Electronic Document and Preparation Management Portfolio 2018-2019

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Electronic Document and Preparation Management

Portfolio 2018-2019

Name of Students: Samuel Haynes

Swastika Nauth
Toni Trotman

Name of Teacher: Ms. Samantha Liverpool

Due Date: 7th January, 2019

Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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Table of Contents

Two-paged blocked style Letter…………………………………………3
Circular Letter with a tear-off Slip………………………………………6
Tabular Work
Committee Documents
Notice of a Meeting with Agenda………………………………………..13
A Chairman’s Agenda……………………………………………….…...15
An Invitation with a Menu……………………………………………....18
An Organisational Chart…………………………………………………20
Legal Work
A Hire Purchase Agreement……………………………………….…….22
A Contract of Employment………………………………………………26
Manuscript Test…………………………………………………………………27

Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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Two page blocked style Letter

Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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Two Page Blocked Style Letter

Camp and Thomas Roads
Tel: 225-7687

29th October, 2018

Mr. Alvin Granger

Chairman of the Board

Cement Street



Dear Sir

Queen’s College Day of Sports 2018

This letter serves to inform you of the Queen’s College Day of Sports, which is scheduled for
December 5, 2018.

It will be held on the College Grounds from 10:00hrs. Preparation tasks such as the weeding and
maintenance of the ground, early renting of tents, tables and chairs, as well as, food and drinks
stalls have been taken care of. Furthermore, the committee is dedicated to making this event a
success, in terms of hosting a day for athletes filled with healthy competition and fun, and raising
funds at stalls to assist with other school necessities and development. Following is a list of the
names and telephone numbers of the committee members:

Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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Two Page Blocked Style Letter

Camp and Thomas Roads
Tel: 225-7687

Page 2

Mr. Granger

29thOctober, 2018

Mary Rodrigues: 657-8790

Cistone Benjamin: 614-1997

John Pot: 633-2121

Calvin Ferreira: 654-6560

In closing, I anticipate that you approve of, and support this event in whatever way possible, taking
note of the committee’s undying dedication to such activities.

Yours faithfully,

Queen’s College


Samuel Haynes

Coordinator of Day of Sports

Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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Circular Letter With Tear-Off Slip

Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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Date as Postmark


As you may know, Queen’s College hosts its annual Day of Sports in the month of December. This year
our Day of Sports will be held at the Eve Leary Parade Ground on the 5thDecember 2018. The students of
Queen’s College are placed into ten different Houses respectively.

We are inviting you to be a Judge at this year’s Day of Sports to ensure that the awarding of points to the
respective Houses are done in a fair, unbiased and transparent manner. The event commences at 10:00hrs
and is due to be concluded at 16:00hrs. Your participation for the entire period will be much appreciated.
Looking forward to your favourable response.

Toni Trotman
Principal of Queen’s College

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I _______________________ hereby accept the invitation to be a judge at Queen’s College annual Day
of Sports to be held at Eve Leary Parade Ground on 5th December 2018 at 10:00hrs.

_________________ ___________________

Signature Date

Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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Tabular Work

Budget of the Day of Sports

Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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Bottle of Glucose 5 $ 800.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Amount Budgetted was more than amount Spent
5 Gallon Bottle of Water 12 $ 260.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 3,120.00 $ 6,880.00 Amount Budgetted was more than amount Spent
Bat 15 $ 2,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Amount Budgetted was more than amount Spent
Bumper Ball 20 $ 160.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,200.00 $ (200.00) Amount Budgetted was less than amount Spent
Cases of Drink 300 $ 3,400.00 $ 900,000.00 $ 1,020,000.00 $ (120,000.00) Amount Budgetted was less than amount Spent
Chair 200 $ 500.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ (80,000.00) Amount Budgetted was less than amount Spent
Food Warmer 5 $ 50,000.00 $ 450,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 200,000.00 Amount Budgetted was more than amount Spent
Football 10 $ 4,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Amount Budgetted was more than amount Spent
Ice 20 $ 400.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ - Amount Budgetted was less than amount Spent
Ice Cooler 15 $ 3,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ (35,000.00) Amount Budgetted was less than amount Spent
Labour 5 $ 20,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 10,000.00 Amount Budgetted was more than amount Spent
Lunch 558 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,450,000.00 $ 1,116,000.00 $ 1,334,000.00 Amount Budgetted was more than amount Spent
Microphone 5 $ 4,500.00 $ 34,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 11,500.00 Amount Budgetted was more than amount Spent
Portable Washroom 8 $ 15,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 30,000.00 Amount Budgetted was more than amount Spent
Sanitary Ware 1000 $ 20.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Amount Budgetted was more than amount Spent
Speaker 4 $ 14,500.00 $ 46,000.00 $ 58,000.00 $ (12,000.00) Amount Budgetted was less than amount Spent
Sports Ground 1 $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ - Amount Budgetted was less than amount Spent
Table 20 $ 1,500.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Amount Budgetted was more than amount Spent
Tent 12 $ 8,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 96,000.00 $ (16,000.00) Amount Budgetted was less than amount Spent
TOTAL $ 4,501,000.00 $ 3,105,820.00 $ 1,395,180.00

Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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Notice of a Meeting with Agenda

Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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Queen’s College
Camp Street & Thomas Lands
Tel: +592 223 6579

25th October, 2018

All House Masters and Mistresses are hereby invited to an important meeting to discuss the plans for the
Day of Sports. This meeting will be held on Thursday 8th November 2018 at 14:30 hours in the
Information Technology lab. Please be prompt.

1. Call to Order
2. Opening Prayer
3. National Pledge
4. Apologies for Absence and Lateness
5. Minutes of Last Meeting
6. Corrections and / or adoptions of Minutes
7. Matters arising out of Minutes
8. Correspondence
9. Matters to be discussed
i. Date for which the Day of Sports is to be held
ii. Venue of Day of Sports
iii. Time the Day of Sports will commence
iv. Rules to be followed at the Day of Sports
v. Order of the Day of Sports Program
10. Any other Business (AOB)
11. Chairman’s Remarks
12. Date and Time of next meeting
13. Adjournment


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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
A Chairman’s Agenda

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

30th October, 2018

All House Masters and Mistresses are hereby invited to an important meeting to discuss the plans for the
Day of Sports. This meeting will be held on Thursday 8th November 2018 at 14:30 hours in the
Information Technology lab. Please be prompt.


1. Call to Order
Call meeting to order and thank members for being punctual _______________________________
2. Opening Prayer _______________________________
To be recited by all _______________________________
3. National Pledge _______________________________
To be recited by all _______________________________
4. Apologies for Absence and Lateness _______________________________
Mr. Adams is out of the country on vacation
5. Minutes of Last Meeting
To be read by the Secretary, Ms. Austin _______________________________
6. Corrections and / or adoptions of Minutes _______________________________
Ask members to make necessary corrections _______________________________
7. Matters arising out of Minutes _______________________________
5 minutes on each speaker

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

8. Correspondence _______________________________
To be read by secretary, Ms. Austin
9. Matters to be discussed
i. Date for which the Day of Sports is to be held _______________________________
ii. Venue of Day of Sports _______________________________
iii. Time the Day of Sports will commence
iv. Rules to be followed at the Day of Sports _______________________________
v. Order of the Day of Sports Program _______________________________
10. Any other Business (AOB)
Place time limit on speakers _______________________________
11. Chairman’s Remarks _______________________________
12. Date and Time of next meeting _______________________________
Secretary to read agreed date and time _______________________________
13. Adjournment
School song will be sung by Mr. Lowe

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
An Invitation with a Menu

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
Cordially Invites You to its

Thursday 9th November, 2018 @ 10:00hrs on the College Grounds

Appetizer: Cheese puffs, Tartlets,
Meatballs, French fries

Main Course: Butter chicken / Fish fillets,

Macaroni, Lamb stew,
Spanish Fried Rice.

Dessert: Chocolate Cheese Cake

Beverages: Non- Alcoholic drinks

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
An Organisational Chart

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
Queen’s College Board of Governors
An Organisational Chart of the Sports
Chairman of the
Robert Granger

Coordinator of the
Courtney Benn Headmistress
Day of Sports
Mavis Lancaster Jackie Benn
Roberto Fuentes
Shania Gourido

House Captains
Michael Cole
James Haynes
Lenise Parker
Amy Persaud

Vice Captains
Min Wen Shing
Romio July
David Austin

Michelle Fred
Cayman Singh


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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
A Hire Purchase Agreement

