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ALL YOUR TRAFFIC This Site Uses Cookies Allow ×

We and our advertising partners use cookies on

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website experience and provide you with
personalized advertising from this site and other
advertisers in AdRoll's network. By clicking "allow"
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Accept! the advertising platform that will
help to solve all your problems online. You must
reach out to us to reach high results in online
advertising. We can o er brand new solutions in
online marketing. We can ensure you that you will
like the nal result.
Our main advantages – We can o er all our
clients the best possible ways to monetize their
tra c. Our company has quality support that will
help you 24/7. Your ads will be widespread
through all major publishers. The best possible
way to reach to your clients is through nice native

Polus Media is a fast growing online company

that o ers new solutions in the eld of online
marketing. You can reach to the tra c from more
than 180 countries that will give you the
opportunity to choose and get quality tra c from
The advertisers
Site works with us at the moment
Uses Cookies Allow ×
can give you di erent types of ads. They work
We and our advertising partners use cookies on
with di erent models that gives you a chance to
this site and around the web to improve your
start your online
website campaign
experience at any
and provide youoption.
Our platform has a lot
personalized of targeting
advertising lters
from this site andand

options that will help

advertisers you network.
in AdRoll's to reach
By to your
clicking "allow"
or navigating this site, you accept the placement
and use of these cookies for these purposes.
Let’s start your online advertising together!


Cookies are used on this website. While continuing to work on the site, you consent to the use of cookies.
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Wordwide Audience Di erent types All stats in one
tra c targeting of ads tool
You can reach to any You can select You can choose You will have the
client in any part of correct audience for among mobile ads opportunity to look
the World with us. your business. Your as well as among at the stats in real
Just let us know ads will be placed desktop one’s. time and make all
what options you only on selected Without a doubt, necessary changes.
would prefer and categories. we’ll help you to With our support
we’ll do everything create them and this will be done in
for you. implement. several moments.

Our company works with di erent types of pricing
This models such
Site Uses as CPM, CPC, CPL,
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CPA, CPI, CPS etc.
We and our advertising partners use cookies on
We always try to understand our client’s needs and what does the client exactly
this site and around the web to improve your
need from starting a new campaign. This helps to choose correct business model
website experience and provide you with
to start your campaign.
personalized advertising from this site and other
CPM model is good for desktop tra c as well as mobile. CPM is also called a CPT
advertisers in AdRoll's network. By clicking "allow"
that means cost per thousand impressions.
or navigating this site, you accept the placement
CPC is a cost per click which means that payment will be done only when user
and use of these cookies for these purposes.
clicks on the ad.

CPA as well as CPI and CPS means cost per action, which is used when only some
action is done (install or sale). Allow

Cookies are used on this website. While continuing to work on the site, you consent to the use of cookies.
Review the data on our cookie for additional detailed examination. Learn more
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This Site Uses Cookies Allow ×

We and our advertising partners use cookies on

this site and around the web to improve your
website experience and provide you with
personalized advertising from this site and other
advertisers in AdRoll's network. By clicking "allow"
or navigating this site, you accept the placement
and use of these cookies for these purposes.


Cookies are used on this website. While continuing to work on the site, you consent to the use of cookies.
Review the data on our cookie for additional detailed examination. Learn more
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