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How To Make Money With Bitcoin!

Updated: 6-22-17

I want you to have real time communication with me that can't be blocked so be sure you go
download Skype free at Add me on Skype ID: ProjectNsearch. It's very
important so I can communicate with you quickly without censorship. We have support
groups in Skype to help you too so get this done first thing!

Let's get this disclaimer out of the way first. This ebook contains programs in that are making
me money currently but pro fits in any system cannot be promised or guaranteed. Do not
invest any money if you can't afford to take the risk and possibly lose some or all the
money. I care deeply about your success and don't want you to lose money. If I didn't care
about you, I would tell you to invest your life savings! Instead I teach you to put in what you
can afford and then pull out your investment quickly so you get to zero risk asap.

I've lost money on other programs along the way in my journey to find the best ones I list
here. If I never took the risk I wouldn't have found the programs that have made me a lot of
money either! My gains have far outstripped my losses. My goal is to get you programs that
can make you $200 a day or more! That's what I'm doing.

I recommend you choose your level of risk reward between Low, Medium and High risk listed
in this program. If you don't like much risk stay away from the High risk programs entirely.
Don't do the High Risk programs unless you risk only 10% of your total bitcoin investment or
less in them and you spread the 10% over all the programs and pull out as fast as you can so
your risk is minimized.

These are my opinions only and I am not a financial advisor. Market conditions can change
at anytime and some programs may be added or subtracted from this ebook so it's important
you always look for the latest version of this ebook so you have the latest information. It's
also important you contact me on Skype at Skype: ProjectNsearch and ask me about how
things are going right now in the systems.

I am not responsible for any losses you may experience in these systems. If you are risk
adverse or have severely limited funding do not participate in these programs and just put
your money in your “Never Touch” bitcoin account as I explain later! These programs are
only for EXTRA money you have – not your life savings or your last dollar!

I will do everything possible to bring you programs and strategies I think have the best
potential. I sincerely want you to make money with these programs as I have done. I know
learning how bitcoin works and accumulating bitcoin will be very pro fitable to you in the future!
This alone will make you money in the future! I wish you the greatest success!
Congratulations on taking this step! Now read all this ebook and let's go make some money!

Glenn Canady ( (Skype: ProjectNsearch)

The Programs That Can Make You $200 or More Per Day!
All of the programs in this ebook can make you $200 or more per day if your work them
properly and build your account value up. Some can make you thousands per day! I know
this because I'm making money on every one of the programs listed! You will not make
money unless you invest the time to learn the systems and fund your account. Having not
much money is not really an excuse since many of these programs can be started with $10!
There are bums on the street who can scrounge up more than this so I know everybody
reading this ebook who has an internet connection can certainly invest $10 into one of the
programs to learn it.

If you have little money of your own but want to make huge money fast then you'll need to
market these programs so your commissions can fund your account quickly. But you don't
have to bring in anybody to these programs to earn money. These programs let make extra
money through commissions but I've made thousands from programs I never referred
anybody to because I wanted to test it first!

None of these programs require you to be a marketer or to sign up people. You can make
money from all these programs without referring even one person! Referring others can
increase your pro fits but it is not necessary at all. You can also start as small as you want to
so you don't have to put in big money! But of course it would take a very very long time to
reach $200 per day if you only fund your account with $20 and never fund it again and never
market it to others. Read about all the programs and choose the one that fits your bankroll. I
recommend some programs for people that only have $20 or $50 to risk.

I only want programs that pay promptly and have great earning potential with a good track
record. Ignore all other programs out there because you can make a lot of money with just
what's in this ebook and these are good programs with history. Don't keep chasing the
dragon! You've got gold in your hands right now. There's always going to be a new shiny
program out there but most are scams unfortunately. I believe this list is the best one out
there and I'll be striving to make it better all the time.

As always, never risk any money you can't afford to lose and begin pulling back your
original investment asap if you are concerned about it.

