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A Research Proposal

Presented to

Faculty of Senior High School

Our Lady of Fatima University

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for

Practical Research 1

Sashie Sophia C. Dadul, Daian A. Lasquite, Janrhick G. Pucio, Angeline Geiil Osorio
Pauline P. Tan, Jeremie A. Valles

Michelle Aggabao


STEM 11-14

Our Lady of Fatima University


1.0 Introduction

Nowadays, a lot of people seems to do things that they never wanted, because they just want

to past a whole day for them to be able to survive. When we say “things that they never wanted”,

those are the things that they are forced to do, things such as stealing, things that could disobey the

law just to gain money. They have their own reasons to do such things. They have their own reasons

to have certain behaviors.

This study is about the different human behaviors or causes of people to act in a certain

behavior while doing their own ways just to gain money. Money isn't everything but everything

requires money. That's just the truth -- basically, money is one of the things we need to be able to live.

A stable job would make us earn enough money for us to make a living. Unfortunately, not every

individual is capable of having a job with fine income, or even any job. In fact, almost half the world -

- over 3 billion people -- live on less than $ 2.50 a day. Why is that? It's because of poverty -- the state

of being extremely poor. It is one of the serious global issues we're facing. Why is it related to our

topic? The necessity of being financially stable is one of the reasons for some people to do things that

are unjust, or illegal things just to earn money. On the other hand, there's also people who's quite

obsessed with money, or the thought of spending it with their needs and wants, which makes them

change their behaviors.

The main objective of this study is to make other people understand that a lot of things can

happen in just a matter of necessity. We all have our reasons to do what we're doing. Poverty is

overrated- and almost every Filipino is suffering from it. That's one of the main reasons for some

people to do things that are unjust, and, if worse, things that could disobey the law, just to gain

money. Again, for their own reasons, and for their own necessity. We want to know what are the

behaviors of any individual wanting to have something, specifically, money, and the thought of

having it. We want to know what can a human possibly do just to fulfill their needs. We're also

looking forward to knowing the reasons or causes of people to do things that could disobey the law

just to gain money.

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The beneficial of this research is to aware them and realize how there behavior change in a

positive and negative way when they talk about money . This research wants to show them what are

the possible effects that can cause a bad side to them . And we, the researcher, want to inform them

that money cannot always give what you wanted. Sometimes, money take what you need and bring

you in a miserable situation that can affect your daily life / lifestyle.

2.0 Theoretical Framework

As in many other behavioral science fields, explanations and predictions are the main goals in

finance.4To this end, both theoretical analyses and empirical investigations are necessary. Theories

employ abstract deductive reasoning by which conclusions are drawn from sets of assumptions,

whereas purely empirical studies are inductive in nature. As theories provide guides for empirical

studies and empirical studies provide tests of the assumptions and conclusions of theories, they are

complementary (Henderson and Quandt 1958). Nevertheless, it is a theoretical argument that drives us

to launch further quest for truth and that is why all areas of science evolve around theories.

No single theory can completely resolve problems. Given the real-world complexities, actual

decision making procedures are often heuristic. Obviously, case study settings can give more accurate

descriptions of the real world than any finance theory can. But theories can guide us toward answers.

It is theories, not practical rules of thumb based on experiential learning, that help us identify and

analyze the right issues in a changing environment.By adapting theories to the realities of

circumstances, we can develop new theories which could shedmore light on reasoning process.

Theory learning can provide such high-echelon cognitive objectives as"analysis" and "synthesis,"

which will further develop into accumulation, distillation, and merging ability.

Few would deny that the CAPM has significantly changed the world of both finance

practitioners as well as academicians. The demand for knowledge of finance theory in day-to-day

business is ever growing.Therefore, we should encourage the student to challenge finance theory by

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all means. We should let them fully appreciate that finance theories continuously give a profound

impact on professional behavior in the financial world.

2.1 Problem Statement

This study aimed to determined the human behavior regarding their necessity of having money

with the following questions:

Research Question 1: How much will money weigh into your decision on accepting a new


Research Question 2: Can a person be greedy for other individuals? Why?

Research Question 3: What are the possible things that people can do just to gain money ?

And we, the researchers will try to answer these questions based on our gathered data and give

you different information that you need to know so that you will able to understand the human

behavior regarding their necessity of having money more deeper and clearer.

3.0 Methodology

3.1 Research Design

This study will be using a qualitative phenomenological design that is used to described how

human being experience a phenomenon, which emphasizes the inherent complexities of human and

their ability to shape and create their own experiences. This type of study attempts to set aside biases

and preconceived assumptions about human experiences,

feelings, and responses to a particular situation.

