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Alumni Information System

Alumni information system contains the details of the graduate of the college. We can
maintain the details of the students, who have studied in the college. It is very
beneficial for the college, because whenever the college needs any financial assistance
then one can approach the former college students who might be in good position and
ask for the financial help. It is a grate way of maintaining the important data, because
the old saying is there which says information is wealth.

At present, the Alumni Information System (AIS) contains the Details of the
graduates, and efforts are constantly made to keep the personal particulars of all
graduates up to date. In addition, a continuous search takes place for ‘lost’ graduates,
using among other things as address cards. Constantly we can update about the alumni
in the system so that one has the latest information of the alumni. The latest
information is maintained by various means like one can email the alumni, call or
personally meet the alumni and gather the all related information about him/her. This
type of system builds a strong network among all the passed out students. The details
like career establishments, personal details, academics details and alumni group which
is a great way of maintaining the friend group of the alumni when they were in the

The existing system of managing the alumni is manual in nature, college people wants
to maintain the information about the students who have passed from the college but it gets
very complex doing it.

1. The application is very time consuming
2. The application is not secured and it is manual in nature.

3. The application is not placed online hence information is passed between different
alumni of college.

At present, the Alumni Information System (AIS) contains the Details of the graduates, and
efforts are constantly made to keep the personal particulars of all graduates up to date. In
addition, a continuous search takes place for ‘lost’ graduates, using among other things as
address cards. Constantly we can update about the alumni in the system so that one has the
latest information of the alumni.


1. Academics: The information like student admission date and marks scored in
the academic year is stored here for the longer duration of time in the database.
2. Personal Details: The information like alumni residential address, mobile no
and presently in which sector she’s studying or working is stored here in the
3. Alumni group: The group as per the year can be recorded in the database.
4. Login Module: Authentication for the user.
5. Report Module: The necessary information that needs to be in the printed
Software Requirements:
1. Visual Studio .Net
3. C# Language.
Hardware Requirements:
1. Processor : Intel Pentium or more
2. Ram : 128 MB or more
3. Cache : 512 KB
4. Hard disk : 16 GB hard disk recommended

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