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ES6 Features

The ES6 section describes the three ES6 feature groups, and details which
features are enabled by default in Node.js, alongside explanatory links. It
also shows how to find which version of V8 shipped with a particular
Node.js release.


The area included within the boundaries of what today is known as Eritrea has been for millennia
the home for peoples of various ethnic origins and with diverse cultural traditions. In spite of its
limited extension, the country is, geographically, among the most heterogeneous areas in north
east Africa.

The contemporary Eritrean populations are classified on the basis of their connection
with the following three ethnic stocks:

1. Nilotic groups 2. Kushitic groups 3. Semitic groups.

1.Nilotic groups (the Nara and the Kunama)

Historically, the earliest inhabitants of present day Eritrea were the Nilotic peoples
(people from Nile River). It is widely believed that these inhabitants of the region were
composed of Nara and Kunama, which are believed to have had moved from southern eastern
Sudan into the Gash Setit area of present day Eritrea.

2. Kushitic groups: the Beja, manly Beni Amer, who, although having their own language (to
Bedawye) have largely adopted Tigre; the Bilen, speaking, Bilen, a language strictly related to
agew; the Afar, speaking Afar, the Saho, with a language closely allied with Afar, and embracing
various groups, i.e: Assaworta, Tora, Minifere, Hazo, Beri Mela, Iro, Idda, Iddefer, Baradotta,
Assabat Arre........

The kushitic groups were pastoral hamitic tribes who migrated from northern Sudan
(mainly) and spread along the coastal regions to the Dankalia area. The Hamitic (cushitic)
linguistic family is composed of four groups, the Beja, the Saho, the Bilen and the Afar.
3.The Semitisized groups: belong to two main linguistic areas, the Tigrinya and Tigre speaking
sections to which must be added the groups of recent Arab origin.

Tigrinya: groups of Tigrinya speech are mainly and originally the population of the high land
with various extensions.

Tigre: groups of Tigre speech are the Mensa'e, the beitJuk, the Marya qeih, the Marya Tzellim,
the beit Asghede (Habab, Ad Teklies,Ad temariam), the Affenda, the meshalit, the Ad Ha, the
Ad shuma, the Ad asker, the Nabara, the waira, and the Ad Tsaura.

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