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1. First Book (Crtized Book)

(The book material only given in Chapter, so we can’t make the identity of the

2. Second Book (Standard Book For Comparison)

Title : A Taxonomy for Leaening Theacing and

Assesing ( A Revision Bloom’s Taxonomy
Education Objectives)
Author : Lorin W.Anderson,

Book Publisher : Addison Wesley Longman,Inc

Year of publication : 2001

City : New York

Book Thickness : 333 Pages (Review in Chapter 11 : 19


This book consist of 8 different chapters, namely :

CHAPTER I. Ecology Introduction

CHAPTER II. Animals and Their Environment

CHAPTER III. Response and Animal Adaptation

CHAPTER IV. Habitat and Ecological Niche

CHAPTER V. Animal Population

CHAPTER VI. Population Interaction

CHAPTER VII. Animal Community

CHAPTER VIII. Ecoenergetic

But the chapter that we’re going to be compared with the critized book,
specifically Chapter II (General Nature of Environmental Responses) is Chapter III
about “Animal Response and Adaptation”.

Summary :


Ecology is deals with the interrelations of organism with each other and with
their environment as organisms respond with one another and with the ever-charging
environment (physical and biotic) influencing the responses of organism. Like
hydrosphere, marine and fresh water; of the lithosphere there is one, and land.

A habitat is a specific set of physical and chemical conditions like space,

substratum, climate that surrounds a sigle species, a group of species, or large
community. The ultimate division of the biosphere is the microhabitat, the most
intimately local and immediate set of conditions surrounding an organism: the burrow
of rodent, for inatance, or a decaying log.

The first living organisms probably evolved in the sea and must have
possessed very generalized adjustments to this relatively uniform and favorable
habitat. However, this early organisms and inherent in them the potential for
expansion, as they later spread into other and more rigorous habitats.

Organism respond to differences or changes in their environment in four

principal ways: morphological adaptations, physiological adjustments, behavior
patterns; and community relations. Most plants are sessile and animals are motile.
Some motile plants among unicellular form and male gamets, and there are many
sessile or slow-moving animals in aquaic habitats. Sessile organisms respond to
variations of the environment primarily by changes in form; motile animals, primarily
by changes in behavior.

Content Critized :

Based on another book, the definition of ecologi is a science that studied the
interactions that determine the spread (distribution) and abundance of organisms.
Judging from the level of the biology organism, ecology discuss about organism or
living thing in three stages, namely individual, population and community. animal
ecology emphasis on the population and plant ecology emphasis on community.
Because animals have behavior relative move (migrate) while the relative tubuhan not
move (sessile).

The presence, distribution and a similar abundance of animals in a habitat will

always be influenced by environmental conditions as a factor limiting the survival
and success of Suati live animals.Adaptation or adjustment is the process of
evolutionary change resulted in better survival and development efficiency levels
higher (to be phylogeny) which can be distinguished:

a. Structure or morphology

b. Physiology or functional

c. Behavior

The variety of adaptations animals have evolved to maintain the basic

metabolic processes that allow them to successfully survive, grow, and reproduce in
the diversity of environments existing on Earth. (Smith, Thomas M and Smith

Excess of the critized book:

 More easy to understanding

 process about animals adapt to their environment, including the animal
to survive or find a new place.

 Including the division of biosphere where in another book didi not tell
about that

Lack of the critized book:

 does not include examples and there is part not completely in

explanation (example paragraph 2, pg 8)
 didi not tell that animal ecology emphasis on the population and plant
ecology emphasis on community (it is important to know)
 in part of division of biosphere with out explanation or clarity

Summary : Morphological Adaptations

Morphological variations induces by peculiarities of habit do occur in motile

animals:thickening of the shells of clams subjected to strenuous wave action;
variation in number of vertebrate,scales,and fin rays among fich subjected ti different
temperatures at critical periods in their growth. But that there are variatios between
individuals and between groups of individuals of the sampe species show that
morphological development is also responsive to environmental influences.

Modifications induced by the environment emerge as the individual develops and

are not specifically iinherited called by the succeeding generation. These
modifications are called growth-forms or ecophenes. If and when the growth-form
becomes inherited as the result of evolutionary processes,it then becomes an ecotype.

1. Life-Form of Animals

The major life-form of animals more often agree with their taxonomy than do
plants,but some life-forms include representatives from several different taxonomic
groups. There ca be recognized encrusting forms such as the fresh-water bryozoans
Plumatellaand some sponges;coralforms,includinggrass,leaf,or shrub forms. Each of

these major types may be divided into narrower structureal or behavioral types,for
example : Aquatic(Swimming),
and Aerial(Flying).

