ a 2.K:a4=PA# A, 1…ALe5+ b 2.K:a4=LI# B,

1.Ke4! zz. ALf5+ a 2.K:a4=LI# B, 1…ALe5+ b 2.K:a4=RH# C;
b) 1…ALf5+ a 2.K:a4=G# D, 1…ALe5+ b 2.K:a4=PA# A,
1.Kf4! zz. ALf5+ a 2.K:a4=RH# C, 1…ALe5+ b 2.K:a4=G# D.
 Z-42-24:
 Rice cycle in 4 phases with 2 variations by Pressburger King.
 “The cycle in another way: set (a), solution (a), solution (b), set
(b).“ (PG)

#2 b) Kd4→g4 (2+15)
AL<alfil>d3, g3
RH<rook hopper>e8, f7
G<grasshopper>b8, d7,
LI<lion>g7, h7
PA<pao>d1, g1

A86. Karol Mlynka
4th-5th Prize Gvozdják-50 JT-C 2015

(4th-5th Prize P. Gvozdják-50 JT-C 2015; C 16.11.2015 - A 30.12.2015)

a) 1...CAd4=w+ a 2.K:h5=LI# A, 1...CAc4=w+ b 2.K:h5=G# B,
1.Ke5! zz. CAd4=w+ a 2.K:h5=LE# C, 1...CAc4=w+ b 2.K:h5=MG# D,
(1...CAc2=w+, CAg6=w+, LEd4=w+ 2.K:h5=MG #, 1...MGd4=w+
2.K:h5=LE #, 1...MG/Ge4=w+ 2.K:h5=G#);
b) 1...CAd4=w+ a 2.K:h5=G# B, 1...CAc4=w+ b 2.K:h5=LE# C,
1.Kb5! zz. CAd4=w+ a 2.K:h5=MG# D, 1...CAc4=w+ b 2.K:h5=LI# A,
(1...MG/LE/Gb4=w+ 2.K:h5=G #, 1...MG/LEc4=w+ 2.K:h5=LI#).
Z-42-24: Rice cycle in 4 phases with 2 variations by PK. One man show.
“Four phases in a very natural twin setting. To get the cycle order, one
needs to follow the phases: set (a), set (b), solution (a), solution (b).“
(P. Gvozdják)

#2* b) Kd5→c5 (1+15)

G<grashopper>b3, e3, h5
MG<marguerite>a1, f1
CA<camel>a3, f3
AntiAndernachChess &

A87. Ján Golha

1st HM Gvozdják-50 JT-C 2015

(P. Gvozdják 50 JT-C 2015; C 16.11.2015 - A 30.12.2015)

a) 1…GRe5+ a 2.K:h4=LI# A, 1…GRe3+ b 2.K:h4=G# B,
1.Kd4! zz. GRe5+ a 2.K:h4=G# B, 1…GRe3+ b 2.K:h4=LE# C,
1.Kf4! zz. GRe5+ a 2.K:h4=LE# C, 1…GRe3+ b 2.K:h4=LI# A;
b) 1…GRb5+ c 2.K:h4=LE# C, 1…GRb3+ d 2.K:h4=G# B,
1.Kc4! zz. GRb5+ c 2.K:h4=G# B, 1…GRb3+ d 2.K:h4=LI# A,
1.Ka4! zz. GRb5+ c 2.K:h4=LI# A , 1…GRb3+ d 2.K:h4=LE# C.
 Z-62-43 = Rice cycles in 6 phases by transferred mates.
“Doubled 3-fold Rice cycle with 2+2 different defences.“
(P. Gvozdják)

#2* 2 solutions (2+16)

b) Ke4→b4
GL<gral>c5, d5
LE<leo>b8, d1, g1
LI<lion>a2, c1, e8

A88. Karol Mlynka & Ján Golha
2nd HM Gvozdják-50 JT-C 2015

(2nd HM P. Gvozdják-50 JT-C 2015; C 16.11.2015 – A 30.12.2015)
1…Ge4+ a 2.K:a5=G# A, 1…Gf6+ b 2.K:a5=LE# B, 1…Gf4+ c
2.K:a5=LI# C;
1.Ke5? zz. Ge4+ a 2.K:a5=LE# B, 1…Gf6+ b 2.K:a5=LI# C, 1…Gf4+ c
2.K:a5=G# A, (1…a1Q+ 2.K:e7=Q#), 1…a1B+!;
1.Kg5! zz. Ge4+ a 2.K:a5=LI# C, 1…Gf6+ b 2.K:×a5=G# A, 1…Gf4+ c
2.K:a5=LE# B, (1…Gg4+ (LEf6+, LEf4+) 2.K:a5=G#, 1…Gg6+
2.K:a5=LI#, 1…LEf4+ 2.K:a5=LE#).
“Complete 3×3 Lacny cycle using ... simplifying Black Must Check
condition.“ (P. Gvozdják) Z-33-33 by Rex solus.

#2* UltraSchachZwang (1+16)

G<grashopper>b1, c1, d8, e7, g2, g3
LI<lion>f3, g1, h8
LE<leo> e3, f8

A86 ~ a b A87 ~ a b c d A88 ~ a b c A89 ~ a b

- - A B - - A B - - - - A B C - - A B
X! w C D K1! w B C - - K1? w B C A K1? w B C
- - B C K2! w C A - - K2! w C A B K2! w C A
Y! w D A - - - - C B
K3! w - - B A
K4! w - - A C

A89. Vasil Dyachuk

3rd HM Gvozdják-50 JT-C 2015

(P. Gvozdják 50 JT-C 2015; C 16.11.2015 - A 30.12.2015)

1.K:d3? ~ 2.Sc4#, 1…Se3+ a 2.Kd8=KA# A, 1…Se5+ b 2.Kb4=S# B,

1.Kd5? ~ 2.Sc4#, 1…Se3+ a 2.Kb4=S# B, 1…Se5+ b 2.Kd2=LI# C,
1…f5+ 2.Kd2=LI#, 1…LIf7!,
1.Kd4! ~ 2.Sc4#, 1…Se3+ a 2.Kd2=LI# C, 1…Se5+ b 2.Kd8=KA# A.

Z-32-23 = Rice cycle in three phases and two variations.

“Here I like the try-try-solution phases, and also the fact that wK
mates from three different squares.“ (P. Gvozdják)
#2 KA<kangaroo>h3, h8 (8+14)
LI<lion>c3, e8, f2,h5,

A90.Karol Mlynka
Comm. Gvozdják-50 JT-C 2015

(P. Gvozdják 50 JT C 16.11.2015 - A 30.12.2015)

1…Sd6+ a 2.K:h3=LI# A, 1…Sc5+ b 2.Kg7=S# B,
1...G:e4+ c 2.K:h3=G# C, 1...Sc4-~+ d 2.Kf5=Q# D;
1.Kf5? ~ 2.Rg5#, 1…Sd6+ a 2.Kg7=S# B, 1…Sc5+ b 2.K:h3=G# C,
1.Kd7! ~ 2.Rg5#, 1…Sd6+ a 2.K:h3=G# C, 1…Sc5+ b 2.K:h3=LI# A,
1…Qa4+ 2.Kf5=Q#, 1…Sd3~+ 2.K:h3=LI#, 1…Gd4~+ 2.K:h3=LI#.
Z-32-23 = Rice cycle in three phases and two variations.
 “Known strategy: checks to super-transmuting King changing
himself to various units. Pity that there are some black "parazitic"
defences following by a thematic mate.“ (P. Gvozdják)

#2 N<nightrider>a8 (9+16)
G<grashopper>b1, d4, d8
LI<lion>b6, d2

A90 ~ a b A91 ~ a b
- - A B - - A B
K1? w B C K1? w B C
K2! w C A K2! w C A

A91. Vasil Dyachuk

Comm. Gvozdják-50 JT-C 2015

(P. Gvozdják 50 JT- C 2015; C 16.11.2015 - A 30.12.2015)

1…Gc4+ a 2.K:h5=G# A, 1…Gc6+ b 2.K:h5=LI# B,

1…LEc4+ 2.K:h5=G#, 1…LEc6+ 2.K:h5=LI#;
1.K:b5? ~ 2.Qg1#, 1…Gc4+ a 2.K:h5=LI# B,
1…Gc6+ b 2.K:h5=LE# C, 1…LEc4+ 2.K:h5=LI#, 1…LEd4!,
1.Kd5! ~ 2.Qg1#, 1…Gc4+ a 2.K:h5=LE# C,
1…Gc6+ b 2.K:h5=G# A, 1…LId6+ 2.K:h5=LE#, 1…LEc6+ 2.K:h5=G#.

Z-32-23 = Rice cycle in three phases and two variations.

#2 LE<leo> a2, d7 (4+15)

G<grashopper>a6, a8,c2, g5
LI<lion>c7, d3

A92. Karol Mlynka
13685 Springaren 6, 2016 (no. 140)

a) 1.Kg1! zz. ROa1+ a 2.K:a1-f3=RO# A & 2.K:a1-e1=RO# B,

1...ROf3+ b 2.K:f3-e1=RO# B & 2.K:f3-a1=RO# C,
1...ROd4+ c 2.K:d4-a1=RO# C & 2.K:d4-f3=RO# A.
b) 1.Kg1! zz. ROa1+ a 2.K:a1-a7=RO# D & 2.K:a1-d4=RO# E,
1...ROf3+ b 2.K:a1-d4=RO# E & 2.K:f3-h4=RO# F,
1...ROd4+ c 2.K:d4-h4=RO# F & 2.K:d4-a7=RO# D,
 Two cycles of changed thematic duals as King-Rose-
mates in an aristocrat tanagra by Rex solus with the
same key in both twins.
 „De två passiva syrsorna b8 + g6 hindrar oönskade
dualmatter på b3, b7, c6, d8, f7, g7.“ (Kj. Widlert)

#2 b) rLa5→f5 & -Lb8 (1+4)

L<locust>b8, g6
UltraSchachZwang &

A92 ~ a b c A93 ~ a b c d e f g h
X! w AB BC CA - - A B C D - - - -
X! w DE EF FD X! Y - - - - E F G H

A93. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1...VAd2 a 2.HAd3# A,
1...VAb4 b 2.HAc4# B,
1...VAb6 c 2.Sa7# C,
1...LIb6+ d 2.Ke5=LI# D;
1.Kc2! ~ 2.LIe5#,
1...VAc3+ e 2.Kc4=LI# E,
1...Be4+ f 2.Kd3=B# F,
1...VAh3 g 2.Kd3# G,
1...LIb1 h 2.Bd3# H.
Radical changes in four variants: Z-24-88.
Antibattery mates.

#2 (11+10)
LI<lion>a1, a8, c6, g5, g6
LB<bishop locust>d7, g8
VA<vao>a5, e2, f1

A94. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1...cPg1=cQ+ a 2.cKc8=Q=rcS# A,
1...cPg1=cR+ b 2.cKc7=R=rcQ# B;
1.cKd1! zz. cPg1=cQ+ a 2.cKd5=Q=rcS# C,
1...cPg1=cR+ b 2.cKd8=R=rcQ# D;
1.cKb1! zz. cPg1=cQ+ a 2.cKf5=Q=rcS# E,
1...cPg1=cR+ b 2.cK:b7=R=rcQ# F.

 Zagoruiko : Z-32-26 after promotions.

 Pressburger chameleon King as Rex solus.
 Wenigsteiner.

#2* 2 solutions (1+3)

LB<bishop locust>a4
royal=LB<bishop locust>e7
chameleon=K<king>c1, P<pawn>g2

A94 ~ a b A95 ~ a b c d e f
- - A B - - A B - - - -
X! w C D K1! + - C A - - -
Y! w E F K2? Z - - D C - -
K3! Z D - - B - -
- - - - - E D -
K4! Z - - - F - D
K5? Z - F - - - A
K6! + - E - - A -

A95. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

a) 1...Rh5+ a 2.Kb3=R# A, 1...Rb6+ b 2.Ka5=R# B,

1.Kb4+! Rb6+ b 2.Ka4=R# C, 1...Rh4+ c 2.Kb3=R# A,
1.Kc4? zz. Rh4+ c 2.Kc3=R# D, 1...Rc6+ d 2.Ka4=R# C, 1...Bd5+!,
1.Kc5! zz. Rc6+ d 2.Ka5=R# B, 1...Rh5+ a 2.Kc3=R# D;
b) 1...Rh2+ e 2.Kc3=R# D, 1...Rc6+ d 2.Ka2=R# E,
1.Kc1! zz. Rc6+ d 2.Ka1=R# F, 1...Rh1+ f 2.Kc3=R# D,
1.Kb1? zz. Rh1+ f 2.Kb3=R# A, 1...Rb6+ b 2.Ka1=R# F, 1...Be4+!
1.Kb2+! Rb6+ b 2.Ka2=R# E, 1...Rh2+ e 2.Kb3=R# A.

 Z-82-66: 2-fold cyclic Rukhlis theme in 2x4 phases of

Wenigsteiner Aristocrat.

#2* 2 solutions b) Kb5→c2 (1+3)

A96. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1...ROg3+ a 2.K:g3=RO# A,
1...ROd6+ b 2.Kc3=RO# B,
1...ROe4+ c (ROb5+) 2.K(:)b5=RO# C;
1.Ka2! zzw. ROe2+ d 2.Kd5=RO# D,
1...ROa8+ e (ROc3+) 2.Kf4=RO# E,
1...ROc7+ f 2.K:c7=RO# F.

 Radical change in 3 variations.

 Z-23-66 in Three-men-problem.
 All Rose mates.
 Black royal Bishop-Locust.

#2 RO<rose>e8 (1+2)
royal=LB<bishop locust>h5
UltraSchachZwang &

A96 ~ a b c A97 ~ a b c d
X? LI A B C X! w A B - -
Y! LI D E F Y! w C D - -
Z! w - - E F

A97. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

a) 1.HAc3! zz. SSe4+ a 2.K:e4-e2=SS# A,

1...SSa8+ b 2.K:a8-g8=SS# B;
b) 1.HAc3? b:c3-f6+!, 1.HAf3! zz. SSe4+ a 2.K:e4-e6=SS# C,
1...SSa8+ b 2.K:a8-a6=SS# D;
c) 1.Kc1? f1L+!, 1.Ka1! zz. f1Q+ c 2.K:f1-g1=Q# E,
1...f1R+ d 2.K:f1-g1=R# F.

Z-32-46 = change of mates and radical change in a miniature.

"Good joint mobility of Spiralspringer with Pressburger King and
Hamster using twin positions will result in change in three
phases. But what the locust king ... ?" (J. Brabec)

#2 b) rLg2→b8 (2+5)
c) HAf6→e6
royal=LB<bishop locust>g2
Take&MakeChess & UltraSchachZwang

A98. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

a) 1.Kb1! zz. f1Q+ a 2.Kb7=Q# A, 1...f1R+ b 2.Kb7=R# B,

1...f1RO+ c 2.Kc3=RO# C;
b) /1...ROe5+ 2.K:e5=RO#, 1...ROb8+ 2.K:b8=RO#/
1.Ka3! zz. f1RO+ c 2.Ka7=RO# D,1...ROc2+ d 2.K:c2=RO# E,
1...ROe7+ e 2.K:e7=RO# F;
c) 1.Ka1! zz. f1Q+ a 2.Ka7=Q# G, 1...f1R+ b 2.Ka5=R# H,
1...ROc2+ d (ROc6+, ROe1+) 2.Kb3=RO# I.

 Z-33-59. Promotions. Rex solus.

#2 b) rLBc7→c6 (1+3)
c) rLBc7→c5
royal=LB<bishop locust>c7

A98 ~ a b c d e A99 ~ a b
X! w A B C - - X? V A B
Y! w - - D E F Y? V C D
Z! w G H - I - Z! V E F

A99. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.Kf5? ~ 2.LIc1#, 1...Sf2+ a 2.Kc5=RL# A,

1...Sg6+ b 2.Kc5=LI# B, (1...Sg3+ c 2.Ke3=S# C), 1...LI:c2!,
1.Kg4? ~ 2.LIc1#, 1...Sf2+ a 2.Ke3=S# C,
1...Sg6+ b 2.Kb4=LI# D, 1...LIg1!,
1.LIe3! ~ 2.LIc1#, 1...Sf2+ a 2.Kb4=RL# E,
1...Sg6+ b 2.Kd3=S# F.

 Z-32-26 (Zagoruiko 3x2) = ab-AB/CD/EF

"Three-phases change of two mates with a known mechanism
after checked White Pressburger King." (J. Brabec)

#2 RL<rook-lion>f1 (11+9)
LI<lion>a4, b8, c6, e2, g8, h6, h7

A100. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016
Dedicated to Vasil Dyachuk

1.Kgg4! A zz. e2 a, B:d1+ b, Rf6+ c, Rg6+ d 2.Kff4 C, Kfe4=B E, Kf:e3=R

F, Kgd4=R G#, (1..., Rd4+ e, Rd6- ~, Sc2, Bc2/Ba4 2 Kg:d4=R G,.Q:d5,
Q:b3, Q:c4#);
1.Kgf4! B zz. e2 a, B:d1+ b, Rf6+ c, Rg6 d 2.Kfg4# D, Kfe4=B E, Kfd4=R
H,Qd5 I#, (1... Rd4+ e, Rd6- ~, Sc2, Bc2/Ba4 2 Kf:d4=R H,.Q:d5, Q:b3,
1.Kff4! C zz. e2 a, B:d1 b, Rf6+ c, Rg6+ d 2.Kgg4 A, Q:c4 J, Kfd4=R H,
Kg:e3=R K#, (1... Rd4+ e, Rd6- ~, Sc2, Bc2/Ba4 2. Kf:d4=R H, Q:d5,
Q:b3, Q:c4#);
1.Kfg4! D zz. e2 a, B:d1+ b, Rf6 c, Rg6+ d 2.Kgf4 B, Kgf5=B L, Qd5 I,
Kgd4=R G#, (1... Rd4+ e, Rd6- ~, Sc2, Bc2/Ba4 2. Kg:d4=R G, Q:d5,
Q:b3, Q:c4#). 2-fold Salazar & Bartolovic theme & change of mates in
4 phases. Z-44-4.12. Two White Pressburger Kings – but not like by
Royal Dynasty.
#2 4 solutions (11+12)
LB<bishop locust>g1
WhiteSuperTransmutingKing f3 & g3

"Two Pressburger Kings and double reciprocal change of function of two white first moves and mating moves.
Also the four phases change of four variants in which several variants are repeated." (J. Brabec)

A100 ~ a b c d
A! w C E F G
B! w D E H I
C! w A J H K
D! w B L I G

AII-1. Karol Mlynka

Original (for PK edition 2 – june 2017)

1.Rb3! ~ 2.Kb4#, 1...15:f2+ 2.K:f2=15#,

1...15b8+ 2.K:b8=15#, 1...16g4+ 2.K:g4=16#,
1...24e5+ 2.K:e5=24#, 1...25f1+ 2.K:f1=25#,
1...35d8+ 2.K:d8=35#, 1...GIc2+ 2.Ke3=RP#,
1...GIe2+ 2.K:e2=GI#, 1...Gc3+ 2.K:c3=G#,
1...BUd7+ 2.K:d7=BU#!, 1...Zc6+ 2.K:c6=Z#,
1...Zd5+ 2.K:d5=Z#, 1...CAd4+ 2.K:d2=CA#,
1...KAa6+ 2.K:a6=KA#, 1...Sc2+ 2.K:c2=S#.
 15 different transformations of PK.
RP<rose-hopper>c8, Z<zebra>f8, GI<giraffe>d6, CA<camel>g5,KA<kangaroo>g6,
15<1,5-leaper>g7, 16<1,6-leaper>a5, 24<2,4-leaper>g1, 25<2,5-leaper>h6,
35<3,5-leaper>g3, BU<root-25-leaper>d2, G3<grashopper-3>h4,
#2 Fairy pieces (6+16)

A101. Vasil Dyachuk
2nd Prize 28. TT of SB Belgrade 2016

28th TT Spišská borovička, Belgrade C 4.8.2016 – A 10.08.2016
“4-fold Lacný cycle with 4+4 thematic defences. Great achieve-
ment, even if the mechanism with „flying“ super-transmuting
King has been known before. I specially like that try is made by a
pawn (instead the King), and that both keys are played to the
same square.“ (Judge P. Gvozdják). Z-24-44
Fairy pieces: RH<rook hopper>c4, d7, h3;
RL<rook-lion>c3, h4,
G<grasshopper>b1, b6, h8
LI<lion>h1, c1, f2, h6

#2 (10+14)

1.e3? ~ 2.Sa5#, 1...RHd3+ a 2.Ke6=G# A, 1...LIf4+ b 2.Ke6=RL# B,

1...RLf3+ c 2.Ke6=LI# C, 1...Gd4+ d 2.Ke6=RH# D, 1...RHf4+ 2.Ke6=RL#, 1...LIg5!,
1.Ke3! ~ 2.Sa5#, 1...RHd3+ a 2.Ke6=RL# B, 1...LIf4+ b 2.Ke6=LI# C,
1...RLf3+ c 2.Ke6=RH# D, 1...Gd4+ d 2.Ke6=G# A, 1...LI:b7 2.Q:b7#.

A101 ~ a b c d A102 ~ a b c
X? S A B C D X? KA A B C
Y! S B C D A Y! KA B C A

A102. Ján Golha

4th HM 28. TT of SB Belgrade 2016
28th TT Spišská borovička, Belgrade C 4.8.2016 – A 10.08.2016
1.Ke5? ~ 2.KAa5#, 1...LIe6+ a 2.Ka5=G# A,
1...LIg4+ b 2.Ka5=LI# B, 1...LIe4+ c 2.Ka5=RH# C, 1...LIg7!,
1.Kd5! ~ 2.KAa5#, 1...LIe6+ a 2.Ka5=LI# B,
1...LIg4+ b 2.Ka5=RH# C, 1...LIe4+ c 2.Ka5=G# A.
 3-fold Lacný cycle with 3+3 thematic variations. (PG)
Fairy pieces:
LI<lion>a1, g4, g8,
RH<rook hopper>d1, e1
G<grasshopper>e7, h1
KA<kangaroo>a7, f5

#2 (6+10)

A103. Karol Mlynka
Comm. 28. TT of SB Belgrade 2016

28th TT Spišská borovička, Belgrade C 4.8.2016 – A 10.08.2016
1...Rb2+ a 2.Ka3=R# A, 1...Rd3+ b 2.Kb5=R# B,
1.Kb4+? Rd4+ c 2.Kb5=R# B, 1...Rb2+ a 2.Ka4=R# C, 1...Sc6+!,
1.Kc4? zz. Rc2+ d 2.Ka4=R# C, 1...Rd4+ c 2.Kc5=R # D, 1...d5+!,
1.Kc3! zz. Rd3+ b 2.Kc5=R# D, 1...Rc2+ d 2.Ka3=R# A.
 Cyclic changed and transferred mates in 4 phases with two
variations in a Tanagra.
 “4-phase cycle of two defences and two mates. Unfortunately,
thematic are only 2+2 black moves in last two phases.“ (PG)
 Z-42-44

#2*vv UltraSchachZwang (1+4)


A103 ~ a b c d A104 ~ a b c d
- - A B - - - - A B - -
X? + C - B - X? w - - C D
Y? w - - D C Y! w - D A -
Z! w - D - A Z! w C - - B

A104. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1...Rc5+ a 2.Kd4=R# A, 1...Rd4+ b 2.Kh5=R# B,

1.Ke6? zz. Rc6+ c 2.Ke4=R# C, 1...Re4+ d 2.Kh6=R# D, 1...Sc5+!,
1.Kd6! zz. Rc6+ c 2.Kd4=R# A, 1...Rd4+ b 2.Kh6=R# D,
1.Ke5! zz. Re4+ d 2.Kh5=R# B, 1...Rc5+ a 2.Ke4=R# C.
“All variants are with white Pressburger King checked by black
Rook and with the result that all the mates following the
horizontal and vertical. This gives rise to interesting new strategic
change Z-42-44, in which each pair of phases creates the change
of one mate and one defense.“ (J. Brabec)
Wenigsteiner Aristocrat. Four changed and transferred mates in
four phases by two variants.

#2*v 2 solutions (1+3)

royal=BL<bishop locust>h4

A105. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1...B:b4 a 2.Ke5#! A, 1...Gd5 b 2.K:d5# B, (1.Ke5+? Bb2+!),

1.Ke6? ~ 2.Kf5#, 1...Gd5 2.K:d5#, 1...Gd1!,
1.Kd6:c5! ~ 2.Kc5-d6# (Switchback),
1...B:b4+ a 2.K:b4=B# C, 1...Gd5+ b 2.Ke5=G# D,
1...Gc6+ 2.Kc7=G#, 1...Gb5+ 2.K:a5=G#, 1...Gc4+ 2.Kc3=G#.

Change of two mates (Z-22-24) with normal king and

transformed Pressburger Kng after switchback in the threat and
Grasshopper-cross. Black line interferences with trasformed WK
into G in the Nightrider-Locust-battery mates.

#2* (4+9)
royal=LN<nightrider locust>e4
LN<nightrider locust>e2, a6
G<grasshopper>a5, c1, c8, h5

A106. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.Ke7? ~ 2.LIb3#, 1...RLf7!,

1...Sc6+ a 2.Kd5=S# A,
1...Sd7+ b 2.Ke2=RL# B,
1.LId3? ~ 2.LIb3#,1...LI:h3!,
1...Sc6+ a 2.Ke2=RL# B,
1...Sd7+ b 2.Ke2=LI# C,
1.K:f6! ~ 2.LIb3#,
1...Sc6+ a 2.Kf3=RL# D,
1...Sd7+ b 2.Kd5=S# A.
 Z-32-24 = 2-fold halfreciprocal change in 3 phases.

#2 RL<rook-lion>a6, a7 (10+9)
LI<lion>c8, g8, e1, g3

A105 ~ a b A106 ~ a b
- - A B X? LI A B
X! w C D Y? LI B C

A107. Ján Golha
1st Prize Križovenský-55 JT 2016 – 2017

 Marián Križovenský 55 JT (B)

C 4.4.2016 – A 9.4.2017
 C? (not computer tested)
 Fairy pieces:
G – grasshopper d9, a6, h1
RL – rook lion g5, i3
GL – gral h5
LI – lion a2, g3
RH – rook hopper a5, a3
BH – bishop hopper c4, e2, e6
CA – Camel h3

#2 UltraSchachZwang (4+20)

1.Kd5? zugzwang 1.Kd3! zugzwang

1... CAe4+ a 2.Kd8=G# A 1... CAe4+ a 2.Kd8=RL# B
1... GLf5+ b 2.Kd8=RL# B 1... GLf5+ b 2.Kd8=GL# C
1... GLf3+ c 2.Kd8=GL# C 1... GLf3+ c 2.Kd8=LI# D
1... b2+ d 2.Kd8=LI# D 1... b2+ d 2.Kd8=RH# E
1... b4+ e 2.Kd8=RH# E 1... b4+ e 2.Kd8=G# A
1... GLf7+! Z–25–55, Lačný theme 2x5

“When I choosed the theme for this tourney, I have imagine the first prize like that. Doubtless the best
problem. The mechanism with Pressburger King was used several times but never to reach of such
task. Congratulate to the author about this achievement!“ (M. Križovenský, judge)



B01. Karol Mlynka

370v „Umenie 64“ 3, 1999

(1.R:a5? A ~ 2.Qc7 B, 1...d6!),

1.Qc7! B ~ 2.R:a5 A (~ 3.Q:b7#) Gc4+ (Bd3-~+) 3.Kc8=G# C,
1...Bd3-~+ 2.Kc8=G+ C Ka7 3.b6#,
1...B:b5+! 2.K:b7=B+ Ka7 3.Gb6#.
(1...Gc4+ 2.Kc8=G+ Ka7 3.b6#).
 Black correction.
 Mates on the same square after checking random move.
 Judge: M. Dragoun
Original version: KM, 370 „Umenie 64“ 3, 1999; #3 (6+7)
White Gb8 Ka6 Qd6 Pb5 Gc5 Ra1
Black Ka8 Gb7 Pd7 Sa5 Bc4 Gd3 Be1

#3 Grasshoppers (6+9)

B02. Karol Mlynka

537v Mat-64 12, 2002 (no. 4)

KM, 537 Mat-64 12, 2002; #3 (8+6):

White Pd6 Sc4 Ph4 Sa3 Kg3 Bd2 Pe2 Bf1;
Black Bf8 Sg7 Pe6 Ph5 Pf3 Kd1.
After: Godefroy Martin, Problem 1955; “orhodox“ #3 (8+8): without
White King; White Pg6 Sc4 Re3 Pf3 Bd2 Pe2 Bb1 Sf1;
Black Bf8 Pe7 Pg7 Sf6 Pf5 Pa3 Pa2 Kd1.
1.e:f3? Be7!,
1.e4! ~ 2.K:f3 ~ 3.Be2#,
1...Sf5+ (Sh5+) 2.Kh1=S ~ 3.Sf2#,
1...B:d6+ 2.Ke1=B B:a3 3.Se3#, 2...Bc5 3.Sb2#.
 Four model mates. Bohemian problem school.
 Meredith.

#3 (7+5)
WhiteSuperTransmuting King

B03. Karol Mlynka
7833 Šachová skladba 10, 2005

1.Sb6! ~ 2.Bd5+ G:d5+ 3.Kh7=Q#,

2...Ka7 3.Sc8#,
1...Gd5+ 2.Kh7=Q+ Gf7 3.Q:f7#,
1...Ra4+ 2.K:a4=R ~ 3.Bc8#,
1...Ka7+ 2.K:a8=B ~ 3.Sc6#,
1...Sd2+ (Sc3+) 2.Kc5=S+ Ka7 3.Sc8#.

 Fairy King´s transformation like AUW.

 Switchback.
 Judge: R. Aschwanden

#3 G<grasshopper>g1, g2 (7+8)
WhiteSuperTransmuting King

B04. Karol Mlynka

10771 Springaren 12, 2005

1.Sd5? (~ 2.Se3#) Ge5 2.f7 (~3.Sf6#) Gf4+ 3.Kf3=Q#,

2...Gd4+ 3.Kg6=G#, 1...RHe5!,
1.Kd4! ~ 2.Qe4+ G:e4+ 3.Kg1=Q#,
1... Qb4~ (Qa3, Qa5) 2.K:c4 ~ 3.Qe4#, 2...Sb6+ 3.Ke3=S#,
1...Qb3! 2.BHa4 (~ 3.Qg1#) Gf1 3.Qe4#, 2...G:a4+ 3.Kg7=G#,
1...Q:b5! 2.Se4 (~ 3.Sf2#) G:e4 3.Q:e4#, 2...Ga4+ 3.Kg7=G#,
1...Gd3 2.Q:d3 Ge4+ 3.Kg1=Q#.

 Black corrections.
 Transformations of Pressburger King into Q, S and G.

#3 G<grasshoppers (11+11)
RH<rook hopper>c5, h5,
BH<bishop hopper>d1,

B05. Karol Mlynka
9585 Šachová skladba 4,2009

1.Qe3=S! ~ 2.Sg4=Q#,
1...c1=Q(B) 2.Ke4 (~ 3.Sg4=Q#) Qd2=S+ (Q1c3=S+, Q4c3=S+,
Qc5=S+) 3.Kg3=Q#, 2...Gf4+ 3.Kf3=S#,
1...c1=G+ 2.Kh6=G+ Gh7 3.Sg4=Q#,
1...c1=RA+ 2.Ke2=RA (~ 3.Sg4=Q#) Gd4~ 3.RAd4#.
 Promotions.
 Judge: G. Smits
C+ by Popeye WINDOWS-32Bit-Version 4.01
(By Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.67 & Popeye Windows-64Bit v4.73
only with chameleon PKf4 = o. k.)

#3 NorskSjakk (8+9)

B06 ~ a b
- - A B
X! w C D

B06. Karol Mlynka

M5 Phénix 11, 2008

1...Ke1 a 2.Kc5+ A Kd1 3.LIg4#,

1...d4 b 2.K:b3 B f5 3.LIf3#,
1.Kc5? Rc7+ 2.K:b5=R f5 (R:c4) 3.LIf3#,1...f5!,
1.Kc3! ~ 2.LIg4+ Ke1+ 3.K:d5-e7=LN#,
1...Ke1+ a 2.K:d5-e7=LN + C Kd1 3.LIg4#,
1...d4+ b 2.K:d4=P D ~ 3.LIf3#,
1...d:c4 2.LIf1 ~ 3.LIg4#, 2...f5+ 3.Ke1=B#.

 Change of continuation: Z-22-24...

In the setplay as normaly King but in the solution super-
transmuted King.

#3 LI<lion>g2,f8 (10+10)
RH<rook hopper>h1
LN<nightrider locust>b5

B07. Karol Mlynka
15232 Die Schwalbe 6,2012

1...R:g7 a 2.Kf8 A zz. Rg6+ (R:f7+,Rg8+, Rh7+) 3.Kb4=B#,

1.f8Q? zz. R:g7+ a 2.Kf7=R B ~ 3.Qb4#,
1...Rh8 b 2.Q:h8 D zz. B:g7 3.Qh1#, 1...B:g7!,
1.Kf8! A zz. R:g7 a 2.f3 C zz. Rg6+ (R:f7+, Rg8+, Rh7+)
1...Rh8 + b 2.K:h8=R E zz. B:g7 3.Rh1#,
1...B:g7+ 2.Kb4=B+ Bc3 3.B:c3#.

 Change of continuations after the try with

the mates on the same sqaures & bR-cross.

#3 (7+5)

B07 ~ a b B08 ~ a
- - A - - - A
X? w B D X? w B
Y! w C E Y? w C
A! w D

B08. Karol Mlynka

Version of 15232 Die Schwalbe 6, 2012

a) White to play:
1...R:g7 a 2.Bf3 A zz. Rg6+ (R:f7+, Rg8+, Rh7+) 3.Kb4=B#, 1...Rh8+
2.K:h8=R zz. B:g7 3.Rh1#, 1...B:g7+ 2.Kb4=B+ Bc3 3.B:c3#,
1.Kg8? zz. R:g7+ a 2.Kd8=R B ~ 3.Bd2#,
1...Rh8+ 2.K:h8=R zz. B:g7 3.Rh1#, 1...B:g7!,
1.Ke8? zz. R:g7 a 2.Kf8 C zz. Rg6+ (R:f7+, Rg8+, Rh7+) 3.Kb4=B#,
1...Rh8+ 2.K:h8=R zz. B:g7 3.Rh1#, 1...B:g7!,
1.Bf3! A zz. R:g7 a 2.Be2 D zz. Rg6+ (R:f7+, Rg8+, Rh7+) 3.Kb4=B#,
1...Rh8+ 2.K:h8=R zz. B:g7 3.Rh1#,
1...B:g7+ 2.Kb4=B+ Bc3 3.B:c3#,
b) 1.Be2! D etc.
Perpetuum mobile with change of continuations
in 4 phases & switchbacks by bR-cross.

#3 b) after the key (8+5)


B09. Karol Mlynka
12936 Springaren 12, 2013 (no. 130)

1.a5? Sd7!,
1.Kc5? zz. Sa6+ a 2.Kd7=S A ~ 3.Sdb6# (2.K:a6=S B?),
1...Sd7+ b 2.Ka6=S B ~ 3.Sac7# (2.K:d7=S A?), 1...Sc6!,
1.e7! zz. Sa6+ a 2.Kc6=S! C ~ 3.Sb6 # (2.K:a6=S B?),
1...Sd7 b 2.e8S D ~ 3.Sec7#,
1...Sc6+ c 2.Ka6=S! B ~ (Sc6~) 3.Sac7# (2.K:c6=S C?),
2...S:a7! 3.Scb6#.

 Change of continuations & dual avoidance.

“En Pressburg-kung tar vid schack över den schackande
pjäsens gångart och förlorar sin kungliga status.“ (K. Widlert)

#3 (7+2)

B09 ~ a b c
X? w A B -
Y! w C D B

B10. Karol Mlynka

439 Julia`s Fairies 28.11.2013

1.Kc5! ~ 2.Kb6! Se6 3.Ka7# (2.Kc6?, 3. Kb7?),

1...Sa4+ a 2.K:a4=S [+bSb2]! ~ 3.Sb6# A,
2...S:a4 a [+wSd5] 3.Sc7# B, (2.Ka6? Se6! b)
1...Se6+ b 2.K:e6=S [+bSf8]! ~ 3.Sc7# B,
2...S:e6 b [+wSd5] 3.Sb6# A, (2.K:d7? Sa4! a).

 Echo model mates.

 Rex solus.
 Miniature.
 Diagram circe.

#3 DiagramCirce (1+6)
royal=BH<bishop hopper>a8
BH<bishop hopper>d7

B11. Karol Mlynka
12301 Šachová skladba 7.2014 (no. 124)

1.Sh7? ~ 2.Sf6+ A rBf7 3.Ge7# B,

1...rBf7 2.Ge7+ B rBg8 (rBe8) 3.Sf6# A,
1.Kd6! zz. c5 2.Ke7 ~ 3.Kf8#,
1...Q:b4+ 2.K:e6=Q+ Sf7 3.Q:f7#,
1...Sc8+ 2.Ke8=S ~ 3.Sf6#,
1...Sf7+ 2.K:f7=S ~ 3.Sh6#.
 Judge: S. Emmerson
In the try reciprocal change between threat and variation. Only
checks by waiting in the solution. Black royal Bishop.

#3 royal=B<bishop>h8 (7+12)
G<grasshopper>d7, g7

B12. Karol Mlynka

651 Julia’s Fairies 26.11.2014

1.LIa6! ~ 2.a:b3+ LI:b3 (a:b3) 3.LI:a4#,

1...Bc2+ 2.Kd3=B+ Kd5 3.Bc4#,
1...S:d6+ 2.K:d6=S+ Kd3 3.Sc4#,
1...LIh1+ (LIg2+) 2.Kg2=LI+ Kd3 3.LIc2#,
1...LIf5+ 2.K:h7=LI+ Kd5 3.LI:d7#,
(1...B:a2, Bd1 2.LIc8+ LIc7 3.R:b4#).

 Fairy Siers-batteries with Pressburger King as front


#3 (13+11)

B13. Karol Mlynka
Comm. KoBulChess 2014

(343 KoBulChess 15.02.2014)

1.Rc2? zz. h1B a 2.Ra2 A zz. B:g2+ 3.Kd3=B#, 1...h1S! b,
1.d3? F zz. h1S b 2.R:g3 B zz. S:g3+ 3.Kd2=S#, 1...h1B! a,
1.Sa5? zz. h1B a 2.Sb3 C zz. B:g2+ 3.Kd3=B#,
1...h1S b 2.Sc4 D zz. Kc1 3.Ra1#, 1...Kc1!,
1.R:g3! B zz. h1B a 2.Rg2 E zz. B:g2+ 3.Kd3=B#,
1...h1S b 2.d3 F zz. S:g3+ 3.Kd2=S#.
 Themes: change of continuations in more phases, Salazar,
switchbacks, sacrifices of wR, zugzwang.
 „Trickreich gestaltetes Zugzwangstück mit dem Pressburger
König, 3 x 2 Fortsetzungswechsel und 3 x Switchback nach
schwarzer Läuferumwandlung.“ (Judge: Franz Pachl)

#3 (8+5)

B13 ~ a b
V? w A !
X? w ! B
Y? w C D
Z! w E F

B14. Ľuboš Kekely

786 Pat a mat 12, 2014 (no. 90)

1.f5! zz. Bh7 g8B zz. Bf2+ 3. K:f2=B (bBf8)#, 2...Bf4(-b8) 3.Kh1#,
2...g:f5(wPf2) 3.f:e3(bPe7)#, 2...b3 3.c:b3(bPb7)#, 2...Bh4+
3.K:e3=B(bPe7)#, 2...B:g8(wBf1)+ 3.K:e3=Q(bPe7)#.

 Combined conditions SAT-chess & Circe.

 C?

#3 SAT-chess & Circe (7+11)


B15. Karol Mlynka
857 Julia`s Fairies 13.07.2015

1.d3? A ~ 2.Qg5 ~ 3.Qc1#,

1...g1B a 2.R:b4 B zz. B:f2+ 3.Kc3=B#, 1...g1S! (2.c3?),
1.R:b4! B ~ 2.Qf3 ~ 3.Qc3#,
1...g1B a 2.d3 A zz. B:f2+ 3.Kc3=B#,
1...g1S 2.c3! zz. Sf3+ 3.Kc2=S#,
1...g:h1B 2.Q:h1~ 3.K:e2#, (1..g1Q, R+?).

