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Professional Growth Plan

Teacher: Ms. Jazmin Roe PS III January 2019

Classroom Management
Goal 1:  Develop different levels of classroom management strategies that help
establish inclusive learning environments.
Related Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments: 4. A teacher establishes,
TQS promotes and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity is
embraced and every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe.

(f) employing classroom management strategies that promote positive,
engaging learning environments;

Strategies Indicators and Measures of Achievement

 Create a classroom management plan  Can get students’ attention quickly.
early during the internship.  Students transition between activities
 Select and implement 1-2 newly with minimal disruptions.
learned classroom management  Student-teacher relationships are
strategies consistently for 1-2 weeks. positive creating an inclusive and
 Develop a resource bank of different respectful classroom environment.
classroom management strategies and  Reflections on lesson plans make note
reflect on what behavioral intervention of what classroom management
level they work best at. strategies were effective and which
were not.
Time Line Resources
January 14 – April (ongoing)  Teacher mentor and colleagues: provide
tips on their implementation of
effective classroom management
 Central Elementary School Team Drive:
there are different resources for
Behavioral Response to Intervention, in
the CRM room there is a wall of
strategies including classroom
 Observe effect classroom management
strategies used in other classrooms.
 Alberta Education: Supporting Positive
Behaviour in Alberta’s Schools: A
Classroom Approach:
Valid, Fair, and Reliable Assessments
Goal 2:  Regularly utilize and implement different assessment strategies that
demonstrate triangulation of evidence.
Related Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge 3. A teacher applies a
TQS current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and
assessment practices to meet the learning needs of every student.

(c) applying student assessment and evaluation practices
• accurately reflect the learner outcomes within
the programs of study;
• generate evidence of student learning to inform
teaching practice through a balance of formative
and summative assessment experiences;
• provide a variety of methods through which
students can demonstrate their achievement
of the learning outcomes;
• provide accurate, constructive and timely feedback
on student learning; and
• support the use of reasoned judgment about the
evidence used to determine and report the level
of student learning.

Strategies Indicators and Measures of Achievement

 Make sure that all assessments are  Created rubrics are explicitly linked to
directly and explicitly related to student student learner outcomes.
learner outcomes.  Lesson plans include a variety of
 Provide students with a variety of different types of conversations,
assessments to demonstrate their observations, and products when
achievement of the learning outcomes. appropriate.
 Consult with colleagues in order to  Student choice in how they demonstrate
broaden my own educational skillset. their learning, especially in products.
 Study and implement the model of
triangulation (conversations,
observations, and products) used by
Central Elementary School.
Time Line Resources
January 14 – April (ongoing)  Central Elementary School Team
Drive: there are different resources for
triangulation of evidence.
 Teacher mentors, administrator, and
university consultant: written and
verbal feedback on my implementations
of a variety of assessments.
 Professional research literature:
education journals accessed through the
UofL library on triangulation of

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