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In this fast paced world, as we would want to engage with the entire world through the

concept of globalization, knowing our own identity is a key to success. In the game of
globalization, knowing who you are rather than copying who you are not is an important thing.
One of which you must have with you is your national language. As a country what should we do,
when our identity—our national language—has been put in danger?

First of all, studying Filipino only in the secondary level is not enough to develop
students’ competency in the Filipino subject and language. A student cannot master one subject
or a discipline by studying it only a few times. Learning a discipline takes time and effort.
National Achievement Test (NAT) results show that results for Filipino subject of 4th year
High School Students Examinees are still on the average level set by the Department of
Education. Retaining Filipino subject in the tertiary level would help students to increase their
mastery and competency on the Filipino language and subject.

Removal of Filipino in the tertiary level should also be opposed because removing it in
the new General Education Curriculum is not in line with the goal of the General Education
itself. The fundamental purpose of the General Education as stated in Article I of CHED
Memorandum Order 20, Series of 2013 is to develop “well-rounded individuals who appreciate
knowledge in a general sense, are open-minded because of it, secure in their identities as
individuals and as Filipinos, and cognizant of their role in the life of nation and larger
community.” Removing Filipino in the tertiary level contradicts their goal to secure the
identities of Filipinos. As Filipino citizens, Filipino subject and Filipino language are part of
our identities. Filipino, as our national language and official language used in main
institutions, is a representation of our nation. Filipino is a representation of ourselves.


Filipino subject being taught in high school is different from that being taught in college.
Filipino 2 in senior high school is merely focused on writing. In college, Filipino is focused both
on writing and reading. “It should be noted that there is a different approach in teaching
Filipino in the general education curriculum in college against the track-based approach of
Filipino in senior high school. In the general education curriculum in college, the students are
like runners who run through different fields, while in senior high school; there is only one field
and one direction.”
In college, the environment is more progressive and more conducive to discuss national
issues using our own language. If the Filipino subject will be removed, there will be lesser time
to discuss these issues, and in the long run, the students too will be socially conservative.

Filipino cannot be removed from the tertiary level because graduates still communicate
in Filipino. Even outside the country, English is not being used as medium of communication.
“Whether they are domestic helpers or professionals, they study the language of the country
such as in Korea, Russia, Japan, and Italy among others.”

“The time for learning the Filipino subject was reduced, as well as other subjects taught
in Filipino like Makabayan “ The Filipino as a language has not yet even reached the point where
it is being used as a medium of instruction in all levels and now you wants to remove it from the
curriculum. We are more than willing to defend the teaching of Filipino as a subject in college.”

Removing the Filipino subject in the tertiary level is like removing the
Filipino people’s identity as well. Teachers of the Filipino subject believe that Filipino is
also a language of intellectuals. If our students and graduates who become professionals could
not express themselves in Filipino, they would not realize that the Filipino language is
instrumental in shaping them as persons.

“It is in Filipino subjects at the tertiary level where concepts of being a Filipino
begin. It is in Filipino subjects where students can express their points of view
creatively and intellectually whether in writing or through speaking. And from
there they can develop more using the Filipino language.”
“Can you imagine our professionals having no sense of nationalism and not giving
importance to culture and identity?”

This is not only about Filipino teachers, losing their jobs. Some of them can teach
other subjects. This is about our nationality, our being Filipinos and our love for our
language. If we let the Filipino subject be removed from the curriculum, it is also
like removing our own identity.

Filipino must not only be viewed as a medium for instruction rather it is a discipline, a
language that mirrors our identity, an integral part of our own history and culture as a
nation. Disregarding these things is tantamount to betrayal to our nation and soon it will
weaken everyone’s sense of identity and nationalism.

The Filipino that we know now is slowly becoming Taglish and shallow. The youth will
have lesser knowledge on the use of the Filipino language if it is removed in the college
curriculum. We can see these days among the youth the lack of grasp of the Filipino language
and by removing this as a core subject in college or any other school level, I fear this would
deteriorate even further. We can still learn from the many secrets of our language, and the
beauty and depth of our literature. Including Filipino in college will deepen the understanding
and appreciation of the Filipino language to our daily lives and encourage more youth to
preserve our language as a vital connection to our nation's history.

The Filipino language is part of our identity as a people and as such we should strive to
preserve and strengthen it at all times.

“Filipino subject is very important to all of us especially that we can call it as

our own language. Let us open our minds for the possible impact of removing this
in the colleges and universities. This subject gave us various recognitions
internationally and has given us the power to be united and share common bonds
as Filipino people.”

Quoting Chapter 7 of El Filibusterismo, “A country that does not have its own
language is a slave country; our language is a reflection of our own mode of
thinking; for as long as we have our own mode of thinking, we would never be

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