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FEMS MicrobiologyReviewsgg (1991) 1-14

© 1991 Federation of European MicrobiologicalSocieties0168-6445/91/$03.50

Published by Elsevier
ADONIS 016~6~5910t~0517

FEMSRE 00212

Ammonia translocation in cyanobactcria

Sammy Boussiba ~ and Jane Gibson 2

Micro-Algal Biotechnology Laboratory, The Biaustein Institute for Desert Research, Sede Boqer, Israel
and 2 Section of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, Division of Biological Sciences, Corndl University. Ithaca,
New York, U.S.A.

Received26 January 1990

Accepted 19 March 1990

Key words: Ammonium/methylammonium transport; Ammonia uptake; Cyanobacteria

1. SUMMARY through its inhibition on ghtamine synthetase,

and found no support for the possible interaction
Ammonia is the inorganic nitrogen source pref- of this inhibitor with the ammonium transporter.
erentially used by most cyanobacteria. Moreover, In the alkalophilic cyanobacterium Spirulina
even in nitrate utilizers or N2-fixers, ammonia is platensis, an active mechanism to translocate am-
an obligate intraeellular intermediate in nitrogen monium is probably not needed. Our data suggest
assimilation. It also affects the synthesis and the that net uptake of ammonia to support optimal
activation of several key enzymes in nitrogen growth could be explained by a pH driven diffu-
metabolism such as nitrogenase, ghtamine syn- sion process.
thetase and nitrate reductase. The mechanism by In all the different strains tested net ammonia
which NH3/NH~ enters different cyanobacteria uptake was observed only when conditions permit
(N2-fixers, non.fixers, neutrophilic) was thus continuous amidation through the activity glut-
studied. Using 14CH3NH~, the convenient radio- amine synthetase and inhibition of this enzyme by
active analog of ammonium, we have shown that methionine sulfoximine caused the excretion of
the neutrophilic A. nidulans R-2 possibly pos- ammonia to the external medium. The weight of
sesses an active transport system for this cation. experimentation suggests that ammonia leaks from
The conditions leading to repression and depres- cells because of the inherent permeability of NH 3,
sion of this transport system have been studied; it and that no specific carrier is involved in its
appears that de novo protein synthesis is required release.
for the acquisition of the transport ability. We
have also provided evidence that methionine
sulfoximine affects ammonium uptake only 2. INTRODUCTION
Ammonia occupies an unique biochemical posi-
Correspondence to: S. Boussiba, Micro-Algal Biotcchnology
tion, being the only inorganic form of nitrogen
Laboratory, The Blaustein Institut© for Desert Research, Scde that is directly incorporated into organic linkage,
BoqerM990,Israel. and thus an obligate intermediate in the utilization
of other inorganic nitrogen sources. It tnight be production of NH4~ from both exogenous and
anticipated that maintenance of the intracellular endogenous sources by other cyanobacteria in-
pool of ammonia within fairly narrow limits would cubated under special conditions suggests that this
be important to ensure an appropriate substrate is a general phenomenon. It has generally been
supply for the enzymes involved in the synthesis assumed that specialized channels or carriers
of amino groups. The problems to be overcome by would be required to allow significant movements
a free living cell in order to maintain constant of the ionic form NH~ across any membrane, but
pools will depend on a number of factors, includ- that NH 3, a small, gaseous molecule, should be
ing the nitrogen source being utilized. Cells grow- quite freely permeable. However, in very few cases
ing in nitrate or dinitrogen will generate ammonia has this assumption been supported by measure-
internally, but this compound may be totally ab- ments. The only determination of NH3 permeabil-
sent extracellularly, so that there will be a tend- ity in a cyanobacterium appears to be for gyn-
ency for loss to the environment, to an extent echococcus R-2 [6]; the values for P of approxi-
defined by the permeability of a cell's limiting mately 6 am s"" are very similar to values ob-
membrane to the unionized and ionized forms of tained for the charophyte Chara corallina [8].
ammonia as well as the properties of specific Since the cells' limiting membrane is evidently
membrane channels. In contrast, if ammonia is moderately permeable to NH 3, the internal con-
present in significant concentrations in the sur- centration of total ammonia (NH 3 + NH~') will
rounding solution, diffusion alone might suffice to be influenced not only by the total external con-
supply growth needs, but the internal pool in this centration (very often no more than/~molar), but
case would probably be almost unregulated, and also by the pH gradient between the inside and
subject to marked changes if the pH of the en- outside of the cell; at steady state, total intracellu-
vironment was altered. Specific transport systems lar ammonia will exceed the external to an extent
have evolved to deal with such problems, and over defined by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
the last years, systems for concentrative uptake of at external pH values above 7.6, the average in-
ammonium ions have been defined in many free. tracellular pH of illuminated cells [9,10]. It is
living microorganisms (see [1,2] for reviews). perhaps significant in terms of cellular ammonia
Free-living cyanobacteria inhabit environments economy that cyanobacteria are generally very
