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Scrofula is a tuberculous infection of which lymph nodes

a) Preauricular b)Submaxillary & cervical
c) Submandibular and cervical d)Supraclavicular

17. “Siltzbach” test is used for

a) Uveoparotid fever b)Sarcoidosis
c)Tuberculosis d)Leprosy

18. “Hansen's disease” is known as

a) Tuberculosis b)Leprosy
c)Sarcoidosis d)Uveoparotid fever

19. Which of the following bacteria causes “lumpy jaw”

a) Actinomyces Israeli b)Naeslundi
c) Actinomyces Viscous d) Actinomyces Bovis

20. Secondary stage of syphilis

a) Chancre b)Mucous patches
c) Gumma d) Hutchinson’s triad

21. “Herxheimer reaction” is seen in

a) TB b )Syphilis
c) Sarcoidosis d) Candidiasis

22. Common nerve involved in cephalic tetanus is

a) Trigeminal nerve b) Facial
c)Trochlear d)Spinal accessory

23. “Lipschutz” bodies are seen

a) HSV b) Syphilis
c) Aphthous d) Herpangina

24. Sialographic view of “leafless tree” is seen in

a) Sialolithiasis b) Sjogren’s Syndrome
c) Ductal stricture d) Normal gland

25. Scarlet fever is caused by

a) Staph.β-hemolytic b) Strep.α-hemolytic
c) Staph. α-hemolytic d) Strep. β-hemolytic

26. “Split papules” are seen in

a) Primary Syphilis b) Secondary Syphilis
c)Tertiary Syphilis d)Congenital Syphilis

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