2. Adaptations

Adaptations to tratum ad habit,there occur ecologically significant adaptations for

food-getting and metabolism,protection,ad reproduction. The variety of teeth found in
mammals and lizards, the variation in shape and size of bills of birds,the different
mmouth parts of insects,the siphons of clams,the suckers of leeches,the water canal
system of sponges arebut few special anatomical features especially designed for

All animals are subject to predations or competition and must have means of
protecting themselves or offsetting losses in the struggle for existence. Such as
adaptations take a variety of forms such as body armor,concealingcoloration,attack
weapons or behavior patterns of escape.

3. Natural Selection

Variations that decrease the efficiency of a species in its struggle for existence
against competitors and unfavorable environmental conditions usually disappear,but
variations that increase this efficiency give those individuas that possess them a better
change for survival and for giving birth to similar offspring. Thus,there is natural
selection of the fitter individuals and a gradual improvement in the relations between
the species and it’s environment. It is in his way that adaptations are established.

Lack of This Chapter

This chapter especially part that talked about the morphological adaptations has
several lack. Such as the language that quite hard to understand and at this part not
give complete explanation of several example from respons and adaptation like at the
EkologiHewan text book by Prof.Dr.rer.nat.BinariManurung, , the author give

several example of respons and adaptation at the morphologi adaptation part at the
chapter 3 of this book, the author make the example such as a respons and adaptation
that related to the habitat there are for Cecile animal and mobile animal.

At this part author also not give the an expalation about the several type of
adjusment such as acclimatization,acclimation and adaptation that is really important
to know related to the respons that the organism give based on each factor that
influenced the respons and the other characteristic of it.

And the biggest lack at this part is author not put several scientific research about
the morphological adaptation like as we can found at the EkologiHewan text book by
Prof.Dr.rer.nat.BinariManurung, this author give explanation about the
ecogeografi law that is include to the morphology adaptation generalization. Author
put several scientific law such as Bergman law,Allenlaw,Jordan Law and Gloger law.

Excess of This Chapter

Compare to the EkologiHewan text book by Prof.Dr.rer.nat.BinariManurung,

book, this chapter stil has several excess such as at this chapter author put the natural
selection explanation which is also important to understand if we want to know
what’s make the respons and adaptation can occurs in the nature.

Even this chapter is about animal ecology but for the comparison of the
morphological adaptation author also put an explanation about the life-forms of plant
and compare it with the life-form of animal that occurs do to the respons and
adaptation in the nature.

Lack of the Comparison Book

There is no explanation about natural selection that caused the respons and

Excess of the Comparison Book

Author give much example that related to the topic which help the reader to more
understand about the topic.

Summary : Physiological Adjustments

A physiological response must certainly precede any change form or structure

which requires growth. So this probably the first response of any organism to a
change in environment is the physiological response. While a change in behavior
must follow a change in some receptor. For example it’s a process of human produce
shivering it’s a sample of physiological response in animal , for a plant its in
photosynthesis process for take a light by chloroplastids . from sample above we
know the physiological responeits,s occurs in internal response to factors of
environment. Type of response by influence of environmental factors produce
physiologically in various way such as: Lethal( death), Masking ( modifying the
effect of some other factor), Directive( making favorable condition ), Controlling (
influence the rate but not entering the reaction ), Deficient ( limiting activity causes
essential ingredients ).

Threshold and rate. While the first its rate drawing the characteristically for
each individual organism a lower and upper limit in range of environment factors
between which it function efficiently. And for threshold is the minimum quantity of
any factor that produce a perceptible effect on the organism.

Low of toleration divided into upper and lower limit tolerance are intensity
level of factor at which only half of the organism can survive. While the limits are
sometimes difficult to determine, as pass into an inactive, dormant, hibernating state
from which they may again become functional when temperature rises above a
threshold. From the tolerate factors we can classifieds the animal be steno- ( species)
and eury- ( wide range) such as stenohaline and euryhalinerespect to salinity,
stenohydric and euryhydric respect to water, stenothermal and eurythermal in respect
to temperature etc.

Low of the minimum its explain by some scientist such as Justus von liebig
in 1840 , Blackman ( 1905) as we know he talk about the limiting factors, including
both those deficient and controlling the rate of photosynthesis, and the last its
shelford about the law of minimum he talk about the presence or abundance of
environment factors such as biotic and abiotic factors.

Lack of the text book

In this book at the part of physiology explanation while he give the statement
physiological response its include the first response they not give the reason about
this, .the sentences that used to explain the learning threshold and rate is difficult to
understand, and all of their explanation not directly to main point . the example of
physiological response just explain about the process of physiological response but
not explain about the animal do that .

Lack of book

Just give the little sample of physiology response.

Excess of text book

In this book giving more sample of every explanation , showing the graphic and
showing more scientific statement to making we understanding about the develop
ecology specially about the law minimum .

Excess of the book

Give the indicator include to making physiological response will be occurs such as
enzyme temperature and reduction energy .using the systematic arrangement to
making reader understand.