that contain in the main low dissolved concentra- tolerant to high pH, and many can thrive in
tions of the nutrients required in largest quantity environments where the pH is 11 or above [11].
for growth, such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen Some, but by no means all, become sensitive to
sources. Most filamentous forms capable of di- raised ammonia concentrations at high pH [12,13].
nitrogen fixation carry out this process in special- However, acidophilic strains are almost unknown
ized cells termed heterocysts, although a few [14], and one possible explanation is that low
nitrogen-fvdng forms in which no such differentia- external pH would tend to drain the cells of
tion occurs are also known. It is rarely possible to ammonia through diffusion, followed by trappir:g
detect extracellular ammonia in nitrate- or di- in the protonated form in the outside compart-
nitrogen-using cultures, although the intracellular ment. Clearly, the presence of specific transport
pool of ammonia in all cases where it has been systems might materially affect the ability of cells
measured is of the order of 1 mM [3-6]. In sym- to continue growth under conditions otherwise
biotic forms, in contrast, upwards of 60% of the unfavorable for maintaining internal pools.
total products of 13N2 reduction formed in a 5-rain Internal pools of total ammonia in cyanobac-
incubation of freshly isolated Azolla symbionts teria, as well as in other prokaryotes, generally
appeared as 13NH~ in the surrounding medium amount to 0.6-1.5 mM [3,15,16]. The cyano-
[7], indicating that the limiting membrane of these bacterial cell is, however, divided into distinct
cyanobacteria must be permeated by at least one intrathylakoid and cytoplasmic compartments, and
of the two possible forms of ammonia, NH 3 or a pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane in
NH~'. As discussed further below, the extensive excess of 2 pH units has been estimated [17]. If, as
estimated in that study, the intrathylakcid com- ing ions will be added to an existing pool, which is
partment is 10~ of the internal volume of the cell, drawn on by the amination and amidation reac-
and if the permeability of the thylakoids to NH 3 tions and replenished by turnover of proteins and
is similar to that of ~.hecytoplasmic membrane, a amino acids. The intracellular pool of ammonia in
significant proportion of the total ammonia pool unicellular strains [3,26] and Anabaena [5,27]
extracted by acid would presumably be seques- quickly returns to 'normal' levels even when the
tered in the thylakoids while cells are illuminated. cells are deprived of an external nitrogen source,
More detailed work on the ammonium/methyl- and can be maintained under these conditions, so
ammonium transport system of Escherichia coli that the only source of this ammonia has to be
that has appeared since the comprehensive reviews endogenous. The extent to which protein and
of Kleiner [1,2] has demonstrated that this amt amino acid turnover continues in growing cells is
system is under the control of the general nitrogen not known. Additional factors contribute to un-
regulatory system ntr [18]. The physiological ef- derestimation of transport rate: first, transport
fects of transposon insertions strongly suggest that systems are inherently reversible, as demonstrated
a single system is responsible for ammonium in the case of a cyanobacterium by exchange-dif-
transiocation in E. coli [19]; this conclusion was fusion experiments [28], so that it is not possible
also drawn from investigations with a mutant of to measure accurately the rate at which individual
Klebsiellapl~eumoniae [20]. However, reliance upon ions move in and out of the cell using a natural
a single system for ammonium transport does not substrate, initially present on both sides of the
appear to be a general rule among micro- membrane. Secondly, at the intracellular pH of
organisms. In addition to the case in c.yano- about 7.6 maintained by illuminated cells [6,9],
bacteria discussed later in this review, more than approximately 1~ of the internal pool of ammonia
one system for NH~" translocation appears to be is unprotonated and more freely permeable
present in Rhodobacter sphaeroides [16] and in R. through the membrane than the charged ion, lead-
capsulatus [21]. Multiple systems, generally de- ing to a second mode of loss from the internal
freed genetically, have been found in many compartment, l~topic methods, which permit de-
eukaryotic microorganisms, including Aspergillus termination of initia~ rates, can minimize these
nidulans [22], Saccharomyces cerevisae [23], Neu- ~3roblems, but the inconveniently short half-life of
rospora crassa [24] and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii N, and the relatively large samples needed for
[25], tSN/14N ratio measurements, has restricted their
Three aspects of ammonia translocation specifi- use in such investigations. Instead, very extensive
cally in cyanobacteria will be discussed in this use has been made of 14C-labelled methylamine,
review: (1) Uptake of NH~/NH3; (2) transport of which, unlike the next higher homologue ethyl-
| +
the radioactive analogue CH3NH 3 ; and (3) am- amine, appears to be a reliable analogue for stud-
monia excretion. As is now usual, the term am- ies of ammonia transport as judged by the criteria
monia is used to cover both the protonated and discussed by a number of workers [e.g., 2,27,29].
