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Radioactive Materials.

Naman bandhu pareek

B.Tech civil(7sem)
 Every thing is made of atoms. Radioactive atoms
are unstable; that is, they have too much energy.
When radioactive atoms spontaneously release
their extra energy, they are said to decay.

 After
releasing all their excess energy, the atoms
become stable and are no longer radioactive.

 Thetime required for decay depends upon the

type of atom.

 Anunstable atomic nucleus emits a form of

radiation( alpha, beta, gamma) to become stable.
 Isotopes of some elements have unstable nucleus.
In order to become stable the make break apart
or decay.
 This decay causes the nucleus to emit ionising
radiation, & an atom of a different element is
formed. These isotopes are called radioisotopes
or radio nuclides.
 It is actually the nucleus of helium atom consisting
of 2 proton and 2 neutrons.
 It comes directly from the nucleus, so only big
atoms tends to emit it.
 Itis a high speed electron, given off when a
neutron turns into a proton.
 They are many times smaller than alpha radiation.
 They interact much less strongly with matter.
 Sometimes an nucleus that is still unstable after a
beta or alpha decay so may emit gamma radiation
to become more stable.
 This is an electromagnetic wave.
 It does not change the number of protons or
neutrons in the nucleus.
 Betas and gammas are the most dangerous.
 The can penetrate and reach the cells of organs
 This can cause cancer (leukaemia).
 Alphas are the least dangerous. (nuclear bomb
and radiation burnt)
 Electricity generation

 Sterilization of hospital equipment

 Checking leaks in pipes

 Irradiation of food.

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