OJT Sample Report

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Date completed: May 29, 2018

Date due : June 4, 2018

Date received : ___________

Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

Lucao, Dagupan City


First Isabela Cooperative Bank

Job Internship Report - Final

(completion of 300 hours)

Submitted by:

Ravenna M. Dela Cruz

Business Management Major in Financial and Management Accounting

In terms of the human relations aspects of the work inside the company, working

together is can be seen among employees. They frequently work together for projects

and share ideas. I believe that without having a stable and inviting workplace, difficult

challenges could arise. With this, I easily adapt the culture as I am working with other

two trainees. Aside from that, small understandings between different employees and

between the company and employees inside are resolved also inside the company. As I

observed, they heavily maintain a good workplace relationships, as it could be the

source of employees' motivation that is important in maintaining productivity.

Teamwork is practiced in the company where I went for my training. For every

loan application, the officers that are affected and assigned share their thoughts and

ideas to come up on a best decision. The loan officer, account officer and loans

bookkeeper maintain evaluation of the client, coordinating with one another in order for

the process to get easier and interview of clients. Based on observation, every

employee performs their individual work well but they have already this habit that once

an employee needs help or in a not so good situation, other employees are open to

offer their time to help.

Just as it’s one thing to join a team, but quite another to perform as a team

member. To put it simply, teams don’t work without teamwork. It promotes the sense of

achievement, equity and camaraderie, essential for a motivated workplace. But still,

individual work can be just as helpful for those who prefer group work to learn how to

cope with the prospect of sitting quietly alone, keeping that noisy mouth shut, and

saying out some answers without giving in to any and every distraction that comes


First Isabela Cooperative Bank (FICOBank) Lingayen has their own I.Ts. There is

one time wherein an I.T from Cabanatuan branch visits in Lingayen Branch to fix

CCTV’s, printer setups and some personal computers. As for the technical challenges,

the branch struggles from the performance of the personal computer itself. Because

there is one computer wherein though the technician has fixed it, it does not function

very well unlike the other computers. In addition, some of the CCTVs installed have

already blurred resolution of video and picture. But luckily, the I.T on call has fixed it.

Another observation is that some of the employees are struggling to use the system in

case there is new version provided by the I.Ts. I don’t know the process and full details

regarding the system of the company but based on what I observed, I.T.s of the

company regularly update systems that is why mistakes and errors are strictly avoided.

As technologies change practically at the speed of light, it is vital for companies to

innovate. For the social challenges, I could say I don't have problem with this one since

all of the employees are sociable and approachable.

As for my internship experience, I faced the same challenges when it comes to

technical and intellectual aspect. This was whenever there is something i need to

encode or input and get from the lending system. In case of something I don't really

sure, I ask my supervisor regarding the details to avoid mistakes. Example is in making

history of accounts of clients and transmittal rediscounting. These are important

documents to be filed and submitted to the corporate office that is why mistakes and

errors are avoidable. Another is in filling out the life insurance form, it has a serial

number that is why erasures are avoided also.

For the intellectual aspect, I could not see any problems regarding this. And I

could say that each of the employee assigned are well deserved and qualified. I believe

they are found as the right people to develop right skills and competencies to sustain

the great future of FICOBank that is evidenced by its number of branches.

When it comes to the physical aspect, the company is struggling now on the

number of employees. They are urgently in need of manpower that is why they are open

for hiring competent employees. Because of the lack in number of employees, some

employees assigned in Lingayen Branch came from different provinces like Nueva Ecija

and Isabela. These employees are not from Pangasinan but are working at a branch in

the province due to the shortage in employees.

As for the social aspect, the company does not violate anything regarding the

corporate social responsibility matters. But the challenge to them is to maintain their

compliance to the said regulation.

Marketing functions of the company are performed and lead by the Branch

Manager. Mr. Salvador, the Lingayen Branch Manager travels to different municipalities

inside the province to promote and market the company’s products and services. The

company includes loan products such as Gintong Ani Loan – helps farmers, fishers,

livestock-raisers and farmers’ cooperatives enhance further their agricultural productivity

and growth, Kabayan Enterprise Loan - provides a fast and supportive financing option

that allows micro – or – small enterprises to respond immediately to the rapidly

changing needs of their enterprise allowing loan amount up to Php 250,000, Todo Ani

Loan – helps agri-fishery project farmers and fishers unleash the full potential of

agirbusiness activity for grains, vegtable, high value crop, poultry or livestock production

or for marine culrure, coastal fishing or fishpond operation, Todo Ani Loan Plus – allows

to avail of loan that will increase bigtime farmers and fishermen’s working capital for

their agribusiness thus, allows more opportunity for greater farm production and bigger

income, Masaganang Ani Loan – designed to help individuals and cooperatives

engaged in agricultural activities whose volume of production is limited based on the

number of hectares tilled and/or project size, Maaasahan Loan – helps small – or

medium – entrepreneurs set up or expand their business and keep them operating well

and Masikap Loan – offers help to small- or medium-entrepreneurs to expand or sustain

their business undertakling(s).