unprotonated forms of this compound, while NH 3 Two caveats concerning its use require greater
or NH~" is used when either form is meant specifi- emphasis than is usually given, however; tint, the
cally. common assumption is made that the unproton-
ated forms of both the natural substrate and its
analogue have similar permeabilities through the
3. GENERAL METHODOLOGY cytoplasmic membranes. Few direct measurements
have been published, for there are inherent diffi-
Ammonium uptake determined only by the rate culties in accurate determinations of permeabili-
of removal of NH~" from the medium is almost ties across the cytoplasmic barrier of small cells,
certain to underestimate the actual rate of trans- such as the very short time needed to reach equi-
port, and reflect closely the net rate of assimila- librium and the tendency for overestimation of
tion into organic molecules within the cell. Incom- surface area when using microscopic methods [6].
However, both absolute measurements, and an ductant from carbon dio:tide fixation. We have
indirect procedure based on concentration of recently determined that Anabaena siamensis, a
amine needed to collapse pH gradients, indicate nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium isolated from rice
that methylamine is close to 10 times more per- paddies in Thailand, grew faster under limiting
meable than is ammonia (P for NH 3, 6-8 ~tm s-l; illumination when using ~,.nunonia than with
for CH3NH 2 about 60-100 ~/m s -!) not only in a nitrate or under nitrogen-fixit~gconditions, with
unicellular cyanobacterium but also in two other doubling times of 3.7 h and 5.~ h, respectively
eubacteria [6,30]. The higher permeability of the (Boussiba and Thomas, unpublished).
unprotonated form of the analogue as compared
with the natural substrate will affect both the 4.2. Ammonium repression of nitrate assimilation
apparent rate of uptake into cells and the final When suppled with both ammonia and nitrate
steady-state concentration achieved. The overall as potential nitrogen sources in the growth
effect of the higher permeability will, however, be medium, cyanobacteria will first completely de-
substantially offset by the smaller ratio of unpro- plete the medium of ammonia and only then utilize
tonated to total amine in the internal environment nitrate [31]. It may be inferred that ammonia
consequent on its higher pK a (10.65 at 25°C as regulates key enzymes involved in nitrate assimila-
compared with 9.25 for NH3). A second and more tion. A direct effect on the activity or synthesis of
controversial problem in the use of methylam- nitrate reductase has be.en ruled out, since reduc-
monium as an analogue for ammonium in trans- tion of nitrate uptake by whole cells occurred
port studies is that, although there have been no almost immediately on adding ammonia, and the
reports that methyl~mmoniumcan be utilized as a activity of nitrate reductase measured in per-
nitrogen source by cyanobacteria, the intracellular meabilized ceils that had been exposed to am-
formation of T-methyl 81utamine by both uni- monia for short periods was barely affected. An
cellular and filamentous species has been amply alternative explanation for inhibition of nitrate
demonstrated [4,27,28]. TI~s requires that a dis- uptake through a direct effect of ammonia on
tinction be made between free and chemic~dly nitrate transport has been suggested [31-33]. The
modified radioactive analogue associated with the inhibition of nitrate uptake by ammonia is
cells in all experiments; this point is brought out eliminated if $1utamine synthetase, which in
further in ~he discussion of investigations of meth- cyanobacteria appears to constitute the main, if
ylammonium uptake below. not the only, route of assimilation into organic
linkage [34,35], is blocked by the specific inhibitor
methionine sulfoximine (MSX) [36,37]. Thus am-
4. UPTAKE OF NH~'/NH 3 monia inhibition of nitrate uptake requires con-
tinued assimilation of internal ammonia by
4.1. Ammonia as the preferred nitrogen source for 8tutamine synthetase. This situation is comparable
growth to the effect of MSX on nitrogenase in the pres-
Cyanobacteria can utilize a number of nitrogen ence of ammonia: the addition of ammonia to an
yources to support growth. All can use nitrate or uninhibited nitrogen-fixing culture represses
ammonia when available, and some are also able nitrogenase [37], but nitrogenase activity is main-
to fix atmospheric nitrogen. When I/ixed nitrogen tained if MSX is also added. Based on such find-
is available, this is almost always used in prefer- ings, it has been suggested that glutamine, or a
ence to dinitrogen. Nitrate or dinitrogen must first closely related metabolite derived from that com-
be reduced to ammonia before assimilation, and pound, mediates inhibition of both nitrate and
the preferential use of ammonia could thus be dinitrogen utilization.
accounted for in terms of cell energy balance. The
high energetic cost of dinitrogen reduction has 4.3. Toxic effects of ammonia at high pH
been extensivelydiscussed, and reduction of nitrate The preponderance of NH 3 over NH + at pH
must also involve a significant diversion of re- values greater than about 9.2, the pK,, for am-
monia at 20-30°C, and the relatively high per- 4.4. Mechanism of uptake
meability of the unionized form of ammonia, po- One of the chezacteristic features of active
ses a potential hazard for photosynthetic micro- transport is accumulation of the solute against its
organisms in which pH gradients play a key role concentration gradient. When the solute is an ion,
