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Corporate Social Responsibilty Project

Report on

A study on Csr of Tata Motors

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for

Master of Management Studies (MMS)

Academic Year: 2016-2018

Submitted By


Roll No. 46

Semester IV; Batch: 2016-2018

H K Institute of Management Studies and Research,

Jogeshwari, Mumbai 400102
Student’s Declaration
I hereby declare that this report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of
Master of Management Studies degree awarded by University of Mumbai from H.K.
Institute of Management Studies and Research, is my original work and not submitted
for award of any degree or diploma fellowship or for similar titles or prizes.

I further certify that I have no objection and grant rights to H K Institute of

Management Studies and Research to publish any chapter/project if they deem fit to
publish in Journals/Magazines and newspapers without my permission.

Place : Mumbai

Date :

Name : Vinesh Pai

Class : M.M.S.: Sem. IV

Roll No. : 46

This is to certify that the dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of Master of
Management Studies under University of Mumbai from H.K Institute of Management Studies and
Research is a result of the bonafide research work carried out by Mr Gauri Patadeunder my
supervision and guidance. No part of this report has been submitted for award of any other degree,
diploma, fellowship or other similar titles or prizes. The work has also not been published in any


Place: Mumbai

Prof. T.G Roy Project Guide: Prof. Krishnan Venkat



It is difficult to acknowledge precious a debt as that of learning as it

is the only debt as that is difficult to repay except through gratitude.
I would like to give our vote of thanks first and foremost to Prof. T.G.Roy,
Director HKIMSR, for giving me an opportunity to work on the project and
giving me full support in completing this project.

I am thankful to my guide Prof. Venkat Krishnanfor his support. Last

but not the least; I would like to thank my friends for their full
Co-operation & continuous support during the course of this assignment.

No words can adequately express my depth of gratitude to my beloved parents,

and siblings for generating an inspiration in my project.

Above all, I thank god for the innumerable and unaccountable blessing she
has showered upon me the through this endeavour.
Vinesh Pai


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) defined as "the principled behavior of
a company towards the general public," evident itself in the form of such
noble programs initiated by for-profit organizations.
Additional motive for this rapid acceptance of CSR is the state of the Indian
society. Though India is one of the fastest growing economies, socio-economic
issues like poverty, illiteracy, lack of healthcare etc. are still universally
present and the government has limited resources to embark upon these
challenges. This state of affairs has opened up several areas for businesses to
contribute towards social development
Corporate Social Responsibility in now accepted as a means to achieve
sustainable development of an organization. CSR is about integrating
economic, environmental and social objective with a company’s
operations and growth. CSR impacts governance and ethics, employee
welfare, society welfare, environment protection etc. and many more.
The Companies Bill, 2012 intends to inculcate the philosophy of CSR
among Indian companies. There are different types of CSR like
Environmental CSR, Community based CSR, HR based CSR and
The functions of CSR are Ethical, Legal, Societal and Ecological
functions. The ethical functions of CSR help to present conflicts of
interest between earning corporate profits and maintaining the integrity
of the company. The legal function of CSR helps to encourage
transparency in a company’s business practices and financial reporting.
The societal functions of CSR helps to respect and invest in the
communities in which the company operation. The ecological functions of
CSR helps not only to respect the immediate environment in which the
company operates but also to respect the company’s effect on the global
This study on CSR at Tata Steel has sufficient reasons to be established.
Many such studies have been done at Tata Steel on CSR initiatives in the
past. But, the recent study will throw lights on the perseverance and
continuous efforts of Tata Company for CSR activation. Here few
quotations of the great leaders are justified to be given.