Before you get into ANY program, send me an message on Skype: ProjectNsearch or
as a last resort email to (it can take days for me to get to emails
sometimes) and I will give you my latest opinion on the best current program for you!
Get Skype for free at and search for Videos on Youtube for phrases
like “How To Use Skype” to learn the basics. Take your time and learn this tool!
Skype is important and everybody needs to use it for support.
Important Links and How to Contact Me

Be sure you always get the very latest version of my Strategy Guide Ebook as I cover many
other programs to make $200 a Day or much more! Bookmark this page and contact me on
Skype at Skype ID: ProjectNsearch for my latest recommendation. Things change all the
time so you need the very latest information.

Get Full Details on real Free Energy Devices On Sale Now Here and get updates on new
devices I find out there!

High pH Water Machine and other Green Products for your home! I have an air cleaning unit
that kills mold and mildew in your home and it's tested by NASA!

If you need Healing in the name of Jesus Christ or know anybody who needs healing, please
go here and listen to the special anointed recordings and share them!

Make sure you are a member at so I can always reach you through
the website's email system also. You'll find stories here you won't find anywhere else! Make
sure you click the con firmation link sent to you. Check your spam box too as some evil
companies put it there. Make sure you mark my emails as NOT spam so you get them.
Here's the link to Sign up at Project Nsearch.

How To Contact Me

The fastest and best way to reach me is using Skype at Skype ID: ProjectNsearch as I can
get to those fast! It's much more ef ficient to have a chat conversation with me on Skype than
waiting days for emails to go back and forth plus emails can be censored too! Learn how to
use Skype by searching “How to Use Skype” on youtube if you don't know how. It's a free
download at

Emails are much slower and I can be reached at as a last resort if you
can’t use Skype yet. Again, learn how to use Skype by watching youtube videos or having a
teenager teach you!

Subscribe to my Youtube Channel here so you can see the news I put out and videos
on programs also.
Follow the Project Nsearch Twitter Channel if you use Twitter

We do all our training on Skype so it's an important tool. Don't be one of those people who
tell me, “Sorry, I don't do Skype”. That's like a carpenter telling me sorry, I don't hammers!
You need to use the tools we use so we can help train you and communicate with you fast
and ef ficiently! It's just a tool, for learning and communicating, it's not something to be scared
about. We also have setup Skype groups so you can learn too! Install Skype for free at

You Can Learn Anything With Youtube! Youtube is your friend!

If you get stuck on something and don't know what to do – Youtube is your friend – use it!
You can learn anything on Youtube. For example, if you want to learn how to setup a
bitcoin account in our recommended system you simply search “How
To Setup a Coinbase Account” and look for one created in the last 6 months so it
should still be relevant. Don't get frustrated if you get stuck. Chances are you can find a
Youtube video on 99% of anything you can search for. This is how I learn how to do
something I can't quickly figure out! I will also be able to get you into a Skype room where
people will be able to help you even when I'm not available.

I'll give you some videos in this ebook also for most of the programs but if there isn't
one begin using Youtube searches to find anything! Follow the videos and stop them
when needed so you can do everything step by step. In most cases, it's not hard to do
anything in this ebook especially after you do it one time. It's not a race so don't freak out if
something stumps you for a bit. Just learn something new each day and you'll get there.
Once you learn the basics of having a Bitcoin account and how these systems work, it will be
easy for you and you'll be an expert in a week or two! Then you can teach your friends!
First thing you need is some Bitcoin! Get a Coinbase and Blockchain account first.


VERY IMPORTANT! I recommend everybody get a Coinbase account and a Blockchain

account for their bitcoin and NEVER do any transactions from your Coinbase account
only buy Bitcoins from it and then send it to your or
account for all transactions to and from anything you decide to try. The reason for this
is that Coinbase is very nosy and tracks everything. If you get into a program they
don't like, they will just tell you to move your money out of there and then close your
account! It's really disgusting what they do but it happened to me and thousands of
others so ONLY buy bitcoin from and then move it to your Blockchain
account and do all transactions from your Blockchain account.