in energy conservation. Inhibition of photophos- then the magnitude and sign of the membrane
phorylation, associated with elevated intrathyl- potential must also be considered. We have shown
akoid pH and decreased transmembrane pH that the unicellular Anacystis nidulans (now re-
gradients, has been thoroughly documented in iso- named Synechococcus) can accumulate mnn~nia
lated chloroplast thylakoids. against a concentration gradient of close to 1000,
Ammonia has also been reported to uncouple leading to an intern~,:pool of 1-1.5 raM, while the
cyanobactcrial photosynthesis at high pH [12], external concentration was reduced to below the
since 5 mM ammonia severely inhibited t4CO2 detection limit of approximately 2 pM [3]. The
photoassimilation at pH 9 in a number of strains. membratte potential maintained by the cells under
The degree of inhibition appears, however, to be comparable conditions was approximately -120
much reduced in strains that are restricted to mV, implying significantly higher internal pools
growth in alkaline environments, and so may be than could be accounted for by electrical equi-
considered alkalophilic. Figure 1 shows that while libration (Ritchie and Gibson, unpublished). The
5 mM ammonia inhibited light-dependent 02 pool was slightly reduced, but not lost, when cells
evolution by 90% in a neutrophilic Anabaena were maintained in darkness for over 30 rain, and
species, only 30~ inhibition was observed in the the membrane potential was also maintained al-
alkalophilic Spirulina platensis at the same pH. most unchanged when cells were no longer il-
These observations may be due to the different luminated. Ammonia was taken up at the same
pH gradients maintained by the two organisms; rate from solutions at pH 6.6-8.7 (Table 1), with
the much greater gradient in Anabaena, which no detectable change in affinity; an apparent K m
maintains an average internal pH of about 7.5, as of less than 1/tM was inferred from these experi-
compared with 8.5 in gpirulina (see below) might ments. It is reasonable to conclude that the am-
be expected to result in a larger influx of NH 3 in monia species transported must be NH~, since its
the neutrophile and hence greater disruption of relative concentration is changed by less than 50%
energy conservation. by proton dissociation over the pH range studied,
while NH 3 would constitute only about 5 × 10-3
IO0~N~ of the total ammonia present at pH 6.6. The pH
insensitivity of ammonia uptake found in our ex-
o 8o periments [3,38] contrasts sharply with the find-
ings on what are thought to be ammonium/meth-
ylammonium systems studied with the analogue in
other microorganisms [2].
The effects of inhibitors on ammonia uptake
(Table 2) suggest that amidation is critical in
regulating net uptake. Compounds such as iono*
phores and dicyclohexylcarbodlimlde (DCCD) af-
f~t energy conservation primarily, but indirectly
} . will also reduce energy available for membrane
transport as well as COa fixation and the supply
o 5 z'~ z5 ~'6
of acceptor for ammonia assimilation. Methionine
Ammonia :
sulfoximine, by inhibiting ghtamine synthetase,
Fig. l. Effect of ammoniaon oxygenevolutionof ~,.platerais
also prevents further net ammonia uptake. It is
and Ana~aena 7120, at pH 10. 100~ activitywere: 6.36 and
4.52/,mol oxygenmg-i chl rain-i. Open symbols, Spirulina; not possible in such experiments to distinguish
dosed symbols,Anabaena. between inhibition of the transport system itself
Table 1 (the shortest time measured), followed by a slower
Lack of effect of pH on ammonia uptake rate in Anacyst/s phase (Fi 8. 2). The fast phase was unaffected
nidulans R-2 when 81utamine synthetase was completely in-
Cellsfrom an exponentiallygrowingculture in BOll +NO~" hibited by MSX. The slow phase, in contrast, was
were washed and resuspended in N-free BGll containin 8 20 eliminated by MSX. Preliminary results (Boussiba
mM K phosphate. The pH was adjusted by small additions of and Belkin~ unpublished data) indicate that at an
0o$ M HCI or KOH, and did not change during the uptake
external pH of 10.0, the cytoplasmic pH is ap-
proximately 8.5, as has been found also for other
pH Uptake rate alkalophilic bacteria [39]. The ApH is thus large
(nmol nfin-I rag-i protein)
enough and of the correct sign to lead to an
6.2 26.7 intracellular accumulation of ammonia, following
7.0 34.1
diffusion of NH 3 [40,41]. Indeed when cells were
8.1 29.7
83 31.5 treated with toluene to eliminate any pH 8radient,
the fast influx of ammonia was abolished. Follow-
in8 influx, the continuous activity of glutamine
synthetase supports further net entry by withdraw-
and an indirect effect exerted through glutamine
ing ammonia from the internal pool.
synthetase, while flux through the transporter con-
tinues unabated.
These considerations lead to the conclusion that
the major form of ammonia crossing the cell mem.
brahe of neutrophilic cyanobacteria wowing on
this nitrogen source in the pH range 7-8 is prim. 340
arily NH~, and that some form of active transport
must be involved in its accumulation. In al.
kalophilic strains such as Spirulina platensis and
Cyanospira rippkae, which grow optimally at pH
over 10 using ammonia as nitrogen source, a sim-
ple mechanism of NH3 diffusion followed by trap-
ping through protonation in the more acidic inter-
hal compartment may be sufficient. Recent data
obtained using S. platensis [13] support this
suggestion. At pH 10, uptake of ammonia con-
sisted of two phases: an initial rapid disap- 260