Literature Review
The concept of CSR originated in the 1950‘s in the USA but it became
prevalent in early 1970s . At that time US had lots of social problems like
poverty, unemployment and pollution. Consequently a huge fall in the
prices of Dollar was witnessed. Corporate Social Responsibility became a
matter of utmost importance for diverse groups demanding change in the
business. During the 1980‘s to 2000, corporations recognized and started
accepting a responsibility towards society. Corporate social responsibility
(CSR) focuses on the wealth creation for the optimal benefit of all
stakeholders – including shareholders, employees, customers,
environment and society. The term stakeholder, means all those on whom
an organization's performance and activities have some impact either
directly or indirectly. This term was used to describe corporate owners
beyond shareholders as a result of a book titled Strategic management: a
stakeholder approach by R. Edward Freeman in the year 1984. 1 According
to Bowen, ―CSR refers to the obligations of businessmen to pursue those
policies to make those decisions or to follow those lines of relations which
are desirable in terms of the objectives and values of our society. ― 2
Frederick (1960) stated ‗Social responsibility means that businessmen
should oversee the operation of an economic system that fulfills the
expectations of the people.‘ . 3 Davis (1960) argued that social
responsibility is a nebulous idea but should be seen in a managerial
context. He asserted that some socially responsible business decisions can
be justified by a long, complicated process of reasoning as having a good
chance of bringing long-run economic gain to the firm, thus paying it back
for its socially responsible outlook (p. 70). 4 An ideal CSR has both ethical
and philosophical dimensions, particularly in India where there exists a
wide gap between sections of people in terms of income and standards as
well as socio-economic status (Bajpai, 2001) 5 . Goyder(2003)
argues: ―Industry in the 20th century can no longer be regarded as a
private arrangement for enriching shareholders. It has become a joint
enterprise in which workers, management, consumers, the locality, govt.
and trade union officials all play a part. If the system which we know by the
name private enterprise is to continue, some way must be found to
embrace many interests whom we go to make up industry in a common
purpose.‖ ). 6 CSR implies some sort of commitment, through corporate
policies and action. This operational view of CSR is reflected in a firm‘s
social performance, which can be assessed by how a firm manages its
societal relationships, its social impact and the outcomes of its CSR policies
and actions

Tata motors Aarogya Health Seva

Tata Motors has partnered with Avanti Fellows, an NGO, to support bright
students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) schools preparing for
IIT-JEE and other competitive entrance exams. As part of the programme,
we provide special coaching to students at JNV Mangalore and JNV
Puducherry. We have also deployed innovative peer-to-peer learning
pedagogy at these places. As a result of the intervention, the overall
entrance exam performance of students from these

School has significantly improved

With this belief, we have set up community hospital infrastructure in
Jamshedpur and have been running programmes to address leprosy,
malnutrition, etc. for many decades now. Under our CSR programme for
health – Aarogya, we operate mobile health clinics for remote, last mile
tribal community outreach in Pune. We have tied up with Anganwadis and
nutrition rehabilitation centres across India to ensure better nutrition and
health awareness for children, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Our
initiatives also focus on holding awareness sessions for adolescent girls to
address their queries on puberty, health and hygiene.

Education is the foundation upon which the development of an individual’s

cognitive, psychological and intellectual faculties rests. Our CSR programme for
education, Vidyadhanam, ensures support tothousands of young learners at
several stages of their educational journey

Tata Motors extends support to deserving students as well as the holistic

development of education infrastructure and services. The focus of our education
programme remains not just on the academic, but also on the physical and
sociological development, along with inculcation of values. We pay emphasis on
the overall personality development of students and facilitate their mentoring by
professionals from their areas of interest

Education is the cardinal factor which determines holistic development ofan

individual, foundations of which are laid down during the early childhood period.
Education aids development of an individual’s cognitive, psychological and
intellectual faculties that ultimately shapes his or her personality.