The first thing you must do is immediately get a Bitcoin wallet account so you can get some
Bitcoins. A wallet is just an online website to store your bitcoins. You can eventually get a
hardware bitcoin wallet and store them at your home too after you get a lot of them.

You need to first get a account because this can be funded from your
bank account. I recommend you get this one and get it tied to your bank account. It takes
about a week to do this but while you are waiting for the process to complete you can get a and Blockchain account too which is important have also.

Here's a video that shows you how to do it that you can find by searching “How To Setup a
Coinbase Account on Youtube.

Get your Blockchain bitcoin wallet at

This seems to be a very good bitcoin wallet with lots of nice features. Get a
account and move your bitcoins to this wallet if you want to spend any of them on any of the
programs in this ebook.


Get your Blockchain bitcoin wallet at

You can't fund this one with your bank account or credit card but we can use other services to
buy bitcoin and have them sent to this wallet while you wait on your Coinbase account to be
fully operational.

Here's a video that will walk you through the process of getting an account at

Remember, Blockchain should be used for all programs in this ebook. You buy your
bitcoin from Coinbase and then transfer it to your Blockchain account. That way you
should never lose your valualbe Coinbase account that lets you buy Bitcoin cheaply!

AVOID DELAYS in your payments by increasing your fees!

Sometimes blockchain transactions getting bogged down because of tremendous

volume so here's a trick on how you can get to the front of the line using “Advanced
Send” on your transaction. I do this on everything I send and another reason you
should do all transactions in and only use Coinbase for buying
bitcoins. Here's how you do it.

When you Send in Blockchain, you will see an “Advanced Send” option in the lower
left corner as I show below.
Once you click this, you'll see this.

Whatever the number shown in the Transaction fee, you need to increase it by at least
one digit. In this example, I would change the .02845021 to .03845021

Once you change the Transaction fee, click “Next Step” and you'll see a screen that
says something like this.
At this point, most of the time I will click the “Lower to .00029832 BTC” button because
it will still put you in front of most people when doing the transactions. However, if I'm
really in a hurry and would double the Transaction fee and then click “Continue with
Current fee” to put me at the very front of the line when it comes to the transaction.

If you do this Advanced Send trick on all your transactions you'll find that it will be
very rare for your transaction not to be completed within 20 minutes!

More Ways To Buy Bitcoins!

If you need another option at buying bitcoin because you can't get a
account, I have listed some great ones next.


If you can't get a Coinbase account then get a Glidera account asap! They have excellent
rates and you can purchase from your bank account!


Good rates on buying bitcoins from what I've heard and I was told you can buy from a bank
account which usually gives you the best rates.


Coinmama charges about 8% over spot prices typically but it's fast. You would use this if you
couldn't get any of the other ones I've told you about.

If you shop around on here and only deal with vendors who have good reputations you can
probably get Bitcoin for 8% over spot. If you message me on Skype: ProjectNsearch I might
be able to recommend people that our team has dealt with so you have maximum safety
when buying bitcoin.

There are even Bitcoin ATMs where you can put in Cash and get bitcoins. Some of them
charge huge 22% fees but some are as low as 8% so you should check them out too. Here's
a site that lists them and lists the fees they are charging.

Allocating Your Resources put 1/3 into Bitcoin and hold it long term

I believe Bitcoin is going to over $10,000 per Bitcoin by next year and I think it's possible it
could be worth a million dollars within 10 years so I recommend you put one third of whatever
you can scrape together in Bitcoin and just hold it and never sell it! This protects you and
insures you that you will always come out a winner in the long run!

We will have some High Risk, Medium Risk and Low Risk programs

Do not invest money in anything in this ebook if it puts you in danger of not paying your bills!
If money is extremely tight for you then just buy some bitcoin when you can and hold it for
years! I want you to make money but I don't want you to worry and stress over it. We will
spread our risk over many programs so we can never be in danger of losing it all if things go
wrong. Some of the programs will be High Risk, some will be Medium Risk and some will be
Low Risk. We will use the High Risk and Medium Risk programs to feed our Low Risk
programs where most of our money will be. This will allow us to make some very high returns
if we constantly keep our risk in the High Risk programs to a minimum by pulling out our
money from them as fast as possible. We want to get in and get of High Risk programs fast.