This type of qualitative study is efficient to gather legitimate data as it is based on the human

experience; it will be easy for us to collect actual data from them, as what they’re about to do here is

state their own experiences.

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3.2 Research Locale

The participants informants of this study will come from Our Lady of Fatima University,

Quezon City Campus. A lot of students in their mid adolescence are having a hard time to finish their

study due to poverty, or financial problems. This would help us collect data from informants

regarding our topic.

3.3 Research Population and Sampling / Key Informant Selection

In this study, a Non-Probability Sampling Technique will be used. We will use convenience

sampling. It is defined as selecting participants because they are often readily and easily available.

With this sampling technique, it will be easier for us to collect data from individuals we already know

than having to collect data from unknown individuals.

The researchers will select (5) five respondents that will be the source of all the data we're

about to get. Since we will be using convenience sampling, this will help to overcome a lot of

limitations associated with research, such as having to set a specification due to the criteria implied in

judgement or purposive sampling. In this sampling technique, the researchers could even set their

family members or friends as a respondent.

3.4 Research Ethics

In order to collect data, the researcher should keep in mind that the respondents will have to be

treated responsibly and ethically. By conducting a research, there will be guidelines such as legal and

ethical principles that centers the welfare of all participants in the approved research study. The

researchers shall follow research ethics in order to construct an ethical research study.

The informed consent, which contains the purpose of the study, procedure, risk and benefits

and the voluntarily nature of the research, shall be given to the co-researchers in this study indicating

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the agreement that should clarify the responsibilities and obligations of all involved in the process.

The researchers must assure that all of the personal info from the informants will be confidential. All

of the gathered information from the respondents will be strictly observed and will only be used for

studies purpose only.

Also, to avoid plagiarism, the researcher will cite proper citation of authors and all the other

references that will be used.

3.5 Research Instruments

The only instrument that we will be using in this study is a one-on-one interview guide. The

interview guide is semi-structured in nature consisting of open-ended questions. This will allow the

informants to give their preferred response. This questions were flexible and will allow the

interviewer to probe and to seek clarification.They will supply a frame of reference for the

participants answers, but there will be restrictions.

3.6 Data Collection

This study will use primary data collection procedure. Primary data were collected through a

series of interview with the five (5) chosen participants. We, the researchers will conduct an intake

interview about the participant’s profile. Then the semi - structured interview follows wherein there

are sets of questions raised by the us. We will ask some follow - up questions to probe as needed for

additional information. The interview that we will conduct will be tape recorded and transcribed for

analysis. We will also have records of observation that will be carefully interpreted and analyzed.

3.7 Data Analysis

The data collected underwent stages of bracketing and interpretation derived from Burnard"s

(1991) stages of organizing data

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Data was deeply analyzed by formulating and interpreting natural meaning units/central

themes as they spontaneously emerge from the categories system. to central themes were rigorously

reflected upon and transform as the psychological insights that gathered in the data were expressed.

the meaning units or themes that surfaced was synthesized and integrated into a consisted description

that reflected the participants lived experiences (Giorgi,1986).

4.0 Result

These are the findings reported by five participants which are asked some questions regarding

our research topic; profound greed of human being. The age range of the participants is 16-19 upon

being single parent. Each participant had an individual open-coding or interpretation of transcripts. A brief

demographic background is included to support the following data.

The emerging themes and categories of five participants are presented in table 1 in a manner

which reflects the organization in order to allow the reader to follow and locate the findings

Table 1

The Profound Greed: Understanding Human Behavior Regarding Their Necessity Of Having


Theme Emerged Significant Statements

Money Dependence/ Too Dependent when “Money can affect in our role in life.
it comes to Money Because money can buy everything we need
and we want.”(R1:1)

“I can say that there has a big change in

myself when I have a lot money in my

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hands. Because I treat myself as a

superior.”(R3: 1)

“For me money can affect the most. Because

when I have money I thought that I can do
what I want.”(R4:1)

Huge Influences of Money “Yes, because money has a big influences in

each one of us.” (R4:2)

“I think, its a yes. Because other people can

make a crime because they want to have
money.” (R5:2)

Proper Ways to Gain Money “I can go to work to earn money. Like when
in times of needs I can easily buy what I
want.” (R1:3)

“First is in terms of work and/or business.

And in terms on bad way is corruption. And
last is begging or donation in help of other
people.” (R2:3)

“I can go to canteens just to have and earn

money.” (R3:3)

Money as a change for Good Deeds “I train myself in those chores that I think I
can’t and I can.” (R4:3)

“We can go to offices and make chores

easily.” (R5:3)

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Unavoidable Greed “Yes, because when we have money. We

think that we can buy all we want in just
spending it easily.” (R1:2)

“Yes, because I already feel that kind of

feeling when I hold money.” (R3:2)

4.1 Money Dependence/ Too Dependent when it comes to Money

“Money can affect in our role in life. Because money can buy everything we need and we


“I can say that there has a big change in myself when I have a lot money in my hands.