Mumbai is the most populous city in the country and 62% of the city’s
population is living in slums. Municipal schools are last resort for the students
from underprivileged background and these schools face myriad of problems,
like non-availability of teachers which adversely affect academic performance of
students. To bridge this gap, we partnered with Global Education Trust (CSR
arm of Mahesh Tutorials) to provide special coaching to 23000 students enrolled
in 146 municipal schools in Mumbai.
Scholarships and financial aid
Jointly instituted by Tata Motors and Tata Communications, the Tata Samarth
scholarship is a mentor-based rolling scholarship programme supporting bright
young engineers belonging to the economically weaker sections of society. Thus
far, we have awarded scholarships to 50 students from five engineering colleges
affiliated with the College of Engineering, Pune. These students are also being
mentored by senior leaders of the two companies. We have also partnered with
the IIT Bombay Alumni Association to extend financial aid to IIT-B students in
need. About 40 students have been supported till now under this programme.
Special coaching classes
In order to tackle the issue of high dropout rates, low percentages of students
passing exams and weak academic performances in the secondary school system,
Tata Motors has partnered with reputed non-profits to provide quality
education to students studying in municipal schools. In partnership with the
Global Education Trust (the CSR arm of leading coaching class institute Mahesh
Tutorials), we are providing special coaching to around 23,000 students of grades
9 and 10 enrolled in over 140 municipal schools of Mumbai. Based on the
encouraging outcome of this project, we have deployed similar projects in
communities around our other manufacturing locations. At some places, we have
also set up e-learning technology to promote digital learning.
Special coaching for IIT-JEE and competitive exams
Tata Motors has partnered with Avanti Fellows, an NGO, to support bright
students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) schools preparing for IIT-JEE
and other competitive entrance exams. As part of the programme, we provide
special coaching to students at JNV Mangalore and JNV Puducherry. We have
also deployed innovative peer-to-peer learning pedagogy at these places. As a
result of the intervention, the overall entrance exam performance of students
from these schools has significantly improved.
KAUSHALYA- Employment of Skilling

Tata Motors skill development programme, Kaushalya, aims to build the

capacity of unemployed youth by providing vocational training in automotive
and other industrial trades. Under this initiative, we also help farmers and
women boost their income through our agriculture and allied initiatives
Absence of formal skills renders the population largely unemployable. Tata
Motors has partnered with various skill development centres across India to
address this issue. To enhance the quality of training, we have developed
standardised course content for automotive trades as well as partnered with
reputed NGOs having previous experience of running skill development
programmes. We also build capacity of partners through train-the-trainer and
management development programmes along with providing practical exposure
to students through on-the-job trainings and industry visits.

Tata Motors, under the environment-related CSR programme – Vasundhara,

strives to contribute to enhanced environmental sustainability by proactively
facilitating the protection, conservation, judicious use and augmentation of
natural resources.
Depletion of forests disturbs the delicate ecological balance and also contributes
to climate change. With our initiatives under Vasundhara, we aim to promote
environmental consciousness among community members, school students and
our employees by engaging them in plantation and cleanliness drives. The
underlying vision is that environment being a common global concern, any effort
at promoting environmental sustainability at a local level would benefit the
environment as well as local communities and society at large. We also
encourage community members to use renewable energy products like solar
lamps and promote innovative products like fuel efficient chulhas that reduce the
carbon footprint

We partner with the communities and NGOs around our manufacturing plants
and office locations for deployment of Vasundhara projects. This approach
meets the needs of the local community, and also inculcates in them a sense of
responsibility. This, we believe, is essential for ensuring long-term sustainability
of our collective interventions.
Environment awareness
We believe that values pertaining to environment protection are better
inculcated at a young age. We are making this possible by organising sessions for
school students which are conducted by reputed environmental non-profit
agencies and experts, encouraging green actions and striving for behaviour
change in children towards responsible consumption of natural resources

During the sessions, students are made aware of environmental issues and
educated on solid waste management, sustainable development, judicious use of
water and electricity and kitchen gardening techniques. Many interactive
booklets in regional languages have been developed to drive the message in a
visually appealing manner. Students are also taken out on nature trails so that
they can better connect the environment conservation concepts in their everyday
Tree plantation
Increasing the green cover through tree plantation is a major project under
Vasundhara. We are striving to achieve this primarily through partnerships with
NGOs and community participation (for instance, with the community gifting
land and volunteering labour for the project) and also taking into consideration
the local biodiversity

We try to ensure at least three years of survival of the plantation with minimum
reasonable mortality. Wherever feasible, the plantations are harnessed for
livelihood opportunities for the beneficiaries. This makes the community a big
stakeholder, which helps in long-term maintenance of the green cover.