pearance of added ammonia, lasting less than 5 s

Table 2
Effect of inhibitorson ammonia uptake rates in A. nidulans 2~I0 i i I i I ~ i I
R-2 0 S 15 45 GO

Addition Finalconcentration Uptakerate

(/~M) (%of control)" Time : see
Fi E. 2. Effect of MSX on short.term ammonia uptake by S.
IX:CD 5 0
CCCP 5 l0 platensis at pH 10. gpirullna cells taken from cultures growing
SF 6847 5 4
at steady state were washed in fresh medium, resuspended in
MSX 50 0b
the appropriate buffer and concentrated up to 1 ms protein
nd-1. Amraoniaat timezerowas 350 pM. MSX (100 tiM)was
a Average uptake rate 28.5 nmo| rain -1 m8 - I protein, added $ rain before ammonia uptake assay started, by which
b Suspensions (50 Fg protein ml - t ) were incubated 10 rain time GS acti~ty wascomplete|yinhibited,o, withoutMSX'e,
~ t h MSX before uptake measurements. with MSX.
5. METHYLAMMONIUM UPTAKE may influence uptake kinetics, as is further dis-
cussed below.
As h~s been the case for studies of ammonium Both equilibration and uptake measurements
uptake, the major interest in the investigations have commonly been carried out under illumina-
that have made use of the analogue methylam- tion, and although some uptake may occur in
monium is in connection with broader aspects of darkness, there is general agreement that signifi-
nitrogen metabolism and its regulation. Much em- cant uptake of methylammonium at neutral, as
phasis has therefore been placed on correlating opposed to alkaline, pH requires energy, and is
methylammonium uptake with nitrogen fixation driven by the membrane potential (B~) compo-
and with intracellular amidation carried out by nent of protonmotive force. In gynechococcus, for
81utamine synthetasc. example, CH3NH ~" uptake was as rapid at pH 7.0
as at 7.5, where external and intracel!ular pH are
equal, while transient reduction of B~/' by adding
5.1. Effect of growth conditions high concentrations of K +, or more permanent
Cyanobacteria grown either with nitrate or with collapse by nigericin, is strongly inhibitory [28].
dinitrogen as nitrogen source have regularly been In Synechococcus, CH3NH ~" uptake requires
found to take up CH3NH~ from suspending the presence of Na + in the external medium (Fig.
media buffered at approximately neutral pH. Ob- 3), but the praise role played by this ion in
served uptake rates are up to one tenth of the rate transport has not been defined. In common with
at which NH~" can be removed from the medium. most other types of cells, b/a + is extruded from
However, growth with ammonia represses methyl- energized cyanohatteria [46], and the very rapid
amine uptake to less than 105 of the rate mea- flux in illuminated cells establishes a sodium mo-
sured in cells grown on other nitrogen sources, tive force (dpbla +) that exceeds dpH + by 15-20
although such cells remain able to remove am. mV (Ritchie and Gibson, unpublished). Coupled
monia to below measurable concentrations. This movements of CH3NH + and reentering Na + in
response of CH3NH~ uptake to growth environ-
ment in itself provides a strong argument for
existence of a specific transport system.
k- 6
5.2. Assay conditions rr
The pH of the suspending medium governs the o
extent to which an amine is protonated, and there- ...w 4
fore the proportion of the total molecules avail- r'-
able for transport as the ion or through passive cL 7
diffusion. Many investigators have therefore cho- [ 2
sen to work at external pH values of 7.0-7.5, *-'~.
where only 0.t~ of the total methylamine added is ~m
uncharged, or it~ the range of 9 ~0, where around 0 -- J
40 SO

