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Example of a sialogogue
a) Azathioprine b) Pilocarpine
c) Atropine d) Glycopyrrolate

32. “Darling’s disease” is also known as

a) Histoplasmosis b)Coccidiodomycosis
c)Actinomycosis d) Blastomycosis

33. Most common opportunistic infection in the world

a) Tuberculosis b) AIDS
c) Candidiasis d) Syphilis

34. Painful syndrome characterized by faulty identification and localization of stimulus is

a) Causalgia b)Anesthesia dolorosa
c)Allodynia d) Hyperalgesia

35. Recommended dose of carbamazepine for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

a )Initial dose of 200mg/day, ↑ to 800-1200mg/day
b) Initial dose of 400mg/day, ↑ to 600-1200mg/day
c) Initial dose of 1200mg/day, ↓ to 600mg/day
d) None of the above

36. Loss of ability to classify or identify a given taste stimulus refers to

a) Cacogeusia b) Gustatory agnosia
c) Phantogeusia d) Anosmia

37. Deficiency of which of the following minerals is associated with taste dysfunction
a) Chromium b) Selenium
c) Zinc d) Manganese

38. Oral ulcers that are painless are seen in

a) Tuberculosis b)Syphilis
c) Herpes d)Pemphigus

39. Lateral mandibular motion ranges from

a) 10-12mm b)5-7mm
c) 8-10mm d)6-8mm

40. Actinomycosis is a
a) Bacterial infection b) Fungal infection
c) Parasitic d)Viral infection

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