Because i treat myself as a superior.”

“For me money can affect the most. Because when I have money I thought that I can do what

I want.”

Money can affect our lives in such many ways; for it is not ‘everything’ we’ll ever need in life

but basically, everything requires money. The participants stated that money can make them feel like

they could actually do what they want.

4.2 Huge Influences of Money

“Yes, because money has a big influences in each one of us.”

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“I think, its a yes. Because other people can make a crime because they want to have


Lack of money and the desperation to gain money can lead some people to do things that might

cause harm to others, or disobey the law. Based on the participant’s answers, money serves as an

influence for us to do such things.

4.3 Proper Ways to Gain Money

“I can go to work to earn money. Like when in times of needs I can easily buy what I


“First is in terms of work and/or business.And in terms on bad way is corruption .And last is

begging or donation in help of other people.”

“I can go to canteens just to have and earn money.”

On the other hand, there are people who would strive hard to gain money. Just like the participants

who suggested proper, decent ways to earn money.

4.4 Money as a change for Good Deeds

“I train myself in those chores that I think I can’t and I can.”

“We can go to offices and make chores easily.”

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Not every student can focus on studies while doing a part-time job at the same time. So, for

them to earn money, as stated by the participants, an alternative and one of the most common way to

gain money is by doing the household chores.

4.5 Unavoidable Greed

“Yes, because when we have money. We think that we can buy all we want in just

spending it easily.”

“Yes, because I already feel that kind of feeling when I hold money.”

The moment people feel the cash in their palms, they won’t deny their desire to spend it as soon as
possible; the participants say so.

5.0 Discussion


Money Huge Influences of

Dependence/ Too Money
Dependent when it
comes to Money

EFFECTS AND Proper Ways to


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Money as a change
for Good Deeds

This graph talks about the effects and influences of money and how it affects our lives. It describes

how the respondents make their own ways to gain money and use it for their own needs, it also

discusses the positive and negative traits of desiring to gain money. The respondents mentioned

several ways that is essential for them to gain money. One of those ways is getting a part time job to

earn money. We, the researchers conclude that some of the respondents can basically do things that

could possibly reach their limitations, or worse, disobey certain laws to attain what they want.


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Respondent 1 :

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Research Question 1: How much will money weigh into your decision on accepting a new role?

1. Money can affect in our role in life. Because money can buy everything we need and we want.

Research Question 2: Can a person be greedy for other individuals? Why?

2. Yes, because when we have money. We think that we can buy all we want in just spending it


Research Question 3: What are the possible things that people can do just to gain money ?

3. I can go to work to earn money. Like when in times of needs I can easily buy what I want.

Respondent 2 :



AGE: 17

Research Question 1: How much will money weigh into your decision on accepting a new role?

1. Its too big the effect of the money in a person because the money is the mechanism that

can be move the world in a way of a system.

Research Question 2: Can a person be greedy for other individuals? Why?

2. YES, it depends in situation and what person accepting and understand the situation .And it

depends of what people need.

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Research Question 3: What are the possible things that people can do just to gain money ?

3. First is in terms of work and/or business.And in terms on bad way is corruption .And last is

begging or donation in help of other people.

Respondent 3 :



AGE: 17

Research Question 1: How much will money weigh into your decision on accepting a new role?

1. I can say that there has a big change in myself when i have a lot money in my hands. Because i treat

myself as a superior.

Research Question 2: Can a person be greedy for other individuals? Why?

2. Yes, because i already feel that kind of feeling when i hold money.

Research Question 3: What are the possible things that people can do just to gain money ?

3. I can go to canteens just to have and earn money.

Respondent 4 :



AGE: 16

Our Lady of Fatima University


Research Question 1: How much will money weigh into your decision on accepting a new role?

1. For me money can affect the most. Because when i have money i thought that i can do what I want.

Research Question 2: Can a person be greedy for other individuals? Why?

2. Yes, because money has a big influences in each one of us.

Research Question 3: What are the possible things that people can do just to gain money ?

3. I train myself in those chores that i think i can and i can.

Respondent 5 :



AGE: 19

Research Question 1: How much will money weigh into your decision on accepting a new role?

1. It has a big effect in our lives. Sometimes when we don’t control ourselves we make a

decision that money are always involved.

Research Question 2: Can a person be greedy for other individuals? Why?

2. I think, its a yes. Because other people can make a crime because they want to have money.

Research Question 3: What are the possible things that people can do just to gain money

2. We can go to offices and make chores easily.

Our Lady of Fatima University

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