50~ is in this form. In other respects, the assay

NaCI: mM
conditions used have differed widely', for example,
Fi8. 3. Effect of Na + on methylammonium uptake rate in ,4.
most investigations witi~ Anabaena species from t,idulans R-2. Exponentially 8rowing cells were wazhed twice in
Stewart's (e.g. [4,27A2]) and Singh's [29,,t3] 29 mM potassium phosphate buffer and resuspended to 135/Ag
laboratories used cells from nitrogen~fixing cul- of protein ml-t in 20 mM potassium phosphate-10 mM
tures washed and suspended in buffe~ only, while KHCO3(pH 7.1)•Suspension~werepreincubatedfor 15 rainat
30°C with illumination from a 100-W lamp at a distance of 30
growth conditions were used in work with A.
cm. NaCI ~ddifions were made just before the assay was
flos.aquae [44], and buffers supplemented with started by t.he addition of 9 am 14CH3NH3CI(specific activity,
bicarbonate have been used for Synechoc6xus 56 mCi nmol-I). Samples were taken at 5 and 60 s and
[28,45], The differences in carbon supply io cells a,~sayedfor retain~ activityas describedin the text•
response to the membrane potential is a possible of the rapid phase, all the radioactivity is released
explanation. Published experiments with fila- from the cells (Fig. 5). However, after the slow
mentous cyanobacteria have been carried out in phase has continued for some time, only a quan-
sodium-containing media, so that a specific re- tity of radioactivity approximately equal to that
quirement for this ion if it is indeed common to all taken up in the rapid phase is released. In Syn-
cyanobacteria would not have been observed. A echococcus [28] and in A. variabilis [4,26,27] the
further difference between the uptakes of proportion of radioactivity retained corresponds
CH3NH ~ and of NH~ is that a requirement for accurately with the accumulation of T-methyl
Na + cannot be shown for the natural substrate. glutamine within the cells. Since this accumulation
is prevented in cells that have been exposed to
5.3. Kinetics methionine sulfoximine, the slow phase in these
With a small number of exceptions, noted be- organisms appears clearly associated with the
low, uptake of methylammonium by both fila- $1utamine synthetase activity, and the ability of
mentous and unicellular cyanobacteria is biphasic, this enzyme to use the analosue in place of am-
an initial rapid phase which lasts about 1 rain monia. Different conclusions have been reached as
being followed by a slower, sustained uptake which a result of experiments with A. flos-aquae [44] and
may continue linearly for at least I h [4,28,29,44]. A. doliolum and A. cycadae [29,43,47], in part on
The rapid phase shows saturation kinetics, with the basis of experiments with MSX and its effect
apparent K m values usually around 10/tM (Fig. on the slow phase of uptake. An interestin8
4), while the slow phase appears little affected by 81utamine auxotroph of A. cycadae [29] isolated
concentration at neutral pH in Synechococcus, al- on the basis of resistance to MSX had no detect-
though it is increased at pH 9 or above [27,44]. able $1utamine synthetase activity as measured by
When excess NH~ or a higher concentration of the transferase assay, yet showed a slow phase of
t2CH3NH~ is added to the suspension at the end uptake comparable to that seen in the parent.
Only a portion of the total radioactivity?ssociated
with the cells which had accumulated 14CHsNH~.
24~ for an extended time was chased out of the cells
~. 20o
f by addin8 NH~ to the suspension, so that the
possibility that the analogue had been metabolized
by the mutant, perhaps through some pathway
~ 12C o,4
independent of glutamine syntbetase, has not been
T O.3 eliminated. Much of the discussion revolves around
the effect and specific action of MSX which may
have other targets in addition to glutamine syn-
q_ S,-~ . thetase, although it has been shown to be highly
~-~, :,,, T , - , - ,4
0 I 2 3 specific for this enzyme, with which it forms a
TIME:n~in covalent adduct [36]. Both Canvin's and Singh's
Fig. 4. Kinetics of methylammonium transport A. nidulans groups have su~ested a direct effect on a second
R-2. Exponentially growing cells were washed and resuspended specific transport system responsible for the slow
in 20 mM potassiumphosphate-10mM NaHCO3(pH 7.1)as phase of uptake. The interpretation of these ex-
describedin the legendof Fig. 3. After 15 min of preincuba-
tion at ~O°C,s~l~:nsionsweretransferredto 15°C and kept periments "is complicated by the fact that MSX
at this temperaturefor 5 rainbeforeadditionof 14CH3NH3Ci added to intact cells has itself to be transported
and samplingfor radioactivitytaken up. Shownin the main into the cell to reach glutamine synthetase, and
figureis the time-courseof uptake;|4CH3NH3C!9 ItM;specific appears to use a transport system which also func-
activity,56 mCi mmoI-t. Symbols:o, fight; e, dark. Inset: tions with glutamine [48]. Hence the onset of
Double reciprocal plot of data (15°C) using 2-20 /~M
t'CH3NH~ (specificactivity,56 mCi nunol-t) and 40 pM enzyme inhibition is slow relative to CH3NH~"
14CH3NHsC!(specificactivity,3.6 mCi retool-l). S, micro- uptake (see [28,44]). Since ammonia evolution sets
molar;V, nanomol/min/mgof protein). in with a comparable time course, it has also been
8t 1 ity of glutamate as an acceptor in the glutamine
synthetase reaction may have been rate-limiting. A
second suggestion is that the relative affinities of
glutami~e synthetases for CH~NH~ and NH~
? may vary in different strains, or even be depen-
Z ~"
w.a dent on growth conditions; some preliminary sup-
port for the former suggestion has been obtained
[27], and the observation that the cyanobionts
-rE were unable to take up NH~ could also be the
result of regulatory effects on glutamine syn-
1- E thetase within the cell, that were relieved after
extraction. It has been shown repeatedly that
L~ I .... [ cyanobacterial glutamine synthetase is not regu-
I 2 5
lated by the adenylylation/deadenytylation sys-
TIME(mln) tem found in enteric bacteria; however, activation
Fig. 5. Effectof NH~ additionon t4CH3NH~ accumulatedin of the enzyme by light-reduced thioredoxin has
the presence of methionine sulfoximine 4. nidulans R-2. been demonstrated [49]. Preliminary experiments
Time-courseof 14CHzNH~"accumulationis shown.Exponen- with antiserum prepared against Synechococcus
tiallygrowingcellswerewashedand resuspendedin potassium strain R-2 glutamine synthetase have shown at
phosphate-lOmM NaHCO3 (pH 7.1)and equilibratedin light least two electrophoretically separable forms of
at 30oC for 10 rain; 100 pM methioninesulfoximinewas then
added and incubationwas continuedfor 10 rain.14CH3NH3Ct the native enzyme, whose ratio is affected by the
(9 ~tM;specificactivity,56 mCi mmol-t) was added, followed nitrogen source used for ~owth (Brake and Gib-
1 min later (at arrow) by the addition of 5 pM NH4CI. son, unpublished), and it is evident that the regu-
Samplesweretakenat the timesindicated. lation of the enzyme in vivo is not yet fully

