AK-ee-oh AK-see-oh AS-see-oh: Accio (Summoning Charm)

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Accio (Summoning Charm)

/ˈækioʊ/ AK-ee-oh – film and video game

/ˈæksioʊ/ AK-see-oh – U.K. audio book
/ˈæsioʊ/ AS-see-oh – U.S. audio book
Description: This charm summons an object to the caster, potentially over a significant distance.
Suggested etymology: The Latin word accio means "I call" or "I summon".In the Hungarian translation,
the spell is called "Invito", possibly from the word "to invite or invitation".
Aguamenti (Aguamenti Charm)

Pronunciation: /ˌɑːɡwəˈmɛnti/ AH-gwə-MEN-tee

Description: Produces a jet of water from the caster's wand. Suggested etymology: The Latin word aqua
(water) combined with augmentum (compare with English augment), an increase, from augere, to increase;
see aug- in Indo-European roots, meaning: “increasing the water (flow)”, this combination explains the
QU/GU alteration in aqua- → agua- (see agua e. g. in Portuguese and Spanish). -menti is the genitive form
of the suffix -mentum

Pronunciation: /əˌloʊhəˈmɔərə/ ə-LOH-hə-MOHR-ə

Description: Used to open and/or unlock doors, but doors may be bewitched so that this spell has no effect.
Etymology: From the West African Sidiki dialect used in geomancy meaning: Friendly to thieves as stated
by J.K. Rowling in testimony during the WB and JKR vs. RDR Books

Pronunciation: /əˈnæpniː.oʊ/ ə-NAP-nee-oh

Description: Clears the target's airway, if blocked.Suggested etymology: The Greek word anapneo which
means "to draw breath or to revive".
(Anti-Cheating Spell)

Description: Cast on parchment or quills to prevent the writer from cheating whilst writing answers.
(Anti-Disapparition Jinx)

Description: Used to prevent Disapparition and/or Apparition in an area for a period. Presumably can be
used to prevent an enemy from entering a defended area, or used to trap an enemy in an area.
(Antonin Dolohov's Curse)

Description: This curse causes serious internal injury, but shows no external symptoms. It is described as
cast with "a slashing motion", sending out a streak of purple flames. It is not nonverbal, though Harry could
not hear it because Hermione had used the silencing charm Silencio on Dolohov before.

Pronunciation: /ˌæpəˈriːsi.əm/ AP-ə-REE-see-əm

Description: This spell makes invisible ink appear.
Notes: See also Specialis Revelio.
Suggested etymology: The Latin word appareo which means "to become visible or to appear".
Avada Kedavra (Killing Curse)

Pronunciation: /əˈvɑːdə kəˈdɑːvrə/ ə-VAH-də kə-DAH-vrə

Description: Causes a jet of green light, and a rushing noise; the curse causes instant death to the victim. It
leaves no mark of death. There is no known counter-curse or blocking spell (with the exception of the curse
striking another Avada Kedavra spell mid-flight, negating both.
Survivors: Only two people in the history of the magical world are known to have survived the killing
curse – Harry Potter and Voldemort who was only saved by his horcrux. Harry was hit twice directly.
Phoenixes can also survive a killing curse. They burst into flame, as they would do in old age and are
reborn from the ashes. Suggested etymology: During an audience interview at the Edinburgh Book
Festival (15 April 2004) Rowling said: "Does anyone know where avada kedavra came from? It is an
ancient spell in Aramaic, and it is the original of abracadabra, which means 'let the thing be destroyed.'
Originally, it was used to cure illness and the 'thing' was the illness, but I decided to make it the 'thing' as in
the person standing in front of me. I take a lot of liberties with things like that. I twist them round and make
them mine."
Avis Pronunciation: /ˈeɪvɨs/ AY-vis

Description: This charm creates a flock of birds that pour forth from the caster's wand. When coupled with
Oppugno, it can be used offensively. Suggested etymology: Correct Latin word avis, meaning "bird".
(Babbling Curse)

Description: The Babbling Curse is not fully understood but it is presumed to cause a person to babble
whenever they try to speak.
Seen/mentioned: According to Gilderoy Lockhart, he once cured a Transylvanian villager of this
(Banishing Charm) Description: Opposite to "Accio".

Seen/mentioned: Seen in Goblet of Fire, cast by Hermione who perfectly banishes a cushion into a box
which is their target in their Charms class. To Harry's great surprise, he also perfectly banishes a cushion
during this lesson.
(Bat-Bogey Hex) Description: Grotesquely enlarges the target's bogeys, gives them wings, and sets them
attacking the target.

(Bedazzling Hex)

Description: Similar to a Disillusionment Charm, it can be used to conceal a person or an object. Is also
used to make invisibility cloaks.
Seen/mentioned: Mentioned in Deathly Hallows by Xenophilius Lovegood when speaking of the different
methods by which Invisibility Cloaks may be created.
(Bubble-Head Charm)

Description: Puts a large bubble of air around the head of the user. Used as a magical equivalent of a
breathing set.
(Caterwauling Charm)

Description: Anyone entering the perimeter of a Caterwauling Charm sets off a high-pitched shriek.
Cave Inimicum

Pronunciation: /ˈkɑːveɪ ɨˈnɪmɨkəm/ KAH-vay i-NIM-i-kəm

Description: Spell used to strengthen an enclosure from enemies.
Etymology: Correct Classical Latin for "Beware the enemy", from the verb caveo (to beware) and the
accusative form of the noun inimicus (enemy).
(Cheering Charm)

Description: Causes the person upon whom the spell was cast to become happy and contented, though
heavy-handedness with the spell may cause the person to break into an uncontrollable laughing fit. Felix
Summerbee created the spell.

Pronunciation: /kɒlɵˈpɔrtəs/ KOL-o-POR-təs

Description: Magically locks a door, preventing it from being opened by Muggle means.
Notes: This spell functions as the counter spell to Alohomora
Suggested etymology: Deformation of the Greek word kollao, which means "to join closely together, bind
closely" and the Latin word porta meaning "a gate".
(Colour-Change Charm)

Description: Changes an object's colour.

Seen/mentioned: Attempted by Ron on initial trip to Hogwarts; Mentioned in Harry's Ordinary Wizarding
Levels in Order of the Phoenix., also used by Harry on Ron's Chudley Cannon's poster when the Trace was
Confringo (Blasting Curse)
Pronunciation: /kɒnˈfrɪŋɡoʊ/ kon-FRING-goh
Description: Causes anything that the spell meets to explode in flames.
Suggested etymology: The Latin confringo, which means "to break in pieces, to bring to naught".
Confundo (Confundus Charm)

Pronunciation: /kɒnˈfʌndoʊ/ kon-FUN-doh

Description: Causes the victim to become confused, befuddled, overly forgetful and prone to follow
simple orders without thinking about them.
Suggested etymology: The Latin word confundo, which means "to confuse, throw into disorder".
(Conjunctivitus Curse)

Description: A curse that causes great pain to the victim's eyes.