If you can't handle High Risk then stick to Medium and Low Risk programs

If you just can't afford to be in anything High Risk and you're not much of a gambler then skip
those High Risk programs entirely and go for the Medium and Low risk ones! We will always
have several High Risk programs in play at one time. If you play them, you put an equal
amount in all of them and ride them until the wheels come off! You make withdrawals as
often as allowed and get your original investment back as fast as possible. Some might last
weeks and some might last months before they flame out. We know these High Risk
programs will end at some point so we take out pro fits as fast as we can from them and we
spread the risk over at least 3 of them. The only reason we do some High Risk programs is
because of the insane pro fits that can be made by jumping in and out of them. Again, do not
put any money in the High Risk ones if you can't handle having losses because they are the
most risky. And always invest only what you can afford to lose. If you're going to put some
money into the High Risk programs divide the money equally and put an equal amount in all
the programs for maximum safety.

How to supercharge your pro fits with MoneyLine and FutureNet!

Before we get into the main programs that you can choose from, I wanted to tell you about
two tools that I feel are pretty much mandatory and have helped my own success –
MoneyLine and FutureNet!

These two systems will greatly increase your pro fits in the programs in this ebook by getting
you referrals! Referrals aren't necessary for anything in this ebook but it's free money so why
not at least get some of it! By the way, I don't ever ask my friends and family if they want to
get into one of my programs because let's face it, your friends and family are your toughest
critics! This is why I never start with my friends and family! Instead I've always had more
success with total strangers and I know you will too. Make your friends and family ask YOU
how you're making extra money down the road after you've already done it and proven it and
they can see it!

I use MoneyLine and FutureNet for generating a constant flow of people who might be
interested in some of the programs in this ebook. When somebody joins one of the programs
in this ebook using your referral link, it makes you money once they become active and
purchase something. If you get just one person who goes big with a program it can make you
thousands of dollars! So it's well worth it to get into MoneyLine and FutureNet for this fact
alone. You need to invest in your success and these two systems are very inexpensive and
great values.

I highly recommend you getting a paid membership in both MoneyLine and FutureNet and
you use my strategies to advertise every program you are in so you make even more money.

First, JOIN the MoneyLine system to get over 600 leads a day!

Watch the video and join my team here: Upgrade to at least Bronze by paying just $20 one
time fee using Paypal.

MoneyLine is a GREAT system that only costs $20 one time to get you over 600 leads per
day! If you join for free and upgrade by paying $20 just one time, you can send 20 messages
at a time instead of one at a time which is too slow and time consuming! Is paying $20 one
time worth it to save 20 times the time? Of course! This system will give you over 600 new
people per day that can earn you money on 24 hours a day! It's the best system I've seen
and it can make you money too since you can promote it on the revenue share systems and
get others to join it too.

Watch the video and join my team here: Upgrade to Bronze by paying just $20 one time!

You need to get in this program and pay your $20 one time to upgrade to BRONZE because
the other programs you learn about next are perfect places to advertise it and make nice
commissions every sale which is a no brainer for anybody who wants to make money with
any business. Send me a Skype message to Skype ID: ProjectNsearch or email me at if you have any questions but be sure to watch all the videos on the
website. I went all the way to Diamond in this program. If you can, upgrade to Platinum as
soon as you can so you can message your list every month and never lose anybody!
Platinum and above means you can message your MoneyLine list every month! Anything
below Platinum only allows you to message a person one time unless they respond to your

Free Personal Coaching To All Who Upgrade to Platinum Level on MoneyLine!