 Salazar theme.
 Minor promotions.
 White unblocks for Pressburger King.

#3 (9+8)

B15 ~ a B16 ~ a b
A? X B - - A -
B! Y A A! w B C
- - B C
C! w - B

B16. Karol Mlynka

993 Julia`s Fairies 30.01.2016

a) 1...g5 a 2.g4 A zz. Rh1+ 3.Kf8=R#, 1...Rh1+ 2.Kf8=R+ rLN:g3-h5

3.Rh8 #, 1...rLN:g3-h5 2.K:g7 Ra1 3.Kh6#, 1.K:g7? Rh1!;
1.g4! A zz. g5 a 2.Kh7 B zz. Rh1+ 3.Kf7=R#,
1...g6 b 2.g5 C zz. Rh1+ 3.Kf8=R#, (1...Rh1+ 2.Kf8=R#);
b) 1... g5 a 2.Kh7 B zz. Rh1+ 3.Kf7=R#, 1...g6 b 2.g5 C zz. Rh1+
3.Kf8=R#, (1...Rh1+ 2.Kf8=R#), 1.Kh7? B Rh1+!,
1.g5! C ~ 2.g6 zz. Rh1+ 3.Kf8=R#,
1...g6 b 2.Kh7 B zz.. Rh1+ 3.Kf7=R#.
Changed and transferred continuations with change of function.

#3 b) after the key (2+4)

royal=LN<nightrider locust>f1

B17. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.Bd4? zz. h1Q a 2.Rg1+ A Q:g1+ 3.K:g1=Q#,

1...h1R b 2.e4 B ~ 3.Rb3#, 2...Rf1+ (Rh2+) 3.K:f1=R#,
2...Rh3 3.Rg1#,
1...h1S+ c 2.K:h1=S C ~ 3.Rg1#, (1...h1B 2.Rg1#) , 1...e5!,
1.Rh3? ~ 2.Ke2 zz. h1Q/S 3.R:h1#, 1...h1S+!,
1.Kf3? h1R!, 1.Ke2? h1Q!,
1.Kf1! ~ 2.e4 B ~ 3.Rb3#,
1...h1B d 2.Rg2 D zz. B:g2+ 3.Kd3=B#,
1...h1S c 2.Rg1 A Sg3+ 3.K:g3=S#, 2...Sf2 3.K:f2 #.
Combined changes of continuation after four different

#3 (7+3)

B17 ~ a b c d B18 ~ a b
X? w A B C - - - A B
Y! B - - A D X! w C D
- - C D
Y! w A B

B18. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

a) "White to play": 1...Sc6+ a 2.Ke6=S A ~ 3.Sc7#,

1...Sc8 b 2.K:c8 B ~ 3.Kb8#;
1.Ke7! zz. Sc6+ a 2.Kd5=S C ~ 3.Sc7#,
1...Sc8+ b 2.K:c8=S D zz. Ga7 3.Sb6#. (Z-22-24)
 Change of continuations by Rex solus in a miniature.
b) "White to play": 1...Sc6+ a 2.Kd5=S C ~ 3.Sc7#,
1...Sc8+ b 2.K:c8=S D zz. Ga7 3.Sb6#.
1.Kd8! zz. Sc6+ a 2.Ke6=S A ~ 3.Sc7#,
1...Sc8 b 2.K:c8 B ~ 3.Kb8#.
 Perpetuum mobile.

#3* b) after the key (1+6)

LB<bishop locust>a6,b5,f2
royal=LB<bishop locust>a8

B19. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

a) 1.Ke4? g5!,
1.Kg4! ~ 2.Kg5 C zz. f5 3.Kg6#,
1...f5+ a 2.K:f5=P A ~ 3.f6#, 2...g5 3.f:g6 ep#.
b) 1.Kg4! zz. f5+ a 2.Kg5=P B zz. g6 3.G2f7#,
1...g5 b 2.K:g5 C zz. f5 3.Kg6#, 2...f6+ 3.Kg6=P#.
 Change of continuation and en passant capture with
transformed Pressburger King.
 3-fold transformation into Pawn.
 Antibattery mates.
 New Köko as Twin.

#3 b) NewKoeko (3+3)
NH<nightrider hopper>h4
royal=LN<nightrider locust>f8

B20. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1...Sc2+ a 2.K:c4=S+ A K:a4 3.Sb6#,

1...Sf6 2.Sb6 ~ 3.S:c4#, 2...Bc1+ 3.Kb4=B#, 2...Sc2+ 3.K:c4=S#,
1...Bd2 2.R:c5+ Q:c5+ 3.Kb4=Q#,
1...Ba8 2.R:a6+ K:a6 3.Q:a8#;
1.Ra1! ~ 2.R:c5+ B:c5+ 3.Kb4=B#, 2...Q:c5+ 3.Kb4=Q#,
1...B:c6 b 2.B:c6 B ~ 3.Kb2#, 2...Sc2+ a 3.K:c4=S# A.

Halfbattery creation and pin mates with transferred PK.

#3 (7+13)

B21. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.b8=B+? K:b8=B+!,
1.b8=S? L:c5-d4+!,
1.a:b6+? C K:b6=P!,
1.b8=L? zz. Ka8 2.a:b6 ~ 3.b7#, 2...K:b8 3.c7#,
1...K:b8 2.a:b6 ~ 3.c7#, 2...Kc8/Ka8 3.b7#, 1...L:c5-d4+!,
1.e7? zz. L:c5-d4+ a 2.Ke6 A zz. Kb8 3.c7#,
1...Kb8 2.a:b6 ~ 3.c7#, 1...L:b7-b8+!,
1.b8=R! zz. L:c5-d4+ a 2.Ke7 B zz. K:b8 3.c7#,
1...K:b8 2.a:b6 C ~ 3.c7#, 2...Ka8/Kc8 3.b7#.
Mated black Pressburger King.
Promotions. Change of continuation.

#3 L<locust>b6, c5 (6+3)

B21 ~ a B22 ~ a b
X? w A X? w A -
Y! w B A! Y - B

B22. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.c8R? Ka7!,
1.c8S? Kb8!,
1.e3? zz. L:e3-f3 a 2.Ra6 A zz. Kc8 3.d7#, 1...Ka7!,
1.Ra6! A ~ 2.Bc4 zz. Kc8 3.d7#,
1...L:c5-c6 b 2.Bd3 B zz. L:c7-c8+ 3.K:c8-b8=L#, 2...Kc8 3.d7#.

 Mated black Pressburger King.

 Mating white Pressburger King.
 Radical change of continuation.
 Two tempo variants of WB.

#3 L<locust>c3 (8+3)
WhiteSuperTransmutingKing &


C01. Karol Mlynka

9547 feenschach Sommer 2007(no. 168)

1.Bh5! ~ 2.Gb4+ c3 3.LI:c3+ Kd1+ 4.K:e5-d7=LN#,

1...KAf6+ 2.K:f6=KA G:f4 [+wGf8] 3.Gb4+ c3 4.LI:c3#,
1...e4+ 2.K:e4=P f:e4 [+wPe2] 3.LIc3+ Kd1 4.LI:a1#,
1...B:c6+ 2.K:c6=B ~3.LI:c4 KAf6 3.Gb4+ c3 4.LI:c3#.

 Transformation of Pressburger King to Nightrider-Locust

and Kangaroo in Clone-circe Chess.

#4 CirceClone (13+16)
LN<nightrider locust>g5

C02. Karol Mlynka

11382 Springaren 9, 2008

1...B:b5 2.K:g2 A f3+ 3.K:f3=P B ~ 4.Ng2# C,

1...Se2 2.Ge5+ Sg3 (Sc3) 3.Gc3+ d:c3 4.Nb7#,
1.K:g2! A ~ 2.Sf3#,
1...f3+ 2.K:f3=P B Bc2 3.Ng2+ C Ke2 4.f4#,
1...Bc2 2.N:f4 Be4+ 3.Kg2:e4=B ~ 4.Ng2# C.

Radical change with change of function:

2.A-3.B-4.C to 1.A-2.B-3.C.

#4 N<Nightrider> d8 (7+10)
G<Grasshopper> b2, b5

C03. Karol Mlynka
2464 Rochade Europa 5, 2010

1...Re3+ a 2.K:e3=R+ A d:e3 3.R:e3+ Se2 4.R:e2#,

1...g1=G b 2.Rg3 B Rg5 3.f:g5 ~ 4.R:g1#,
1.K:g2 ! ~ 2.Sf3+ Ke2 3.S:d4+ Ke1 4.Sc2#,
1...Re3 a 2.R:e3+ C d:e3 3.Sg3 ~ 4.Sf3#,
1...d3 c 2.f:e5 D G:e5 3.Re3+ Se2 (Ge2) 4.Sf3#,
2...d4 3.Sg3 ~ 4.Sf3#.
Change of continuation and radical change (Z-22-34)

C03 ~ a b c
- - A B -
X! Y C - D

#4 G<grasshopper>a5 (6+10)

C04. Karol Mlynka

11183 Šachová skladba 4, 2012 (no.115)

a) "White to play": 1...e1S+ a 2.Ke3=B A ~ 3.Bf4=R ~ 4.Rg4=Q#,

3... Sf3=B 4.R:f3=B#, 1.Kb1? zz. c2S 2.K:c2 zz. e1S+
3.Ka1=B ~ 4.B:f6=S#, 1...e1S!,
1.Kd3! zz. e1S+ a 2.Kc1=B B ~ 3.Bf4=R ~ 4.Rg4=Q#, 3...Sf3=B
4.R:f3=B#, 1...c2S 2.K:c2 zz. e1S+ 3.Ka1=B ~ 4.B:f6=S#.
b) after the key: 1...e1S+ 2.Kc1=B ~ 3.Bf4=R~ 4.Rg4=Q#,
3...Sf3=B 4.R:f3=B#, 1...c2S 2.K:c2 zz. e1S+ 3.Ka1=B ~
1.Kc2! zz. e1S+ 2.Ke3=B ~ 3.Bf4=R ~ 4.Rg4=Q#, 3... Sf3=B
 (No solver!)
 Perpetuum mobile.

#4 ReversalEinsteinChess (7+6)

C05. Karol Mlynka
Comm. 32nd TT CCM 2013

(Chess Composition Microweb C 4.4.2013 – award 08.06.2013)

a) 1...h1B 2.Bc1 zz. Bg2+ 3.K:c4=B ~ 4.Sbc2#,
1...h1S 2.Bc1 zz. Sg3+ 3.Ke3=S ~ 4.Sec2#,
1.Sd5? zz. h1B 2.Sb4 zz. Bg2+ 3.K:c4=B ~ 4.Sc2#,
1... h1S 2.Sb4 zz. Sg3+ 3.Ke3=S ~ 4.Sc2#, 1...K:a2!,
1.Bc1! zz. h1B 2.Ba3 zzz. Bg2+ 3.K:c4=B ~ 4.Sbc2#,
1...h1S 2.Ba3 zz. Sg3+ 3.Ke3=S ~ 4.Sec2#,
1...h1Q+ 2.K:h1=Q (~ 3.Ba3+ f1Q (S) 4.Q:f1#) f1Q (R) 3.Q:f1 ~ 4.Ba3#,
1...h1R+ 2.K:h1=R (~ 3.Ba3+ f1Q (S) 4.R:f1#) f1Q (R) 3.R:f1 ~ 4.Ba3#;
“Twin in the perpetuum mobile form shows change of the 2nd white
move in three phases and AUW, however Q and R promotions are
followed by impure mates.“ (Jiří Jelínek, the judge)

#4 b) after the key (7+6)


b) (Ba3→c1)
1...h1B 2.Ba3 zz. Bg2+ 3.K:c4=B ~ 4.Sbc2#,
1...h1S 2.Ba3 zz. Sg3+ 3.Ke3=S ~ 4.Sec2#,
1...h1Q+ 2.K:h1=Q ~ 3.Ba3+ f1Q (S) 4.Q:f1#, 2...f1Q (R) 3.Q:f1 ~ 4.Ba3#,
1...h1R+ 2.K:h1=R ~ 3.Ba3+ f1Q (S) 4.R:f1#, 2...f1Q (R) 3.R:f1 ~ 4.Ba3#,
1.Ba3! zz. h1B 2.Bc1 zz. Bg2+ 3.K:c4=B ~ 4.Sbc2#,
1...h1S 2.Bc1 zz. Sg3+ 3.Ke3=S ~ 4.Sec2#.

Chess Composition Microweb announces formal thematical tourney for fairy direct mates of any length (i.e. #2,
#3, #n, n any) using fairy pieces, but no fairy conditions and showing at least two model mates in the solution.

C06. Karol Mlynka

269 KoBulChess 2.11.2013

1.Kg7? zz. Se6+ a 2.K:f5=S A zz. Sd4 3.Se3 zz. Sd4-~ 4.S:c2#,
1.Kg5! zz. Se6+ a 2.Kf3=S! B zz. Sd4 3.Se1 zz. Sf3 (Se6) 4.S:c2#
(2...Se6-~ 3.Se1 ~ 4.S:c2#),
1... Sf3+ 2.Ke6=S! zz. Sd4 3.Sc5 zz. Sf3 (Se6) 4.S:b3 #. (2...Sf3-~
3.Sc5 ~ 4.S:b3#)

 Echo model mates.

 Rex posoniensis solus.
 Technical help of dummies.

#4 royal=DU<dummy>a1 (1+11)
DU<dummy>c6, b5, e2, d2, b3, e4, f5

C07. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

(1...f1B/S 2.f6 ~ 3.f:g7#, 2...g:f6 3.g7#),

1.Ke6? A (~ 2.f6 ~ 3.f:g7#, 2...g:f6 3.g7#) f1R a 2.f6 C ~ 3.f:g7#,
2...R:f6+ 3.K:f6=R zz. g:f6 4.g7#, 1...f1B 2.f6 (~ 3.f:g7#) Bh3+
3.Ke6-~=B ~ 4.f:g7#, 3...g:f6 4.g7#, 1...f1Q! b,
1.Ke7? B (~ 2.f6 ~ 3.f:g7#, 2...g:f6 3.g7#) f1Q b 2.f6 C (~ 3.f:g7#)
Qa1 3.f:g7+ Q:g7+ 4.K:g7=Q#, 2...Q:f6+ 3.K:f6=Q (~ 4.Q:g7#) g:f6
4.g7#, 1...f1R! a,
1.f6! C (~ 2.f:g7#) f1R a 2.Ke6 A (~ 3.f:g7#) R:f6 + 3.K:f6=R zz. g:f6
4.g7#, 1...f1Q b 2.Ke7 B (~ 3.f:g7#) Qa1 3.f:g7+ Q:g7+ 4.K:g7=Q#,
2...Q:f6+ 3.K:f6=Q (~ 4.Q:g7#) g:f6 4.g7#,
 Banny & Salazar themes with promotions.
 Changed and transferred continuations in three phases.
#4 (8+4)

C07 ~ a b
A? X C !
B? X ! C
C! Y A B

C08. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.b8Q? Kd6!,
1.e8S? Kb6!,
1.b8R? zz. K:c7 2.Kd5 zz.d6 a 3.e8B A zz. K:b8 4.a7#, 1...Kd6!,
1.c8S! zz. Kc7 2.Kd5 zz. d6 a 3.e8Q B zz. Kb8 4.a7#.

Changed third moves between try and solution.
Black Pressburger King.

#4 G<grasshopper>g6, h1 (8+2)

C09. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.f8Q? a1S!, 1.b8R? a1B!, 1.f8S? a1B!, 1.b8B+? K:b8=B!,

1.f8B! zz. a1S 2.K:b4 zz. Sc2+ 3.K:c2=S zz. Kb8 4.c7#, 2...S:b3
3.K:b3 zz. Kb8 4.c7#,
1...a1B 2.Bg7 zz. B:b2 3.B:b2 zz. Kb8 4.c7#,
 Underpromotions in the solution.
 Mix-AUW in the tries.
 Mated Pressburger King.
 Kindergarten problem.

#4 (8+4)
WhiteSuperTransmutingKing &

CII-1. Karol Mlynka


Original for Pressburger King - edition 2 – June 2017 = C+p

 Einstein chess.
 Transformation of Pressburger King into R, B and S.
 Urania theme (A) in a)
 Change of continuation (aA-aB) in b).
 e.p.-capture in c)
 Popeye WINDOWS-32Bit-Version 4.01
 See C10 > next page!

#4 b) Bb8→h1 (7+7)
c) Pc5→c4

a) 1.g:h5=S? A c6!,
1.Kg3? zzw. g1 a 2.g:h5=S A zzw. Sb4=P 3.Sf6=P ~ 4.f7#, 3...c6+ 4.K:b8=R#, 2...S:c5=B 3.d:c5=S ~ 4.Sd7=P#,
3...c6+ 4.K:b8=R#, 2...c6+ 3.Kd6=S+ B:d6=R 4.c:d6=S#,
1...Sb4=P 2.g:h5=S ~ 3.Sf6=P ~ 4.f7#, 3...c6+ 4.K:b8=R#, 1...h:g4=S! b,
1.c6! ~ 2.g:h5=S A ~ 3.Sf6=P ~ 4.f7#, 1...h:g4=S+ b 2.K:g4=B ~ 3.Bf5=S ~ 4.Bf6=S#,
1...Sc5=P 2.d:c5=S h:g4=S+ 3.K:g4=B ~ 4.Sd7=P#;
b) 1.Kg1? ~ 2.g:h5=S A ~ 3.Sf6=P ~ 4.f7#, 2...S:c5=B 3.d:c5=S ~ 4.Sd7=P#, 1...h:g4=S! b,
1.g:h5=S! A (~ 2.Sf6=P ~ 3.f7#) g1 a 2.Sf6=P B Be4=S+ 3.K:e4=B ~ 4.f7#;
c) 1.d5! ~ 2.g:h5=S A ~ 3.Sf6=P ~ 4.f7#, 2...c5 (c6) 3.d:c6 ep.=S (3.d:c6=S) ~ 4.Bf6=S#,
1...c5 (c6) 2.d:c6 ep.=S (2.d:c6=S) h:g4=S+ 3.K:g4=B ~ 4.Bf6=S#,
1...h:g4=S+ b 2.K:g4=B ~ 3.Bf5=S ~ 4.Bf6=S#, 2...c6 3.d:c6=S ~ 4.Bf6=S#.

C11. Karol Mlynka
1077 Julia´s Fairies 24.05.2016

1.Kb3? b5!,
1.Kb4? A b6! a,
1.Ka4! ~ 2.Ka5 zz. b5 3.Kb6 ~ 4.Kc7 ~ 5.Kd8#,
2...b6+ 3.Ka6=P ~ 4.a7 ~ 5.a8Q/R#,
1...b6 a 2.Kb4 A zz. b5 3.Kc5 ~ 4.Kd6 ~ 5.Ke7#.

Tries with different refutations of b. Pb7.

Key allowing check and transformation into Pawn.
Vladimirov paradox and two royal mates.
Rex solus in Three men problem.
(Note: Cooked by normal King!)

#5 royal=L<locust>e8 (1+2)

Karol Mlynka, C10. Pressburger King 01.08.2016; White Pc7 Ka5 Pc5 - Black Ka8 Pa6 (3+2);
#4 BlackSuperTransmutingKing; 1...Ka7 a 2.c6 A zz. Ka8 3.c8S zz. Kb8 4.c7#, 1.Kb6? a5!,
1.c8B? B ~ 2.c6 A ~ 3.K:a6 zz. Kb8 4.c7#, 2...Ka7 3.Bb7 zz. Kb8 4.c7#, 1...Kb8!, 1.c6! A (~ 2.c8S zz. Kb8
3.c7#) Ka7 a 2.c8B B ~ 3.Bb7 zz. Kb8 4.c7#, 2...Ka8 3.K:a6 zz. Kb8 4.c7#. Urania theme. Change of
continuation. Underpromotions. Kindergarten tanagra.

C12.Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.a8Q+? Kc6-~=Q!, 1.a8B+? Kc6-~=B!,

1.a8S? zz. K:d6 a 2.Sb6 A zz. Kc6 3.K:e7 zz. Kc7 4.d8S zz. Kb8
5.a7#, 1...e:d6!,
1.a8R? zz. K:d6 a 2.Rb8 B zz. Kc6 3.K:e7 zz. Kc7 4.d8S zz. K:b8
5.a7#, 1...e:d6!,
1.Kc8? zz. K:d6 a 2.Kd8 C zz. Kc6 3.K:e7 zz. Kc7 4.a8B zz. Kb8
5.a7#, 1...e:d6!,
1.d:e7! zz. Kd6 a 2.e8B D zz. Kc6 3.Ke7 zz.Kc7 4.a8B zz. Kb8 5.a7#.

 Change of continuation in four phases.

 Different promotions in kindergarten problem.

#5 (8+5)

C13. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1...Kg8 a 2.b8=L A zz. (Kf8 3.Ga8 #) Kh8 3.K:h6 zz. Kg8 4.Kg6 zz.
Kh8 (Kf8) 5.h6 zz. Kg8 6.h7#,
1.b8=Q/S? Kg8!,
1.b8=L? A ~ 2.K:h6 zz. Kg8 3.Kg6 zz. Kh8 4.h6 zz. Kg8 5.h7#,
1.b8=G! ~ 2.K:h6 zz. Kg8 3.Kg6 zz. Kh8 (Kf8) 4.h6 zz. Kf8-g8 5.h7#,
1...Kg8 a 2.Ge8 B zz. Kh8 3.K:h6 zz. Kg8 4.Kg6 zz. Kh8 5.h6 zz. Kg8
Change of continuation by mated Black Pressburger King.
Fairy promotions into Locust and Grasshopper.

#6 L<locust>e7 (5+4)

C14. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

"White to play":
1...Ka7 2.b4 zz. Kb8 3.b5 zz. Ka7 4.b8R zz. K:b8 5.b6 zz. Ka8/Kc8
6.b7#, 2...Ka6 3.b8R zz. Ka7 4.b5 zz. K:b8 5.b6 zz.Ka8/Kc8 6.b7#,
1.b4? A (~ 2.b5 zz. Ka7 3.b8R zz. K:b8 4.b6 zz. Ka/c8 5.b7#)Ka7! a,
1.b3! zz. Ka7 a 2.b4 A zz. Kb8 3.b5 zz. Ka7 4.b8R zz. K:b8 5.b6 zz.
Ka8/Kc8 6.b7#, 2...Ka6 3.b8R zz. Ka7 4.b5 zz. K:b8 5.b6 zz.Ka8/
Kc8 6.b7#.
“ White to play“ in Kindergarten Wenigsteiner with Vladimirov
paradox and R-promotion by mated Pressburger King after a
surprising key.

#6 (3+1)

Karol Mlynka, CII-2. Original = C+p; White Pd7 Kc6 Ph2 La1 - Black Ka8 (4+1), L<locust>a1; #6
BlackSuperTransmutingKing; "White to play".1.h4? A ~ 2.h5 zz. Kb8 3.h6 zz. Ka8 4.h7 zz. Kb8
5.h8=L#, 1...Kb8! a, 1.h3! zz. Kb8 a 2.h4 A zz. Ka8 3.h5 zz. Kb8 4.h6 zz. Ka8 5.h7 zz. Kb8 6.h8=L#.
Vladimirov paradox. Ecxelsior. Promotion into Locust. Mated black Pressburger King. Tanagra.

C15. Ľuboš Kekely
1684 The Macedonian Problemist 9 –12, 2014 (no. 45)

1.a4? a5!,
1.a3! zz. a5 2.a4 Be5 3.Bd6 c4 4.d:c4 Bf4 5.Be5 [5.Ba3+? Bb8
6.Bb4 a:b4 7.a5 b3 8.a6 b2 9.a:b7#] Bg3 6.Bf4 Bh2+ 7.K:g2=B
Bb~/Bg3 8.b7#/B:b7#.

 Transformation of Pressburger King to Bishop.

 C?

#8 SAT-chess (6+6)

C16. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.Ke4? zz. f6 a 2.Kf5 A zz. e4 b 3.Kf4 zz. f5 4.K:e3 zz. f4+ 5.K:f4=P
~ 6.f5 ~ 7.f6 ~ 8.f:g7#. 1..f5+! (2.K:f5=P? stalemate!),
1.Kf6! zz. e4 b 2.Kf5 A zz. f6 a 3.Kf4 zz. f5 4.K:e3 zz. f4+ 5.K:f4=P ~
6.f5 ~ 7.f6 ~ 8.f:g7#.

 Zugzwang and anti-zugzwang.

 Transferred continuation with Switchback.
 Mated Black Pressburger King.
 Mating Rex solus after transformation into Pawn.

#8 (1+7)
RL<rook locust>e3, g7, g8, h7
WhiteSuperTransmutingKing &

C17. Ľuboš Kekely
11125v feenschach 1-2, 2015 (F-211)

(Correction: feenschach 1-2, 2016 - no. 217) C?

1.e3? or 1.e4? e6!

1.e6! zz. a5 2.e3 zz. a4 3.e4 zz. a3 4.e5 zz. Re1 5.Rd1 zz. Rf1 6.Re1
zz. Rg1+ (6.- Rf8+ 7.Kh3=R Rf1 8.R:f1) 7.Kh3=R g:h3 8.R:g1 h2

 Zugzwang and the duel of Rooks in Sat-chess.

#9 SAT-chess (7+8)

C18. Ľuboš Kekely

HC174 Bulletin 12, 2016 (no. 10)

1.b5! zz. Bb8 2.a7! (2.K:b8? =) B:a7 3.Kc7 zz. Bb8+ 4.Kd8=B!
(4.K:b8=B? =) Be5 5.R:e5 Bf7 6.Rf5 Kg8 7.Be7 zz Kh8 8.R:f7 Kg8

#9 (5+5)


D01. Karol Mlynka

1047 Pat a mat 9, 2003
Dedicated to I. Garaj 60*

1.a8Q/R+? K:a8=Q/R!, 1.a8B? f. e. Kc8!,

1.Ke6? Kc8! & Kc7!,
1.a8S! Kd7 (Kc8) 2.Sb6+! K:b6=S 3.Ke6! Sc4! 4.Kd5! Sd2! 5.Kd4!
Sf1 6.Ke4! Sh2 7.Ke3! Sf1+/Sg4+/Sf3 8.K:f1+/K:g4/K:f3#.

 A study with both Pressburger Kings.

 Note: The capture is the win.
 C?

win (2+1)

D02. Karol Mlynka


Original for Pressburger King - edition 2 – June 2017 = C?

1.a3? Kf4!,
1.a4! h4 2.a5 h3 3.a6 h2 4.a7 h1B! draw (5.a8Q/R/B/S? B:a8!
draw), 4...h1S? 5.a8Q! Sf2+? (6.K:f2=S? K:f2 draw)
6.Kc3/b2/e3=S! white wins, 4..h1Q+? K:h1=Q! (and other) white
wins, 4...h1R+? K:h1=R! (and other) white wins.
 Excelsior and uderpromotions.
 The second known fairy study with the Pressburger King.

draw (2+2)


Da01. Vasil Dyachuk

5th HM 15th TT Spišská borovička 2003

(46th WCCC Moscow C 01.08.2003; C?; judge P. Gvozdják)

2 black Kings!
1.Gh3+? A Kh5=G a, K:h3=G b 2.G:h5 B, Rh8 C=,
1.Gh5+! B K:h5=G a, Kh3=G b, Kb1=G, Kb5=G 2.Rh8 C, G:h3 A,
Ra1, K:b5=.
Kiss cycle in stalemate twomover with the third King.
a b
A? + B C
B! + C A

=2 Grasshoppers (7+4)

Da02. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

a) 1.Ke3-~? R:g6[bRg6→b3]!, 1.Kf3!? R:e7[bRe7→d2]!!,

1.Kd3! zz. Rf7 2.B:f7[wBf7→c2]=,
1...Rg8 2.S:g8[wSg8→b1]=,
1...Rh7 2.B:h7[wBh7→a2]=,
1...R:g6[bRg6→b3]+ 2.K:b3=R[wRb3→g6]=,
1...R:e7[bRe7→d2]+ 2.K:d2=R[wRd2→e7]=;
b) 1.Bh5=R+? Rh7=Q 2.R:h7=Q[wQh7→g6]=, 1...Rg6=Q!,
1.Be8=R+? Rg8=Q 2.R:g8=Q[wQg8→g6]=, 1...Rg6=Q!,
1.Kd4! zz. Rf7=Q 2.B:f7=R[wRf7→g6]=,
1...Rg8=Q 2.S:g8=B[wBg8→e7]=,
1...Rh7=Q 2.B:h7=R[wRh7→g6]=,
1...R:g6=Q[bQg6→g7]+ 2.K:g7=Q=rS[wSg7→e3]=,
1...R:e7=Q[bQe7→g7]+ 2.K:g7=Q=rS[wSg7→e3]=.
=2 SymmetryAnticirce (3+2)
b) AntiCirce Diagram
& ChameleonChess
royal=ZH<zebrarider hopper>h8

White correction of the King.

BR-cross. Change of stalemate.
Aristocrat. Tanagra.
Condition in a) Symmetry Anticirce
and in b) Diagram Anticirce & Chameleon Chess

Da03. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.Sh3? zz. Ka3 a 2.a8=L+ A K:d3-e3=L+ 3.rL:e3-e2=,

1...Kb1 2.LIf5+ K:f5=LI 3.rL:f5-g6=, 1...Ka1!,
1.Se2! ~ 2.a8=L+ A K:e2-f2=L 3.LIh7= & 3.LIg6=,
1...Ka3 a 2.Sc1 B zz. Ka4 3.Sb3=,
1...Ka1 2.Sc3 zz. L:c3-c2 3.a8=L= A,
1...Kb1 2.LIf5+ K:f5=LI 3.rL:f5-g6=.

Stalemated Pressburger King is captured after transformation.

Promotion into Locust with change of function.
Change of continuation in a miniature.

=3 LI<lion>d3 (5+2)
L<locust>b8, c5

Da04. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.L:b6-c5? A ~ 2.Kd6 B zz. Ka7 3.b8B+ K:c5=B+ 4.K:c5=B=,

3...Kb6=B 4.L:b6-a7=, 3...K:b8=B+ 4.K:b8=B=, 1...Ka7!,
1.Kd6! B ~ 2.L:b6-c5 A zz. Ka7 3.b8B+ K:c5=B+ 4.K:c5=B=,
3...Kb6=B 4.L:b6-a7=, 3...K:b8=B+ 4.K:b8=B=,
1...K:a7 2.b8B+ K:b8=B+ 3.K:b8=B ~ 4.Bd6=.

 Both Pressburger Kings.

 Promotions.
 Switchbacks after transformation.
 Sequence reversal II.

=4 L<locust>a7, b6 (4+2)
WhiteSuperTransmutingKing &

Da05. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.e:f7[wPf7→c2]! ~ 2.Kh6 (~ 3.K:g7[wKg7→b2]=) Re7

(Rf7, Rg8) 3.g7+ R:g7[bRg7→b2] 4.Kg7+ R:b3[bRb3→g6]+
4...R:c2[bRc2→f7]+ 5.K:f7=R[wRf7→c2]=,
1...Re7 (Rf7, Rg8) 2.g7+ R:g7[bRg7→b2] 3.Kg6 ~ 4.Kg7+
R:b3[bRb3→g6]+ 5.K:g6=R[wRg6→b3]=,
4...R:c2[bRc2→f7]+ 5.K:f7=R[wRf7→c2]=,
3...Rb1 4.Kh7+ Ra1 5.Kg8=.

 Stalemate in five moves by Pressburger King.

=5 SymmetryAnticirce (6+6)
royal=RH<rook hopper>h8

Fairy twomovers 2008-2010

by Vaclav Kotesovec

(54 pages, 36 twomovers, 54 diagrams)

published 28.2.2011, updated version 24.3.2016 (18 new awards added)

free download PDF (2 MB)

info about printed booklet (via e-mail)


Db01. Karol Mlynka

879 Julia’s Fairies 30.08.2015

1.Ke4? zz. Gec5+ a, Gd5+ b, Gce5+ c, g3+ d 2.K:h4=PA+ A, K:h4=LI+

B, K:h4=G+ C, Ke2=R+ D, (1...Gee5+, Ge3+, PAd5+ 2.K:h4=G+,
K:h4=PA+, K:h4=LI+), 1...Bg2+!,
1.Kc4? zz. Gec5+ a, Gd5+ b, Gce5+ c, g3+ d 2.K:h4=LI+ B, K:h4=G+
C,K:h4=PA+ A, Kc2=R+ E, (1...LIc1,2,3+, PAd5+ Gcc5+ 2.K:h4=PA+,
K:h4=G+, K:h4=LI+), 1...Bf1+!,
1.Kd4! zz. Gec5+ a, Gd5+ b, Gce5+ c, g3+ d Gec5+ a 2.K:h4=G+ C,
K:h4=PA+ A, K:h4=LI+ B, Kd2=R+ F, (1...Gee5+, Gcc5+ 2.K:h4=LI+,
Change of checks in 3 phases by 4 variants (Z-34-46) with complete
Lačný cycle 3x3 on the same square. Pressburger King as Rex solus.

+2 LI<lion>c6, h8 (1+15)
PA<pao> c8, d6, e8

Response: ”Nice mechanism to cyclically give the WK different hopping powers (G, Lion, Pao) by the same Black
moves, based on the WK position on c4/d4/e4. Bonus change after 1..g3+. But presence of non-thematic Black
moves leading to duplication of White thematic checks detracts a little.” (Shankar Ram)
Db01 ~ a b c d
K1? w A B C D
K2? w B C A E
K3! w C A B F

Db02. Karol Mlynka

G037 SuperProblem 27.01.2016

1...Ra4+ a 2.Kf8=R+ A,
1...Re8+ b 2.Ka2=R+ B,
1.Kb8! zz. Re8+ b 2.Kb2=R+ C,
1...Rb4+ c 2.Kf8=R+ A,
1.Kb7! zz. Rb4+ c 2.Kf7=R+ D,
1...Re7+ d 2.Kb2=R+ C,
1.Ka7! zz. Re7+ d 2.Ka2=R+ B,
1...Ra4+ a 2.Kf7=R+ D.

4 cyclic transferred checks in 4 phases and 2 variants = Z-42-44.

+2* 3 solutions (1+2)


Db03. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1...Rb3+ a 2.Kg7=R+ A, 1...Rf7+ b 2.Kb1=R+ B,

1.Kb6! zz. Rf6+ d 2.Kb1=R+ B, 1...Rb3+ a 2.Kg6=R+ C,
1.Ka6! zz. Ra3+ c 2.Kg6=R+ C, 1...Rf6+ d 2.Ka1=R+ D,
1.Ka7! zz. Rf7+ b 2.Ka1=R+ D, 1...Ra3+ c 2.Kg7=R+ A,
1.Kc8! zz. Rc3+ e 2.Kg8=R+E, 1...Rf8+ f 2.Kc1=R+ F,
1.Kc7! zz. Rc3+ e 2.Kg7=R+ A, 1...Rf7+ b 2.Kc1=R+ F,
1.Kb8! zz. Rb3+ a 2.Kg8=R+ E, 1...Rf8+ f 2.Kb1=R+ B,
1.Kc6! zz. Rc3+ e 2.Kg6=R+ C, 1...Rf6+ d 2.Kc1=R+ F,
1.Ka8! zz. Ra3+ c 2.Kg8=R+ E, 1...Rf8+ f 2.Ka1=R+ D,
Six changed and trasferred checks in nine phases.

+2* 8 solutions (1+2)


Db04. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1...a2=Q+ a 2.Ke7=Q=rS+ A,
1...a2=R+ b 2.Ke8=R=rQ+ B;
1.Kf2? zz. a2=Q+ a 2.Kf6=Q=rS+ C,
1...a2=R+ b 2.K:f7=R=rQ+ D, 1...g3+!;
1.Kd2! zz. a2=Q+ a 2.Kh6=Q=rS+ E,
1...a2=R+ b 2.Kd8=R=rQ+ F.

Zagoruiko = Z-32-26.
Glasgow Chess & Chameleon Chess &
Black Must Check. Tanagra. Rex solus

+2* GlasgowChess (1+4)


Db02 a b c d Db03 a b c d e f Db04 ~ a b

- - A B - - - - A B - - - - - - A B
K1 w - C A - K1 w C - - B - - X? w C D
K2 w - - D C K2 w - - C D - - Y! w E F
K3 w D - - B K3 w - D A - - -
K4 w - - - - E F
K5 w - F - - A -
K6 w E - - - - B
K7 w - - - F C -
K8 w - - E - - D

Db05. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

a) 1...Rb7+ d 2.K:b7=R+ G;
1.Ka8! zz. Rb8+ a 2.Ka7=R+ A,
1...Bc6+ b 2.K:c6=B+ B,
1...Sc7+ c 2.Kb6=S+ C;
b) 1...Rb7+ d 2.Ka8=R= H;
1.Ka8! zz. Rb8+ a 2.K:b8=R= D,
1...Bc6+ b 2.Kb7=B= E,
1...Sc7+ c 2.K:c7=S= F.
Joke problem.
Z-23-36 & setplay change.
Miniature with Black Must Check.

+2 b) =2 (2+4)

Db05 ~ a b c d Db06 ~ a b c d e f
- - - - - G - - A B C D E -
K1 w A B C - E X D F G H - I
- - - - - H
K1 w D E F -

Db06. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1...B:e5+ a 2.Kd6=B+ A, 1...Gd6 b 2.e:d6+ B,

1...Kf7 c 2.e6+ C, 1...Sd7+ d 2.Kb7=PA+ D,
1...Kd8 e 2.c7+ E;
1.c7! E ~ 2.c8S+,
1...B:e5+ a 2.Kb7=PA+ D, 1...Gd6+ b 2.Kb4=G+ F,
1...Kf7 c 2.PAf6+ G, 1...Sd7+ d 2.Kc6=S+ H,
1...Ke8 f 2.c8Q/R+ I, 1...Ke6 (Kd7) 2.c8Q/B+,
(1...Bb2-~+, Sf8-~+, Sg8-~+ 2.Kb7=PA+).
Changed and trasferred checks in five variations.

+2* PA<pao>a6, b1, h8 (5+9)

G<grasshopper>f1, h2

Db07. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

a) 1.Kb1? X zz. f1Q+ a 2.K:b5=Q=rS+ C, 1...f1R+! b,

1.Kc1? Y zz. f1R+ b 2.K:c5=R=rQ+ G, 1...f1Q+! a,
1.Ka1! Z zz. f1Q+ a 2.K:a6=Q=rS+ A, 1...f1R+ b 2.Ka5=R=rQ+ B;
b) 1.Kc1? Y zz. f1R+ b 2.K:c5=R=rQ+ G, 1...f1Q+! a,
1.Ka1? Z zz. f1Q+ a 2.K:a6=Q=rS+ A, 1...f1R+! b,
1.Kb1! X zz. f1Q+ a 2.Kb5=Q=rS+ C, 1...f1R+ b 2.K:b6=R=rQ+ D,
c) 1.Kc1? Y zz. f1Q+ a 2.K:c5=Q=rS+ H, 1...f1R+! b,
1.Kb1? X zz. f1R+ b 2.K:b5=R=rQ+ I,1...f1Q+! a,
1.Ka1! Z zz. f1Q+ a 2.Ka5=Q=rS+ E, 1...f1R+ b 2.K:a6=R=rQ+ F.
Zagoruiko: Z-32-26 after promotions in Chameleon Chess and
Black Must Check by Rex solus.

+2 b) Pb5→b6 (1+5)
c) Kc7→b7
ChameleonChess &

Db07 ~ a b Db08 ~ a b c d e f x
Z w A B X? S1 A B - - - - Z
X w C D Y? S2 - - C D - - !
Z w D A Z! S2 - - - - E F X

Db08. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1.NHe5? X ~ 2.Sc1+,
1...e1Q+ a 2.K:b2=Q+ A, 1...Kb1 b 2.Sd2+ B,
1...Ka3 x 2.Kc4+ Z, 1...e1B+!,
1.Kc2? ~ 2.Sc3+,
1...b1B+ c 2.K:b1=B+ C, 1...e1S+ d 2.Kb4=S+ D,
1.Kc4! Z ~ 2.Sc3+,
1...b:c1Q+ e 2.Kc2=Q+ E, 1...b:c1R+ f 2.Kc2=R+ F,
1...Ka3 x 2.NHe5+ X.
Three phases radical change in two variations: Z-32-66 & AUW.
Salazar theme.