Suggested etymology: From Conjunctivitis, which is an inflammation of the Conjunctiva, or outer surface
of the eye, commonly caused by bacterial infection.
Crucio (Cruciatus Curse)

Pronunciation: /ˈkruːsi.oʊ/ KREW-see-oh

Description: Inflicts unbearable pain on the recipient of the curse. The effects of the curse depend upon the
desires and emotions of the character – to produce the "excruciating" pain implied by the name, one must
(according to Bellatrix Lestrange) desire to cause pain purely for its own sake or for fulfilment. The
extreme pain inflicted by the curse when cast so – without any apparent evidence of physical harm – makes
it uniquely suited as a form of torture. This pain has included the sensations of flaming bones and a head
that was split open by crude methods without sedation. One of the three Unforgivable Curses.
Suggested etymology: Crucio (Latin) means "I torture", originating from crux (genitive crucis), which
means "torture platform or stake", or more specifically, "cross". The word excruciating is descended from
the same root - crucifixion was a form of torturous execution. In the novels, the verbal form of the word is
'cruciate', as when Amycus Carrow says in the final book "I'll Cruciate the lot of 'em." The caster has to
believe the spell will work, as Harry realises in Deathly Hallows using it against Amycus, when the latter
disrespects Professor McGonagall in the Ravenclaw common room.
Defodio (Gouging Spell)

Pronunciation: /dɛˈfoʊdi.oʊ/ deh-FOH-dee-oh

Description: Can carve or dig out materials, such as stone and steel.
Suggested etymology: Correct classical Latin verb defodio, meaning "to dig, dig out."

Description: Removes evidence of previous spells cast by the wand, revealed by Priori Incantatem.
Pronunciation: /dəˈliːtri.əs/ də-LEE-tree-əs
Suggested etymology: Latin verb delere meaning to destroy, from which the English word delete comes,
meaning to remove.

Pronunciation: /dɛnˈsɔːdʒiː.oʊ/ den-SAW-jee-oh

Description: Causes the teeth of the recipient to grow at an alarming rate
Suggested etymology: Latin dens, meaning "tooth", and augeo, meaning "to enlarge".

Pronunciation: /ˈdɛprɨmoʊ/ DEP-rim-ohDescription: A very powerful wind that can loosen and/or soften
a variety of things; it can also be used to detach objects.
Seen/mentioned: Introduced in Deathly Hallows when Hermione casts this to blast a hole in the
Lovegood's living room floor. Suggested etymology: Latin deprimo which means to "dig deep".[13]

Pronunciation: /dɛˈsɛndoʊ/ de-SEN-doh

Description: To make things sink, or go down.
Seen/mentioned: Seen twice in Deathly Hallows, it is cast by Ron to magically cause the stairs in his room
to descend. Suggested etymology: Correct classical Latin descendo, meaning "to come down, to descend".
Diffindo (Severing Charm)

Pronunciation: /dɪˈfɪndoʊ/ di-FIN-doh

Seen/mentioned: In Goblet of Fire when Ron wants to get rid of the lace on his dress robes. In Goblet of
Fire when Harry urgently wants to talk to Cedric he casts this spell to rip his bag, delaying him for class,
also in Order Of The Phoenix, Harry tries to cut the ropes wrapped around him but the spell fails,[GF Ch.9]
and in Half-Blood Prince to switch covers of his potion books. Also shown several times in Deathly
Hallows, for cutting ropes,[DH Ch.9] chains,[DH Ch.13] etc.
Suggested etymology: Latin diffindo, "I divide."[3]
(Disillusionment Charm)

Description: Causes the recipient to become invisible, or close to it.

Seen/mentioned: First in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, when Dumbledore tells Harry that he
does not need a cloak to become invisible. In Order of the Phoenix, Moody casts this charm on Harry.
[OP Ch.3, 4] Mentioned in Half-Blood Prince on a purple leaflet from the Ministry of Magic.[HBP Ch.3]
Xenophilius Lovegood mentions, in Deathly Hallows, that Invisibility Cloaks are sometimes created by
casting a Disillusionment Charm on a regular cloak. Also in Deathly Hallows, Draco Malfoy, Vincent
Crabbe and Gregory Goyle use the charm to hide outside the Room of Requirement.[DH Ch.21]
Notes: The described sensation of a Disillusionment Charm is a feeling "something cold and wet trickling
down your back." When the charm is lifted, the subject feels something hot trickling down their back.
[OP Ch.3, 4]

Pronunciation: /dɪˈsɛndi.əm/ di-SEN-dee-əm

Description: Causes the statue of the humpbacked witch hiding the secret passage to Honeydukes, as well
as other hidden passageways, to open.[PA Ch.10]
Seen/mentioned: Seen only in Prisoner of Azkaban.
Suggested etymology: Latin discedo meaning "I swerve".[13]

Pronunciation: /ˈdjʊəroʊ/ DEWR-oh

Description: Makes the object hard.
Seen/mentioned: Seen in Deathly Hallows, cast by Hermione while escaping from Death Eaters in
Hogwarts.[DH Ch.32]
Suggested etymology: Latin duro meaning "I make hard".[13]

Engorgio (Engorgement Charm)

Pronunciation: /ɛnˈɡɔrdʒi.oʊ/ en-GOR-jee-oh

Description: Causes objects to swell in size.
Seen/mentioned: A "Growth Charm" with the same effect is briefly mentioned. Hagrid is suspected of
having performed the charm on his pumpkins in Chamber of Secrets. Next seen in the Goblet of Fire:
Mentioned by Mr Weasley as a probable charm used on Ton-Tongue Toffees which engorged Dudley's
tongue when the Weasleys fetched Harry for the Quidditch World Cup; when Barty Crouch Jr,
impersonating Moody, casts it on a spider to enhance a demonstration of the effects of the Cruciatus Curse;
and Ron suggested it might be the cause of Hagrid's abnormal size before learning that he is half-giant.
Harry in Deathly Hallows also cast it on a spider.
Suggested etymology: English word engorge meaning "to fill to excess".[12]
(Entrail-Expelling Curse)

Description: Presumably causes the entrails (i.e. intestines) to be ejected from the body.
Seen/mentioned: First mentioned in Order of the Phoenix when Harry visits St Mungo's following Arthur
Weasley's attack by Nagini while guarding the Department of Mysteries.
Suggested etymology: English word expel meaning "to drive or force out or away".[14]
Notes: The spell is listed under a portrait of Urquhart Rackharrow, 1612-1697, who is known for being the
spell's inventor. [OP Ch.22]

Pronunciation: /ɛˈpɪskiː/ e-PIS-kee

Description: Used to heal relatively minor injuries. When this spell is cast, the person feels his/her injured
body part go very hot and then very cold.
Seen/mentioned: Used in Goblet of Fire after the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. In Half-Blood
Prince, Nymphadora Tonks uses this spell to fix Harry's broken nose; also used by Harry in the same book
to fix Demelza Robins' mouth.
Suggested etymology: Greek episkeu meaning "repair, restoration".[15]
Notes: Rowling writes in Half-Blood Prince that Harry's knowledge tells him this spell could belong to a
family (or variety) of Healing Spells.

