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The appendix is a small tubular extension of the right side of the colon, right near
where the small intestine also inserts into the colon. Its length is quite variable,
from an inch or sp to up 8 or nine inches in length. Most of the time is looks like a
stubby #2 pencil.

The colon has three outer longitudinal muscle bands, called the tenia, that run
the length of the colon as strips,equidistant around the circumference of the
colon. The appendix arises from the blind pouch of the cecum where the three
tenia merge. In fact, the easiest way of finding the appendix in surgery is usually
to pull up the colon, find a tenia, then run it backwards until the appendix is
The appendix has its own blood supply in leaves of fat arising off the messentery
of the cecum. There is a small appendiceal artery that runs as an arcade along
the lower edge of the organ.
A cross section of the appendix shows its tubular nature. The appendix has the
usual outer serosal 1 cell thick peritoneal covering,then the muscle layers,which
stain light pin, and then a layer of connective tissue, called sub mucosa. Beneath
the submucosa is a thin muscle layer and then,finally the lining layer called the


This case is about a 38 years old Filipino male who was admitted to Lipa Medix
Medical Center’s station 4 with a chief complaint of radiating pain the abdomen
and an admitting diagnosis of to consider acute appendicitis, status post
appendectomy after receiving laboratory results and findings. Patient received
therapeutic nursing care and appropriate medical management specifically for
wound healing and pain.Patient currently at station 4 still complaining of mild pain
with the scale of 3 with 0 interpreted as no pain and 10 being the highest.

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