+2 NH<nightrider hopper>c1 (5+4)


Db09. Karol Mlynka
1043 Julia´s Fairies 8.4.2016

1.Ke3? g2!,
1.g:h6? A d2+!,
1.Rd4! zz. L:e4-e5 2.g:h6 A ~ 3.B:e7+, 2...d2+ 3.K:g6-h8=LN+,
2...g2+ 3.K:e5-d6=L+, 2...L:f5-g5+ 3.K:c7-b8=L+,
1...d2+ 2.K:g6-h8=LN ~ 3.e5+ K:g5 3.B:e7+,
1...g2+ 2.K:c7-b8=L ~ 3.e5+ K:g5 3.B:e7+, 2...Kg3 3.R:d3+,
1...h:g5+ 2.K:g5=P ~ 3.e5+ K:g5 3.B:e7+.

 Two ecto-batteries.
 Check in three moves.

+3 L<locust>c7, d1, e1 (7+12)

LB<bishop locust>g6
LN<nightrider locust>e7, h2, h5

Db10. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1...g1R a 2.Rb8 A ~ 3.Rb1+, 2...Rf1+ (Kg2+) 3.K(:)f1=R+,

1...g1B+ b 2.K;g1=B B zz. L:d2-e1 3.R;a7+, 2...L:d4-e3 3.R:a5+,
1...g1S 2.Rb8 ~ 3.Rb1+, (1...g1=Q+ 2.Ke1=Q+ / 2.K:g1=Q+ /
1.d3? E ~ 2.Kg1 F zz.zz. rZHg5 3.Rg8+, 2...L:d4-e3 3.R:a5+,
1...L:d4-e3+ c 2.K:e3-d4=L C ~ 3.R:a5+, 1...g1L+!,
1.Kg1! F ~ 2.d3 E zz. rZHg5 3.Rg8+, 2...L:d4-e3 3.R:a5+,
1...L:d2-e1+ d 2.K:e1-d1=L D ~ 3.R:a7+.
Radical changes of continuations in four phases.
Sequence reversal II (E-F). Promotions in the set-play.
Active royal Zebrariderhopper.

+3 (7+5)
L<locust>a5, a7
royal=ZH<zebrarider hopper>a1

Db10a.Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 01.08.2016

1...g1=R a 2.Rb8 A ~ 3.Rb1+, 2...rLB:d4-e5 3.Re8+, 2...Rg2+ (Rf1+)

3.K(:)f1=R+, 1...g1=B+ b 2.K:g1=B B zz. rLB:d4-e5 3.Re8+ &
3.Bd4+, 2...L:d2-e1 (L:d5-e5) 3.R:a7+, 2...L:d4-e3 3.R:a5+, 1...g1=S
2.Rb8 ~ 3.Rb1+, 2...rLB:d4-e5 3.Re8+, 1...L:d4-e3+ 2.K:e3-d4=L ~
3.R:a5+, 2...rLB:d4-e5 3.Re8+, 1.Ke1? zz. g1=L+ c 2.K:g1-h1=L C zz.
.rLB:d4-e5 3.Re8+, 2...L:d2-e1 (L:d5-e5) 3.R:a7+, 2...L:d4-e3
3.R:a5+, 1...g1=LB d 2.Rb8 A ~ 3.Rb1+, 2...rLB:d4-e5 3.Re8+, 1...
g1=S 2.Rb8 ~ 3.Rb1+, 2...rLB:d4-e5 3.Re8+, 2...Sf3+ 3.Kc2=S+,
1...g1=B! b, 1.Kg1! ~ 2.L:g5-h6 zz. rLB:d4-e5 3.Re8+, 2...L:d5-e5
3.R:a7+, 2...L:d4-e3 3.R:a5+, 1...L:d2-e1+ e 2.K:e1-d1=L D ~
3.R:a7+, 2...rLB:d4-e5 3.Re8+. Active royal Bishop-Locust.

+3 L<locust>a5, a7, d2 (8+7)

royal=LB<bishop locust>a1

Db10 ~ a b c d Db10a ~ a b c d e
- - A B - - - - A B - - -
E F - - C - X? w - - C A -
F E - - - D Y! Z - - - - D

Meeting of Slovak and Czech chess composers in Modra (Slovakia), 21.-22.6.2008

L. Salai jr., B. Formánek, J. Lörinc, J. Brabec, I. Skoba, Ľ. Kekely, Z. Šutera, Ľ. Lehen, J. Křivohlávek;
P. Gvozdják, M. Dragoun.

Part 2


Sections / Contents:

E = Helpmates p. 92
Ea = Helpmates with HyperTransmuting King p. 158
Eb = Helpstalemates p. 159
Ec = Helpchecks p. 167
F = Selfmates p. 168
Fa = Reflexmates p. 176
Fb = Helpmates & Selfmates in Twins p. 181
Definitions p. 244
Index of composers p. 249
Sources p. 250
Annexes p. 251

E H# 128(+4)
Ea H# HTK 3
Eb H= 16
Ec H+ 2
F S# 15
Fa R# 9
Fb S#&H# 4
177 (+4)


E00. Karol Mlynka

Spec. HM Gvozdják-50 JT 2015

(Special Honourable Mention P. Gvozdják 50 JT-C; 2015)

C 16.11.2015 - award 30.12.2015)
a) 1.ALf3+ a K:a4=RL# A, 1.ALg3+ b K:a4=LI# B, 1.ALd3+ c
K:a4=PA# C, 1.ALe3+ d K:a4=LE# D;
b) 1.ALf3+ a K:a4=LI# B, 1.ALg3+ b K:a4=PA# C, 1.ALd3+ c
K:a4=LE# D, 1.ALe3+ d K:a4=RL# A;
c) 1.ALf3+ a K:a4=PA# C, 1.ALg3+ b K:a4=LE# D, 1.ALd3+ c
K:a4=RL# A, 1.ALe3+ d K:a4=LI# B;
d) 1.ALf3+ a K:a4=LE# D, 1.ALg3+ b K:a4=RL# A, 1.ALd3+ c
K:a4=LI# B, 1.ALge3+ d K:a4=PA# C.

H#1 zeroposition (1+29)

4 solutions
a) LEb8↔LIc1, b) Kf4→e4, c) Kf4→d4
d) in b) PAe8↔RLe1 & LIh1↔LEh7
AL<alfil> d5, e5, f5, g5
LE<leo>b8, g7, h7
LI<lion> c1, g1, h1
PA<pao> c4, d7, e8, f7
RL<rook-lion> d1, e1, f1

a b c d
a) A B C D
b) B C D A
c) C D A B
d) D A B C

Z-44-44 = 4x4 Lačný theme

Total cyclic shift of 4 mates in 4 phases on the same square with total cyclic transformation of
Pressburger King as Rex solus in a zeroposition.
“Quite mechanic helpmate-onemover with complete 4×4 Lacny cycle and many (can you count
them?) 4-fold Rice cycles included. Funny that the wK plays always on the same square, but changes
into various pieces.“ (P. Gvozdják)

E01. Karol Mlynka
531v Mat-64 12, 2002 (no. 4)

Double publishing in the same issue: also 538 with PK on f4 in the article from K.
a) 1.Rb4 Ke6 2.Qb3+ Ka6=Q#,
b) 1.Ka3 Ke5 2.Qb2+ Ka5=Q#,
c) 1.Rb5 Ke7 2.Qb4+ Ka7=Q#,
d) 1.Rb6 Ke8 2.Qb5+ Ka8=Q#.
 4-fold chameleon echo model mates
after blocking and transformation into Queen.
 White Pressburger King as Rex solus
plays in the 1st moves on the squares e5, e6, e7 and e8.
 Aristocrat. Wenigsteiner.

H#2 b) Kf7→ f4 (1+3)

c) Ka4→a5
d) Ka5→a6

E02. Karol Mlynka

6340 Šachová skladba 4, 2003

1...Kg1 a 2.a1Q+ A K:a1=Q#;

1.a1B Kg1 a 2.Bd4+ B K:d4=B#,
1.a1Q Kg3 2.Qc3+ K:c3=Q#,
1.e1Q Kg2 2.Qh1+ Kb2=Q#,
1.d5 Kg3 2.e1B+ Ke5=B#.

 Promotions.
 Model mates.
 Change of continuation.
 Judge: Hans Gruber

H#2* + (3+4)


E03. Karol Mlynka
856v Pat a mat 4, 2003

a) 1.a1Q+ Kc8=Q 2.Rg1 Qh3#;

b) 1.a1R+ Ka3=R 2.Sg2 Rh3#;
c) 1.a1S Kb8 2.Sb3=Q+ Kh2=Q#,
1.Re1=B Ka7 2.a1Q+ Kg1=Q#.

 Model mates on the same square in a) and b).

 Rex solus in a tanagra.
 Three different promotions on a1.
 Self-blocking.

H#2 b) Rg2→g1 (1+4)

c) Rg2→e3 NorskSjakk

E04. Karol Mlynka

1191v Umenie-64 5, 2003

1.0-0-0+ K:a2=R 2.Rd7 Ra8#;

1.Rd8+ Kh2=R 2.Kf8 Rh8#.

 Both keys on d8.

 Model mates with transformed Rook.
 Pressburger King as Rex solus.

H#2 (1+8)


E05. Karol Mlynka
9308v feenschach 7.-8. 2005

1.LIa1 Ka7 2.LIg1+ Kh7=LI#,

1.LIg8+ Kd5=LI+ 2.LIg2 LIh5#,
1.LEh8+ Ka1=LE 2.LEh2 LEh8#.

 3x switchback, 3 model mates by "One man show".

(The original was: White Ka8 – Black Bc8 Pb7 Pb6 Pf5 RLe4 Pd3 BLg3
BLg2 LEh2 Sb1 LIg1 Kh1)

H#2 (1+11)

LI<lion>g1, g2, g3

E06. Karol Mlynka

426 The Macedonian Problemist 1-12, 2005

(TMP no. 16-18, november 2007)

a) 1.Ka1 a Kb3 2.b1R+ Ka3=R#,
1.Ka2 b Kb5 2.b1Q+ Ka4=Q#;
b) 1.Ba5=R c Bd2=R 2.Ra2=B+ Kf1=R#,
1.Ka1 a Kb3 2.b1S Ba3=R#;
c) 1.Ka2 b Bg5=R 2.Ka3 Ra5=Q#,
1.Ba5=R c Bd2=R 2.Ra2=Q+ Kf1=Q#.
 Cycle of keys.
 Three different promotions.
 Tanagra.
 (By Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.67 = C-)

H#2 (2+3)

b) NorskSjakk
c) ReversalEinsteinChess

E07. Karol Mlynka
4v Šachové umění 4,2006

a) 1.g1B Kd7 2.d1Q+ Kc8-h3=Q#;

b) 1.d1Q Bf2 2.Qd8+ Kc8:f5=Q#;
c) 1.Rc5+ Kg8=R+ 2.Kf1 Rg1#;
d) 1.c1Q+ K:f5=Q 2.Kh1 Qh3#.

 Echo model mates.

 Black promotions.
 Miniature.

H#2 b) Re4→f5 (2+5)

+c) Kf3↔bPg2
+d) Pe2→c2

E08. Karol Mlynka

1166 Pat a mat 6, 2006

a) 1.a1R a Kh4 A 2.Ra4+ K:a4=R [+wRa8]#,

1.h1Q+ b K:h1=Q [+wQd8] B 2.a1B Q:a1 [+wBf8]#,
1.a1Q d4! 2.Qa3+ K:a3=Q [+wQd8]#
b) 1.a1R a Kg2 C 2.Rg1+ K:g1=R [+wRh8]#,
1.h1Q+ b K:h5=Q [+wPh7]+ D 2.Kg7 h8Q#,
1.h1R+ Kg3=R 2.Rg1 R:g1 [+wRh8] #.

 8 promotions by Circe Turncoats.

 Change of continuations.

H#2 (2+7)

b) Ka5→h6

E09. Karol Mlynka
9413 feenschach 1-8, 2006

a) 1.Rf1=wR a Kb7 2.B:c6+ b Ka6=B#,

b) 1.B:c6+ b K:c6=B 2.Rf1=wR a Bb5#.

 Reciprocal change of moves.

 Model mates.
 Changed condition from Anti-Andernach Chess to
„Wechsel ab – ba der schwarzen Züge. … Wird der PK sofort zu
einer nicht-königlichen Figur des Typs der Schach bietenden
Figur – oder erst mit dem folgenden Zug? Bleibt dieser Stein
womöglich farbimmun? Popeye löst das jedenfalls, ohne zu
meckern.“ (H. Gruber)

H#2 AntiAndernachChess (3+3)

b) Hypervolage

E10. Karol Mlynka

G0054 Problem Online 19.2.2007

1.d1Q+ K:d1=Q 2.Kg2 Qg1#,

1.d1B+ Kf5=B 2.Kf1 B:h3#,
1.Kg1 Kc3 2.d1S+ K:e2=S#,
1.Ke1 Kb1 2.d1R+ K:d1=R#.

 AUW in HOTF-form.
 Model mates.
 White Pressburger King & Black Transmuted King.

H#2 (2+7)


E11. Karol Mlynka
620 Mat Plus-Spring 2007 (no. 25)

a) 1.AMd3+ Kg3=AM 2.AMc5 AMb8#,

b) 1.Kc5 Kd2 2.AMc4+ Kd7=AM#,
c) 1.Kb5 Ke2 2.Ka4+ Kc3=AM#.

Pawn-strip-tease tweening.
Echo model mates with Amazon.
“One man show“ = Rex solus.

 Judge: Petko A. Petkov

 “Pressburger King” is the subject of a current thematical
tourney by Slovak review Pat a Mat. (E. Huber, 2007)

H#2 b) -Pd5, +c) -Pb4 (1+4)


”Supertransmuting King: when checked, moves in the same manner as the checking unit, and remains as that
types for remainder of the play, losing its royal nature.” (Stephen Emmerson in: The Problemist, March 2007)

E12. Karol Mlynka

F2540 The Problemist 3, 2007

1.Se1=Q+ Kb8=S 2.Qb4=S Sa6=Q#,

1.Sb4=Q+ Kb2=S 2.Qb6=S Sa4=Q#,
1.Kb4 Ka1 2.Kb4↔Ka1+ Ka2=Q#.
 3 echo model mates.
 Norsk Sjakk & Messigny Chess.
 Three Men Aristocrat with Rex solus.
“Black´s knight becomes a king; checking White, so White must
move as a Queen; in the combination a swap as first move
with the transformed king is permitted; and afterwards, the
queen changes into a knight, even after a swap.”
(Stephen Emmerson)

H#2 (1+2)

NorskSjakk & MessignyChess

E13. Karol Mlynka
84 Problemaz 4, 2007

a) 1.Qb5+ a K:d5=Q 2.Rb6 b Qa8#,

b) 1.Rb6 b Ke8 2.Qb5+ a Ka8=Q#,
c) 1.Qe2+ c Ke4=Q 2.Rf2 d Qh1#,
d) 1.Rf2 d Kh5 2.Qe2+ c Kh1=Q#.

 Echo model Q-mates.

 2-fold reciprocal change of black moves.
 Rex solus.

H#2 b) Kd3→e7 (1+6)

+c) Ka6→f1
+d) Ke7→g5

E14. Karol Mlynka

279 Problemist of Ukraine 2, 2007

(279 Проблеміст України 2, 2007)

1.Ke1 Kc4 2.c1Q+ Ke2=Q#,

1.c1Q Ke4 2.Qc2+ Ke1=Q#.

 Circe model mates.

 Promotion into Q.
 Rex solus.
 Three-men-problem.

H#2 (1+2)


E15. Karol Mlynka
471 Pat a mat 12, 2007

a) 1.BPa3+ K:a3=BP [+bBPa5]+ 2.K:a3 [+wBPa8=wQ]

Q:a5 [+bBPb3]#,
b) 1.BPd6 K:d6 [+bBPf1=bQ] 2.Qa6+ K:a6=Q [+bQb3]#,
c) 1.b1R K:c7 [+bBPb2] 2.Rc1+ K:c1=R [+bRa2]#,
d) 1.BPa3 Kb3 2.b1R+ K:a3=R [+bBPb2]#.

 Echo model mates.

 Supercirce.
 Rex solus in a tanagra.
 Berolina Pawns.
 Promotions.

H#2 SuperCirce (1+4)

b) Ka2→d7
+c) Ka4→a1
+d) Kd7→c2
BP<berolina pawn>b4, c7

E16. Karol Mlynka

F323 Problem Paradise 1-3, 2007

1.e1Q Kh2 2.Qe5+ Kh1=Q#,

1.h2 Kg2+ 2.e1S+ Ke3=S#.
 “The Pressburger King moves as a checking piece and
immediately afterwards loses its royal attribute.“ (VC)
 Rex solus in a Tanagra.
“Dummy King or Royal Dummy employed in combination with
a Pressburger King. The piece the bPe2 promotes to in each solution is
neatly matched by the power the White Pressburger King takes. In the
first solution, the Queen promotion line a switchback performed by the
White Pressburger King, while in the second, the Knight promotion and
three consecutive checks are interesting.“
(Marc A. Ridley: Fairy Kings; Mat Plus Review 9-10, 2009)

H#2 (1+4)


E17. Karol Mlynka
111204 Springaren 12, 2007

(1....Ke4+? 2.d5+! Ke5=P! & K:d5=P!)

1.d6 Kd4 2.e6 Ke3#,
1.e5 K:e5 2.d5 Kf4#.
 White PK without black checking moves.
 Black Royal Dummy.
 “One-step/two step in Wenigsteiner. Rex Solus. Artistic.“
 „Hvis sort undlader at byde skak, og hvid sikrer sig, at
sort ikke kan byde skak i mattrækket, så er resten
lǿsninger.“ (SC)

H#2 (1+3)


E18. Karol Mlynka

9007 Šachová skladba 1, 2008

a) 1.Qa6=R Kd6 2.Sb8=P+ K:a6=Q#,

b) 1.Sa7=P+ Kd8=R+ 2.Qc8=R R:c8=Q#.

 Battery checks.
 Echo model mates.
 Einstein Chess.
 Rex solus.
 Wenigsteiner.
 Aristocrat.

H#2 b) Qa1→c1 (1+3)


E19. Bohuslav Sivák
2nd – 3rd Prize 6th TT PAM 2007/08

(C 31.10.2007 – award 708 Pat a mat, no. 62, 6, 2008)

1.AMa1 Kd4 2.Kb1+ Kd2=AM#,
1.Kc2 Ke4 2.Kc1+ Ke2=AM#,
1.Ka3 Kd5 2.AMa2+ Kb5=AM#,
1.Ra3 Kd5 2.AMa2+ Kd1=AM#,
1.Rc2 Ke4 2.Rc1+ Ka4=AM#.
 2 royal-battery checks & self-blocking.
 Amazon model mates.
 “One man show“ = Rex solus in a miniature.
 Aristocrat.
 Judge: Juraj Brabec

H#2 (1+5)


E20. Karol Mlynka

4th HM 6th TT Pat a mat 2007/08

(C 31.10.2007 – award 714 Pat a mat, no. 62 - 6, 2008)

1.f2 Kf5 2.f1Q+ Kf5:e4=Q#,

1.g2 Kg4 2.g1R+ Kg4:e4=R#,
1.e3 K:f3+ 2.rPe1=rB Ke2#,
1.rPe1=rS K:e4 2.rSg2 K:f3#.

 Black AUW.
 Pressburger King-cross.
 Rex solus in a miniature.
 Judge: Juraj Brabec

H#2 (1+5)


E21. Karol Mlynka
1st – 2nd CM 6th TT PAM 2007/08

(C 31.10.2007 – award 716 Pat a mat, no. 62, 6, 2008)

1.Bh3 K:h2 [+bPh1=bZ] 2.Zf4+ Ka2=LE#,

1.Bg2+ K:g2=B [+bBh1] 2.d4 B:b7 [+bZg2]#,
1.Ze3+ Kf4=Z 2.R:f4 [+wZg4] Zd6#,
1.LEa1+ Kg2=LE 2.B:g2 [+wLEf1] LEa6#.

 Model mates in PWC.

 Rex solus.
 Meredith.
 Judge: Juraj Brabec

H#2 (1+11)

LE<leo>b8, h8
Z<zebra>b7, h5

E22. Karol Mlynka

3rd CM 6th TT PAM 2007/08

(C 31.10.2007 – award 718 Pat a mat, no. 62, 6, 2008)

1...K:d2 [+bPa1=bQ] 2.Qa5+ K:a5=Q [+bQb8]#,

1.Ka8 K:d2 [+bPa1=bR] 2.Ra2+ K:a2=R [+bRb8]#,
1.d1Q+ K:d1=Q [+bQd8] 2.Kb8 Q:d8 [+bQa7]#.

 Promotions & 3 model mates & Supercirce blocking.

 Rex solus.
 Wenigsteiner with a setplay.
 Judge: Juraj Brabec

H#2* + (1+3)


E23. Bohuslav Sivák
5th CM 6th TT PAM 2007/08

(C 31.10.2007 – award 720 Pat a mat, no. 62; 6, 2008; jud. J. Brabec)
1.c3 Kh6 2.Qe3+ Kd6=Q#,
1.Kd5 d4 2.Qe4+ Kd7=Q#.
 Chameleon-echo model mates after blocking. Tanagra.

H#2 (2+3)


E24. Karol Mlynka

F345 Problem Paradise 7.-9. 2007

1.L:e3-e2+ a K:c4-b4=L 2.LR:g4-g3 b LN:g3-h1#,

1.LR:g4-g3+ b K:g3-h2=L 2.L:e3-e2 a LR:c4-c3#.

 Locusts with rerciprocal change of black moves.

H#2 (9+7)

L<locust>e4, e8, h6
LB<bishop locust>a5, g8
LR<rook locust>c4, c7, g7
LN<nightrider locust>d2, d7, e7

E25. Karol Mlynka
5574 Phénix 12, 2007

a) 1.Ka8 K:c4 [+bSc5] 2.Sb7+ K:c8=R [+bRa7]#;

b) 1.Rb8+ K:a5=R [+bSa6] 2.Ka8 R:a6 [+bSb7]#.

Echo model mates.

Mix-battery creation.
Supercirce blocking in Wenigsteiner.
Aristocrat with Rex solus.
 „Échos à la Pressburger.“ (V. Crişan)
 „Jolie réalisation.“ (L. Riguet)

H#2 b) Sc4→a5 (1+3)


E26. Karol Mlynka

5576v Phénix 12, 2007

1.Kb8 Kb5 2.c6+ K:c6=P [+wPc7]#,

1.Ka8 Ka4 2.b5+ K:b5=P [+wPb7]#,
1.b6+ Ka6=P 2.Kb8 a7#.

 Rex solus in a tanagra with 3 P-mates.

 „Triple écho, mais trop de conditions féeriques selon
mon avis.“ (V. Crişan)

* Correction: Without “NoBlackCapture“ = O. K.!

BlackSuperTransmutingKing instead BlackTransmutedKing

H#2 (1+4)

BlackSuperTransmutingKing &

E27. Karol Mlynka
Comm. PHENIX 2008

Recommandé M7 Phénix 11, 2008

a) 1.DGd4-e4 Kd3-c4 2.DGe4-d4+ Kc4-d3=DG#,

b) 1.DGg3 Ke4-d5 2.f1=DG+ Kd5-e4=DG#.

 Switchbacks of transformated Pressburger King in mates

as Doublegrasshopper.
 Rex solus.

H#2 b) Kd3→e4 (1+13)

DG<doublegrasshopper>d4, h4

E28. Karol Mlynka

6306 diagrammes 10-12, 2008 (no. 167)

a) 1.Rh6+ a K:h6=R [+bRb1] 2.g:h6 b [+wRa8] R:a7 [+bPb2]#,

b) 1.g6+ b K:g6=P [+bPa3] 2.R:g6 a [+wPa8=wQ] Q:a3

 Captured Pressburger king.

 Reciprocal change of functions by Supercirce.
 Rex solus.

H#2 b) -Pa7 (1+7)


E29. Karol Mlynka
5931 Phénix 4, 2009

a) 1.b1R+ Kg1=B 2.Rb8=B Ba7=R#,

b) 1.b1Q Ka6 2.Qb4=S+ Kb8=Q#.

 “One-man-show“
 Three-men-problem.
 Promotions.
 Norsk Sjakk.

H#2 NorskSjakk (1+2)

b) Kh1→a5

E30. Karol Mlynka

5933 Phénix 4, 2009

1.a1Q Kh6 2.Qf6+ K:f6=Q [+wQd8]#,

1.a1R Kg7 2.Ra7+ K:a7=R [+wRh8]#.

 Promotions in Circe Turncoats.

 “One-man-show“.
 Three-men-problem.

H#2 (1+2)


E31. Karol Mlynka
5932 Phénix 4, 2009

1...Kg1 2.a1Q+ Ka7=Q#,

1.a1R+ Kb1=R 2.Ra7 Rb8#.

 “One-man-show“ in Three-men-problem
by No-capture with model mates.
 Different promotions in set and solution.

H#2* NoCapture (1+2)


E32. Karol Mlynka

5934 Phénix 4, 2009

1.g1Q Kh4 2.Qd4+ K:d4=Q [+wQd1]#,

1.g1R Kh2 2.Rg2+ K:g2=R [+wRh1]#.

 “One-man-show“ in Three-men-problem.
 Black promotions to Q and R by Circe Doubleagents.

H#2 (1+2)


E33. Karol Mlynka
4th-6th comm. e. ae. Phénix 2009

(4º-6º Récommandé e. ae., 6052 Phénix 11-12, 2009)

1.Sg3 Kh3+ 2.rPh1=rS Kg2#,

1.Sf2 Kg3+ 2.Sh1+ Kf1=S#.

 “One man show“.

 Switchback.
 Checking Pressburger King.
 Three-men-problem.

H#2 (1+2)


E34. Karol Mlynka

6053 Phénix 11-12, 2009
a) 1.Ka1 Kb7 2.b1R+ Ka7=R#,
b) 1.Ka2 Kc2 2.b1B+ Kb3=B#,
c) 1.g6+ Kh6=P 2.Kg8 h7#,
d) 1.g5 K:g5[+wPh5] 2.Kg7[+bPh7] h6#.

 Promotions into R and B versus P-mates.

 “One man show“ of Pressburger King.
 Black Transmuted King.
 Three men problem.

H#2 NoBlackCapture (1+2)

b) Kb8→d1
+c) mirror a1↔h8
+d) +Sentinelles

E35. Karol Mlynka
437 Gaudium 28.02.2010

a) 1.c1Q h4 2.Qg5+ K:g5=Q#,

b) 1.Kh4 h3 2.b1Q+ Kg4=Q#,
c) 1.Kh3 Kg5 2.c1Q+ Kg3=Q#.

 Three chameleon-echo model-mates

after Q-promotions in a tanagra.

H#2 b) Bc2→b2 (2+3)

c) Kh5→g2

E36. Karol Mlynka

6255 Phénix 12, 2010

1.g3 Ka4 2.a1Q+ Kh4=Q#,

1.g5 Ka6 2.a1R+ Kh6=R#.

 Rex solus tanagra.

 Promotions.
 Model mates by Mirror Circe.

H#2 (1+4)


E37. Karol Mlynka
2135 Variantim 2011 (no. 54)

1.e1S Kh7 2.Sc2=B+ K:c2=R#,

1.e1B Kg8 2.Bg3=R+ Kc8=Q#.

Underpromotions in Three-men-problem with Royal Pawn.

 Judge: Yuri Gordian

H#2 (1+2)


E38. Karol Mlynka

3rd comm. PROBLEMISTE.COM 1, 2012


1...Ka7 2.g1B+ K:g1=R#,
1.g1Q Kb7 2.Qc5=S+ Kd6=B#,
1.g1R Kb7 2.Rh1=Q+ K:h1=S#,
1.g1B Kb7 2.Ba7=R+ Kb3=Q#,
1.g1S Kb7 2.Sf3=B+ K:f3=R#.
AUW. “One man show“ in Three-men-problem.

Version of the judge > wKb7: ser-H#2:

1.g1Q 2.Qc5=S+ Kd6=B#, 1.g1R 2.Rh1=Q+ K:h1=S#, 1.g1B
2.Ba7=R+ Kb3=Q#, 1.g1S 2.Sf3=B+ K:f3=R#.

H#2 + (1+2)


„Bon travail avec trois éléments (dont la promotion) qui portent sur le changement de nature des pièces!
Comme on n'a pas de promotion en Sauterelle, on aurait préféré un Roi d'une autre nature“. (Judge J.Dupin)

E39. Karol Mlynka
G162 Problemist of Ukraine 6-7, 2012

(G162 Проблеміст України 6-7, 2012; № 3 (33); Judge: M. Grushko)

a) 1.Rh4+ Kf4=R 2.g4 e:d5# A,

1.Re7 e:d5 A 2.Re4+ K:e4=R#,
b) 1.Bc8+ Kd7=B B 2.Ba6 b:a6#,
1.Bc6 b6 2.Bd7+ K:d7=B# B.

 HotF-Meredith.
 Battery creation versus anticipatory line-opening.

H#2 (6+6)

b) -Rh7

E40. Karol Mlynka

57 KoBulChess 12, 2012

1.Rd7+ Kg3=R 2.Rh7 Rg6#,

1.Sf4+ Kf2=S 2.Sh5 Sg4#;
1.g1Q Kd2 2.Qg5+ K:g5=Q#,
1.Sf6 e:f6 2.Rd7+ Kh3=R#.

 HOTF = 2 switchbacks versus 2 sacrifices.

H#2 (4+4)


E41. Karol Mlynka
6641 Phénix 4, 2013

a) 1.0-0-0 Be4 2.h1Q+ Kb7=Q#;

b) 1.h1Q+ K:h1=Q 2.0-0 Qh7#.

Black Queen-side castling and King-side castling & promotions

& echo model mates in a tanagra.

 “Les deux solutions se ressemblent beaucoup; ici on

parle de roques (petit et grand).” (L. Riguet)

H#2 b) Ra8→h8 (2+3)


E42. Karol Mlynka

FB1315 StrateGems 10-12, 2013

a) 1.Sc6+ Kc4=S 2.Sb8 Sb6#,

b) 1.Rd5+ Ka7=R 2.Rd8 Rc7#.

 Switchbacks & model mates in a miniature with strip-

tease twinning.

H#2 b) -Pb7 (2+4)


E43. Karol Mlynka
6832 Phénix 12, 2013

1.Ra7=Q Rh4=Q 2.Qf7 Qd8#,

1.0-0-0=Q Rh7=Q 2.Qd1+ K:d1=R[wRd1→e8]#,
1.Kf8 Rg1=Q 2.Ra5=Q+ Ke8=Q#.

 Model mates in tanagra with Reversal Einsteinchess

& Symmetry antiCirce. Queen from castling.
„Mélange original de conditions féeriques peu usitées.“
(L. Riguet)

h#2 (2+3)

& SymmetryAntiCirce

E44. Karol Mlynka

375 Pat a mat 12, 2013
& 6831 Phénix 12, 2013

Dedicated to J. Brabec 75*.

 Autoplagiarism

a) 1.Ra6 Bc7 A 2.Ra1+ K:a1=R# B,

b) 1.Rb7+ Ka1=R B 2.Ka7 Bc7# A.

Chameleon echo model mates by reciprocal change of white

moves in a tanagra with strip-tease twin.
 „Coups blancs échangés.“ (L. Riguet)

H#2 b) -Pb7 (2+3)


E45. Karol Mlynka
489 Julia´s Fairies 18.01.2014/I

1.b1Q Kd4 2.Qa1+ K:a1=Q#,

1.b1S Kd5 2.Sc3+ K:c3=S#,
1.R:b5+ Kc6=R 2.R:b6 R:b6#,
1.R:c4+ Kc8=R 2.Rb4 Ra8#.

 Black checks in the second moves and in the first
“Nice problem. The solutions may not be difficult, especially the first
two.! I like the differenciation of the two rook checks.“ (SK)

H#2 (5+6)


E46. Karol Mlynka

559 Julia´s Fairies 21.06.2014/II

a) 1.Sg4 Kg8 a 2.SSf6+ A Kg6=SS#,

1.Sh5 Kh7 b 2.SSh3+ B Kf8=SS#,
1.Sc7 Kg7 2.SSh5+ K:c7=SS#;
b) 1.Sg4 Kg8 a 2.Se5+ C Kc8=SS#,
1.Sh5 Kh7 b 2.Shg7+ D K:d7=SS#.
 Rex solus is mating as Spiralspringer.
 Change of continuations.
“SSf2-h3-f4-h5; white King is on g7, the next route would be SSh5-g7-f5-
e7….And, to your first question, yes, it moves also a1-b3-c1-d3-e1.“ (JV)

H#2 a) (1+10)

b) rBLa6→b6

E47. Luis Miguel Martín
5th HM Marianka Cup 2014

(C 29.8.2014 – A 30.8.2014)


a) 1.Rg6 Ba8 2.Kh6 Rh7#,

b) 1.Bg4 Rc8 2.Kh5 Bg6#.

“One possibility to checkmate supertransmuting king. Nice

analogy of twins solutions.“ (Judge: J. Brabec)
 An aristocratic miniature.

H#2 Anticirce (3+3)

b) –Rh6

E48. Karol Mlynka

Comm. Marianka Cup 2014

(C 29.8.2014 – A 30.8.2014)
a) 1.e1Q Kg7 2.Qe6=S+ Ke8=B#,
b) 1.e1B Kh7 2.Bh4=R+ K:h4=Q#,
c) 1.e1R Kg8 2.Rg1=Q+ Kf7=S#,
d) 1.rBPg5 Ke3 2.e1R+ Kg3=Q#,
e) 1.f2 Kd3 2.f1B+ Kg6=R#.
 Rex solus in a Three-men-problem.
“Nice blend of Chameleon Chess with supertransmuting king.“
(Judge: J. Brabec)

h#2 ChameleonChess (1+2)

rBP<royal BerolinaPawn>d7
b) rBPd7→g5
c) rBPd7→h6
+d) PKh8→d2
+e) Pe2→f3

E49. Karol Mlynka
Comm. Marianka Cup 2014

(C 29.8.2014 – A 30.8.2014)


1.e3+ K:e3=P(+bPe2) 2.L:g3-f2(+wPg7) g8L#,

1.Ke5 g:h4(+bLh8) 2.L:h4-h3(+wPh7) h8L#.

Chameleon echo model mates after promotions on locust

with two Pressburger Kings by Mirror Circe.

h#2 (2+4)

L<locust>a1, h4
& BlackSuperTransmutingKing

E50. Ľuboš Kekely

3rd HM Marianka Cup 2014
for „sat“

(C 29.8.2014 – A 30.8.2014; C?)

a) 1.Be7 d7 2.B:b4+ K.:b2=B#.

b) 1.Rf4 d5 2.R:b4+ K:a2=R#,
c) 1.Sd5 d3 2.S:b4+ K:b1=S#

 “Triplet with simple solutions finished by super-

transmuting king in shape of three officers except
queen. Analogies in meredith.“ (Judge J. Brabec)
 Forsberg twinning.

h#2 Sat-Chess (5+7)

b) bRf6
c) bSf6

E51. Karol Mlynka
600 Julia´s Fairies 15.09.2014/III

a) 1.Kb1 Ke3 2.Qb3+ Ke1=Q#;

b) 1.Kg1 Kd3 2.Qg3+ Kd1=Q#;
c) 1.Ka7 Kc3 2.Qc8+ Ka5=Q#;
d) 1.Qc4+ Kd7=Q 2.Ka5 Qa7#.

 4-fold chameleon-echo model-mates.

 3-men-problem in New KoeKo.
 Rex solus.
 Aristocrat.

H#2 b) Kc2→f2 (1+2)

c) Kc2→b6
+d) Kd4→a4

E52. Karol Mlynka

13142 Springaren 9, 2014

1...K:c3 2.c1R+ Kf3=Q#;

1.c1Q d6 2.Qc2=S+ Kd5=B#,
1.c1R c6 2.Rb1=Q+ Kd6=S#,
1.c1B Kb3 2.Ba3=R+ Kb7=Q#,
1.c1S Ka4 2.Sb3=B+ Kd7=R#. AUW & setplay.
„Spelet idé är alltså att svart (efter bondeförvandling och kamäleontförvand-
ling) ska schacka i andra draget, på ett sådant sätt att vK kan dra som den
schackande pjäsen till ett fält där den med sin kamäleontförvandlade natur
hotar kLS på f7. (Vits första drag placerar vK bättre eller bereder plats ge-
nom att flytta bort en B.) Därmed är det redan matt, eftersom löparsyrsan
bara kan göra diagonala gräshoppsdrag till något tomt fält – och det stå̊̊̊r
alltid vita pjäser både på d5 och c4. Givetvis inleds spelet med allförvand-
ling,eftersom det är de enda fyra drag svart har att välja på i diagrammet.
Det hela är förvånansvärt harmoniskt för att vara sammansatt av så många
aparta delar.“ (Kjell Widlert)

H#2 + (6+3)

royal=LB<bishop locust>f7

E53. Karol Mlynka
4th HM Springaren ST 2014

(4 HO Springarens Sommarturnering C 1.10.2014 –

award Springaren 12, 2014 - no 134, p. 182)
1.d1Q Kb7 2.Qd6=S+ K:d6=B#,
1.d1R e5 2.Rh1=Q+ K:h1=S#,
1.d1B Kb8 2.Bb3=R+ Kg8=Q#,
1.d1S Ka7 2.Se3=B+ K:e3=R#.
 AUW.
„Lite blandade fantasipjäser och fantasiformer resulterar i en svart
allförvandling, en vit kung som poserar på fira olika rutor i hörnet, en
svart schack på denna och en matt med den nyförvandlade kungen.
Ganska mycket innehåll för det trots allt begränsade materialet.“
(Judge Göran Forslund)

H#2 (2+4)

royal=LB<bishop hopper>g3

E54. Vladimir Kozhakin

F3161 The Problemist 9, 2014

a) 1.Bh5 Ka4 2.Bd1+ K:c6=B#;

b) 1.Be8 B:c6[+bPc7]+ 2.B:c6[+wBf1] B:c4#.

 The cage of Tamerlane.

"White Supertransmuting King: if the wK is checked, the K

changes to be of the same type as the checking piece, and
becomes non-royal." (Stephen Emmerson)

H#2 (2+10)
a) WhiteSuperTransmutingKing
b) Circe

E55. Karol Mlynka
7109 PHENIX 12, 2014 (no. 245)

1...Ka3 A 2.a1R+ a K:c3=Q#,

1.c2 Ka3 A 2.c1B+ b K:c1=R#,
1.a1B b Kb3 2.Bb2=R+ K:c3=Q#,
1.a1R+ a K:a1=Q 2.c2 Qa7=S#.

 Change of black moves.

 Chameleon Chess & White Must Capture.
 Rex solus in Wenigsteiner.

H#2 + (1+3)

royal=BH<bishop hopper>c8

E56. Juraj Brabec

695 Julia´s Fairies 17.01.2015

1.g6 Kc1 2.EAf6+ Kd7=EA#,

1.g:h6 Kb1 2.EAg2+ Kg8=EA#.

 Reciprocal self-blocking and controlling of the flights.

“An interesting strategy in a helpmate. There are two flights in the
preparing mate-net, one flight (g6 respectively h6) blocks Black, the
another flight (h6 or g6) is guarding in the mating move. Pressburger
King prepares himself check on c1 or b1 and Black Eagle, using this
opportunity, is checking through the hurdles on g5 or g3. White Super
Transmuting King, losing its royal status, takes up the nature of the
Eagle and is (model-) mating.“ (Response of K. Mlynka)

H#2 (4+7)


E57. Karol Mlynka
16225 Die Schwalbe 2, 2015 - H. 271

a) 1.Ka5 nPd7 2.Kb6 nPd8=nL#;

b) 1.Kb3 nPe8=nR 2.nRe2=nQ+ rL:e2-d1#;
c) 1.Kb4 nPe8=nQ 2.nQb5=nS rL:b5-a5#;
d) 1.nPd1=nR+ nRb1=nQ 2.nQb7=nS rL:b7-a8#;
e) 1.nPd1=nS nSf2=nB 2.Kb5 rL:f2-f1#;
f) 1.nPd1=nB nBb3=nR 2.Kg2 rL:b3-a2#;
g) 1.nPd1=nQ nQb3=nS 2.Kb2 rL:b3-a2#.

