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; -,---_::'on Materials and practice

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a mixture of bitumen, fine aggregates

E -;;,, and filrer
t*aue proportions which yierds
B* a voidless and impermeabre

mastic aspharts when cooled resurts in a hard. stable

J* and
D layer suitable to withstand heavy traffic.
n J -tle
rtis material also absorb vibrations and has a property of serf
f Le-ling
of cracks rvithout bleedins.
rhe mastic asphalt shourd be spread at a temperature of
F 200 about
f C to a thickness between 2.5 to 5cm.


The types of bituminous constructions are:

G) Surface dressing

G) Grouted or penetration macadam

(iii) Built-up spray grout

(iv) Bitumen bound macadam

(v) Bituminous carpet

(iv) Bituminousconcrete
Highway Enginee -

'/ The BM is laid in compacted thickness of 75mm or 50m. ,

three different gradations of aggregates.

'/ BM base course is considered to be much superior than ,


(ii)Bituminous premixed carpet

'/ Premixed carpet (pc) consists of coarse aggregates of

1Omm sizes, permixed with bitumen or tar binder
are compa(
to a thickness of 20mm to serve as surface course of

'/ The PC consists of alr aggregates passing 20mm and

on 6.3mm sieve.

'/ when a fairly well graded material is used for the construct
of the bitumen carpet of thickness 20 to 25mm, the construct
is called semi-dense carpet.

(iii)Bituminous concrete

'/ Bituminous concrete or Asphartic concrete (AC) is a der

graded premixed bituminous mix whixh is compacted
to forr
high quality pavement surface course.

'/ The AC consists of a proportioned mixture of coarse

fine aggregates, mineral filrer and bitumen and the mix
is design
by an appropriate method sucrr as marshall method
to furfiil t
requirements of stability, density, flexibility and voids.

'/ The IRC has provided specification for 40mm thickAC

course for highway pavements.

(iv) Sheet Asphatt

'/ Sheet asphalt or roiled asphart is a dense sand-bitumen

of compacted thickness 25mm, used as a wearing course.

Highway Construction Materials and Practice +.17

,/ The sheet asphalt consists of g'ell graded coarse to fine sand and
a penetration grade birumen to form a dense and impervious layer.
't )YrD D)]Dtrt aEp}Ia).t a)EU prrrtEDls the joln1s ln cemenl Concrele
pavements and could cause a reduction in warping stresses due
to a decrease in the ternpetature vatiations betrrveen top and
>>p,/p/z d ZlL- a-C1ZC1-C/C.flAA

(v) Mastic Asphalt

'/ Mastic asphalt is a mixture of bitumen, fine aggregates

and filrer
in suitable proportions which yields a voidless and impermeabre

The mastic asphalts when cooled results in a hard,

stable and
durable layer suitable to withstand heavy traffic.

This material also absorb vibrations and has a property

of self
healing of cracks without bleeding.

The mastic asphalt should be spread at a temperature

of about
200' C to a thickness between 2.5 to 5cm.


,/ The types of bituminous constructions are:

(i) Surface dressing

(ii) Grouted or penetration macadam

(iii) Built-up spray grout

(iv) Bitumen bound macadam

(v) Bituminous carpet

(iv) Bituminous concrete

Highway Engineei; - :iwayConstruction ry
. this
rickness of 75mm or 50mn: With rolling of one half width upto the centre is completed
gregates. way. the rolling is carriecl out on the other half again starting
to be much superior than ---
'ri a1s.
. This is continued until the particles are firmly inter locked.
. If the second coat is applied then the rolling is done again after
the treatment is done for the second coat'
(v)Application of binder and stone chippings for second coat :
ricoarse aggregates of 12.5 -
men or tar binder are compac:-:
3rve as surface course of :: =
res passing 2omm urd ,.tJi..- spread as before.

(vi)Rolling of second coat : -

nai is used for the constructit':- ,/Aftertheapplicationofthematerialstherollingisdoneas
ss l0 to 25mm, the constructic:- described in steP(iv).
(vii)Finishing and opening to traffic : '
./ The surface is checked for longitudinal and cross
profile using a
straight edge of length 3metre and variation in surface
rltic concrete (AC) is a dense
ix n'hixh is compacted to form a than 6mm are corrected'
)ourse. ,/Theroadsectionisopenedtotrafficafter24hours.
ed mixture of coarse aggregates. 2. Grouted or Penetration macadam
mix is designed
I bitumen and the
as marshall method to fulfill the thickness of 50 and 75mm'
1. tlexibility and voids.
Construction Procedure :

tion for 40mm thickAC surface (i)Preparation of existing surface : -

,/ The underlying course is prepared and conditioned to a

Ls a dense sand-bitumen premix '/ The surface is lightly scarified and is brushed'
used as a wearing course. '/ Priming coat may be applied if required on porous surface'
4.50 Highwar

(ii)Spreading of course aggregates : -

,/ The coarse aggregates are spread with proper)Ie
,/ This is done either by mechanical spreader orrb,

A template cut to carnber profi\e is used to aci

profile in cross section.

