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I. Objectives

Content Standard
 The learner demonstrates an understanding of the underlying principles in the installation of
electrical lighting systems, auxiliary outlets and lighting fixtures.
Performance Standard
 The learner independently installs electrical lighting systems, auxiliary outlets and lighting
fixtures based on the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) standards and Local Code/Utility
Company Regulations.
Learning Competencies
At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:
1. Understand the steps in installing incandescent bulb controlled by a single pole switch.
2. Value the importance of having the knowledge regarding the steps in installing single pole
3. Perform board wiring installation of one incandescent bulb controlled by a single pole

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Circuit with one bulb controlled by surface or flush type single pole switch
Reference : Electrical and Installation and Maintenance NC II. Ppt
: Installing Wiring Devices of Floor and Wall Mounted Outlets, Lighting
Fixtures/Switches, and Auxiliary Outlets

Materials : Projector, laptop, pictures, PowerPoint presentation, Cartolina, Electrical Tools

(Set of pliers, Set of screw drivers, electrician knife, wire stripper), Electrical
Materials(electrical tape, junction box, utility box, single pole switch, bulb,
receptacle, wire, conduit, circuit breaker), PPE

III. Procedures

A. Preparatory Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Prayer

Class, let us all stand and feel the presence of our Our Father who are in heaven….

______ please lead the prayer.

2. Greetings
Good Morning Sir! , Good Morning
Good Morning Grade 9 EIM class. Visitors! It’s nice to see you, welcome to
Grade 9 EIM class. Your presence is a

Class you can take your sit.

Thank you Sir.

How are you all feeling today class? Are you all
feeling good? Yes Sir, we are feeling great today!

That was good to hear class!

Before anything else, kindly stand and check the

alignment of your chairs. Pick up the pieces of trash
underneath it.
3. Checking of Attendance
May I call on our secretary?
_________, who are the absentees for today? There are no absentees for today Sir.

That was good to hear class!

4. Checking of Assignment

Class did you bring the materials that I’ve told Yes Sir
you yesterday?

Group leaders may I see the materials I assign to

Group 1
Group 2 (Each group will show the materials)
Group 3
Group 4

Very good class! Later on, we will use those

materials in our activity.

B. Reviewing the previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson

Class, are you ready to learn new things for today? Yes Sir!

Before we advance to our new lesson, I prepared

an activity entitled “Lights Out”. This will
determine the extent of your knowledge regarding
our previous lesson.

I have here a defected incandescent bulb. All you

need to do is to fill in each part of the bulb with the
appropriate label so that we can light this up to
prevent Diana from getting me.

Once you are selected, you need to pick a question

from our tool box. This will determine your answer
for the missing parts of incandescent bulb. Then, (The selected student will pick their
you need to pick your answer from the word pool question and choose the right answer from
and paste it in the appropriate part. the word pool)

Let us start class

Sir it is…
Question no. 1

Very good!, let us have another one.

Sir it is….
Question no. 2

Sir I think its….
Question no. 3
Nice one! ______

Question no. 4

Very good! Sir the answer is….

Okay for the last one let us have_____

Question no. 5

Correct!_____ Sir I think it is….

Very good class! It seems that you really took in all

the knowledge we have from our previous lesson.
C. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

So now we can jump to our new lesson, but

before that let’s have first a short game. This game
is entitled “Finding Step no?” I will give each
group 3 pieces of brown envelope. But the twist is
the other two envelops are hidden.

Once you receive the first envelop all you need to

do is to analyze the given direction and follow the Yes Sir!
steps. The answer from the first envelop will lead
you to the location of the next envelop. The same (Each group perform the task)
for the third envelop. Only the leaders of the group
and his/her assistant are allowed to search for the
envelopes. You will be given 5 minutes to finish the
whole task. The first group to finish the task will be
the winner and will get an amazing price.

Are we clear class?

Envelope No. 1

Envelope No. 2 Sir based on my understanding I can say that

procedure or steps should and must be
Envelope No. 3 followed always for us to be successful in
all the things that we do.

Very good group no.______ Sir the last task shows an image of the
schematic diagram of a bulb controlled by
Class, who can give me your own idea regarding the single pole switch?
task that we had accomplished?

Very good!______ nice answer.

How about the previous task you’ve executed? What

have you noticed about that task?
Sir it’s all about the steps in installing one
Yes_____ bulb controlled by single pole switch.

Very good!____

Based from all the things you did, who can give
their idea of today’s lesson?

Let’s have____

Very good!!

You’ve got the correct answer! Today we are going

to discuss the steps in installing incandescent bulb
controlled by a single pole switch.