Tata Motors, under the Amruthdhara programme, has been working towards
providing safe drinking water across India.

Water scarcity and water inequality is one of the major concerns affecting
India’s overall development. To address the issue of drinking water needs of
disadvantaged communities, Tata Motors has initiated Amrutdhara. The
programme not only addresses the concerns relating to safe drinking water, but
also helps in improving health, fostering gender equality and promoting social
In regard to our operations at Tata Motors, we aspire to become water-neutral
and eventually water positive (especially in green water). We have taken several
initiatives in this context, such rain water harvesting and storage, water pooling,
water recycling, etc.

Sumant Moolgaonkar Development Foundation

Amrutdhara has been conceived and deployed under the aegis of Sumant
Moolgaonkar Development Foundation (SMDF), a social arm of Tata Motors. It
is powered through voluntary contribution of Rs. 20/month/employee and a
matching contribution by the company. To support the programme’s core team,
comprising professionals from the construction division, community members
contribute their land, locally available raw materials, labour, etc. The
government renders support to complete the project related processes and
formalities. Community mobilisation and sustainability of the projects is ensured
by voluntary organisations

The vendors develop cost-efficient water solutions and deploy the work following
all ethical standards. Volunteers help in identifying, deploying and monitoring
the project. The diversity in the geographical landscape gives SMDF an
opportunity to innovate on water solutions. Depending upon the terrain, the
water solution could be installing RO plant, developing percolation wells or
rebuilding water reservoirs.
Seva-Voluntering programme

The volunteering programme of Tata Motors, Seva, is aimed at providing

employees and their families with varied opportunities to meaningfully volunteer
their time for social causes.
We at Tata Motors continue to nurture a vibrant culture of volunteering by
involving our employees and their families in our aspiration to meaningfully
contribute to social causes. We see volunteering as a character building activity
that helps all our employees in becoming socially responsible individuals

Our employees offer pro bono services based on their competencies to

non-profits with clear deliverables. We have been recognised several times for
our employee volunteering performance under the Tata Engage volunteering
programme. It is our constant effort to involve our business partners in
volunteering initiatives. We also encourage our employees to offer their
voluntary services to serve the communities affected by natural disasters
Pro- Engage
Under the Tata Group’s Pro-Engage format of volunteering, our employees
dedicate their skills and domain expertise to help social organisations reach their
goals. It is an intensive engagement ranging from two to six months. Over this
time, the volunteers help in streamlining operational aspects of the organisation
such as stepping up their marketing efforts, revamping their website, etc

Health care is a growing industry. Ideal nurse -patient ratio stands at 1 nurse for
every 500 people. India faces a shortage of 2.5 million nurses and our
programme aims to fill this gap. Majority of the requests for bedside attendants
come from families who want a full time caretaker for geriatrics. We acted on
this insight and TML in partnership with Wockhardt Health developed a course
for General Duty Assistant. Through this course, the participants can offer their
services at hospitals, nursing homes and at private homes. The infrastructural
support for the training in form of laboratory, classroom furniture and
scholarships for students was sponsored by Tata
Financial Aid Programme has an unique sustainable structure at Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT). Students donate back to the program the support
received when they graduate and get a job thus keeping the program
self-perpetuating. The support of Tata has been critical in expanding both the
scope and the scale of the program.