Pronunciation: /ɛˈrɛktoʊ/ e-REK-toh

Description: Used to erect something.
Seen/mentioned: Possibly used in Goblet of Fire by wizards at the campsites near the Quidditch World
Cup. Used by Hermione and Harry in Deathly Hallows.
Suggested etymology: Latin erectus meaning "upright, erect".[13]
Evanesco (Vanishing Spell)

Pronunciation: /ɛvəˈnɛskoʊ/ EV-ə-NES-koh

Description: Makes the target vanish.
Seen/mentioned: Used in Order of the Phoenix by Snape to make Harry's potions disappear from his
cauldron. In addition, when Fred and George were showing off their puking pastilles, Lee Jordan cleared
the bucket of vomit with the Evanesco spell. During their stay at #12, Grimmauld Place, Bill uses this on a
stack of documents. This suggests that Vanished objects can be recovered.
Suggested etymology: Latin evanesco meaning "to vanish".[13]
Notes: According to Minerva McGonagall, in Deathly Hallows, Vanished objects and organisms go "into
non-being, which is to say, everything." This was McGonagall's response to the question, "Where do
Vanished objects go?" from the doorknocker at Ravenclaw Tower.
Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm)

Pronunciation: /ɛksˈpɛktoʊ pəˈtroʊnəm/ eks-PEK-toh pə-TROH-nəm

Description: Conjures an incarnation of the caster's innermost positive feelings, such as joy, hope, or the
desire to survive, known as a Patronus. A Patronus is conjured as a protector, and is a weapon rather than a
predator of souls: Patronuses shield their conjurors from Dementors or Lethifolds, and can even drive them
away. A Patronus "cannot feel despair, as real humans can, so Dementors can't hurt it."[16] The conjured
Patronus protects the witch or wizard that summoned it, obeys his or her commands, and fades away
shortly after it is no longer required. When conjured, a Patronus appears silvery, ethereal, and semi-
transparent. Improperly formed Patronuses range from momentary formless bursts of silvery mist, to
poorly-defined forms that are easily defeated or quickly dissipate on their own. A full-fledged (or
corporeal) Patronus takes on a fixed animal form that is often significant to the witch or wizard casting the
charm. Patronuses summoned by a particular person have been known to change, although this has only
been observed in the books in cases of unrequited love, such as Tonks' and Snape's respective Patronuses.
In these cases, the new Patronus takes on the form of an animal associated with the love interest. Rowling
has said in online interviews that Snape was the only Death Eater to be able to produce a Patronus.
According to her this is 'because a Patronus is used against things that the Death Eaters generally generate,
or fight alongside. They would not need Patronuses'.[17] According to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find
Them, the Charm is also the only known defensive spell against Lethifolds.
Seen/mentioned: First seen in Prisoner of Azkaban when a Dementor appears in the Hogwarts Express,
and Hermione says that Remus Lupin repelled the Dementor by casting a silvery object from his wand.
Harry's corporeal Patronus first appears in a Quidditch game, and other characters throughout the rest of the
series use it.
Notes: Dumbledore has devised a method of using Patronuses to deliver messages putting it into the
exclusive use of the Order of the Phoenix. Members of the Order are the only wizards who know how to
use their spirit guardians to send messages to one another. According to Rowling, the Patronus is "an
immensely efficient messenger" as it is not hindered by physical obstructions or dark matters. Each
Patronus has a special quality and appearance that is different and easy to recognise, which makes it clear
which Order member has sent the message. In addition, since no one can conjure another person's Patronus,
this method of communication does not carry the risk of passing fake messages.[18] It is noteworthy that in
Deathly Hallows, McGonagall creates three Patronuses simultaneously to call for Professors Flitwick,
Sprout, and Slughorn.
Suggested etymology: Expecto Patronum is correct classical Latin for "I await a protector".[19] It is
related to "pater" (father) and Harry's Patronus indeed takes the same form as that of his father's animagus
form (a stag).
Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm)
Pronunciation: /ɛksˌpɛliˈɑrməs/ eks-PEL-ee-AR-məs
Description: Produces a jet of scarlet light. This spell is used to disarm another wizard, typically by
causing the victim's wand to fly out of reach.[20][21] It can also throw the target backwards when enough
power is put into it. If it hits, or gets close, to another spell, if powerful enough, it will deflect the spell,
causing it to hit its caster. As demonstrated in Prisoner of Azkaban, simultaneous use of this spell by
multiple witches or wizards on a single person can throw the wizard back with much greater force.
Seen/mentioned: First seen in Chamber of Secrets, when Snape disarms Gilderoy Lockhart in the Duelling
Club; from then on it is commonly used throughout the rest of the series. Draco uses it to disarm
Dumbledore and Harry uses the spell to not only disarm Gregory Goyle in the Room of Requirement, but
also to reflect Voldemort's killing curse during the final battle, killing Voldemort. He also used it to battle
Death Eaters when they were chasing him on broom across London. It is seen by the Death Eaters as
Harry's signature move, as he had used it to duel Voldemort in both Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows.
Suggested etymology: Latin expellere meaning "to expel, to thrust away" and Latin arma meaning
"weapons of war".[13]

Pronunciation: /ɛkˈspʊlsoʊ/ ek-SPOOL-soh

Description: A spell that causes an object to explode. The force of the explosion may depend on the intent
of the caster.
Seen/mentioned: Used by a Death Eater in an attempt to capture Harry in The Deathly Hallows, it struck
the table that Harry was standing behind, causing an explosion that slammed him into a wall with great
Suggested etymology: Latin expulso meaning to "drive out, expel, force out, banish."[13]


Pronunciation: /ˈfɛrjʊlə/ FERR-yoo-lə

Description: Creates a bandage and a splint.
Seen/mentioned: Used by Lupin in Prisoner of Azkaban to bind Ron's broken leg.
Suggested etymology: Latin ferula meaning "a stick".[13]
(Fidelius Charm)

Description: A charm involving secret information hidden within the soul of a Secret-Keeper. This
information is irretrievable until the Secret-Keeper chooses to reveal it; those who have the secret revealed
to them cannot reveal it to others.
Seen/mentioned: In Prisoner of Azkaban, it is explained that when Harry was an infant, he and his parents,
James and Lily Potter, were hidden from Voldemort by this charm. Later, in Order of the Phoenix, the
charm is used to hide the location of the headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix. Order members in
Deathly Hallows also use it to protect their homes.
Suggested etymology: Latin fidelis meaning "loyalty".[13]
Notes: Rowling previously stated that when a Secret-Keeper dies, the Secret they held can never be
revealed to anyone else; the people who were told before the Secret-Keeper's death will still know the
secret, but after the death of the Secret-Keeper no one new can be brought into the circle of knowledge.[22]
However, in Deathly Hallows, it is explained that upon the Keeper's death, all those who have been told the
secret become Secret-Keepers in turn, and can pass the secret on to others.
(Fiendfyre Curse)

Description: Dangerous, uncontrollable and extremely powerful fire which can take the form of beasts
such as serpents, Chimaeras and dragons.
Seen/mentioned: In the Deathly Hallows, Vincent Crabbe uses Fiendfyre in the Room of Requirement
against Harry, Ron and Hermione who manage to escape on broomsticks with Draco and Goyle. Crabbe
gets left behind and perishes in the Fiendfyre he created along with all the objects in the Room of
Requirement including Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem; one of Voldemort's Horcruxes. Afterwards,
Hermione explains, "Fiendfyre – cursed fire – it's one of the substances that destroy Horcruxes, but I would
never, ever dare use it, it's so dangerous." [DH Ch.31]
Suggested etymology: A 'fiend' is a diabolically cruel or wicked person, and 'fyre' means fire.[23]
Notes: It is only used by Vincent Crabbe throughout in Deathly Hallows, who Harry believes "Must've
learned from the Carrows." [DH Ch.31] (Alecto Carrow and Amycus Carrow; two Death Eater siblings
who taught at Hogwarts for a brief period under Snape's reign as Headmaster.) Therefore, Vincent Crabbe
destroyed one of Lord Voldemort's Horcruxes.
Finite Incantatem

