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Background of the study

The researchers decided to do an experimental research about how the
loud music affects the concentration of the students. The researchers wanted to
know how they would focus to do a performance task while they heard loud
music. On our Experimental Research, it shows how students control themselves
and to focus on their task while the loud music playing. The students would show
us some strategies on how they would affect if there is a loud music.
The researchers conduct this experimental research, because the
researchers wanted to know if the loud music helps or distract the student’s
focus during doing a certain task and one of the reasons facilitating this
experimental research is to determine the effect of loud music. The researchers
want to know how the students avoid the loud music while doing their certain
task. By this experimental research how the students control themselves to be
focus to their task. They also want to know what is the advantages and
disadvantages of it. In the first place, the researchers conduct this research to
have an observation of the students who were doing task while hearing a noise.
According to Russa “There are always distraction, if you allow them“ as a
human being we encountered a distraction in our everyday life. There is a music
that playing, there are children’s that are playing everywhere and other noisy
sound or things as a human, distraction also can challenge us to improve are
mind in focusing while doing a certain task. Distractions are everywhere but if
you allow them to serve as distraction to you it will. But if you will not allow
them it wouldn’t.


This hypothesis was measured at 0.05 level of significance. Thus, There is

no significant relationship between the loud music and concentration of Grade
10 students

Theoretical Framework
On our theory the concept of the researcher’s have a connection to each
other. Most of the people know the reason why our focus were lost when they
hear some noisy sounds. Therefore, the focus of any persons can be lost by
distractions. There are some examples, like a man driving his vehicle and
suddenly a loud music on the radio plays. This situation can cause an accident.
With the help of the researchers choose this theory to make their concept

established. It involves the loud music that can cause distraction. Factors of loud
music that can distract the concentration of a driver can cause an accident by
not hearing the horn of another vehicle. It can also affect to the ambulance
because they can’t hear the ambulance horn so that it can cause accident.
The researcher’s choose this theory because it is connected to our
research. It can point out the concentration of a person by hearing some loud
music, like in our research the facilitators can observed or how they would be
distracted. “Distraction” a word that is simple yet it covers a big part for our
study and to our theory as well. The researcher’s decide to choose this word
“Concentration”. Concentration is the main focus that is performed by a
particular person who is doing an activity.

Conceptual Framework



Figure1. The conceptual paradigm of the study: Auditory processing loud music
as a distraction for the concentration of the grade 10 students in Saint Vincent
Learning Academy.

The connection of the loud music to the researcher’s study and according
to the theory that the loud music servers a distraction to all profession, like
policeman, teachers, dentists, doctors, chemists, drivers, and even students
involves the problem to the society. But the researchers choose to have an
actual experiment to the students. So the problem contains the factor that
distracts the concentration. But still loud music can bring motivation depending
to those person on work. The loud music could have a contrast between
distraction and motivation, that was one of the reason why the researcher’s
conduct this research, to determine if it gives motivation or if it bring

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