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Assignment # 01

Business Report Writing (BRW)

Spring – 2019

Submitted To
Ma’am Nida Arooj

Submitted By
Mr. Shaheryar (16201519-125)
Section C

Due Date

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Department of Computer Science

Faculty of Computing and Information Technology
University of Gujarat, Hafiz Hayat Campus
According to Ukessays (2019) “First factor that forms individual ethics is norms. Norms are a
useful guideline for the social behavior. It has to be made active before they can point the
behavior when the persons are in a situation of deindividuation. They only see themselves in
the name of group individuality, and their behaviors are probable to be guided by group norms
alone. Norm of social reciprocity expresses us to return to other services, good qualities and
kindness they offer us. The door in the face technique is used in norms as “that’s not all”
technique, and in advertising the peak of the line. Norm of social commitments also expresses
us to maintain with our promises as this norm is being used in the low-ball technique. In
addition, norm of obedience directs us in the direction of submission to the abilities. Milgram
explain this agreement in his studies where contributors had to deliver frights to suffering
NORMS: Standards of proper or acceptable behavior.
Example of norms: It is a norm in the classroom to listen while others are speaking during class
ETHICS: Rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad.
Example of ethics: Stealing is not ethical.

According to Ukessays (2019) “Belief is defined as the mental mind-set that some intentions are
true. In most of the given intention, most of the individual either has or be short of the mental
attitude that it is true. Therefore, there is none of any central point ground between the
occurrences of nonappearance of a belief. For an example, in the case of gods, most of the
individuals either have the belief that at least one god in a number of sorts is real or they lack
any such belief. In addition, belief is different from judgment, which is a mental act that
involves arriving at an ending about an intention and consequently creating a belief among the

Personal beliefs, values, attitudes and behavior.

According to The Immigration Advisers Authority (2019) the diagram below illustrates the
influences on us that result in our behavior and whether that resulting behavior is ethical. The
diagram first outlines the sources of our beliefs. It then shows the relationship between the
beliefs and values to our attitudes and our resulting behavior.
A belief can come from different sources, including:

 a person’s own experiences or experiments

 the acceptance of cultural and societal norms (e.g. religion)

 What other people say (e.g. Education or mentoring).

A potential belief sits with the person until they accept it as truth, and adopt it as part of their
individual belief system.

Each person evaluates and seeks sound reasons or evidence for these potential beliefs in their
own way.

Once a person accepts a belief as a truth they are willing to defend, it can be said to form part
of their belief system.

McCombs School of Business (2019) states that “Morals are the prevailing standards of
behavior that enable people to live cooperatively in groups. Moral refers to what societies
sanction as right and acceptable.

Most people tend to act morally and follow societal guidelines. Morality often requires that
people sacrifice their own short-term interests for the benefit of society. People or entities that
are indifferent to right and wrong are considered amoral, while those who do evil acts are
considered immoral.

While some moral principles seem to transcend time and culture, such as fairness, generally
speaking, morality is not fixed. Morality describes the particular values of a specific group at a
specific point in time. Historically, morality has been closely connected to religious traditions,
but today its significance is equally important to the secular world. For example, businesses and
government agencies have codes of ethics that employees are expected to follow”.

Some philosophers make a distinction between morals and ethics. But many people use the
terms morals and ethics interchangeably when talking about personal beliefs, actions, or
principles. For example, it’s common to say, “My morals prevent me from cheating.” It’s also
common to use ethics in this sentence instead.

So, morals are the principles that guide individual conduct within society. And, while morals
may change over time, they remain the standards of behavior that we use to judge right and

Example of morals: It is moral to help someone in need

According to McComb School of Business (2019) “Values are individual beliefs that motivate
people to act one way or another. They serve as a guide for human behavior.

Generally, people are predisposed to adopt the values that they are raised with. People also
tend to believe that those values are “right” because they are the values of their particular

Ethical decision-making often involves weighing values against each other and choosing which
values to elevate. Conflicts can result when people have different values, leading to a clash of
preferences and priorities.

Some values have intrinsic worth, such as love, truth, and freedom. Other values, such as
ambition, responsibility, and courage, describe traits or behaviors that are instrumental as
means to an end.

Still other values are considered sacred and are moral imperatives for those who believe in
them. Sacred values will seldom be compromised because they are perceived as duties rather
than as factors to be weighed in decision-making. For example, for some people, their nation’s
flag may represent a sacred value. But for others, the flag may just be a piece of cloth.

So, whether values are sacred, have intrinsic worth, or are a means to an end, values vary
among individuals and across cultures and time. However values are universally recognized as a
driving force in ethical decision-making.

I. Ukeassys (2019). What is Norms
ethics-philosophy-essay.php Accessed February 27, 2019
II. The Immigration Advisers Authority (2019). Personal beliefs, values, attitudes and
beliefs-values-attitudes-and-behaviour/ Accessed February 27, 2019
III. McCombs School of Business (2019). Morals Accessed February 27, 2019

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