Anybody who decides to upgrade to Platinum level comes into my personal coaching program
as a free bonus! This shows me you're serious and are willing to do what I did when I joined
MoneyLine. You will get my direct phone number and I'll make sure you're in my phone so I
know when you're calling me! You can call me on the phone or Skype for questions or
advice. I will teach you anything you need to know in this ebook using Skype if necessaryk.
Contact me on Skype: ProjectNsearch if interested in doing this once you have upgraded to
Platinum. To reach reach Platinum you must first buy Bronze then Silver then Gold and then
Platinum level. If you want to get the Platinum level but you're a little short on funds, contact
me at Skype: ProjectNsearch or and I'll see what I can do to help you!
FutureNet – the Social Network that pays you three ways!

Join My FutureNet team here and buy a one time membership even if you can only afford the
$10 level! This quali fies you to make money as our FutureNet team grows.

FutureNet is a social network similar to Facebook but so much better because it pays you! It
doesn't censor any of your posts and it doesn't limit your friends! I have over 8,000 friends
and can get 100 a day because I signed up as a paid member. It's optional to be a paid
member but it's only a one time fee and qual fies you to make money as we build a massive
FutureNet team! My friend Ryan made $500,000 on FutureNet last month by simply building
a team over the last year!

Watch this video. Ryan is helping our team grow and made $500,000 last month!
I'm using what he told me to build our team now so make sure you contact me on Skype:
ProjectNsearch so I can get you on our FutureNet team! You can come it at the $10, $35,
$85, $185, $685, or $1685 level. These are one time fees so come in as high as you can so
you will make more money from our team efforts. The company has told Ryan that those who
come in at the $1685 level are going to get at least 50 of their new Futuro cryptocurrency coin
coming out this fall too. FutureNet will have over 2 million members by then so I believe it's a
great investment and FutureNet is chock full of people looking to make money!

Personal Coaching To All Who Come into FutureNet at the $185 Level or above!

I'm giving personal coaching and training to anybody who decides to come into FutureNet at
the $185 level or above. This is a one time fee by FutureNet and is an investment in your
success in all programs because you will be able to get more friends in FutureNet and
participate in their membership matrix which grows all the time! You will get income from
everybody in your matrix! You will get my direct phone number and be in my phone so I
know it's you calling me and not a sales call! I will work with you and give you goals and
assignments on how to make more money online.

The people on FutureNet are all about making money and many of them already have Bitcoin
accounts, making it easier to get them into some of programs we'll be talking about next.

Join My FutureNet team here

Watch this video below that tells you more about the the FutureNet program. At the
13:00 mark you will see a short instruction on how to fund your matrix if you want to
make money with FutureNet. I recommend you come in at least at the $10 level so you can
promote it and make revenue from the matrix. You can join for free too just as you can with
MoneyLine but you should at least come in at the $10 level at the very least.

If possible, come it at the $185 or the $85 level if you can because this level let's you add as
many friends per day as possible! That's worth a fortune for you and it's how I got over 1,000
friends in just 2 weeks! I'm also in the Revenue Sharing aspect of this program! I like
FutureNet as a marketing platform and as a RevShare program. Join it for free at least and
start getting some friends.

FutureNet Business Presentation and Training -

I want you to contact me on Skype: ProjectNsearch so I can add you to our FutureNet Skype
group! We're going to make a lot of money with FutureNet so join today, fund your account
and start getting friends every day. Make your goal to get least 100 friends per day.

Here's a video on how to get thousands of friends in FutureNet!

Contact me on Skype: ProjectNsearch or if you have any questions.

Glenn's Rule For Using the Programs in This book!
The good news is if you follow my plan you're never going to lose on your bitcoin adventure!
If you do nothing else but follow my Rule #1 and buy some bitcoin each month and hold for
the long term, then that's great, you're going to have a lot of money someday because you
bought and held bitcoin for the long haul!

Figure Out How Much You Can Risk In Bitcoin

Your first step is to figure out how much money you can risk right now with your bitcoin
adventure. Never risk money you need for bills and living expenses! Never risk most of your
net worth of course. Personally I would feel con fident putting 25% of my net worth into bitcoin
because I think it's a once in a lifetime opportunity but I'm a bit of a gambler. For those of you
who aren't gamblers but see the opportunity of Bitcoin, I would recommend putting 10% of
your net worth into Bitcoin with the other 90% being in real estate, stocks and precious metals
such as gold and silver.