Pronunciation: /fɪˈnaɪtiː ˌɪŋkənˈtætəm/ fi-NYE-tee IN-kən-TAT-əm

Description: Negates many spells or the effects of many spells.
Seen/mentioned: Snape uses it in Chamber of Secrets to restore order in the Duelling Club when Harry
and Draco are duelling. Lupin uses the short form "Finite" in Order of the Phoenix. In Deathly Hallows,
Hermione suggests to Ron to attempt to use this spell to stop it raining in Yaxley's office. Harry used Finite
to counter Crabbe's Descendo attack on Ron in the same book.
Suggested etymology: Latin finio meaning "to put an end to" and Latin cantio meaning "enchantment".
(Flagrante Curse)

Description: Causes any object affected to burn human skin when touched.
Seen/mentioned: Seen in the Lestranges' vault in Deathly Hallows, as a criminal deterrent.
Suggested etymology: Latin flagrantia meaning "burning, blazing".[13] Also, recall the Latin phrase in
flagrante delicto: it is used to refer to a criminal's being caught red-handed, 'while the crime is blazing'. The
way that the Flagrante Curse is used in Deathly Hallows makes a playful (and literal) use of the saying.

Pronunciation: /fləˈɡreɪtiː/ flə-GRAY-tee

Description: With this spell, the caster's wand can leave fiery marks.
Seen/mentioned: Cast by Tom Riddle in The Chamber of Secrets to spell out 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' and
switch it to 'I am Lord Voldemort' also cast by Hermione in Order of the Phoenix to identify doors of the
Department of Mysteries which members of Dumbledore's Army had already opened, by marking them
with an 'X'.
Suggested etymology: Latin flagro meaning "glowing".[13]
(Flame-Freezing Charm)

Description: Causes fire to become harmless to those caught in it, creating only a gentle, tickling sensation
instead of burns.
Seen/mentioned: Mentioned in the first chapter of Prisoner of Azkaban in the book History of Magic
which Harry is reading to do his homework. Witches and wizards used this spell during medieval burnings.
It is also said in A History of Magic that Wendelin the Weird enjoyed being "burned," so she would openly
tell people that she was a witch just so she could be caught and burned; no less then forty-seven times in
different names. Also seen in " The Chamber of Secrets" when the Weasleys and Harry travel to Diagon
Alley using Floo powder.
(Flying Charm)

Description: Cast on broomsticks, and (presumably) magic carpets to make them fly.
Seen/mentioned: Draco mentioned this spell when tauntingly asking Ron why would anyone cast a Flying
Charm on Ron's broomstick in Order of the Phoenix during Ron's first Quidditch practice. It is also
mentioned in Quidditch Through the Ages.
(Freezing Charm)

Description: Renders target immobile.

Seen/mentioned: According to Horace Slughorn, a Freezing Charm will disable a Muggle burglar alarm
(Intruder alarm). It strikes resemblances to the Flame-Freezing Charm, which negates the effects of fire.
Hermione Granger used the Freezing Charm on two pixies after Gilderoy Lockhart set them loose and
failed to stop them with Peskipiksi Pesternomi. In the second film, she casts the spell with the incantation
"Immobulus". In the third film, Professor Lupin uses the spell "Immobulus" to immobilize the Whomping
Furnunculus (Furnunculus Curse)

Pronunciation: /fərˈnʌŋkjuləs/ fər-NUNG-kew-ləs

Description: Causes the target to become covered in boils.
Seen/mentioned: Used by Harry in Goblet of Fire on Draco, but was deflected onto Goyle instead. Also
used later in the book when Draco tried to harass Harry on the Hogwarts Express and was hit with a
barrage of curses, including the Furnuculus Curse (which was cast by Harry).[GF Ch.37]
Suggested etymology: Latin furunculus originally meaning "petty thief" but later used to mean "boil" in


Pronunciation: /dʒɛˈmɪni.oʊ/ je-MIN-ee-oh

Description: Creates a duplicate of any object upon which it is cast. As revealed by the goblin Griphook,
any copies created are worthless. The duplicate lasts several hours. Magical properties, at least of a
Horcrux, are not copied.
Seen/mentioned: Used by Hermione in Deathly Hallows to copy Salazar Slytherin's locket to hide their
tracks from Umbridge.
Suggested etymology: Latin gemino meaning "to double".[13]
(Gemino Curse)

Description: Whenever an object affected by this curse is touched, it duplicates itself into many useless
copies to hide the original. To add confusion and eventually fill the surrounding area with copies, the
copies also duplicate.
Seen/mentioned: Seen in Deathly Hallows when Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Griphook break into the
Lestrange vault in Gringotts. Used to great effect as the room fills with useless duplicates.
Suggested etymology: Latin gemino meaning "to double".[13]

Pronunciation: /ˈɡlɪsiː.oʊ/ GLIS-ee-oh or /ɡlɪˈseɪ.oʊ/ gli-SAY-oh

Description: Causes the steps on a stairway to flatten and form a ramp or slide.
Seen/mentioned: Used by Hermione to escape from pursuing Death Eaters in Deathly Hallows. Used on
the girls’ dormitory to ensure that boys cannot enter.
Suggested etymology: French glisser meaning "slide".[24]
(Gripping Charm)

Description: Used to help someone grip something with more effectiveness. This charm is placed upon
Quaffles to help Chasers carry the Quaffle whilst simultaneously holding their brooms.
Seen/mentioned: Mentioned in Quidditch Through the Ages.

(Hair Loss Curse)

Description: Causes one to lose one's hair.

Seen/mentioned: In Philosopher's Stone, Harry visits the "Curses and Counter-Curses" shop in Diagon
Alley, on the sign it mentioned three curses: Hair loss, Jelly-Legs and Tongue-Tying.
(Hair-Thickening Charm)

Description: Thickens one's hair.

Seen/mentioned: In Order of the Phoenix, Snape asserts that Alicia Spinnet used it on her eyebrows even
though she was obviously hexed by a member of the Slytherin Quidditch team.
Homenum Revelio

Pronunciation: /ˈhɒmɨnəm rɛˈvɛli.oʊ/ HOM-i-nəm re-VEL-ee-oh

Description: Reveals humans near the caster.
Seen/mentioned: Used by Dumbledore to detect Harry under his Invisibility Cloak, but first named when
used multiple times by various characters in Deathly Hallows. Also used by Hermione on her, Ron, and
Harry's arrival at Grimmauld Place after being attacked by Death Eaters in Tottenham Court Road, after the
wedding. [25]
Suggested etymology: Latin homo/hominis meaning "person" and Latin revelo meaning "to unveil".[13]
(Homorphus Charm)

Description: Causes an Animagus or transfigured object to assume its normal shape.