As for the deposit products of the company, Time Deposit Account, Ordinary

Savings Account, MoneyMax Savings Account, Bigtime Savings Account, Plain

Checking Account, Batang Masinop Savings Account, Smart Savings Account, and

Double-Your-Money Savings Account are offered that allow individuals earn benefits

and features while saving. The company also offers jewelry loan products.

Aside from that, there are some employees that are assigned on schedule for

marketing activities. There are also times that we, trainees join an employee to market.

Distributing flyers and talking to a prospect client are what we are doing during

marketing. Regarding the plans for the operations, the staff together with the manager

has a weekly meeting. In their meeting, employees present the agenda for the week

and updates regarding loans. During also in the meeting, approval and endorsement of

loan applications by the branch are executed.

Throughout my training, I learned new things and add to my knowledge base

while gaining confidence in my abilities. I was also able to gain industry knowledge first

hand from an organization and professionals. And from this real life experience, I feel

like I achieved a sense of accomplishment by contributing to an organization. On the

other hand, the internship provided benefits for me. As for my future employment and

work, I somehow made a career exploration as I work alongside a professional in your

chosen career area and observe the workplace and see if its matches my expectations.

Aside from that, I gain networking and establish mentors and references. I was

able to meet new people and practice networking skills while establishing a network of

professional contacts. I opened up a door to advice on the next steps to take on my

career path.

Another is that I was able to do resume enhancements since I gained valuable

experience and accomplishments to add up to my resume or enhance my application in

the future. I gain potential for a full – time job offer as the end of the internship based on

my performance.

With all of the jobs performed, being a keen observer is necessary. As a trainee,

observation should be applied to learn because it is not good to see that a trainee is

always asking for every step to be performed in a specific task. In addition, observation

is a best way to have a progress. Listen well to the supervisor and do not be afraid to

ask questions. Every detail of a task should be known and ask questions but not always

and not questions which are out of the blue. In addition, throughout the training, it is

best to value co-workers as they are the ones who will save you in case anything goes

wrong. Lastly, you should be happy on what you’re doing because every feeling or

mood you show, it reflects the entire work.

Work hard no matter what you are doing. Though the task is small and

unimportant, it important to work hard. It will to build a good work ethic and people will

notice the effort put in. It is not good being told what to do all the time, but supervisors

know better.

I would say that the training provided by First Isabela Cooperative Bank

(FICOBank) Lingayen Branch is definitely a worth it and a valuable one. Learning

different skills from the work activities assigned to me is already a given fact to be

experienced as a trainee. But just like an employee in the company, you would feel the

pressure and learn from it as I need to wake up early for me not to be late, interact to

other employees and start to build a good relationship with them and treat clients as

valuable to the company since they are the income providers. In addition, I will never

forget that inside the company, each of the employee’s work is interrelated. Each work

are important to their employees’ work. I salute the branch team since they treat their

trainees as like real employees and the fact that they showed to us the essence of

teamwork to make the company much better.

As for my experience, there is much realization in life. The training has impacted

my career goals. Finishing college does not mean better life will be next. Working hard

is still needed to get a permanent work while receiving high salary and providing good

work performance. In setting every goal in life, you should always consider the people

around you. It should be clear to you on what you really wanted and needed to do today

and in the future. All of the employees in the company treat me so well that is why I am

grateful to be one of the trainees. They will treat you well if you also treat them well.

Since I am the youngest in the company, they treat me in humble ways.

The learning and knowledge I obtained form the school is a thing that I should be

thankful for since I was able to respond to the works assigned to me. The terms and

processes, these make me less ignorant on the field that I have entered. Since I am a

trainee in bank, I’ve applied some of my accounting, marketing, management and

finance subjects while performing work activities. And with this, I was able to apply my

formal education making my work on right wing.

The real life experience is better than what I thought it could be. I don’t have bad

or negative comments regarding the training provided by the company except for this

one observation. I feel like they are hesitated to give me more work and assignments. I

am working but I have this feeling that I am lacking on some other works. But I think,

they only assigned works which are not critical for a trainee since the company also

maintains confidentiality regarding the information and client matters. Other than that, I

don’t have any complaints regarding the training experience. I will always be grateful

that I have been part of First Isabela Cooperative Bank (FICOBank) Lingayen Branch.

For 38 days of internship in FICOBank Lingayen, I have accumulated a total of

300 working hours within a period of approximately 8 weeks working from Mondays to


The internship serves as an opportunity to test drive a career without making any

serious commitments. It provides me experiences and lessons. It is indeed a great

choice since it gives me a feel for work without being thrown into the deep and straight

away. It provides me the opportunity to learn and grow before fully entering the

corporate world.

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