English Essay

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How food affects our lives?

Milagros Nuñez
Nowadays, people think food is a necessity to satisfy basic needs, there is a truth inside the
sentence but there is also a big problem. In big countries such as United Stated or European
countries, there are no politics about the food control, what I mean is about the prevention of the
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), over one-third of all adults in America
are obese; obesity is a major contributor to the leading causes of preventable death. In this essay I
am going to explain the definition of the obesity, then mention real experiences and how at the
present people defines the obesity and to conclude give my opinion about the problematic and
what is my position.

In the first place, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), obesity is defined
as having too much body fat, while being overweight simply means you weigh too much. This
problem is around us and a lot of people are suffering this, like every problem has a consequence,
the obesity can generate other illness if people do not treat this problem in the right moment. It is
known that the obesity is not just a cosmetic problem, it brings future consequences as coronary
heart disease, heart failure, heart attack, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. In our country,
Pajuelo-Ramirez (2017) says that the prevalence of obesity increases as a result of dietary changes
due to media advertising, it is necessary that the government includes food politics in media, in
order to decrease the rate of obesity. On the order hand the conception of “obesity” is very
discussed, social networks have been responsible for defining obesity as a “normal” body texture
involving terms such as “acceptance” “self-love” distorting the true message of prevention of

To conclude, in my opinion the obesity is a problem that do not need good definitions,
everybody knows that it is a real problem that can generate other illness, the responsibility is ours
and all the people around us and the only way to decrease the obesity is knowing the effects and
prevent it.

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