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
A Hire Purchase Agreement


THIS HIRE PURCHASE AGREEMENT is made on the twentieth day of July two thousand
eighteen, between TRACTORS EXPRESS of Sierra Street, Lacy town. (hereinafter called ‘the
Owner’) of the one part and TONI TROTMAN of 155 Durban Square, Lamaha Gardens
(hereinafter called the ‘the Hirer’) of the other part--------------------------------------------------------
Full name: Toni A. Trotman
Address: Queen’s College Camp Street and Thomas Lands, Lacy town
Occupation: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Queen’s College
Bank Details: Republic Bank, Lacy town, Account no: 23501
The Good(s): One Utility Tractor
1. The good shall be delivered by the owner at his own expense at the above address of the
hirer on third August two thousand eighteen------------------------------------------------------
2. The term of the hire shall be for eighteen months and hiring shall commence on the date of
this agreement and shall continue until nineteenth November two thousand nineteen---
3. The cash price of the said tractor is $200,000.00 and the hire purchase price is $221,000.75-
4. The hirer will pay to the owner an initial installment of $13,000.00 on signature of this
agreement and shall pay to the owner the balance of the said hire purchase price amounting
to $206,000.00 by nineteenth November two thousand nineteen comprising 17 installments
of $13,000.00 each, the first installment to be paid on the nineteenth August two thousand
eighteen and each subsequent installment on the nineteenth of each succeeding month.----
5. The hirer will pay interest on any arrears in rents at the rate of 5% per annum-------------
6. During the continuance of this agreement, the hirer shall not sell, assign, mortgage, pledge,
let or lend the good but shall keep the good in the possession of the school and control and
will not remove or permit the good from the address above, without the consent of the
owner in writing and will protect the goods against damage, distress of seizure--------------
7. During the continuance of this agreement the hirer shall at her own expense keep the goods
in good repair and condition (reasonable wear and tear excepted), and insured against fire
and loss or damage from whatsoever cause arising.--------------------------------

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
A Hire Purchase Agreement

8. The good shall remain the property of the school until the last and final installment is paid
at which time the hirer may at any time pay off this agreement at which time the good will
become the property of the school’s. ---------------------------------------------------
9. The hirer may at any time pay off this agreement at which time the good will become the
property of the school’s------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10. The hirer may at any time end this agreement by giving two weeks’ notice in writing to the
owner at the above address and by returning the good in new condition to the owner at the
hirer’s expense. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11. In the event that the good is returned to the owner the hirer shall pay an arrears in payments-
12. In the event that the hirer shall default in punctual payment of any sum payable in this
agreement or shall be declared bankrupt or shall fail to observe any of the terms and
conditions of this agreement, then the owner may forthwith without notice terminate the
agreement and retake possession of the good. ----------------------------------------------------
13. In the event of the agreement being terminated under clause 12 hereof, the hirer shall pay
to the owner the hire-purchase price of the good less the sums previously under the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have placed their signatures

………………………. ……………………………

Hirer For and on behalf of the

owner, Tractors Express Ltd

1. …………………….

2. …………………….

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
A Contract of Employment

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
Contract of Employment


College Board of Governors (hereinafter CALLED ‘the Employer’) of the one part and ROBERT

STINE of Garland Road Alabama (herein after called ‘the Employee’) of the other part ------------


WHEREBY Both The Employer And Employee Agree To The Following Terms and Conditions-

1 Employee’s Job Title: Groundsman ------------------------------------------------------------

2 Hours and Days of Work: The hours of work shall be from 7.45 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.-----

3 Basic Salary: The basic salary shall not be lower than the minimum wage decreed by

the government------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 Duration of the Contract: The contact shall initially be for a minimum period of 3 years-


5 Attendance: The employee shall report to work on time and sign in the log book-------

6 Leave: The employer shall inform the employee of his leave entitlement----------------

7 Absence/Late: If the employee has to be late or absent for any reason, he shall inform

his supervisor in one day advance of call in the morning on the day he shall be late or

absent -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SHOULD the employee be absent for more than three consecutive days, he shall supply

a medical certification-----------------------------------------------------------------------------


IF the employee is late more than two consecutive days, he shall be given an oral

warning and if he continues to be late, he shall be given a written warning after which

he shall be suspended without pay--------------------------------------------------------------

8 Overtime: When the employer requests the employee to work overtime, the rate of pay

shall be one and a half times the basic pay-----------------------------------------------

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
Contract of Employment

9 Insurance: The employer shall register the employee with the national insurance board-

Payment: The employer shall pay the employee on the last Thursday of every fortnight

through the employees bank----------------------------------------------------------

10 Deductions: The employer shall deduct from the employees pay contribution for the

national insurance board and the board of inland revenue-----------------------------------

IN WITNESS (whereof the said parties hereto have voluntarily set their hands on this

21 day of November 2018 at the Queen’s College Board of Governors)------------------

……………………………………. ………………………………

Signature for and behalf of Signature of Employee


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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
The Caribbean: The Importance and the Role of Sports Tourism

By Stephan Fabien, Attorney-at-law, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago1

To say that the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane season was brutal would be an understatement!