'| ffifffl',,;::H#;.::1l;iJli":1J,,"', r',er

/ {
,/ The amount of rolling depends upon the aggregatetyF{
v rn ail cases rne rollmg rs sroppeo wrrn errner nr$ srgnof
or when the internal movements of the aggregates is

'/ Then dry compacted coarse aggregates are checked ftr{

profile using 3metre straight edge and corrected wharf
irregularities exceed l2mm.

(iv)Bitumen application : -
./ Over the dry and compacted coarse aggregates, the bin*ar
applied uniformly either with pressure distributor or meclnn#
tr,. hand sPraYer.

'/ md{
The quantity of bitumen required for this purpose is 50
per 10 *2 for 50 and 75mm compacted thickness ."rp..ti{

(v)Spreading of key aggregates : -

,/ After the application of bitumen the key aggregates are
and rolled.
,/ The cross profile is again checked.
Highway Construction Materials and practice +.5L

(vi)Sea! coat : -

'/ The seal coat is applied if another surfacing course is not

constructed immediately and traffic is to be allowed.

'/ Either pre-mixed sand bitumen of surface dressing type of seal

coat may be applied.
,/ The pavement section is again rolled.

(vii)Finishing : -
'/ The constructed pavement section is checked for its cross profile
with template and longitudinal profile by straight edge.
'/ The unevenness indicator is used to locate spots with excessive
undulations and thus help in correcting the patches during the

'/ The maximum permissible undulations on a three metre straight

edge is l2mm and the number of undulations of lOmm and higher
value should not exceed 30 in a road length of 300m

(viii) Opening to traffic : -

'/ The finished surface is opened to traffic after a minimum period
of 24hours.
3. Built - up spray grout
Construction procedure : -
(i)Preparation of existing base : -

'/ The depression and pot holes are filled and the surface is brought
to the required grade and camber.

'/ The surface is cleaned and a prime coat is applied and cured if
the surface is porous

(ii)Tack coat : -
,/ Heated biturninous binder is applied at arate of 7.5 to 1Okg on
WBM surface and 6 to 8 kg on black top surface perl0 .2 ar"a.
4.52 Highway Engineering

(iii)Spreading first layer : -

,/ Coarse aggregate are spread and hand packed at arute of 0.5m3
per 10 *2 area.

(iv) Rolling : -
,/ The aggregate is rolled using 8 to 10 tonnes roller.

(v) Application of binder : -

,/ Bitumen binder is sprayed uniformly at a rate of 12.5 to l5kg

per 10 *2 ou", the dry surface of the compacted aggregates.

(vilSpreading of secobnd layer of coarse aggregates : -

,/ The second layer of coarse aggregates is spread at a rtte of
0.5m3 per 10 *2 urea,immediately after applying the binder.

(vii)Rolling : -
./ The layer is rolled throughly starting from the edges.

(viii)Second application of binder : -

,/ Binder is applied at a rate of 12.5 to 15kg per I0 *2 area.

(ix)Application of key aggregates : -

,/ Immediately after the application of binder key aggregates are
spread at a rate of 0.1 3 m2 per l0 m2 area and rolled.

(xlSurface finish : -
,/ The surface unevenness is checked with three metre straight

,/ Longitudinal profile should not have undulations exceeding

l2mm and the number of undulations greater than 10mm size
should not exceed 30 in 300m length of road.

'/ ln cross profile the maximum allowable variation in surface is 8mm.

Highway Construction Materials and Practice +.53

(xi)Opening to traffic : -
,/ Built up spray grout should not be exposed to traffic before
providing surface course.

4. Bitumen bound macadam : -

,/ The Bituminous macadam (BM) or bitumen bound macadam is
a premix laid immediately after mixing and then compacted.

,/ It is an open graded construction suitable only as a base or binder


Construction procedure : -
(i)Preparation of existing layer : -
./ The existing layer is prepared to a proper profile.

'/ Pot holes are patches and irregularities are made even'

,/ The surface is properlY cleaned.