Class at the end of lesson , you should be able to

meet the following objectives:

1. Understand the steps in installing

incandescent bulb controlled by a single
pole switch.
2. Value the importance of having the
knowledge regarding the steps in installing
a single pole switch.
3. Perform a wiring diagram of one
incandescent bulb controlled by a single
pole switch.
D. Presenting examples/ instances of the


Class to give you the preview of our lesson I
have here a short video clip. All I want you to do is
to watch intently and analyse every scene from the
clip. Sir the video clip shows that one must be
able to follow those steps for them to be
Are we clear class? successful in the entire thing they do.

(Playing the video)

Sir the video clip also shows that if the wires
Now that all of you have watched the video, can you are not properly connected accidents can
share to me what have you understand from occur like explosions.
watching the clip?

Nice one_____

Who has another idea?

Very good class all of your answer’s are correct.

There are ten steps to be followed whenever we are
installing single pole switch.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills #1

To properly give you the content of our lesson. I

have here an activity entitled “CODES of Wires”. I
am going to give you an envelope. The envelopes
contain sets of images that you need to arrange in
order for you to come up with the proper steps of
installing single pole switch.
But there is a twist that could help you to identify
the correct order of the steps. QR code is attached to Yes Sir!
the image and all you need to do is to scan it using
your cellular phone that will lead you to a clue.
(Each group analyzes the picture)
Class I am giving you 3 minutes to analyze the

Is it clear class?

( Dissemination of Envelops)

Envelop no. 1
Envelop no 2
Envelop no. 3
Envelop no. 4

Class, now that you’ve analyzed the pictures,

who can give me the correct image for step number
Whose Group holds the picture for step no. 1

Group no.____, what does the picture shows?

Sir, based on the clue that we got, this

picture shows that we must prepare first the
necessary tools and materials.
Very Good! Group no._____

Moving on who can give the right picture for step

no. 2

Let us have Group no.____, tell us what you’ve got?

Sir, the second step is to wear appropriate
Nice one Group____

Now, who can provide me the image for step no. 3

Sir the third image shows that in step no. 3

Let us hear it from group no._____ we must interpret the wiring diagram.

Very good!

For step no. 4

Group no.______ Sir, it shows that in the fourth step we must

measure the length of the wires or
Nice one group_____ conductors.
After measuring the length of wires, who can give
me the step no. 5

Sir based on the image the fifth step that we
Very good group_____ must do is to cut the desired length of the
wires or conductors.

Now that we already know the fifth step, who can

give me the sixth step in installing a single pole

Sir, the sixth image shows that after cutting

Let us have group no.______ the wire we must insert it to the pipe/conduit
and remove the insulator of the wire.
Precisely group no._____

Moving on who holds the seventh step?

Let us hear from group no._____ Sir the image reveals that in step number
eight we must now connect and insulate the
Precisely wires.

After all the steps we’ve executed who can give me

the last step in installing a single pole switch?

Since you are the only group that holds the last
picture can you give me your idea regarding the
picture? Sir the image shows that in the eighth step
Very good group no.____ we must check the continuity of the
Do you have any questions class?

None Sir!
I am glad that you easily understand the eight steps
in installing single pole switch.

Now we can move on to the next part of our lesson.

F. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #2

After knowing the steps in installing single pole

switch. I have here an activity entitled “DUNK
AND DRAW”. An envelope will be given to each
group. Each group will be task to draw a specific
wiring diagram of single pole switch. But there is a
twist because Sir always loves surprises. To give
you the freedom to choose what you want to draw
there a sets of paper cups with corresponding type of
wiring diagram. All you need to do is to shoot the
ping pong ball in the cup that holds your desired
wiring diagram.
Class after you got your chosen wiring diagram;
you are only given 8 minutes to perform the said
task. The first group to finish will get an amazing
prize. The prize will be revealed after all the groups
are done.

You will be graded based on the given criteria

Criteria for scoring the wiring diagram of one bulb

controlled by a single pole switch.
Criteria 5Points 3 Points 1 Points
Accuracy Diagram Diagram Did not
was was create the
created created diagram
accurately slightly
based on accurate
the task based on
the task
Time Work was Work Unable to
Management done ahead was done finish the
of time just in work

Are we clear class? Yes sir!

(Dissemination of Envelope)

Envelope No.1

Illustrate the Schematic diagram of one
incandescent bulb controlled by a single pole switch.

Envelope No. 2


Create a pictorial diagram of single pole switch

using the cut out pictures.

Envelope No.3


Illustrate the line diagram of one bulb controlled

by a single pole switch.

Envelope No. 4

Task: Illustrate the actual wiring diagram of one

bulb controlled by single pole switch.

Now you can start the activity class. ( Each group perform the task)

Are you all done class? Yes Sir!

Class the first group to finish the task is group


Good job group no.___

How about the other group, are you trough?

Let us see what you’ve got!

Kindly post your work on the board.

Good job class it only shows that you really

understand our lesson for today.

For the winning group you will have an extra 3

minutes for the next activity as your prize.