suggested that the considerably delayed inhibition 5.4. Regulation

of CH3NH ~" uptake by MSX in Synechococcus, It has already been noted that growth of all the
which affects the rapid phase of uptake also, is a strains of cyanobacteria used in these investiga-
result of net internal NH~" generation when tions with ammonia as nitrogen source yields cells
glutamine synthetase is inactivated [28]. that fail to take up CH3NH ~ rapidly at neutral
Two uptake phases are not always observed. pH. Nitrate-grown, and therefore uptake-com-
The rate of the second phase of uptake varies in petent, Synechococcus cells lose this activity when
different strains or species, and Kerby et al. [26,27] incubated in growth medium either with NH~" or
noted that it was much slower in A. cylindrica CH3NH ~ , although in the latter the cells become
than in A. variabilis. Although free-living strains chlorotic and the increase in cell mass is limited.
of A. cycadae clearly show both rapid and slow In contrast, the rate of transport of CH3NH ~ is
phases of uptake, cyanobionts harvested freshly maintained and even enhanced if the medium
from host roots took up CH3NH ~ rapidly at first, contains glutamine, which in this strain supports
but no slow phase was observed; all accumulated only slow growth, presumably because of trans-
radioactivity was released by added NH~ [47], so port limitation [50]. The interpretation of dere-
that, although glutamine synthetase was active in pression kinetics in unicellular forms, as is the
broken cells, and was able to react with CH3NH ~ case with diazotrophic strains, is complicated by
in place of NH~', this reaction was not occurring the accompanying nitrogen deficiency and need
in the cells. Again, some different interpretations for synthesis of enzymes for utilizing the new
of the experiments are possible: the cells used in nitrogen source, whether this be nitrate or di-
both of these investigations were incubated in nitrogen. However, a rise in CH3NH~" uptake
buffers without bicarbonate, so that the availabil- becomes apparent within 1-2 h, and is dependent
on new protein synthesis [50,51]. These experi. less by the activity of their transport systems for
ments indicate a coordinated response between NH4+ at neutral pH or by diffusion of NH3 at
transF.)rt and the utilization of nitrogen sources alkaline pH than it is by the net rate at which the
other than ammonia, but details of the regulatory internal pool of ammonia is converted into amino
system remain to be established. However, two groups. The internal pools appear relatively con-
recent publications bear on the genetic control of stant [e.g. 3,26], suggesting that factors leading to
CH3NH ~" transport. Mutants of A. variabilis, internal ammonia production will also result in
selected for resistance to concentrations of net release of this compound. Substantial produc-
CH3NH~ toxic to the parent at pH 7, had greatly tion of ammonia by cyanobacteria can indeed be
reduced fast and slow phases of uptake at pH 7, observed under special conditions, and the bio-
although diazotrophic growth was unimpaired [42]. technological implications for tropical agriculture
This mutant therefore appears to lack the trans- have received considerable attention.
port system responsible for rapid uptake, but not
to suffer any ill effects from this lesion in terms of 6.1. Conditions favoring ammonium excretion
its ability to reduce and incorporate dinitrogen. Ammonia formation is generally observed when
These observations appear inconsistent with the assimilation is blocked by pretreatment of cells
suggested role of the transport system in recaptur- with MSX to covalently inhibit glutamine syn-
ing internally generated NH4+ [2,28]. It must be thetase. Nitrate supplied to such cells is reduced
remembered, however, that the primary product of to anmionia and released [53-55], and cells re-
nitrogen fixatio~ is assimilated into organic com- main active for long periods. Substantial ammonia
pounds within the heterocysts, rather than being production from dinitrogen has also been ob-
transferred as such into the vegetative cells which served in the presence of MSX [56-62]. Lower
are presumably the main site of CH3NH~" trans- rates of MSX-induced ammonia production result-
port. Considerable differences in detailed function ing from protein breakdown in strains incapable
between differentiated diazotrophs and unicellular of nitrogen fixation have also been reported
cyanobacteria using nitrate, and experimental def- [26,63]. A number of mutants of nitrogen-fixing
inition of CH3NH~ transport in filamentous strains that release ammonia continuously have
cyanobacteria grown with nitrate does not appear been isolated. The most common features of these
to have been attempted. An unexpected finding mutants are reduced 81utamine synthetase activity
with the mutant was that growth in the presence together with increased nitrogenase [26,64-67].
of CH3NH ~ appeared to result in expression of a
further transport system for this compound al- 6.2. The mechanism of ammonium excretion
though, in common with all cyanobacteria, A common feature of these experimental sys-
CH3NH ~ will not support growth of the mutant tems is that 81utamine synthetase is impaired while
and was metabolized no further than to y-methyl energy supply and alternate nitrogen sources con-
$1utamine. A mutant of lVostoc muscorum, re- tinue to be available. One may ask whether am-
sistant to the herbicide glyphosate, had lost the monia is lost from the cells as NH~', possibly
ability to differentiate heterocysts, to fix dinitro- through reversal of the transport system, or
gen, and also to accumulate CH3NH ~" [52]. Some through diffusion of NH 3, which, as discussed
general regulatory phenomenon appears therefore above, is able to diffuse quite rapidly through the
to be involved in coordinating responses to changes cell membrane. Indirect evidence obtained re-
in nitrogen supply, perhaps analogous to the ntr cently suggests that ammonia is lost from the cell
system of enteric bacteria [18]. as NH 3 in a process that is not energy-dependent.
In Spirulina platensis the loss of ammonia was pH
dependent, the rate increasing when the external
pH was more acid (Fig. 6). Ammonia release
Cyanobacteria can take up ammonia from their brought on by MSX inhibition was unaffected by
environments at a rate that appears to be limited pretreatment of the cells with N-ethylmaleimide,
amine, from neutral .environments. The effective
competition between ammonium and methylum-
4O monium ions in uptake experiments carried out at
pH values around neutrality leads to the conclu-
sion that the ions share a common u p ~ e path-
way. However, cells in which methylammonium
transport is repressed arc unimpaired in their abil-
ity to take up ammonium, and differences be-
tween ionic requirements for uptake of the two
+~ 10 ions have also been found. The suggestion that
multiple systems exist for transporting NH~, and
that only one of these also transports CH3NH~,
• I t I t I . I