Summary : Behaviour responses

If the movement involves curvature or a turning movement either towards or

away from the source of stimulus, the movement is called a tropism. Motile organism

frequently respond by actual locomotion toward or away from the stimulus rather
than mere turning, and such guided or directed locomotor movements are called
taxes. When the movements of the animal are random in direction , and there is no
immediate orientation to the source of stimulus , but the frequency of turning or
speed of the movements is dependent on the intensity of stimulation, such responses
are termed kinases.The stimulus to which the organism responding : thermo-
temperature ;photo-light; geo-gravity; hydro-moisture; chemo-chemicals; thigmo-
contact; baro-pressure; rheo- current; and galvano-electricity.

Innate behavior

A reflex is a quick, automatic response of a single organ or organ system to a

simple stimulus ; An instinct,or inherited behavior pattern is a complex fixed
behavior that is activated , more or less automatically, when the animalis presented
with the proper stimulus.


Internal stimuli are derived either from hormones or as kinesthesia involving

changes in the tension of muscles and tendons or changes in shape or form of muscles
fibers .The example such as in stickleback fish, the male prepare its nest for the
female , when the female appears the male dance as zig-zag after the female courts
the male lead her to his nest and the female follow him and enter to the nest ,after that
the the male trembles and the female spawn its out from the nest and the male


Learning is the adaptive change in individual behavior as a result of

experience .The form of learning such as habituation (learning not to respond to
stimuli which tend to be without significance in the life of organism), Condition
(consists of the establishment of a connection between a normal reward or
punishment and a new stimulus), imprinting ( lear through association and contact
during the course of development), Imitation ( an individual in a flock or herd may

start to fed or run when it observes other individuals feeding or running), trial and
error learning (Repetition of the same act ussualy leads to the formation of habit),
Insight learning (apprehension of relations and the sudden adoption of an appropriate
response without previous trial and error behavior).

Biological Clocks

Behaviour of organism in its natural environment is a mixture of responses to

external stimuli and is conditioned by internal physiological readiness and capacities
of various sorts.

Ecological Life Histories

Concerned with the activities of a species throughout its life cycle, and in
relation to its adjustments tonatural condition. With matery : phylogenetic and
geological history, Geographic and habitat distribution , variation in population
through time and in space. Changes in seasonal activities .

Ecological Niche

The ecological niche is the particular position in a community and habitat

occupied by a species population as the result of its perculiar structural adaptations,
its physiological adjustment, and the special behavior patterns that have evolved to
make best use of this potentialities.

Community Interrelations

Occurrence of different species in the same habitat necessitates the

establishment of compatible community interrelations.

Points that critized:

1. in meaning of each component behavior in textbook only explain about the mean
without telling the example of each component ,such as in the comparison book of
Binari’s book the example of tropisme is Hydra which is sessile and kinases is the
movement of protozoa. the textbook thereis no example to explain the reflex behavior whereas in
binary’s book there is the the example of reflex behavior such as eating activity in fly,
eschewing animals from danger condition.

3. Based on the text book the example of tickleback fish is shown on stimuli behavior
whereas in the binari’s book it is shown in instinct behavior.

4. in the textbook learning behavior isn’t tell clearly with its example in each kind of
learning behavior whereas in binary’s book in each types of learning is told clearly
with the example of its type.

5. in the textbook the ecological niche isn’t told clearly, it contains the big line of
ecological niche whereas in binari’s book the ecological niche is told clearly with
adding the information about scope niche , exclusive principle competition and
segregation of niche and also the principle of coexistence and segregation of niche.

Lack of textbook :

1.The example of each component behavior is less

2.The explanation of reflex behavior is less

3. the sentences that used to explain the learning behavior is difficult to understand

4.Short explanation about the ecological niche

Lack of thebook :

1. There is no explanation about biological clocks

2. The explanation about ecological life histories is minimum.

3. the community interrelation isn’t told clearly.

Excess of textbook :

1. The stimulus which organism responding is told clearly.

2. There is clear explanation about biological clock and ecological life histories.

3. The interrelation of community also told in this chapter although not too specific

Excess of the textbook :

1. The arrangement and sentences that used is easy to understand

2. The example of each component behavior is given completely.

3. Deep explanation about ecological niche .

4.. For the explanation it’s taken from several source .

5. The explanation about reflex behavior is deep.

Conclusion :

So after we read both of the book, we think that the book “Ekologi Hewan”
that written by Sir Binari Manurung is better to be used as the sources for learnig,
because if we compare to the critized book, Sir Binari Manurung’s is easier to be
undersood, the book also completed with some examples that support the reader in
learning about the topic.

References :

Manurung, Binari. 2012. Ekologi Hewan. Medan : Faculty of Mathematics and

Science, State University of Medan.


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