G. Developing Mastery

Now that all of you are able to illustrate the

actual , line, pictorial and schematic diagram of one
incandescent bulb controlled by single pole switch.
At this moment, we are going to proceed to our next
activity entitled “Wire Me Up”. You can now bring
out the materials that I told you last meeting and we
will execute the activity.

All you need to do is to execute the actual wiring

connection of one incandescent bulb controlled by
single pole switch in our wiring board. Yes Sir!

Class I will give you 10 minutes to execute the

entire task. And after that you will be graded based
from the criteria.

Are we clear class?

Criteria Points Total

1. Accuracy of connection 3%
2. Functionality of lamp 5%
3. Speed 2%
Total 10%

Good job class, based on what you have done, I

can say that you truly understand our lesson for

Finding practical applications of concepts and

skills in daily living

At this moment since all of you are really well

knowledgeable of today’s lesson we are going to
have another activity entitled” The HOT Seat”.
This activity will measure your ability to apply all of
your knowledge regarding to our lesson for today on
day to day basis of living. For me to determine you
capability all you need to do is to answer the
following questions.

1. As an EIM student how can you say to

your costumer that single pole switch is
the most effective type of switch compare
to the other types?
2. Now that you are termed as little
electricians what benefits can you gain
from having the knowledge on how to
install a single pole switch?
3. As future electrical engineers or
electrician, do you think it will be an
advantage if you know the steps in
installing a single pole switch, if yes why?
If no why?

Who wants to answer question no.1

______can you give me your opinion base on the Sir for me I can persuade my costumer or
question. client that single pole switch is the most
effective type of switch because the
installation is not that hard and it is not
Very well said_____ costly.
For question no. 2 Sir I guess the benefits that I can get from
having the knowledge on how to install a
Let us have_______ single pole switch is the ability to
independently and confidently perform this
kind of task.
Nice answer_____

Now let us have question no. 3, who wants to


Let us have you_____ Sir for me it’s a Yes because if I already

Very good!_____ know these steps I can use this as an edge to
my future classmates. And It can also help
Class I am glad that you are able to adopt this me to adapt easier to future lesson that
certain lesson in to your life. focuses on wiring installation.

Making generalizations and abstractions about

the lesson

Class to sum up of what we had discussed today;

I have here another activity entitled “identiPIE”.
Each slice of Pie holds a specific question regarding
the ten step in installing one bulb controlled by a
single pole switch.
All you need to do is to pick a slice of pie and
answer the given question. If your answer is correct
you will get a real pie as your prize.

Are you ready class? Yes Sir!

Let us start

Who wants to have pie no.1?

1. What should be done after you prepare all
the necessary tools for installing the single
pole switch?

Let’s have you______

Sir we must wear the appropriate PPE.
Very Good, here’s your piece of pie.

Now let us move to pie no 2

Let us have you____

2. What is the sixth step when installing single Sir the sixth step is to cut the appropriate
pole switch? length of the wires

Correct!, here’s your pie

Moving on to question no. 3

Let us have _____ Sir we need to check if there is continuity in

the connection.
3. What should be done after we connect the
Very Good!

For the fourth pie let us have_______

4. What should be done before we cut the Sir we must measure first the appropriate
wires? length of wires.
Very Good!

Class for the last piece let us have_____

Sir the final step is to practice good
5. After we trough with all the nine steps. housekeeping which is to clean the area
What should be tenth or final step? where we executed the task.

Precisely, here’s your pie

Did you enjoy the activity class? Yes we totally enjoy the activity sir.

Evaluating learning

To evaluate your learning for today I have prepared

a short quiz.

Are you ready to have a short quiz? Yes Sir

Class get 1 whole sheet of paper and answer the

following question.

Direction: Fill in the diagram to complete the ten

steps when installing single pole switch.

Are you done? Yes Sir!

So let’s check your answers. Exchange your paper
with your seatmate.
Sir here is the ten steps when installing
Let us have _____ to fill in the diagram single pole switch.
Very good.

Now let’s get your proficiency level

(the teacher will compute the proficiency level)

You did a great job Grade 9 EIM your PL is __.

Additional activities for application or


Before we end up today kindly get your notebook

and copy your assignment.

1. Create an actual wiring diagram of two

bulbs controlled by a single pole switch.

2. Research on the steps when installing three

way switches.

Class that’s all for today. I hope that you learned a

lot from today’s lesson. Class dismiss!

Good bye and thank you Grade 9 EIM.

Prepared by:


( Student Teacher)

Checked & Verified by:

Mr. Jonathan T. Caviteno

(Cooperating Teacher)

Mr. Norberto D. Butiong Jr.

(Cooperating Teacher)
Noted and verified by:

Mrs. Gean B. Maghirang

(TLE Coordinator)

Noted By:

Mrs. Marivic B. Velasquez

(Department Head -TLE)

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