More than twelve (12) storms, in particular, Irma and Maria, developing into category 5

hurricanes, leaving a trail of death, destruction, devastation and despair, rendering tens of

thousands homeless; millions powerless and a recovery effort estimated to take years and cost in

excess of US $80 billion dollars.

The yet, unquantified costs, however, are those regarding damage to the tourism sector upon

which, for decades, the majority of the Caribbean Nation States have relied. Closely connected to

this more traditional tourism sector is the burgeoning sports tourism industry, which has quietly

become a multibillion dollar industry in its own right.

According to the Draft Sports Tourism Policy of Trinidad and Tobago, dated 2 June 2017,

economic benefits of sports tourism include:

 revenue generation from the increased demand for hotel accommodation

 transportation services
 food and beverages
 entertainment

This entry was posted on 04 November 2017 12:53 in Free, Sports and Taxation.
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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
 television and media coverage

The policy drafters also noted the tourism sports can help to reduce the level of poverty in

communities through the development of same and micro business enterprises and the up-skilling

of community member to welcome, host and serve the sports tourism visitor, In any discussion

concerning the regeneration of these island economies, sports tourism be on the agenda.

By way of example of the possibility of sports tourism and economic regeneration post

catastrophic Hurricanes, the region has only to reflect on the accomplishments of Grenada

following Hurricane Ivan in 2004.

Ivan was a category 3 hurricane that destroyed both Grenada’s National Cricket Stadium and its

Athletics Stadium. The National Cricket Stadium was rebuilt and reopened in 2007 in time for the

Caribbean Cricket World Cup at a reported cost of US $55 million. Similarly, the permanent 8000

seat Athletics Stadium was rebuilt by Kirani James – the Grenada native, after whom it was named

and having brought pride and international recognition to the Spice Island, after attaining gold and

silver medals in the Mens 400m at the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympics respectively.

The news athletics stadium would be used, almost immediately in hosting the 45th edition of the 2

CARIFESTA2 Games and the CONCACAF3 Women’s Under-17 Football Tournament in March

2016. Additionally, in April 2017, Grenada was able to host its first ever invitational track and

field meet, which was able to attract significant sponsors and superstar sprinters, including the

The Caribbean Free Trade Association

Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football
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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
likes of Jamaican Asafa Powell and American LaShawn Meritt in addition to the hometown hero

and stadium namesake, Kirani James.

Similarly, the 80,000-population Nation of Dominica, which was also completely destroyed

following Hurricane Maria and cut off from the rest of the world for days in the storm’s aftermath,

had built, in February 2007, at the reported cost of Us$17 million, a multi-purpose sporting facility.

This facility permitted the Island Nation, for the first time, to host One Day International Cricket

Matches, Test Cricket and T20 Cricket Matches and, ironically, was used as a staging venue for

foreign aid and relief workers post Maria.

Former United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, is quoted as saying that a sport is a

powerful tool for progress and development, as he urges governments to integrate sport in

development assistance programmes and in national development projects. It is quite instructive,

therefore, to note that the Stadia rebuilt in Grenada and the Warner Park Facility built in Dominica

are projects that were funded by the People’s Republic of China. This populous “BRICS” nation,

having been within the top three countries in the medal haul of the three previous Summer

Olympics, arguably understands the role that the sports, in general, and sports tourism, in

particular, plays in development assistance and the economic regeneration in these storm-ravaged

Nations, by enabling them not to only reach a point of self-sustainability but also, eventually a

return to profitability!

Stefan Fabien may be contacted by e-mail at ‘sfablaw@gmail.com’

Reference: SportsAndTaxation.com

The International Resource to the taxation of Sportsmen and Sportswomen

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman
https://www.sportsandtaxation.com/2017/11/the caribbean-the-importance-and-role-of-sports-


Retrieved on 11th December, 2018

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Ann-Margaret Jacob, A. A. Electronic Documentation Preparation o.

Electronic Documentation Preparation & Management. (2014). Oxford University Press.
Skeete, K. (2011). Electronic Documentation & Preparation. New york: Cambridge.

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Samuel Haynes, Swastika Nauth & Toni Trotman

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