Answers All The Questions

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UJIAN P3 2010


NAMA : _________________________________________ KELAS : ______________

Answers all the questions.

Instructions: Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer.

1 Which of the following microorganisms is used in making bread?

Yang manakah antara mikroorganisma berikut digunakan untuk membuat roti?

A Yeast A. Yis
B Virus B. Virus
C Bacterium C. Bakteria
D Protozoan D. Protozoa

2 Which of the following are the ways to prevent the spread of diseases caused by
I By washing hands before handling food
II By covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
III By covering up wounds

Yang manakah berikut, cara untuk menghalang penyakit yang disebabkan oleh mikroorganisma?

I. membasuh tangan sebelum mengendalikan makanan

II. menutup mulut dan hidung semasa batuk atau bersin.
III. membalut luka.

A I and II only A. I dan II sahaja

B I and III only B. A dan III sahaja
C II and III only C. II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III D. I, II dan III

3 Which of the following diagram show the ways animals ensure the survival of their

Yang manakah menunjukkan cara haiwan memastikan kemandirian sepsis?


A P and Q only B. P and R only

C R and Q only D P, Q and R

4 The information below is related to the survival of animal species.

Maklumat di bawah adalah berkaitan kemandirian spesis haiwan.

Animal X does not take care of its eggs. To ensure the survival of its species,
animal X lays eggs in hidden places.
Haiwan X tidak menjaga telurnya. Untuk memastikan kemandirian spesisnya,
haiwan X menyembunyikan telurnya.
Which of the following animals is animal X?
Siapakah haiwan X?

A Rabbit A. Arnab
B Rat B. Tikus
C Lizard C. Cicak
D Crocodile D. Buaya

5 Which of the following characteristics are important to plant seeds that are dispersed
by wind?
Yang manakah ciri-ciri berikut penting untuk tumbuhan menyebarkan biji benihnya
melalui udara?
I Light I. Ringan
II Have a sweet taste II. Mempunyai rasa manis
III Have wings III. Mempunyai sayap

A I and II only
B I and III only
C II and III only
D I, II and III

6 The picture below shows an animal found in a food chain.

Which of the following animals will increase in number if the number of the above animal increases?
Gambar menunjukkan haiwan dalam satu rantai makanan. Haiwan manakah akan bertambah jika
haiwan di atas bertambah?

A Cow A. Lembu
B Bird B. Burung
C Rabbit C. Arnab
D Crocodile D. Buaya

7. The diagram below shows the symbol for a component in an electric circuit.
Rajah dibawah menunjukkan simbol satu komponen litar elektrik.

What component is represented by this symbol?

Apakah yang diwakili oleh simbul tersebut?

A Switch - Suis C Wire - wayar

B Bulb - Mentol D Dry cell - sel kering
8. Which of the following is not a form of energy?
Antara berikut yang manakah bukan satu bentuk tenaga?

A Air A. Udara
B Heat B. Haba
C Light C. Cahaya
D Sound D. Bunyi

9. The diagram below shows a food web.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan siratan makanan.


Rat Caterpillar

Snake P

Which animal does P represented?

Apakah yang diwakili oleh P?



10 The picture below shows a rubber band being stretched.

Gambar di bawah menunjukkan getah diregangkan.

What form of energy does the stretched rubber band have?

Apakah bentuk tenaga yang ada pada getah yang sedang diregangkan?

A Heat energy A. Tenaga haba

B Sound energy B. Tenaga bunyi
C Kinetic energy C. Tenaga kinetik
D Potential energy D. Tenaga keupayaan

11 When a bulb lights up, what forms of energy are produced?

Apabila mentol menyala, apakah bentuk tenaga yang dihasilkan?
I Heat energy I. Tenaga haba
II Light energy II. Tenaga cahaya
III Electrical energy III. Tenaga elektrik

A I and II only A. I dan II sahaja

B I and III only B. I dan III sahaja
C II and III only C. II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III D. I, II dan III sahaja

12 The picture below shows a torch.

Gambar di bawah menunjukkan lampu suluh.

Which of the following is the symbol for the part labelled X?

Antara berikut yang manakah mewakili bahagian bertanda X?



13 Which of the following properties of light cause the formation of a shadow?

Manakah antara sifat cahaya berikut menyebabkan berlakunya bayang-bayang?

I Light travels in straight lines. I. Cahaya bergerak lurus

II Light can be reflected by a shiny object. II. Cahaya dipantulkan objek berkilat
III Light cannot pass through an opaque object. III. Cahaya tidak menembusi objek legap.
A I and II only A. I dan II sahaja
B I and III only B. I dan III sahaja
C II and III only C. II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III D. I, II dan III

14 Which of the following will happen when light falls on an opaque object?
Apakah yang akan berlaku apabila cahaya disuluh ke arah objek legap?

A A shadow will be formed. A. Bayang-bayang akan terbentuk

B An image will be seen. B. Imej akan kelihatan
C Light will be reflected. C. Cahaya dipantulkan
D Light will pass through the object. D. Cahaya akan melepasi objek

15 The diagram below shows a few ice cubes added to hot water in a beaker.
Gambar dibawah menunjukkan ais dimasukkan ke dalam air panas.
hot water

What happens to the water in the beaker?

