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Cordial greetings, dear fellow teachers, I share with you my contributions in reference to exercises

five and six.

Step one.
My name is Carlos Gavalo. I live in Tierralta Cordoba in Colombia (a small town near Monteria). I am
28 (years old). I am a student at the National University in Colombia (which is the most important in
our country). I like to play Volleyball. I like going walking. I don´t like wasting time. I don´t like
watching television.

Step two.
My name is Carlos Gavalo. I live in Tierralta Cordoba in Colombia. I am 28. I am a student at the
National University in Colombia. I like to play Volleyball. I like going walking. I don´t like wasting
time. I don´t like watching television.

Step three.
1. What is your name? My name is Carlos Gavalo.
2. Where do you live? I live in "Tierralta Cordoba ", in Colombia.
3. How old are you? (and) Are you a student? I am 28 and I am a student.
4. Do you like to play volleyball? (and) Do you like going walking? I like to volleyball and I like going
5. Do you like to waste your time? (or) Do you like to watch television? I don´t like wasting time or
watch television.

Step four.


My name is Carlos Gavalo. I live in Tierralta Cordoba in Colombia. I am 28. I am a student at the
National University in Colombia. I like to play Volleyball. I like going walking. I don´t like wasting time.
I don´t like watching television.
1. -I think he may be a manager in a factory, because he wears a suit with tie.
-He might also be a lawyer, because he carries a briefcase.
-He may also be a salesman because he wears a briefcase like the medical visitor.

2. -I think he may be a police officer, because he wears a uniform with a military cap.
-He might also be a bus driver, because he carries a uniform that they use in an organized
transportation company.
-He may also be a security guard because he wears a formal uniform with tie.

3. -I think she may be a veterinarian medical, because she wears a medical gown and she is
revising a cat.
-She might also be an animal defender because she may be rescued this cat,
-She may also be an animal lover because she perhaps wants to adopt this cat.
Cordial greetings, dear fellow teachers, I share with you my contributions.

After student chooses the topic, he should look for a video that explains its gramar
usage with its rules and write five sentences as an example of its use. The video and
the sentences will be post in the

Gerunds after prepositions,

Building five sentences with gerunds after prepositions.

1. We need to rest after working so hard,

2. My mother always think about wishing the best in my life,
3. Peter and Mary plan to dance until finishing the party,
4. My wife told me she wanted to rest before going to her work,
5. We don´t have problem on working since tomorrow morning.

Cordial saludo apreciados compañeros, tutor, comparto con ustedes video tutorial referente a la
implementación del gerundio antes de preposición.

Cordial greeting dear colleagues, tutor, I share with you video tutorial regarding the implementation of
the gerund before preposition.

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