(ii)Tack coat or prime coat application : '

,/ A tack coat is applied of thin layer of bitumen binder on the
existing layer either using the sprayer or pouring can'
,/ The quantity of application is 4 to 7 .Skgper 10 m2 for black top
layer and I .i to 1Okg per l0 m2 for untreated WBM layer'
(iii)Premix preParation : -
,/ The bitumen binder and aggregates are heated separately to the
specified temperatures and are then placed in the mixer'

,/ The mixing is done till a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

./ The mixer is then carried to the site for its placement through a
transporter or a wheel barrow.
4.54 Highway Engineering Highw-ay Cc

(iv) Placement: - (iii) Prepar

'/ The bituminous paving mixture is then placed on the desired { TheF
location and is spread with rakes to a pre-determined thickness. hand

,/ The camber profile is checked with a template.

t Thec
(v) Rolling and finishing the paving mix : -
one b
,/ The rolling is done with 8 to 10 tonnes tandem roller. { Thea
'/ The rolling is commenced from the edges of pavement temFx
construction towards the centre, and uniform overlapping is / Theh
for sp
'/ The finished surface should not show separate lines of markings
due to defective or improper rolling.
{ Aton
'/ A variation of 6mm over 3m rength is allowed in the cross profile.
{ Topn
'/ The number ofundulations exceeding 1Omm should be less than
are ke
30 in 300m length of pavement.
{ Ther
5. Pre-mixed Bituminous carpet
Gonstruction procedure (vlApplical
(i) Preparation of the existing surface : - / In are
'/ The pot holes or depressions are filled with precoated chippings. over t
'/ A tack coat is applied over a wBM or an old bitumen surface { For th
prior to placing the premix. retainr
'/ If the existing surface is of softer aggregate such as laterite,

kankar or moorum,first a prime coat is appried and cured. { ln arei

(ii) Application of tack coat : - l}cm:
the car
'/ The bitumen binder is heated to a specified temperature before,
its application on the existing pavement surface.
{ The st,
per 10
'/ The tack coat or prime coat is applied just before spreading the
{ This lz

Highway Construction Materials and practice

(iii) Preparation and placing of premix : _

'/ The premix is prepared in a mechanical mixer or
in an improved
hand drum mixer for the premixing.
,/ The capacity of the drum mixer requires to place
a quantity of
0.03nf of l2mm chippings and 0.01 5 m3 of lOmm chippings in
one batch.

'/ The aggregates and the bitumen are heated upto

the required
temperature and mixed throughly.

'/ The homogeneous mixture is taken out and carried

at the site
for spreading and rolling.
(iv)Rolling and finishing: -

'/ At one operation r 5m of the premix is raid and roiled.

'/ To prevent adhesion of the mix to the roller wheers,
the same
are kept damp with water.

'/ The rolling is done until there is no further movement


(v)Applications of seat coat : -

'/ In areas of low rainfalr, a premixed sand sear coat is
over the carpet.
'/ For this purpose, rnedium coarse sand passin g r.Tmmsieve
retained on 1.1 8mm sieve is used at a rate of 0.06
m3 per70m2

'/ In areas of high rainfalr a liquid seal is sprayed at 9.gkg

10c m2 area and covered with a layer of
chippings applied over
the carpet.
,/ The stone chipping of 6mm size are used atthe
ruteof 0.09m3
per l0 *2 area.
'/ This layer is rolred by a right tandem roiler to give
a smooth
finished surface.
4.56 Highway Engineering

(vi)Surface finish
'/ The longitr-rclinal undulations under 3m straight edge should not
exceed 10rnm and the number of undulations higher than 6m
should not exceed 30 in a length of 300m road length.
,/ The cross profile should not have undulations exceeding 6mm.

(viilOpening to traffic : -
,/ The road may be opened to traffic 24 hous after providing the
seal coat or surface dressing.
6. Bituminous concrete :-
,/ The bituminous concrete is the highest quality of construction
in the group of black top surfaces.
,/ The mixture contains dense grading of coarse aggregates fine
aggregate and mineral filler coated with bitumen binder.
./ The thickness of tire bituminous concrete layer depends upon
the traffic and quality of base collrse.

Construction procedure : -
(i)Preparation of the existing base course layer : -
./ The existing surface is prepared by removing the pot holes or
,/ The irregularities are filled in with premix chippings atleast a
weak before laying surface course.