For some of you this might be only $100 per month and for others it could be $1,000 a month
or it could be $10,000 you already have saved up. If you're a $100 a month person then you
really don't have enough money to spread your money into Low, Medium and High Risk
programs. You're only choice is either put it all in Bitcoin you hold forever or you could put
half in Bitcoin you hold forever and risk the other half in a medium or high risk program.
Everybody should be investing something into your never touch Bitcoin account monthly!

Rule #1 (Most Important)

Once you know the money you are willing to invest in your Bitcoin adventure then
immediately put at least 1/3 of this figure into your “Never Touch” bitcoin account.
Also come up with an amount of money you can comfortably add into your “Never Touch”
bitcoin account each month and do it! You should sell all your old junk you don't use and
convert it into Bitcoin in your “Never Touch” bitcoin account too! You NEVER spend any of
these bitcoins in your “Never Touch” account until Bitcoin hits a million dollars within 10 years!

So if you have $10,000 to invest in Bitcoin stuff, then at least $3,000 of it goes directly into
your “Never Touch” Bitcoin account. If you're conservative then put one half or two thirds of
your money into your “Never Touch” Bitcoin account and only use the remainder into the
programs in this ebook. I want everybody to make money and this rule insures you're going
to have a lot of money someday since I believe you will see $1million per Bitcoin someday!

Rule #2

As soon as possible get a bitcoin hardware wallet such as a Trezor device to store
your “never touch” bitcoins so they can never be stolen from you. The banking system
is not very stable and if a bank owned one of the online wallets such as Coinbase or
Blockchain, then it's possible all the bitcoins could be seized in a bankruptcy! Why put
yourself at risk of this when we can store all our bitcoins in a hardware wallet we control! You
can start off with your bitcoins in an online wallet such as Coinbase or Blockchain but make it
a goal to get them in your own hardware wallet within 30-60 days for maximum safety. Also
learn all the backup proceedures for the hardware wallet and store you pass phrases and
passwords at a different location from your hardware wallet in case your house burns down.
If you store your special phrases and passwords off site you can recreate your wallet and
your bitcoins even if your hardware wallet is stolen or burned up in a house fire! This is super
Rule #3

Decide how much you will put into the other programs in this ebook. It should be no
more than two thirds of your total money since Rule #1 said to put at least 1/3 rd of our
money into a “Never Touch” bitcoin account and hold

Okay now it's time to get to the main programs in my ebook.

AGAM (Atlantic Global Asset Management) / Questra

Watch this videos and follow the directions on the site to join

Atlantic Global Asset Management / Questra has been around for many years now and
has of fices around the world. That's why I put it in the Low Risk category. I'm using
the pro fits for these plans to put into my “Never Touch” bitcoin wallet. I bought a
Black plan and currently I'm making over $1,000 per week on this one. I'm taking out
all my investment every week until it's recovered.

Contact me on Skype: ProjectNsearch if you need help and for joining our Skype support

Plans available – you only want to do the Color plans since they pay weekly. Do not do
any other plan!

White Plan - 90 Euro (186 Euro Potential Pro fit)*

Yellow Plan - 270 Euro (589.68 Potential Pro fit)*
Green Plan - 810 Euro (1934.28 Potential Pro fit)*
Blue Plan - 2430 Euro (6298.56 Potential Pro fit)*
Red Plan – 7290 Euro (19,683 Potential Pro fit)*
Black Plan – 21,870 Euro (68,234.4 Potential Pro fit)*
(more plans available)

These are only rough estimates provided by the company based on past performance and
should not be used to determine future returns. Since the fund is invested in the stock market
there are no guarantees of returns and as with anything you can lose some or all of your
money. Do not get into this system unless you only put in what you can afford to risk.