Super- AUW. „Alle Matts sind Heuschrecken-Matts, dazu

neutrale Umwandlungen. Viel Inhalt, aber auch viele Veände-
rungen...“ (K.-H. Siehndel). „Mit nur drei Figuren eine Palette
von Umwandlungen. Viel Arbeit auch für den Löser.“ (W. Will)

H#2 ChameleonChess (1+1+1)

b) nPd6→e7
+c) wrLh5→d5
+d) nPe7→d2
+e) wrLd5→f7
+f) bKa4→g1
+g) bKg1→a2

E58. Juraj Brabec

937 Pat a mat 3, 2015 (no. 91)

1.Gb7 Kh5 2.d1G+ Ke8=G#,

1.Mb7 K:g5 2.d1M+ K:f7=M#,
1.EAb7 K:f5 2.d1EA+ Ke8=EA#.
Three harmonizing fairy promotions on d1 to the same unit as
that blocked b7. This in a way, evokes the Phoenix theme.

H#2 EA<eagle>a4 (7+13)


E58a. Juraj Brabec
3rd Special Prize Pat a mat 2015

(Version of 937 Pat a mat 3, 2015 - no. 91)

a) 1.Gb7 Kh5 2.d1G+ Kh8=G#;

b) 1.EAb7 Kf5 2.d1EA+ Ke8=EA#;
c) 1.Mb7 Sf6 2.d1M+ Kf7=M#.

Anti-form of Phoenix theme.

Cyclic tweening from the zero-position.

H#2 zero-position (4+10)

a) -EAa4 & -Mc1
b) -Mc1 & -Gh1
c) -Gh1 & -EAa4
G< grasshopper>h1

E58b. Juraj Brabec

2676 Variantim 4, 2015 (no. 65)

1.Md3 Kg6 2.c1M+ K:c3=M#,

1.EAa6 Kf6 2.c1EA+ Ka5=EA#,
1.Gh7 Kh6 2.c1G+ Kh8=G#.

 “Admittedly, I didn’t understand the solutions. The mating

positions with the three PKing transformations are clear
but why only the specific black promotions?“ (Paz Einat)
 Compare: E58!

H#2 (5+7)

G<grasshopper>a7, c7, d7

E59. Karol Mlynka
1189 Gaudium 31.03.2015 (no. 150)

a) 1.Rc6+ Kb1=R 2.Ra7 Rb8#;

1.Kc2 Sd3 2.Kd2 SPc3#;
b) 1.Kb8 Kd1 2.SPc2+ Kd6=SP#;
1.Kd1 SPc1=B 2.Ke1 Bd2#.

 Both Pressburger Kings.

 Rex solus.

„Zwar gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber auch sehr kreativ!“

(G. Jordan)

H#2 duplex b) Rb7↔Sf2 (1+5)


E60. Karol Mlynka

608 KoBulChess 15.09.2015

1.cPh1=cQ+ cKe7=Q=rcS 2.cQc6=cS

1.cPh1=cR+ cK:h1-h3=R=rcQ[d1=rcR]
2.rcRd4=rcQ cQ:c8-b3=cS[d4=r15]#.

Two promotions of chameleon Pawn.

Pressburger Kobul-mates on the same square.
Chameleon Pressburger King.

 “Elegant fairy white minimal Tanagra“

(D. Kostadinov)

H#2 (1+3)

Chameleon WhiteSuperTransmutingKing

E61. Karol Mlynka
2252 harmonie-aktiv 7, 2015

1.Bf1+ Kh1=B 2.Qb7 Qf8#,

1.Bb7 Kh1 2.Qb1+ Kh8=Q#.

Reciprocal change of function WQ/PK (pinning / mating)

and BQ/BB (checking / blocking).
Pin mates.

 „Auch 2252 (Mlynka) war unseren Lösern keinen

Kommentar wert.“ (Torsten Linß)

H#2 (2+7)


E62. Ľuboš Kekely

4th HM Problemist of Ukraine 2015

G298 Проблеміст України 10, 2015; № 4 (46)

1.R:a2+ K:a2=R 2.S:d6 R:a7#,

1.R:b1+ K:b1=R 2.b:c5 R:b7#,
1.B:d6+ Ke5=B 2.B:c5 B:b8#.

 Fairy condition SAT-chess.

 Flight mates by transformed Pressburger King.

H#2 (5+11)


E63. Juraj Brabec
Comm. e. ae. Seven Chess Notes 2015

5408 Seven Chess Notes 2, 2015 (no. 109)

1.Mh7 Ke7 2.Mf8+ K:g8=M#,

1.Ma7 Kd7 2.Mc8+ K:b8=M#,
1.Me5 Kf6 2.Me4+ K:e4=M#.

 Three Moose-mates after transformation of PK.

H#2 M<moose>b8, g8 (3+4)


E64. Karol Mlynka

7413 Phénix 12, 2015 (no. 256)

1.nNf2 nNg4 2.L:g4-g5+ K:g5-h5=L#,

1.Kf6 nNf2 2.L:f2-e2+ K:e2-f1=L#;

1.nNf2 Kh5 2.nNg4 L:g4-g5#,

1.nNg5 Kh6 2.Kb6 L:g5-g6#.

"Une certaine unité entre les deux solutions noires (doubles

captures) et les deux solutions blanches (écho chaméléon)."
(L. Riguet)

H#2 Duplex (1+2+1)

neutral N<nightrider>h3

E65. Karol Mlynka
994 Julia`s Fairies 30.01.2016

1.ROh3 Ke4 2.b1=Q+ Ke8=Q#,

1.ROb8 Kd6 2.b1=RO+ Ke8=RO#.

 Pressburger King as Rex solus.

 Model mates on the same square.
 Promotions into Q and RO.
 Judge: P. A. Petkov

H#2 (1+8)


E66. Karol Mlynka, 2771 Variantim 12, 2015 - no. 67 & 59 Pat a mat 3, 2016 - no. 95; (Autoplagiarism); H#2, b) nPe2→g7 (1+1+1) Condition Take&MakeChess VerticalMirrorCirce WhiteSuperTransmuting King;
White Ka7 - Black Kh2 - Neutral Pe2; a) 1.nPe1=nR nRh1+ 2.K:h1-h8[+nRa1]+ K:a1-a7=R[+nRa8]#;
1.nPe1=nQ Ka6 2.nQf1+ Kd6=Q#; b) 1.Kh1 nPg8=nR 2.nRa8+ K:a8-g8=R[+nRh8]#, 1.Kh3 nPg8=nQ 2.nQg1+
Kh7=Q#. Promotions of neutral Pawn on both sides in Three-men-problem.

EII-0. Karol Mlynka

AG/4. feenschach 1-2, 2012 (H.191)
Scheme = C?

1.PS:g1=KAS Kh7 2.PS:h1=KAS+ K:d3=KAS#,

1.PS:h1=S Kg7 2.Sg3+ K:d7=KAS#.
 Phoenix theme.
"Der Aasgeier bewegt sich nur dann, wenn er den Bock schlägt und auf
diesem Schlagfeld landet, wobei er Steine aller Art (auch eigene) schla-
gen, verfärben, paralysieren oder mit Schachgebot bedrohen kann. Ein
Aasgeier kann nur schlagend ziehen. (Er hüpft unter dem Winkel 0° über
den Bock und zum geschlagenen Bock kann jeder von ihm beobachtete
Stein werden.)" (Karol Mlynka, Aasgeier: Alles–schlagende Steine, in:
feenschach 1-2, 2012; H.191 – p. 314.)
 See Definitions – p. 245 (Scavenger)!

H#2 (1+14)

PS< pawn-scavenger>d3,f2,f5,f7,g2,g7,h5

E67. Karol Mlynka
1042 Julia´s Fairies 8.4.2016

1.Re1 K:a5 2.Ra1+ K:a1=R#,

1.Rb4+ Kd6=R 2.Bc6 Rd1#.

 Model mates with halfpin.

 An unusual kind of strategy.
 Judge: P. A. Petkov

H#2 (3+10)


E68.Karol Mlynka
2405 harmonie-aktiv 5, 2016 (no. 131)

a) 1.nPPe8=nS A nSg7 B 2.Kb3 C rL:g7-g8#,

1.nPPe8=nB D nBb5 E 2.Kb4 F rL:b5-a5#.
b) 1.Kb3 C nPe8=nS A 2.nSg7 B rL:g7-g8#,
1.Kb4 F nPe8=nB D 2.nBb5 E rL:b5-a5#.

 2-fold cyclic change of moves with minor promotions

by two transferred mates in a Three-men-problem.
„Ein Reversbauer, der uns bei 2405 wohl erstmalig in harmonie-
aktiv begegnet, zieht umgekehrt wie ein (normaler) Bauer und
wandelt auf der entgegengesetzten Reihe um.“ (T. Linß)

H#2 b) nPe7 (1+1+1)

neutral=PP<reverse pawn>e7

E69. Karol Mlynka
1102 Julia´s Fairies 22.07.2016

1.Ra1 mKc6[d6=w] 2.Ra6+ mKb6=R[a6=w][d6=b]#,

1.Rb1 mKd8 2.Rb8+ mKf8=R[f2=w][b8=w]#,
1.Bb6+ mKd8=B[b6=w] 2.Rf8 mBe7[d6=w][f8=w]#,
1.Bc5 mKb6[c5=w] 2.Rb1+ mKb8=R[b1=w]#.

 Magic Pressburger King as Rex solus.

 Total new possibilities of the interpretation.
 Judge: Franz Pachl

H#2 (1+6)

magic=K<king>c7 =

E70. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.g2 Kd4 2.g1Q+ Ka4=Q#;

b) 1.e2 Ke5 2.e1R+ Ka5=R#;
c)1.rPg1=rS Ke3 2.g2 Kf2#,
1.rPg1=rB Kf3 2.rBh2 Kg2#.

 AUW in “Three-men-problem“.
 Rex solus.

H#2 royal=P<pawn>a3 (1+2)

b) Pg3→e3
c) rPa3→g2;

E71. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.MGd4 Kf6 2.Se5+ K:d4=MG#;

b) 1.MGc3 Kf1 2.Se1+ Kd2=MG#;
c) 1.MGf6 Kf7 2.BTe6+ K:f6=MG#;
d) 1.MGh8 Kg6 2.Gh7+ K:h8=MG#.

 Marguerite – antibattery checks.

 Rex solus.
 Tanagra.

H#2 MG<marguerite>h7 (1+4)

b) Kg7→g1
c) bBTd3 (boyscout)
d) bGd3 (grasshopper)

E72. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.ncPb1=ncS ncSa3=ncB 2.ncBf8=ncR+ rL:f8-g8#;

b) 1.ncPb1=ncQ ncQb6=ncS 2.Kb5 rL:b6-a5#;
c) 1.ncPb1=ncR ncRb5=ncQ 2.ncQg5=ncS rL:g5-h6#;
d) 1.ncPb1=ncB ncBc2=ncR 2.ncRc8=ncQ+ rL:c8-b8#.

 AUW of chameleon neutral Pawn.

 Mated Black Pressburger King.
 Three men problem.

H#2 b) Kg6→a6 (1+1+1)

c) rLd8→f4
d) Kg6→b5
chameleon neutral=P<pawn>b2

E73. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.ncPPe8=ncB+ cK:e8=B=rcR[+ncBf8] 2.ncBg7=ncR cRe4=cQ#;

b) 1.Ke5 ncPPf1=ncB 2.ncBa6=ncR+ cKe4=R=rcQ#;
c) 1.Kf3 cKg8 2.ncPPe8=ncR+ cKg3=R=rcQ#;
d) 1.Kg4 ncPe8=ncB 2.ncBf7=ncR+ cKh4=R=rcQ#.

 Chameleon Pressburger King transformed into royal

chameleon Queen.
 Vertical Mirror Circe.
 Promotions of neutral chameleon reverse Pawn.
 Three men problem.

H#2 b) ncPPe7→f2 (1+1+1)

c) cKa4→h7
+d) ncPe7 (neutral chameleon=P<pawn>e7)
neutral chameleon=PP<reverse pawn>e7
chameleon=K<king>a4 =

E74. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.K:g2[+nPPb2] nPPb1=nQ 2.nQb8+ Kh1=Q#,

1.K:g3[+nPPb2] nPPg1=nQ+ 2.nQh1+ Kh4=Q#.

 Wenigsteiner
 Promotions of neutral reverse Pawns into Queen
 Vertical Mirror Circe

H#2 (1+1+2)

PP<reverse pawn>g2, g3

E75. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1...K:g2 [+bRg8] 2.RHg1+ K:h2=R [+bPg7]#,

1.Rg1+ K:g1=R [+bRg8] 2.h1=RH R:h1 [+bRHg7]#,
1.Kh7 K:g2 [+bRg7] 2.RHg8+ K:h2=R [+bPg6]#,
1.Rg3 K:h2 [+bPg7] 2.Rh3+ K:h3=R [+bRg8]#.

 “One man show“

 Chameleon-echo model-mates
 Rex solus and Rookhoppers
 Supercirce.

H#2 + (1+5)

RH<rook hopper>f8, g4

E76. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.e3=w+ a K:d5=BL 2.Sf3=w b BL:g2#,

1.Sf3=w b S:h2 2.e3=w+ a Kf3=BL#.

 Reciprocal changed Black moves.

 Transformation to Bishop Lion.
 Rex solus.

H#2 (1+8)

Isardam & Volage

E77. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.PAe3 K:d3 2.PAf3! Ke2#,

1.f3 Kd1 2.PAd2! Ke1#.

 Blocked Pawns by Pao.

 Royal mates.
 Rex solus.
 Tanagra.

H#2 (1+4)

royal=LB<bishop locust>f2

E78a. Karol Mlynka


Original for Pressburger King - edition 2 – June 2017

= C+ by Popeye Windows-64Bit v4.75

a) 1.e:d2[+wLd8] L:d2-d1[+bPd7] 2.Kg5 L:d7-d8[+bPd7]#;

b) 1.Kg7 L:e3-e4[+bPe7] 2.Kf7 L:e7-e8[+bPe7]#;
c) 1.Kg5 L:e3-d4[+bPe7] 2.e5 L:e5-f6[+bPe7]#;
d) 1.e:f2[+wLf8] L:f2-f1[+bPf7] 2.Kg7 L:f7-f8[+bPf7]#.

4-fold mated black Pressburger King by Locust in a Wenigsteiner.

H#2 L<locust>d2 (2+2)

b) Ld2→e2, c) Ld2→f2, +d) Kf1→e7

Karol Mlynka, E78. Pressburger King 1.8.2016: White Kh8 - Black Ra8 Ke8 Pa7 Pb7 Pd7 Pb6 Pg5 Bh5
Ph2; H#2 b) Ra8↔Kh8 (1+9); Take&MakeChess & CirceTurncoats, WhiteSuperTransmutingKing
a) 1.0-0-0+ K:h5-d1=R 2.h1R R:h1-c1[+bRa8=w]#;
b) 1.0-0+ K:f8-f1=R[+bRh8=w]+ 2.K:h8-c8[+wRa1=b]R:a1-c1[+bRh8=w]#;
Transformation after Black Queen-side castling and King-side castling.

E79. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.Kg8 ncPb8=ncB 2.ncBa7=ncR+ rL:a7-a8#,

1.Kg7 ncPb8=ncS 2.ncSa6=ncB rL:a6-a7#

 Minor promotions in Three-men-problem.

 Black Pressburger King as Rex solus.
 Neutral chameleon Pawn.
 White royal Locust.

H#2 (1+1+1)

neutral chameleon=P<pawn>b7

E80. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1...K:e5[Ke5→e1][+wPf4] A 2.rPg1=rS a Kf2#;

1.rPg1=rEQ K:e5[Ke5→e1][+wPf4] A 2.rEQc1 b Kd2#.

 Change of continuation.
 Royal mates.
 Three men problem.
 Rex solus.

H#2* + (1+2)

Sentinelles & AntiCirce Cheylan

E81. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.b1S Kb3 2.Sd2+ K:d2=S#,

1.b1R Ka3 2.Rb3+ K:b3=R#;
b) 1.b1Q Ka7 2.Qb7+ K:b7=Q#,
1.b1B Kb7 2.Be4+ K:e4=B#.

 AUW.
 Three men problem.

H#2 Disparate (1+2) b) Ka2→a8

E82a. Luboš Kekely

354 Pat a mat 12, 2016 (no. 98)

a) 1.G:b2+ Kc5=G 2.G:e3 G:c8#;

b) 1.Qd5 c:d5 2.Rd1+ K:c7=R#;
c) 1.Qe4 d:e4 2.Re1+ K:d7=R#;
d) 1.G:f2+ Ke4=G 2.Rg7 G:e8#;
e) 1.Qf1 e:d4 2.Rf1+ K{e7=R#;

 Sat-chess
 Transformation of Pressburger King in G and R

H#2 SAT (6+15)

b) +bQa8
+c) Kc1→d1
+d) Kd1→f1
+e) Qa8→h8

EII-1. Luboš Kekely
11489 Feenschach 8-9, 2016 (F-220)

a) 1.Rh7 Sc6 2.Rh6 Se7#;

b) 1.b5 Bd8 2.Kf8 Be7#;
c) 1.Kh8 Ra7 2.Rg8 Rh7#.

 Mates on the same square.

 Miniature.

H#2 b) wBa5, c) wRa5 (2+5)


EII-2. Lubos Kekely

16964 Die Schwalbe 2, 2017 - H. 283

a) 1.Re2 Kf8 2.Rh2 Bf2#;

b) 1.Rf2 Kg8 2.Rf3 Se2#;
c) 1.Kh1 Kh8 2.Rh2 Rg1#.
 Model mates
 Forsberg twinning
 C+ by Popeye Windows-64Bit v4.75
Preßburger König = Supertransmutierender König: nimmt nur beim
ersten Schachgebot die Gangart des Schach bietenden Steines an, muss
selbst das Schachgebot abwehren, behält anschließend die neue
Gangart für immer bei und verliert seine königliche Eigenschaft.

H#2 b) wSg3, c) wRg3 (4+2)


EII-3. Karol Mlynka
1194 Julia´s Fairies 9.3.2017

1.Kf7 Ka5 2.L:a2-a3+ K:a3-a2=L#,

1.Ke7 a3 2.L:a3-a4+ K:a4-a3=L#,
1.Kd7 a4 2.L:a4-a5+ K:a5-a4=L#.
3-fold chameleon echo with model mates and white Umnov specific
effects in Wenigsteiner.
 Responses to No.1194 (KM)
Ganapathi March 12, 2017 at 18:09:
“Fine geometry! Like a sliding diagonal!“
Juraj Lörinc March 18, 2017 at 04:12: The problem demonstrates one of
the most natural possibilities how to checkmate a super-transmuting
king. It is necessary to check him, of course, but he must be totally strip-
ped of any movement, especially possibility to capture the checking unit.

H#2 (2+2)


E83. Karol Mlynka

After J. Brabec (1st HM Becherovka TT 2003)

a) 1...e4 2.f:e3 ep.(+wPe2)+ Kd4=G 3. Kd5 RHd3#;

b) 1...g4 2.f:g3 ep.(+wPg2)+ Kf4=P 3. Kf5 RHf3#.

(After: Juraj Brabec, 1st HM Becherovka TT 2003 = C-, PCCC Moscow

C 31.7.2003 – award 1.8.2003; 6542 Šachová skladba 11, 2003 – no.
81; White RHh3 Pe2 Kf2 – Black RHf8 Ga7 Pd7 Ke6 Pf4 Gh4; 3+6;
Circe WhiteSuperTransmutingKing BlackSuperTransmutingKing ,
G<grasshopper>a7, h4; RH<rook hopper>f8, h3; H#2,5 b) Pe2→g2}

H#2,5 b) Pe2→g2 (3+7)

G<grasshopper>a7,e8, f8,h4,h8
RH<rook hopper>h3

E84. Karol Mlynka
37 Eteroscacco 11, 2007

1...Kb5 2.f1=Q+ Kb5:f1=Q [+wQd8]+ 3.Kh2 Qh4#,

1...K:c5 [+wPc7] 2.f1=R c8=Q 3.Rg1 Qh3#.
 Circe Turncoats. Rex solus.Tanagra.
 SuperTransmuted King
A King in check moves only like the piece(s) giving check;
from that moment he will keep the new power, but will lose
the Royal power.
 Re tramutato
Il Re Tramutato quando è sotto scacco, muove solo come il
pezzo (o i pezzi) che gli dà scacco.

H#2,5 (1+4)


E85. Karol Mlynka

4th CM 6th TT Pat a mat 2007/08

(C 31.10.2007 – Aw. PAM 6, 2008 – no. 62)

a) 1.Bb3 A a:b3 2.c3 b4#,

1...Kb2 2.Ba4 B a3 3.c3+ C Kb4=P#;
b) 1.Ba4 B a3 2.c3+ C Kb2-b4=P#,
1...Ka3 2.Bb3 A a:b3 3.c3 b4#.

 Cycle of black moves.

H#2,5* b) Ka3→b2 (3+4)


E86. Luis Miguel Martín
Comm. Marianka Cup 2014

(C 29.8.2014 – A 30.8.2014 = C+)

1...Be4 2.Ke7 Kc4 (Kb4?) 3.L:e4-d4+ K:d4-e4=L#,
1...Bf4 2.Kf7 Kb4 (Kc4?) 3.L:f4-e4+ K:e4-f4=L#

 Two related solutions with good justification

of the 2nd white move in the aristocratic tanagra.
 White bishops exchange their roles.
 Chamaleon echo model mates.

H#2,5 (3+2)

& BlackSuperTransmutingKing

E87. Karol Mlynka

1104 Julia´s Fairies 22.07.2016

a) /The side to play can capture the king/

1...K:g7=SP[+bSPa1=S] 2.Kb1 SPg8=B 3.Sc2 Ba2#;
b) /The side to play can capture the king/
1...K:g7=SP[+bSPa1=R] 2.Rb1 SPg8=R 3.Rb5 Ra8#.

 Double PWC-promotions of Super-Pawn.

H#2,5 b) Kc2→a5 (1+2)


E88. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1...ncPe8=ncS 2.ncSg7=ncB+ cKa3=B=rcR 3.ncBe5=ncR

b) 1...cKe6 2.Kf3 ncPe8=ncB 3.ncBg6=ncR+ cKe3=R=rcQ#.

 Minor promotions of neutral chameleon Pawn.

 Chameleon Pressburger King
 Vertical Mirrorcirce.
 Three men problem.

H#2,5 b) cKf8→f7 (1+1+1)

neutral chameleon=P<pawn>e7
chameleon=K<king>f8 =

E89. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) (The side to play can capture the king) Last move: ...Pg4-g3++!
1...Kf5=G+ 2.f4-f6 G:f7 3.Kf5 Gf7-f8#,
1...K:g3=P 2.f5 g4 3.Kf6 g5#.
b) (The side to play can capture the king) Last move: ...Pg4-g3++!
1...Kf5=G+ 2.Ke6-g2 DG:h4 3.Kf3 Gf5-f6#,
1...Kf3=P+ 2.Gf2 DGg4 3.g3-e3 Dge2#.

Double checked White Pressburger King in the initial position is

mating after transformation the Black Transmuted King by Back
to Back condition. Mini retro-analysis.

H#2,5 (2+8)

b) Ga2→b2
G<grasshopper>a2, h4

E90. Karol Mlynka
6342 Šachová skladba 4,2003
Dedicated to B. Formánek 70*

1.Kh2 Ka1 2.Qg1+ Ke1=Q 3.Rg2 Qh4#,

1.Kh3 Ka2 2.Qg2+ Ke2=Q 3.Rg3 Qh5#,
1.Kh4 Kb3 2.Qg3+ Ke3=Q 3.Rg4 Qh6#.

 Three chameleon-echo model-mates.

 Perfect unity between the 3 solutions.
 Rex solus.
 Miniature.

H#3 (1+6)


Chess Composition Microweb (C 28.2.2003) announces formal thematical tourney for chess problems with
queen promotions.

E91. Karol Mlynka

2nd CMv 11th TT CCM 2003

(11th TT CCM C 28.2.2003 – A 15.3.2003; version: 14.01.2008)

a) 1.Kf8 Kd4 2.a1=Q + K:a1=Q 3.Rg8 Qf6#,

b) 1.Rf8 Ke4 2.b1=Q + K:b1=Q 3.Kg8 Qg6#.
 Rex solus. Miniature.
“Promoted queen is immediately captured and removed from the
board, nevertheless tis important to promote to queen as she leaves
her mark on board in the form of white queen. Original use of the
given fairy element, supertransmuting king is crowned by echo ideal
epaulette mates.“ (Judge Juraj Lörinc)

H#3 b) bPa2→b2 (1+5)


E92. Karol Mlynka
81 Šachové umění 10, 2003 = C+

1.Ke4 Rf3 2.R8d5+ Ka3=R 3.Rd4 Re3#,

1.Ke5 Rf4 2.R1d5+ Ka4=R 3.Rd6 Re4#,
1.Kc6 Rd7 2.R1d5+ Ka7=R 3.Rb5 Rc7#,
1.Ke6 K:b6 2.Rd6+ Kb7=R 3.Rd5 Re7#.
 Chameleon echo model mates.
 Aristocrat.
Without bPh5 = C+ by Popeye WINDOWS-32Bit-Version 4.01
& Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.67
 Note: Transformation of Pressburger King into Empress
after double check by R+S is not allowed!

H#3 (2+4)


E93. Karol Mlynka

4471 Phénix 2003

1.c1R+ a K:c5=R 2.Rb1 b Rc3 3.Gb2 c Ra3#,

1.Gb2 c Kc4 2.c1R+ a K:c5=R 3.Rb1 b Ra5 #.

 Cycle of black moves.

 Model mates.
 Self-blocking with Grasshopper and promotion to Rook.
 Rex solus.
 Tanagra.

H#3 (1+4)


E94. Karol Mlynka
5056 Phénix 12, 2005

1.a1S Kc4 2.Sb3=B+Kf1=R 3.Bf7=R R:f7=Q[+wRh1]#,

1.a1B+ K:a1=R[+wBc1] 2.e2 Bg5=R 3.Kh8 Rh1=Q#.

 Minor promotions.
 Model mates.
 Rex solus.
 Wenigsteiner.
 Combined conditions Doubleagents circe & Chameleon

H#3 (1+3)

& ChameleonChess

E95. Karol Mlynka

2061 idee & form 1, 2006

1.a1Q Kd5 2.Qa2+ K:d4=Q 3.Sf3 Qd1#,

1.Bd1 Kf5 2.Rf8+ Kf1=R 3.Sf3 R:d1#,
1.Ka1 K:e5 2.Bc7+ K:d4=B 3.b1B B:c3#,
1.Sa1 K:e5 2.Sd3+ Kc4=S 3.Sc1 Sa3#.

“We see the White Super Transmuting King across the four
solutions in turn; gain the power of Bishop, Knight, Queen, and
finally Rook. In other words the Pressburger King performs an
(Marc A. Ridley: Fairy Kings; Mat Plus Review 9-10, 2009)

H#3 (1+13)


E96. Karol Mlynka
5183 Phénix 7-8, 2006

a) 1.c6+ Kb5:c6=P 2.a1=R c7 3.Ra7 c8=Q#,

b) 1.c6=S Kb5 2.Se5=B Kb6 3.Bb8=R+ Ka6=Q#,
c) 1.Ka7 Kb4 2.Ka6 Kc3 3.a1=Q+ Kc6=Q#,
d) 1.Kb8 Ka5 2.a1=Q+ K:a1=Q [+wQd1] 3.Kc8 Qa8#.

 Different promotions.
 Rex solus.
 Wenigsteiner.
 Changed conditions in twins.

H#3 (1+3)
b) Kb5→a4 & ReversalEinsteinChess
c) Kb5→a5 & HaanerChess
d) Kb5→a6 & CirceDoubleAgents

E97. Ján Golha

4th – 5th Prize 6 th TT PAM 2007/08

(C 31.10.2007 – award Pat a mat, no. 62, 6, 2008)

a) 1.Rf2 L:f2-g2 2.Kf5 [+bRg1]+ Ke2=R 3.R:g2 Re5 [+wLg5]#,

1.Rb3 Kd2 2.R:b2+ Kf2=R [+wLd2] 3.R:d2 Rf6 [+wLd6]#,
b) 1.Rf2 Kb4 2.R:b2+ Kb7=R [+wLb5] 3.R:b5 Re7[+wLe5]#,
1.Rb3 L:b3-b4 2.Ke5 [+bRb2] Kb6 3.R:b4+ Ke6=R[+wLe4]#,
c) 1.Rc3 L:c3-c2 2.Kd5 [+bRb2] Ke2 3.R:c2+ Ke5=R [+wLc5]#,
d) 1.Rc3 L:c3-d2 2.Ke5 [+bRc2] Kf2 3.R:d2+ Kf5=R [+wLd5]#.

 Echos by Locust in Circe Parrain.

H#3 ParrainCirce (2+2)

(a, b = 2 solutions)
b) Ke1→c5
c) Lb2→c5
d) Lb2→a5

E98. Karol Mlynka
4th HM Mat Plus 2008

(1019 Mat Plus Summer 2008; judge: Paul Raican)

1.DGf6 Kc4 2.DGb5 Kb4 3.Bc6+ Kd6=DG#,
1.DG2f4 K:e3 2.DGd8 Kf2 3.g3+ Kc8=DG#,
1.d6 Ke2 2.DGd7 K:e3 3.DGf3+ Kc6=DG#.
”The Pressburger King becomes three times a Double Grasshopper and
gives mate by double check using the black DGs as hurdles. This problem
proves that fact as well, lines of activity abound and white Pressburger
King mates using doublechecks, avoiding possibility of Black to remove
hurdles. Well-balanced advertisement piece too.” (J. Lörinc)
”Three times double check and mate. An elaborate work. ” (P. Raican)

H#3 (1+14)

DG<double grasshopper>h2, h3

E99. Karol Mlynka

M9 Phénix 11, 2008

a) 1.Kb7 Kg2 2.Ka8 Kh3 3.BSf1=B+ Kg2=B#,

b) 1.Kh3 Kf2 2.BSf1=B Kf3 3.Bg2+ Kg4=B#,
c) 1.BSf1=B Kf7 2.Bc4+ Ke8=B+ 3.Ka8 Bc6 #,
d) 1.Kd6 Kg1 2.BSg2+ Kd4=BS+ 3.Kh2 BSh8=R#.

 Promotions of Berolina Superpawn.

 “One man show“ in Three men problem.
 Pressburger King and Black Transmuted King.
 No capture.

H#3 NoBlackCapture (1+2)

BlackTransmutedKing c6
BS<berolina superpawn>a6
b) Kc6→g4
c) Kf1→e8
d) BSa6→b7

E100. Karol Mlynka
6060 Phénix 11-12, 2009

a) 1.d2 Kb1 2.d1Q+ Kf5=Q 3.Qd7 Q:d7 [+wQd8]#,

b) 1.e2 Kb2 2.e1Q Ka3 3.Qe7+ K:e7=Q [+wQd8]#.

 Q-promotions by Circe Turncoats.

 Wenigsteiner.
 Rex solus.

H#3 b) Pd3→e3 (1+3)


E101. Karol Mlynka

CM Mark A. Ridley-50 JT 2009-2011

(Mark Ridley-50 JT C 17.1.2011 – Aw. Mat Plus 12, 2012)

a) 1.rPd1=rS Kc5 2.rSc3 Kc4+ 3.rSa2 Kb3#;

b) 1.rPe1=rS Kd5 2.rSd3 Kd4+ 3.rSb2 Kc3#;
c) 1.rPf1=rS Ke5 2.rSe3 Ke4+ 3.rSg2 Kf3#;
d) 1.rPg1=rS Kf5 2.rSf3 Kf4+ 3.rSh2 Kg3#.

 “Two men show“

 Four promotions to royal Knight.
 Royal mates.
 Echos.

H#3 royal=P<pawn>d2 (1+1)

b) shift a1  b1
c) shift a1  c1
d) shift a1  d1

E102. Ladislav Packa
4th Prize Marianka Cup 2014

(TT C 29.8.2014 – A 30.8.2014) PK = Pressburger King

a) wPK=Bd6: last move: 1...Ba7+ 2.Kb8-d6=B,
1.h2 g3 2.Rh3 g:f4 3.Rd3 Be5#;
b) wPK=Rd6: last move: 1...Rh5+ 2.Kh6=d6=R,
1.Sd1 f3 2.Sf2 Re6 3.Sd3 R:e4#;
c) wPK=Sd6: last move: 1...Sd8+ 2.Kf7-d6=S,
1.Bg4 S:b7 2.Be2 S:d8 3.Bd3 Sc6#.
“A small retrograde analysis yields that PK might have entered d6
only after being checked and have changed its mobility. Either it
moves now as bishop as rook or knight Basically tis an orthodox
twinning mechanism, with change of piece standing on d6 smartly
founded by properties of PK. Threefold self block of d3, with cyclic
shift of types of blocking and checkmating pieces.“ (Judge J. Brabec)
h#3* b) wRd6 (5+16)
c) wSd6
WhiteSuperTransmutingKing on d6

E103. Karol Mlynka

1078 Julia´s Fairies 24.05.2016

1.e6+? K:e6=P!,
1.e5 d:e6 ep. 2.0-0-0 e7 3.Kb8 e:d8=Q#,
1.g6+ K:g6=P 2.Rd8 g7 3.Rd7 g8=Q#.

 Valladao theme.
 “1078 is nice with two related solutions… but idle WB in
one solution is difficult to digest.“ (Seetharaman)

H#3 (3+6)


E104. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.0-0+ Kd8=R 2.Kh8 Rd6 3.Rg8 Rh6#;

b) 1.0-0-0+ Kh7=R 2.Rd7 R:g7 3.Kd8 Rg8#.

 Both castlings.
 Model mates.
 Self-blocking.
 Pressburger Rex solus.
 Exchange twins.

H#3 b) Ka8↔Rh8 (1+8)


E105. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.BSf3+ Kc4=BS 2.Kf8 BSf7+ 3.BSf3↔BSf7 Bsa8=R#,

1.BSh3 Ke1 2.e2 Ke1↔Kf7 3.BSf1=R+ K:f1=R#.

 Echo model mates

 Messigny Chess & No Black capture
 Berolina Superpawn
 Supertransmuting King versus Transmuted King.
 Tanagra
 Rex solus

H#3 (1+4)

BS<berolina superpawn>g4
BlackTransmuted King

E106. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.e1Q Kf6 2.Qe4=S+ K:e4=S=rB[f3=rS]+ 3.rSh2=rB[+bSg3]

1.e1R Kh6 2.Re3=Q+ K:e3=Q=rS[f3=rQ] 3.rQh1=rS[+bQg1]

 Five conditions:
Chameleon Chess & Circe Parrain & Back To Back & Kobul
Kings & Supertransmuting King in Three-men-problem.

H#3 (1+2)


E107. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.Rf8 jKc5 2.Rc8+ jKc6=R 3.Rcg8 jRh6#;

1.Rh6 jKe5 2.Rh5+ jKf5=R 3.Rhh7 jRf8#;
1.Rc6 jK:d5 2.Rc5+ jKd4=R 3.Rgh7 jRd8#.
 Battery creation and echo pin-mates
 Transformed jigger Pressburger King
Compare: Karol Mlynka, E109. Pressburger King 1.8.2016;
White Kd4 Ba1- Black Kh8 Rf6 Pd5 Re5 Pg5 Pe4 Pf4 Pg3 Sb2;
a) H#3, (2+9) WhiteSuperTransmutingKing;
1.Re8 Kc3 2.Rg8 K:b2 3.Rb6+ Kh2=R#, 1.Re7 B:b2 2.Rh7 Ke5 3.Rf5+
Ke8=R#. Royal battery creation.b) wmKd4(magic Pressburger King)
H#2; 1.Rf8 mK:e5[e4=w][f4=w][d5=w] 2.Re8+ mKe7=R[e4=b][e8=w]#;
1.Rf7 mK:d5[e4=w][e5=w] 2.Rd7[d7=w] Re8#.

H#3 (2+6)

jigger=K<king>d4 =

E108. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.c5 nPe8=nQ 2.nQe3+ jKa3=Q+ 3.Kc4 jQb3#;

b) 1.nPh1=nQ+ jKc4=Q 2.nQe4 jQb3+ 3.Kc5 jQb4#.

 Wenigsteiner with white Pressburger jigger King.

 Besides promotions of neutral Pawn.
 Echomates with transformated jigger Queen.

H#3 b) nPe7→h2 (1+2+1)

jigger=K<king>c1 =

E109a. Ľuboš Kekely

4th HM Chess composition 2016

G17. Шахматная композиция 10, 2016

1.Qf8 WEe7 2.Q:f2+ K:f2=Q 3.c4 Q:a7#,

1.Qg8 WEgh7 2.Q:g2+ K:g2=Q 3.d4 D:b7#,
1.Qh8 WEhg6 2.Q:h2+ K:h2=Q 3.e4 D:b8#.

„Адаптация ортодоксальной схемы к сказочному условию SAT.

Аналогия безупречна. Экономию примененных средств белых не
следует судить слишком строго, но применение белых Визирей
только ради вскрытия линий – это, кажется, конструкторская
недоработка.“ (E. Klemanič, judge)

H#3 (9+10)

WE<wazir>f7, g7, h6

E110. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Kc4+ Ka2=SP 2.L:a2-a1 [+wSPa4] SPa8=Q 3.L:b1-c1 [+wLa1]

b) 1.Kc2+ K:g7=SP [+bSPa1=bL] 2.L:g7-h8 [+wSPa1] SP:h8=Q
[+bLa1] 3.Kb1 Qb2#;
c) 1.Kd4 Kb2 2.SPg6 Kc1 3.SP:b1=Q [+wLg6]+ Kc5=Q#;
d) 1.Kd2 Kb2 2.SPc1=B+ Kd4=B 3.Ke1 L:c1-d1 [+bBb1]#.

SuperPawn checks from the royal battery.

Promotions of Pressburger King after transformation into
SuperPawn. HOTF using PWC and Locusts..

H#3 b) -Lb1 (2+7)

c) Pb6→c6, d) SPg7→c7
L<locust>a4, b1, b3, SP<superpawn>g7
PWC WhiteSuperTransmutingKing

E111a. Karol Mlynka


Original for Pressburger King - edition 2 – June 2017

= C+ by Popeye Windows-32Bit v4.67
a) 1.nPh1=nB nBc6=nR 2.nP:c6[b1=rR][nPc6->b5]
rRb2=rQ[+nRc7] 3.nRh7=nQ rQh8=rS#;
b) 1.nPh1=nR Ke1=R=rQ 2.nR:e1=nQ[nQe1->b1] nQb6=nS
[+wQe6]+ 3.nP:e6[nPe6->f5] nSc8=nB [+wQf8]#;
c) 1.nPh1=nQ nQc6=nS 2.nP:c6[a2=rS][nPc6->b5]
rSc3=rB[+nSe7] 3.nSg6=nB rBh8=rR#
d) 1.Kf6 nPd8=nS 2.nSf7=nB Kc4=B=rR 3.Ke5 Rf4=Q#.
 AUW by neutral Pawns and multiple fairy conditions
 Chameleon Chess & Circe Parrain & Equipollents Anticirce &
Kobul Kings & White Supertransmuting King

H#3 b) Kg8→f7 (1+1+2)

c) Kb1→a2, +d) Kg8→g7
ChameleonChess & ParrainCirce
& EquipollentsAntiCirce & KobulKings
& WhiteSuperTransmutingKing

E111. Karol Mlynka, Pressburger King 1.8.2016; White Kc3 Pd2 - Black Pf2 Kg1 H#3; (2+2)
b) Pd2→d3, c) Pf2→e2, d) Pf2→c2, e) Pd2→c4; Koeko & PWC WhiteSuperTransmutingKing
a) 1.Kf1 Kc2 2.Ke1 Kd3 3.f1=Q+ Ke2=Q#;
b) 1.f1=Q Kd2 2.Q:d3[+wPf1] Ke1 3.Qd1+ Kf2=Q#;
c) 1.e1=Q Kd3 2.Qe4+ Ke2=Q 3.Qh1 Qh2#;
d) 1.c1=Q+ Kc2=Q 2.Qf1 d3 3.Q:d3[+wPf1] Qf2#;
e) 1.f1=Q Kd4 2.Qf2+ Kd5=Q 3.Qh2 Qh1#.
KöKo (Kölner Kontaktschach)

E112. Kenneth H. M. Solja
4th HM Marianka Cup 2014

(TT C 29.8.2014 – A 30.8.2014)

1.L:c7-d6+ K:d6-c6=L 2.Kd4 L:b5-a4 3.Kd5 L:b4-c4#.

1...Kf7 2.L:c7-c8 Kg6 3.Kc5 Kg5 4.Kb6+ K:b5-a5=L#.

