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MISSION OF NUST: In pursuance of NUST vision, strive to achieve following mission goals: -
a. To develop NUST as a Comprehensive, Academic and Research led university with a
focus on Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship so as to amicably negotiate
Social, Economic and Environmental challenges faced by the country.
b. With foundations based on principles of Merit, Transparency and Fair Play, nurture
talent by providing equal opportunity to all segments of polity.
c. Empower students to develop their full potential, acquiring leadership and social skills,
to act as agents of change within the society.
d. Improve global visibility by enhancing mutually beneficial linkages with international
organizations and partner universities.
e. Strengthen NUST financially to enable the university to achieve its goals by raising
awareness amongst local and international Pakistani diaspora including Alumni base
around the world.
f. Ensure conducive learning and working environment for students and staff at par with
international standards.
MISSION OF SMME: To provide a world class engineering institute focused on learning environment,
quality teaching and research and as a solution provider to the industry.


Start of Semester - 21st Jan, 2019
Submission of OHT-I Question Papers- 20th Feb, 2019*
OHT – I - 25th Feb to 1st Mar, 2019
1st Students Feedback Submission - 04th Mar, 2019
Submission of OHT-2 Question Papers- 10th Apr, 2019
OHT – 2 - 15th – 19th Apr, 2019
2nd Students Feedback Submission - 22nd Apr, 2019
Submission of ESE Question Papers- 13th May, 2019*
End Semester Exam - 16th May to 24th May, 2019
Paper Showing Day - 03rd Jun, 2019
Submission of ESE Results - 03rd Jun, 2019
DBS Meeting - 05th Jun, 2019
FBS Meeting - 06th Jun, 2019
Faculty Course Evaluation Submission - 06th Jun, 2019

* 72 hours – two working days before the start of first Exam.

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