Almost47% of the students supported through the programme belong to the

backward (SC, ST and OBC) communities. The support of Tataalso enabled
IITBAA ( expand the scope of FAP with the introduction of a number of value
added services including mentoring, industrial visits, leadership training
workshops, communication and soft skills training counselling etc.

The students are personally mentored by senior leaders at TML and other
organisations according to their area of interest. The objective is to improve
their confidence employability skills and make FAP an aspirational program for
students rather than only a means for financial aid
Auto Tech Fest

Autotech fest was conducted for students undergoing the LEAP programme.
Five events, Automobile Quiz, Project Expo, Junkyard Wards, Auto Expo, Battle
of Trainers, were held and the students participated enthusiastically in these. In
the event Project Expo,the trainee were given an opportunity to combine their
creativity andtechnical skills and design a project. The instructors also
participated in the battle of trainers where they were evaluated on their subject
knowledge and teaching skills.

For the junkyard war, trainees were divided in teams and the task was to
develop a gokart vehicle with the automobile scrap & raw materials within the
prescribed time. The fest very a chance for the trainees to meet their fellow
students from different institutes and put their theoretical knowledge in to
practise. Most of them went back to their institutes and started developing
prototypes of automobiles.It also gave them a chance to network and hone their
Earn and Progress for Mechanic Motor Vehicle Training (LEAP) is a one-year
program for training youth to be motor vehicle mechanics. Tata Motors, its
dealers and implementation partners (ITIs), are the three major stakeholders in
this program and they all bring complementary values to it. Tata Motors, acting
as knowledge partner creates standard course content that can be used by its
partner implementing agencies across India to train their students. Along with
the content, TML also regularly holds train their trainer sessions and has
developed online portal for monitoring of the program
After completion of 3 months classroom training, the students undergo
on-the-job training (OJT) for 9 months at Tata Motors’ Service Center / Dealer
Workshop. During OJT, they are paid nominal stipend, which helps students to
cover their training fee. This extended engagement during OJT has ensured 80%
job placement immediately after completion of the training program.

Outreach of CSR In various Field



Tata Housing Big Enviornment

Tata Housingicommitted to environment excellence across its value chain. In

addition to minimizing & mitigating value chain impact on environment, it also
strives to rejuvenate the environment by bio-diversity conservation across the
geographies of India. It minimizes the environmental impact of its operations by
adopting sustainable construction practices and creating climate change
awareness among all its stakeholders.

During the year 2012-13, the Company has conserved 54616774 liters of water
through various water conservation initiatives. 5933 trees have also been planted
during the year same year. Through various carbon abatement initiatives 1593
tCO2e have been abated during the year 2012-13, which is equivalent to 20.7 %
of the CO2 emission of the preceding year. The carbon abatement figures of
2012-13 have been externally validated by M/S LSquare Solutions (p) ltd.

Energy Management
We have implemented various energy efficiency initiatives at all sites. The energy
efficiency initiatives include use of renewable energy, efficient lighting &
equipment, BEE star rated appliances, etc.

1)Level controllers in overhead water Tanks

2)Energy Efficient lifts with Group Controls
3)Minimum 75% efficiency for motors of capacity greater than 3 HP and ISI
rated motors for others
4)Use of solar water heater
5)Use of Solar lamp at Project sites
6)Minimum 75% efficiency for motors of capacity greater than 3 HP and ISI
rated motors for others
7)Use of CFL/LED/T5 in lieu of normal tube light

Water Management
We have implemented rainwater harvesting and ground water recharging
across sites. The water fixtures and faucets used are low flow fixtures. The
lawns in landscapes are maintained with minimum areas and draught tolerant
plants are grown to minimize the irrigation water requirement. In our Gurgaon
based site, the waste water from municipal STP for construction activity. All
the projects are designed with Sewage treatment plants to treat 100 % of
domestic waste water to use in irrigation and for flushing purpose.