Seen/mentioned: According to Lockhart, he used it to force the Wagga Wagga Werewolf to take its human
form. It was, however, used by Lupin and Sirius on the rat named Scabbers to reveal that he was Peter
Pettigrew in Prisoner of Azkaban.
Suggested etymology: Latin homo meaning "person"[13] and Greek morphosis meaning "shaping".[15]
(Horton-Keitch Braking Charm)

Description: This spell was first used on the Comet 140 to prevent players from overshooting the goal
posts and from flying off-sides.
Seen/mentioned: Mentioned in Quidditch Through the Ages as the charm that gave the Comet 140 an
advantage over the Cleansweep.
(Hot-Air Charm)

Description: Causes wand to emit hot air.

Seen/mentioned: Used by Hermione Granger in Order of the Phoenix to dry off her robes. Also used
shortly after to melt snow. Also was used by Albus Dumbledore in Half-Blood Prince to dry Harry's and
his own robes.
(Hover Charm)

Description: An object is levitated off the ground and moved according to the caster.
Seen/mentioned: Used by Dobby silently in Chamber of Secrets to levitate a Cake, of which Harry is
accused. Also used by Xenophilius to clear rubble off his stairs in Deathly Hallows.
(Hurling Hex)

Description: Causes brooms to vibrate violently in the air and try to buck their rider off.
Seen/mentioned: In Philosopher's Stone, Quirinus Quirrell may have been casting a wordless and
wandless version of this spell on Harry's broom during his Quidditch match. Flitwick suggested that Harry's
confiscated Firebolt might be jinxed with this spell.

Impedimenta (Impediment Jinx, Impediment Curse)

Pronunciation: /ɪmˌpɛdɨˈmɛntə/ im-PED-i-MEN-tə

Description: This powerful spell is capable of tripping, freezing, binding, knocking back and generally
impeding the target's progress towards the caster. The extent to which the spell's specific action can be
controlled by the caster is not made clear. If this spell does bind, it does eventually wear off as stated in
Deathly Hallows.
Seen/mentioned: Used in Goblet of Fire when Harry is practicing for the third task. Also used by Madam
Hooch to shortly stop Harry from fighting with Draco. Also seen toward the end of Order of the Phoenix,
when Harry is fighting the Death Eaters. Stronger uses of this spell seem capable of blowing targets away.
Suggested etymology: Latin impedimentum (plural impedimenta) meaning "a hindrance" or "an
Imperio (Imperius Curse)

Pronunciation: /ɪmˈpɪəri.oʊ/ im-PEER-ee-oh

Description: Causes the victim of the curse to obey the spoken/unspoken commands of the caster. The
experience of being controlled by this curse is described as a complete, wonderful release from any sense
of responsibility or worry over one's actions, at the price of one's free will. Resisting the effect of the curse
is possible, however, and several individuals have been able to successfully overcome it, including Harry
and both of the Crouches, who learn to resist the curse after being subjected to its effects for an extended
period. Harry describes the feeling of being the caster as controlling a marionette through a wand (although
Harry's particular experience is suspect due to his lack of commitment to casting Unforgivable Curses).
One of the three Unforgivable Curses.
Seen/mentioned: First mentioned (not by name) in the first book when Ron told Harry that Lucius Malfoy
claimed himself being jinxed during the first war, thus Lucius evaded imprisonment. First seen in Goblet of
Fire introduced by Barty Crouch Jr (acting as Moody) and used on a spider. Later seen in the book when
Professor Moody used it on all the students to see if they would be able to overcome it. Used by Harry in
Deathly Hallows on a Gringotts goblin and Travers, and by the Death Eaters on Pius Thicknesse.
Suggested etymology: Imperare is Latin for "to order, command", and is the root of several modern
English words. Imperium means "command" or "domain", and imperio means (among other things) "with
authority". (Compare to impero, "I command", and to crucio above.) Imperius is not, however, a Latin
(Imperturbable Charm)

Description: Makes objects such as doors impenetrable (by everything, including sounds and objects).
Seen/mentioned: The spell is used by Mrs Weasley in Order of the Phoenix on the door of the room in
which an Order meeting was being held, to prevent her sons, Fred and George, from eavesdropping (using
their extendable ears). Also mentioned in Half-Blood Prince when Harry, Ron, and Hermione followed
Draco to Borgin and Burkes and used extendable ears
Suggested etymology: Latin imperturbatus meaning "calm" or "undisturbed".[13]
Impervius (Impervius Charm)

Pronunciation: /ɪmˈpɜrvi.əs/ im-PUR-vee-əs

Description: This spell makes something repel (literally, become impervious to) substances and outside
forces, including water.
Seen/mentioned: Used by Hermione in Prisoner of Azkaban on Harry's glasses while in a Quidditch match
and also by the Gryffindor Quidditch team in Order of the Phoenix, both times to allow team members to
see in a driving rain. Also used in Deathly Hallows, first by Ron to protect objects in Yaxley's office from
rain, and then by Hermione in an attempt to protect Harry, Ron and Griphook from the burning treasure in
the Lestranges' vault.
Suggested etymology: Correct classical Latin impervius meaning "impassable".[13]

Pronunciation: /ɪŋˈkɑrsərəs/ ing-KAR-sər-əs

Description: Ties someone or something up with ropes.
Seen/mentioned: An unnamed spell, presumably incarcerous, is used by Snape to tie up Lupin in the
Shrieking Shack in Prizoner of Azkaban and likewise in Goblet of Fire when Pettigrew ties Harry to Tom
Riddle's grave. Incarcerous itself is first heard in Order of the Phoenix, when Umbridge gets in a battle with
the centaurs. Also used by Harry on the Inferi in Voldemort's Horcrux chamber, in Half-Blood Prince.
Suggested etymology: English incarcerate meaning "to imprison" or "to confine",[26] via Latin carcer
meaning "prison."

Pronunciation: /ɪnˈsɛndi.oʊ/ in-SEN-dee-oh

Description: Produces fire.[20] Flames burst out flying.
Seen/mentioned: It is first seen in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone when Hagrid (nonverbally)
produces fire out of his umbrella in the little house the Dursleys took refuge in (from the Hogwarts letters).
In Half-Blood Prince, this spell is used several times in battle, for instance when Hagrid's hut is set ablaze.
Suggested etymology: Deformation of Latin verb incendo, meaning "to burn, to set fire".[13]
(Intruder Charm)

Description: Detects intruders and sounds an alarm.

Seen/mentioned: Slughorn had it on a temporary Muggle owned house he was living in, allowing him to
detect Dumbledore and Harry as they approached in Half-Blood Prince. It is possible that Alastor Moody
had it on his house to set off charmed dustbins (which spewed litter at intruders) if there was an intruder on
his property.

(Jelly-Brain Jinx)

Description: Presumably affects the target's mental processes.

