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ELEMENT III – Fundamentals of Electronics and Electricity

1. The instrument used to measure current is

Answer: ammeter

2. The instrument used to measure voltage is

Answer: voltmeter

3. The instrument used to measure resistance is

Answer: ohmmeter

4. The output power of a transmitter is measured by united called

Answer: Watts

5. Rubber is an example of
Answer: Insulator

6. Copper is an example of
Answer: Conductor

7. Silicon is an example of
Answer: Semi-conductor

8. The quantity of 144.474 MHZ refers to

Answer: frequency

9. The frequency 145.00 MHZ has an approximate wavelength of

Answer: 2 meters

10. The frequency band 144 MHZ to 46 MHZ is within the

Answer: VHF band

11. The terminal voltage of an ordinary flashlight battery is

Answer: 1.5 volts

12. One thousand watts is sometimes written as

Answer: 1 kilowatt

13. Sound waves are also called

Answer: audio frequency waves
14. An open circuit has a resistance of
Answer: Infinity

15. A short circuit has a resistance of

Answer: Zero

16. When current passes through a path of lesser resistance thereby destroying the fuse
in a circuit, we say that the circuit is
Answer: Short Circuited

17. What is the radiotelephone distress signal?

Answer: MAYDAY

18. What is the radiotelephone emergency signal?

Answer: PAN

19. What is the unit of resistance?

Answer: Ohm

20. What is the unit of inductance?

Answer: Henry

21. What is the radiotelephone safety signal?


22. One cycle of a wave is measured in

Answer: Hertz

23. What is the unit of capacitance?

Answer: FARAD

24. The prefix Pico means

Answer: 10-12

25. The prefix Mega means

Answer: 106

26. The opposition of a conductor to the flow of current is

Answer: Resistance

27. The circuit element that opposes any change in current is

Answer: Inductor
28. The circuit element that opposes any change in voltage is
Answer: Capacitor

29. What is the unit of admittance?

Answer: Siemens

30. What is to be provided in house entrance of circuit switches in order to be sure that
radio or other equipment when short-circuited will not cause fire of electric origin
Answer: Fuse

31. An instrument that measures frequency

Answer: Frequency counter

32. An instrument used to measure resistance, voltage and currents

Answer: Multi meter

33. Connecting a resistor in series with a meter will

Answer: Increase the measuring range of a voltmeter

34. Connecting a resistor in parallel with a meter will

Answer: Increase the measuring range of ammeter

35. Two identical resistors are connected in parallel. What is the resultant resistance?
Answer: Half the value of one resistor

36. Two identical capacitors are connected in parallel. What is the resultant capacitance?
Answer: Twice the value of one capacitor

37. Two identical capacitors are connected in series. What is the total capacitance?
Answer: Half the value of one capacitor

38. In order to protect a personnel and prevent shock, the equipment should be
connected good earth ground through the
Answer: Cold water pipe

39. Audio frequency range is from

Answer: 300 HZ to 30 KHZ

40. Storage batteries are usually rated in

Answer: Ampere-hour
41. A good measure to prevent the use of the Amateur Radio Station equipment by
unauthorized person is
Answer: Use of key operated power switch

42. All antenna system and equipment should be grounded when the station is not in use
in order to
Answer: Protect the station and building from damage due to nearby lightning

43. What should you do to prevent shock when working on high voltage power supply?
Answer: Discharge the filter capacitors

44. Give the name of an instrument that is useful for monitoring relative RF output
during transmitter and antenna adjustment
Answer: Grid-dip meter

45. Ohm's Law is stated in the following formula

Answer: V = IR

46. The power formula is

Answer: P = I2R

47. To produce higher output voltage, dry cells should be connected in

Answer: Series

48. Two identical resistors are connected in series. What is the resultant resistance?
Answer: Twice the value of one resistor

49. The larger the diameter of a copper wire

Answer: The lower is the resistance of the wire

50. The longer the copper wire

Answer: The higher is the resistance of the wire

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