Apakah yang akan berlaku pada air dalam bikar?
A Its temperature drops. A. Suhu menurun
B Its temperature rises. B. Suhu menaik
C Its volume decreases. C. Isipadu air menurun
D There is no changes. D. Tiada perubahan

16 Which of the following are effects of heat?

Antara berikut yang manakah kesan haba?
I An object becomes hot. I. Objek menjadi panas
II A metal expands. II. Logam mengembang
III The volume of a liquid decreases. III. Isipadu air berkurangan

A I and II only A. I dan II sahaja

B I and III only B. A dan III sahaja
C II and III only C. II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III D. I, II dan III sahaja

17 Which of the following processes are involved in the formation of clouds and rain?
Antara proses berikut, yang manakah terlibat dalam kejadian awan dan hujan?

I Freezing I. Pembekuan
II Evaporation II. Penyejatan
III Condensation III. Kondensasi

A I and II only A. I dan II sahaja

B I and III only B. I dan III sahaja
C II and III only C. II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III D. I, II dan III

18 How can a tightly closed lid of a bottle be opened?

Bagaimana cara untuk membuka penutup botol yang ketat dengan mudah?

A Immerse the lid in hot water A. Rendam penutup botol dalam air panas
B Immerse the bottle in hot water B. Rendam botol dalam air panas
C Immerse the bottle in cold water C. Rendam botol dalam air sejuk
D Spread grease on the lid D. Sembur gris pada penutup

19 The diagram below shows solids of various shapes being put in a container.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan berbagai bentuk pepejal dimasukkan dalam bekas.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Antara kenyataan berikut, yang manakah benar berdasarkan rajah di atas?

A The solids take the shape of the container. A. Bentuk pepejal mengikut bekas
B The shapes of the solids do not change. B. Bentuk pepejal tidak berubah
C The masses of the solids increase. C. Berat pepejal bertambah
D The sizes of the solids decrease. D. Saiz pepejal berkurangan

20 Which of the following is/are caused by evaporation?

Antara berikut yang manakah disebabkan oleh penyejatan?

I Ice in a glass melts. I. ais mencair

II A puddle of water on the roadside dries up. II. Lopak air di jalan menjadi kering
III Dew slowly disappears from the leaves. III. Titisan air pada daun menjadi kering
IV Bread becomes hard when toasted IV. Roti menjadi keras apabila dipanggang

A II only A. II sahaja
B I and II only B. I dan II sahaja
C II and III only C. II dan III sahaja
D I, II and IV only D I, II dan IV sahaja

21 The picture below shows a boy exercising.

Gambar di bawah menunjukkan budak lelaki melakukan senaman

The energy needed for exercise is obtained from...

Tenaga yang diperlukan untuk melakukan senaman datang daripada ....

A fuel. A. Bahan bakar

B food. B. Makanan
C the sun. C. Matahari
D the wind. D. Angin

22 Selvi just finished cleaning the floor. What can she do to make the floor dry faster?
Selvi baru sahaja mengelap lantai. Apa yang perlu dilakukan supaya lantai cepat kering?

A Switch on the lights. A. Nyalakan lampu

B Switch on the radio and television. B. Pasangkan TV dan radio
C Switch on the fan. C. Pasangkan kipas
D Close all the windows. D. Tutup tingkap

23 The diagram below shows two containers filled with the same volume of water.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan dua bekas di isi air yang sama banyak.

What property of water is shown above?

Apakah ciri-ciri air yang ditunjukkan di atas?

A. The mass of water increases. A. Jisim air bertambah

B. The volume of water increases. B. Isipadu air bertambah
C Water takes the shape of its container. C. Air mengambil bentuk bekas yang diisi
D The colour of water changes. D. Warna air bertukar

24 A glass of water are placed in the freezer of a refrigerator. Which will happen to the water?
Segelas air di masukan ke dalam peti sejuk. Apakah yang berlaku kepada air tersebut?

I The temperature of the water will decrease. I. Suhu air berkurangan

II Freezing will take place. II. Menjadi beku
III The water will change into a solid. III. Air menjadi pepejal

A II only A. II sahaja
B I and II only B. I dan II sahaja
C I and III only C. I dan III sahaja
D I, II and III D. I, II dan III sahaja

25 Improper ways of disposing of wastes into rivers can…

Membuang sisa ke dalam sungai akan menyebabkan…
I pollute our rivers . I. mencemarkan sungai
II cause flash floods. II. Menyebabkan banjir kilat
III cause many kinds of fish to die. III. Menyebabkan banyak ikan mati
IV block the flow of the rivers. IV. Menghalang pengaliran sungai

A I and II only A. I dan II sahaja

B I, II and III only B. I, II dan III sahaja
C II, III and IV only C. II, III dan IV sahaja
D I, II, III and IV D. I, II, III, dan IV

26 Selvi wants to test whether substance P is alkaline, acidic or neutral.

Which of the following should she use?
Selvi ingin menguji adakah larutan P alkali, asid atau neutral. Apakah yang perlu dia gunakan?

