Online Shopping Project

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PROGRAM 01: WAP using for loop and display sum of all even numbers

between 1 and 100



for($i=1; $i<=100; $i++)



echo "Sum of even no.'s between 1 to 100: $sum";

PROGRAM 02: WAP to display pattern using nested for loop



echo "*";

echo "<br>";

PROGRAM 03: WAP using the string ‘mary had a little lamb’ display string

$str='Mary had a little lamb';

echo "<b> String: $str </b><br><br>";

echo "Length of string: ".strlen($str)."<br><br>";

echo "Reversal of string: ".strrev($str)."<br><br>";

echo "Substr(4,10): ".substr($str,4,10)."<br><br>";

echo "No. of words: ".str_word_count($str,0)."<br><br>";

echo "Uppercase string: ".strtoupper($str)."<br><br>";

echo "Lowercase string: ".strtolower($str)."<br><br>";

echo "ucwords(): ".ucwords($str)."<br><br>";

echo "ucfirst(): ".ucfirst($str);

PROGRAM 04: WAP to count and display numbers of a and l in “mary had a
little lamb”.

$a="mary had a little lamb";








echo "count of a= ".$acount."\n";

echo "<br>";

echo "count of l= ".$lcount."\n";

PROGRAM 05: WAP to display the table with 10 rows and 10 columns showing
all possible 2 digit combinations.

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