1) Rainwater Harvesting atleast 50% of total exposed roof area

2) Water efficient flow fixtures
3) Minimum turf area as a percentage of total landscaped area
4) Grey Water Treatment-use of construction,flushing and irrigation

Bio Diversity Conservation-

Tata Housingpartnered with WWF-India for a three years partnership for
bio-diversity conservation in western Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim and tiger
conservation in six tiger landscapes of India. The KCL (Khangchendzonga
Landscape) and WAL (Western Arunachal Landscapes) regions are rich in
biodiversity supporting many river systems, wetlands and glaciers. These regions
are home to many endangered species of flora and fauna including Red Pandas.
Safeguarding these natural regions with their biodiversity and maintaining their
pristine environment therefore is of key importance
Greening young minds through Enviornment Education-
Under this initiative, our partner Tata Housing in partnership with WWF-India
is creating environmental awareness among school children, school teachers and
communities through posters, booklets, notebooks and workshops etc
highlighting the environmentally sensitivities of the region.

An environment camp titled “Wake up to Nature” was organised for teachers

from June 6 to 8, 2013 at Chemchey, South Sikkim. The programme was
targeted mostly at rural schools which were located near to Protected Areas of
Maenam Wildlife Sanctuary and Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary. Twenty
seven teachers from 16 different schools of West and South Districts participated
in the programme. Over the course of two and half days, the programme covered
topics on biodiversity of Sikkim, understanding climate change, solid waste
management, water resources of Sikkim, and local environment issues. These
issues were discussed through presentations, activities, films, nature walks and
poster displays.

Tata housing skill Development Initiative


Tata Housing has been providing people with employability skill development
training and entrepreneurship development training in partnership with various
non-government organizations (NGOs), government institutions and professional
bodies. We understand that training is just a means to create sustainable
livelihood, and in this regard we just not train, but monitor, motivate and
handhold to ensure that people get actual employment-self-employed or wage
Some of our partners, under this initiative, include Entrepreneurship
Development Institute of India, Don Bosco Tech Society, NIIT Foundation,
Human Development Foundation and Udyogwardhini etc. Our training in
construction related trades include masonry, carpentry, bar bending,
construction supervisor, RCC etc.

The Company’s skill development initiatives have been branded as SAMARTH

to give added focus and attention. Under SAMARTH, during the year 2012-13, a
total of 869 persons (including 500 SC/ST persons) have been provided with skill
development training under various vocational trades. More than 50 % of these
persons have been gainfully employed/started their enterprises/income level
enhanced. In another landmark development, Tata Housing has established a
Shuttering Carpentry Training Centre in ITI Lonavla and the same was
inaugurated by honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra Shri Prithviraj

Tata Housing Educational Development Initiatives

While access to public/government funded schools has grown over the years, the
quality of teaching in many schools needs further improvement. Many schools
today whether run by the public bodies or private,also lack proper
infrastructure and teaching aids. Our endeavor has been to support and
supplement the already existing avenues of learning/schools in our key
communities. In this regard, we help impart remedial coaching, provide
supplementary tutorials, enhance educational infrastructures, up-grade school
buildings, create recreational facilities in schools and provide necessary reading
& writing materials to needy students. We also provide scholarships to students
in need. We have been working with a few NGOs in this regard including

We are careful that children at our construction sites get the right type of
opportunity and environment for studying. We believe that good Health and
Education plays a major role in empowering people. Our educational
development programmesat our construction sites or in the extended key
communities ensures holistic development of the students with focus on the
creation of a more evolved and nurturing environment. We achieve this by
providing support and concentrating on areas like hygiene, sanitation, medical
aid, and food, wherever required, so that learning becomes truly an enriching
Our educational initiatives has been branded as SRIJAN for greater visibility
among the stakeholders. Under SRIJAN the Company has touched more than
6400 students (including 2620 SC/ST candidates) in 34 schools across India. The
activities undertaken include remedial coaching and school infrastructure