Seen/mentioned: During the September 1999 riot that took place during the Puddlemere/Holyhead
Quidditch game.
(Jelly-Fingers Curse)

Description: Causes the target's fingers to become almost jelly-like to make it impossible for the victim to
grasp objects. If the opponent touches a wall, he/she will be stuck to it forever.
Seen/mentioned: After a June 1999 Portree/Arrows Quidditch game, the losing Seeker accused his
opposite number of putting this curse on him as they both closed in on the Snitch.
(Jelly-Legs Jinx)

Description: A jinx that renders its victim's legs temporarily useless, leaving him/her to wobble around
helplessly until the effect wears off or the counter-jinx is performed.
(Knee-Reversal Hex)

Description: Causes the victim's knees to appear on the opposite side of his/her legs.
Seen/mentioned: In Quidditch Through the Ages, Gertie Keddle uses this hex when a man playing an early
form of Quidditch comes to retrieve his ball from her garden.

Pronunciation: /ˈlæŋlɒk/ LANG-lok

Description: Glues the victim's tongue to the roof of his/her mouth. Created by Severus Snape.
Suggested etymology: Latin lingua meaning "a tongue" or "a language" and English lock meaning "to

Pronunciation: /lɛˈdʒɪlɨmɛnz/ le-JIL-i-menz

Description: Allows the caster to delve into the mind of the victim, allowing the caster to see the
memories, thoughts, and emotions of the victim.
Suggested etymology: Latin legere meaning "to read" and Latin mens meaning "mind".

Pronunciation: /lɛvɨˈkɔrpəs/ LEV-i-KOR-pəs (nonverbal)

Description: The victim is dangled upside-down by one of his/her ankles, sometimes accompanied by a
flash of white light Created by Severus Snape.
Suggested etymology: Latin verb levo meaning "to raise" and Latin corpus meaning "body".

Pronunciation: /ˌlɪbərəˈkɔrpəs/ LIB-ər-ə-KOR-pəs (nonverbal)

Description: The counter spell to Levicorpus. Created by Severus Snape.
Suggested etymology: Latin liberare meaning "to free", and Latin corpus meaning "body".

Pronunciation: /ˌloʊkɵˈmoʊtɔr/ LOH-ko-MOH-tor

Description: The spell is always used with the name of a target, at which the wand is pointed (e.g.
"Locomotor Trunk!"). The spell causes the named object to rise in the air and move around at the will of the
Suggested etymology: Latin loco meaning "to place" and Latin moto meaning "to move about".
Locomotor Mortis (Leg-Locker Curse)

Pronunciation: /ˌloʊkɵˈmoʊtɔr ˈmɔrtɨs/ LOH-ko-MOH-tor MOR-tis

Description: Locks the legs together, preventing the victim from moving the legs in any fashion. The
target can hop when affected by this curse, but walking is impossible without the countercurse
Suggested etymology: Latin loco meaning "to place", Latin moto meaning "to move about", and Latin
mors/mortis meaning "death".

Pronunciation: /ˈljuːmɒs/ LEW-mos

Description: Creates a narrow beam of light that shines from the wand's tip, like a torch.
Suggested etymology: Latin lumen meaning "light".
Notes: The counter spell, Nox, extinguishes the light. The caster of this spell can cast other spells while this
spell is in effect.
Meteolojinx Recanto

Pronunciation: /ˌmiːtiːˈɒlɵdʒɪŋks rɛˈkæntoʊ/ MEE-tee-OL-o-jinks re-KAN-toh

Description: Causes weather effects caused by incantations to cease.
Suggested etymology: Greek meteôrologia meaning "meteorology",English jinx meaning "to bring bad
luck to", and Latin recanto meaning "recall, revoke".

Pronunciation: /ˌmoʊbɪliˈɑrbəs/ MOH-bil-ee-AR-bəs

Description: Lifts a tree a few inches off the ground and levitates it to where the caster points his or her
Suggested etymology: Latin mobilito meaning "to set in motion" and Latin arbor/arbos meaning "a tree".

Pronunciation: /ˌmoʊbɪliˈkɔrpəs/ MOH-bil-ee-KOR-pəs

Description: Lifts a body a few inches off the ground and levitates it where the caster points his or her
Suggested etymology: Latin mobilito meaning "to set in motion" and Latin corpus meaning "a body".
Morsmordre (Dark Mark)

Pronunciation: /mɔrzˈmɔrdrə/ morz-MOR-drə

Description: Conjures the Dark Mark, Voldemort's mark. It is often used to mark deaths, or cause terror
(as at the Quidditch World Cup in The Goblet of Fire)
Suggested etymology: Latin mors meaning "death", and French mordre (from Latin mordere) meaning "to

Pronunciation: /ˌmʌfliˈɑːtoʊ/ MUF-lee-AH-toh

Description: Keeps nearby people, or those to whom the wand is directed, from hearing nearby
Suggested etymology: English muffle meaning "to make a sound less distinct by covering its source".

Pronunciation: /ˈnɒks/ NOKS

Description: Counter charm to the Lumos spell.
Suggested etymology: Correct classical Latin nox meaning "night".
(Obliteration Charm)

Description: Removes things not wished to be seen again.

Obliviate (Memory Charm)

Pronunciation: /oʊˈblɪvi.eɪt/ oh-BLIV-ee-ayt

Description: Used to hide a memory of a particular event.
Suggested etymology: Latin oblivium meaning "forgetfulness".

Pronunciation: /ɒbˈskjʊəroʊ/ ob-SKEWR-oh

Description: Causes a blindfold to appear over the victim's eyes, obstructing his/her view of his/her
Suggested etymology: Correct classical Latin obscuro meaning "to conceal, to darken, to cover".[13]

Pronunciation: /əˈpʌɡnoʊ/ ə-PUG-noh

Description: Causes conjured objects to attack.
Suggested etymology: Correct classical Latin oppugno meaning "to attack".[13]

Pronunciation: /ɔrˈkɪdiː.əs/ or-KID-ee-əs

Description: Makes a bouquet of flowers appear out of the caster's wand.
Suggested etymology: English orchid meaning "a plant of a large family with complex showy flowers".

Pronunciation: /ˈpæk/ PAK, as in English

Description: Packs a trunk, or perhaps any luggage.
Seen/mentioned: Used in Prisoner of Azkaban by Lupin in his office, and in Order of the Phoenix by
Tonks, once verbally and again non-verbally.
(Permanent Sticking Charm)

Description: Makes objects permanently stay in place.

Peskipiksi Pesternomi

Pronunciation: /ˌpɛskɨˈpɪksi ˌpɛstərˈnoʊmiː/ PES-ki-PIK-see PES-tər-NO-mee

Description: The one time it was uttered, it had absolutely no effect.
Seen/mentioned: Used by Lockhart to attempt to remove Cornish pixies.
Suggested etymology: English pesky meaning "annoying", English pixie meaning "a supernatural being",
English pester meaning "to annoy", English no for negative and English me for the first person pronoun.
Petrificus Totalus (Body-Bind Curse)

Pronunciation: /pɛˈtrɪfɨkəs toʊˈtæləs/ pe-TRIF-i-kəs toh-TAL-əs

Description: Used to temporarily bind the victim's body in a position much like that of a soldier at
attention; this spell does not restrict breathing or seeing, and the victim will usually fall to the ground.[20]
Suggested etymology: English petrify meaning "to turn to stone" and English total meaning complete.[26]
Piertotum Locomotor

Pronunciation: /paɪ.ərˈtoʊtəm loʊkɵˈmoʊtɔr/ PYE-ər-TOH-təm LOH-ko-MOH-tor

Description: Spell used to animate statues and suits of armour to do the caster's bidding.
Seen/mentioned: In Deathly Hallows, McGonagall uses this spell to animate the suits of armour and
statues within Hogwarts to defend the castle.[28]
Suggested etymology: Latin petrus, same etymology of Italian name "Pietro" (English "Peter"), meaning
"stone", Latin totus meaning "whole of", Latin loco meaning "to place", and Latin moto meaning "to move
(Pig-tail Hex/Jinx)

Description: A hex/jinx that causes the victim to grow the tail of a pig from their rear.
Seen/mentioned: Used by Hagrid in The Philosopher's stone on Dudley Dursley when the latter was found
eating Harry's birthday cake.
(Placement Charm)

Description: A charm which temporarily places an object upon a desired target.

