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Records maintained at Choithram college of nursing , Indore FILES NAMES

1. Affiliation / correspondence file
2. Affiliation B.Sc. N
3. Affiliation M.Sc. N
4. Permission letters
5. Exam correspondence file
6. Exam time table
7. Internal assessment file
8. Exam bill file
9. Activities file
10. Notification file
M.Sc. Nursing file
11. Field experience
12. Interview file
13. Question paper of entrance exam
14. Holistic health file
15. Scholar file
16. INC- correspondence file
17. INC- submitted
18. University general correspondence
19. University examination correspondence
20. University examination correspondence (NEW)
21. Exam enrolment
22. Time table
23. University result file
24. Affiliation file
25. Affiliation receipt file
26. Enrolment file
27. University internal assessment file
28. University circular file
29. Rules and regulations university
30. University sports competition
31. Merit file DAVV
32. Anti ragging file
33. Governing body
34. Meeting DAVV
35. University grants commission
36. Bio data external examiner
37. Board of studies B.Sc. Nursing
38. Board of studies M.Sc. nursing
39. Ordinance – DAVV , Ph.D.
40. Ordinance M.Sc. , B.Sc. N
41. College code
42. DAVV youth festival
43. DAVV NSS correspondence
44. University exam bill
45. Receipt ( DAVV question paper / answer paper )
46. Ph.D. correspondence
47. Ph.D. newspaper articles
48. Ph.D. Jabalpur
49. Research file
50. External correspondence file
51. Internal correspondence file
52. External teachers correspondence file
53. Clinical experience of community file
54. Clinical experience of OBG files
55. Clinical experience of Mental health nursing files
56. B.Sc. nursing interview file
57. Educational tour file
58. Convocation ceremony file
59. Lamp lightening ceremony file
60. Sports file
61. Job description file
62. Newspapers – article file and photos file
63. Scholar no of B.Sc. student file
64. Fee structure and sports file
65. Prospectus file
66. New fee structure
67. Press release file
68. Question papers of B.Sc. N entrance exam file
69. Notice file
70. Account section file
71. Purchase order file
72. Revised pay scale of faculty file
73. Budget file
74. School health programme file
75. External teachers payment file
76. Day to day expenditure file
77. Internet BSNL
78. Sanction notes file
79. Correspondence with matron office file
80. Advertisement file
81. Teaching faculty interview file
82. Inter college competition file
83. Airtel file
84. Visit of B.Sc. nursing students from other colleges file
85. Photo copy machine file
86. Application file
87. Caution money file
88. Fee fixation file
89. College activity file
90. Blood group file of students
91. Pulse polio file
92. Hostel file
93. Trust deed file
94. Performa file
95. INC correspondence file
96. INC/ Annual affiliation file
97. Circular file
98. Document renewal / validity file
99. Permission letter
100. Anti ragging
101. MPNRC – Correspondence file
102. MPNRC – permission letter
103. Circular file
104. Registration form P.C. B.Sc. N
105. Registration form B.Sc. (N), M.Sc. (N)
106. TNAI correspondence file
107. Annual subscription
108. TNAI – number of students
109. Advertisement correspondence file
110. SNA scholar ship file
111. TNAI – MP state branch
112. DME – Govt. of MP
113. Uchh Shiksha A. Ayog
114. INC- critical nursing file
115. MPNS- clinical specialization course
116. Proposal for post basic diploma
117. Dept. of higher education
118. Bio data of external faculty file
119. Railway concession file
120. Investment file
121. Daily circular file
122. Central stores file
123. Mahila sha shaktikaran file
124. Inventory file
125. Blue print file
126. BSNL broad band file
127. Computer file
128. Mess sanctioned file
129. Water purifier file
130. SPASS ( Dr. A.K. Jain)
131. Election file
132. Sample of invitation cards file
133. Health file
134. Natural birthing central
135. National institution ranking framework
136. Atal ranking of institution on innovation achievements
137. Bus file

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