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Review of Flat, Open and Closed Universe in Matter,

Radiation and ΛCDM model of the universe and also

considering both positive and negative Cosmological
Akash Gupta
Indian Institute of Technology, Bhilai

Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse quis sem elit, et mattis nisl. Phasellus
consequat erat eu velit rhoncus non pharetra neque auctor. Phasellus eu
lacus quam. Ut ipsum dolor, euismod aliquam congue sed, lobortis et orci.
Mauris eget velit id arcu ultricies auctor in eget dolor. Pellentesque suscipit
adipiscing sem, imperdiet laoreet dolor elementum ut. Mauris condimentum
est sed velit lacinia placerat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci
luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam diam metus, pharetra vitae
euismod sed, placerat ultrices eros. Aliquam tincidunt dapibus venenatis. In
interdum tellus nec justo accumsan aliquam. Nulla sit amet massa augue.
Keywords: Science, Publication, Complicated

1 1. Introduction
2 The dynamics of the universe are broadly understood by the Friedmanns
3 Equations [1], the Friedmanns Equations were derived first by the Einsteins
4 General Theory of Relativity [2], the Friedmanns Equations are also derived
5 from the Newtonian Gravity [2]. A cosmological constant, abbreviated by
6 Greek letter Lambda (Λ) was added by Einstein to his equations of the
7 Universe in order to prove his claim of the static universe, but his claim
8 was later proved wrong from the Edwin Hubbles observations through his

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Preprint submitted to ArXiv December 24, 2018

9 telescope [x]. But the cosmological constant has been added eventually to
10 account for the Dark Energy term, which is considered to be the driving
11 force for expansion of the universe. This paper tries to explain what would
12 be Hubble’s Parameter, Scale Factor and Energy Density if the whole energy
13 of the Universe is assumed to be only Dark Energy. It is fair to assume so
14 because only 4% of total mass is visible universe. Also, the Cosmological
15 Constant term (Λ) is not assumed to be constant.

16 2. Friedmanns Equation
17 There are two basic Friedmann’s Equations:
18 ( ȧa )2 = 3
− k.c
+ 13 Λ.c2 ....(1)


= − 4π.G.ρ
+ 13 Λ.c2 ....(2)

20 Where,

21 a: Scale Factor
22 G: Universal Gravitational Constant
23 ρ: Energy Density
24 k: Curvature for Universe, viz. 0 for Flat, -1 for Open and 1 for Closed
25 Universe
26 Λ: Term corresponding to the density of Dark Energy
27 c: Speed of Light

28 3. Friedmann’s Equation in our case

29 Assumptions:
30 1. The energy density of visible matter would considered to be neglegible.
31 2. The Dark Energy density or the Cosmological Constant would not be
32 considered constant, it would be time varying.
33 3.

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