Course Outline ITM

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PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi

University Institute of Information Technology

Introduction to Management

Course Code: MGT-411 Credit Hours: 3(3-0)

Instructor Information:
Name: Muhammad Waqas Chughtai
Contact #: 0343-5069826

Course Information:
Course designed as the first course in management. It presents a balanced perspective on the management process and
the four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The student will receive a basic
understanding of what makes an effective manager and an effective organization. Understanding the task associated with
managing at different levels in the organization is emphasized.

Course Purpose, Goals and specific learning objectives

There are two core objectives of this course: firstly to develop an understanding about "management" and its functional
areas, such as, planning, organizing, leading and controlling; secondly, to develop certain competencies (managerial skills)
such as analyzing, thinking, organizing, communicating, reporting and decisions making skills etc.
Specifically, at the completion of the course students will
 Understand the various processes involved in the management of organizations.
 Understand and comprehend the important role played by management in the contemporary business
 Enhance interpersonal skills to meet the challenges facing today’s management.
 Understand the work of management and principles & issues of managerial leadership
 Encourage and support collaborative learning and teamwork as necessary management tools.
 Global perspective of management

Class discussions and exercises are important components of this course. Thus, active student participation is crucial to
enhance learning. The quality and quantity of classroom contribution will determine grades in borderline cases.

Attendance: I do take attendance and you are strongly encouraged to attend class on a regular basis. Only through
regular attendance can you begin to understand and fully grasp the concepts covered in this course.

Classroom Contribution: While it helps to be there, being there is not enough! All students are expected to
actively contribute to the learning experience. Students can contribute by asking and/or answering questions, seeking
and/or providing clarifications, expressing agreement or disagreement, talking about relevant work experience, providing
insight into group activities, etc.

Class Preparation: In order to get the most out of your class attendance, you should read the assigned material prior
to class. The lectures and in-class activities are designed to place topics in perspective, clarify difficult issues, and expand
on the concepts presented in the textbook. An attempt is made to cover all the topics in the textbook. However, you are
responsible for reading all the assigned material, even if it is not discussed explicitly in class. If you do not, you will not be
able to take full advantage of the class.

Student Feed Back and Grading policies and Procedures.
 Grading: Course grade are based on following elements and weightings. (Out of 100)
Mid term Exams 30%
Home Work/ Assignment/ Quiz/Class Participation/ Attendance 20%
Final Term Exams 50%

Course Contents
Week Lecture Contents(Theory)
Mangers and Managing
1  What is Management?
 Managerial Functions
Week 1. Types of Managers
Managerial Roles and Skills
2 How manager’s job changing today
Reading Assignment Chapter#2
Management Yesterday and Today
3  Scientific Management Theory
 Administrative Management Theory
Week 2.  Quantitative Approach
 Management Science Theory
4  System and Contingency Approach
Reading Assignment Chapter#3
Managing the External Environment & Organization Culture
 Omnipotent or Symbolic view of Manager
 External environment and challenges for Managers
 Characteristics and Importance of Organizational Culture
Week 3.  Current issues in Organizational Culture
 What is social Responsibility
 Green Management and Sustainability
6  Social Responsibility and ethics issues in today’s world
Reading Assignment Chapter# 4
Managing in a Global Environment
 Define parochialism.
 ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric attitudes towards
global business
Week 4.  Understanding the Global Environment
 Doing Business Globally
 Hofstede’s five dimensions for assessing cultures.
8  GLOBE dimensions for assessing cultures.
Reading Assignment Chapter# 6
Decision Making
 Decision Making Process
 Rational Model
 Decision making styles
Week 5.
 Decision making bases and errors
10  Managerial decision-making model
 Decision Making for Today’s World
Reading Assignment Chapter# 7
Foundations of Planning
 What Is Planning?
Week 6.  How Do Managers Plan?
 Establishing Goals and Developing Plans
12  Contemporary Issues in Planning
Reading Assignment Chapter# 8
Strategic Management
13  Importance of Strategic Management
 Strategic Management Process
Week 7.  Types of Organizational Strategies
 Strategic Management in Today’s Environment
Reading Assignment Chapter# 9

Mid-Term Exams
Organizational Structure
15  Defining Organizational Structure
 Defining Organizational Design
Week 8.
 Organizational Design Decisions
 Common Organizational Designs
Reading Assignment Chapter# 10
Human Resource Management
17  History
Week 9.  Strategic Human Resource Management

 Recruitment and Selection

 Training and Development
Human Resource Management
 Performance Appraisal
19  Pay Benefits
Week 10. Reading Assignment Chapter Motivation
 QUIZ CHAPTER 10 Human Resource Management
Understanding Individual Behavior
20  Organizational Behavior
 Personality Theories
OB (Cont’d) &Motivation
 Perception And factors influencing it
 Nature of Motivation
Week 11.
 Early Theories of motivation
22  Contemporary Theories of motivation
Reading Assignment Chapter Leadership
QUIZ CHAPTER Organization behavior
Motivation (Cont’d) &Leadership
 Contemporary Issues in Motivation
Week 12.  Nature of Leadership
 Manger Versus Leaders
24  Theories of Leadership
Reading Assignment Chapter: Foundation of Control
QUIZ CHAPTER: Motivation
Foundation of control and Technology Operations
25  Quality& Technology Related Issues
 Control : Introduction & Types
Week 13.  Control Process
 Organizational Performance
26  Tools for controlling organization Performance
QUIZ CHAPTER: Leadership
QUIZ CHAPTER: Foundation of Control
27 Presentations of final Projects
Week 14.
28 Presentations of final Projects
29 Presentations of final Projects
Week 15.
30 Revision Session
Text Book:
1) Stephen P. Robins, Mary Coulter
“Management” 11th or Latest Edition
Reference Books:
1 H. Koontz Odonnel and H. Weihrich:
“Management “

2 Stephen P. David .DeCenzo
“Fundamentals of Management”
3 Chuck William

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