Street Children Education

During the Last financial year, we had sponsored the Street Children Centre of
Hamara Foundation for for one year. The Centre has 72 children out of them
42 belong to SC category and the rest from OBC and the Centre is located under
the Elphinstone Road Flyover Bridge. Many of our employee volunteers
including Mr. Rajeevan Nair, Head-Legal, have visited the Centre and spent
time with the children and taught them too. Our support was towards remedial
coaching, notebooks, nutritional support, educational visit/picnic etc of all these
72 children for one year. We have evaluated the impact of our intervention and
found it to be extremely satisfactory. The following table gives a comparison of
the children’ performance between 2011-12 and 2012-13. It is clear that with our
intervention the children’s academic performance has improved. Five students
(four from SC category and one OBC) had appeared in Class X, all the five have
passed and one has passed in A grade.

Running the open air Centre under the Flyover has not been an easy task. There
are many issues including the frequent raid by the municipal authorities. Very
often our blackboard, banner, chair, children’s notebooks and clothes are
thrown out in the open by the authorities. Rain and storm very often makes our
life miserable. But nothing prevents us from helping these children. Our social
worker and teacher never lose their patience; they again scramble together the
missing pieces, give children their moral support and start running the Centre


Tata Housing Employee Volunteering Programme

Tata Housing has a great tradition of employee volunteering in socially useful
activities. The Company encourages its employees to get involved in volunteering
activities and the employee volunteering programme of the Company has been
branded as synergizers. This is a platform where the employees join hands and
participate in socially useful volunteering events

Each employee is expected to do at least 8 hours of volunteering, during

non-office hours, in a financial year. Company helps in partnering with NGOs,
provides the necessary fund support, and employee volunteers are expected to
only give their time and energy and help building a kinder, equitable and
sensible society. Volunteers have been visiting, old age homes, HIV+ children’s
homes, orphanages, slums, differently enabled schools and tribal villages
spreading smiles

Tata Housing Schools and neighbourhood Sanitation Initiatives

Many people in India still do not have access to toilets and good sanitation, as a
result outdoor defecation continues in communities. It leads to wide spread
diseases and health issues. We have been renovating and constructing toilets for
schools and needy communities for a while. However considering the gravity of
the problem, we are concentrating our focus on construction of toilets for the
poor and changing their sanitation habits and look forward for transformed,
*clean and green communities in coming years.

The CSR interventions of Tata Motors extend beyond the boundaries of India. In
partnership with reputed NGOs and our distributor partners in various
countries, we continue to work to support marginalised communities.

The Tata Motors SkillPro programme was launched by our International

Business division to train talented youth in several countries. Our distributor
partners in these countries help us in identifying underprivileged youth with
potential. We provide them with a nine-month mechanic motor vehicle training
at our Jamshedpur Training Centre

Thereafter, the youngsters undergo on-the-job training in their respective

countries at our channel partners' workshops. During 2016-17, we trained 22
youth, including two women participants, from 8 countries – Bangladesh,
Mozambique, Sudan, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana and Sri Lanka. All the
22 participants are now part of the distributor network and the Tata Motors
extended family in their countries.

Youth trained in 2016-17- 22 Student

Women Particpant -2
Training Period- 9 Months
Affirmative Action-

Tata Motors Affirmative Action (AA) programme, Aadhaar, is aimed at serving

traditionally disadvantaged communities, such as Scheduled Castes (SC) and
Scheduled Tribes (ST), with a focus on the 4E's – Education, Employability,
Entrepreneurship and Employment.

Aadhaar has been integrated with our CSR programme for improved efficiency
and better reach. In addition to deploying forty percent of the CSR budget for
the AA programme, we have developed synergetic inter-linkage among the AA
focus areas. In lined with our philosophy of ‘More from less for More’, we have
partnered with various state governments for skill development of SC/ST youth
in automotive trades. Our dealers have been strategically involved with the
LEAP programme which aims at training underprivileged youth as motor
mechanics. The dealers pay stipend to the trainees as well as employ them once
the training is successfully completed. Tata Motors has also tied up with project
implementation partners to mobilise government schemes specifically designed
to train youth in automotive trades.