 “Good use of both white and black supertransmuting

king. Pity that two final positions are not more
analogous.“ (Judge: J. Brabec)

H#3,5 (2+7)

& BlackSuperTransmutingKing

E113. Karol Mlynka

1st –2nd CM 6th TT PAM 2007/08

(C 31.10.2007– A PAM 6, 2008 – no. 62)

1.Kh8 K:a5 2.d5 [+bPa4]+ K:a7=RL 3.Ble6 RL:a4 4.NLh6

[+bPg7] Rla8#,
1.Kg7 K:a5 2.NLh6 [+bPg8] K:a6 3.Kh8 [+bPb7]+ K:b7=P 4.g7
[+bPb6] b8=RL#,
1.Kf7 K:a5 2.Kg6 [+bPb4] K:b4 3.BLh5 [+bPe1=bQ]+ Kc3=Q
4.Kh6 Qf6#.
 Rex solus.

H#4 3 solutions (1+10)

BL<bishop-lion>c4, e8
NL<nightrider lion>b3

E114. Karol Mlynka
9594 feenschach Sommer 2007 (no. 168)

1.Kd5 a Kc1 2.g1Q+ b K:e3=Q 3.Qc1 Qe7 4.Qc4 c e4#,

1.g1Q b Kb3 2.Qg8+ K:e3=Q 3.Qc4 c Qe7+ 4.Kd5 a e4#.

 Cycle of black moves.

 Promotion.
 Miniature.

H#4 (2+5)


E115. Karol Mlynka

M10 Phénix 11, 2008

1.Nc5+ Kb8=N 2.Ne6 Nc6 3.Nhe5 N:e5 4.Neg2 [+bNHg1] Nd3#,

1.Ne8+ Kc7=N 2.Nc4 Nb5 3.NHc3 N:c3 4.Ncg2 [+bNHg1] Ne7#.

 Echo mates in two analogous solutions.

 Sacrifices of Nightrider-hopper in Circe Parrain.
 Rex solus.
 Tanagra.

H#4 2 solutions (1+4)

N<nightrider >g7,
NH<nightrider hopper>a7

E116. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.nPPd4 nPPd3 2.Kf2 nPPd2 3.nPPd4 nPPd3 4.Ke1 nPPd2#;

b) 1.nPPc4 nPPc3 2.Ke2 nPPc2 3.nPPc4 nPPc3 4.Kd1 nPPc2#;
c) 1.nPPh4 nPPh3 2.Kf2 nPPh2 3.nPPh4 nPPh3 4.Kg1 nPPh2#.

 Mated Black Pressburger King in Two men problem.

 Threefold chameleon echo model mates
with neutral reverse Pawn only after multiple Switchbacks.

H#4 b) nPPd2→c2 (0+1+1)

c) nPPd2→h2
neutral PP<reverse pawn>d2

E117. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.g3 Kg5 2.g2 K:f6 3.Sf3 [+bSg4]+ K:g4=S 4.Sg1 [+bSh2] Sf2#;
b) 1.Sh5 K:h5 2.a1R [+bSh4] Kg5 3.Rg1+ Kg3=R 4.Sg2 Rh3#.

 ANI-helpmate in Circe Parrain.

 Transformation to S and R.
 Model mates.
 Tanagra.
 Rex solus.

H#4 b) Pg4→a2 (1+4)


E118. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Bc6 Kh4 2.d5 Kh5 3.Be8+ K:e8=B 4.Gc5 [+bBb8] Bc6#;

b) 1.Bg2+ K:g2=B+ 2.Kb8 [+bBh2] Bf1 3.Ka8 Bc4 4.Bb8 Bd5#.

 Rex solus.
 Transformation into Bishop.
 Circe Parrain.

H#4 b) Ld1→a4 (1+6)

L< locust>d1

E119a. Ľuboš Kekely

1129 Julia`s Fairies 22. 9. 2016

a) 1.Sb6 Kb2 2.Sa4+ K:c4=S 3.Sb6 Sd6 4.Sa8 Sc8#;

b) 1.Sc7 Ka2 2.Ka8 Ka3 3.Sb5+ K:c4=S 4.Sa7 Sb6#.

 Transformation into Knight

 Switchback
 Model mates

H#4 b) Pc7→c3 (3+5)


EII-4. Ľuboš Kekely
22 Šachové umění 3, 2017

a) 1.Bd4 b4 2.Bc5 b:c5 3.0-0-0 c6 4.Re8+ K:e8=R#;

b) 1.Bf6 f4 2.Bg5 f:g5 3.0-0 g6 4.Re8+ K:e8=R#.

 Checking after castlings

 Sacrifices

H#4 b) Ra8→h8 (3+7)


EII-5. Karol Mlynka

G091 SuperProblem 26.3.2017

a) 1.Kd7 Kb4 2.Kd6 Kc3 3.e5 Kd2 4.e4 L:e4-d3#;

b) 1.Kd8 Kb5 2.Kc8 Kc6 3.Kb8 Kd7 4.Kb7 Kd6#.

 Mating Locust in a Tanagra with both Pressburger kings.

 A duel of the Kings.
 Мат саранчой в 5-фигурной задаче с двумя королями
SuperTransmuting. Дуэль королей. (автор)

H#4 b) -Pe7 (2+3)

L<locust>g8, h7

E120. Karol Mlynka
2791 Rochade Europa 3, 2014

(RE 2014 – PS Nr. 399)

1.f3+ Kg4=P 2.Rh7 g5 3.Rd7 g6 4.Ree7 g7+ 5.Ke8 g8Q#,
1.Kg8 Kf1 2.Rf8 Ke1 3.f3 Kd2 4.f2 Kd3 5.f1Q+ Kg6=Q#.

 Both sides promotions to Q.

 White Excelsior after transformation to Pawn.
 Blocking.
 Model mates.
 Rex solus.
 Miniature.

H#5 2 solutions (1+6)


EII-6. Ľuboš Kekely

771 KoBulChess 2.12.2016

1.Kc3 Kg7 2.Kb2 Kf6 3.K:a2 Ke5 4.Kb1 Kd4 5.a2 Kc3 6.a1=Q+
Kc2=Q# .

 “ Tanagra with Ideal mate.“ (D. Kostadinov)

H#6 Circe (2+2)


E121. Vasil Dyachuk
2141 Rochade Europa 7, 2006

(RE 2006, no. 7)

1.d5 Kb3 2.d4 Kc2 3.d3+ Kc4=P 4.d2 c5 5.d1R c6 6.Ra1 c7
7.Ra7 c8Q#.
 Promotions with model mate after Black Excelsior
and White transformation to Pawn in a long helpmate.
 Rex posoniensis solus.

H#7 (1+2)

Ea. HELPMATES with Hypertransmuting King

Ea01. Vasil Dyachuk

1036 Pat a mat 9, 2003
Dedicated to Karol Mlynka

1.Qg3 Kg6 2.Se5++ K:g3=AM#,

1.Qh3 Kf5 2.Sh6++ K:h3=AM#,
1.h4 Kh5 2.Sf6++ K:f3=AM#.

An interesting miniature in a typical elegant author’s style.

Model mates. “One man show“.

 HyperTransmutingKing:
After being double-checked: K= Q + S = AM<amazon>
 (C?)

H#2 (1+5)


Ea02. Vasil Dyachuk
1518 Shakhmatnaya Poeziya 2003

(Шахматная поєзия, № 27; C?)

a) 1.Rd5 Ke4 2.Re5+++ Kb1=R&B&G#,

b) 1.Rc8 Kc4 2.Bd5+++ Kf1=R&B&G#.

 Triple checks!
 “Chess Poetry“

H#2 b) Pe2→c2 (1+7)

Grasshopper e6

Ea03. Vasil Dyachuk

Com. Ob Springaren 2004

(10406 Springaren 12,2005; C?)

Judge: Hans Gruber

1.Qc2 Kf5! 2.Gg6++ K:f4=Q&G# (1...Ke4?),

1.Rgd2 Kd5! 2.Gd6++ Kc5=R&G# (1...Kd4?).

 Model mates.
 “One man show“

here after double check: K= Q + G / R + G.

H#2 (1+12)



Eb00. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.EHb2+ K:b2=EH=, 1.EHc3+ K:c3=EH=;

b) 1.EHe7+ K:e7=EH=, 1.EHd3+ K:d3=EH=;
c) 1.EHd6+ K:d6=EH=, 1.EHe3+ K:e3=EH=;
d) 1.EHc5+ K:c5=EH=, 1.EHf3+ K:f3=EH=;
e) 1.EHd4+ K:d4=EH=, 1.EHg7+ Kg7=EH=.

 10 stalemates after transformation into Edgehog.

 Two men problem.

H=1 2.1 (1+1)

b) EHh8→h7
c) EHh8→h6
c) EHh8→h4
d) EHh8→h5
e) Ka3→a7

Eb01. Karol Mlynka

F1081 StrateGems 8-9, 2011

a) 1.h1Q K:g4 2.Qh2=S+ K:h2=B=;

b) 1.h1S+ K:e4=B 2.h2 B:h1=R=;
c) 1.g1B K:h3 2.Be3=R+ K:e3=Q=;
d) 1.g1R+ K:h3=Q 2.Rg4=Q Q:g4=S=.

 AUW & cycles QSBR-SBRQ-BRQS.

 Helpstalemate Wenigsteiner.
 Chameleon Chess.

H=2 ChameleonChess (1+3)

c) Pg4→e4
+c) Ph2→g2
+d) Pe4→g5

Eb02. Karol Mlynka
12493 Springaren 6, 2012

a) 1.g1Q+ K:e3=S 2.Qd1=S S:d1=B=;

1.d1B K:g2 2.Be2=R+ K:e2=Q=;
b) 1.g1R+ K:e3=Q 2.Rg3=Q Q:g3=S=;
1.g1S K:g42.Se2=B+ K:e2=R=.

 AUW.
 No Black King.

H=2 ChameleonChess (1+3)

b) Pd2→g4

Eb03. Karol Mlynka

6640 Phénix 4, 2013

a) 1.h1B+ K:h1=R 2.a1B Rb1=Q=,

b) 1.b1R+ K:b1=Q 2.h1B Qg1=S=.

 Kling combination & echo stalemates after succesive

double promotions.

“Promotions mineures; les positions de pat et les solutions sont

similaires dans a) et b).” (L. Riguet)

H=2 ChameleonChess (1+3)

b) Pa2→g2

Eb04. Karol Mlynka
629 Julia´s Fairies 23.10.2014

1.Kb2 SI:a2-a4 2.h1=WA+ K:h1-g1=WA=,

1.g1=SI+ K:g1-b1=SI 2.K:b1-h1 SI:a2-f1=.

 Promotions into Waran and Siren in Take&Make Chess by

White and Black Pressburger King.
 Miniature.
 “Nice fairy promotions of the black Pawns!“ (J. Vysotska)

H=2 (2+4)

SI<sirene>a5. WA<waran>a2
& BlackSuperTransmutingKing

Eb04a. Karol Mlynka, original of this collection (6, 2017), White SIb7 Ke1 - Black Pa7 Pg2 Ka1; H=2;
(2+3); SI<sirene>b7; Take&MakeChess WhiteSuperTransmutingKing; 0.1.1 +; 1...SIa6 A
2.g1=SI+ a K:g1-c1=SI= B, 1.g1=S SIa6 A 2.Se2 b K:e2-c1=; 1.g1=SI+ Kc1=SI B 2.SIb6 SI:b6-a6= A.
Change of continuation and function. Tanagra. C+ by Popeye Windows-64Bit v4.75

Eb05. Karol Mlynka

3 rd HM Pat a mat 2014

(792 Pat a mat 12, 2014 – no. 90)

1.SS:c3-c4 b:c4-b6 2.c1SS+ K:c1-d7=SS=,

1.SSb4 c:b4-a6 2.c1Q+ K:c1-c6=Q=rS=,
1.c1B K:a2-h4 2.Bh6=R+ K:h6-b6=R=rQ=,
1.c1S K:a2-a6 2.S:b3-b4=B c:b4-f8=SS=,
1.c1R+ K:c1-g1=R=rQ 2.SSd4 c:d4-d8=SS=.

 AUW & fairy promotion to Spiralspringer.

 Chameleon chess and Take & Make chess.

H=2 (5+4)

BH<bishop hopper>c8
LB<bishop locust>h2

Eb06. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.d2 K:f2-f1 2.d1Q+ K:d1-g4=Q=,

1.g4 K:g4-g3 2.f1S+ K:f1-d2=S=.

 Take&Make Chess.
 Wenigsteiner without Black King.
 Promotions.

H=2 (1+3)


Eb07. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.rPh1=rB Ka1 2.SSg1+ K:g1=SS=;

b) 1.g1=R+ K:g1=R=rQ+ 2.SSg2 Q:g2=S=;
c) 1.g1=Q+ K:g1=Q=rS 2.SSe2 S:e2=B=;
d) 1.g1=SS+ K:g1=SS 2.SSg3 SS:g3=.

 Promotions in Wenigsteiner by Rex solus and Royal Pawn.

H=2 ChameleonChess (1+3)

b) rPh2→g3
c) rPh2→f2
+d) Kb1→b3

Eb08. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1...Ra4 A 2.g1R+ a K:g1=R=,

1.g1S Ra4 A 2.Sf3+ b K:f3=S=;
b) 1...Kf2 2.g1B+ Ke1=B#,
1...Kd1 2.g1Q+ Kd2=Q#,
1.g1S 0-0-0 2.S:e2+ Ka2=S#.

 Different transformations of PK after promotions (AUW in

phases) and castling.
 Combined stipulations: Helpstalemate and Helpmate.

H=2* b) h#2** (10+4)

G<grasshopper>e5, f6

Eb09. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1...L:g2-h1+ A 2.K:g4-g5=L+ a K:g5-h5=L 3.d1L b L:h4-h3=,

1...Ke6 2.d1L b L:g2-h1+ A 3.K:g4-g5=L a L:h4-h5=.

 Both Pressburger Kings.

 Change of moves Aab – bAa.
 Promotion to Locust.
 Miniature.

H=2,5 (3+4)

L<locust>e4, g4
& BlackSuperTransmutingKing

Eb10. Karol Mlynka
2363 Rochade Europa 2, 2009

a) 1.f1Q+ K:b5=Q 2.Qd3 Q:d3 3.Kh1 Q:g3=,

b) 1.f1R+ K:f1=R 2.h2 Rf3 3.Kh1 R:g3=.
 Model stalemates after promotions.
 “One man show“ in a Tanagra.
 „Zwei Umwandlungen und zwei Patts auf dem gleichen
Feld. Ungewohnt und witzig.“ (GJ)
 „Umwandlungswechsel, aber reines Wegschlagen
schwarzer Steine ist nicht gerade gehaltvoll.“ (SB)
 „Differenzierung T/D mit einfachsten Mitteln. Klein,
aber bemerkenswert.“ (WW)
 „Was für ein Juwel!“ (WAB)
 „Kleine Spielerei.“ (Dr. KHS)

H=3 b) Pb5→h3 (1+4)


„Eine liebenswerte Kleinigkeit, nicht mehr. Mit dem Pressburger König müsste sehr viel mehr möglich sein.“
(WS to 2363 Rochade Europa 6, 2009.)

Eb11. Karol Mlynka

6740 Phénix 9, 2013

a) 1.b1R K:g2 a 2.Rb2=Q+ A K:g4=S 3.Qe5=S S:e5=B=,

1.b1B K:g4 b 2.Be4=R+ B K:g2=Q 3.e5 Q:e4=S=;
b) 1.b1Q K:g2 a 2.g3 C K:g3 3.Qe4=S+ K:e4=B=,
1.e4 K:g4 b 2.g1R+ D K:e4=Q 3.Rb1=Q Q:b1=S=.

 Promotions with changed moves.

 No Black King.
 Tanagra.

H=3 (1+4)

d) Pe6→e5

Eb12. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.cPg1=cS cKc4 2.cSe2=cB+ cK:a2=cR 3.e4 cR:e2=cQ=,

1.e2 cK:e5 2.cPa1=cQ+ cK:e2=cS 3.cQg1=cS cS:g1=cB=,
1.e4 cK:e4 2.cPa1=cR cK:e3 3.cRg1=cQ+ cK:g1=cS=.

 Promotions of chameleon-Pawns and transformations of

chameleon Pressburger King.
 Tanagra.

H=3 (1+4)

chameleon=P<pawn>a2, g2
chameleon WhiteSuperTransmutingKing

Eb13. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.Kc3 nPh8=nQ+ 2.Kd4=Q nQ:d4 3.nQd5+ rL:d5-c5=;

1.c5 nPh8=nB 2.nBd4 nB:c5+ 3.K:c5=B rL:c5-b5=.

 Promotions.
 Wenigsteiner.

H=3 (1+2+1)


Eb14. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.PPg8=B PPd1=B+ 2.Kd7=B+ rL:d7-c8

3.Be6+ rL:e6-f5=;
b) 1.PPg8=R PPd1=Q+ 2.Kg4=Q+ rL:g4-h3
3.Rg4 rL:g4-f5=.

 Different promotions of Revers Pawns.

H=3 b) rLg4→e6 (3+3)

PP<reverse pawn>d2, g7

Eb15. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.Ka4 PPd1=B+ 2.Kc2=B B:c2 3.PPc8=L+ Bf5=,

1.K:b5 PPd1=Q 2.PPc8=L+ Qd7+ 3.Kf5=Q+ Q:f5=;
1.nPPc8=nQ+ nQa6+ 2.K:a6=Q b:a6 3.f5+ rL:f5-e6=;
1.f5+ rL:f5-e6 2.K:b5 nPPc6+ 3.K:c6=PP rL:c6-b6=.

 HOTF with transformation to Reverse Pawn.

H=3 (3+2+1)

PP<reverse pawn>d2
neutral=PP<reverse pawn>c7


Ec01.Karol Mlynka
G038 SuperProblem 27.01.2016

a) 1.cPh1=cQ+ a cKc3=Q=rcS+ A,
1.cPh1=cR+ b cKa8=R=rcQ+ B;
b) 1.cPh1=cQ+ a cKc1=Q=rcS+ C,
1.cPh1=cR+ b cK:e6=R=rcQ+ D;
c) 1.cPh1=cQ+ a cK:b4=Q=rcS+ E,
1.cPh1=cR+ b cKc4=R=rcQ+ F.
 Zagoruiko: Z-32-26 in a miniature.
 Promotions.
Pressburger King: после того, как такому королю объявлен шах, он
становится королевской фигурой того же достоин-ства, как
шахующая фигура до следующего шаха.

H+1 b) cKh8→h6 (1+5)

c) cKh8→h4
chameleon=K<king>h8 =

Ec02.Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.cPg1=cQ cKb6 2.d3+ cKc7=cS+,

1.cPg1=cR cKc7 2.cRc1=cQ+ cKb6=cS+,
1.cPg1=cB cKb6 2.d3+ cKa7=cR+,
1.cPg1=cS cKd7 2.cSh3=cB+ cK:c8=cR+.

 AUW by Rex solus as Pressburger chameleon King.

H+2 (1+12)

LN<nightrider locust>c8, e2
cP<chameleon pawn>g2
chameleon=K<king>c6 =


F01. Karol Mlynka

540v Mat-64 12, 2002 (no. 4)

(1.Rh5? Ke4!, 1.Rd6+? Kf5=R+!, 1.d8R+? K:d8=R+!),

1.Rg6? ~ 2.R:g5+ K:g5=R#, 1...Ke4 2.Re6+ Ke1=R#, 1...c:b4!
1.Rh7? zz. Bc6 2.d8R+ K:d8=R#, 1...Bc8!,
1.Rh8! ~ 2.d8R+ K:d8=R#,
1...Kc6 2.Rh6+ K:h6=R#,
1...Ke4 2.Re8+ K:e8=R#,
1...c:b4 2.Ra5+ K:a5=R#,
1...g:f4 2.Rh5+ K:h5=R#.
Promoted b. Bishop. Five battery-mates with Pressburger King
(as front piece transformed to R) after flight-given key by
(Black-) Maximummer. Switchback.

S#2 Maximummer (6+10)


F02. Karol Mlynka

Comm. 34th CCM 2014

(C 4.4.2014 – Aw. 18.4.2014)

1.h8LI? Kb2!,
1.h8NL! zz. Kb2 2.Nle2+ Kf2=LI#,
1...Ka2 2.NLb3+ Kc4=LI#,
1... Kb1 2.NLc2+ Kd3=LI#.

 “ Three variations by the play of black king and white

nightrider lions. The play is a little bit symmetric.“
(Judge Sven Trommler)

S#2 NoCapture (13+6)

royal=NL<nightrider lion>d4
NL<nightrider lion>f8,h6

F03. Karol Mlynka
Comm. 34th TT CCM 2014

(34 th TT Chess Composition Microweb C 4.4.2014 – award 18.5.2014)

1.Bg3? ~ 2.Gg1 Gf6#, 1...Gc1!,
1.g4? A zz. Kg2 c 2.g5+ E Kb7=G3 (Ka2=G3) 3.G3g2 Gf6#,
1...Kh2! b,
1.g3? B zz. Kg1 a 2.G3a7+ D Kg6=G3 3.G3a1 Gf6#,
1...Kh2 b 2.Gf4+ C Kc2=G 3.Nhe2 Gd3#, 1...Kg2! c,
1.Gf4! C zz. Kg1 a 2.g4+ A Kb6=G3 3.Gd4 Gf6#,
1...Kh2 b 2.g3+ B Kc2=G 3.Nhe2 Gd3#.
“We find changed continuations after 1...Kg1 and 1...Kh2. Also there is
some additional synthetics between different moves; but in my opinion
the balance between the use of fairy pieces/ fairy condition and content
isn‘t satisfactory.“ (Judge: Sven Trommler)
S#3 NoCapture (11+4)
royal=NH<nightrider hopper>e4
NH<nightrider hopper>g8, h8
G3<grasshopper-3>e3, g7

Chess Composition Microweb (C 4.4.2014) announces formal thematical tourney for fairy selfmates with at
least two antibattery mates. Any fairy pieces and/or any fairy conditions are allowed.

F04. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.d4? A zz. Kh2 a 2.g3+ Kc2=G 3.rG3e4 B Ge2#, 1...Kg1! b,

1.G2d5? zz. Kg1 b 2.g4+ Kb6=G3 3.e4 C NHd2#, 1...Kh2! a,
1.rG3e4! B zz. Kh2 a 2.g3+ Kc2=G+ 3.d4 A Ge2#,
1...Kg1 b 2.g4+ Kb6=G3 3.Gc6 D G3f6#.

 Change of continuations in the 3rd moves with change of

 Moving White royal Grasshopper-3 in the key of selfmate.

S#3 NoBlackCapture (11+3)

G<grashopper>a6, f4
NH<nightrider hopper>g8

F05. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.h8HA? A zz. Kh2 a 2.rHAf2 B zz. Kh1 3.HAh2 Kg2#, 1...Kg1!,

1.rHAf2! B ~ 2.h8G zz. Kh2 3.Gh1 Kg2#,
1...Kh2 a 2.h8HA A zz. Kh1 3.HAh2 Kg2#.

 “One man show“

 Selfmate miniature.
 Salazar theme as change of continuation.
 Fairy promotions into Hamster and Grasshopper.

S#3 NoCapture (5+1)


F06. Karol Mlynka

451 Julia´s Fairies 08.12.2013

a) 1.Kg4! rPc5 2.Kf3 rPc4 3.Ke2 rPc3 4.Kd1 rPc2#;

b) 1.Kh4! rPf5 2.Kh3 rPf4 3.Kh2 rPf3 4.Kg1 rPf2#.
 Total chameleon-echo model-mates.
 “Two men show“.
 Pressburger King march.
 Georgy Evseev. December 10, 2013 at 09:09. “There is quite
a number of hidden non-obvious rules in Pressburger King
(that is why I do not like it). In fact it immediately gains the
checking piece movement power, has to defend against
check by moving away, and after this movement loses
royal status.“

S#4 b) rPc6→f6 (1+1)


F07. Karol Mlynka
3rd HM Marianka Cup 2014

(C 29.8.2014 – A 30.8.2014)

1...Gc3 a 2.Rf2 A zz. Gc7 3.Gf1 zz. Gc5 4.Rg2+ Kf5=G#,

1.Gg3+? Kf5=G+!,
1.Gg2? zz. Gc3 a 2.G2e4 B zz. Ga1 3.rRHe3 zz. Gc3 4.Gf5+
1.Gg6! zz. Gc3 a 2.Rd2 C zz. Ge1 3.Re2 zz. Ge3 4.Ge6+ Kf5=G#.

Change of continuation in three phases with zugzwang.

“The same finish of set play and solutions matters a bit,
in the set play the final white check is delivered by antibattery
and in solution directly.“ (Judge: J. Brabec)

S#4 NoCapture (10+5)

royal=RH<rook hopper>e5

F08. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.b8=B! zz. f5 2.g:f6 ep. Zz. (Kc1 3.Bf4+ Kc1-~=B#) c1=B/S 3.0-0 ~
4.R:c1+ K:c1=R#,
(1...f6 2.g:f6 ...etc.; 1...Kc1 2.Bf4+...; 1...c1=B/S 2.0-0 ~ 3.R:c1+

 White and Black (under)promotions, en passant capture

and castling = Valladao theme.

S#4 (7+8)

F09. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1...Kg2 a 2.Gd3 A zz. Kh1 3.Gdf3 zz. Kg2 4.Gh5 Kh3#,

(1.Gg1+? Kh3=G!, 1.Gh3+? Ke1=G!)
1.h3? zz. Kg2 a 2.Geg1 B zz. Kh2 3.Gh1 zz. Kg2 4.Gh4 Kf3#,
1.Gg5! zz. Kg2 a 2.Gh6 C zz. Kg1 3.Gg3 zz. Kg2 4.Ge1 Kh3#;
b) 1.Gfd3! zz. Kg2 a 2.Gh4 D zz. Kg1 3.Gh1 zz. Kg2 4.Gg1 Kf2#.

 Change of continuation in 4 phases.

 Pendulum manoeuvres of Pressburger King
 Royal mates.

S#4 b) rHAg4→e2 (6+1)

G<grashopper>e3, f1, f2, g3

F10. Karol Mlynka

FB1379 StrateGems 7-9, 2014 (SG67)

a) 1.g8S? Kh4!, 1.g4+? Kh4=P!, 1.g3? ~ 2.g8Q zz. Kh6 3.Qe8 zz.
Kh7 4.Qe6 zz. Kg7 5.Gf6+ Kg2=G#, 1...Kh6!,
1.Gh4! zz. Kh6 2.g4 zz. Kh7 3.g8R zz. Kh6 4.Rg5+ Kh3=G 5.Gh2
b) 1.g3+? Kh3=P!,
1.g8Q! zz. Kh5 2.g3 zz. Kh6 3.Qe8 zz. Kh7 4.Qe6 zz. Kg7 5.Gf6+
Kg2=G #;
c) 1.Gh3! zz. Kh5 2.Gc5 zz. Kh4 3.Gf6+ Kh2=G 4.Ge3 zz. Gd6
5.Gf4 Gb4#.

 Promotions by No Black Capture.

S#5 NoBlackCapture (12+1)

G<grasshopper>e3, e5, f4, h8
c) Kh5→h4, +c) Pg2→g5

F11. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.c4? NHc2!,
1.Gf1! ~ 2.c8=B zz. Kg2 3.Bg4 zz.Kg1 4.Be2 zz. Kg2 5.f3+ Kd2=G#,
1...Kg2 2.c8=G zz. Kg1 3.Gc5 zz.Kg2 4.f3+ Kb2=G 5.Ge5 Gd2#.

 Two different underpromotions and two different routes

of Grasshopper transformed from Pressburger King after
pendulum manoeuvre to the same mate square. Blocking.

S#5 NoBlackCapture (14+6)

G<grashopper>d5, e4, f3
NH<nightrider hopper> d8, f8, h6

F12. Karol Mlynka

G044 SuperProblem 5.3.2016

a) 1.rPg5? A Kg1! a,
1.LIh4! zz. Kg1 a 2.LIf4 zz. Kh1 3.rPg5 A zz.Kg1 4.LIh6 zz. Kh1
5.LId2 zz. Kg1 6.LIh2 zz. Kh1 7.Rf1+ Kg1=R#;
b) 1.rPa4? B Kg1! a, 1.Rg2+? C Kf3=LI!,
1.rPa3! zz. Kg1 a 2.rPa4 B zz. Kh1 3.rPa5 zz. Kg1 4.rPa6 zz. Kh1
5.rPa7 zz. Kg1 6.rPa8= rB Kh1 7.Rg2+ C Kf3=LI# .

 Change of continuation in selfmate-sevenmover.

Excelsior with promotion of Royal Pawn to Royal Bishop.
Transformation to Rook and Lion. Logic. Flight blocking.
Pendulum manoeuvres of PK. No capture miniature.

S#7 b) rPg4→a2 (4+2)


F13. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.a8R! zz. Kg1 2.Rf8 zz. Kh1 3.a4 zz. Kg1 4.a5 zz. Kh1 5.a6 zz.
Kg1 6.a7 zz. Kh1 7.a8R zz. Kg1 8.Ra3 zz. Kh1 9.Rg3 zz. Kg1
10.Rf1+ Kh1=R#.

 Excelsior by No capture.
 Two promotions to R on the same square.
 Flight blocking.
 Pendulum manoeuvres of Pressburger King.
 Model mate.
 Rex solus.

S#10 NoCapture (5+1)


FII-1. Ľuboš Kekely

526 Šachová skladba 2, 2017

a) 1.Qg5 f:g5 2.Re8+ K:f2=R#;

b) 1.Qf4 e:f4 2.Rd8+ K:e2=R#;
c) 1.G:d7+ Ke4=G 2.Qf3 G:e1#;
d) 1.G:h7+ Kg5=G 2.Ge7 G:g1#;
e) 1.Q:h5 g:h5 2.Rf8+ K:g2=R#.
 Sat-chess.
 Maximummer
 Continued “Twins“

S#2 SAT Maximummer (14+7)

G<grasshopper>a7, d3
b) Kf8→e8
+c) Qc1→b3
+d) Ke8→g8
+e) Qb3→h2

FII-2. Ľuboš Kekely
G080. SuperProblem 10.2.2017

1.Gh4! zz. Kh2 2.Gh3+ K:h4=G 3.Gh5 zz. Gh6 4.Gh7 Gh8#,
1...Kg1 2.Gf1+ K:e1=G 3.Gd1 zz. Gc1 4.Gb1 Ga1#.

 "One man show".

 Grasshoppers.
 Мередит, цугцванги. "Шоу одного актера" (автор)
 SuperTransmuting King – После шаха становится
шахующей фигурой, теряя свои королевские функции. (A.

S#4 (9+1)
BH<bishop hopper>b8


Fa01. Karol Mlynka & Ján Golha

Spec. Comm. Gvozdják-50 JT-C 2015

(Special Commendation P. Gvozdják 50 JT- C,

C 16.11.2015 - award 30.12.2015)

a) 1.ALe6+! A K:a5=RH# a, 1.ALf6+! B K:a5=LI# b;

b) 1.ALe6+! A K:a5=LI# b, 1.ALf6+! B K:a5=RL# c;
c) 1.ALe6+! A K:a5=RL# c, 1.ALf6+! B K:a5=G# d;
d) 1.ALe6+! A K:a5=G# d, 1.ALf6+! B K:a5=RH# a.

R#1 2 solutions (14+6)

b) Ke5→d5
c) Ke5→g5
d) Ke5→f5
LI<lion>g8, h8
RL<rook-lion>d1, g1
G<grasshopper>c8, d8
RH<rook hopper>e8, f8
AL<alfil>d4, g4

Fa01 A B
a) a b Z-42-24: Rice cycle by opposite colours in 4 phases with 2 variations.
b) b c
c) c d
d) d a

Fa02 A B C
a) a b c Z-43-34: Rice cycles by opposite colours in 4 phases with 2 variations.
b) b c d
c) c d a
d) d a b

Fa02. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.ALe6+! A K:a5=RL# a, 1.ALd6+! B K:a5=LE# b,

1.ALf6+! C K:a5=LI# c;
b) 1.ALe6+! A K:a5=LE# b, 1.ALd6+! B K:a5=LI# c,
1.ALf6+! C K:a5=G# d;
c) 1.ALe6+! A K:a5=LI# c, 1.ALd6+! B K:a5=G# d,
1.ALf6+! C Kd5:a5=RL# a;
d) 1.ALe6+! A K:a5=G# d, 1.ALd6+! B K:a5=RL# a,
1.ALf6+! C K:a5=LE# b.

Z-43-34: Rice cycles by opposite colours

in 4 phases with 3 variations.

R#1 3 solutions (24+6)

b) Ke5→g5
c) Ke5→d5
d) Ke5→f5 & LEf2↔RLf8
AL<alfil>d4, f4, g4
G<grashopper>c8, d8
CH<camelrider hopper>g1
LE<leo> f2, g2, h2
LI<lion>c1, g8, h8
RL<rook-lion>d1, e8, f8

Fa03. Karol Mlynka

After KM 539v Mat-64 12, 2002 (no. 4)

1...Kg5 a 2.Kh7 A Q:h6#,

1...Qd8 b 2.h:g7 B Kg5#;
1.h:g7! B ~ 2.Kh7 A Kg5#,
1...Kg5+ a 2.Bh7 C Q:h7#,
1...Kh6 c 2.Sg4+ D Kf7=S#,
1...g5 2.Bf7+ K:f7=B#.

Z-22-34 and change of function.

~ a b c
- - A B -
B! A C - D

R#2 (4+5)

Fa04. Karol Mlynka
G029 SuperProblem 09.12.2015
dedicated to Ján Golha

a) 1.G2d4! ~ 2.ALf3+ a K:a4=RL# A & 2.ALg3+ b K:a4=LI# B &

2.ALd3+ c K:a4=PA# C & 2.ALe3+ d K:a4=LE# D;
b) 1.G2c4! ~ 2.ALf3+ a K:a4=LI# B & 2.ALg3+ b K:a4=PA# C &
2.ALd3+ c K:a4=LE# D & 2.ALe3+ d K:a4=RL# A;
c) 1.G2b4! ~ 2.ALf3+ a K:a4=PA# C & 2.ALg3+ b K:a4=LE# D &
2.ALd3+ c K:a4=RL# A & 2.ALe3+ d K:a4=LI# B.
Z-34-44 = 3x4 Lačný theme.
Reflexmate with cyclic shift of 4 threat-mates in 3 phases.
All model mates on the same square.
Rex solus.
 Judge: Juraj Lôrinc

R#2 zeroposition (30+1)

a) Leb8↔Lic1, b) Kf4→e4, c) Kf4→d4
AL<alfil> d5, e5, f5, g5
LE<leo>b8, c8, g7, h7
LI<lion>b3, c1, g1, h1
PA<pao> a7, d7, e8, f7
RL<rook-lion> d1, e1, f1
Fa03 ~ a b c d
a) X! ~ A B C D
b) Y! ~ B C D A
c) Z! ~ C D A B

Fa05. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1...Kg2 a 2.rBWe3 A Kf3#,

1.Ra1? ~ 2.rBWe3+ A Ke1=R#, 1...Kh2!,
1.rBWd4? ~ 2.Rh6+ Kd1=R#,
1...Kg2 a 2.Ra2+ B Kd2=R#, 1...Kg1!,
1.rBWe3! A ~ 2.Ra1+ Ke1=R#,
1...Kh2 b 2.Ra2+ B Ke2=R#.

 Urania theme in a tanagra with changed and transferred

continuations and transferred defence.
 Active Royal Bishop-Sparrow.

R#2 NoCapture (3+2)

BW<bishop sparrow>g3
royal=BW<bishop sparrow>b1

Fa06. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.a5! ~ 2.ALe6+ a K:a5=RL# A

& 2.ALd6+ b K:a5=LE# B
& 2.ALf6+ c K:a5=LI# C;
1...Kf5 2.ALd6+ b K:a5=PA# D
& 2.ALf6+ c K:a5=RL# A
& 2.ALg6+ d K:a5=LI# C;
1...Kd5 2.ALe6+ a K:a5=LI# C
& 2.ALf6+ c K:a5=PA# D
& 2.ALg6+ d K:a5=LE# B.
 Separation Z-33-44 on the same square.

R#2 (23+4)
AL<alfil> d4, e4, f4, g4
LE<leo>g2, h2
LI<lion>b1, g8, h8
PA<pao> d2, f2
RL<rook-lion> e8, f8

a b c d
A B C -
- D A C
C - D B

Fa07. Karol Mlynka

2025 idee & form 10,2005
Dedicated to Reto Aschwanden

a) 1.h7! zz. Ka3 2.h8Q zz. Ka2 3.Qa1+ K:a1=Q [+bQd1]#,

2...Kb4 3.Qd4+ K:d4=Q [+bQd1]#,
1...Ka1 2.h8R zz. Ka2 3.Rh2+ K:h2=R [+bRa1]#.
b) 1.a7! zz. Kh3 2.a8Q zz. Kh2 3.Qa2+ K:a2=Q [+bQd1]#,
2...Kg4 3.Qf3+ K:f3=Q [+bQd1]#,
1...Kh1 2.a8R zz. Kh2 3.Ra2+ K:a2=R [+bRh1]#.

 “One man show“ with promotions by assymmetry.

 Circe Turncouts in Wenigsteiner.

R#3 CirceTurncoats (3+1)

b) mirror a1↔h1

Fa08. Karol Mlynka
790 Mat Plus autumn 2007

1...Kg1 a 2.Gg3+ X Kd4=G 3.Ge5 Gf6# C,

1.Gh5? ~ 2.f5 A ~ 3.RHh6 Kah7# B, 1...Kad4!,
1.f5! A zz. Kh2 2.g3+ Kh5=G 3.RHh6 Kah7# B,
2...Kf4=G 3.RHh6 Gf6# C,
1...Kg1 a 2.g4+ Y Kg1-b6=G3 3.RHc6 G3f6#.

 Change of continuations and pseudo-cycle of moves.

R#3* NoCapture (8+5)

RH<rook hopper>a6
NH<nightrider hopper>g8
G3<grasshopper-3>d2, g5

Fa09. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.g3? A Kg1! a 2.g4# B,

1.g4? B Kh2! b 2.Rg3# C,
(1.Re3? D Kh2! b 2.g3# A);
1.e3! zz. Kh2 b 2.g3+ A Kc2=G+ 3.Rd6! Ge2#,
1...Kg1 a 2.g4+ B Kb6=G3 3.Rc6 G3f6#.

Reflexmate specific Banny theme by No-Black-Capture.

Transformation of Black Pressburger King to G and G3.
White Royal Grasshopper-3.

R#3 NoBlackCapture (9+2)

NH<nightrider hopper>g8


Fb01. Karol Mlynka

Sapomat 2003/04

a) 1.Rg6! ~ 2.Rg1+ K:g1=R#,

b) 1.b1Q+ K:c6=Q 2.Qc1 Q:c1#.

 Colour changing Pressburger King is mating in both

stipulations as R or Q.

S#2 BlackSuperTransmutingKing(4+3)
c) change of colours = H#2

Fb02. Karol Mlynka

Sapomat 2003/04

a) 1.Bg2+ K:g2=B 2.S:f3 B:f3#,

1.Bb5 f4 2.Bc6+ K:c6=B#,
1.Bc4 f4 2.Bd5+ K:d5=B#,
1.Bd3 f4 2.Be4+ K:e4=B#.
b) 1.Se2! zz. F:e2 2.Bg2+ K:g2=B#;

 Echo.
 Colour changing Pressburger King.

H#2 WhiteSuperTransmutingKing (3+6)
b) change of colours = S#2

Fb03. Karol Mlynka
Sapomat 2003/04

a) 1.Bc1! zz. Ka1 2.Bb2+ K:b2=B#,

b) 1.Bd2 Ka1 2.Bc3+ K:c3=B#,
1.Be3 Ka1 2.Bd4+ K:d4=B#,
1.Bf4 Ka1 2.Be5+ K:e5=B#,
1.Bg5 Ka1 2.Bf6+ K:f6=B#.

 Colour changing Pressburger King.

 Echo.

S#2 BlackSuperTransmutingKing (6+1)

d) change of colours : H#2;

Fb04. Karol Mlynka

6970 Šachová skladba 4, 2004

a) 1.g8R? zz. G:b2!, 1.g8Q! zz.G:b2 2.Qg2+ K:g2=Q#,

b) 1.c1Q Ga2 2.Qc6+ K:c6=Q#,
c) 1.f8Q! zz. Gh7 2.Qf3+ K:f3=Q#.
3 promotions to Q.

