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The Legend of Catu Island

A long time ago there was a village in Bali. The people worked as farmers. One of the
was Jurna. He was a diligent farmer. He always had a great harvest. However he was never
satisfied. He wanted to have better and better harvest.
"I will promise to gods. If they give me better harvest than I have now, I will give them
offerings and I will share the harvest to the neighbors," said Jurna to his wife.
"I agree, But remember, you have to keep your promise," said his wife.
Soon, Jurna had better harvest. He had more rice than he had before. He was happy. And as
promised, he prepared offerings to the gods and he also shared to his neighbors. They were
very happy.

Jurna was not satisfied. He wanted to have better and better and more harvest.
Therefore he promised to gods that he would double his offerings and his sharing to the
neighbors. His wish came true. His harvest was much better than before. The other farmers
were amazed. They were also very thankful because he shared his harvest to them.
One day, Jurna went to his rice field. When he arrived, he saw a pile of soil on the ground. It
looked like a catu. Catu was made of coconut shell. People used catu to measure the amount
of rice. At home, Jurna talked about a soil which looked like a catu to his wife. She had an
"Let's make catu from rice," she said. Jurna agreed. Later they formed the rice just like catu.
On the following day, Jurna went to his rice field. He saw the soil catu was getting bigger.
"Hmm...I will make rice catu bigger than this," said Jurna himself. He asked his wife to make
bigger rice catu. He felt very satisfied. He wanted to show his rise catu to his neighbors. He
hoped that his neighbors would prise him as a rich man. And they did! All the neighbors
praised him.
Jurna became arrogant. On the next day, Jurna went to his rice field. He hoped the
soil catuwere not getting bigger and bigger. But he was wrong. Strangely, the soil catu was
"Don't worry, I have much rice. I can make rice catu bigger," said Jurnaarrogantly. While he
was making the rice catu, he was thinking how the neighbors would prise him.
And his wish came true. All the neighbors were so amazed by the size of the rice catu. They
all said that Jurna was very rich. Jurna became more arrogant.
Then Jurna went to his rice field. He hoped the soil catu would stop growing. But he was
wrong. Again, it became much bigger than before. Jurna was really upset. He made
rice catu bigger than before. It always repeated. Every time he went to his rice field he always
found the soil catu became bigger and bigger.
His wife always reminded him to stop making rice catu. She said that their stock was
getting lesser and lesser. She asked him to stop wasting the rice.
But Jurna ignored her. He was only thinking how he could make his rice catubigger than the
soil catu. Soon he lost all of his rice. He became poor. He regretted his bad behaviour.
Meanwhile the soil catu became very big. It was like a hill. People then named it as Catu Hill
or Bukit Catu.

1. What is the communicative function of the story above?

a. To retell the past events
b. To describe Catu island
c. To give instruction to make catu
d. To entertain the readers
e. To give more information about Catu island
2. Where is the story above from?
a. Bali
b. Lombok
c. Central Java
d. East of Indonesia
e. Mataram
3. Who is the main character of the story above?
a. Catu
b. Jurna
c. Jurna’s neighbours
d. Jurna and his wife
e. Jurna’s wife
4. What is Jurna’s promise if God gives better harvest?
a. Jurna will build a hill made from rice
b. Jurna will share his harvest to the neighbors
c. Jurna will make catu from sand
d. Jurna will be more satisfied
e. Jurna just say thanks to the God
5. When did the complication start?
a. When the harvest was better than before and soil catu was bigger
b. When Jurna shared harvest to his neighbor
c. When jurna and his wife became poor
d. When people very praised to Jurna
e. When Jurna became rich man
6. What happen to Jurna when his wish becomes true?
a. He is very thankful to the God
b. He is very kind
c. He becomes an arrogant person
d. Many people like him
e. He becomes poor man
7. ….Strangely, the soil catu was bigger.
What is the meaning of the italic word in Indonesia?
a. Tiba-tiba
b. Terkejutnya
c. Tak disangka-sangka
d. Anehnya
e. Ternyata
8. What did Jurna do when the soil catu was bigger?
a. He asked his wife to build bigger rice catu
b. He gave his harvest to his neighbor
c. He was very happy
d. He asked people to make rice catu
e. He was very greedy
9. Which one of these statements is wrong?
a. Jurna and his wife shared the harvest to their neighbours
b. Jurna wanted people to praise him
c. Jurna became an arrogant person
d. Jurna became poor in the end
e. Jurna is rich everafter
10. What can we learn from this story?
a. Don’t do something excessively
b. Don’t be greedy
c. Don’t hear people saying
d. Be your self
e. Don’t be poor person

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