In partnership with our group company Tata Communications, we are

promoting higher education and have partnered with the IIT Bombay Alumni
Association to establish a revolving fund for underprivileged engineering
students. Apart from receiving financial support, these students are mentored by
senior leaders of the two companies. Along similar lines, we have also established
the Tata Samarth scholarship for students of institutes affiliated with the College
of Engineering, Pune


Tata Motors Affirmative Action (AA) programme aims to mainstream

Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes communities through focused programmes
in the domain of Employment, Entrepreneurship, Employability and Education

As high as 50% of the students belonging to SC/ST backgrounds drop out of

schools due to insufficient funds and through our financial aid through
scholarships and special coaching programmes, we help them complete their
education. In FY 2016 - 17, we extended scholarships to 870 AA students. We
have increased our outreach of special coaching classes and presently 6,199 AA
students across locations are enrolled in it.We have developed business-linked
programs which are implemented across the country in partnership with our
dealers and NGOs/Technical training agencies. Annually we recruit around
5,000 youth under Apprentice Training and NEEM Program and more than
24% of the trainees are from AA community

In line with our philosophy of ‘More from Less for More’, we have also
partnered with various State Governments, such as Bihar Mahadalit Vikas
Mission and West Bengal Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Development
and Finance Corporation for skill development of SC/ST youth in automotive
Enterprising SC/ST youth are also trained, mentored and encouraged to start
business enterprises. Our Strategic Sourcing Team has undertaken several
initiatives to include the SC/ST entrepreneurs in its vendor base. The team
identifies AA vendors who can supply auto components and on clearing the
initial verifications and quality checks they are registered in the TML database

An Educated tommorow for Denotified Tribes

Historically, members of these tribes were branded as criminals under the

British rule and they continue to face social exclusion. They are condemned to
live a life of social isolation and are often denied education and formal
employment opportunities

We support the project through sponsoring the Community Learning Centres at

three locations in Navi Mumbai – Sathe Nagar, Ganpatipada and Mahaveer
Quarry. The centre caters to the educational requirements of students of class 1
to 10. Students of standard 8, 9 and 10 are taught through e-learning tools which
facilitate concept clarity and higher subject retention.

Almost all the students at the centre are first generational learners. The centre
also encourages a deeper engagement of parents in their childs’ education.
Regular parent teacher meetings are held where the parents are updated of their
child’s progress. This has also helped in improving interpersonal relationship
between parents and the children.

Educational Support to Childrens on Margins

PRAYAS, a field project by Tata Institute of Social Sciences works for the
children of women in judicial custody.

These children are shunned in the society and find it difficult to overcome the
social stigma. We sponsor vocational training for children in conflict with the
law, who are completing their term at remand home. These children lack
support to continue education and employable skills when released and in
absence of meaningful engagement at workplace and education, there is high
risk that they fall back to their usual ways. In order to avoid this scenario, we
encourage these children to attend vocational training courses.
We also support the project by disbursing scholarships to deserving students to
complete education whose parents are in custodial justice. For holistic
personality development of students co-curricular activities such as – exposure
visits, children’s meet are also organised.

1Tata motors has help a lot of people by doing a Csr in various
field such as Education in which almost 2000 student per year
get helped by Tata motors

2)Almost 40%of the Tata motors revenue is put aside for farmers for
new crops and new machine and water irrigation facilities has
been done by Tata Motors

3)Tata motors has done rural development in various villages by

building various houses for the workers and for the rural people

4)Tata motors has initiative with women power in rural sector and
also built sanitary booth for women

5) Tata motors has given the chance of educating student by giving

them the training in foreign.Almost 30 student initiative has been
taken by Tata motors for foreign training

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