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Linear Regression - Task till 23:30 IST

Use Fitness.csv file and not sas7bdat file from google drive

Factors infulencing oxygen consumption (Y variable). Rest of variables (except name and
Gender) will be X variables.

Do below 2 points in SAS Just like what we did in excel

1. calculate error percentage variable with Base SAS command.
2. Overall Error rate = Proc sql

/* Use Fitness.csv file */

/* Multiple linear regression */
/* Step 1 */
proc reg;
model Oxygen_Consumption=age RunTime Weight Run_Pulse Rest_Pulse Maximum_Pulse;
/* Step 2 */
/* least significant variable Rest_Pulse weight removed */
proc reg;
model Oxygen_Consumption=age RunTime Run_Pulse Maximum_Pulse;
output out = _PredicteDs p=_Predicted r=_residual;

data _PredicteDs1 ;
set _PredicteDs;
ErrorPct = abs(_residual)/oxygen_consumption;

proc sql;
select mean(ErrorPct)
from _PredicteDs1;

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