I recommend you draw out all pro fits weekly until you have your original investment out so
there is no risk giong forward. Then you can decide if you want to compound or just keep
taking out 100% of the weekly pro fits. I bought a Black package and I'm now withdrawing
about $1200 per week until I recover my original investment. Then I will let it compound for
about 5 months and begin taking out much more per week!

Register on my team using this link and talk to me via Skype: projectnsearch
if you need help through this process. Once you are signed up I'll add you to our
Skype room too so you can get help anytime! Read the directions below before!

I also have complete help and videos on this page.

Prepare to lose sleep when you use the start playing with the Pro fit Calculator! DO
NOT signup on the QuestraGlobal site or it will mess your account up. Just play with
the calculator before you join on this site only.

Here's my direct signup link but remember to use the “” link above as it's
easier and has help if you need it.

Here's a screen shot of their last 4 weeks of earnings for AGAM!

How to Register!

If you follow all the help on the website I gave you, it will tell you what to do each step of the

This program goes by the initials AGAM which stand for Atlantic Global Asset Management.
It's really sort of a secret program because you have to be invited to get into it. This system
used to only be available to big rollers who had $100,000 to invest but now it's open to
everybody! It's a European based system with very good returns from what I've seen. It
seems to be a very solid company. They actually have 25 portfolio managers who compete
each week. The default setting is for your funds to be distributed equally between these 25
managers. I recommend you keep this setting for letting your funds be managed by all 25
portfolio managers so your risk is minimized. From what I've seen so far, I believe this is a
system everybody should throw some money into. You can get in at the lower level and add
to your account until you can upgrade to the higher levels. The advantage of getting your
account to a higher level is that you make more as a percentage of the fund and you also pay
less fees to the portfolio managers who are trading the funds.

This one has been doing very good for me! It's a passive program so you don't have to do
anything except put in a deposit and watch it so you can see when you buy more plans with
your pro fits or upgrade you current plan. You can't take your principal out for 1 year but you
can withdraw your pro fit each week or you can roll it into other positions so it compounds

You'll need to be helped by me or somebody on our team when you sign up for this one so
you don't get lost so please contact me if you're interested. Before you contact me make sure
you have a scan of your drivers license and a scan of your most recent bank statement so we
can get this out of the way also. You will want to have these in .jpg format and you need to
make sure that the file is less than 1 megabyte in size as this is the system requirements. I
want everybody to have this ready before they talk to me so I can walk you through the
process of getting this submitted into the system. You can fund your account with Bitcoin as
soon as you register. Once the payment is approved you can buy a plan and you will begin
earning on the next Monday. Remember only buy the Colored plans listed above so you can
take out pro fits weekly.

Here's a video of one of their meetings in Dubai

Part 1

Part 2
USI Tech

Just register on my team here:


USI-TECH is a technology company specializing in the development of automated trading

software in the FOREX market. I've been looking for an automatic trading robot system for a
long time and finally found one! I just got into this system.

You buy BTC packages for about $52. The packages have a runtime of 140 days. Daily
payout is 1% and the return on capital is 40%! This company has been legitimately trading
for many years.

Again this is going to be a nice steady workhorse for us and a great way to diversify. They
also have an option where you can buy some software and learn their winning trading system.
I haven't had time to get into this yet but I plan on doing this soon. Right now I'm just buying
the packages and I'm very happy with the results!

Register on my team here:

How It Works
CrypTrade implements win-win trade strategies and gives you excellent daily returns. They
offer 3 levels of investment. They offer the following investment packages. I would keep it to
under $5,000 on this one and remove all pro fits each month and put them into your no touch

Standard - $0 - $5,000 Investment

Mega - $5,000 - $9,999 Investment

VIP - $10,000 - $20,000 Investment

The higher the package, the higher the returns. I'm just starting with this one and as always I
recommend just putting a small amount in it to start to see how you like it. Again, I suggest
you only put in what you can afford to lose and pull back your original quickly.