Seen/mentioned: Mentioned in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
Point Me (Four-Point Spell)
Pronunciation: /ˈpɔɪntmiː/ POYNT-mee, as in English
Description: Causes the caster's wand tip to point to the north cardinal point, acting like a compass.
Seen/mentioned: By Harry during the third task of the Triwizard Tournament in Goblet of Fire.

Pronunciation: /ˈpɔrtəs/ PORT-əs

Description: Turns an object into a portkey. The object glows an odd blue colour to show it has been
transformed into a portkey, then goes solid again.[OP Ch.22]
Seen/mentioned: Used by Dumbledore in Order of the Phoenix.
Suggested etymology: Correct Latin portus, meaning "port, harbour, refuge, haven".[13]
Prior Incantato

See also: Priori Incantatem

Pronunciation: /ˈpraɪ.ɔr ˌɪŋkænˈtɑːtoʊ/ PRYE-or ING-kan-TAH-toh
Description: Causes the echo (a shadow or image) of the last spell cast by a wand to emanate from it.
Suggested etymology: Latin prior meaning "former" and Latin incanto meaning "to enchant".[13]
(Protean Charm)

Description: Causes copies of an object to be remotely affected by changes made to the original.
Suggested etymology: English protean meaning "able to change or adapt".
Protego (Shield Charm)

Pronunciation: /proʊˈteɪɡoʊ/ proh-TAY-goh

Description: The Shield Charm causes minor to strong jinxes, curses, and hexes to rebound upon the
attacker, or at least prevents them from having their full effect. It can also cause a shield to erupt from the
caster's wand. This Charm was created by Trevor Poor [21]
Suggested etymology: Latin protego meaning "to protect".[13]
Protego Horribilis

Pronunciation: /proʊˈteɪɡoʊ hɒˈrɪbɨlɪs/ proh-TAY-goh hor-RIB-il-is

Description: Provides some form of protection against Dark Magic.
Seen/mentioned: Cast by Flitwick in an attempt to strengthen the castle's defences in Deathly Hallows
Suggested etymology: Latin protego meaning "to protect", Latin horribilis meaning "horrible".
Protego Totalum

Pronunciation: /proʊˈteɪɡoʊ toʊˈtæləm/ proh-TAY-goh toh-TAL-əm

Description: Provides protection of some form for an area or dwelling.
Suggested etymology: Latin protego meaning "to protect" and Latin totus meaning "as a whole".

Pronunciation: /kwaɪˈeɪtəs/ kwye-AY-təs

Description: Makes a magically magnified voice return to normal.
Seen/mentioned: Used in Goblet of Fire by Ludo Bagman.
Suggested etymology: Correct classical Latin quietus meaning "undisturbed, calm".
Notes: Functions as the counter spell to Sonorus.

Pronunciation: /rɛˈdjuːsi.oʊ/ re-DEW-see-oh

Description: Makes an enlarged object smaller. Counter-charm to Engorgio.
Suggested etymology: Latin reducio meaning "to bring back".
Reducto (Reductor Curse)

Pronunciation: /rɛˈdʌktoʊ/ re-DUK-toh

Description: Enables the caster to explode solid objects.
Seen/mentioned: In Goblet of Fire, Harry uses it on one of the hedges of the Triwizard maze and ends up
burning a small hole in it; in Order of the Phoenix, Gryffindors in Harry's year reference Parvati Patil as
being able to reduce a table full of dark detectors to ashes and Ginny uses it in the Room of Requirement
during the practice and in the Hall of Prophecy, Department of Mysteries; in Half Blood Prince, a member
of the Order of the Phoenix attempts to use this spell to break down a door which Death Eaters have
blocked when the Death Eaters have cornered Dumbledore in the Lightning Struck Tower.
Suggested etymology: Latin reductio meaning "restoration".
(Refilling Charm)

Description: Refills whatever at which the caster points with the drink originally in the container.
Seen/mentioned: Used in Half-Blood Prince, when Harry notices that Hagrid and Slughorn are running out
of mead.

Pronunciation: /rɛˈlæʃi.oʊ/ re-LASH-ee-oh

Description: A charm used to force someone or something to release that which it holds or grapples by
means of shooting fiery sparks out or, underwater, shooting hot bursts of water.
Suggested etymology: Italian rilasciare meaning "to release".

Pronunciation: /ˈrɛnərveɪt/ REN-ər-vayt

Description: Brings someone out of unconsciousness.
Suggested etymology: Officially renamed from Ennervate by J. K. Rowling from the prefix "re-" would
come from Latin re-, "again" and "en-" Old French from "in-" L. cause to be + "nerves" Eng. c.1603
strength, from "nervus" L. nerve[30]
Notes: Counter spell to Stupefy; when this spell is cast, red light is emitted.

Pronunciation: /rɛˈpɑroʊ/ re-PAR-oh

Description: Used to repair broken or damaged objects.[20]
Suggested etymology: Latin reparo meaning "to renew" or "repair".[13]
Repello Muggletum (Muggle-Repelling Charm)

Pronunciation: /rɛˈpɛloʊ ˈmʊɡlətəm/ re-PEL-oh MUG-lə-təm

Description: Keeps Muggles away from wizarding places by causing them to remember important
meetings they missed and to cause the Muggles in question to forget what they were doing in the first
Seen/mentioned: Mentioned in Quidditch Through the Ages as being used to keep Muggles away from the
Quidditch World Cup. Hogwarts was also said to be guarded by the Muggle-Repelling Charm. Harry and
Hermione also use it on numerous occasions, among many other spells, to protect and hide their campsite
in Deathly Hallows.
Suggested etymology: Latin repello meaning "to drive away".
Rictusempra (Tickling Charm)

Pronunciation: /ˌrɪktəˈsɛmprə/ RIK-tə-SEM-prə

Description: The subject experiences the sensation of being tickled
Seen/mentioned: First seen used by Harry on Draco in Chamber of Secrets, when they fought in the
Duelling Club.
Suggested etymology: Latin rictus meaning "open mouth", and Latin semper meaning "always".[13]
Notes: This spell takes the form of a jet of silver light (purple in video games).