(ii)Application of tack coat : -

./ It is desirable to lay asphaltic concrete (AC) over a bituminous
base or binder collrse.
,/ A tack coat of bitumen is applied at 6 to 7.5kg per l0m2 area,
this quantity rnay be increased to 7.5 to lOkg for non-bituminous
r{ghwaY Construction ['

F) PreParatior ilhr'
q.97 ize of
,/' The bitumen maY be t' d the
temPerature should not
temperature' .nd the ?g$egale _ red.
- binder r/
The hot mixed material is colleci'^,* the t2'
the location and is spread by a
of 121 to 163'. trriedto
the layer are a[atute
The camber and the thickness of
(iv)Rolling: -
./ at a speed not more th'
The mix is compacted by rolling
Per hour'
'/ The initial or break down
rolling is done by 8 to 12 tonnes

andtheintermediaterollingisdonewithafixedwheelpneumatic ii
tyre pressure of Tkglcmz '
roller of 15 to 30 tonnes having

kept damp with water'

'/ The wheels of the roller are

./ is done by 8 to 12 tonne tandam

The final rolling or finishing

(v) Finished surface :

./ checked by a 3 metre straight
The AC surface should be
,/ should not exceed 8mm and
The longitudinal undulations
than 6mm shoul'd not exceed
number of undulations higher
in a length of 300 metre'
have undulations exceeding
'/ The cross profile should not
4.58 Highway Engineering


Due to excellent riding surface and pleasing appearance, the

cement concrete roads are very much preferred.

The life of cement concrete road is much more than any other
type of construction.
The transverse and longitudinal joints are unavoidable in this
construction which provide additional planes of weaknesses.
A minimurn period of 28 days curing is required before the
cement concrete pavement could be opened to the traffic.
The cement concrete pavements are constructed r.vith or without
the sub-base course.
The various purpose of the sub base course beneath the cement
concrete pavements are.
(i) To provide a strong supporting layer
(ii) to providecapillary cutoff preventing the damage due to
mud pumping.
(iii) to reduce thickness requirements of cement concrete slab
and lower the cost of construction.
(iv) to increase the service life of the CC pavement.
,/ The construction of cement concrete pavements is dealt under
the following groups.

1. construction of pavement slabs

2. construction ofjoints.
4.14.1 Gonstruction of Cement Concrete Pavement Slab
,/ Various specifications for construction of cement contrete
pavements are

1. Cement grouted layer

2. Rolled concrete layer
3. Cement concrete slab
Highway Construction Materials and Practice 4.59

1. Cement grouted layer

,/ In this layer, open graded aggregate mix with minimum size of
aggregates as 18 to 25mm is laid on the subgrade and the
aggregates are dry rolled.
./ The grout made of coarse sand, cement and water is prepared.
./ The proportion of cement to sand is taken as l: lf to l:2/r.
,/ The grout is applied on the surface and is allowed to seep through
the aggragate.

2.Rolled concrete layer

'/ A lean mix of aggregate, sand, cement and water is prepared
and laid on the prepared subgrade or sub-base course.
,/ The rolling is done similar to WBM construction.
,/ The loose thickness of the concrete is 20 percent more than the
compacted or finished thickness.
,/ The rolling operation is completed before the final setting time
of cement and curing is done as per conventional method.
3. Cement concrete slab
,/ The cement concrete slab serve as both base and surface courses
whereas cement grouted and rolled concrete are suitable for base
course only.
,/ The two modes of construction of cement concrete slab are : -

(i) Alternate bay method.

(ii) Continuous bay method.

(i) Alternate bay method

,/ Alternate bay method means constructing a bay or one slab in
alternate succession leaving the next or intermediate bay to
follow up after a gap of one week or so.

4.50 Highway Engineering

t'-E :

Figure 4.20 CC Slab construction

In alternate bay construction the slabs constructed are in

sequence of X, Yl , Z etc leaving the gaps of bay Xl ,Y ,21 etc '

This technique provides additional working convenience for laying

of slabs and the construction ofjoints are easier in this methoci.

But it has many dlawbacks as,

(i) Largenumber of transverse joints are to be provided. This

increases the construction cost and reduces the smoot:
riding quality of the surface.
(ii) During rains, the surface water collects on the subgrac=
between the finished baYs.

(iii) The construction is spread over the full width of road an:
the traffic will have to be completely diverted'

(ii) Continuous baY method : -

,/ In continuous method, all the slabs or bays are laid in sequenc.

(ie) Xl,Yl ,21 orX,Y,Z etc.
,/ Construction joints are provided at the end of day's job'

./ This rnethod is preferred because of the advantage tha:

construction of half the pavement width can be taken at a time
while traffic could be diverted on the other half of the road.

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