 Self-help-reflex mate.
 Judge: Vlaicu Crişan

S#2 BlackSuperTransmutingKing (4+6)

b) change of colours = H#2
c) 180° = R#2

Part 3
Sections / Contents:

G = Other fairies & half fairies p. 184 - 239

Ga = Helpselfmates p. 184
Gb = Helpselfstalemates & Gba = Helpselfchecks p. 193 & p. 203
Gc = Helpreflex(stale)mates p. 206
Gd = Series-Helpmates p. 210
Ge = Other Series-Movers p. 230
Gf = Parry-Series-Movers p. 235
H = Anti-Pressburger King p. 240
Ha = Ultra-Pressburger King p. 242
Hb = Antitransmuted King p. 243
Hc = Transmuted King p. 243
Definitions p. 244
Fairy chess in pictures p. 248
Index of composers p. 249
Sources p. 250
Annexes p. 251

Ga HS# 18
Gb HS=/= = 19
Gba HS+ 5
Gc HR#/= 8
Gd ser-H#/=/+ 40
Ge o. ser-#/=/+ 10
Gf pser-#/=/+ 9
Ha UPK 1
Hb ATK 1
Hc TK 1
Total: (+6 versions) 460


Ga01. Karol Mlynka

105 Julia`s Fairies 20.08.2012

a) 1.c8=bS Kf3 2.d:e5 [+wPe2]+ K:e2=P [+bPe7]#;

b) 1.d:e5 [+wPe2] f1=wS 2.e:d3 [+wPd2]+ K:d3=P [+bPd7]#.

 Royal battery mates.

 Promotions to the opposite Knight.

 White starts and helps Black to reach a position where Black

must give mate on the last move.

HS#2 b) Pc7→a7 (4+6)

AntiAndernachChess &
ReversalEinsteinChess &

Ga02. Karol Mlynka

& Kalyan Seetharaman
856.1 Julia`s Fairies 15.07.2015

a) 1.b8=LR Qb5 2.LR:b5-b4+ K:b4-a4=LR#;

b) 1.e8=LR+ Qe7 2.LR:e7-e6+ K:e6-e7=LR#;
c) 1.g8=LR Qg5+ 2.LR:g5-g4+ K:g4-h4=LR#.

 3-fold promotion to Rook locust.

 Battery mates of Pressburger King.
 Tanagra.

HS#2 b) Pb7→e7 (2+3)

c) Pb7→g7
royal=LR<rook locust>g2

Ga03. Karol Mlynka
104 Julia`s Fairies 20.08.2012

a) 1... Kc4 2.rRNc6 Rc3 3.g8=RN+ K:g8=RN#;

b) 1... Ke4 2.rRNh4 Rc4 3.g8=BE+ Ke6=BE#.

 Battery creation.
 Fairy promotions.

 Black starts and helps White to reach a position where Black

must give mate on the last move.

HS#2,5 b) Ph6→d5 (3+3)

BE<bishop eagle>c1

Ga04. Karol Mlynka

Version of 104 Julia`s Fairies 20.08.2012

 VERSION of Ga03: HS#3

a) 1.rRNh3 Rc4 2.rRNd7 Ke4 3.g8=BE+ Ke6=BE#;

b) 1.rRNh5 Kc4 2.rRNc7 BEd3 3.g8=RN+ K:g8=RN#.

 Battery creation.
 Fairy promotions.

HS#3 b) rRNd7→d1 (2+4)

BE<bishop eagle>d5

Ga05. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1...Kb1 2.Kg3 Kc2 3.L:f3-g2+ K:g2-h2=L#;

b) 1...Kb2 2.Kg1 Kc3 3.L:b3-b2+ K:b2-a1=L#.
Capturing WL after transformation in mates.
Both Pressburger Kings.Wenigsteiner.

Version Ga05a. (2017): White Ke3 Lg2 - Black Pf3 Ka1, HS#2,5 2 sols
(2+2), L<locust>g2, Circe, WhiteSuperTransmutingKing &
1...f2 2.K:f2[+bPf7] Kb2 3.Kg3+ K:g2-h2=L[+wLg8]#,
1...f:g2[+wLg8] 2.Kf3 Kb1 3.L:g2-g1[+bPg7]+ K:g1-h1=L[+wLg8]#.

HS#2,5 b) Pf3→b3 (2+2)


Ga06. Karol Mlynka

6568 Phénix 11, 2012 (no. 222)

1.g8=ML Rc8 2.MLd2 Ke4 3.MLg8+ R:g8#,

1.f6 Ke4 2.rMLe7 Re2 3.g8=ML+ K:g8=ML#.

 2 promotions into Maorider-Lion.

 Battery creation.

„Promotions féeriques, coups matant sur la même case, solutions

cachées non triviales.“ (L. Riguet)

HS#3 2 solutions (3+2)

royal=ML<maorider lion>g6

Ga07. Karol Mlynka
1031 Sinfonie Scacchistiche 7-9,2015 (no. 3)

(Sinfonie Scacchistiche 50 JT C 31.12.2015)

1.h8=R a1=B 2.R:h2 Bb2 3.R:b2 rL:b2-a1#,

1.Ka7 h1=L 2.Ka8 a1=L 3.Kb8 L:h7-h8#.

 Promotions on R, B and L.
 Mated White Pressburger King.
 Miniature.

HS#3 royal=L<locust>f6 (2+4)


Ga08. Karol Mlynka

1263 Gaudium 31.10.2015 (no. 156)

a) 1.R:a3 Kh1 2.Ra2 Q:a2 3.B:g2+ K:g2=B#;

b) 1.R5a6 Kh8 2.R:g7 Qh7 3.Rg8+ K:g8=R#.
 Reciprocal change of function between wRa7 and wBc6.
 Pin mates by transformed Pressbuger King.

Compare: Karol Mlynka, original: White royal DUa8 Ra7 Bd5 Qa3 - Black
Ph7 Pe5 Re4 Bg2 Kh1; HS#2; b) bKh1→h8 (4+5); Royal=DU<dummy>a8,
a) 1.Qa4 R:a4 2.B:g2+ K:g2=B#;
b) 1.Rg7 Rb4 2.Rg8+ K:g8=R#.

HS#3 b) Kh2→h7 (4+7)


Ga09. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.L:g2-h1 Sf1 2.Kg2 Kb1 3.L:f1-e1+ K:e1-f1=L#;

b) 1.Kh2 Sf5 2.L:f5-g4 Kb1 3.L:g2-g1+ K:g1-h1=L#;
c) 1.Kg4 Se4 2.L:e4-f3 Ka2 3.L:b3-a3+ K:a3-a4=L#;
d) 1.Kg2 Kb2 2.Kf1 Kc3 3.L:b3-b2+ K:b2-a1=L#.

 4-fold transformation of Pressburger King into Locust.

 Both Pressburger Kings.
 Tanagra.

HS#3 b) Lb7→c8 (2+3)

c) Pg2→b3
+d) Sg3→g7

Ga10. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.g8=SI SIg3 2.SIg4 Kf2 3.DOh4+ K:h4=DO#;

b) 1.DOg1 SIb6 2.DOa7 SIg6 3.DOh7+ K:h7=DO#.

 Black Pressburger King transformed into Dolphin.

 Miniature.

HS#3 b) Ke1→f5 (3+4)


GaII-1. Karol Mlynka
Comm. Petkov-75 JT B 2016/2017

PAP75JT C 1/12/2016 – award StrateGems 4, 2017 (Judge P. A. Petkov)

1...Kb2 a 2.Kd1+ K:g2-h2=L b 3.Ke1 f2 c#,

1.Ke3 f2 c 2.K:f2 Kb2 a 3.Kg3+ K:g2-h2=L b#.

 Cyclic change of Black moves in a Wenigsteiner.

 Using both Pressburger Kings.

Section B: Help-selfmate problems of any kind (hs#, hs+, hs==, hs+ etc.)
and any number of moves. The theme: set-play + solution. All fairy
pieces and conditions were allowed.

HS#3* L<locust>g2 (2+2)


Ga11. Karol Mlynka

670 Julia´s Fairies 20.12.2014

a) 1.e8B[Ib8] Rh7[Id8] 2.Bd7[Ic7] K:g4[Ib7] 3.Bc8[Ia8] Kh3[Ib7]

4.K:h2[Ib8]+ Kg2=B[Ia7]#;
b) 1.e8R[Ib8] Rg7[Ic8] 2.Re7[Ic7] Kf2[Ic8] 3.Re6[Ic7] Kg1[Id6]
4.Re5[Id5] Rg8[Id6]#;
c) 1.e8S[Ib8] Rg7[Ic8] 2.S:g7[Ie7] Kf4[Ie8] 3.Se6[Ic7]+ Ke2=S
[Ib5] 4.Sd8[Ia7] Sg3[Ic8]#;
d) 1.K:h2[Ib8] Kf2[Ic7] 2.e8Q[Ic8] Kg1[Id7] 3.Qe2[Id1] Kh1[Ie1]
4.Qa6[Ia5]+ Rf3[Ia1]#.
 35 responses.

hs#4 Imitator b7 (5+4+1i)

b) Kh4→f1
c) Kh4→f3
d) Kh4↔Pe3

“670 (Mlynka) The rules of Pressburg (Supertransmuting) kings have long been imprecise, but this year’s
discussions have led to the conclusion that a check on a Pressburg king must always be parried by the king
himself (who then loses his royal status). This implies that part a) of this problem is OK (Black cannot play
4…Rg7), but part d) has no solution (Black cannot play 4…Rf3). Otherwise, the problem is quite interesting: it is
normally impossible to mate a Pressburg king or to force him to make a particular move, as it doesn’t help to
guard his flight squares, but imitators can limit his move possibilities so that no move or just a single move is
legal. Perhaps it would be worth it to keep parts a)-c) as a sound 3/4 AUW?“: Judge: Kjell Widlert

Ga12. Karol Mlynka
13383 Springaren 6, 2015 (no. 136)

a) 1.e8S[Ib8] Kf2[Ic8] 2.Sf6[Id6] Ke3[Ic7]

3.Sd5[Ia6]+ Kf1=S[Ib4] 4.Sc7[Ia6] Sg3[Ib8]#;
b) 1.e8B[Ib8] Kh3[Ic8] 2.Bc6[Ia6] Kh4[Ia7]
3.b7[Ia8] Kh3[Ia7] 4.Bd7[Ib8]+ Kg2=B[Ia7]#.

Minor promotions. Both Pressburger Kings.Tanagra.

„Ett problem som nog är nästan omöjligt för en mänsklig
lösare. Normalt är det inte möjligt att sätta en Pressburger-K
matt, eftersom den om inte annat alltid kann slå den
schackande pjäsen, oavsett eventuella garderingra (eftersom
den förlorar sin kungelinghet)...“ (K. Widlert)

hs#4 b) Ke2→g3 (3+1+1i)

Imitator b7

Seetharaman December 20, 2014 at 15:07

Very ingenious and complicated solutions! I just cant imagine how the composer conceived such an idea. Just great!
> 35 Responses to Karol Mlynka, 670 Julia´s Fairies 20.12.2014:

Ga13. Karol Mlynka

12852 Šachová skladba 7, 2015 (no. 128)

a) 1.Kg2[Ia8] Kg4[Ia7] 2.Kg1[Ia6] Rf8[Ia7] 3.e:f8[Ib8]=S K:h3[Ic7]

4.Sg6[Id5] Kg2[Ic4]#;
b) 1.e8[Ib8]=Q Kh5[Ic7] 2.Qf8[Id7] Rf3[Id3] 3.Qh6[If1] Ra3[Ia1]
4.Kh2[Ia2]+ Ra2[Ia1]#;
c) 1.e8[Ib8]=R Re7[Ia8] 2.R:e7[Ia7] Ke1[Ib6] 3.Re4[Ib3] Kf1[Ic3]
4.Kh2[Ic4] Kg2[Id5]#;
d) 1.c7[Ib8] Kf4[Ia7] 2.c8[Ia8]=B Kg3[Ib7] 3.Bg4[If3] Rd8[Ib3]
4.e:d8[Ia4]=I Kg2[Ia3,d7]#;
e) 1.Kg2[Ia8] Kd3[Ia7] 2.e8[Ia8]=I Rf2[Ia3,e3]+ 3.Kg1[Ia2,e2]
Ke2[Ib1,f1] 4.Kf1[Ia1,e1] Ke3[Ia2,e2] #;
f) 1.c7[Ib8] Kd4-d3[Ib7] 2.c8[Ib8]=S Ke2[Ic7] 3.e:d8[Ib8]=I
Ke1[Ib7,d7] 4.Kg1[Ia7,c7] Kf2[Ib8,d8]#.
 Super-AUW.

hs#4 Imitator b7 (5+3+1i)

b) Kg5→g6
c) Kg5→d2
d) Rf7→h8
e) Kg5→d4
+f) Rf7→d8

Ga14. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Ka4 c5 2.Ka3 c4 3.Ka2 c3 4.Kb1 c2#;

b) 1.Kb4 f5 2.Kc3 f4 3.Kd2 f3 4.Ke1 f2#.

 Chameleon echo model mates.

 Two-men-problem.
 Rex solus as "One man show".

HS#4 b) Pc7→f7 (1+1)


Ga15. Ladislav Packa

2nd HM Marianka Cup 2014

(C 29.8.2014 – A 30.8.2014)

1...K:d1 2.Kc5 K:c2 3.Sb4+ Ka1=S 4.B:e3 c2 5.Bc1 Sb3#,

1...Kf1 2.S:e3+ K:g3=S 3.Bf3 Sh1 4.Ke4 g3 5.Sd4 Sf2#.

 Two analogous solutions in a helpselfmate with

chameleon echo from two corners.

HS#4,5 2 solutions (11+6)



6th International Chess Composition Festival Marianka 2014
A. 30-day tourney Marianka Festival Cup 2014
Theme: Compositions with any stipulation with Supertransmuting King. Any other fairy elements (conditions,
pieces) are allowed.
The tourney is announced on the ocassion of the 70th birthday of Karol Mlynka (* 11.8.1944), the inventor of
Supertransmuting king.
Anybody can take part in the tourney, including composers not present in Marianka. The results will be
announced at the end of the festival, the winner will get the Marianka 2014 Festival Cup. The closing date is the
August 29th, 2014, entries to the director and judge Juraj Brabec (only by e-mail).
Supertransmuting king: a king that after being checked by a unit X immediately moves as unit X and loses its
royal attribute.

Ga16. Ladislav Packa
G43 Shakhmatnaya kompozitsiya 12, 2014

(Шахматная композиция, № 120)

a) 1.Bb2+ K:e7=B 2.Bf6 B:f8 3.Kd4 Bg7 4.Ke5 Bh8 5.Bg7 B:g7#;
b) 1.Ra8+ Kg3=R 2.Rf8 R:g7 3.Ke8 Rg8 4.Qd7 Rh8 5.Rg8 R:g8#.
 A long play of transformed Pressburger King with line-

HS#5 b) Kd3→d7 (12+4)


Georgy Evseev - December 21, 2014 at 12:58

As far as I know Super-Transmuting King has to respond to check by moving. It is not allowed to ignore the
check (even if it loses royal status) or defend it by moving any other piece. This is one of the reasons I do not
like this fairy element.
> 35 Responses to Karol Mlynka, 670 Julia´s Fairies 20.12.2014:

GaII-2. Karol Mlynka


Original for Pressburger King - edition 2 – June 2017

= C+ by Popeye WINDOWS-32Bit-Version 4.01

a) 1.f8=bB B:h6 2.e8=bS Bg7=wB 3.d:e8=B+ K:g7=B#;

b) 1...f8=bR 2.Rf7=wR Rg7=bR 3.b2=wP h:g7#.

 Changed underpromotions in an opposite colour.

 Combined conditions: Anti-Andernach chess & Eiffel
 Combined stipulations: Helpselfmate versus Helpmate.

hs#3 b) H#2,5 (5+3)

AntiAndernachChess & EiffelChess


Gb01. Karol Mlynka

6830v Phénix 12, 2013

 Original position 6380 Phénix 12, 2013:

White Kb3; Black royal LBh4 LBf4 Pb2 Pd2; (1+4); (Tanagra); HS=2;
AntiCirce Cheylan WhiteSuperTransmutingKing.
 New version published in Pressburger King 1.8.2016; Gb01a.
a) 1.Kc2 d1Q+ 2.Kf2=Q rLB:f2-e1[rLBe1→f1]=;
b) 1.Kc3 e1B+ 2.Kf6=B+ rLB:f6-e7[rLBe7→f1]=;
c) 1.Kc3 b1S+ 2.K:b1=S[Sb1→b1] b4=;
d) 1.K:b2[Kb2→e1] a1R+ 2.Kh1=R:h1[Rh1→a8]=.
 AUW.
 Wenigsteiner

HS=2 AntiCirce Cheylan (1+3)

royal=LB<bishop locust>h3
LB<bishop locust>f4
b) Pd2→e2, c) Pd2→b5, d) Pd2→a2

Gb02. Karol Mlynka

6473 Phénix 4, 2012 (no. 216)

a) 1.Ka4 a1=LR+ 2.K:d4-e4=LR[wLRe4→d8] c2=,

b) 1.Kb2 a1=LB+ 2.K:d4-e5=LB[wLBe5→d8] d2=,
c) 1.K:c3[wKc3→e1] a1R+ 2.Ke2=R LRe3:e2-e1 [bLRe1→e1]=,
d) 1.Kc3 a1B+ 2.Kb2=B B:b2[bBb2→f8]=,
e) 1.Kc2 a1S+ 2.Kb4=S+ LR:b4-a4[bLRa4→b1]=,
f) 1.Ka4 a1Q+ 2.K:d1=Q[wQd1→d1]+ Q:d1 [bQd1→d8]=.
“Super-Allumwandlung avec le Roi blanc qui joue sur cinq cases
différentes, mais ce contenu attrayant est altéré par le jeu
pauvre et mécanique. Les discriminants ne sont pas trop ex-
cessifs.” (L. Riguet).
 Anticirce with royal Bishop-Locust.
 Helpselfstalemate. Tanagra. Rex solus.

HS=2 AntiCirce (1+4)

royal=LB<bishop locust>a8
LR<rook locust>d4
b) Pc3→d3, c) LRd4→e3,
d) -Pc3, e) rLBa8→d5,
+f) LRd4→d1

Gb03. Karol Mlynka
4th HM Pat a mat 2012

(1042 Pat a mat 6, 2012)

1...a1Q+ 2.K:f4=Q [+wLNf1]+ LR:f4-g4 [+bQd1]=,
1.Kd1 a1LR+ 2.K:d4-d5=LR [+wLRd1] LR:d1-e1 [+bLRd8]=,
1.Kc2 a1LN+ 2.K:d4-e6=LN [+wLRd1] LN:e6-d8 [+bLNe8]=,
1.Kb2 a1LB+ 2.K:d4-e5=LB [+wLRd1] LB:e5-f6 [+bLBe8]=.

Pressburger King as Rex solus is captured after transformation.

Fairy promotions into different Locusts but in set to Queen.

HS=2 + (1+6)

royal=LB<bishop locust>h6
LR<rook locust>d4
LB<bishop locust>b6, h4
LN<nightrider locust>f4

Gb04. Karol Mlynka

G163 Problemist of Ukraine 6-7, 2012

G163. Проблеміст України 6-7, 2012; № 3 (33)

a) 1.Kb2+ c1B+ 2.Ka3=R+ B:a3=R;

b) 1.Ka2 c1S+ 2.Kc3=B+ rLB:c3-b2=;
c) 1.Kg1 c1Q+ 2.Kc5=S+ Q:c5=S=;
d) 1.Kh1 c1R+ 2.Kg1=Q+ R:g1=Q=.

 Three men problem

HS=2 ChameleonChess (1+2)

royal=LB<bishop locust>b3
b) rLBb3→d4
c) Ka1→h2
+d) rLBb3→g7

Gb04a. Karol Mlynka
Version of Gb04.

a) 1.Ka1 a d1R+ A 2.Kc1=Q+ R:c1=Q=,

1.Kc2+ b d1B+ B 2.Kb3=R+ B:b3=R=;
b) 1.Ke2 c d1B+ B 2.Kf3=R+ B:f3=R=,
1.Kf1 d d1Q+ C 2.Ke2=S+ Q:e2=S=;
c) 1.Ka1 a d1Q+ C 2.Kd4=S+ Q:d4=S=,
1.Kb2 e d1S+ D 2.Kd3=B+ rLB:d3-c2=.

 Combined AUW on d1 (R,B/B,Q/Q,S)

 Three men problem.

HS=2 (1+2)

royal=LB<bishop locust>c3
b) Kb1→f2
c) rLBc3→f5

Gb04a a b c d e
a) A B - - -
b) - - B C -
c) C - - - D

Gb05. Karol Mlynka

375 04, 2014

a) 1.b8L e1B+ 2.Kf6=R+ rL:f6-f7=;

b) 1.e8L e1L+ 2.K:e3-f3=L+ rL:f3-f4=;
c) 1.b8L e1Q+ 2.Kd1=S+ Q:d1=S=;
d) 1.Kc1 e1R+ 2.Kc8=Q+ rL:c8-b8=.
 Four different promotions in a Tanagra.
Roi transmuté : Roi qui, lorsqu'il est menacé, ne se déplace que comme la ou les pièces qui
la menacent. Roi super-transmuté (= SuperTransmutingKing) : Roi transmuté qui conserve
indéfiniment les pouvoirs obtenus lorsqu'il a été mis en échec et perd son caractère royal.
Locuste : Elle se déplace comme une Sauterelle, mais par-dessus une pièce adverse qui est
alors capturée, et ceci à condition que la case d’arrivée soit vide. Une Locuste ne peut donc
jouer qu’en prenant. Royale (Pièce -) : Elle provient du transfert du rôle du Roi à une pièce
quelconque, qui garde ses facultés propres de déplacement et de prise. Une pièce royale
doit donc parer tout «échec», c’est-à-dire se soustraire au contrôle d’une pièce ennemie
(dans l’impossibilité de le faire, cette pièce est «mat»). Un Pion royal promotionne en pièce
royale. (; Alain Biénabe)

HS=2 ChameleonChess (2+3)

b) Pb7→e7
c) PKc3→b1
+d) brLf2-->d8

Gb06. Karol Mlynka
995 Julia`s Fairies 30.01.2016

1.K:a2[+wPa7][Ka2→e1] rL:a7-a6[+bPa2][brLa6→a1]+
2.K:e5-e6=L [+wLRe1][wLe6→e8] rL:e1-f1[brLf1→e1]=,
1.Kb2 a1L+ 2.K:e5-f6=L [+wLRe1][wLf6→e8] L:e1-f1

 Wenigsteiner with a “long“ play

 Help-stalemate twomover
 Judge: P. A. Petkov

HS=2 (1+3)

AntiCirce Calvet & CirceTurncoats
LR<rook locust>e5

Kjell Widlert December 21, 2014 at 22:43

So with this addition to the rules, the problem must be sound. But like Georgy, I don’t very much like such “illogical” rules: it
should be legal to parry a check by any possible move that stops the capture of the king. (Another strange consequence of the
supertransmuting rules is that there can be at most one check (from each side) in each line, including the mate; for after that,
there are no more kings on the board. Unless you start with several kings on the board, that is.)
> 35 Responses to Karol Mlynka, 670 Julia´s Fairies 20.12.2014:

Gb07. Karol Mlynka

1044 Julia´s Fairies 8.4.2016

a) 1.ncPd8=ncS Ka8 2.ncSb7=ncB+ K:b7=B=;

b) 1.ncPd8=ncQ nQh4=ncS 2.ncSg2=ncB+ K:g2=B=.

 Promotions of neutral chameleon Pawn

 Echo stalemates in two corners
 "One man show"
 Two-men-problem.
 Judge: P. A. Petkov

HS=2 b) Ka7→h1 (0+1+1)

neutral chameleon P<pawn>d7

Gb08. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Ke2 g1S+ 2.Kf4=B+ rLB:f4-e3=,

b) 1.Kc1 g1R+ 2.Ke1=Q+ R:e1=Q=,
c) 1.Kd1 g1Q+ 2.Kg4=S+ Q:g4=S=,
d) 1.Kf2 g1B+ 2.Kb6=R+ B:b6=R=.

 Tanagra

HS=2 ChameleonChess (2+3)

royal=LB<bishop locust>e8
b) rLBh6→e8
c) Kd1→c1
d) Kd1→g1

Gb09. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Kb3 a1S+ 2.Kc5=S+ rLN:c5-d3[brLNd3→c1]=;

b) 1.Kc3 a1B+ 2.Kb2=B B:b2[bBb2→f8]=;
c) 1.Kd1 a1R+ 2.Kb1=R+ R:b1[bRb1→a8]=;
d) 1.Kb2 a1Q+ 2.Kb1=Q+ Q:b1[bQb1→d8]=.

 Three men problem
 Anticirce Calvet

HS=2 AntiCirce Calvet (1+2)

royal=LN <nightrider locust>b7
b) PKa4→b3
c) PKa4→c1
+d) rLNb7→d3

Gb10. Karol Mlynka
6642 Phénix 4, 2013

a) 1...c1Q+ 2.Kc2=S Q:b2=S 3.Sa1=B rG:a1=,

b) 1...c1B+ 2.Kc3=R rG:b2 3.Rc2=Q+ G:c2=,
c) 1...c1R 2.Kd3 Rd1=Q+ 3.Kf3=S+ Q:f3=S=,
d) 1...c1S 2.b4 Sd3=B+ 3.Kb5=R+ B:b5=R=.

 AUW in a Wenigsteiner.

HS=2,5 ChameleonChess (2+2)

b) +bGa2
c) Pb2→f2
d) Kd2→a6

Gb11. Karol Mlynka

801 Gaudium 31.10.2012

1.Kc3 b1Q 2.Rb2 Q:b2+ 3.Kg7=Q+ Q:g7=,

1.Rh6 rS:h6 2.Kc2 b1Q+ 3.Kg6=Q+ Q:g6=.

 Captured transmuted Pressburger King.

 Wenigsteiner.

HS=3 2 solutions (2+2)


Gb12. Karol Mlynka
10590 feenschach 9-10, 2012 (H. 195)

a) 1.Rb1=Q 0-0-0=Q+ 2.Kd7=Q+ Q:d7=R 3.Qb8+ K:b8=;

b) 1.0-0-0=Q Ra6=Q 2.Qd6 Qd3 3.Qe7+ K:e7=.
„Bei Popeye laufen die Pressburger Könige unter Märchenbedingungen.“ HG
Version: White Ra1 Ke1 - Black Ra8 Ke8 Pa2; HS=3 (2+3)
ReversalEinsteinChess & SymmetryAntiCirce
b) bRa8→h8
a) 1.0-0-0=Q Rc8=Q+ 2.Kc2=Q Q:c2=R[bRc2→f7] 3.Qd8+
b) 1.Kf1 Rh1=Q+ 2.Kf6=Q Q:a1=R[bRa1→h8] 3.Qe7+
c) h#2 1.Ra7=Q Rd1=Q 2.Qf7 Qd8#,
1.Kd7 Rc1=Q 2.Ra5=Q+ Ke7=Q#.

HS=3 b) Kd1→e1 (3+3)


Seetharaman December 22, 2014 at 20:37

Thanks all for explaining clearly the rules of Supertransmuting King. Karol Mlynka’s problem is so good, it makes
one excuse the illogicality of the Fairy condition. Congrats again!
> 35 Responses to Karol Mlynka, 670 Julia´s Fairies 20.12.2014:

Gb13. Karol Mlynka

6738 Phénix 9, 2013

a) 1.e8R Kg7 2.Re6=Q Kh8 3.Qf7=S+ K:f7=B=,

b) 1.e8Q g5 2.Qd8=S Ka8 3.Sb7=B+ K:b7=R=,
c) 1.e8S Kg6 2.Sf6=B Kh6 3.Bg5=R K:g5=,
d) 1.e8Q+ Kg6=S 2.Q:e6=S Sh8=B 3.Sg7=B B:g7=R=.

 Lonely wP (without wK).

 Three men problem.
 Different promotions.

HS=3 ChameleonChess (1+2)

b) Kf7→a7
c) Pg6→h7
d) Pg6→e6

Gb14. Karol Mlynka
381 Julia´s Fairies 28.09.2013

a) 1...h1R 2.K:d6 Rd1=Q+ 3.K:d1=S a1B 4.Sb2=B B:b2=R=,

b) 1...a1R 2.K:e5 Re1=Q+ 3.K:e1=S h1B 4.Sg2=B B:g2=R=.
 Chameleon echo model stalemates.
 Reciprocal changed promotions (B-R/R-B) on a1, h1.
 Wenigsteiner.
 Rex solus.
 KIndergarten problem.
 Without Black king.
 “А four-men with surprising stalemates!“ (JV)

HS=3,5 b) Pd6→e5 (1+3)


dupont December 23, 2014 at 22:00

I’m not confused at all, as I just want to understand which rules Popeye is using (if some), and not to claim that
those rules are the true ones which define ST Kings! And my above suggestion (priority to a move by the
checked ST King) seems to fully explain each examples – Karol’s problem, my 2 schemes and yours.
> 35 Responses to Karol Mlynka, 670 Julia´s Fairies 20.12.2014:

Gb15. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.Kg8 0-0-0=Q+ 2.Kb3=Q Qh8 3.Qb8+ K:b8=,

1.Kg7 Ra1=Q+ 2.K:d7=Q=R Qh8 3.Re7=Q+ K:e7=.

 Royal stalemates.
 Checking castling in Reversal Einstein chess.
 Miniature.

HS=3 (2+4)


Gb16. Karol Mlynka
Comm. 2nd WCC C 1.5.2011

Award 2011 (791 Pat a mat 12, 2011); Judge: Krasimir Gandev;
2nd FIDE World Cup in Composing 2011

a) 1.Kd3 g1Q 2.K:c2 Qg6=S 3.K:c3 Sh8=B+ 4.Kg7=R B:g7=R=;

b) 1.Ke3 c1B+ 2.K:c1=R c2 3.R:c2=Q h1B 4.Qg2=S B:g2=R=;
c) 1.Kf1 c1Q+ 2.K:b5=S Qc2=S 3.S:c3=B Sa1=B 4.Bb2=R
d) 1.Kd2 c1Q+ 2.K:f4=S Qc7=S 3.S:g2=B Sa8=B 4.Bb7=R
 Stalemates in all 4 directions.
 Wenigsteiner without WK.

HS=4 ChameleonChess (1+3)

b) Pg2→h2, c) Pg2→b5, d) Pc3→f4

peter harris December 24, 2014 at 02:08

Unlike you I am confused. You simply do not know what is going on and are trying to figure it all out.
If I was an Editor I would say to an Author: Dear Author, I cannot publish your problem giving solutions that do
not follow the Definition I use. It is ridiculous to do so. So please let me have your Definition or the Definition
your program uses. I will then publish your problem. [I am not forcing you to use my Definition]. Thank you.
[Whether major magazines would agree to alter a generally accepted Definition to that used by Popeye is
another matter. They may ask Popeye to rewrite its program].
> 35 Responses to Karol Mlynka, 670 Julia´s Fairies 20.12.2014:

Gb17. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.b8=Q+ K:b8=Q+ 2.Kd5=Q L:c5-d4 a 3.c7 A L:d5-d6 4.c:b8=L

1.c7 A K:b7 2.Kd7 L:c5-d4+ a 3.K:d4-d3=L Kc6 4.c8=L+

Helpdoublestalemate with promotions into Locust.

Both Pressburger Kings.

HS==4 2 solutions (7+4)

WhiteSuperTransmutingKing &

Gb18. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Kf5 L:d7-d8 2.Kf4 h:g6 3.Ke4 L:g5-h4+

4.K:g6-h7=L K:e5-f4=L==;
b) 1.d8=Q+ K:d8=Q+ 2.Kf5=Q L:e5-f4 3.e7 L:f5-f6
4.e:d8=L L:g5-h4==;
c) 1.g7 L:e5-f4+ 2.K:f4-g4=L Kd8 3.g8=L+ K:g5-h4=L
4.d8=L L:g4-f4==.

Promotions in a Helpdoublestalemate with a Locust

and both Pressburger Kings.

HS==4 b) Pg6→e6 (7+4)

c) Kf6→c4
WhiteSuperTransmutingKing &

Chess festival in Marianka (Slovakia) 2016. Photo: Ivan Jarolín


Gba01. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.Kb2 BPe3 a 2.e8=S+ A K:e8=S+,

1.e8=Q BPe3 a 2.Qe5+! B K:e5=Q+,
1.e8=R BPe3 a 2.Rg8+ C K:g8=R+,
1.e8=B BPe3 a 2.B:f7 D K:f7+,
1.e8=L BPe3 a 2.L:f7-g6+ E K:g6-g5=L+.

Battery checks with transformed Pressburger King.
Change of continuation in five phases of a miniature.

HS+2 5 solutions (3+4)

BP<berolina pawn>d4

Gba02. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Kb8 jKb6 2.d8B+ jKc7=B+;

b) 1.Kb7 a6 2.d8Q+ jKe7=Q+;
c) 1.c8R+ jKa6=R 2.Kb8 jRb6+;
d) 1.Ka7 jKd6 2.c8S+ jK:c8=S+.

 Jigger Presburger King in a Kindergarten Wenigsteiner.

 Mix-AUW in Helpselfcheck-Twomover.

HS+2 b) jKc6→h4 (2+2)

c) Pd7→c7
+d) Pa7→b7
Jigger=K<king>c6 =

Gba03. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.c8Q nPPa4 2.Qb7+ Ka5=Q 3.Qb6 Q:b6+,

1.c8B nPPa3 2.B:a6+ Ka4=B 3.Kc7 Ba5+.

Promotions and transformations in a miniature with neutral

reverse Pawn by Face to face.

HS+3 2 solutions (3+2+1)

Neutral PP<reverse pawn>a2

Gba04. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.h8=S=b Sf7=w 2.Sd6=b Sb5=w 3.S:c3+ jK:c3=S+,

1.Ka2 b1=R=w 2.Rb3=b c2=w 3.c:b3+ jK:b3=P+.

 Kindergarten problem by White Minimal.

 Different minor promotions to opposite colours.
 Jigger PK-transformed "royal" checks.
 Helpselfcheck-Threemover with Anti-Andernach Chess.

HS+3 2 solutions (2+6)

Jigger=K<king>a4 =

Gba05. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.PPa1=S PPb3 2.S:b3 jKa4 3.Sc5+ jKb6=S+,

1.PPa1=B a6 2.jKa7 Bd6 3.B:b2+ jKc5=B+.

 Helpselfcheck-Threemover miniature.
 Minor promotions with jigger Kings and reverse Pawns.
 Black jigger Pressburger King.

HS+3 2 solutions (2+4)

PP<reverse pawn>a2, b2
Jigger=K<king>a8, b4

Juraj Lörinc - February 1, 2015 at 22:35

For me is supertransmuting king elusive as well – and I do live in Bratislava. However, the Marianka Cup 2014 was
dedicated to supertransmuting king and there was a considerable effort by inventor Karol Mlynka and judge Juraj
Brabec to clarify any confusion. The English translation of the award is available in the Marianka bulletin starting from
page 91. It includes some theoretical discussion of supertransmuting king properties as well. (With enough time, see
also the rest of the bulletin, there is a lot of interesting material there.)
> 35 Responses to Karol Mlynka, 670 Julia´s Fairies 20.12.2014:


Gc01. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Be4=R+ K:e4=R=rQ 2.nPa8=nS Qh4=S=,

1.nPa8=nS Kg3 2.h4+ K:g2-g1=L=.
b) 1.nPa8=nB nBb7 2.B:c6 nB:c6=,
c) 1.B:c6 nPc1=nQ 2.nQh1 nQ:c6=,
1.Bf3 nPc1=nL 2.Bd1 nL:d1-e1=.

 Super-AUW.

HR#2 (5+3+1)

b) AnnanChess (1 solution)
+c) nPa7→c2

Gc02. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.Kb3 nPh2 2.Kc4 nPh1=nB 3.nBa8=nR+ K:g4=R=rQ[c4=rBU]#,

1.BUb4 e2 2.BUf1 e:f1=R[a2=rBU] 3.rBUe5 Ra1=Q#.

 Five-leaper (BU) as Kobul King

 Underpromotions
 Both Pressburger Kings
 Circe Parrain & Chameleon chess

HR#3 (2+2+1)

ParrainCirce &
ChameleonChess &
WhiteSuperTransmutingKing &

Gc03. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.h8Q Kf5 2.Qg7=S+ K:g7=S=rB=;

b) 1.g8R Ke5 2.Rh8=Q+ K:h8=Q=rS=;
c) 1.b8B+ K:b8=B=rR 2.g7 Rg8=Q=.

 Three different promotions

 Three-men-problem without wK
 Helpreflex-stalemate
 Chameleon chess

HR=2 b) Pg6→g7 (2+1)

c) Ph7→b7

Gc04. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.e8R+ K:e8=R=rQ[bQe8→e5] 2.nP:g6[nPg6→h5]

1.e8B nP:h5[nPh5→g6] 2.B:g6=R[wRg6→e7]+
 Promotions
 Diagram Anticirce and Chameleon Chess
 "One man show" without wK
 Wenigsteiner

HR=2 (1+1+2)

Neutral Pawns
AntiCirce Diagram &

Gc05. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.nPPf1=nB nBc4 2.rPPh5 nB:f7-f6=;

b) 1.nPPf1=nQ+ K:h2-h1=Q! 2.nPPf6 Q:f1-f4=;
(switchback after capture of rP!)
c) 1.nPPf4 nPPf8=nS+ 2.nSg6 nS:f4-f3=;
d) 1.nPPf1=nR nPPf8=nR 2.nRf6 K:f1-f4=;
e) 1.rPPh6 nPPf6 2.nPPf1=nQ+ K:f1-f5=Q=.

AUW in a Tanagra with neutral reverse Pawns.
Combined conditions Annan Chess and Take&Make Chess.
White Royal Reverse Pawn.

HR=2 b) rPPh7→h2 (1+1+3)

c) Kf4→g5
d) Kf4→g2
+e) - AnnanChess
PP<reverse pawn>f2, f5, f7
royal=PP<reverse pawn>h7
AnnanChess &

Gc06. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1...b:c2=S a 2.Kd1[+wPc1]+ Kc3 3.e:d3=S A K:d3[+bPe3]=,

1...Ka3 2.Kc3 d:e2=S+ b 3.Ka2=S=P[+wPc1] b:c2=S= a;
b) 1...e:d3=S+ A 2.Ka2[+bPc3]+ K:c3=P=S+ 3.Ka1 c:b3=S# B,
1.Ka2 c:b3=S B 2.d:e2=S[+bPc2] b K:c2[+wPd2] 3.Sc3=P[+bPa3]

 Change of function
 Combined stipulations and conditions
 Circe Parrain and Einstein chess
 Kindergarten miniature

HR=2,5 2 solutions (3+3)

b) H#3*
ParrainCirce & EinsteinChess

Gc07. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.K:d3 A Ka3[+bPc4]+ a 2.K:c4=P=S+ B K:c2=S=B[+bPe3] 3.Sb2=P

1.e3 b:c2=S 2.K:d3[+wPc3] A Ka3[+bPc4]+ a 3.K:c4=P=S+ B

 Change of moves in Helpreflexstalemate.

 Kindergarten miniature with both Pressburger Kings.
 Combined conditions Circe Parrain and Einstein chess.

HR=3 2 solutions (4+3)

ParrainCirce & EinsteinChess
WhiteSuperTransmutingKing &

Gc08. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.Rh5 d:c4 2.Rc5+ Kd6=R 3.Rd5 g5=,

1.Rh7 g5 2.R:c7+ K:c4=R 3.Rc6 R:c6=.

 Helpreflexstalemate Threemover.
 White Royal Edgehog.
 Annan Chess.
 Meredith.

HR=3 (5+7)

PP<reverse pawn>c4


Gd01. Karol Mlynka

7110 Phénix 12, 2014 (no. 245)

1.f1Q 2.Qc4=S+ Kd5=B#,

1.f1R 2.Rg1=Q+ K:f6=S#,
1.f1B 2.Ba6=R+ Kb8=Q#,
1.f1S 2.Se3=B+ Kd8=R#.

 AUW in the shortest serie.

 Tanagra.
 Chameleon chess
 Royal Bishop-Locust

ser-H#2 ChameleonChess (1+4)

royal=LB<bishop locust>g8

Gd02. Karol Mlynka


a) 1.a1R 2.Rh8-h3+ g:h3-h8=Q#;

b) 1.a1Q 2.Qd8-d3+ e:d3-d8=Q#;
c) 1.b1B 2.Bc8-h3 g:h3-c8=Q#;
d) 1.g1B 2.Bf8-a3 b:a3-f8=Q#.