Pronunciation: /rɨˈdɪkjʊləs/ ri-DIK-yə-ləs

Description: A spell used when fighting a Boggart, "Riddikulus" forces the Boggart to take the appearance
of an object upon which the caster is concentrating. When used correctly, this will be a humorous form.
Suggested etymology: Latin ridiculus meaning "absurd".[13]
Salvio Hexia

Pronunciation: /ˈsælvi.oʊ ˈhɛksi.ə/ SAL-vee-oh HEK-see-ə

Description: Provides some form of protection against hexes.
Seen/mentioned: Harry and Hermione cast this spell to strengthen their campsite's defences against
intruders in Deathly Hallows.
Suggested etymology: Latin salvus meaning "safe"[13] and English hex meaning "a magic spell".[26]
Scourgify (Scouring Charm)

Pronunciation: /ˈskɜrdʒɨfaɪ/ SKUR-ji-fye

Description: Used to clean something.[10][20]
Suggested etymology: English scour meaning "to clean by vigorous rubbing".[26]

Pronunciation: /ˌsɛktəmˈsɛmprə/ SEK-təm-SEM-prə

Description: Violently wounds the target; described as being as though the subject had been "slashed by a
sword".[27] Created by Severus Snape.
Suggested etymology: Correct classical Latin sectum, past participle of verb seco, "to cut", and
deformation of Latin adverb semper meaning "always".[13]

Pronunciation: /ˌsɛrpənˈsɔrti.ə/ SUR-pən-SOR-tee-ə

Description: Conjures a serpent from the spell caster’s wand.[20]
Suggested etymology: Latin serpens meaning "a snake" and French Sortir meaning "come out of, to
Silencio (Silencing Charm)

Pronunciation: /sɪˈlɛnsi.oʊ/ si-LEN-see-oh

Description: Silences something immediately[10][20]
Suggested etymology: Italian silenzio or Spanish silencio meaning "silence".
(Slug-Vomiting Charm)

Description: A jet of green light strikes the victim, who then vomits slugs for an undefined period of time
(greater than five hours). The sizes of the vomited slugs decrease with time.

Pronunciation: /sɒˈnɔərəs/ son-NOHR-əs

Description: Magnifies the spell caster’s voice, functioning as a magical megaphone
Suggested etymology: Correct classical Latin sonorus meaning "loud".
Notes: The counter-spell is Quietus.
Specialis Revelio (Scarpin's Revelaspell)
Pronunciation: /ˌspɛsiˈælɨs rɛˈvɛli.oʊ/ SPES-ee-AL-is re-VEL-ee-oh
Description: Causes an object to show its hidden secrets or magical properties.
Suggested etymology: Deformation of Latin specialis meaning "special" and revelo meaning "to unveil".
(Stealth Sensoring Spell)

Description: Detects those under magical disguise.

Seen/mentioned: In Order of the Phoenix, Umbridge casts this around her office. Also used at the entrance
to the Ministry of Magic.
(Stinging Hex, Stinging Jinx)

Description: Produces a stinging sensation in the victim, resulting in angry red welts and occasionally the
severe inflammation of the affected area.
Seen/mentioned: Harry inadvertently casts one on Snape during Occlumency lessons in Order of the
Phoenix. Hermione casts the Stinging Hex on Harry in Deathly Hallows to purposefully distort Harry's
Stupefy (Stunning Spell, Stupefying Charm, Stunner)

Pronunciation: /ˈstjuːpɨfaɪ/ STEW-pi-fye

Description: Puts the victim in an unconscious state. Manifests as a jet of red light.
Suggested etymology: English stupefy (to make stupid, groggy, insensible), which derives from Latin
stupefacio meaning "to make senseless",[13].
Notes: Hagrid was able to withstand multiple direct Stunners due to being half-giant, and Goblet of Fire
shows six to seven wizards working in unison to Stun a single dragon.
(Supersensory Charm)

Description: Able to possess superior senses than before.

Seen/mentioned: Mentioned by Ron outside of the Hogwarts Express during the epilogue of Deathly
Hallows as a potential substitute for using mirrors while driving a car.
(Switching Spell)

Description: Causes two objects to be switched for one another.


Description: A jinx which may be placed upon a word or a name, so that whenever that word is spoken, a
magical disturbance is created that alerts the caster of the Taboo to the location of the speaker. Any
protective enchantments in effect around the speaker are broken when the Tabooed word is spoken aloud.
Pronunciation: /təˌræntəˈlɛɡrə/ tə-RAN-tə-LEG-rə
Description: Makes victim's legs dance uncontrollably, so the victim cannot control his or her movements
(recalling the tarantella dance).
Suggested etymology: Italian taranta or tarantella (traditional Southern Italian folk dances with rapid,
whirling movements) and Italian allegra meaning "joyful".[13]

Pronunciation: /ˈtɜrdʒi.oʊ/ TUR-jee-oh

Description: Siphons material from a surface, (e.g., blood, ink, dust, etc.)
Suggested etymology: Correct classical Latin tergeo meaning "to wipe, scour, clean".[13]
(Tongue-Tying Curse)

Description: A curse that prevents certain information from being revealed by the individual upon whom
the spell is placed. The curse manifests itself by causing the tongue to temporarily curl backwards upon
(Transmogrifian Torture)

Seen/mentioned: Gilderoy Lockhart suggested that it was this curse that "killed" Mrs Norris after she was
really found petrified on a torch bracket in Chamber Of Secrets
(Trip Jinx)Description: Causes the victim of the jinx to trip and fall.

Seen/mentioned: Used by Draco in Order of the Phoenix, to catch Harry when he was fleeing after
Dumbledore's Army was discovered.
(Unbreakable Vow)

Description: Causes a vow taken by a witch or wizard to be inviolable; if he or she should break it, the
consequence is death. It manifests itself as interlinking chains of fire binding the clasped hands of the
people taking the Vow; the fire shoots out as a tongue of flame from the wand of the Binder (a witness to
the Vow) every time the person who takes the vow makes a promise. The flames then form into the linking
(Undetectable Extension Charm)

Description: Causes a container's capacity to be increased, without changing the object's external
appearance. Seen/mentioned: This spell is used by Mr Weasley to allow eight people, six large trunks, two
owls, and a rat to fit comfortably inside his modified Ford Anglia in Chamber of Secrets. Hermione casts
this spell upon her small beaded handbag in Deathly Hallows. Probably used in Goblet of Fire to make the
tents internal appearance bigger.
(Unbreakable Charm)
Description: Causes an object to become unbreakable.
Seen/mentioned: Hermione uses this spell in Goblet of Fire on a glass jar containing Rita Skeeter in her
unregistered animagus form so as to make sure she could not return to human form.

Pronunciation: /ˌwɑːdiˈwɑːsi/ WAH-dee-WAH-see

Description: Appears to launch small objects through the air.
Seen/mentioned: Used only once in the series, by Lupin in Prisoner of Azkaban to expel a wad of chewing
gum from the key hole Peeves put it in, launching it up Peeves' nose. Suggested etymology: English wad
meaning "a lump of soft material". Note: This may have been an improvised charm because the word
"wad" is in the spell, with the spell acting on a wad of gum.
Wingardium Leviosa (Levitation Charm)

Pronunciation: /wɪŋˈɡɑrdiəm ˌlɛviˈoʊsə/ wing-GAR-dee-əm LEV-ee-OH-sə

Description: Levitates objects. Suggested etymology: Deformation of English word wing meaning "fly",
Latin arduus meaning "tall"and Latin levis meaning "light".

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