Various Calculators For Navigation in Shallow Waters

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Width of the open water: b > 8L 2312 1.25 nm

b - width of open water, m
L - ship's length, m 289
for performing free circulation in shallow waters without influence of wind, currents

Ship's critical speed in shallow waters

Vcr = √(g*H), mps 14.350598 27.92 kts

g= 9.80665
H = depth, m 21

0.6 Vcr. = 8.6103585 16.75 kts

Shallow water inflluence commences when ship's speed > 0.6 Vcr.

Depth excluding shallow water influence

D ≥ 4d + (3*V^2) / g, m 88.19 m ( > 5 d)

d - ship's draft, m 17.8

V - ship's speed, mps 7.453 14.5 kts
g - free fall acceleration, m/s2 9.80665

Navigation through the shallow water to be considered under H/d < 3 .

Ship's speed may decrease more that 20% while navigating through the shallow waters.

Frude number
Fr = V / √(g*H) 0.5193512
V = ship's speed, mps 7.453 14.5 kts
Fr < 0.3 : shallow waters practically do not influent on ship's speed and squat
V = (safe ship's speed, mps) = 0.3 * √(g*H) 4.305179 mps 8.4 kts

Depth without shallow water influence:

D > 4√B*d, m 113.20777 m
B = ship's breadth, m 45
d = ship's draft, m 17.8

D > 0.35*V^2, m 73.5875 m

V = ship's speed, kts 14.5 kts


dif V = 4.4 D/d - 34 V/sqrt (gD) = -3.89 % -0.51 kns

Capt.S.Demin, Professor, empiric formula
dif V - Speed lost due to navigating through Shallow waters, percents
D - depth, mtr 33
d - average ship's draft, mtr 16.6
g - acceleration due to gravity (standard), mps2 9.80665
V - initial ship's speed, mps 6.69 13.00 kns
V < V cr

V cr = sqrt ( gD ) 17.99 mps 34.97 kns

V cr - critical speed, mps

New ship's speed :

V' = V - dif V = 13.51 kns

Tactical Circulation Radius increases during Navigation through Shallow Waters and under H/T = 1.5
is about on 30 % more than at Deep water.

Steady circulation radius at shallow waters

Rs = Rd / (1+ 0.1d/D - 0.71(d/D^2) 902.3823 m 0.49 nm 74.0

Rd = steady circularion radius at deep water, m
518.56 0.28 nm
d= 17.8
D= 21

Advance at circulation at shallow waters

Adv = (2.38 + 0.36(Dc/L)) * L, m 1337.535 0.72 nm

Dtc = tactical diameter of circulation , m 1804.765
at shallow water = 2Rs
Ls = ship's length, m 289
d/D = 0.5 advance increases on 17%
d/D = 0.9 advance increases on 62%

Safe UKC at shallow waters

UKC > = Sum zi

UKC = (D +/- ΔD) - (d + Δd +a) ≥ zo + z1 + z2 + z3 3.19
D = navigational depth, m 21
ΔD = depth correction for fluctuation, m 0
d = ship's draft max, sea water density = 1.025 kg/m3 17.81
Δd = draft correction for density, m 0
a = correction for ship's icing, m 0
zo = heel (wind + dynamical), m 1
z1 = min navigational clearance, m 0.7124
z2 = wave clearance, m 0.5
z3 = speed clearance, m (from NPL diagram) 1.2

Min navigational clearance z1, m

Entering in port Others

Mud 0.04d 0.7124 0.03d

Wash / Alluvial Thick (Shell, gravel) 0.05d 0.04d
Packed soil (sand, clay, pebbles) 0.06d 0.05d
Rock ( boulder, sandsdtone, lime, ) 0.07d 0.06d
Squat at shallow water

Römisch's formulae for calculating ship's squat while navigating through shallow waters:
(open waters only)
Δd = 0.055 Cv*Cb*(D/d - 0.4)^(-2)*(D - d), m 1.235786 Δd f 0.6891657 Δd a Δ trim
dif Δd 7.52 % 4.09 % -0.547
% midship squat 28.40 -28.40 % midship squat
average midship squat, m 0.962476
D - depth, m ; 21 21
d - draft Fore and Aft, m ; 16.43 16.85 trim
Cv - coefficient depending upon ship's speed; 2.139458 0.420
Cb - coefficient depending upon ship's hull

Cv = B * ( V / V'cr)^2 * [(V / V'cr - 0.5)^4 + 0.0625]

where: 2.139458 2.1624801
V - ship's speed, mps ; 6.17 12.00 kns
V'cr - ship's critical speed for shallow water,
mps ;
V'cr = 1.28D^0.625 *(L / d*B)^0.125, m; 7.59786 V'cr f 7.573925 V'cr a
where 14.78 kts 14.74 kts
L - ship's length between PP, m; 279 279
B - ship's breadth, m; 45 45

Cb aft = 1; 1
Cb fore = (90CB^2*B^2) / L^2 : 1.772138
CB - block coefficient 0.87

Ship's draft due to squat while navigating through shallow waters:

d fore = 16.43 d aft = 16.85
Δd f = 1.2357856 Δd a = 0.689166
d fore new = 17.665786 d aft new = 17.53917 trim
Navigation through canals

Saturation effect when ship steaming through a canal and after speed being increased upto definite level
when water could not flow round her hull, due to above its big masses run ahead her as wave.

n = Sc / Ss 4.395016
Sc - canal section 3450
water surface width, m 180
botton width, m 120
depth, m 23

Ss - midship 784.98
width, m 45
draft, m 17.8
Cm 0.98

Suez Canal n = 4.5

Vcr = 8.4 kts n=4
Vcr = 10.5 kts n=6
Vcr = 11.8 kts n=8 n ≤ 12 navigation in canal
n > 12 navigation in shallow waters
Vcr - ship's critical speed in canal

V cr = k * √(g*H), mps 5.8798668 kts 11.43943

k = 0.226 * √n - 1 0.3914435
n= 4


2. G.Ermolayev, Deep Sea Captain's HandBook, Moscow, Transport, 1988.

4. S.Demin, Ship's Handling, Moscow, Transport, 1991.
6.704819 6.704819
8.582168 8.582168
739.35 0.377358 0.885308 758.25 0.367953 0.882519
7.59786 7.573925
ased upto definite level

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