30 60 90 120 has therefore been put forward~ but requires sub-

stantiation for exampJc by genetic evidence. There
Time: min are strong similarities among different species be-
Fig. 6. Ammonium excretion from S, platensis treated with tween the relative uptake affinities for true sub-
methionine sulfoximine.Cells treated as in Fig. 2. MSX was strafe and analogue, and in some features of
added to a final concentration of 100 itM. Sample were taken
up every 30 rain, and ammonia was determined in the filtrate.
CH3NH ~ uptake regulation. As in other bacteria,
D, pH 7.0; It pH 10. these systems are driven by membrane potential,
but there is suggestive evidence for Na + involve-
ment in the transport system responsible for
which inhibited ammonia uptake without affecting CH3NH ~ uptake, as yet in only one species.
energy balance over a period of at least 1 h; this The major uncertainties at present concern the
may indicate that uptake and release are indepen- number and relative substrate affinities of such
dent processes, and that excretion is not mediated systems in any one strain of cyanobacterium, the
by channels involved in NH~ uptake, in contrast membrane structures involved in mediating trans-
to the mutants of enteric bacteria that lack the port, and the detailed molecular components in-
a m t system [19,20] and release ammonia, a re- volved in their regulation. General lines of experi-
cently isolated mutant from a nitrogen-fixing mentation and inference suggest that more than
cyanobacterium (Boussiba nnd Thomas, unpub- one system for moving NH~/CH3NH ~" against
lished) released ammonia continuously while fix- concentration gradients exist, and a parallel with
ing nitrogen, but still possesses an ammonium the multiple transport systems for critical ions
uptake ~stem as evidenced by the ability to accu- such as K* and ghosphate in enteric bacteria can
mulate ! CH3NH~," Taken together, the weight of be drawn. Clearly, molecular approaches will be
experimentation suggests that ammonia leaks from invaluable in answeting the questior ~ outstanding,
cells because of the inherent permeability of NH 3, and in establishing the physiological significance
and that no specific carrier is involved in its of the transport systems as well as in attempts to
release. exploit the potential of ¢yanobacteria for increas-
ing soil fertility. A number of interesting mtd
relevant mutants have been described recently,
7. CONCLUSION and the tremendous advances made in the last few
years in molecular analysis of cyanobacteria opens
It has become obvious over the last five years the possibility for better characterization of the
that cyanobacteria, whether symbiotic or free-liv- organization and control of these systems. Further
ing, diazotrophic or requiting fixed nitrogen support for the existence of one or more types of
sources for growth, possess transport systems ammonium carrier in ¢yanobaeteria could be ob-
which can function in the accumulation and reten- tained with active cytoplasmic membrane vesicles,
tion of ammonia, and of its analogue methyl- which should help greatly to resolve some of the
apparent differences between the translocation of [16] Cordts, M,L. and Gibson, J. (1987) Ammonium and
the natural substrate NH4+ and its convenient methylammonium transport in Rhodobacter sphaeroides. J.
Bacteriol. 169, 1632-1638.
analogue 14CH3NH+. [17] Falkner, G., Homer, F., Werdan, K. and Heldt, H.W.
(1976) pH changes in the cytoplasm of the alga
AnacyJtis nidulans caused by light.dependent proton flux
into the thylakoid space. Plant Physiol. 58, 717-718.
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