 Four promotions.
 Phantom Chess & Take&Make Chess.
 Wenigsteiner.

ser-H#2 b) Pa2→b2 (2+2)

c) Pg2→e2
+d) Pb2↔Pg2
PhantomChess & Take&MakeChess

Gd03. Karol Mlynka
G039 SuperProblem 27.01.2016

a) 1.nPb1=nS 2.nSd2+ K:d2=S#;

b) 1.nPa1=nQ 2.nQc3+ K:c3=Q#;
c) 1.nPd1=nR 2.nRd3+ K:d3=R#;
d) 1.nPb1=nB 2.nBe4+ K:e4=B#.

 AUW.
 Three men problem
 Disparate
 Judge: Dmitri Turevski

ser-H#2 Disparate (1+1+1)

b) nPb2→a2
c) nPb2→d2
d) wKb3→b7

Gd04. Karol Mlynka

G053 SuperProblem 14.06.2016

1.PPe8=Q 2.Qg6+ K:c3=Q#,

1.PPe8=R 2.Re6+ K:c3=R#,
1.PPe8=B 2.Bg6+ Kb6=B#,
1.PPe8=S 2.Sf6+ Kc4=S#.

 AUW in Annan Chess with reverse Pawn and

transformation of Pressburger King.
 Judge: Dmitri Turevski

ser-H#2 4 solutions (2+8)

PP<reverse pawn>e7

Gd05. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.g1Q 2.Qf2+ K:f2=Q#,

1.g1R 2.Rh1+ K:h1=R#,
1.g1B 2.Bf2+ K:f2=B#,
1.g1S 2.Sf3+ Kg2=S#.

 Tanagra
 Annan Chess

ser-H#2 4 solutions (1+4)


Gd06. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.PPf8=S 2.Sd7+ Kd2=S#,

1.PPf8=R 2.Rf5+ Kc1=R#.

 Minor promotions of Reverse Pawns.

 Annan Chess checks and mates.
 Kindergarten miniature.
 Rex solus.

ser-H#2 2 solutions (1+5)

PP<reverse pawn>f7

Gd07. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.a1B 2.Bf6+ Ke3=B#;

b) 1.e1S 2.Sf3+ K:f3=S#;
c) 1.d1Q 2.Qg4+ K:g4=Q#;
d) 1.a1R 2.Ra5+ Kg1=R#.

 AUW in a Three-men-problem.
 Pressburger King as Rex solus.

ser-H#2 b) Pa2→e2 (1+2)

c) Pa2→d2
d) rEQg1→c1

Gd08. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.f1Q 2.Qf5+ K:f5=Q#,

1.f1R 2.Rf5+ K:f5=R#,
1.f1B 2.Be2+ Kf7=B#,
1.f1S 2.Sg3+ Kf4=S#.

 AUW.
 Rex solus.
 Wenigsteiner.

ser-H#2 4 solutions (1+3)


Gd09. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.f1S 2.Se3+ Kc3=S#,

1.f1B 2.Be2+ K:e2=B#,
1.h1Q 2.Bh2+ Ke2=Q#,
1.a3 2.f1L+ K:d6-d7=L#,
1.VAf7 2.f1Q+ K:a4=Q#,
1.Rg5 2.Rd5+ Kb1=R#.

 Six different transformations of Rex solus.

ser-H#2 6 solutions (1+12)


Gd10. Karol Mlynka

F301 Problem Paradise 7-9, 2006

1.Qh1=wR 2.R:h1=Q 3.Kg1+ K:h1=Q [+bQd8]#,

1.Kh1 2.Qg2=wR 3.Rf:g2=Q+ Ka1=R#.

 "One man show". Miniature. Aristocrat.

 2-fold transformation of bQ to wR.

"Conditions are rather confusing. It seems not entirely logical

that Pressburger King applies to Einstein Chess and not to Anti-
andernach Chess“ (Masaki Yoshioka).
"Perhaps too many fairy conditions mixed together.“ (V. Crişan)

ser-H#3 2 solutions (1+5)

AntiAndernachChess & Circe
& EinsteinChess

Gd11. Karol Mlynka
8th comm. 29th TT CCM 2011-2012

Chess Composition Microweb C 7.7.2011 – A 9.4.2012

a) 1.Kh8 2.Rg8 3.d2+! Kh6=Q#,

b) 1.Kh1 2.Rg1 3.Qb6+! Kh3=Q#,
c) 1.Ka1 2.Ra2 3.Qe6+! Kc1=Q#.

“Three simple echo mates in three corners. Main reason for

distinction is choice of check in the third move, which makes
white Queen from supertransmuting King.“ (M. Dragoun)

ser-H#3 b) Kg8→g1 (1+4)

c) Kg8→a2

Chess Composition Microweb (C 7.7.2011) announces formal thematical tourney for series helpmates (ser-h#)
with twins formed by moving black king. Judge: Michal Dragoun (Czechia) [replacing Guy Sobrecases (France)]
Any fairy conditions and any fairy pieces are allowed.

Gd12. Karol Mlynka

6834 Phénix 12, 2013

a) 1.a1S 2.Sb3=B 3.Bg8=R+ Kc2=Q#,

1.a1B 2.Bb2=R 3.Rc2=Q+ Kc3=S#.
b) 1.a1Q 2.Qa5=S 3.Sc6=B Kb8#,
1.rBd5=rR 2.rRa5=rQ 3.rQa8=rS Kb7#.

AUW. Ser-HOTF. Rex solus.

„Le Roi-super-transmuté mate sur deux cases voisines dans a)
puis dans b).“ (L. Riguet)

ser-H#3 2 solutions (1+4)

b) royal=B<bishop>b1→a8
ChameleonChess & NoCapture

Gd13. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.c7-d8 2.Kd7 3.b1Q+ Kd5=Q#,

1.c7-b8 2.Kb7 3.b1R+ K:b1=R#

 Promotions in Annan Chess.

 Kindergarten Wenigsteiner.
 Rex solus."One man show".

ser-H#3 2 solutions (1+3)


Gd14. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.DUa7-b8 2.Kb7 3.b1R+ K:b1=R#;

b) 1.Kb7 2.Ka6 3.c1Q+ Kb7=Q#.

 Promotions in Annan Chess.

 Tanagra.
 Rex solus.
 Moving dummy!

ser-H#3 b) Pb2→c2 (1+4)


Gd15. Karol Mlynka

a) 1.Ke3[+bPf3] 2.f2 3.f1Q 4.Qf3+

b) 1.Kg2[+bPf3] 2.Kf1[+bPg2] 3.g1Q 4.Qh2+
c) 1.Ke2[+bPf3] 2.Kf1[+bPe2] 3.e1Q 4.Qd2+
d) 1.Kb3[+bPb4] 2.Ka2[+bPb3] 3.Kb1[+bPa2] 4.a1Q+
e) 1.Kg3[+bPh4] 2.Kh2[+bPg3] 3.Kh3[+bPh2] 4.h1Q+

(Preselection no. 18 Wenigsteiner-Jahrespreis 2015)

ser-H#4 b) Ka8→h8 (1+1)

c) Ka8→d8
d) Kf3→b4
e) Kf3→h4
Circe Mirror Turncoats

Gd16. Karol Mlynka


1.Bh3=S=w 2.Bf3=S=w 3.Kg2 4.Kh1+ K:g1=R=Q#,

1.Kh3 2.Bg3=S=w 3.Be3=S=w 4.R:g3=Q+ K:h7=Q#.

 Combined fairy conditions: Anti-Andernach-Chess &

Einstein Chess & Back To Back.
 One man show.

ser-H#4 2 solutions (1+7)


Gd17. Karol Mlynka
7427 Phénix 12, 2015 (no. 256)

a) 1.Kg2[+bPf3] 2.Kf1[+bPg2] 3.g1Q

4.Qg2+ Ke1=Q[+wPd2]#;
b) 1.Ke2[+bPf3] 2.Kd1[+bPe2] 3.e1Q
4.Qd2+ K:d2=Q[+bQd8][+wPd5]#;
c) 1.Ka2[+bPb3] 2.Kb1[+bPa2] 3.a1Q
4.Qa2+ Kc1=Q[+wPd2]#.

"L´ auteur reprend l´ idée du 7309/10001 de px 252: deux Rois,

des Sentinelles et des jumeaux mais avec un énoncé différent et
des éléments féeriques supplémentaires. Les trois mats sont
sécifiques." (L. Riguet)

ser-H#4 b) Kd2→d5 (1+1)

c) Kf3→b3

Gd18. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Kd2[+bPc3] 2.Kc1[+bPd2] 3.d1B 4.Be2=R+

b) 1.Kh2[+bPg3] 2.Kh3[+bPh2] 3.h1B 4.Be4=R+
c) 1.Ke1[+bPf2] 2.f1S 3.Sd2=B 4.Be3=R[+bPd2]+
d) 1.Kc2[+bPb2] 2.Kb1[+bPc2] 3.c1R 4.Rc3=Q+

Two promotions into Bishop in Two-men-problem.

Conditions: Sentinelles & Chameleon Chess & Mirror Circe

ser-H#4 b) Kc3→g3 (1+1)

c) Kc3→f2
d) Kc3→b2
Sentinelles &
ChameleonChess &
Circe Mirror Turncoats

Gd19. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Kh2[+bPg3] 2.Kg2[+bPh2] 3.Kf1[+bPg2] 4.h1Q+

1.Kg2[+bPg3] 2.Kf1[+bPg2] 3.g1B 4.Bh2=R+ K:h2=R=rQ
b) 1.Ke1[+bPf2] 2.f1S 3.Sg3=B 4.Bh2=R[+bPg3]+
1.Ke2[+bPf2] 2.Kf1[+bPe2] 3.e1R 4.Re3=Q+

Two-men-problem with AUW by 3 fairy conditions: Sentinelles &

Chameleon Chess & Mirror Circe Turncoats.

ser-H#4 2 solutions (1+1)

Sentinelles &
ChameleonChess &
Circe Mirror Turncoats

Gd20. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.PPc8=Q 2.Kc7 3.Kh2 4.Qc3+ Kf1=Q#;

b) 1.PPa8=Q 2.Ka7 3.Ka1 4.Qa5+ Kc1=Q#;

 Promotions and transformations

in Annan Chess with Reverse Pawn.
 Kindergarten problem.

ser-H#4 b) Kd3→d2 (3+8)

PP<reverse pawn>b7

Gd21. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.PPa8=R 2.Kb5 3.Kc4 4.Rf8+ Kc1=R#;

b) 1.b3 2.b2 3.b1B 4.Bd3+ K:d3=B#;
c) 1.PPa8=Q 2.Qc6 3.c5-a7 4.Qa4+ K:a4=Q#,
1.c4 2.c3 3.c2 4.c1S+ Kb4=S#.

 AUW in Annan Chess.

 Rex solus.
 Kindergarten Wenigsteiner.

ser-H#4 b) Pc5→b4 (1+3)

c) Kf1→a2, 2 solutions
PP<reverse pawn>a7

Chess Composition Microweb (C 10.10.2005) announces formal thematical tourney for series helpmates (ser-
h#) using at least one fairy piece or/and fairy condition and having at least two phases (two solutions, twins,
set play + solution, duplex, ...). Any fairy elements (pieces, conditions) are allowed.

Gd22. Karol Mlynka

Comm. 18th TT CCM 2005/2006

(Chess Composition Microweb C 10.10.2005 - award 27.11.2005)

1.Kc2 2.Rd1=wR 3.K:d1 [+wRc2] 4.Sa3=wS 5.Re7=wR+ Kg4=B#,

1.Ke2 2.Rf1=wR 3.K:f1 [+wRe2] 4.Sc3=wS 5.Rg7=wR+ Kh3=B#.

Judge D. Novomeský: “Monochromatic echo and good exploitation of

SuperTransmuting King possibilities with fairy conditions PWC and
Anti-Andernach. Total analogy, maybe symmetry too, in both

ser-H#5 2 solutions (1+6)

PWC & AntiAndernachChess

Gd23. Karol Mlynka
8325 Šachová skladba 10, 2006
Dedicated to V. Kotěšovec 50*

1.Gg3 2.Gg4 3.Kg2 4.Kh3 5.h1Q+ K:h1=Q# ,

1.Gg6 2.Gg4 3.Gg3 4.Gg2 5.Ge1+ Kf1=G#.

 "One man show"

 Two different model mates with transformed PK.
 Judge: Eric Huber

ser-H#5 2 solutions (1+7)


Gd24. Karol Mlynka

Comm. The Ural´s Problemist 2006

(4144 Уральский проблемист 4-6, 2006)

a) 1.e4=wP 2.Se5=wS 3.Bc8=wB 4.Rgh2=wR 5.0-0+ Kg1=R#,

b) 1.Kf7 2.Kg6 3.Kh5 4.Se5=wS 5.Rg6=wR+ Ke2=B#.
 "One man show" in a miniature.
 Anti-Andernach Chess.

„Изобретение Карола Млынки – пресcбургский король – один

раз матует в качестве ладьи, второй раз в качестве слона. Но
маты - не правильные. На немецком Pressburg – старинное
название города Братиславы.“ (Judge: J. Brabec)

ser-H#5 b) bPe5→h4 (1+6)


Gd25. Karol Mlynka

a) 1.Kf2 2.Kg2[+bPf2] 3.Kf1[+bPg2] 4.g1Q 5.Qg8+

b) 1.Kc2[+bPd2] 2.Kb2[+bPc2] 3.Kc1[+bPb2] 4.b1R 5.Rb8+
c) 1.Kg3[+bPh4] 2.Kh3[+bPg3] 3.g2 4.g1R 5.Rg8+

 Promotions.
 Rex solus in Wenigsteiner as "One man show"

ser-H#5 b) Ke1→d2 (1+3)

c) Ke1→h4
Circe Mirror Turncoats & Sentinelles

Gd26. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Kd3[+bPe4] 2.Kc2[+bPd3] 3.Kb1[+bPc2] 4.c1Q 5.Qa3+

b) 1.Kf3[+bPe4] 2.Kg2[+bPf3] 3.Kf1[+bPg2] 4.g1Q 5.Qh2+
c) 1.Kc4[+bPd5] 2.Kb3[+bPc4] 3.Ka2[+bPb3] 4.Kb1[+bPa2]
5.a1Q+ K:a1=Q[+bQd1=w]#;
d) 1.Kh4[+bPg5] 2.Kg3[+bPh4] 3.Kh2[+bPg3] 4.Kh3[+bPh2]
5.h1Q+ K:h1=Q[+bQd1=w]#.

 4-fold promotion to Q in Two-men-problem.

ser-H#5 b) Ka8→h7 (1+1)

c) Ke4→d5
d) Ke4→g5
Circe Mirror Turncoats

Gd27. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.PPa8=Q 2.Qg8 3.Qg2 4.Q:e2 5.Q:e3+ K:e3=Q#,

1.PPa8=S 2.Sc7 3.S:a6 4.Sc5 5.S:d3+ K:d3=S#.

 Promotions of reverse Pawn in Kindergarten-Meredith.

ser-H#5 AnnanChess (6+6)

PP<reverse pawn>a7

Gd28. Karol Mlynka

F2503 The Problemist 9, 2006

1.LIa1 2.LIg1 3.LIg7 4.LIe1 5.LIa1 6.LIc1+ Kd1=LI#,

1.LIg7 2.LIh8 3.LIa1 4.LIg3 5.LIg2 6.LIe1+ Kf1=LI#.
 "One man show". Miniature.
 Lion combination with blocking.
 “The problem is fine but I don't like the idea of a Super-
transmuting King. I would have thought that, because
the wK turns non-Royal after being checked, then
there is no possibility of it being mated. Therefore, the
wK could be put in check at any time, after which
would change to a normal LI.“
(FM in: The Problemist 3, 2007)

ser-H#6 2 solutions (1+6)

LI<lion>b2, g1, g2, g6, h2

Gd29. Karol Mlynka
1079 Julia´s Fairies 24.05.2016

1.a5 2.a4 3.a3 4.a2 5.a1R 6.Re1+ Kb4=R#,

1.a6 2.a:b5 3.b4 4.b3 5.b2 6.b1Q+ K:b1=Q#.

 2x Excelsior of b. Pa7 with different promotions in a

Kindergarten problem.
 “Black king has too many flight squares for Annan
condition.“ (Seetharaman)

ser-H#6 2 solutions (3+6)


Gd30. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.g5 2.g4 3.g3 4.g2 5.g1Q 6.Qg7+ K:g7=Q#,

1.g6 2.g:h5 3.h4 4.h3 5.h2 6.h1R+ K:h1=R#.

 2-fold Excelsior of bPg7 with different promotions with

royal Eagle.
 Kindergarten Tanagra.

ser-H#6 2 solutions (3+2)


Gd31. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.nPPa4 2.nPPa5 3.nPPa6 4.nPPa7 5.nPPa8=nQ

6.nQf3+ Kd8=Q#;
b) 1.nPPe4 2.nPPe5 3.nPPe6 4.nPPe7 5.nPPe8=nQ
6.nQd7+ Kg4=Q#.

 2 Excelsiors.
 Reverse Pawn promotions.
 2 model mates by 2 Queens.
 Three-men-problem.

ser-H#6 b) nPPa2→e2 (1+1+1)

PP<reverse pawn>a2

Gd32. Ľuboš Kekely

795v Pat a mat 12, 2014 (no. 90)

(Correction: PAM 90, 2015 – p. 280; C?)

1.e5 2.e4 3.e3 4.e2 5.e1S 6.Sd3 7.Sc5 8.Sb7+ K:b8=R#,
1.e6 2.e:d5 3.d4 4.d3 5.d2 6.d1B 7.Bf3 8.Bb7+ K:b8=R#

 2x Excelsior.
 Underpromotions.
 Sat-chess.
 The same mate.

ser-H#8 2 solutions (2+3)


Gd33. Ľuboš Kekely
941 Pat a mat 3, 2015 (no. 91)

a) 1.f6 2.f:g5 3.g4 4.g3 5.g2 6.g1B 7.Bc5 8.Bb4+ K:a2=R#;

b) 1.g6 2.g:f5 3.f4 4.f3 5.f2 6.f1S 7.Sd2 8.Sb3+ K:a2=R#.

 2x Excelsior.
 Underpromotions in sat-chess with the same mate.
 (C?)

ser-H#8 sat-chess (3+5)

b) Pf7→g7

Gd34. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.nPd5 2.nP:c4 3.nPc3 4.G2a1 5.nPc2 6.nPc1=nQ 7.nQb2 8.G2d4
9.nQ:b3+ K:d4=Q#.

 Excelsior interrupted with combination of Black

 Miniature with set-play.
 Promotions on both sides.

ser-H#9* nP<pawn>d7 (3+3+1)


Gd35. Ľuboš Kekely
12744 Šachová skladba 4, 2015 (no. 127)

1.Ba4? (longer!)
1.Be8! 2.B:f7 3.B:h5 4.Bf3 5.h5 6.h4 7.h3 8.B:g2 9.B:d5 10.h2
11.B:e6+ K:b7=B#.

 Interesting geometrical moves of BB in SAT-chess.

 (C?)

ser-H#11 sat-chess (8+7)


Gd36. Karol Mlynka

Comm. Grushko-60 JT 2015 – 2016

(M. Grushko-60 JT C 31.5.2015 - award 20.12.2016
a) 1.Kd2[+bPd3] 2.Kc1[+bPd2] 3.Kb1 4.d1B+
b) 1.Kf2[+bPe3] 2.Kg2[+bPf2] 3.f1Q 4.Qc4=S
c) 1.Kc3[+bPd3] 2.Kb2[+bPc3] 3.Ka1[+bPb2] 4.b1R+
d) 1.Kc2[+bPd3] 2.Kb1[+bPc2] 3.c1S 4.Se2=B K:e2[b1=rB][wKe2->b2]#;
e) 1.Kb6[+bPc5] 2.Ka7[+bPb6] 3.Ka8[+bPa7] 4.c4+ K:c4=P[wPc4->c8=Q]
 Super-AUW in Two men problem.

ser-H#4 b) Kd3→e3 ( 1+1)

c) Kb3→d1, d) Kb3→e1, e) Kd3→c5
ChameleonChess &
AntiSuperCirce &
Sentinelles &

Gd37. Karol Mlynka
Comm. Grushko-60 JT 2015 – 2016

(M. Grushko-60 JT C 31.5.2015 - award 20.12.2016
a) 1.Kd2 2.Kc3[+bPd2] 3.Kb2[+bPc3] 4.Kc2[+bPb2] 5.b1R+
b) 1.Ke2 2.Kf3[+bPe2] 3.Kg2[+bPf3] 4.Kh1[+bPg2] 5.g1B+
c) 1.Kb1[+bPa2] 2.a1Q 3.Qb2=S 4.Ka1 5.Sa4=B[+bPb2]+
d) 1.Kb2[+bPa2] 2.Ka1[+bPb2] 3.b1S 4.Sa3=B 5.Bf8=R[+bPa3]+
 AUW in Two men problem,

ser-H#5 b) Kb5→c5 (1+1)

c) Ke1→a2, +d) Kb5→c8
& ChameleonChess
& KobulKings

Gd38. Ľuboš Kekely

295 Sinfonie Scacchistiche 1-3, 2017

a) 1.f:g3 2.g2 3.g1=B 4.B:c5 5.Bb6 6.Bc7 7.Bb8 8.Be2+ Kd5=B#;

b) 1.f3 2.f2 3.f1=S 4.S:g3 5.S:e4 6.S:c5 7.Sb7 8.Rd4+ Kc8=R#.

„É bene far notare che il Regolamento parla esplicitamente di problemi

da 2 a 6 mosse che si possono presentare al Concorso. Mosse, e non
semi-mosse: gli H# in serie procedono invece proprio per semi-mosse
e quindi questo lavoro ha diritto pieno di ammissione in quanto consta
di 7 semimosse (3,5 mosse, quindi) ed una mossa completa (l’ottava:
1 mossa quindi) per un totale di 4,5 mosse!“ (ndr).

ser-H#8 b) bRd1 (5+7)


Gd39. Ľuboš Kekely
510 Pat a mat 3, 2017

1.Kd5 2.Ke5 3.Kf6 4.Kg5 5.K:g4 [+wPg2] 6.K:g3 7.K:g2 8.Kf1 9.Ke1
10.Kd1 11.K:c2 12.Kd1 13.c2 14.c1=Q+ Ke2=Q#.

 Circe-mate by PK.

ser-H#14 Circe (5+4)


Gd40. Ľuboš Kekely

13872 Springaren 3, 2017 - no. 143

1.Kb7 2.Kc6 3.Kd5 4.Ke4 5.Ke3 6.Kd2 7.Kc1 8.Kb2 9.K:a3 10.Kb2
11.a3 12.a2 13.Ka3 14.a1=Q+ K:a1=Q#.

“En Pressburg-K (Supertransmuting K.) tar när den schackas över

den schackande pjäsens gångart förgott, måste dra (schacken far
inte pareras av annan pjäs) och förlorar därvid sin kungliga sta-
tus.“ (Kjell Widlert)

ser-H#14 (4+2)


Ge01. Karol Mlynka


a) 1.K:a2 2.Ka1 3.Ra2 4.Ba3 Rb1+ 5.K:b1=R#;

b) 1.Rd2 2.Kb2 3.Kc2 4.Kd1 Re1+ 5.K:e1=R#.

 Transformed Pressburger King is mating as Rook.


ser-HS#4 b) Rb8→e2 (3+4)


Ge02. Karol Mlynka

551 KoBulChess 11.03.2015

a) 1.Ke2[+wPf2] 2.Kf1[+wPe2] 3.SP:c6 [g7=rR][wSPc6→h8=B]+

b) 1.SPf8=S 2.S:h7[g7=rR][wSh7→g6] 3.Kh1[+wPg2]
A tanagra with minor promotions in Series-Reflexmate.
White Pressburger King is mated as transformed Kobul King
(= royal B or S).
 Seetharaman Kalyan (2015-03-12 11:13):
”Nice underpromotions in the notoriously difficult to handle Supercirce
variety! Despite so many fairy elements, the problem is enjoyable!
I am not sure, however, as to why the 'Pressburger King' is essential for
the theme shown.”

ser-R#3 b) Kf2↔SPg2 (2+3)

AntiSuperCirce &
Sentinelles &

Ge03. Karol Mlynka
7530 PHENIX 4, 2016 - no. 260

1.c1Q 2.Qe3=S K:e3-g4=,

1.c1R 2.Rg1=Q+ K:g1-g4=Q=rS=,
1.c1B 2.Bf4=R+ K:f4-g4=R=rQ=,
1.c1S 2.Se2=B K:e2-g4=.

"Allumwandlung sans jumeaux; il s´agit ici d´atteindre

la case g4 pour pater les Noirs." (L. Riguet)
 Three-men-problem without Black King.

ser-H=2 4 solutions (1+2)


Ge04. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.d1Q 2.Q:g4-g5+ K:g3-g2=Q+,

1.d1R 2.R:d4-d5+ K:d5-d2=R+,

Promotions in Take & Make chess.

Series-helpcheck twomover.
Kindergarten problem.

ser-H+2 2 solutions (4+4)


Ge05. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.a1S 2.Sc2 3.Se3+ Kc3=S+;

b) 1.a1R 2.Ra5 3.Rd5+ Kd1=R+.

Promotions in Annan chess.

Kindergarten miniature.
Rex solus.
Series-helpcheck threemover.

ser-H+3 b) Kd1→d3 (1+6)


Ge06. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Kb5 2.Kc6 3.Kd7 4.Ke7 5.f6+ K:f6=P+;

b) 1.c5 2.c4 3.c3 4.c2 5.c1B+ Kd2=B+;
c) 1.d5 2.d4 3.d3 4.d2 5.d1S+ Kc4=S+;
d) 1.b5 2.b4 3.b3 4.b2 5.b1R+ Ke5=R+.

Series-Helpcheck Fivemover.
Four different transformations of Pressburger King.
Three Excelsiors with minor promotions.
Kindergarten Tanagra.

ser-H+5 b) Pf7→c7 (1+4)

c) Kg5→b2
d) Kg5→e1

Ge07. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

1.e8S 2.Sg7 3.Sh5 4.Sg3+ K:g3=S+,

1.e8B 2.Bb5 3.Bf1 4.Bg2+ K:g2=B+.

Series-Selfcheck in 4 moves.
Minor promotions.
Kindergarten Miniature.

ser-S+4 2 solutions (4+2)


Ge08. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.nPPa4 2.jKb4 3.jKa3 4.nPPa5 5.nPPa6+ Kb8 6.nPPa7+;

b) 1.nPPd4 2.jKc4 3.jKd3 4.nPPd5 5.nPPd6 Kc8 6.nPPd7+.

Parry-series-helpcheck by black jigger Pressburger King and

neutral reverse Pawn.
Chameleon echo model checks in a Three-men-problem.

Jigger: Bezeichnung für jede Art von Stein, der nur auf ein
Zielfeld ziehen darf, das Nachbarfeld eines anderen Steines ist.
(Die Schwalbe)

ser-HS+5 b) nPPa2→d2 (1+1+1)

neutral PP<reverse pawn>a2
Jigger=K<king>c5 =

Ge09. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.nPh4 2.nPh5 3.nPh6 4.nPh7 5.nPh8=nR 6.nRh2 7.nRg2

b) 1.nPb5 2.nPb6 3.nPb7 4.nPb8=nS 5.nSa6 6.nSb4 7.nSa2

Mated Pressburger King.

ser-#8 b) nPh2→b4 (2+3+1)


Ge10. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Ka2 2.Kb3[+wPa2] 3.Kc4[+wPb3] 4.Kd5[+wPc4]

5.Kd4[+wPd5] 6.d6 7.d:e7[+bBc1=w] 8.Bg5=R
b) 1.Kb1 2.Kc2 3.Kd3[+wPc2] 4.Ke4[+wPd3] 5.Kf5[+wPe4]
6.Kg5[+wPf5] 7.f6 8.f:g7[+bPg2=w] 9.g8Q#.

Rex solus miniature.

Series direct Ninemover.
No transformation of PK.
Combined conditions: Sentinelles & Chameleon Chess &
Doubleagents Circe.

ser-#9 b) –Be7 (1+5)

Sentinelles &
ChameleonChess &


Gf01. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.d1S 2.Sf2+ K:f2=S 3.WEe4 Sd3#;

b) 1.d1B 2.Bf3+ K:f3=B 3.WEd3 Be4#.

Parry-series helpmate-threemover with black royal Locust.

Transformations of Pressburger King after minor promotions.
Self-blocking interferences of the black Locust-lines by Wazir.
Reciprocal play on the squares d3 and e4 in the third moves.

pser-H#3 b) brLe1→h7 (1+4)


Gf02. Karol Mlynka

699 KoBulChess 29.01.2016

1.Ke3[+bPf2] 2.f1Q 3.Qf4+ K:f4=Q[e3=rQ]

[wQf4→b6][+wPh6]+ 4.rQ:h6[brQh6→a8][+bPe3]
1.Kg2[+bPf2] 2.f1S 3.Sg3 4.Sh5[+bPg3]

“A lot of fairy fireworks in this non standard problem.“

(D. Kostadinov)
Two-men-problem with different promotions.
Fairy conditions: Anti-Supercirce &Sentinelles & Kobul Kings.

pser-H#4 2 solutions (1+1)

AntiSuperCirce &
Sentinelles &
KobulKings &

Gf03.Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Kc6[+bPb6] 2.Kb5[+bPc6] 3.Ka6[+bPb5] 4.b4+

K:b4=P=S[+wPa3]+ 5.Ka5[+bPa6] S:c6=B[+wPb4]#;
b) 1.Kc7[+bPb6] 2.Kb7[+bPc7] 3.Ka7[+bPb7] 4.b5+
K:b5=P=S[+wPc4]+ 5.Ka6[+bPa7] S:c7=B[+wPb5]#.
 Two men problem with analogous play and chameleon echo
model mates in Parry-series fivemover helpmate by
Pressburger jigger King with Einstein chess & Sentinelles.
 “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not
simpler.” (Albert Einstein)

pser-H#5 b) jKa3→c4 (1+1)

Sentinelles & EinsteinChess

Gf04. Karol Mlynka

1103 Julia´s Fairies 22.07.2016

1.Kb1 2.S:c1=B a 3.Ka2[+wBb2] 4.B:b2=R 5.Ka3[+wBb3]

6.R:b3=Q+ K:b3=Q[+wBa2]#,
1.S:c1=B a 2.Kb2[+wBd2] 3.B:d2=R 4.Ka1[+wBc1] 5.Ra2=B+
K:a2=B=R+ 6.Kb1[+bBb2] R:b2=Q#.

Chameleon-echo model-mates in a Wenigsteiner-Aristocrat of

Parry-series-movers by Circe Parrain and Einstein Chess with
Pressburger King. (However, in one solution Series-mover only!)

pser-H#6 2 solutions (2+2)

ParrainCirce & EinsteinChess

Gf05. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Kb2 2.Ka1[+bPb2] 3.b1B 4.Ba2=R+ jKa3=R=rjQ

5.Rb2=Q[+bPa2] 6.Qb1=S[+bPb2] jQb3=jS[+wPa3]#;
b) 1.Kb1 2.Kc2 3.Kd1[+bPc2] 4.c1B+ jKb2=B=rjR[+wPa3]
5.Bd2=R 6.Re2=Q[+bPd2] jRb1=jQ[+wPb2]#.

Two men problem with Pressburger jigger King.

Promotions into Bishop by Sentinelles and Chameleon chess.
Parrry-series helpmate in six moves.

pser-H#6 b) jKa8→a3 (1+1)

Sentinelles & ChameleonChess
jigger=K<king>a8 =

Gf06. Karol Mlynka

Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.Kc2 a 2.e:d1=S b 3.Kd3[+wSe2] 4.S:c3=B c 5.Ke4[+wBd4]

6.B:d4=R+ K:d4=R=Q[+wBg4]#;
b) 1.e:d1=S b 2.Kc2[+wSd2] a 3.S:c3=B c 4.Kc1[+wBc2] 5.Bb2=S+
Ka4-c3 6.Sd1=P Bd3=S#.

Parry-series-helpmate Miniature.
Comparation of Supertransmuting King and Transmuted King.

pser-H#6 (4+2)
ParrainCirce & EinsteinChess
a) WhiteSuperTransmutingKing
b) WhiteTransmutedKing

Gf07. Karol Mlynka
Pressburger King 1.8.2016

a) 1.nPPc3+ Ka3 2.nPPa8=nQ+ nQd5+ 3.Ka4=Q+ K:a4 4.nQb5+

K:b5 5.nPPc4+;
b) 1.Kc4 2.nPPa8=nS+ nSb6+ 3.K:b6=S 4.nPPc4 K:b6 5.nPPc5+.

Parry-series-helpselfcheck in six moves.

Chameleon echo model checks.
Different promotions of neutral reverse Pawn.
Captured black Pressburger King.
Kindergarten Wenigsteiner.

pser-HS+4 b) Kb4→c7 (1+1+2)

neutral PP<reverse pawn>c2, a7

Gf08. Karol Mlynka

13729 Springaren 9, 2016 - no. 141

a) 1.Ke2[+bPd2] 2.d1S 3.Kd2[+bPe2] 4.Sb2=B+

jK:b2=B=rjR[+wPa3]+ 5.Kd1[+bPd2] jRb1=jQ[+wPb2]#;
b) 1.Ke1[+bPd2] 2.d1Q 3.Qe2=S 4.Sd4=B[+bPe2]+
jKc3=B=rjR[+wPb2] 5.Bf2=R[+bPd4] jRc1=jQ[+wPc3]#;
c) 1.Kc2 2.Kd1[+bPc2] 3.c1B+ jKb2=B=rjR[+wPa3] 4.Bd2=R
5.Re2=Q[+bPd2] jRb1=jQ[+wPb2]#.
 Two-men-problem with three different promotions in Parry-series
helpmate by Pressburg jigger King and conditions Chameleon chess
& Sentinelles.
 „De manga fantasiformerna samverkar ganska harmoniskt...“
(Kjell Widlert)
Jigger piece (jX): moves only onto the square of the neighbour piece.
pser-H#5 b) jKa3→b2 (1+1)
c) Kd2→b1
Sentinelles & ChameleonChess
Pressburger jigger=K<king>a3

Gf09. Karol Mlynka
Comm. Grushko-60 JT 2015 – 2016

(M. Grushko-60 JT C 31.5.2015 - award 20.12.2016

a) 1.Kf3[+bPe4] 2.Kg2[+bPf3] 3.Kf1[+bPg2] 4.g1B 5.Bh2=R+

b) 1.Ke3[+bPe4] 2.Kd2[+bPe3] 3.Ke1[+bPd2] 4.d1B 5.Bh5=R+
c) 1.Kd3[+bPe4] 2.Kc2[+bPd3] 3.Kb2[+bPc2] 4.Ka2[+bPb2]
5.c1=Q=w Q:b2#.

pser-H#5 Sentinelles (1+1)

b) + KobulKings
c) - ChameleonChess, + AntiAndernachChess

To Gf04:
Mate 1: Mate 2:

Chameleon-echo model-mates.

“Fairy chess is a generic term which was introduced before the First World War to cover all problems
which are not directmates. Over time, as selfmates and helpmates grew in popularity they became
classed as orthodox, so nowadays the term fairy chess covers problems which contain one or more
unorthodox features, usually a piece or condition, less frequently an unorthodox board.“
Michael McDowell: What are Chess Problems? Fairies

H. Anti-Pressburger King

H01. Karol Mlynka

221 Pat a mat 9, 2004

1.Ra7? zz. g:h1=B, g:h1=S, g:h1=GI, g:h1=NA, g:h1=ND, g:h1=KA, g:h1=G2,

g:h1=NH, g:h1=CH, g:h1=BH, g:h1=RH 2. Kb5=B, K:b2=S, Kb8=GI, Kc8=NA,
Kb5=ND, Kd1=KA, K:e8=G2, Ke6=NH, Kg2=CH, Kd7=BH, Ka8=RH#, 1..BHb5!,
1. Ka3? ~ 2.B:b2#, 1... g:h1=B, g:h1=S, g:h1=GI, g:h1=NA, g:h1=ND, g:h1=KA,
g:h1=G2, g:h1=NH, g:h1=CH, g:h1=BH, R:b3+, (BHb5) 2. K:b2=B, Kb5=S, Kb7=GI,
Kb5=NA, K:b2-c1=ND, Kd6=KA, K:d3=G2, Ke1=NH, Kg5=CH, Kc1=BH, K:c3,
(Kc1=BH)#, 1.. g:h1=RH!,
1. Ka5 ! zz. g:h1=B, g:h1=S, g:h1=GI, g:h1=NA, g:h1=ND, g:h1=KA, g:h1=G2,
g:h1=NH, g:h1=CH, g:h1=BH, g:h1=RH (BHb5) 2.K:c7=B, Kb7=S, Ke6=GI,
Kb7=NA, K:c7-d8=ND, Kf5=KA, Kd2=G2, Kc1=NH, Kg3=CH, Kd8=BH, Kd5=RH,
(Kd8= BH)#.
Z-3.11-13.34! Anti-Pressburger King. (C?)

#2 (16+8)
BH<bishop hopper>e8, c7
RH<rook hopper>c2
NH<nightrider hopper>e7
NA<nao>h1, G2<grasshopper-2>g1
ND<nereide>e2, GI<giraffe>b2
CH<camelrider hopper>b3

H02. Karol Mlynka

Spec. HM Salai-70 JT 2004

(C 19.8.2004 - A 1481 Umenie 64 30.11.2004; judge L. Salai, sr.)

1...Qg2~ a, Qe4+ b 2.Kf6=Q A, Bxe4# C,

1.K:h5! zz. Qg2~ a, Qd5+ c, Qf3+, Rc3~, Rc5+
2.K:h6=Q B, B:d5 D, B:f3, K:h6=R, Rc:c5#.

 Black correction.
 Z-22-34.
 Anti-Pressburger King.
 (C?)

#2 (9+8)

H03. Karol Mlynka
224 Pat a mat 9, 2004

1...h1Q 2.K:a6=Q b:a2, Q:b1 3.Q:a2, B:b1#,

1...h1R 2.K:a6=R b:a2 3.R:a2#,
1.B:b3! zz. (~ 2.Kb4?) h1B 2.Kb4=B ~ 3.R:a6#,
1...h1S 2. Kb5=S ~ 3.R:a6#,
(1...Ba6~ 2.Kb4=B+ Ba4 3.R:a4#).

 AUW & Z-22-44.

 Radical change of two continuations.
 Anti-Pressburger King.
 (C?)

#3 (10+7)

H04. Karol Mlynka

M13 Phénix 11, 2008

1.Rc8 K:c7=R 2.Sb7 R:c8#,

1.Sb7 Kd5=S 2.Rb8 S:c7#,
1.d1Q K:d6=Q 2.Bb8 Qc6#.

 Transformations of Anti-Pressburger King.

 (C?)