Just register on my team here:

This is the only advertising revenue sharing systems I recommend because it is making
money with trading. The owners report they are doing extremely well with their trading and
have a large reserve fund for all payments through this system. You make withdraw up to a
bitcoin per day in this system as a maximum. The concept is simple, buy AdPacks, click on
10 ads per day and make up to 125% money back on your AdPack purchases. You make
pro fits daily based on how many AdPacks you have. I like being in this Revenue share
program because I use the ads to bring in more people into the programs I recommend. So I
make money and basically get advertising for all the programs I'm doing for free!

You don't have to go crazy with this one, you can just get enough Adpacks to advertise the
other programs and make a bit of money every day.

Throw a few bucks in this one just for fun!

Just register on my team here:


If you're looking for a program that is very inexpensive to get into then this one is it. I've tired
several of these type programs and this one is the only one I've seen work! You can get into
this for around $1 or $2 and make 1024 Bitcoins when it maxes out. It's very simple once you
get in and our team has setup a Skype room for any questions as well as videos. What I like
about this program is it's only a few dollars to start and only costs $8 to buy the first 3 levels.
We are teaching people how to bring people into this system using FutureNet! If you do this
you will see much faster growth than if you do nothing. But this system will fill up over time for
as long as the company is in business so I put it as a Low Risk program just for fun. It could
take months or years for you to make money with this one but the initial investment is not
much more than a lottery ticket.

Contact me on Skype: ProjectNsearch once you sign up so I can get you into our Skype
support group. You have to pay for your membership using Bitcoin and you need to paste in
the Transaction hash code. Follow the simple directions and message me on Skype or by
email and I can send you videos to help you too! I will also set you up on the Skype support
group if you need it.

This one will grow steadily for you if you post about it on FutureNet and MoneyLine as I have
recommended you do. But again, this one is very long term and it will take a while to grow no
matter what you do. So just get in and check on it every month. If you want to make money
much faster you should get into any other program in my ebook many of them can be started
for little money. Look at this one as just a fun one that has massive potential to make you
huge money but much further down the road if the program continues to grow. It could take a
year or more to grow to a large level but who cares how long it takes since you only put in $2!
You could just make this the last one in the list you promote to people with the most profitable
programs being first in the list.
Honorable Mentions

Vollara – Green Products for your home!

I love this company because they have green products such as a great high pH water product
called the “Living Water” machine and the “Fresh Air” air puri fier. These are products
everybody should want to keep their family safer. Once you buy the products you can also
apply to distribute them. If you love these products as much as I do and decide to represent
them, let me know. I can set you up with the same web designer that made my website. He's
excellent and his rates are very reasonable!

Go see the products on my website and contact me at if you are

interested in becoming a distributor!

Cardio For Life!

This is a great product to be involved with if you are into nutrition or have high blood pressure.
It has a free af filiate program and I very much believe in the product! You're not going to
make huge money with this one unless you really know how to market health products but if
you're looking for a good product that really helps people then this is it.

Join my team here: filiate/2019534

If you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol and you want to bring it down naturally or
you just want an excellent vitamin mix to drink every day then Cardio for Life is my favorite! I
got my own hight blood pressure down to normal with this product combined with taking 1-3
Cayenne Pepper capsules daily. I recommend you try the powder for at least 6 months as it
took you a lifetime to clog your arteries. If you decide to do the Cardio for Life and Cayenne
Pepper capsules for 6 months I'd love you to send me your testimonials!

Watch this video about the bene fits of nitric oxide in your body. Cardio For Life creates
massive Nitric Oxide!

If you know anybody with high blood pressure tell them about this product along with
Cayenne Pepper capsules. Tell them to contact me also at if they have
any questions. It really worked for me so I hope it works for others! But of course don't start
any medical regiment without first talking your doctor. I'm not a doctor and therefore cannot
give out any medical advice!

Again, contact me on Skype ID: project or by Email me at if you have

any questions or want to know my current favorites. Always check back to make sure you are
reading the latest update of my book as I am updating it constantly.

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