A Hand lens A. Kanta tangan

B Sandpaper B. Kertas pasir
C Litmus paper C. Kertas litmus
D Thermometer D. Termometer

27 Table below shows the room temperature at different times of the day.

Time 8:00 10:00 12:30 4:00

morning morning noon afternoon
Temperature (C) 18 25 28

What is the temperature of water at 12:30 noon?

Apakah suhu air pada pukul 12.30 tengahari?

A 19 C C 24 C
B 27 C D 30 C

28 Which of the following substances turns blue litmus paper red?

Antara cecair berikut, yang manakah akan menukarkan kertas litmus biru menjadi merah?
A Soap A. Sabun
B Vinegar B. Cuka
C Car shampoo C. Syampu kereta
D Mineral water D. Air mineral

29 Which of the following substances does not change the colour of blue or red litmus paper?
Antara berikut yang manakah tidak menukar warna kertas litmus biru dan merah?

A Salt water A. Air garam

B Hair shampoo B. Syampu rambut
C Pineapple juice C. Jus nenas
D Liquid detergent D. Cecair pencuci

30 The diagram shows an alkaline substance.

Which of the following is not a property of the substance?
Rajah menunjukkan sejenis bahan alkali.
Antara berikut yang manakah BUKAN sifat bahan tersebut

A It tastes bitter. A. Ia rasa pahit

B It feels smooth to the touch. B. Ia licin bila disentuh
C It turns blue litmus paper to red. C. Menukar kertas litmus biru ke merah
D It does not change the colour of blue litmus paper. D. Tidak menukar warna kertas litmus biru.


NAMA : ______________________________________________ KELAS : ____________

1 The diagram below shows a food web.

Rajah dibawah menunjukkan sirata makanan.

Grasshopper - belalang frog - katak

sparrow - burung pipit snake- ular

plant - pokok

caterpillar – ulat beluncas eagle - helang

(a) State the number of food chains in the food web.

Nyatakan bilangan rantai makanan dalam siratan makanan di atas

__________________________________________________________________ (1 markah)

(b) State the omnivor in the food web.

Nyatakan haiwan yang makan haiwan dan tumbuhan.

__________________________________________________________________ (1 markah)

(c) State two effects if the number of sparrows and the number of frogs decrease.
Nyatakan dua kesan jika burung pipit dan katak berkurangan

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________ (2 markah)

(d) Write a food chain based the food web above.

Tuliskan satu rantai makanan berdasarkan siratan makanan di atas.

_________________________________________________________________ (1 markah)

2 The table below shows the results of an investigation carried out by a group of pupils.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan keputusan penyiasatan yang dijalankan oleh murid.

Investigation Cooling of water/ Penyejukan air

Time (minutes) 0 1 2 3 4
Temperature (C) 70 66 55 47 42

(a) State the pattern of change of the water temperature of the water.
Nyatakan corak perubahan suhu air.

__________________________________________________________________ (1 markah)

(b) What is the aim of this investigation?

Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?

__________________________________________________________________ (1 markah)

(c) State…Nyatakan…
i. what needs to be changed during the experiment.
Apa yang perlukan diubah (manipulasi)

_______________________________________________________________( 1 markah)

ii. what needs to be observed during the experiment.

Apa yang perlu diperhatikan?

________________________________________________________________ (1 markah)

(d) What is the relationship between the things you stated in (c) i and (c) ii.
Apakah hubungan antara perkara yang anda nyatakan di (c) i dan (c) ii?

___________________________________________________________________ ( 1 markah)

3 The diagram below shows an investigation carried out by a group of pupils.


Circuit Time taken for nichrome wire to turn red (second)

Litar Masa untuk wayer menjadi merah (saat)
X 30
Y 20
Z 10

(a) What is the purpose of the investigation?

Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?

[1 mark]
(b) In this investigation, Dalam penyiasatan ini,

i. what is changed? Apakah yang diubah?

[1 mark]
ii. what is measured? Apakah yang diukur ?

[1 mark]
iii. what is kept the same? Apakah yang disamakan?

[1 mark]

(d) What conclusion can be drawn from the investigation?

Apakah kesimpulan daripada penyiasatan di atas?

[1 mark]

4 The table below shows the results of an investigation.

Distance of the object from the source of light (cm) Size of the shadow of the object on the screen

Jarak objek dari sumber cahaya (cm) Saiz baying-bayang pada skrin



(a) State the purpose of the investigation.

Nyatakan tujuan penyiasatan dijalankan


[1 mark]
(b) Based on the results of the investigation, state the following.

i. What is changed? Apakah yang diubah?

[1 mark]
ii. What is observed? Apakah yang diperhatikan ?

[1 mark]
(c) State the relationship between what is changed and what is observed.
Nyatakan hubungan antara yang diubah dan yang diperhatikan.


[2 mark]

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