H#2 (1+6)


Ha. Ultra-Pressburger King

Ha01. Karol Mlynka

223 Pat a mat 9, 2004

1.Kd2! zz. c1=Q+ 2.Kf4=Q#, 1...c1=R 2.Ke2=R#, 1...c1=B+

2.Kf4=B#,1...c1=S 2.Kc4=S#, 1...c1=BE 2.Kf6=BE#, 1...c1=RM
2.Ke6=RM#,1...c1=24 2.Kf6=24#, 1...c1=G2 2.Kh2=G2#, 1...c1=HA
2.Kf4=HA#, 1...c1=AL 2.Kf4=AL#, 1....c1=GI 2.Ke6=GI#, 1...c1=G
2.Ka5=G#, 1...b3 2.Kd4=P#, (1...ALc3 2.Kf4=AL#, 1...24d6
 Super-AUW.
 13 different transformations of Ultra Pressburger King.
 (C?)
 Judge: Petko A. Petkov

#2 (10+5)
AL<alfil>a1, BE<bishop eagle>a8,
RM<rook moose>f2,h6,
GI<giraffe>h5, G<grasshopper>e8,
HA<hamster>d5, 24<2,4-leaper>h8 -

Karol Mlynka & Ján Golha: Cycles of Motivaton

A Collection of Chess Compositions
Prague, November 2016:
Updated: Prague, February 2017:

Hb. Anti-Transmuted King

Hb01. Karol Mlynka

Comm. v Phénix 2005

1.Rg1+! h:g1Q 2.Kf3! Qg2#,

1...h:g1=R 2.K:a7! Ra1#,
1...h:g1=B 2.Kc1! Be3#,
1...h:g1=S 2.Kc4! Sd6#.
 „Allumwandlung encore, et toujours du nouveau: Roi anti-
transmuté“ (Judge P. Gvozdják)
 Anti-Transmuted King. This is not Pressburger King! = C?
 PDB Die Schwalbe: „Anti-Transmutierender Koenig: Ein
Koenig, der nicht im Schach steht, kann im naechsten Zug nur
wie der zuletzt gezogene Schach nicht bietende Stein ziehen,
wobei er nach dem Schachgebot normal zieht.“
(Erich Bartel;2016-5-12)
R#2 AntiTransmutedKing (4+8)

Hc. Transmuted King (Vaulting King)

Hc01. Karol Mlynka & Juraj Lörinc

10th Place 6th WCCT 1998-2001

1...Sb3+ a 2.Kc4# A, 1...S:b4 b 2.Qa2# B,

1...Gd8+ c 2.Kc7# C, 1...Gf1 d 2.Q:b2# D,
1.c4? ~ 2.Q:b2# D, 1...Gf1! d,
1.Bc4? ~ 2.Qa2# B, 1...Sb3+! a,
1.Ka6! ~ 2.Kb7#, (1...G:b5 2.K:b5#),
1...Sb3 a 2.Qa2# B, 1...S:b4+ b 2.Kc7# C,
1...Gd8 c 2.Q:b2# D,1...Gf1+ d 2.Kc4# A.
Judge: Michel Caillaud
Z-24-44 = Lačný theme in 4 variations
and 2x Dombrovskis paradox with Transmuted King.
 See: Problemesis 22, (aout 2001)!
 C 1.5.1998; 593 Cyclone-1/-2 2000/2010
#2 WhiteTransmutedKing (12+8)

Hc01 ~ a b c d
- - A B C D
X? D - - - !
Y? B ! - - -
Z! K B C D A

Fairy pieces

 Pressburger King (SuperTransmutingKing): after being checked, the Supertransmuting King must
immediately move like the checking piece and then losing its royal status definitively takes up its
nature. When no such move is available, the ST King side parries the check normally. If the checked
King cannot move, it is a mate.
 Anti-Pressburger King (Anti-Supertransmuting King) takes definitively the nature of the non-checking
unite, losing its royal nature and can be captured. After being checking, the King is normally.
 Ultra-Pressburger King (Ultra-SupertransmutingKing) takes definitively the nature of the checking or
non-checking unite, losing its royal nature and can be captured.
 HyperTransmutingKing (HTK): combination of doublecheck pieces, e.g. Q+S = AM (amazon) etc.
 Transmuted King (Vaulting King): a King in check moves only in the manner of the checking piece.
When not in check, such a King moves normally. (An orthodox king which, when in check, moves like the
checking unit).
 Anti-Transmuted King: when not in check, takes the power of the unchecked unit in place of its own;
when in check, moves orthodoxly.

 Royal piece (rX): piece that executes a function of the King on the board.
 Royal Marguerite (rMG): piece moving like a Queen until it reaches a hurdle. Then it makes a „King“
 Neutral piece (nX): a unit with this characteristic may be regarded as of either colour by the side whose
244 tis244t is to play. Neutral pawns promote to neutral pieces.
 Chameleon (cX): at the completion of every move, a unit with this characteristic changes type. The
types form a cycle which may theoretically be predefined in any way but is usually taken to be the
default option S-B-R-Q-S... Promotion may be to a chameleon at any stage in the cycle.
 1,5-leaper (15): a (1,5/5,1)-leaper. / 2,4-leaper (24): a (2,4/4,2)-leaper. / 2,5-leaper (25): a (2,5/5,2)-
leaper. / 3,5-leaper (35): a (3,5/5,3)-leaper.
 Alfil: (2,2/2,2) leaper.
 Fiveleaper (BU): moves directly to any square at a distance of (0,5/5,0) or (3,4/4,3). A Bua1 guards a6,
d5, e4 and f1.
 Amazon (AM): can move like the Queen and like the Knight.
 Berolina Pawn (BP): moves diagonally, captures straight ahead and promotes normally.
 BerolinaSuperPawn (BS): behaves as a Berolina P except that (when moving or capturing) it may go as
far as desired along the usual lines, provided that they are clear.
 Grasshopper (G): moves along queen-lines, but must hop over another piece of either colour and land on
the next square beyond.
 Bishopper (BH) / Rookhopper (RH) / Nightriderhopper (NH): a Grasshopper confined to B/ R/ N-lines.
 Double-Grasshopper (DG): makes a G move without capturing, then a 2nd Grasshopper move.
 Grasshopper-2 or -3 (G2/G3): as Grasshopper, but hopping 2 or 3 squares past the hurdle.
 Kangaroo (KA): as Grasshopper but requiring 2 (not necessarily adjacent) hurdles on the same line, and
landing on the square immediately beyond the second hurdle.
 Eagle (EA): a Grasshopper which pivots 90‘ at the hurdle.
 Hamster: moves like a Grasshopper but deflect 180o on passing over the hurdle.
 Moose (M): a Grasshopper which pivots 45‘ at the hurdle.
 Sparrow (SW): a Grasshopper which pivots 135‘ at the hurdle. B- Sparrow (BW): a Sparrow confined to
 Marguerite (MG): moves like all simple hoppers (eagle + grasshopper + hamster + moose + sparrow).
 Nereide (ND): (1,1) Marine piece operating along Bishop lines: without capture moves as Bishop, with
capture – as Locust.
 Nightrider (N): a rider along any straight line of Knight moves.
 Lion (LI): a Grasshopper which can move to any square beyond the hurdle.
 Bishop-Lion (BL) / Rook-Lion (RL) / Nightrider-Lion (NL): moves along B-/ R-/ N-lines over another unit
of either colour to any square beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not

 Kangaroo-Lion (KL): moves along Q-lines over 2 hurdles of either color (which may or may not stand on
adjacent squares) to any square beyond the 2nd unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle
is not affected.
 Chinese pieces - Leo (LE) / Pao (PA) / Vao (VA) / Nao (NA): move as Queen / Rook / Bishop /
Knight respectively, but capture by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond like a lion.
 Rao (RA): The Chinese Rose, moves like a Queen but on Rose-lines only.
 Camel (CA): a (1,3/3,1) leaper.
 Rose(RO): (1,2) Octagonal Rider (extents the move of the Knight on a circular path.
 Spiralspringer (SS): moves as Nightrider ((1,2) Rider – operates along straight lines with squares lying a
Knight`s move away from each other), but spirally along the orthogonal line.
 Locust (L): a piece which moves only to capture. It lands on the same squares as a grasshopper, but the
arrival square must be empty, because the locust captures its hurdle.
 B-Locust (LB) / R-Locust (LR) / N-Locust (RN): a Locust confined to Bishop- / Rook- / Nightrider-lines.
 Spiralspringer (SS): moves as Nightrider ((1,2) Rider – operates along straight lines with squares lying a
Knight`s move away from each other), but spirally along the orthogonal line.
 Diagonalspiralspringer (DS): as Spiralspringer, but spirally along the diagonal line.
 Dummy (DU): a piece with no moves at all. It may be captured, gain temporarily moving ability by relay,
or pushed or pulled around by other pieces if there are pushing or pulling pieces on the board.
 Friend (F): a unit which can move only when controlled by a friendly opposing unit, whose power it
then takes on. If controlled by several units, it takes on the power of each suchu nit, and it can transfer
all ansummed powers to another Friend of the same colour.
 Orphan (O): an immovable unit that has no power unless attacked by a unit of the opposite colour,
when it takes the power of that unit and can transmit that power to other orphans.
 Scorpion (SO): combined unit = Wazir (0,1/1,0)-leaper) + Fers (1:1-leaper) + Grasshopper
 Sirene (SI): moves as a Queen but captures only as a Locust (Marine Queen).
 Waran (WA): Rook + Nightrider ((1,2) Rider. Operates along straight lines with squares lying a Knight`s
move away from each other).
 Zebra (Z): a (2,3/3,2) leaper.
 Giraffe (GI): a (1,4) leaper.
 Rose-hopper (RP): moves like a Grasshopper, but on Rose-lines instead of Queen-lines.
 Reverse Pawn (PP): moves as Pawn, but in reversal direction.
 Edgehog (EH): moves like a Queen, but must either start or end its move on an edge square. Pawns
promote to Edgehog, Rook, Bishop or Knight.
 Jigger piece (jX): moves only onto the square of the neighbour piece.
 Magic Kings (mK): cause the immediate change of colour of any piece they come into contact with or
observe again from a different direction. This colour-change happens to pieces of either colour
regardless of which side has made the move, which means that a piece entering the King’s field
changes colour on arrival. Any pieces newly observed by two Magic Kings at once retain their own
colour, as do Magic Kings themselves.
 Scavenger (xS): moves only by capturing the hurdle and landing on this square, colouring, paralyzing or
checking the units of all kinds (including its own). A Scavenger can move only by capturing and hopping
0°. (Karol Mlynka, Aasgeier: Alles–schlagende Steine, in: feenschach 1-2, 2012; H.191 – p. 314.)

“Fairy chess enthusiasts classify pieces into three groups: leapers, riders and hoppers (but be warned - some
pieces do not fit into any of these categories!). Leapers are pieces which play a move of a specific length,
ignoring any intervening piece. Taking the side of a square as one unit, the knight is a leaper whose move is
length root 5 (think Pythagoras!). Riders is fairy terminology for line-pieces, such as queens, rooks and
bishops. Hoppers can only move by jumping over an intervening piece, called a hurdle.“ Michael McDowell:
What are Chess Problems? Fairies: Pieces

“New fairy conditions are constantly being invented by creative composers. Many fail to catch on, some enjoy
a short vogue then fade away, but others become firmly established.“ Michael McDowell: What are Chess
Problems? Fairies: Conditions

Fairy conditions
 Anti-Andernach chess: a piece (excluding King) changes its color after any non-capturing move. After
capture, the piece retains its color. Rooks on a1, h1, a8 and h8 can be used for castling, provided the
usual other rules for that move are satisfied. After castling, Rooks do not change color, If White makes
a non-capturing move with neutral or halfneutral piece, that piece becomes black and vice versa.
 Black maximummer: only Black must play the geometrically longest moves, White plays orthodoxal.
 Anticirce: After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its Circe
rebirth square. This square must be vacant, else the capture is illegal.
 Anticirce (Calvet): After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to
its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). Captures on the rebirth square are
allowed. Game array squares are determined as in Circe.
 Anticirce (Cheylan): When a piece captures (including King), it must come back to its rebirth square. If
this square is occupied, the capture is forbidden. A Pawn capturing on its promotion rank promotes
before it is reborn. The captures on the rebirth square are forbidden.
 Diagram anticirce: As Anticirce, but the capturing piece reappears on the diagram position rebirth
 Anti-supercirce: After a capture, the side making the capture can place the capturing unit on any empty
square. (Placement is compulsory). A Pawn placed on its first rank is immovable.
 Symmetry-anticirce: As anticirce except that the rebirth square for the capturing unit is the one which
lies at an equal distance (in a straight line) beyond the board‘s midpoint.
 Circe: A captured unit is reborn on its game array square. R, B & S go to the square of the same colour
as the capture; Ps stay on the file of capture; fairy pieces go to the promotion square of the file of
capture. If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal.
 Circe double agents: a unit (not King) when captured returns to opposite game array square with
opposite color as part of the capturing move.
 Circe Parrain: after a capture, the captured piece is reborn only after another piece of its own side has
moved. The line between capturing square and rebirth square is parallel with and of same direction and
length as the move of this other piece. Pawns can be reborn on 1st and 8th rank. From their own base
rank, they may move one-step; if reborn on the promotion rank, the Pawn at once promotes, the
promotion piece being determined by the Pawn side.
 Circe Turncoats: a unit when captured returns to its game array square with opposite color as part of
the capturing move.
 Mirror circe: The rebirth square is the one for the equivalent unit of the other colour. Thus for the
capture of a WQ it would be d8, not d1; for the capture of a black a-pawn it would be a2.
 Vertical mirror circe (VMC): The rebirth square is the one which, with respect to the usual Circe rebirth
square, is its reflection in the vertical line dividing the king‘s side from the queen‘s side. Thus for f2 it is
c2, for d8 it is e8 and so on. If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal.
 PWC (Platz Wechsel Circe): When a capture is made, the captured unit (except a King) is replaced on
the square the capturing unit just leaves. A Pawn is immovable on its 1st rank.
 Supercirce: When captured, a piece is reborn on any free field on the chess board without causing self-
check or selfmate. Possible is also removal of captured piece from the board. The Pawns (white, black,
neutrals, half- neutrals) can be reborn on the first or eight row also. When reborn on the first row (for
Black) or on the eight row (for White) the promotion is obligatory. When reborn on the first row (for
White) or on the eight row (for Black) the Pawns are immovable.
 Einstein chess: all units (Ks excluded) change their type when they move, according to a precise
pattern. For non-capture moves: Q>R, R>B, B>S, S>P, P remains P. For capture-moves: R>Q, B>R, S>B,
P>S, Q remains Q
 Reversal Einstein chess: all units (Kings excluded) change their type when they move, according to a
precise pattern. For captures moves: Q>R, R>B, B>S, S>P, P remains P. For non-captures moves: R>Q,
B>R, S>B Q, P>S, Q remains.
 Chameleon chess: all pieces on the board, which are displayed as orthodox Q, R, B, S, are Chameleons.
A Pawn can promote only in Chameleon-pieces.
 Annan chess (Southern chess): A unit (Kings included) one square in front of a friendly unit moves in
the manner of the rear unit, not as itself. For white, affected units are on the same file and one rank
higher, for black they are one rank lower. Transference of powers is only to the next unit: with 3
friendly units adjected in a file, the 3rd moves as the 2nd, the 2nd moves as the 1st. The Pawns on their
first rank are immobile.

 Back-to-back: When pieces of opposite colors stand back-to-back with each other on the same file they
exchange their roles. A pawn on the first rank cannot move. Any piece can make an en passant capture
when it has got a role of Pawn by Back-To-Back.
 Face-to-face: When pieces of opposite colors directly confront with each other on the same file, they
exchange their roles. P on the first rank cannot move unless it is given a power to move by FTF. Any
piece can make an en passant capture when it is given a power to move as P by FTF.
 Disparate: If one side makes a move with a piece of type “x” (black, white, neutral, half-neutral, etc.,
King included), the other side cannot answer immediately by moving a piece of the same type “x”.).
A pawn promoting is a pawn move.
 Messigny chess: as a move, a side can swap the squares of one of his own pieces with a similar
opposite piece. A swap may not be undone by the opponent on the immediate next move.
 Norsk sjakk: It may capture pieces of the same gangue only this but as usual. Kings cannot capture
itself, but can be checked by any opposite piece. After a piece has moved or captured, it changes as a
direct consequence of his move, the pace while maintaining its color: Queen to Knight, Rook to Bishop
and each vice versa. Pawns remain Pawns. Checks will be determined after the change of pace
 Take & Make chess: Capturing moves consist of two steps. The capturing step ("take") must be
complemented by a further step by the capturer ("make": not a capture), using the movement of the
captured unit, otherwise the capture is illegal. Pawns may not end up on their own first rank. Captures
on the promotion rank lead to promotions only if the pawn is on the promotion rank after the "make"
step. Promotions at the end of the "make" step are normal.
 KoBul Kings - When a piece (not a pawn) of his own side is captured, a King transforms into a Royal
piece of the same type as the captured one. When the King is in the form of any Royal piece and there
is a capture of one of the pawns of his own side, he becomes a normal King again.
 SAT-chess: A King is under check if it can move to at least one square not controlled by the opposite
 Sentinelles: when a piece (Pawn excluded) leaves a square outside the first and last rows, it leaves a
Pawn of the color of the side that played unless 8 Pawns in this color are already on the board.
 Black Maximummer: Only Black must play the geometrically longest moves, White plays orthodoxal.
 Follow-My-Leader: Black has to move to the departure square of the previous white move, if he can, if
not such move exists, Black can made any move.
 Strict Follow-My-Leader: Folllow-My-Leader in which Black has to make moves entering departure
squares of White moves.
 No-capture chess: captures are illegal, but all other rules, including check (or mate), are orthodox.
 Ultraschachzwang: A piece may move only to check. If it doesn’t have checking moves it is stale-mated.
 Eiffel chess: Like Madrasi, but with shifted paralyzing effects: Q > P > S > B > R > Q, so the Bishop
paralyzes the Rook, the Rook the Queen etc.
 Imitator (I): All moves must be exactly imitated in length and direction by the I, else they are illegal. The
Imitator may be blocked by the board edge or by a unit of any colour. However it is not blocked by the
moving unit.
 Neutrality: A unit with this characteristic may be regarded as of either colour by the side whose turn it
is to play. Neutral pawns (F) promote to neutral pieces. For rebirths neutrals are (temporarily) of the
colour opposite to that of the capturing piece.
 Half-neutral piece: Piece, which can exist in black, white or neutral, state and changes its state by the
rules: A piece in the neutral state may be moved by Black or White, and after move it changes into
black or white state respectively.
 Help-self(stale)mate (HS#/=): in the beginning White and Black cooperate to create possition which is
self(stale)mate in 1 move.
 Series-selfmate (ser-S#n): White plays n moves (with Black not moving until the end of the series) to
reach a position where Black is forced to mate White immediately.
 Serieshelp(stale)mate (ser-H#/=): Black plays the stated number of helpful moves while White remains
still; then White (stale)mates in one. Check may be given only on Black´s last move.
 Parry series-mover (pser-H#/=): differs from a standard series-mover prior to the last move as follows:
the series-side may give check during the series; when checked, the idle-side must immediately parry
the threat; a parry-move may be helpful or defensive, depending on the problem-type; after a check-
and-parry, the series-side continues the series.
 Z-kl-mn = The Z-formula denotes the number of phases, variations, defences and changed mates.

Fairy chess in pictures


Juraj Brabec Slovakia A06*,A09*,A12*; E56,E58,E58a,E58b,E63, (E83). Photo: p. 121.
Ján Dučák Czechia A55,A63,A66.
Vasil Dyachuk Ukraine & A10, A11*,A12*,A15,A16,A17,A18,A19*,A24,A25,A26*,A29,A31,A37,A42,
Slovakia A46,A47,A51*,A52*,A64,A69,A75*,A84,A89,A91,A101; Da01; E121,Ea01,
Ea02,Ea03. Photo: p. 157.
Ján Golha Slovakia A22,A23,A27,A36,A38,A39,A40,A41,A45*,A67,A72,A76*,A79,
A85,A87,A88*, A102, A107; E97,Fa01*. Photo: p. 18.
Ľuboš Kekely Slovakia B14,C15,C17,C18;E50,E61,E82a,E109a,EII-1,EII-2,E119a,EII-4,EII-6; FII-1,
FII-2; Gd32,Gd33,Gd35,Gd38,Gd39,Gd40. Photo: p. 80.
Valerij Kopyl Ukraine A11*,A12*,A26*,A49,A51*,A52*,A75*. Photo: p. 29.
Vladimir Kozhakin Russia E54.
Ľudovít Lačný Slovakia A62. Photo: p. 36.
Ľudovít Lehen† Slovakia A06*,A09*,A12*.
Luis Miguel Martín Spain E47,E86.
Karol Mlynka Slovakia A01,A02,A03,A04,A05,A06*,A07,A08,A13,A14, A19*,A20,A21, A28, A30,
A32,A33,A34,A35,A43,A44,A45*,A48,A50,A53,A54,A56,A57, A58, A59,
A60,A61,A65,A68,A70,A71,A73,A74,A76*,A77,A78,A80, A81, A82, A83,
A86, A88*,A90,A91,A92.A93,A94,A95,A96,A97,A98, A99,A100, AII-1,
A103,A104,A105,A106; B01,B02,B03,B04,B05,B06, B07, B08, B09,B10,
B11,B12 B13,B15,B16,B17,B18,B19,B20,B21,B22; C01,C02, C03,C04,C05,
C06,C07, C08,C09, CII-1,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14, CII-2,C16; D01, D02; Da02,
Da03, Da04, Da5;Db01,Db02,Db03,Db04, Db05, Db06,Db07, Db08,Db09,
Db10, Db10a; E00; E01,E02,E03,E04,E05,E06,E07, E08,E09, E10, E11,E12,
E13,E14, E15, E16,E17,E18,E20,E21,E22,E24,E25,E26, E27, E28,E29,E30,
E31,E32,E33, E34, E35,E36,E37,E38,E39,E40,E41,E42, E43, E44,E45,E46,
E48,E49,E51,E52, E53,E56,E57,E59,E60,E61,E62,E64, E65, EII-0,E66,E67,
E68, E69,E70,E71,E72,E73,E74,E75,E76,E77,E78a,E79,E80,E81,EII-3, E83,
E84,E85,E87,E88,E89,E90, E91, E92, E93,E94,E95,E96, E98,E99, E100,
E101, E103, E104,E105,E106, E107, E108,E109, E110, E111, E111a, E113,
E114, E115, E116 ,E117, E118, EII-5, E120; Eb01, Eb02,Eb03, Eb04, Eb05,
Eb06, Eb07, Eb08,Eb09, Eb10, Eb11, Eb12, Eb13, Eb14, Eb15; Ec01,Ec02;
F01, F02, F03,F04, F05,F06, F07,F08, F09,F10, F11,F12, F13; Fa01*,Fa02,
Fa03, Fa04 ,Fa05,Fa06,Fa07, Fa08,Fa09; Fb01, Fb02, Fb03, Fb04; Ga01,
Ga02*, Ga03, Ga04,Ga05, Ga06,Ga07,Ga08, Ga09,Ga10, GaII-1,Ga11,
Ga12,Ga13, Ga14, GaII-2; Gb01,Gb02, Gb03,Gb04, Gb04a, Gb05, Gb06,
Gb07, Gb08, Gb09, Gb10,Gb11,Gb12,Gb13, Gb14, Gb15, Gb16, Gb17,
Gb18; Gba01, Gba02, Gba03,Gba04, Gba05; Gc01,Gc02, Gc03, Gc04,
Gc05,Gc06, Gc07, GC08; Gd01, Gd02,Gd03,Gd04, Gd05,Gd06, Gd07,
Gd08, Gd09, Gd10, Gd11, Gd12, Gd13,Gd14,Gd15, Gd16,Gd17, Gd18,
Gd19, Gd20, Gd21, Gd22, Gd23, Gd24,Gd25,Gd26,Gd27,Gd28, Gd29,
Gd30, Gd31,Gd34, Gd36, Gd37; Ge01,Ge02,Ge03,Ge04, Ge05, Ge06,
Ge07, Ge08,Ge09, Ge10; Gf01,Gf02, Gf03,Gf04, Gf05, Gf06,Gf07, Gf08,
Gf09; H01,H02, H03, H04; Ha01;Hb01;Hc01*. Photo: p. 255.
Ladislav Packa Slovakia E102; Ga15,Ga16. Photo: p. 192.
Kalyan Seetharaman India Ga02*.
Ladislav Salai, jr., Slovakia A11*,A12*,A26*. Photo: p. 17.
Ladislav Salai, sr.† Slovakia A12*,A26*.
Bohuslav Sivák Slovakia E19,E23. Photo: p. 104.
Kenneth Solja Finland E112. Photo: p. 151.


1. Brabec, J.: Výsledok jubilejnej skladateľskej súťaže „BRABEC 60 C 26.5.1998“ (Bratislava 9. 1998)
2. Mlynka, K.: Projekt Prešporský káľ (MAT-64, 12. 2002; no. 4 – p. 68-69)
3. Mlynka, K.: Traja bratislavskí králi (Pat a mat – no. 46, 9. 2004)
4. Mlynka, K.: Le Roi supertransmuté (Phénix – no. 178, 11. 2008, p. 7689-7703)
5. Ridley, M. A.: Fairy Kings (Mat Plus Review 9-10, 2009);
6. Brabec, J.: Marianka Cup 2014: A1. Marianka Cup 2014 EN
7. Vysotska, J.: Julia´s Fairies:
8. Kostadinov, D.: KoBulChess:
9. Gruber, H.: Die Schwalbe: Märchenschachlexikon;
10. Golha, J.:
11. Kopyl, V.:
12. Lörinc, J.:
13. Kotěšovec, V.:
14. Ridley, M.
15. Linß, T.:
16. Pacurar, C.:
17. Mlynka, K.: Aasgeier: Alles–schlagende Steine (feenschach 1-2, 2012; H.191 – p. 314-316)
18. Wenigsteiner-JahresPreis 2015 - award © Hilmar Alquiros The Philippines; & Hans Gruber
19. Ebert, H.:
20. Schachblätter:
21. PDB:
22. Petkov, P.: StrateGems:
23. Lörinc, J.: Pat a mat:
24. Progressive chess - Eteroscacco:
25. Newsletter ASIGC-037 Giugno 2014 - Accademia del Problema:
26. SuperProblem 2015 - Fairies | Сказки:
27. Salai, L., Umenie-64:

 Marc Alexander Ridley: Fairy Kings; Mat Plus Review 9-10, 2009:
“The Super Transmuting King, sometimes better known as a Pressburger King, is one of the more up
and coming fairy kings. It is a king which definitively takes up the nature of the checking piece (and
thus loses his royal status).“

 Pressburger King (Super-transmuting King)

A King, which permanently takes the power of the checking piece. After being checked, the King loses
his Royal status and can be captured.
Chess Problem Fairy Definitions - StrateGems

 Definition of Pressburger King in Slovak:

Prešporský kráľ (supermutujúci kráľ): kráľ, ktorý po šachovaní definitívne získava pohyblivosť
šachujúceho kameňa, musí okamžite ťahať, pričom stráca svoju kráľovskú funkciu. Ak po šachovaní
nemôže ťahať, je zmatovaný. Pokiaľ nie je šachovaný, zostáva ortodoxným kráľom.


THEME TOURNEY MARIANKA CUP 2014 (Judge: Juraj Brabec) *

(Translation of the award from Slovak to English by Juraj Lörinc)

30-day festival theme tourney Marianka Cup was announced for compositions with any stipulation
using supertransmuting king. Other fairy elements were unlimited as well. The tourney was
announced in honour of the discoverer of supertransmuting king, Karol Mlynka, who turned 70 on the
August 11th.

Supertransmuting king: king, that after being checked definitely acquires mobility of the checking
unit, must move and loses its royal attribute.


The chosen theme has shown that even 16 years after first definition of the super-transmuting king
there is no consensus view on the properties of this interesting piece, shared by all composers and not
even organizer and judge (the same person) of the tourney. The biggest confusion arose around the
question, when exactly supertransmuting king loses its royal attribute. It is not apparent from the
definition used in magazine PAT A MAT, and that appeared at the same time as supertransmuting
king, that the change of king's mobility, the requirement to move and the loss of royal attribute all
appear at the same time. The first changed thing is the mobility of the king, then he must move and
only then his royal attribute is lost. In other words, checked supertransmuting king after acquisition of
mobility of checking piece is still a king, even if with the new mobility. Then he must move and if, still
as a king, he cannot make the move, he is checkmated.

But what does it mean – „he cannot make the move“ – does it mean the king has to have zero
mobility at the moment or it cannot still as a king enter the guarded square? In the meantime the
definition was precised and nowadays it is clear – the royal attribute is lost in the moment when the
move begins, i.e. when the supertransmuting king is lifted from the board. As a consequence, the
supertransmuting king can be checkmated if he has no mobility after check. If his mobility is non-zero,
he can move, but he is no longer king at that time and thus he can enter guarded square.

Other received questions were not so difficult to answer. They were mostly dealing with the check in
SAT and the mobility acquired by supertransmuting king after battery or mutliple-check. In SAT the
piece giving the flight is considered to be checking one and therefore supertransmuting king acquires
its mobility. After battery check the supertransmuting king changes into rear battery piece and after
multiple check the piece to turn into is chosen among checking pieces by the checked side. Also, I
consider the move by supertransmuting king in the royal shape and without royal attribute to be the

* In: Bulletin of chess composition festival in Marianka (Slovakia) 2014 - Marianka Cup 2014: A. Marianka Cup
2014 SK, A1. Marianka Cup 2014 EN - Slovenská organizácia kompozičného šachu

"La première competition du meeting slovaque de Marianka demandait des problèmes avec Roi
Super-Transmutés, à l'occasion des 70 ans de l´inventeur Karol Mlynka."
(Laurent Riguet, Phénix 9, 2015 - no. 253)

Juraj Lörinc:
New ideas in fairy chess 5 - supertransmuting king **

Its invention was inspired by two events. Firstly, it was last WCCT with its fairy section dedicated to
transmuting kings, that brought the possibilities of changing king's movement into spotlight of
composers worldwide. Karol Mlynka was very active here in Slovakia and he tried to add other power
to special rule. Secondly, it was jubilee tourney Brabec-60, where he went into award with two works
introducing supertransmuting king for the first time publicly. Here are the definitions:
Transmuting king
is a king which, when in check, takes the power(s) of the checking unit(s) in place of its own,
Supertransmuting king
is a king which, when checked, takes on the power(s)of the checking unit(s) in place of its
own, and retains it/them after the check has been parried. At this point it loses its royal
status, so that the play continues without a royal unit for this side.

Examples: Mlynka, K.: Pressburger King 1, Bratislava 2016: A01 & A03.
** In: New ideas in fairy chess 5

Strephen Emmerson: Supertransmuting King***

When checked, moves in the same manner as the checking unit, and remains as that type for the
remainder of the play, losing its royal nature.
(*** In: The Problemist 3. 2007 – p. 74)

Marco Bonavoglia: Re super tramutato****

Il Re supertramutato muove come il pezzo che gli dà scacco; dal momento in cui effettua una tal
mossa, acquista per sempre il nuovo potere, ma perde quelli reali.
(**** In: Eteroscacco - Italian magazine 11. 2007)


La définition est la suivante :

Roi Super-Transmuté : Roi qui, lorsqu´il est en échec, prend le pouvoir de la pièce qui lui donne échec,
et le garde une fois que l´échec est paré. Il perd alors son statut Royal et le camp qui le possède n´a
alors plus de pièce Royale.

Cette pièce féerique a aussi un autre nom, dérivé du nom du lieu de sa dècouverte (Bratislava –
Pressburg en allemand) : Pressburger King (Roi presbourgeois). Sa caractéristique basique est que ce
Roi se comporte comme un "non-Roi" apres chaque échec et cela lui permet de prendre le rôle des
différentes piéces. Dans les compositions plus longues, il n´est pas obligé de prendre la fonction de la
pièce qui le mate, et il peut mȇme ȇtre pris suite à sa métamorphose. ...“
(***** In: Phénix-178, 11. 2008)

Kjell Widlert: Springaren 6, 2016 (no.140):

„En Pressburg K (Supertransmuting K) tar när den schackas över schackande pjäsens gångart för
gott, måste dra (schacken fär inte pareras av annan pjäs) och förlorar därvid sin kungliga status.“

PDB: Supertransmuting King (=Pressburger King): A king which, when checked, takes on the power(s)
of the checking unit(s) in place of its own, and retains it/them after the check has been parried. At this
point it loses its royal status, so that the play continues without a royal unit for this side. "Parrying
check" means running out of reach of checking piece(s), not necessarily moving to square not
attacked by opposite side. Inventor: Karol Mlynka, 1998.

After Mark Alexander Ridley, Mat Plus Review Spring – Summer 2009; 9-10
Section 1: More than one King
a Rex Multiplex
b Siamese Kings
Section 2: Kings that move differently when in check
a Vaulting King
b Transmuted King (according Popeye fairy condition - KM)
c Super Transmuting King (Pressburger King)
d Hyper Transmuting King (added by K. Mlynka / V. Dyachuk)
e Anti-Super Transmuting King (added by K. Mlynka)
f Ultra Super Transmuting King (added by K. Mlynka)
g Reflecting King
Section 3: The King can be reborn
a Antipodean King
b Circe King
c KoBulKing (added by K. Mlynka / D. Kostadinov)
Section 4: Kings that move differently (in more general circumstances as in Section 2)
a Royal Pieces (rQ, rR, rB, rS, rP; rG, rN etc.)
b Dummy King
c Protean King
d Japanese King
e Scorpion
f Neptune (Marine King)
Section 5: Disguised Kings
a Symbolic King
b K-Unit
c Camouflage King
d Disguised King
e Ultimate King (Rex Ultimo)
Section 6: Miscellaneous Kings
a The King in Castle Chess
b Nostalgic King
c Potentate King
d Neutral King
e Half-neutral King
f Neutralising King
g The King in Republican Chess
h Anti-King
i Magic King
j Sensitive King
k Swapping King
l Spider
m Subversive King
n Ceriani-Frolkin and Schnoebelen King
o The Viceking (added 2017 - KM)
Section 7: Combination of fairy Kings

Eine Rumpelkammer auf zweimal 32 Feldern

03 Jul 12 Fairy Tales (16)

Ihr fragt euch sicher gleich interessiert, was es mit dem Kopfstandkönig auf f5 zu schaffen hat. Das ist
ein Pressburger König. Dieser nimmt, sobald ihm Schach geboten wird, die Gangart der
schachbietenden Figur ein und behält diese dann bei. Zugleich verliert er die Eigenschaft des Königs.

Gedanken und Antworten bitte als Kommentar!

1. Hartplatzheld
4. Juli 2012 - 08:43
Die politisch korrekte Bezeichnung ist doch bestimmt Bratislava-König (und naheliegender-
weise setzt dieser nach vorheriger Geschlechtsumwandlung einmal auf g5, einmal auf g4
und einmal auf g3 matt).
2. Losso
4. Juli 2012 - 10:56
Um die Aufgabe zu verstehen: Bedeutet das in a), dass die Lösung
1.c1D h4 2.Dg5 Kxg5# ist?
Das ist insofern verwirrend, als dass ich mich frage, wie Weiß nach Verlust der königlichen
Eigenschaft des Königs noch verlieren kann. Durch Schlag all seiner Figuren?
3. GH
4. Juli 2012 - 11:34
Und wieso hat der Schwarze nicht ebenfalls einen solchen Pressburger König?
4. Stefan
4. Juli 2012 - 12:00
Weiß soll ja gar nicht verlieren, insofern könnte man vielleicht auch a) 1.c1D h4 2.Dg5+
(wK=wD) Dxg5# schreiben ;-) Ich weiß aber nicht, wie die szenetypische Schreibweise ist…
@GH Kann man einen Pressburger König überhaupt mattsetzen?
5. HL
4. Juli 2012 - 13:44
Vor allem: Wie zieht ein Pressburger König, wenn er im Doppelschach steht?
6. MiBu
4. Juli 2012 - 16:11
wKc6, Bb6, sKa8 Ba7. 1.b7 ist matt, wenn der sK ein Bratislava-lover ist.
7. Stefan
4. Juli 2012 - 19:01
Kann man einen schwarzen Bauern auf a8 mattsetzen? Das berührt schon
schachphilosophische Fragen… @HL Ich schätze, da gibt es Typ A und Typ B des Presskönigs,
notfalls müssen wir das noch näher ausarbeiten ;-)
8. Losso
5. Juli 2012 - 10:14
@MiBu: Das stimmt nicht. Durch das Schachgebot verliert der Pressburger König ja seine
königliche Eigenschaft.Es gibt so etwas ähnliches: Der transmutierende König. Der zieht wie

ein König und nur, wenn er im Schach steht, zieht er für diesen einen Zug wie die schach-
bietende Figur. Außerdem verliert er nie seine königliche Eigenschaft. In diesem Fall hättest
Du auch mit Deinem Beispiel recht.
9. uvo
5. Juli 2012 - 14:41
Sehe ich das richtig, dass mit wKa6, wBb6 / sKa8, sDb8 Weiß in einem Zug mattsetzen kann,
falls er einen Pressburger König besitzt?
@HL: Deine Frage möchte ich gern mit einem kleinen Problem beantworten:
W: Kf6 (Pressburger König) - S: Kh8, Lc1, Sf3. Hilfsmatt in zwei Zügen.
10. MiBu
5. Juli 2012 - 16:39
@losso: Dann stimmte aber die Definition (»nimmt die Gangart der schachbietenden Figur
an«) nicht bzw. war unvollständig, es war kein Hinweis dabei, dass dabei gleichzeitig die
Republik ausgerufen wird. Die Lösungen b) und c) sollten IMHO mit 1.Kh4 bzw. 1.Kh3
11. Losso
5. Juli 2012 - 23:04
*Fingerzeig*: Zugleich verliert er die Eigenschaft des Königs.
Damit ist im Problemschach meines Wissens immer die Eigenschaft gemeint, matt gesetzt
werden zu können. Insofern ist es nicht unvollständig, sondern es heißt: Eins weiter lesen!
12. MiBu
5. Juli 2012 - 23:47
Auch wieder wahr… Vor allem haben die Lösungen natürlich das Problem, dass Transe
g5/g4/g3 unmöglich wäre, wenn er/sie/es noch etwas K wäre. »Eigenschaft« bezieht sich
dann wohl auch auf die Möglichkeit, sich dem gegnerischen K zu nähern.
Dieses Märchenschach ist manchmal wirklich vertrackt, wobei sich hier noch die Zusatzfrage
stellt, wie man eigentlich gewinnen kann, wenn man keinen K mehr hat…?!
© 2005-2012 Schachblätter

Author: Karol Mlynka (*11.08.1944 in Kozárovce, Slovakia; since 1994 living in Bratislava) – Slovak
composer, debuted 1961, published 1700 compositions of which 600 are fairy problems, 400 two-
movers, 220 threemovers, 100 moremovers, 240 helpmates and 140 selfmates. International judge
of the FIDE since 1987 and FIDE master since 1990. Inventor of Mlynka theme (cyclic change of
defence motifs of 3 defences in 2 phases) and the fairy piece Pressburger King.

 The manuscript has not undergone language editing.

Edition 1 Prague 01.08.2016
“Šachové knihy a časopisy ve slovenštině”


Pressburger King (eBook)


Fairy chess connoisseurs got in the summer an interesting gift. Karol Mlynka has closed one phase of collecting
compositions to Pressburger king and the collection issued in the form of an e-Book Pressburger King
(Collection of fairy chess problems) , which is freely available.
You may ask - what is the Pressburger king?
According to the introduction to Pressburger king (even the name supertransmuting king) was established 1998
in Bratislava, in the creative laboratory of Karol Mlynka. He drew inspiration from Transmuted King when the
popular king who was even fairy element used in the World Chess Composition Tournament. Karol Mlynka the
world competition successfully participated and his joint composition won the 10th place in the relevant
section. But much longer term impacts today appears just invented Pressburger king when he posed the
question "What would happen if the checked king ceased to be king forever?"
The very first experiments showed that a logical idea brings many questions related to the peculiarities of the
chess space-time, so it took until the definition of Pressburger king stabilized as follows: "After being checked,
the Supertransmuting King must immediately move like the checking piece and then losing his royal status
definitively takes up its nature. When no such move is available, the ST-King side parries the check normally. If
the checked King cannot move, it is a mate."
There were a lot of thematic tournaments devoted Pressburger king of them was the most mature tournament
for the Cup of Marianka 2014 . It proved that Pressburger king is already an established fairy element that can
be used for unusual wide range of themes.
This brings us back to the collection. It contains a total of 428 compositions, sorted by genre. In all acts either
the Pressburger king or his close relatives. In addition it is possible to find a large number publication of
additional information.
For illustration, I chose an understandable twomover from the inventor of Pressburger king. It shows
significantly that Pressburger king not only not afraid of checking unit, but on the contrary, he likes when you
threaten. This makes the task of processing the combined change of variations in four phases, in the thematic
play (keys and mates) has just solo the Pressburger king. Juraj Lörinc

Karol Mlynka
5. Honourable Mention
6. TT PAT A MAT C 31.10.2007
(5th HM 6th TT PAM 2007/08;
6th TT PAM C 31.10.2007 – Aw. PAM 6, 2008)

1...Sf3+ a, Bf6+ b 2.Ke6=S A, Ke3=B B#,

1.Kh4? (~ 2.Be3#) Sf3+ a, Bf6+ b
2.Kf5=S C, Kf2=B D#, 1...Q:d7!,
1.Kg6? (~ 2.Be3#) Qc2+ c, Qc6+ d
2.Kb6=Q E, Kd3=Q F#, 1...Q:d7!,
1.Kf5! (~ 2.Be3#) Qc2+ c, Q:d7+ e
2.Kf2=Q G, Kf4=Q H#.

Z-42-58 = combined changes in 4 phases.

#2 (6+10)
WhiteSuperTransmuting King

 Translated by Karol Mlynka (Bratislava, 2017)


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